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What Are Your Plans For The Horse Ranch EP?


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    JALJAL Posts: 1,103 Member
    pameler417 wrote: »
    I'm currently doing a decades challenge and the release will line up perfectly when I make it to the great depression of the 1930s. Americans moved west to California and other fruitful places for farm work. Prohibition will be over in time for nectar making, it's so serendipitous!

    I'm not as far ahead of you as I just started, but I was thinking along the same lines, though I will see where the story takes me.
    Moreover, I advise that the cart button must be destroyed!
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    Lixy_170Lixy_170 Posts: 96 Member
    I have been building a very tight barn in Henford-On-Bagley ! YUeGZnm.png
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    So I've been studying the map and doing some planning, and these are my rough plans/thoughts before actually exploring the world myself.


    Yellow: Leave as is

    Use for my sims

    Green: National Park or Park



    Orange: Retail or Vet

    White: Recreation Center

    Community Space
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    telemwilltelemwill Posts: 1,767 Member
    The only thing I'm really tempted to change here is to make the 64x64 lot into a Barbie ranch house.

    I would also add a restaurant somewhere because I always do that.
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    Amapola76Amapola76 Posts: 1,925 Member
    I want to explore all the actual lots before committing, but the concept that is currently shaping up is:

    New Appaloosa/Middle Neighborhood:

    Use the 30x20 residential lot for a vet clinic (either adapting or bulldozing the current build, depending on how it looks)
    Turn the bar into a restaurant, possibly. Otherwise, I'll likely leave it as it is.
    Leave the 20x20 lot as a home for the aspiring country musician sim I'm going to make, so she has easy access to busk downtown.
    Leave the 40x30 equestrian center/park (?) as it is, for now.

    I wanted to add a general store retail lot, but there's not a good space for one, and with the general store shell they added, it seems a bit redundant. So instead, I'm going to turn the "dancehall" (nightclub) into a "Fairgrounds" (technically, a community marketplace): I'll leave the bar and dance floor, but my sims will also be able to sell their milk, wool, crafts, etc., at sales tables along the walls.

    Bottom neighborhood: I love the little red farmhouse, so that's staying. I just need to think of the perfect family to move in.

    I have mixed feelings about the other three lots; it looks like the builders did a great job, so I hate to bulldoze them, but I'm not sure they fit the way I want to use the space, either. So that's TBD, after I get a good look at them, and finish the things that I am sure about.

    One thing I know for sure is that the Roswells are getting a cattle ranch somewhere in this neighborhood. I don't really want to give them the only 64x64, but I might, in the end, if it comes down to it. I'm not fully moving them from Strangerville, I'm just changing a lot to retail, and having them raise (mostly) cattle, board a couple of horses, and have a little store to sell milk, cheese, etc.

    Also, I may keep one of the homes in this neighborhood as it is, but change it to rental, and use it for an agritourism/nectarmaking educational center of sorts. I've wanted something like that since CoL but never had a good space for it, so one of these lots might be good. I might also need the 64x64 lot for that. I'll just have to get in there and really check out those lots to see.

    Top neighborhood

    I'm keeping the 20x20 residential lot exactly as it is; the 20x15 will change from rental to residential, but that's it.

    I'm not sure yet about the 50x50, but I suspect that people will do really interesting things with this lot, so I'm going to keep an eye out on the gallery for a while to see whether there's anything creative to download.

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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,552 Member
    edited July 2023
    I will not be playing it anytime soon, but if I were, I would immediately play a rags to riches scenario using nectar making as a pathway to riches. I played this in The Sims 3 and enjoyed it so much. I am not sure how well it will convert over to TS4, but it should be doable.

    Phase 1: The Micro-nectary
    I would start my sim on a small lot that isn't very helpful in making small batches of nectar. My sim actually started out restoring classic cars in the sims 3, but he also started to garden and growing plants needed for nectar making.
    This is the basement of a community greenhouse. It had nectar making equipment in the basement.
    He would get most of his ingredients here and make his first bottles of nectar.

