Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    MamaSimTeeMamaSimTee Posts: 963 Member
    Stopping in to say hi to all, especially my pals that I don't talk with that much, but I do think of you!

    I hope everyone has a relaxing long weekend here in the US. Don't forget to take the time to remember those who died to protect us.

    I've been gardening and my old bones are feeling it right now. Still need to get to the grocery store but I may sweet talk Hubby into getting things.

    I hope you get to spend time with your favorite non-pixelated people, if you choose too. Whatever you do this long weekend, be smart and be safe.

    Happy Simming!
    <insert inspiring comment here> :)
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited May 2023
    Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone. <3 🎉 (Well for those in the USA. :p ) Great to hear from you @MamaSimTee 🥰

    I'm finally getting around to sharing all that I've been doing with Malai, Aizen, and Amaya in game lately. Basically playing out their continuing story together. :blush:

    Here's the home in Maplewood Falls (ie: Hylewood) I moved them into. It's the starter home, like I said earlier, that I built for Liberty Square in the DMK world. And it overlooks the ocean! :love: In fact, the whole back part of their lot is in the ocean.

    ^As you can see Spring has not yet arrived after all their Christmas adventures. ;)

    So here's the 3 moving from the Yamamoto home into their own place. Something doesn't look quite right here though... :lol:


    ^Aizen be thinking that he should be the one in the front seat, not Amaya. :joy: (Or the one driving... :p ) But we'll just say that Amaya begged to ride in the front passenger seat. 😄

    When they arrived I realized that this home is not quite big enough for a growing family... D'oh! 🤦‍♀️So I built a basement underneath the house to be Amaya's room, with her own private bathroom, for the time being. Lucky her right? ;) The best I could do was a ladder down into the basement. Amaya thinks it's the coolest thing ever! :mrgreen:


    There's only one very small spare room upstairs, not far from the master bedroom, that's perfect for the new baby's room. :blush:

    This is the view outside the window from the hallway upstairs. Ohhhh if only... :love:


    Here's Aizen and Amaya watching cartoons. :blush:
    (I made sure not to have Malai join in because I don't want her having twins or triplets! :grimace: Sorry, but this house is too small for that.)


    First dinner together in their new home. <3


    (I've been gradually changing out all the furniture to fancier looking stuff so if you see a few changes in the following pictures, that's why. ;) )

    Regarding this next picture, we'll just say that Malai did a little strip-tease show for Aizen that night and...we all know what happened next. :smirk::p<3


    Apparently the romp was a bit too much for newly pregnant Malai...she got pretty nauseated afterwards. Poor girl. :(


    After throwing up :( and going back to sleep for a couple of hours, of course a freaking burglar shows up. 🙄

    I thought I had given Aizen the Brave trait because I was going to have him kick that burglar's a$$ BIG TIME for having the audacity to break into their home, but I soon painfully discovered that I didn't. :pensive: Sigh...even after adding that trait to him via NRaas it didn't go into effect while the burglar was there so all they could do was just stand there and watch while the policewoman took the burglar down.


    She won, thank Gosh...


    The burglar was escorted out of the house and the policewoman did one final sweep of the property. During that time Aizen held Malai tightly and asked if she was ok. <3


    Then he held Amaya tightly, asking her the same thing. <3

    ^Malai watching the scene with a swelling heart. Oh how much I love this man. 💕

    After tucking Amaya back into bed, Malai rubbed at her belly in thankfulness, knowing that the growing baby was ok too.



    The next day I sent Aizen out for a swim in their "backyard" and #1 I was disappointed that they can't swim very far into the ocean at all even though most of their property is in it (I think it's just the way the world was made...) and #2 I forgot to give him proper swimming trunks after the bathrobe scene in the Christmas story. Whoops! :lol: But I'm not complaining too much. :smirk::p


    He and Malai both rolled wishes to read a pregnancy book so here they are, both choosing to sit at the dining table to read them. :lol:

    ^I noticed the borked bouquet of flowers on the floor beneath the table later and fixed it. :joy:

    Mami called Malai - just after she used the toilet - to see how she was doing. :blush:


    Here's Amaya enjoying her new vanity. 😄


    Aizen got another wish to read a pregnancy book! So I had him read the one Malai was reading. :lol:

    ^Even after he finished reading this book he got ANOTHER wish to read a pregnancy book! :open_mouth: I was like, "Geez! Do you not feel prepared enough Aizen!?" :joy: But to be fair, no one is fully prepared for a kid. Even if you've had one already...
    It must be some kind of game glitch...


