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Schemes and Dreams


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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,126 Member
    Chapter Six: Escape Pt 3(cont.)

    The cloud of mist that was Anna flowed through the castle. She found the car and floated in through the window the women had left ajar for her. "We must hurry!" she said suddenly. Judith and Rayvn were still in the midst of their whispered conversation with their heads down. They didn't see Anna materialize and her voice sounding out of the blue elicited a scream from both women. Rayvn regained her composure as she sat bolt upright in the driver’s seat. She held her breath as she turned the key in the ignition. She exhaled a ‘Thank God’ when the engine hummed to life. Now came the part she had been dreading, the clutch.

    She kept her eyes closed as she whispered a quick prayer to whatever deity just might happen to be listening. “Please take us away from this wretched place before I do something stupid and go running back.” Anna said as the tears came back and began retracing their tracks down her face.

    “You can do this girl. Let’s get the plum out of here” Judith said.

    Rayvn’s prayers went unanswered. She started to ease the clutch pedal up and was rewarded with a lurch that nearly bounced her head off the steering wheel as the engine stalled. “No no no” she said. She tried again and failed again. “Come on Rayvn get this thing moving. We can’t outrun them on foot.” Judith said.

    “I know Judith! I’m trying! Just keep a lookout for any sign of those two.” Again she tried and failed. As the failed attempts piled up Judith couldn’t hold her tongue. “If you don’t get this thing moving we’re all going to die! Get us out of here! Now!”

    “Your shouting at me isn’t helping! Shut up and keep watching!” The little car’s battery hadn’t been strong on the first try at starting. As the failed starts added up the battery was getting weaker. It didn’t have many more attempts in it. As Rayvn went for yet another attempt, she waggled the shifter back and forth again to make sure it was in neutral. She felt a hand close on hers and realized it was Anna’s. She turned to look at her, “You can do this Rayvn. I believe in you” she said. Anna released her hand and Rayvn gave the key another try, while her heart thumped in chest. This time she was rewarded. She got the car rolling like a professional race car driver. She raced out of the castle forecourt, tires screeching, under the wrought iron Gothic arch. She barreled down the hill towards the square. As they reached the bottom she spotted Lilith’s black-clad figure standing in the road. She stood there fearlessly, her reptile-like eyes boring into the car. Rayvn had a split second to react…
    Lilith had been outside when she heard the sound of a car. She was feeling restless, and bitter at Elle after she had disposed of Ivan. Lilith didn’t feel even the slightest pang of guilt for killing him, but it never should have come to that. The sleazy little man had delivered trouble to their world. She had warned Elle not to bring him into their circle of henchmen. Andre had even cautioned against including Ivan. Elle overrode them and brought him on board, and now look at the mess they had on their hands. Lilith saw the car coming down the hill. Ivan was very dead, of this she was certain. So who could be in that car? The only possibility was those two women he had brought here. She was tempted to dig him up and kill him all over again, but first she had to deal with them. Lilith knew nothing about cars, but she had noticed a few things about the people who drove them. Unlike coachmen, people in those cars, stopped instead of running over you. Lilith stepped into the road. When they stopped she would pounce. She would use compulsion to force them back to the castle where they would be held until word arrived from Andre.

    Karoly was losing strength fast. The fight had been relatively short but incredibly intense. Elle would soon finish him off, but he had succeeded in so enraging her that she forgot about Anna and the other two. They had fought like demons shrieking, cursing, clawing for what seemed like ages.

    As weak as he was, he kept fighting, but he kept talking to her. Digging his own verbal daggers into her and twisting. She had the upper hand physically, but he had the upper hand mentally. Finally down to the last drop of strength in his body, Karoly used it to smile at her and utter his final words.

    "You always hated Anna because she was more beautiful, smarter, and she represented everything you wanted.” he said as Elle moved toward the remnants of the table they broke when she slammed him through it. He wobbled on his feet and sank down to the floor. “You thought you could break her. That you could grind her under your foot." She bent down and picked an object up from the broken and splintered debris. "You aren't even half the woman Anna is. I relish telling you this Elle, she won and it's the beginning of the end for you." The smile on his face was full of satisfaction. He closed his eyes. He knew Elle was going to kill him and he didn’t wish hers to be the last face he saw. He pictured Anna’s face. “I love you my dearest Anna. Godspeed my love.”

    As he spoke that final sentence Elle came to sit astride him as he lay on the cold stone floor. She brought her hand that had been hidden behind her back into view. In it she held a large chunk of wood. "The only thing that is over, is you!" she said and then she plunged it into his heart while screaming like a banshee. He had lost the fight, but he had won something greater. He was free from Forgotten Hollow, and so was Anna. Elle was left to pick up the pieces. He just hoped he’d bought Anna enough time to make a clean escape.

    Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Rayvn spotted Lilith and made her choice. In reality it had only been a second but in that second Rayvn spotted Lilith’s mistake. She had left her enough room to take the left hand route around the square. Rayvn wrenched the steering wheel to the left, the tires screaming in protest, as the little car tipped up on two wheels. Anna and Judith screamed as they collided with the passenger side doors. Rayvn's backside hit the center console but she somehow kept her foot on the gas. The car slammed back down on four wheels and Rayvn took the curve as fast as the little car could go.

    The badge on the hood said Fiat, but in her mind it said Ferrari. Rayvn shifted up to the next gear, the little engine screaming in protest as the women raced towards the far end of the square, freedom seemingly their's for the taking, just one last corner to make and then it was a series of gentle sweeping curves where they could extend their lead.

    If they made it that far they could easily outrun Lilith. Though none of them had spoken the words all three women were wondering where Elle was. They couldn’t be so lucky as to avoid her, could they? They were right to doubt. Elle suddenly appeared in the road, and unlike Lilith she was standing squarely in the middle of the corner.

    Without thinking Rayvn kept her foot pinned to the floorboard and steered into the grass short of where Elle was standing, eyes blazing with hate. That morning's rain had left the grass as slippery as ice and immediately Rayvn lost control. The car spun around completely once when the engine stalled. The grass was slippery, but the ground beneath was a muddy quagmire. The car came to a sudden and violent stop. Rayvn frantically grabbed for the key to start the car up again, while Elle headed straight for them. ”Start. Start. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD START!”

    “It’s no use Rayvn. Show me how to get out?" Anna said.

    "What? You can't do that Anna. She's too strong. Please stay here."

    "Rayvn, I have to do this. Your concern for my safety is very touching and fills me with joy, but we can't get away from her now without a fight."

    Rayvn’s heart sank. She knew Anna was right. She had the sick feeling she was about to watch Anna die. “Judith start looking in the glove box for a crucifix." Rayvn said, every word wrapped in fear. "That little man had one he constantly rubbed during the trip. Maybe it's in there."

    "Oh no, here comes Lilith too!” Judith screamed.

    "Find that crucifix!"

    Rayvn reached back and opened the door for Anna in spite of every fiber of her being screaming at her not to. She knew Anna was right, but she was still scared that she was about to see her die so close to the freedom she craved. Anna stepped out and made her way towards Elle.

    "So you thought you could get away from me? You really are a pathetic child. I've wanted to smash your pretty little face in from the second I laid eyes on you" Elle said. "Now I'll kill you the way I killed Karoly. Yes dear child, I drove a stake through his heart. And just so you know that I’m not lying and your worthless love is really and truly dead…” Elle tossed Karoly’s pocket watch on the ground at her feet.

    "NO!! KAROLY!! She screamed.

    "Oh yes my dear. He is quite dead. It was delicious fun when I shoved that stake through his heart. He turned out to be as weak and worthless as you." Elle was stalling for time. She wanted to crush Anna's soul and savor the pain her words would inflict, but the fight with Karoly had also taken a toll on her. She was not at the peak of her powers. She was loathe to admit it to herself, but this would be an even fight at best. At least she had Lilith for backup if it all went wrong.

    Anna had sunk to her knees, absolutely certain she didn’t want to go on. All she wanted was to die, to be reunited with Karoly. It was true, she knew it despite her protesting 'no'. Karoly was dead. She was ready to let Elle put her out of her misery. She would not resist.

    As the thought entered her mind she felt something spark within her. She heard Karoly's voice, not in her ears, but in her heart. 'You are stronger than you know my dearest Anna. You can fight her and you must. I believe in you, my love’. Anna remained on her knees. She knelt there with her head down, her chin resting on her chest. No one saw it coming until she lashed out. Her hands had hung limply at her sides but her jaw began to clench like a terrible vice. A moment later her head snapped up, her eyes blazing with fury. She shrieked and flung herself at Elle with a speed and ferocity that belied her gentle nature.

    Elle was going to pay a price for everything she had done to her. Two-hundred and fifty years of vengeance was unleashed in a heartbeat. Elle was instantly on the defensive and she was too weak to withstand the barrage Anna had unleashed. Karoly hadn't bought them the time to get away, but he had weakened Elle. Lilith was the worry now. What would she do? Judith had continued her search while the scene unfolded. Rayvn was ready to fling herself into the fight at the first sign Anna was in trouble. If anyone needed help then it was Elle.

    "I found it!" Judith hollered.

