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The Sims 4

Now we know EA is already making the Sims 4, here are some things we need in it.

-Absolutely no rabbitholes. If they honestly say the sims 3 is an open world its not. Yes, you can go visit your friends and see your see ride to work, but for a real open world there needs to be no rabbitholes. There should all be open careers like a doctor, businessman, chef, firefighter, police officer, movie star. It will take a lot of work, but if I think they include this in the Sims 4, it will be spectacular and like real life. This includes open restaurants, bookstores, clothing shops, grocery stores (with carts) etc.

-Height sliders. This would make the sims so much more realistic. In real life, everyone is not the same height. They should include genetics on how tall you are. Also if you grow up and eat healthy and exercise you should be able to grow a little more than than a couch potato whose obese and does nothing all day.

-Better graphics and sim movement. I honestly think the graphics in the sims 3 suck. The sims move like robots and are very unrealistic. They should make the graphics in the sims 4 incredible. Every sim in the sims 3 looks fat. The movements should be fluid.

-Controllable time stream. Is a sims day too short or long for you? You should be able to control how long a sims day is. If you want your sims day to be as long as yours is, then go ahead! This way you can get more or less time to do stuff with your sims.

-Realism. *edit* Remember how laundry was included in Ambitions? They should include that as well as ironing, window cleaning, dusting, moping, and vacuuming. I hope they include things like have to wear a cast or go into a wheel chair if you get hurt or real diseases. *edit*

-It's the little details that count. It's annoying whenever in the sims 3 you chat, they do the same exact thing over and over again. It should be realistic where sims with different personalities react differently to what you say and sims should chat differently every time, especially with their mood. They should include little things like this to make the game better. Sims should also walk differently as well as dance differently to different genres of songs.

-More populated. The sims 3 has nobody in it. We should be able to make a bustling city or a deserted ghost town. With more people, brings so much possibilities, like car jams in a big city etc. I also hate how every time you drive your car you disappear into it. It should be like in the sims 2 except added with other things like parking, parking garages, and more car interactions. A lot of things in the sims 3 you don't actually touch it disappears like when yo touch something. This is just them being lazy, every interaction should be realistic and uncartoonish.

Theres so much more I could talk about, more advanced building tools, advanced create a sim, what are your ideas?


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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,790 Member
    edited October 2011
    You need to get rid of the M-rated stuff.since Sims is a T-rated game.
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    xxllamaloverxxxxllamaloverxx Posts: 17 Member
    edited October 2011
    They need Angels, Vampires, and dragons, etc.
    Like, Sims 4 Fantasy!
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    Simsfreak711Simsfreak711 Posts: 417 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Yeah MadameLee, they should make the base Sims 4 game teen but make an M rated expansion pack for people who want that kind of stuff. It's the best of both worlds :)
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,790 Member
    edited October 2011
    Sorry it will not work-that way. (Where in the world Is Jarise9 when you need her?). Since the M-rated EP would make parents not want to buy the base game, in other words , an M-rated EP would be bad for business . Jarise9 can explain what I'm trying to explain a lot better.
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    christine400christine400 Posts: 5,554 Member
    edited October 2011
    no the sims doesnt need to be rated M clearly you havent been playing the sims game too long. i've been playing it since day one back in 2000 when the sims came out
    making it M would be a bad move for EA
    if you m rated crap then play gta
    teen pregnnacy definatly isnt something that need to be in the sims or any game for that matter i dont get why so many people want would someone please tell me and dont say b.c it adds realism b.c its a negative thing there is nothing good about teen pregnancy so why should it be in the sims ?
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    Streetdival01Streetdival01 Posts: 717 New Member
    edited October 2011
    I agree with the bookstore , grocery , spa , diner being open but why should every career be open ? Do you realize how dull it will be to stare at your businessman sim doing paperwork for 8 hours ? Plus , there would be incredible lag with everything being open , remember , as your sim drives / bikes / walks to his / her destination all around is basically loading up. And , don't count on height sliders , they're very expensive and EA is very much into costsaving. And , the Mature stuff will never fly in the base although maybe the separate adult only XP would ; kids wouldn't be allowed to buy it anyway so it wouldn't really affect their game.
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    SsupSschulSsupSschul Posts: 9
    edited October 2011
    I actually don't care much about what they add or do for the sims 4, as long as they get back a little of their humor and leave the super-realism aside a little,let it be a little bit of funny/unique like the sims 1 have been, etc.