    I couldn't help taking a picture of Malai cuddling with her man in her sleep. <3


    In the morning, Aizen gave the baby (belly) some attention. 🥰



    He's such an amazing dad. (And lover) <3 I always knew he would be. ;)

    Malai and Amaya doing some early planting before it warms up. 🌱



    One time Malai just stood up from the couch while watching TV and rubbed at her aching back. I can't recall a time I've seen a sim do that, but I've always seen the achy back moodlet while pregnant.


    Aizen immediately put his book down and gave her a massage. <3


    And the negative moodlet was gone! :smiley:

    Malai: "Thanks babe." <3

    ^Amaya be like: "Oh brother..." :lol:

    But soon Amaya wanted to feel Malai's tummy and this was just the cutest scene! 🥰


    I'm sharing this picture again because I love it so so much! 💕



    Amaya taking a swim at dusk:



    The third trimester is exhausting!


    Aizen bought a new home gym. Of course the Goddess of the Sim world couldn't help watching him work out. :smirk::p


    Gosh Malai's belly has gotten big...


    But she's glowing. :)


    Any day now!! :blush:

    Stay tuned for the baby reveal! 🎉

    Until then, keep calm and sim on my friends. :kissing_heart:
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    The night of Hunter's farewell performance had arrived, and the concert hall buzzed with anticipation. Excited fans filled the seats, eagerly awaiting the final chance to hear Hunter's soulful voice fill the air. The stage was adorned with vibrant lights and a grand piano, setting the atmosphere for a memorable evening. As Hunter stepped onto the stage, a mixture of emotions surged within him. The crowd erupted in applause and cheers, showing their unwavering support for this momentous occasion. Hunter took a moment to soak it all in, his heart filled with gratitude for the incredible journey his music career had taken him on

    "I'm just trying to be a father
    Raise a daughter and a son
    Be a lover to their mother
    Everything to everyone
    Up and at 'em bright and early
    I'm all business in my suit
    Yeah, I'm dressed up for success
    From my head down to my boots

    I don't do it for the money
    There's bills that I can't pay
    I don't do it for the glory
    I just do it anyway
    Providing for our future's my responsibility
    Yeah, I'm real good under pressure
    Being all that I can be

    And I can't call in sick on Mondays
    When the weekends been too strong
    I just work straight through the holidays
    And sometimes all night long
    You can bet that I stand ready
    When the wolf growls at the door
    Hey, I'm solid, hey I'm steady
    Hey I'm true down to the core

    And I will always do my duty
    No matter what the price
    I've counted up the cost
    I know the sacrifice
    Oh, and I don't want to die for you
    But if dyin's asked of me
    I'll bear that cross with honor
    'Cause freedom don't come free
    I'm an American soldier, an American
    Beside my brothers and my sisters
    I will proudly take a stand
    When liberty's in jeopardy
    I will always do what's right
    I'm out here on the front lines
    Sleep in peace tonight
    American soldier, I'm an American soldier

    As Hunter finished his final song, the echoes of the music slowly faded away, leaving a momentary silence in the air. The crowd held their breath, waiting for Hunter's farewell speech. Hunter took a deep breath and approached the microphone with a mix of gratitude and nostalgia in his eyes. "Thank you, everyone," he began, his voice filled with emotion. "Tonight marks the end of an incredible journey. I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering support throughout my music career." The crowd erupted in applause, expressing their love and appreciation. Hunter smiled, a tear glistening in his eye. "Music has been the soundtrack of my life, and sharing it with you all has been a privilege. But tonight, I stand before you to embark on a new path." He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts. "I've decided to follow a different calling, a calling to serve and protect. I've always had immense admiration for firefighters, and I want to dedicate myself to that noble profession. But rest assured, music will always hold a special place in my heart." The crowd erupted in a mix of cheers and bittersweet emotions. Hunter's voice rang out, filled with conviction. "This may be the end of my singing career, but it's the beginning of a new chapter. Thank you for the memories, the love, and the unwavering support. You have all touched my heart in ways I can never express. Let's cherish this moment together, and may our paths cross again in the future. Thank you." The crowd erupted in thunderous applause, their admiration and respect for Hunter echoing through the venue, as he took one final bow, forever etching this poignant moment into their hearts.