    "Thank God! Let me have it. I need to be ready if Lilith decides to get involved or if Elle starts to get the better of Anna."

    The fury that was flowing through Anna was taking a devastating toll on Elle. As Anna’s onslaught continued all she could utter were shrieking cries of rage and grief. She was making her tormenter pay for killing the man she loved and for the two centuries of hell she had been through. Her fury had reached its peak and Elle was little more than a rag doll by that point.

    Lilith was watching from the shadows as Anna pick Elle up and held her by her pale neck. “You took everything from me, you monster!” She said, panting. “You took the life Karoly and I had built away from us!” she screamed. “You killed the man I loved more than anything in the world! You thought were going to kill me so easily, like squashing a bug!”

    With that she flung Elle away like she was an empty soda bottle. Elle landed in a crumpled, motionless heap.

    She reached down and picked up the stake that Elle had dropped when the fight began. Anna weighed it in her hand and then she came to stand over Elle’s prone form. Rayvn concealed the crucifix which was digging into the flesh of her hand from the force she was clutching it with, ready to wield it if Elle or Lilith so much as twitched. “I’m going to enjoy ending your miserable excuse for a life Elle!”

    Anna sank to her knees, straddling Elle who had not moved a muscle. Anna raised the stake for the kill, and slammed it tip first into the mud. She didn’t have it in her to kill. It wasn’t in her nature, she knew she was nothing like her broken and shattered nemesis.

    "I knew you couldn't go through with it" Lilith said, emerging from the shadows. "You have been such a bitter disappointment to me. But I never totally gave up hope for you."

    "I don't know what game that lunatic is playing at, but be ready Rayvn" Judith hissed. “Do not let that monster harm a hair on her head.”

    “I’m on it Judith. Get to the car. If Lilith attacks, drive.” Rayvn said before she slowly started inching towards Anna and Lilith.

    Lilith had been content to stay on the periphery and watch the fight. She had been at Elle's side for all these centuries. The business with Ivan was not the first time they had not seen eye-to-eye. There had been some epic clashes of wills. But this mess with Ivan was too much. Elle had totally ignored advice from her two most trusted advisors. If she had heeded their advice this entire mess could have been avoided. Her decision to wait on the fringe instead of rushing in to stand with Elle, was born from that frustration. She watched while she made up her mind about a number of things. Lilith slowly advanced, her eyes locked on Anna's, as she approached the woman she still considered something of a daughter.

    "She's had this coming. Go, if you wish to, but do it now. I will not pursue you or your friends.”

    “Thank you Lilith.”

    “Do not thank me. I loved you like a daughter once. Now I don’t know if I hate you or pity you. You could have had it all. You threw it away by choosing to remain the innocent child you were when you arrived here. The same goes for your black haired friend. She could have sat on the throne with me but I take it she wants to stay with you.”

    “You can not offer me anything I would ever want Lilith” Rayvn said.

    “Shut your foolish mouth, little girl. This conversation is between Anna and me. You had your chance and like Anna you threw it away. I have no use for you, nor do I truly care what happens to you should you continue to test my patience by talking.”

    “What about Elle? Will she agree to leave us alone?” Anna asked.

    “Do not trouble your mind with her. She is nothing now. As soon as we are finished here I will strip her of her powers. She will make me a most agreeable handmaid or maybe even a wife for Caleb. I am the one and only power now. I’ll give you one more chance Anna. We could rule the world together.”

    “That’s your problem Lilith. Forgotten Hollow isn’t the world.”

    “Who cares what lies beyond these mountains! Whatever is out there is not worth our concern beyond what we can exploit it for.”

    “You said ‘I could have had it all’. I will have it all when I leave here. I wish I had Karoly, but I will pick up the pieces of my heart and move on.”

    “If that is what you believe, get out of my sight. Now! You are a weak, sentimental fool. Once you leave do not come back here Anna. If you do I will kill you on sight. I am so disappointed in you.”

    “You’re not the first person I’ve disappointed Lilith, but I’ve never been happier to disappoint anyone as I am now. I know wherever Karoly is now, he’s proud of me for that.”