    Also, more fantasy/magical things, since I lost hope of having anything magic-related with the sims 3, and I hate it.

    By exemple, the Goth being Goth, with old and antics items, things like the piano they had in the sims bustin out, the cow plant, etc. No just to have a few items painted black and red.

    Vampires to looks and act like vampires, and such.

    I could care less about buildings, actions and all, all I want is cool graphics full of creativity and items, walls, floor, houses to go with it.
    The skelleton maid, the genie, the social bunny ... Oh, how I miss them.

    Maybe get something like the old private school back too, but in town, not as a boarding school.
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    Streetdival01Streetdival01 Posts: 717 New Member
    edited October 2011
    I hope for 4 they bring back the heart and humor and ahh moments they've lost. They got too ambitious in 3 with their bells and whistles and lost their way. FYI - I would love the private school back , boarding school is a fail. :D
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    Simsfreak711Simsfreak711 Posts: 417 New Member
    edited October 2011
    I understand your point of view MadameLee. But, it's already going to be the 4th sims generation. It can get a little bit boring. Yes it would lose some customer base making an M rated expansion, but hey its not like it will be in the base game. I think if they make a M rated expansion it will bring a whole new customer base. M rated consumers are not used to playing simulation games but more hardcore games. I believe its a good idea because it is attracting a whole new market that have never experienced simulation games before. And streetdival01 yes it would be kind of boring watching a businessman do paper for 8 hours but its a heck of alot funner than watching them go into a building and staring at it the whole time. I think the way your putting it sounds boring. They can add humor into the office like it the hit televion series "the office." Theres should be managaers, office parties, meetings, sales rep, secretaries, etc. It would be hilarious if you had the option to staple someone in the face, or stick a needle in the boss you hate's chair. You could also try to bride the boss for a promotion by buying him gifts or by giving him a little love. Throwing a paper airplane at a coworker, destroy your boss's car, etc. If you really think about it they could make an office job in the Sims 4 really funny. It's defiantly better for them to do this then stare a your sim go inside an invisible building for 8 hours. Also, MadameLee I do not need Jarsie9 explaining this to me. I know who she is. I am entitled to my own opinion, and I don't need her to explain it to me. I completely understand your opinion, all I am saying is my opinion and how I believe it will attract a new market.
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    JeramooJeramoo Posts: 229 New Member
    edited October 2011
    M rated expansion won't happen. Parents see it and that's it for a lot of younger simmers. There goes a huge part of the fan base. And then there are the adults like me that aren't interested in that type of Sims experience either. I don't care if it's optional. If it goes in that direction then I'm jumping ship. Thankfully, I don't think I ever have to worry about that though. :)
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    Damaris1972Damaris1972 Posts: 29 New Member
    edited October 2011
    -Realism. Honestly life is life, I'm not saying we have to include this in the sims 3 base game. But they should at least include an M rated expansion pack only for adults. There should be real alcohol not nectar where your sims can get drunk, teen pregnancy, no censer blurs, smoking, drugs, sex, prostitutes, pole dancing clubs, war, weapons, theft, real diseases, murder, car accidents, religion etc. This way if you want all this stuff in your game you can. This will make the game so much more realistic.

    I would love to have this option... I really, really would. TS3 does get dull at times with its sterile, cutesy simplcity. Nobody ever gets hurt, the worst crime you'll ever hear of is someone stealing a three-eyed llama from the mayor's backyard or something silly like that. I "get" that a lot of people want to keep it that way because it's an escape from reality, but it would be nice to have an optional "hardcore" expansion pack for those of us who want some spice and challenge thrown in the mix.