    As Hunter and Stephanie walked through the door, the overwhelming scent of an unattended baby hit their senses. Panic surged through Hunter as he heard the cries of their child echoing through the house. Without wasting a moment, Stephanie rushed past him towards the nursery, her motherly instincts kicking into high gear. Hunter's eyes widened with shock and anger as he took in the scene. The babysitter stood in the nursery, visibly frustrated, yelling at their baby to shut up. Anger welled up within him as he stepped forward, his voice firm and filled with concern. "What is going on here? How dare you yell at our child like that!"

    Hunter's protective instincts surged forth as he witnessed the distress in Stephanie's eyes and the mistreatment of their child. He took a step closer, his voice filled with a mix of anger and concern. "Stephanie, are you okay? Let me take the baby," he said, reaching out to gently support their child in his arms. Stephanie nodded, tears streaming down her face, as she handed the baby over to Hunter. He held their little one close, feeling a rush of love and protectiveness. Hunter turned his attention back to the babysitter, his voice firm and unwavering. "You have no right to treat our child this way. We entrusted you with their care, and you've failed miserably. Leave immediately, and we will be discussing this further." The babysitter's face turned pale, realizing the gravity of her actions, and she quickly gathered her belongings, stuttering apologies. Hunter focused his attention on comforting his child and supporting Stephanie, his heart filled with a mix of anger, sadness, and determination to ensure their child's well-being.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member

    That shot by the window is amazing!
    I only see mountains here, but the sunsets are amazing.
    Aww such cute shots, shes glowing!
    Great update!
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    texanskytexansky Posts: 1,347 Member

    The Next Heir - Chapter 36 has been published to The Legacy Report.

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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited May 2023
    Random River McIrish pic incoming... :mrgreen:

    Because of my external hard drive crash I had to reboot my entire legacy... Won't be posting it here (due to subject matter that may contravene certain sensibilities). But I will post this:

    My "River" is back...the way I want her. B)

    Haruo graduated (an year before her)...It's September, start of a new school year for River...she's planning to do two full semesters in one and she's planning on heading off to university in December to take pre-university courses as well as electives so that she doesn't have such a big course load. And yes, I'm using the University World as a homeworld this time around so I'm doing a full four years of their a narrative.
    River and Haruo at the lawyer's office going over the Will from Grandma Yumiko leaving them over §70M.

    That sounds like a good enough amount, right?
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    thuggishsplicerthuggishsplicer Posts: 1,747 Member
    Hey, everyone!
    I'll try to come back tomorrow to answer the tags. I've been lurking lately, but I managed to pick out some screenshots today.


    Tristan is now a teenager, but I'm not sure if I'll continue with this save. The point is... playing in the normal lifespan is too fast for me. Also, the fact Robert and Juliete are elders makes me worried.

    Meanwhile, in Roaring Heights...


    I changed Mark and Rita's house a lot and I decided that they should have a child before they choose to be with their real loves.


    Virginia was happy for Rita's maternity.


    Michal and Mark are pretty slow.

    There's my save in Sunset Valley with Mark and Rita, but I feel the story is more interesting now.

    I also started a new save in Starlight Shores with Alex, Sam and Clover, my version of Totally Spies:


    Last time I played them, they lived in Aurora Skies and it was a "one-year" challenge. Here's Sam. She's an investigator and she also wants to be a Chess Legend.



    Alex is in the Sports Career and she's in love with Mithun Khan. Actually, I find Mithun gorgeous, but it seems that he'll become an elder soon.... I intend to have them married after Alex's birthday. It seems that he and Ariella Chen had broken up before Alex started to hit on him.


    Last, but not least, is Clover. She's actually my favorite sim among these three.


    I decided that she would be a singer as she's a young adult and after her birthday, she'll become a fashion designer.


    She's the clumsiest singer I've ever had. Maybe she should quit when she gets to level 5...


    She's also in love with Shane Nugen. He's the proprietor of the park and she has lots of wishes to whoohoo with him. I'd like to have her date Chad Luck later. We'll see.
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited May 2023
    It's still christmas time onthe Simtopian planet, and I just made the last post about the Chitrakaar familys first christmas in their new home, as well as just a general december post with baby photos..

    Chapter 4.1 - December 2021 - There's a new baby in the house...
    Happy parents Gaute and Leya. Click this image for baby update. :P

    Chapter 4.2 - December 2021 part II: First Christmas in the new home..
    The Chitrakaar family celebrates their first christmas in their new home since they moved out of the house that originally belonged to Solvej and Patrik. Solvej and Patrik were of course invited to the celebration. ;)

    This is an(other) old update from when I was still skeptical of putting to much custom content in the game, so the christmas decorations are still not the most christmas-y. This was around when the snowball began rolling to add more and more stuff to the game...