    The women piled back into the little car. It took some work but Rayvn got the car back on the road and they set their sights on Windenberg. Rayvn set a cautious pace. She didn’t want to survive what they just to die by skidding off one of the enormous cliffs. The full moon illuminated every peak and valley. They were able to savor the beauty of freedom and the promise of new life. For Anna, a second chance at life beckoned. For Rayvn and Judith, they survived a near death experience. All three women agreed, life is sweet. Rayvn risked a brief glance in the rearview mirror at Anna on a short straight stretch of road. She was the most extraordinary woman Rayvn had ever met. Friends or lovers, she knew the universe brought paths together for a reason. She couldn’t help thinking it could have chosen a less dramatic way though.
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,176 Member
    First part, mainly Karoly and Anna..
    *snobs, snobs, snobs, snobs...* :'(:'(:'(<3<3<3:'(:'(:'(

    Last part,
    Very well written! I forgot to take bites of my lunch and its cold now :smiley:

    I am a little disappointed on Lilith, but then again, one cannot like all characters of a book :)
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,248 Member
    You really outdid yourself on these last chapters. Like @Ellupelluellu my coffee got cold as I was reading. 😄

    I must admit that I fast forwarded and read the ending first. 🫢
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,126 Member
    edited May 2023
    I'm sorry for the cold meals and drinks, but I take them as compliments. I did my job.🙂 Originally all three, really four parts, were one entire chapter. Before I started editing and rewriting it came out around 10000-11000 words. I really found my muse when I wrote this one.

    @Ellupelluellu Thank you very much!❤️
    It was hard to sacrifice Karoly. Their final reunion was really difficult to write. I cried a bit myself. Part of me wanted them to be together so badly, but the story kept telling me he had to sacrifice himself. It will propel her into her new life.

    Lilith remaining a cold-hearted evil figure felt right. She's been that way for so long I don't think she'd change even if she could. In spite of her threats there is a part of Lilith that really is heartbroken that Anna was leaving, and that they never had the mother/daughter type of relationship Lilith wanted. Lilith loved Anna like a daughter and the distance she put between them was a bit of 'tough love'. If Elle had ever harmed Anna, Lilith would have ripped her to shreds. She coped with the finality of losing Anna the only way she knows how, anger.

    Even though their involvement in the story is over, I have thought about what happens to Elle. All of this was set in motion by Ivan. If Andre had been the one to meet Judith and Rayvn he would have known who Judith was and would have made sure to steer them away from Forgotten Hollow. Ivan was greedy and a bit thick and only saw simoleons. That's what Andre and Lilith tried to tell Elle, but she ignored them. If he never brought them there Anna's chance at escape wouldn't have happened and Lilith would still be able to work on winning Anna over. Anna never would have given in, but Lilith wouldn't stop trying either. All of that boiled over at the end and Elle is going to feel Lilith's wrath. She's going to be forcibly cured and serve as Lilith's handmaid. When Lilith said Elle was done, she meant it.😲

    @simgirl1010 Thank you too!❤️
    There's nothing wrong with that approach.😁 There was so much going on in these two parts that you could start anywhere and still find something surprising. This is one of my favorite chapters in either story. Anna feels like she has the potential to be like Danielle, Londyn, and Mimi, characters that you can't help falling in love with. Actually she's already there for me that's why she made the escape too.😉
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,715 Member
    @DaniRose2143, fantastic! That was an epic conclusion.
    • Karoly and Anna's farewell... pure romance novel (and I mean that in a good way).
    • Judith coming out. I admit, I did not see that coming.
    • Karoly fighting Elle to save Anna, and the truth of his guilt... Honestly, I'm a little torn. Did he redeem himself? I'm not sure. Does one grand gesture make up for 200+ years of pain? I think Anna deserves better... maybe she'll get her chance with Ravyn.
    • Ravyn vs the clutch... epic! Having taught people how to drive a stick, I loved every word of that. I was pretty sure that would be where the plan failed.
    • Anna vs Elle... that was EPIC! I have no better words.
    • Anna vs Lilith... Forgotten Hollow isn't the world. Perfect

    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,126 Member
    @luciusstorm Thank you so much!❤️ This is the third attempt to reply to you. The power has gone out both times before.😠
    I couldn’t have Anna leave without some measure of closure with Karoly. Her freedom and his past had to come at a price. Like you mentioned, did it make up for what he did to her? No, absolutely not. He was by far the best person she had in her life until she met Rayvn. That’s not saying much when you learn what he did and his blame for her predicament. He truly loved her, that wasn’t a lie. But there was something amiss. There are hints if you read between the lines of his final words to her. Anna heard it subconsciously but her emotions in the moment meant she didn’t fully realize what he was telling her. She’s going to figure some of it out later on and she’ll need Rayvn’s help to get through it.

    Judith’s coming out was a surprise for me too. It started with Rayvn’s heartfelt statement that she would not leave Anna. She meant it. They formed such a strong friendship really fast. Whether it’s love or friendship they are kindred spirits. Given that kind of bond and those circumstances a bit of infatuation is understandable. Rayvn did a horrible job of lying about the obvious. That’s when Judith coming out hit me. She’s bonding with Rayvn too, but in a different way. She decided to trust her and let her coming out put Rayvn at ease a little. I had to think about it but I quickly realized it connected a few key plot points and perfectly set up the finale of part one in chapter 20.