    He would work to buy this home and start his micro-nectary.

    He still supplemented his income with classic car restorations.



    Phase 2: The Farm
    Time to scale up. It was at this point that I decided to combine my rags-to-riches scenario with a bachelor challenge. He was going to need a wife to share his nectar making empire. I had six attractive ladies of various personalities and interests join him. I created a complex scoring system to help determine his best match. They all worked together to save enough money for the third phase of this scenario.
    I will probably locate the TS4 farm in Henford-on-Bagley.





    Phase 3: The Mansion
    This is the end game. They have to fill all the nectar racks in the mansion's nectar cellar and then the final dates will happen and the ladies will be scored on the dates and all the data collected on their growth and relationship happenings at the farm and mansion.
    I believe I will locate the TS4 mansion in Tartosa.
    It's about time I actually use that world

    The winner will marry the bachelor and they will begin raising a family.
    They will still own the farm, but won't need to grow any ingredients since they have plenty of nectar to sell. They will only sell the most expensive bottles and only grow enough ingredients to replace what they sell.

    Most of their time will be spent on raising the children.

    This sim won the challenge in TS3 and getting to this point was extremely fun, probably the most fun I ever had in TS3.

    This was the nectar cellar at the start of phase 3. The outer halls will be used to store the nectar. That's a lot of nectar to make. It can support a family for generations, especially if they are replacing sold bottles with new stock. The eldest child will inherit the mansion. The next eldest will inherit the farm, and maybe pass it on to a younger sibling when they establish their own mansion.
    Post edited by CK213 on
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    Saga-MinxSaga-Minx Posts: 580 Member
    I don't know why, but I want to go on the cliche route.
    Make a rich rancher family on the 64x64 lot, make the daughter fall in love with the ranch hand.
    Parents find out, disapprove and send him away. Daughter goes to college, finds out she is pregnant.
    She tries to find the father with no succes, and becomes a veterinarian and single mom.
    Then years later when she opens her own practice, the ranch hand walks in....
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    crocobauracrocobaura Posts: 7,532 Member
    Saga-Minx wrote: »
    I don't know why, but I want to go on the cliche route.
    Make a rich rancher family on the 64x64 lot, make the daughter fall in love with the ranch hand.
    Parents find out, disapprove and send him away. Daughter goes to college, finds out she is pregnant.
    She tries to find the father with no succes, and becomes a veterinarian and single mom.
    Then years later when she opens her own practice, the ranch hand walks in....

    If you make that into a proper romance novel I would totally read it. :lol::love:

    I haven't decided what I am going to do with this neighbourhood and if I am going to be playing any sims here. Most certainly I will be visiting it with my sims, the canyon looks beautiful, can't wait to explore it. My sims aren't much into tent vacations, but they could take some nice pictures there. I am definitely adding wine making to Tartosa, going to turn it into an art and wine kind of destination. And maybe add some goats too. Also, my castle in Henford is finally going to have a proper wine cellar.
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    elemmeleelemmele Posts: 689 Member
    I for one am rarin' to try the 50 Foals challenge again! Back in 2011 I made it to two foals and promptly gave up 😂 Even if I don't wind up following any certain rules, I'd love to give it another go, because my goodness the foals we're getting in TS4 look so stinkin' cute.

    In the meantime I'm getting my Sim(s) ready for the challenge! Coming up with a backstory as to what my Sim from the previous iteration of the challenge has been up to, and getting all the screenshots I can in the process lol.

    Since some of us are sharing our Sims, I hope it's okay if I do as well! Also adding some screenshots from my old thread just for fun, I reckon!

    This is June Weston! Previous Appaloosa Plains resident and 50 Foal Challenge hopeful. Plus her dog Marky! And Liberty the horse too, of course. Unfortunately, Liberty and Marky won't be making it into the new challenge, but that's for another post entirely, haha!


    I'm doing a ten year time skip in her story (roughly), and I absolutely cannot wait to get her and her little one moved into Chestnut Ridge!