    ....the choice of song in the beginning of the last update is a reference to a story of something that happened in the past in the town of Sprottenham.. a story that now has to go untold, as it would require me to re-edit the town to look more like it looked about one and a half century ago, and now.. it can't be done.... it would require me to use "edit in game" via the "Create a world tool",.. and it's impossible to do that now, thanks to the ******* EA app. That thing has been nothing but a nuisance to me since I was forced to use it, and I strongly dislike it....

    ..but yeah, it might just happen that once every moonless night around New Years time that the white barque is still seen sailing the ocean... until the sea shall give up her dead....

    Silence in the courthouse! all that remains is to round up the rest of the year for the town of Bewickton, before I continue with the next..

    Well, that didn't take me to long as that post is only a summary. ;)

    Chapter 2 - What was left of the year (Bewickton).
    Most important happenings:
    Dudleif and Udisha moved to a new home in anticipation of Nishit aging up, and shortly thereafter she learnt that she was pregnant...
    Then Nishit had his 6th birthday.

    Kajsa Tangstad from the band 'The Bushweeds' also learnt she was pregnant.

    Bhavan finally moved out of his parents home.. and finally christmas was celebrated in Dudleif and Udishas new home ...and soon the year was over and a new one could begin...
    Post edited by Sprottenham on
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    texanskytexansky Posts: 1,347 Member

    From Cuddles to Carson - Chapter 37 has been published to The Legacy Report.

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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,799 Member
    @texansky Great updates!
    That's a nice house!

    @Emily4331 Great job on the different style makeovers!

    @Silverofdreams30 You're welcome.

    @GraceyManor That sounds like a respectable career change.
    Great updates!

    @Sprottenham Great update!

    @lizzielilyy It's sad when a Sim dies.
    Great update!

    @Karritz Yeah, 6 more children is a lot to handle.

    @ButterWafflesAR Great update!

    @emorrill Yeah, sometimes kids do beg to ride up front.
    Burglars always show up at the worst times.
    Great update!

    @Nikkei_Simmer Hey, you're back!

    ***Been downloading a few mods for my game, going to test them out pretty soon and then will probably play at some point.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    @Brandontaylor -only for brief periods.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,799 Member
    Goth's in Moonlight Falls, Days 44 to 47 (394 to 397) Part 1

    Oliver is slowly transitioning from scultping to inventing. He still has to make a few more ice sculptures to get the non melting ones though.

    Jacob and Christa spent some romantic time together while neither was busy. They sometimes don't get to spend as much time together as they'd like.

    Just a random picture of Oliver.

    Lily had an opportunity to write a book worth $100. She spent a lot of time writing it, but it wasn't high enough. Go figure.

    Jacob and Melonie had a pillow fight randomly. I let them continue, it's nice they have a great father-in-law/daughter-in-law relationship.

    Brandon's clone, Brandon Goth, got a makeover and a name change. He is now Brady Goth, to differentiate him from the original Brandon.

    Rosalia aged up to a toddler. She was going to have green hair but I gave her Brandon's coloring so she'd at least have one part of him to carry on.

    Picture 1 from the party. 4 of my household members were trying to get cake, while Belinda was trying to get other food. Her outfit was changed by the game but I hadn't bothered to change it yet.

    Picture two has a lot of random Sims in it, and I can't remember who they are.

    Picture 3 was just after Elizabeth Langerak and Nate Gordon/Goth stopped talking.

    Lily found Elizabeth and they had a nice chat.

    A random headshot of Elizabeth.

    And here is one of Ivy Langerak, still alive.

    Oliver went to chat with his aunt Belinda. He complimented her on her intelligence as they spoke about their lives.

    Brandon did some meditation early in the morning, just to find some peace.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,799 Member
    Goth's in Moonlight Falls, Days 44 to 47 (394 to 397) Part 2

    After breakfast, Melonie practiced her magical skills. She had enough points to begin using wandless magic.

    Brandon spent some time teaching Rosalia to walk. She ended up learning it later that day.

    Brandon then threw a protest against unskilled Sims and it was a massive success. This gained the family the 2 day skill booster moodlet. It allowed the family to skill up faster.

    Melonie threw a young again elixir at herself so that she would stay younger. Still, she's on track do die before Oliver even becomes an adult.

    I wanted Brandon to try and finish his athletics skill. He has level 10 already, but there is still some skill challenges to complete.

    He and Lily also had a few more spar sessions.

    Xander learned how to drive pretty quickly as the skill boost moodlet was still in affect.

