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What was your Sims introduction?

My very first Sims game was actually the first console version on PS2. My computer at the time couldn't handle TS1 (haha!) so the PS2 version was my only way to play the Sims. By the time the Superstar EP came out, I bought it anyway and loaded it on my computer. It would crash every five minutes or so during actual gameplay, but I was able to build houses and stuff so I just did that.

I now proudly own all TS1 expansions, all TS2 expansions, TS3, the original Sims game for PS2, The Sims Bustin' Out for PS2, The Sims Urbz for PS2 (probably my least favorite addition to the series), and The Sims 2 for DS (much better than the PS2 version, which I rented and only played ONCE.)

What was your introduction to The Sims games? And what is in your Sims library today?


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    Sanin92Sanin92 Posts: 111 New Member
    edited June 2009
    EDIT: Sims 1 was the first game I buyed without even knowing what it was about, now I love every Sims title :)

    I played Sims1, 2 with almost all expansions, URBZ (which I liked for the time beeing, but not that long), and Sims2 for PS2 (which I didn't like that much), and of course Sims3.

    My library is only Sims3 now :/, but I wouldn't play the old ones anyway, so yeah.

    EDIT: Oh, and I played two GBA titles, but forgot their names.
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    rredrred Posts: 1,274 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I was staying over my sisters apartment with her new boyfriend, now her husband, and his two kids (around the same age as me). One of them was playing this game on the computer and I thought it looked cool so I continued to watch. He then set his sims on fire by locking them in a door-less room and making them walk away from the stove. :shock: That was my first introductions to the sims 1. Before any expansions and what not. I went out that weekend and got the game. :D

    I now have:

    All TS1 Games
    All TS2 Games except for the mansion and Garden stuff pack (not interested)

    Plus I have played the games for the consoles but now I dont have any of the consoles to play them on.

    EDIT I also have TS3 on my iPhone :mrgreen:

    - RrED
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    simcrediblesimcredible Posts: 1,837 Member
    edited June 2009
    I got addicted the day I went to my friends house when I was little younger than 5th grade? I'm not really sure. I was at my friend's farm and she told me she had this really fun game that her brother had. She showed me and I fell in love with playing the roll of God.

    I started out with TS1 with all of the expansion pacts, except for Online because I was still very young. (However old I would be if I'm 18 now.) Then I moved onto TS2 in which I got all of the expansion pacts again, minus the Special Packs. Now I've moved on to TS3 and will buy all of the EP's except for the Special Packs. (Unless they come out with one for hair, I'll be allllll over that.:))

    I don't play TS1, but I plan on playing TS2 still.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,930 Member
    edited June 2009
    I got introduced to the concept of the Sims over the telephone. My grown daughter was living in another state, her hubby shipped off to Iraq, and her sisters-in-law had introduced her to the game while he was away. She would share her Sims' exploits with me over the phone. When her hubby returned from the war, he got her Sims2 for Christmas and again, I learned about it over the telephone. When they were re-stationed back to our home state, she brought over their gaming laptop and sat me down in front of it to finally show me the game.

    After a short time, I was going through the tutorial and creating a Sim! Being able to play the game only a couple days of the week for about two or three weeks led me to hanker for my own copy. Hubby suggested I go buy my own game. He even made sure I did on a trip to Staples. When I asked him to look at the specs to be sure my laptop would install it, he just brushed off my concerns. Of course, my laptop had not been built for gaming (a choice I'd made at the time, since I'm not or wasn't a gamer). The game wouldn't install.

    Not long after that hubby called me from work to advise me my new computer would arrive in about three week's time! He had it built just so I could play the Sims2. What a sweet man, eh?

    That was way back in the summer of 2005. This same computer houses my Sims3 game and fairly nicely, too.

    But, yeah, my addiction was swift and came as a surprise to not only myself but everyone else! LOL
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    CharsiupaoCharsiupao Posts: 131 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Nothing particularly romantic on my side. =(

    I had played Simcity 2000 to death, and even enjoyed SimTower, where you could name a few of the occupants and monitor what they were doing in the tower while you added floors and whatnot. I was really keen on how my little people were doing in that tower, but sadly there was very little you could actually do to influence what they do short of providing facilities for them. I named myself, my friends etc.. and would watch them like a little ant-farm.

    Then the Sims came out and after reading a few reviews, I felt it would be like what I wanted in SimTower - my very own virtual-person ant-farm. I got it, and Living Large after that, and have never looked back. I still play Sims 1 now and then - it has a certain comical charm which Sims 2 (despite being a wonderful improvement over Sims) lacked.
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    FredFred Posts: 484 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I first bought Sims1 Deluxe Edition when it came out. I had been introduced to the console version by a neighbour. I then bough the rest of the Sims1 as it came out and Sims4 when that eventually came out before sims2 and bought some console versions inbetween
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    meluvsims234meluvsims234 Posts: 50 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Ahh..The Sims Bustin' Out on GameBoy Advance. I wanted it because I thought I would be able to build houses :p I couldn't, but I still liked the game and was curious about the PC version.

    Then, a couple of months later, I got The sims 1 deluxe edition for PC and was totally addicted.
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    saricaelinorsaricaelinor Posts: 422 New Member
    edited June 2009
    When I was really little, like 5 years old, I used to play SimTown and SimTower, SimSafari and SimPark etc. And then when I was nine, my cousin bought me the base TS1 game, which I really liked. He then proceeded to buy me each successive expansion.

    By the time TS2 was out I was in highschool and I am proud to say I saved up and bought my own copy of TS2 and each expansion (although I only bothered with the Christmas stuff pack as it came with the base game, didn't get any of the others).

    And now I bought myself TS3 :)
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    NigeriaH2NigeriaH2 Posts: 28 New Member
    edited June 2009
    When I was in 5th grade I would always here the other kids talk about The Sims 1. I always wanted the game from just listening to them but I knew my parents wouldn't get me a game with kissing so I never even asked for it. Then in 6th grade I got the game for Christmas!! I had never even asked for it! I was so excited and went to play it immediately. I've been playing ever since. I have every Sims game except for Life Stories, AL, Pet Stories, and some stuff packs. I LOVE THE SIMS!!!

    Now I have TS3 but I can't play because my computer sucks. I ordered a new one which was supposed to be delivered last Friday but has been delayed..
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    MarioSim05MarioSim05 Posts: 1,567 New Member
    edited June 2009
    My sister got a free copy of The Sims (1) when we got her her own computer. I didn't really know about it, but one day my sister and her friend were playing and I came in and watched them. I thought that it looked like fun and eventually they taught me how to play and let me have a go. I have been hooked ever since. :lol:
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    iFreakdomiFreakdom Posts: 1,208 New Member
    edited June 2009
    All of the Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii Sims related stuff. I liked it, so I bought Sims 3.
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    x3Carlix3Carli Posts: 760 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I first learned about the Sims from my cousins o___o. I was over their house, and as usual I was bored (being the only girl is a tough job :P). So my cousin sat me down with his laptop and the Sims 1, and let me at it. Of course, I didn't know what I was doing. But I had fun anyways. After getting back home, I made my dad go buy me my own copy. Which started the addiction.

    I owned, all of the Sims1 except for online, but now my little cousins have them :). For TS2 I only owned the nightlife and university EPs. I also own Sims Bustin' Out for PS2, which was actually a lot of fun. And of course, Sims3 :D.
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    SchweighsrSchweighsr Posts: 3,342 Member
    edited June 2009
    I read a review of the game in PC Magazine and thought it looked interesting. At the time there was a store that was near to where I worked that would accept open-box returns, so I bought it there, thinking I'd probably get bored with it quickly. Up to that point I had never found a game that kept my interest for more than a month or two.

    That was back when? January 2000? [I think the game was released the month before I bought it.] I've been hooked ever since. There was a short period between the anouncement of TS2 and the day the game cam out that I didn't play [I saw the TS2 graphics and suddly TS1 wasn't fun anymore]. But other than that I have played almost every day of the last 9 years.

    Good topic!
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    potterfanpotterfan Posts: 25 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I was introduced to the Sims1 when I was over a friend's house, and when I got home, I asked my parents if I could get the game. My parents are rather protective, and said they thought it was too adult for me at the time (I think I was in like eighth grade), so they said no. I asked periodically for a year and a half, and they always said no. Then one day we were over my dad's best friends house for christmas, and his kids got the Sims1 for christmas and had fallen in love with it- the kids were about eight years old, and I was their babysitter! I said kinda miffed to my dad, "the kids I babysit for are allowed to have it, but I'm not?!" and he finally relented and said I could buy it, lol.

    I played the Sims1 until the Sims2 came out, and I played that until I went to college, and the laptop I took along was much too awful to play it. Now I recently got a pretty nice desktop just as the Sims3 came out, so I've been playing that ever since!
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    MoonfeatherMoonfeather Posts: 188 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I found out about the sims through a friend when I was quite young.
    Now, I have the console version of the sims 1, sims 2 and all expansions for PC (except mansion and garden. I was keeping my money for sims 3 at the time), sims 2 for console, and sims 3.
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