    However, we will never, ever see this. Not a year from now, not EVER. It's too easy for kids to get ahold of inappropriate base games as it is... it would not be difficult at all for youngsters to find and purchase a Sims EP.

    (I would be happy to just have a toggable option in the settings to have terminal diseases and genetic disorders)
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    XKidsInLoveXXKidsInLoveX Posts: 4,910 Member
    edited October 2011
    MadameLee wrote:
    Sorry it will not work-that way. (Where in the world Is Jarise9 when you need her?). Since the M-rated EP would make parents not want to buy the base game, in other words , an M-rated EP would be bad for business . Jarise9 can explain what I'm trying to explain a lot better.
    ^ This made me lol (that part in parenthesis)

    jarsie would be all over this lol she really voices her opinion and i think this would be right up her alley
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    Peytonelizabeth15Peytonelizabeth15 Posts: 282 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Belive it or not, I'm so content with the Sims 3 right now, and I hope they make more EP's for it.
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    XKidsInLoveXXKidsInLoveX Posts: 4,910 Member
    edited October 2011
    no the sims doesnt need to be rated M clearly you havent been playing the sims game too long. i've been playing it since day one back in 2000 when the sims came out
    making it M would be a bad move for EA
    if you m rated crap then play gta
    teen pregnnacy definatly isnt something that need to be in the sims or any game for that matter i dont get why so many people want would someone please tell me and dont say b.c it adds realism b.c its a negative thing there is nothing good about teen pregnancy so why should it be in the sims ?

    Not that i agree with teen pregnancy in TS3, BUUUT to play devils advocate, I think a lot of people want t to play out their fantasies, and to reenact what they have seen on shows such as "Teen Mom" and "16 & Pregnant". The world has changed a lot (lol) and even though I dont want that in my game, i CAN see why some kids that play might. TV and reality shows really influence our society today, and they want to act out what they see. Therefore the want for teen pregnancy. Its sad :(
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,790 Member
    edited October 2011
    rules: Do not request, or discuss content that may raise the game rating to an "M". This includes teen pregnancy , nude, etc. that goes for ANY sims game..
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    Jarsie9Jarsie9 Posts: 12,714 Member
    edited October 2011
    I can see that there are a lot of people here who expect me to do the usual thing and jump down the OP's throat because of some of his suggestions, and I'm sorry to disappoint, but my first reaction was to just laugh.

    The OP wants realism in the Sims 4. Well, here's a reality check for the OP: It ain't happening.

    I'll tell you why, OP:

    EA likes its T rating, and it will not do anything to change that, because the money is too good. So, forget about any type of M rated material (and I *bet* you dollars to doughnuts that you're under 21), where you get to play out all your 🐸🐸🐸🐸 fantasies and turn this game into a cross between "Grand Theft Autos" and "Singles" (only without the blur and where they show *everything* right?)

    It ain't happening. Period, end of story, and don't tell me: "But it's the Sims 4! They can do this!" They can't and they won't.

    And let's face it, you don't want a game, OP. You want Real Life all boxed up in a computer simulation game where *you* can control what happens, and yes, play out your fantasies (you and every other teen who plays this game) so that you can pretend to be a drug addict, alcoholic, etc. etc....all so you can create your own little soap opera.

    Again, it's not happening. Open venues? Yes, I can see that they will probably reinstate the open venues. Rabbithole jobs? Again, probably yes, because what you seem to be assuming is that somehow or other, EA is going to make *all* you want possible for everyone to be able to play this game. By some miracle of modern technology, by the time Sims 4 rolls around computers are going to be so cheap, that even the poorest household will be able to afford the high-end computer your version of the Sims 4 is bound to require.

    So, two words, OP: Get Real. Your vision of The Sims 4 isn't going to happen, certainly not in 2 years, which is when they predict the Sims 4 will be ready (around 2014).