    Christa was tutored by Lily in martial arts since Lily has maxed logic, allowing her to teach skills. Christa quickly learned the first level of martial arts.

    Afterwards, they did some sparring together. Obviously, Christ lost all the time. She was not trained enough to actually beat anyone much higher than her yet.

    Xander hadn't met any woman he liked yet, so he first started flirting with Penny. It only went as far as flirting, since she's technically not real.

    Then he wanted to learn the athletics skill so Jacob trained him. I hadn't changed his clothes yet so he's wearing some weird ones.

    Lily and Jacob just happened to witness Ivy finally passing away. She'd been around since the Sunset Valley days.

    Rosalia playing with the blocks.

    Lily chatted with some random Sims at a party.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,799 Member
    edited May 2023
    Gotta do some troubleshooting. The updated witch mod is conflicting with another mod and it is causing a few camera issues and the mood meter is discolored.

    Edit: It’s something with the updated version. The version I have works perfectly fine.

    Edit 2: It appears you must have the Script Utility Mod installed with the new version of the witches mod. My issues are fixed.
    Post edited by Brandontaylor on
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    ddsims3worldddsims3world Posts: 4,519 Member
    After delay from IRL work, Sims 4 & other games as I do got three houses now ready in my studio.




    The one in Sunlit Tides will be bit delay in June all because of Sims 4.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited May 2023
    What happened in my Sims game?
    y9zYHtY.gif /sarcasm/
    3rd "factory reset" of the year.
    Par for the course for Sims 3 players.
    Just making sure that SHE looks like her when I'm finished fixing this game to continue the Legacy.
    Post edited by Nikkei_Simmer on
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    texanskytexansky Posts: 1,347 Member

    So Much Going On - Chapter 37 has been published to The Legacy Report.

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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    @Brandontaylor Thanks. ;) It's nice to see your Goth family updates too. Christa is still my favorite of these. ;)


    ..and now.. I just went nuts..... and did all the January 2022* updates in one day (except for a part in Sunset Valley that introduces the Kråke-Karlsen family.. to come later..).. thank you coffee! Couldn't have done it without you...

    * as always, in the sims timeline...

    So.. grab your coffee too... or other beverage of your choice, because here they are...

    Sunset Valley:
    Chapter 10.1 - January 2022 - The nest empties again...
    It's time for Oliver Freddy and Inge to go back to university again after the christmas holiday... and beneath the surface there seems to be something going on between Ranveig and Inge... or maybe it's just Ranveig still struggling to deal with her son actually growing up and leaving home..

    Lake Onebega
    Chapter 2.1 - January 2022 - Back to old grounds...

    Oliver Freddy and Inges journey continues here. In this chapter Inge meets Debbie Richards for the first time. It also reveals the origin of the university towns name, why it's called Lake Onebega or Onébegajávrre... as well as briefly mentioning Samantha Grey actually. She will be more relevant later, but not in a years time!

    Chapter 5.1 - January 2022 - Agathi and Baturney Flansbarne
    This chapter formally introduces the Flansbarne househould that consists of the former circus director Baturney Flansbarne and aspiring crime/horror novel writer Agathi Flansbarne (nee Jiggens) as well as their two children, Ruben Jiggens and Iselin Flansbarne. It also has a reference to The Red Winged Angels story, one that is in dire need of being updated, if only Agathi I could get around to it... ;) Wait.. what?

    Chapter 3.1 - January 2022 - Skills and romance.
    In this update Udisha teaches Ole Christian the skill of talking, and it also introduces a couple of new love interests of the Chitrakaar siblings.
    That would be Sofia Karlsen as Palash's love interest that also works at the fire station with Bhavan, and Beate Curious as Bhavans girlfriend (sorry for the dark picture...)

    That's it for now. ;)
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    I have finally gotten a job, will start end of June so yay!

    Here is a sneak peek of my storys final chapter, which not
    done with taking screenshots yet.




    Scenery from Mayfield springs


    Gwen and Parker taking a photo


    Gwen's mother's youngest daughter Tania.





    Shawn (Gwen's younger brother, now a young adult too)

    All for now, the shirtless ones was especially for you @emorrill

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    lizzielilyylizzielilyy Posts: 4,913 Member
    Chapter Eight Part II: Love Under the Desert Sun

    Blair and Cece learn more about Reginald’s past in the pyramids of Egypt. Jean-Claude has an important question to ask Blair while Cece finds love of her own.