    Haven't been this excited for a pack in a while, and I can't wait to see what everyone will create once we finally have it! 🤠
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    Bren91Bren91 Posts: 308 Member
    edited July 2023
    As a game pack I’d probably buy it. But as an expansion that costs probably twenty dollars more, to me it isn’t worth it just to have horses in the game. But to each their own. I understand many players have wanted horses for a long time so that’s just my opinion.
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    ashcrash19ashcrash19 Posts: 4,423 Member
    Here are mine! :smile:

    "Not All Who Wander Are Lost"-Tolkien
    Origin ID: simaddict1990
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    GlacierSnowGlacierSnow Posts: 2,407 Member
    I have a sim I made several years ago that I had really envisioned living on a ranch. I even made a Get Together club of "ranch hands" to come to his place and help out each day. But because there were no horses (or even cows) at that time, I had him live on a "farm" that was just a huge garden. And consequently I didn't really play with him much. I will probably have to wait quite a while before I get this pack due to budget reasons, but when I do, for sure I will be moving him and his ranch hand pals to Chestnut Ridge and getting them horses. Not sure what other uses I have in advance. I tend to start getting my creative ideas after I get my hands on the packs.
    Seventeen & Maldusk Forum thread link
    My name on AHQ (and the upcoming sims forum) is "GlacierSnowGhost".
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    CynnaCynna Posts: 2,369 Member
    Nice place for a vacation home.
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    lemonellalemonella Posts: 423 Member
    Alrighty, I've done some actual planning for the new EP finally. I only play one family, so originally I was thinking maybe someone in Gen 4 of my Holden family would be interested in horses, but honestly, I don't want to sign up for the large responsibility of taking care of that horse every sim day or having enough space for a horse on my main lot.

    After much consideration, I'm changing the backstory of my Holden fam. Wade (my literal fav) and his side of the family will be from Chestnut Ridge and their wealth would come from their success in creating and selling nectar. I'm thinking Mr. & Mrs. Holden, Wade's parents, will own a decent sized property that acts as a vineyard and nectary (?). I'll likely have his parents own at least one horse, one sheep and one goat so my main Holden family can visit and play with the animals. There's a possibility I'll have Wade's daughter, Dallas, have the hobby of horse riding when she's a child because I want to take advantage of the fact that kids can ride horses in the game.

    I restart my Holden family often, so I think this plan will work out. We'll see if the gameplay cooperates with my idea though.
    · · ─────── · 𖥸 · ─────── · ·
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,723 Member
    Did anyone plan to play a city sim or young couple who inherits a Ranch with one or two horses and will need to warm to a ranch life in the country side? I might try this, with the "right" traits not going too well with it all (lazy, neat/paranoid should go well with horse manure, lol) I think it might be fun, and also be a nice way to get acquainted with both horse riding and CR community. Won't work well with me playing on rotation, but I guess when I get this pack I will play in CR for a full sim year.
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    UniqueKhaosUniqueKhaos Posts: 470 Member
    @Simmerville one of my story ideas was to have a city sim inherit a farm from an unknown relative. She’s high maintenance and I think her other traits were squeamish and foodie (I changed them to fit better with a “city slicker”). But I’ve all but abandoned that story in favor of continuing with my current family. But it’s definitely a great storyline with ranch/outdoor incompatible traits. I wonder how much effort it would take for self discovery to change her traits.
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    lori171957lori171957 Posts: 236 Member
    edited July 2023
    My plan is to own a small ranch where I have a horse, sheep and a goat. And I want to make Nectar, this started me setting up the ranch and getting my fruit to the perfect stage. This also made me try to find alternative shelter for the plants (greenhouses cost a lot).