    And yes, discussing teen pregnancy is against the rules. I'm sure others have already reported you (finally, there's a category for this!), so I won't bother. I don't expect this thread to still be here when I log on later today, actually.
    EA Marketing Department Motto:
    "We Don't Care If You LIKE The Game, Just As Long As You BUY The Game!"
    I Disapprove (Naturally)
    I Took The Pledge!
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    Simsfreak711Simsfreak711 Posts: 417 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Report me? Wow, all I did was give teen pregnancy as an example in an M rated expansion, I don't actually want to discuss it. Plus, I never said I wanted an M rated expansion, I just said I thought would bring in a new market for hardcore players. By the way I'm over 21 and right now Jarsie9 this is what is call judging someone. Telling me I want to play my 🐸🐸🐸🐸 fantasies boxed up is extremely rude and judgmental. It's called mild c y b e r bulling. You think I want this stuff in the game, I was giving an example for a new market strategy. Report me? Wow Jarsie, wow.
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    christine400christine400 Posts: 5,554 Member
    edited October 2011
    Report me? Wow, all I did was give teen pregnancy as an example in an M rated expansion, I don't actually want to discuss it. Plus, I never said I wanted an M rated expansion, I just said I thought would bring in a new market for hardcore players. By the way I'm over 21 and right now Jarsie9 this is what is call judging someone. Telling me I want to play my 🐸🐸🐸🐸 fantasies boxed up is extremely rude and judgmental. It's called mild c y b e r bulling. You think I want this stuff in the game, I was giving an example for a new market strategy. Report me? Wow Jarsie, wow.

    if you didnt want this in the game then dont type it.
    teen pregnnacy is M rated discussion and you got the pot stirring.
    i bet your under 21 too and havet been playing the sims that long cause if you have been playing since day like me these sick things wouldnt even cross your mind
    go play gta if you want to see druggies and alcohol and other things you were saying.
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    simgreensimgreen Posts: 1,630 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Report me? Wow, all I did was give teen pregnancy as an example in an M rated expansion, I don't actually want to discuss it. Plus, I never said I wanted an M rated expansion, I just said I thought would bring in a new market for hardcore players. By the way I'm over 21 and right now Jarsie9 this is what is call judging someone. Telling me I want to play my 🐸🐸🐸🐸 fantasies boxed up is extremely rude and judgmental. It's called mild c y b e r bulling. You think I want this stuff in the game, I was giving an example for a new market strategy. Report me? Wow Jarsie, wow.

    if you didnt want this in the game then dont type it.
    teen pregnnacy is M rated discussion and you got the pot stirring.
    i bet your under 21 too and havet been playing the sims that long cause if you have been playing since day like me these sick things wouldnt even cross your mind
    go play gta if you want to see druggies and alcohol and other things you were saying.
    Exactly this. It annoys me when kids would want TS3 to have the 'realism' their own lives lack. Because, seriously, "You kids want drama? Go do it in real life". Sims wasn't supposed to be about making a life more darker and thus 'interesting' than your real one. It was, in a way, a happy escape FROM the darker, more boring, less happy, more dramatic real life.
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    christine400christine400 Posts: 5,554 Member
    edited October 2011
    simgreen wrote:
    Report me? Wow, all I did was give teen pregnancy as an example in an M rated expansion, I don't actually want to discuss it. Plus, I never said I wanted an M rated expansion, I just said I thought would bring in a new market for hardcore players. By the way I'm over 21 and right now Jarsie9 this is what is call judging someone. Telling me I want to play my 🐸🐸🐸🐸 fantasies boxed up is extremely rude and judgmental. It's called mild c y b e r bulling. You think I want this stuff in the game, I was giving an example for a new market strategy. Report me? Wow Jarsie, wow.