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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited June 2023
    Finally fixed the confounded game. Now my dwam internet is carked. At least the connection allows me to get into my game. So maybe I might be able to catch up on screencaps. No dice on posting them...since imgur is uncooperative either.

    @ddsims3world - that's awesome placement of the basketball hoop. That placement would work in real life too - terrific house-building on those three houses. Will have to download them.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited June 2023
    I made the next post already, the last one for "January 2022". This is the one that first introduced the Kråke-Karlsen family, Some family trees inside too, to explain the origins a little.

    Sunset Valley:
    Chapter 10.2 - January 2022 - The Kråke-Karlsen family - we need more kids toys..
    The Kråke-Karlsen family consists of...the mother, Kathrine (age: 43) the father, Jonathan (age: 43), the daughter, Ingrid, (age: 19) and the son, Morten (age: 11).

    Ingrid is old enough to move out on her own, but is also a little picky when it comes to finding a new home... and for some reason the parents have the idea to buy more kids toys... I don't know why... :P

    We also learn that Inges mother Iselin is pregnant. There was magic on christmas eve! :P
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    texanskytexansky Posts: 1,347 Member

    Generation Two is Dying - Chapter 39 has been published to The Legacy Report.

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    thuggishsplicerthuggishsplicer Posts: 1,747 Member
    edited June 2023
    Hi, everyone!
    Sorry for not replying any tags... I've been giving awesomes, though.

    I started ANOTHER story in Roaring Heights.


    This is the story of Martin Finnegan, a writer who wants to be a great explorer. I switched his house with Henry Simovitch and this is the first time I'm playing a filthy rich sim. He's been burning his inheritance, though. I need to have him make more money.


    Fred Young also lives in the house. He's a maid in the world and I couldn't help inviting him to move in. He's Martin's assistant and he takes care of all the red tape. I chose a job at the local bookstore for him. I think Martin should buy it.

    Unfortunately, Fred doesn't have any traits. He's pretty close to getting 20,000 to get the lifetime reward to give him more personality. I'm thinking of handy or genius, because of his lifetime wish, and commitment issues or flirty.


    Martin has thrown many parties and I'm really happy with his set of friends. He's friends with Samantha Cassat; the single mother, Rita and Mark Davis-Welles; the couple with same-sex lovers and Virginia Supine; another writer who loves Rita.


    Michael Dandy has been invited to the parties lately, too. I don't like his personality much and he walks around dessed as a ninja...


    I feel comfortable to break all the rules from a 20's setting. Martin got a tatoo.


    He moved to another house that I find way more appealing.


    And he got the fixer-up car renovated. I love the whoohoo scene.


    Rita Davis-Welles has had two kids. The elder is named Gilda after Rita Hayworth's charater. The second (picture) is a boy who was named Michael. I like to think that Mark chose to name his son after his lover.


    Here is one of my favorite rooms in the house. If you know the house, you'll notice that I changed a bunch of things.
    Martin is also my first sim interested in Photography. I want to make a darkroom for him, just like in Ainsley Andrews' house.



    Norma Davidson crashed the first party in my new house and she scoffed at Martin because he wasn't a celebrity! I was very happy to see that she had to eat in the kitchen since my sim's friends took all the table. I'm starting to get tired of those dresses, though. The sims in Roaring Heights seem to be wearing uniforms.


    Fred was held in contempt by Michael Dandy. Due to this, I'll make sure he'll seduce the rich guy and break his heart. >:-)

    Unfortunately, I've been experiencing some lags. We'll see if I can deal with them or if Martin and his gang will have to move to Sunset Valley or Starlight Shores.
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    Shadow_AssassinShadow_Assassin Posts: 1,675 Member
    edited June 2023
    I accidentally found this cc hairstyle that is close to the vanilla game style, and then I used it for two ghost, Daffodil and Wuren.
    I also took a look at their physical body form.

    Now Daffodil looks even more 🐸🐸🐸🐸.
    I want to
    dive in his gown🥵🥵🥵
    But as soon as he has expression...

    Wuren. I found that the the "yellow" skin tone will be unexpectedly natural if pulled the slider to the leftmost, and it is more Asian than the natural "olive" tone. But if with the glowing skin of vampire, it'll look a bit weird.
    Wuren with this vampire glowing skin tone always reminds me of Chen Xuanfeng😗
    Entrance to the abyss
    It's a scratch-off ticket
    There's a "_" in my usename. My usename is Shadow_Assassin, not ShadowAssassin or others

    Sometimes it's not me who talks to you, it's machine translation

    She/Her but you can call me as any pronouns

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