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Is it just me, or do you do this too?


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    EmilyBeeEmilyBee Posts: 507 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I think all of us have a little bit of a protective side to our Sims.
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    lilacfaery06lilacfaery06 Posts: 668 Member
    edited June 2009
    yeah i mix up the traits a lot but they all have to be good looking and i dont like couch potatos lol :o
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    missgracie361missgracie361 Posts: 448 New Member
    edited June 2009
    While I was creating some sims, my boyfriend starting criticizing me for making all my sims 'perfect'. I then realized that I try to make all my sims good looking, and give them all the good traits, like brave, ambitious, workaholic, etc!! He on the other hand makes Satan Sim, and Hobo Sim.

    hehehehe, Isn't it ironic, that you posted this and your forum name is "Sweet Catastrophe"?????? Adorable!! And yes, I do the same thing.
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    DancingXtremeDancingXtreme Posts: 632 Member
    edited June 2009
    I always make my sims really pretty. I don't always give great traits, because I think it's fun seeing what all the traits do. But I think it's no fun having hideous sims, so I can't help but make them pretty.
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    BeccareeBeccaree Posts: 436 Member
    edited June 2009
    I do that. My sims all have to good looking. I'm thinking about giving some negative traits though.. evil sounds like fun. :lol:
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    Antminnie1Antminnie1 Posts: 683 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Don't worry, I do the same exact thing, and actually I'm working on breaking 'out of my shell', lol. :D
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    BeechwellBeechwell Posts: 292 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I'm also of the "make nice looking Sims only" faction. Especially the women :D (Well, it's my game, ******). When playing I rather have something nice to look at, and there are already enough normal looking pre-made Sims in town.

    With traits I usually make competent personalities with one or two flaws. Sometimes more flaws, but newer a truly awful personality.

    I am considering creating an annoying, snobbish, self-indulged, fat and ugly Sim as mayor of the town, though. We'll see where it goes...
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    cute_piacute_pia Posts: 94 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I do that EVERY single time!
    Except ONCE I made to hideous people, BUT the daughter was the most beautiful sim I've ever seen!
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    donnagale07donnagale07 Posts: 40 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I do this too, lol. :) I do like to mix up the traits though. Insane sims are always fun!
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    sirona66sirona66 Posts: 5,196 Member
    edited June 2009
    I like a variaty. So not all my sims are pretty. Well a family progresses, whom they marry also has an impact on the family traits. So things start to get more and more interesting. I had a sim born in game who was really heavy throught her whole life, she was also insane, clumsy and slightly nerotic with a touch of fear. LOL now that sim, was just plain halarious.. in the end she got the evil trait, which made her even more funny to watch.
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    Grobanite113Grobanite113 Posts: 385 New Member
    edited June 2009
    While I was creating some sims, my boyfriend starting criticizing me for making all my sims 'perfect'. I then realized that I try to make all my sims good looking, and give them all the good traits, like brave, ambitious, workaholic, etc!! He on the other hand makes Satan Sim, and Hobo Sim.

    I think I'm protective of my Sims, and always want them to pretty and perfectly behaved. I need to break the trend i think!

    I do that, too, because at least in the Sims, you can make the perfect person. :D
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    JalidaJalida Posts: 2,181 Member
    edited June 2009
    With all the fuglies walking around in the world today, the last thing I want is to find a 🐸🐸🐸🐸 running around in my in game town.

    I swear the first ugly child I see running around town, Im going to find a way and just build a dormitory of closets and lock each fuglie child one to a closet and just let them live out whatever lives they've got left in there.

    Now that I've likely to have thoroughly oppressed all fuglies in the world, and completely alienated myself and offended everybody and their grandmothers too...

    I remember a story that my grand told me one day when I asked her....

    "Grand, has mum ever married a poor man"?
    "No, darling she's never maried a poor man" she replied.
    "Grand, has mum ever maried an ugly man"?
    To which she replied "With you mums looks why should she ever have to mary an ugly man"!

    I guess for me, I just see no point to adding ugly to my town, yeah all my sims are as perfect looking as I believe they should be. I don't have any overweight sims that I've created (not that overweight is ugly, I know some chunkies that are good looking too.

    It's probably my upbringing what with a Grand and mum like listed, but for me, I do it, too. Any sims that I create are never hit by the ugly branch, and they never have any traits that would be what I consider to be a negative trait. It's just not my thing to do that.
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    RedpepperpalRedpepperpal Posts: 33 New Member
    edited June 2009
    yeah, i do the same thing.....i guess Sim life seems to be so much easier to handle when they are well-behaved and good-looking....
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    ZlandaelZlandael Posts: 116 Member
    edited June 2009
    I know that all of us AREN'T perfect. I felt that one ugly feature on my sim could ruin the whole entire game for me. I noticed that there are many (other) ugly people in this game for a purpose. They have bad traits that I cannot adapt to. But sooner or later, I'll have to make a awful sim.