    if you didnt want this in the game then dont type it.
    teen pregnnacy is M rated discussion and you got the pot stirring.
    i bet your under 21 too and havet been playing the sims that long cause if you have been playing since day like me these sick things wouldnt even cross your mind
    go play gta if you want to see druggies and alcohol and other things you were saying.
    Exactly this. It annoys me when kids would want TS3 to have the 'realism' their own lives lack. Because, seriously, "You kids want drama? Go do it in real life". Sims wasn't supposed to be about making a life more darker and thus 'interesting' than your real one. It was, in a way, a happy escape FROM the darker, more boring, less happy, more dramatic real life.
    exactly it honestly makes me kinda mad when i see ignorance such as this of people requesting these things
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    fluttereyesfluttereyes Posts: 2,337 Member
    edited October 2011
    simgreen wrote:
    Report me? Wow, all I did was give teen pregnancy as an example in an M rated expansion, I don't actually want to discuss it. Plus, I never said I wanted an M rated expansion, I just said I thought would bring in a new market for hardcore players. By the way I'm over 21 and right now Jarsie9 this is what is call judging someone. Telling me I want to play my 🐸🐸🐸🐸 fantasies boxed up is extremely rude and judgmental. It's called mild c y b e r bulling. You think I want this stuff in the game, I was giving an example for a new market strategy. Report me? Wow Jarsie, wow.

    if you didnt want this in the game then dont type it.
    teen pregnnacy is M rated discussion and you got the pot stirring.
    i bet your under 21 too and havet been playing the sims that long cause if you have been playing since day like me these sick things wouldnt even cross your mind
    go play gta if you want to see druggies and alcohol and other things you were saying.
    Exactly this. It annoys me when kids would want TS3 to have the 'realism' their own lives lack. Because, seriously, "You kids want drama? Go do it in real life". Sims wasn't supposed to be about making a life more darker and thus 'interesting' than your real one. It was, in a way, a happy escape FROM the darker, more boring, less happy, more dramatic real life.

    It only annoys me because I know they could walk out and buy a game that gives them just that, no need to defile the Sims with it.
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    TheCheezeAteMyCatTheCheezeAteMyCat Posts: 647 New Member
    edited October 2011
    simgreen wrote:
    Report me? Wow, all I did was give teen pregnancy as an example in an M rated expansion, I don't actually want to discuss it. Plus, I never said I wanted an M rated expansion, I just said I thought would bring in a new market for hardcore players. By the way I'm over 21 and right now Jarsie9 this is what is call judging someone. Telling me I want to play my 🐸🐸🐸🐸 fantasies boxed up is extremely rude and judgmental. It's called mild c y b e r bulling. You think I want this stuff in the game, I was giving an example for a new market strategy. Report me? Wow Jarsie, wow.

    if you didnt want this in the game then dont type it.
    teen pregnnacy is M rated discussion and you got the pot stirring.
    i bet your under 21 too and havet been playing the sims that long cause if you have been playing since day like me these sick things wouldnt even cross your mind
    go play gta if you want to see druggies and alcohol and other things you were saying.
    Exactly this. It annoys me when kids would want TS3 to have the 'realism' their own lives lack. Because, seriously, "You kids want drama? Go do it in real life". Sims wasn't supposed to be about making a life more darker and thus 'interesting' than your real one. It was, in a way, a happy escape FROM the darker, more boring, less happy, more dramatic real life.
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    Streetdival01Streetdival01 Posts: 717 New Member
    edited October 2011
    OP , you shouldn't be surprised by the strong opinions to your not well thought out idea. Most play sims to escape the '' real '' world so the mature aspects wouldn't fit at all. I'm hoping the sims team takes a step back and give us a better sims 2 in 4.
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    Simsfreak711Simsfreak711 Posts: 417 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Just forget I said that M rated stuff, I didn't realize it would create such a fuss on the forum. I think It's stupid to fight over this kind of stuff. Let's just get back to the positive things.
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    Streetdival01Streetdival01 Posts: 717 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Back on topic : For the sims 4 I want them to concentrate on what their fans want and be less ambitious. The fans want more interactions , more fun , more heart , give me that and I'll be a happy camper. I hope TSM team is working on 4 because TSM grapics are way better than 3 , knocks it out the ballpark. I think the open world format hurt more than it helped and could be cause of the glitches and lag , who knows ?
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