    So I made a tunnel greenhouse, placing a gabled roof on the ground and then expanding it to look like a tunnel shelter, you just place a door at one end. The advantages are: it doesn't cost anything, the plants think they are in a shelter, the sprinklers act like they are outside, and it doesn't add anymore in taxes.
    You can make it as big as you like, height and width. You can only place lights on either wall end so don't make it too long. You can plant the trees straight into the ground (preferably in the middle) or you can place them into containers. If you move or resize it you may loose the door and lights. I can't post pictures but it is very easy to do. This has made the gardening so much easier, and saved my sim a packet. She will need all her money to buy the animals. :D
    Post edited by lori171957 on
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,723 Member
    Awesome @lori171957 ! I never thought of using the roof like this, will definitely try this on a farm or ranch lot!
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    honeypooh1267honeypooh1267 Posts: 1,344 Member
    I've been building or fixing builds, I'll restarting because my computer had crashed on me. I've been out of town on vacation for the last week. and hadn't had the chance to start my sims up, I plan to try farming and ranch together. I also want to try other things in the new pack. I'm almost ready to make a sim to play. It's a good thing I have some of the families on my save files.
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    kemowerykemowery Posts: 373 Member
    It depends on how well horses are integrated into the game as a whole. If it's like Mt. Komorebi and the unique pack gameplay is confined to that world, I probably won't do a ton.

    I'll probably make the Old Wood Nectary in Tartosa an actual nectary. I'll probably also update some of the community lots in Evergreen Harbor to include Nectaries. I might also update some community garden lots to include a petting zoo with goats and sheep.

    If there's enough to do with horses outside of the world included with the pack, I'll probably put ranches in Willow Creek (replacing one of the oversized mansions), Oasis Springs (replacing the Landgraab mansion since it's a massive eyesore and I usually move them into the Landgraab apartment building in San Myshuno anyway), Strangerville (replacing Old Penelope), and Sulani.

    I'll probably at least once try putting a horse ranch in a penthouse lot in San Myshuno.
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    davina1221davina1221 Posts: 3,658 Member
    I've started a build save and cleared a 64x64 lot. I've started to make a farm complete with animals already in game such as the farm animals, bird feeder, crops, pens, ect. I plan to replace fences and wallpapers as well as items from build mode as soon as I get the pack. I plan to add a barn, pond, and new crops in the back when I get the pack and begin playing. Since horses and dogs/cats take up space :( , I plan to only start out with a couple and let them have kids later after they make money. I'm going to use the club and ranch hands to help with the farm. I plan to have several goats/sheep and hopefully it won't prove to be too much.
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    MichelleWMichelleW Posts: 665 Member
    My third generation landgraab family is going to move to Chestnut Ridge. Mom is a top tier actress, dad is an engineer. They have twin girls who want a pony. Dads going to retire and start a winery.
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    I played a little more in Sims 3, getting ready for TS4 Horse Ranch. It'll be interesting to compare horse dynamics. TS3 horses moved awkwardly at times, backing up and maneuvering into place. I'm hoping TS4 horses can do better.

    The foals aged up.
    First attempt at riding.
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    ElisdreamElisdream Posts: 295 Member
    I do but I'm still working on their background story.

    Main sim is Mary, originally, she's the adopted daughter of this elderly farmers couple that lived in Windenburg. When Mary's parents died, she sold the big family house and move out with the family dog to settled down in a smaller home where she started a local honey buisness, applying the knowledge she gained during her childhood living in the farm.

    In my game she moved to B. Bay, she got married and has a baby, but I'm rewriting her story so she moves to the new world instaed, since her husband is an animal lover and I want to give them a horse. I'm still thinking on a background story for her husband. 😊 Story ideas are welcome! 🐴
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    GordyGordy Posts: 3,055 Member
    My plans changed yet again. I didn't have the occult hybrid mods in my game, and I hadn't had hybrids in generations. But now the two brother sims I wanted for this pack are spellcaster/vampire hybrids. I hopefully I can adjust them with mods to remove their vampire-ness. If not, then I'll have my hands full with them and have to drop most of the hotel ideas I had.

    So I guess my plans for this pack are: vampire ranchers raising weird animals. Like, absolutely nasty-looking horses that look like rotting zombies, and blue goats.
    The Sims 4 hasn't introduced a new musical instrument since 2017
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