    But seriously, do I feel like editing all of the ugly sims in the game just to make the gameplay more straightfoward and perfect? No.

    If there's no CAKE mix in the bowl, make some panCAKEs. They have the same word, but they are different. Pancakes could be burnt, while cakes could be smashed, but at least they're different.

    Ugly sims with bad traits + Our created sims with good traits = Variety. And someday they'll be a CAKEpanCAKE and we'll all buy it.

    Just sayin.
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    OhEmGeeYayEggsOhEmGeeYayEggs Posts: 2,322 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Well, I usually don't make sims in CAS and play those amazing pre-maded families, but with the only sims I have made, not really. I wouldn't think it's odd to do what you do, but it kinda sound boring to me, especcially because I am in love with unique, crazy sims.

    Happy Simmin'!
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    PurpleZebraTacoPurpleZebraTaco Posts: 187 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I like to have a variety, but I can never make my sims look ugly. I don't change everyone around if they are ugly, but if one of my sims marries an NPC I change the NPC's hairstyle so their kids have some wicked awesome hair. xD Right now I'm actually working on a perfect sim, just because, and then her sisters who were just born, who are twins, are going to be not so perfect. xD It shall be fun. The dad is a klepto, and I always make him go to his in-laws' houses and steal stuff from them. Mostly because I like going to the community pool and they live by the pool. xD
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    aarinaarin Posts: 7,260 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I don't know. If I am playing with aging off, I could end up spending real life days staring at the same household. I don't think I could stand having to stare at less than perfect-looking sims. I'm lenient on traits though.
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    straussdcstraussdc Posts: 26 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I pretty much hit the random button for both looks and traits. I’m actually fairly disappointed if a sim comes out both good looking and full of positive traits. How dull. I prefer the community to be somewhat realistic in terms of variety.

    But then I also like when negative things happen to my sims anyhow. I’m always pleased when they quit their jobs, get fat, start fights, make enemies, have affairs, etc. Those surprising developments are a lot more interesting to me than playing out lives of flawless success.

    In fact, I think I’m mildly alarmed to hear that just about everyone prefers making a beautiful world full of beautiful people living beautiful lives. Sounds like some kind of horrific Gattaca-type scenario…
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    aarinaarin Posts: 7,260 New Member
    edited June 2009
    straussdc wrote:
    Sounds like some kind of horrific Gattaca-type scenario…

    If Gattaca is wrong, I don't want to be right.
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    JimbeenieJimbeenie Posts: 103 New Member
    edited June 2009
    While I was creating some sims, my boyfriend starting criticizing me for making all my sims 'perfect'. I then realized that I try to make all my sims good looking, and give them all the good traits, like brave, ambitious, workaholic, etc!! He on the other hand makes Satan Sim, and Hobo Sim.

    I think I'm protective of my Sims, and always want them to pretty and perfectly behaved. I need to break the trend i think!
    I think it depends on my mood. Most of the time I make my sims pretty good. But sometimes I love to give them the evil, or clumsy trait. Or things like that. MUHAHA :twisted:
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    FatCatFatCat Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited June 2009
    Perfect sims (traits and lookwise) usually bore me to tears.
    So no, I almost never do that.

    I always try to give each sim 'character'.
    I avoid cute button noses most of the time for one.

    They don't have to be butugly, altough I like and make those too, they
    just need to be... as far from the 'Barbie look' as I can make them.
    I give them both positive and negative traits.

    If you never use the negative traits, you miss out on
    a lot of funny stuff! =D

    Put dispenser hereanimaatjes-cupcake-13719.gif
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    Coffefreak4LifeCoffefreak4Life Posts: 8,082 Member
    edited June 2009
    i end up giving my sims more favorable traits but i usually have a profile ive created for them at birth and go from there so it does vary
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    JemnaMercuryJemnaMercury Posts: 188 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I always made unique, pretty looking sims, and then add REALLY weird traits to them. It makes the game more interesting. :lol:
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    Trichinicky1Trichinicky1 Posts: 34 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Yes your right.......I do that too!

    Ive finally braved it and made one insane though, cant wait to see what she does with her life xx
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    hannibalismhannibalism Posts: 25 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I do it, too.
    Maybe I should switch it up, eh?
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