    Anna spent all those years terrified of Elle without knowing that Lilith’s training early on had made her far stronger than she knew. Stronger even than Elle. Karoly’s ‘words’ from beyond were own deep seated desire to live that merely used his voice. One superficial part of her wanted Elle to kill her and wouldn’t have moved a muscle to stop her, but the real Anna took over and unleashed all that pent up power. It doesn’t change her sweet gentle nature but it shows her she will be fine with her new friends and new life.
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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,561 Member
    WOW, that was excellent, all of it!
    😲😲 The power of PR indeed, Judith! Wasn’t expecting that at all!
    …Is Brytani an ex?👀
    Omg the reunion with Karoly and Anna🥺 This is the end for Karoly isn’t it. Oh thank goodness, the car started. Karoly😣 Oh wow, for a second I really thought Anna was gonna to use the stake on Elle, had me there for a second. They’re free. I'm hoping the best for Anna, this has all been tough on her but her future looks brighter than ever.
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,126 Member
    edited May 2023
    @BlueSeaWaves I'm so happy you loved this chapter!❤️
    If you feel like Judith's revelation that she's a lesbian is a shocker, wait until we get to the ending of chapter 20 and Part One of this story! Karoly is dead but his memory isn't. His memory will be with Anna as long as she lives, but there is so much for her to unpack if you read between the lines of his final words to her. Yeah, there isn't a mean bone in Anna's body. As much as she wants to make Elle pay for what she did to her she simply cannot bring herself to sink to Elle's level. Anna and Rayvn's bonds of friendship are unbreakable, but they will be tested. I still don't know if Rayvn's love for Anna is platonic or something more, and neither does Rayvn. Anna has no idea that Ray feels drawn to her as more than friends. The only thing Rayvn and I know is Ray would die for Anna and never think twice about it. Even the Ice Queen, Judith Ward loves Anna. That relationship is definitely platonic but Anna is so lovable and she's been through so much heartache you can't help being drawn in. How can you not love someone who's endured what she has and never lost sight of herself or given in?🥰 That is the definition of strength!
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,126 Member
    I have a serious question for my committed readers, if I took this story to an offsite blog would you follow along? I'm already working on the next 'Under The Tartosan Sun' but I'm also thinking ahead to Anna's introduction to the world of 2023 and she has questions For Rayvn that I can't easily answer under forum rules.

    If you would prefer an honest and heartfelt continuation of Anna's story under forum rules please let me know. I can adapt Anna's questions to fit those rules. I don't want to leave readers behind if they prefer a forum friendly story.
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,715 Member
    You can probably guess my answer. :)

    I'll follow it off-forum if you go there. I'll stick here if you stick.
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    StarfreeStarfree Posts: 1,469 Member
    I'll go wherever you post.
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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,561 Member
    edited May 2023
    Very well said, she is in fact the definition of strength. How can one not love her?
    I’d definitely follow off site. The forums rules could be restraining for story telling, it's understandable why but it really holds some characters and plots back.
    Post edited by BlueSeaWaves on
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,176 Member
    I already follow stories off the forum, so it's not a problem.

    It's not about where it is, it's about what it is. If I still like it, I read it :)

    I have only one time stopped following story right after it went from forum it was to outside site, but that was because writer changed their writing style very drastically, cursing a lot, used more slang I could not possible understand, and it was no more pleasing to read.
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,126 Member
    Sorry for not replying sooner. Thank you all for the encouragement.🙂 I’m leaning towards moving this story to an off site blog. It won’t drastically change anything but it will offer me some topics that I can’t do now because they are risky. I’ve gotten myself in trouble twice already so I’m nervous about trying those storylines.

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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,055 Member
    I'd be happy to carry on reading wherever you post it :)
    Some kind of notification in this thread when new chapters are posted would still be helpful.
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,126 Member
    I will definitely mention any new content here.😁 I'm going to start looking at the different hosting sites and find the one I feel most comfortable with. I might post one more chapter here, but after such a huge amount of new content over the last week I want to let readers catch up and catch their breath so it's going to be sometime after the first of June before I have anything new to add. I have a lot of builds to get done too.😉
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,892 Member
    By far and wide, this was your best bit of storytelling. You had the right amount of tension, mixed with emotion, along with pace to keep the reader enthralled. Spellbinder. Great job! And I worried that Anna was going to put the other two in jeopardy by staying, but you proved me wrong. I really enjoyed reading this. All three parts. