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EA_SolaireEA_Solaire Posts: 1,423 EA Community Manager

Sul sul my favorite Simmers!

Happy happy Friday! Are you all ready for a lovely Easter weekend? Have you been dying eggs or prepping for an egg hunt? Don't forget to be nice to the Flower Bunny if he pays you a visit!

Did you catch this week's big update?
  • On Monday, a new docuseries and content drop was announced featuring content creator Ebonix and the beauty brand Dark & Lovely to highlight the importance of self-expression and representation in gaming. Play in Color is now available to watch, and you can read up on all the wonderful things included with this campaign here!

Piccolo in her element, posted here, by @DaniRose2143

What can we sniff out with this week's highlights?

  • With last week marking the official first day of Spring, we'll get this week started off with this original new gameplay challenge, Challenge of Seasons, created by @SimishGamer1. In this challenge, you'll need to complete four different aspirations, but you'll only be able to work on one specific aspiration per season. You'll also have a few restrictions - certain areas of your house will be inaccessible and some skill items are not useable during different seasons so you'll need to carefully plan ahead on how you'll be completing each aspiration. In order to beat this challenge, you'll need to complete all four aspirations during your assigned seasons, and if you're interested in making things a bit more difficult, there are five additional optional goals you can work towards as well. So if you've been looking for a fun way to celebrate the beginning of Spring, this is the perfect challenge for you! 🌻🌸🌼
  • Up next, @Brd709 wants to know about the different lots in your world and which property is the most expensive. I really can't help myself from building excessively large 64x64 mansions, so my current most expensive is a celebrity manor in Del Sol Valley worth a whopping $938,127 Simoleans (thank god for the freerealestate cheat 🤑🤑🤑) But what about your most expensive lot - are you like me and think bigger is better, or do you prefer creating smaller and cheaper starter homes? Be sure to tell us about your most pricey property and what makes it so special!
  • Last week a new Discord March Moderness shell challenge was released, so this week's featured build is a creative contemporary entry built by @manicpot8to. This modern little townhome includes 4 bedrooms, a nursery, several spacious outdoor areas for gardening or hosting a delicious BBQ party, and an immaculately landscaped lawn, all designed with inviting warm wood tones and calming shades of green. So if you're looking for a bit of inspiration for your own shell design, or you just want a stylish new home for your Sims, you'll definitely want to see this build!
  • We'll finish our week with a little something for our Sims 2 players - @Logicallyironic has been working hard on creating a custom neighborhood and needs a few ideas for the remaining open lots. This neighborhood already has several shops, parks, a library, and even a spa and a salon, with space for two more community lots. My vote for these remaining lots would be a fancy art gallery or museum, and a hotel to allow for tourists to visit this lovely community. So what kind of lots would you add to this neighborhood, maybe a seasonal holiday themed shop, or even a bustling nightclub? Let us know what ideas you have to complete this neighborhood! 🏗️🏙️

And that's going to wrap us up this week! I hope you all stay safe, have a wonderful weekend, and happy Simming 💚
Till next time!

Post edited by EA_Cade on


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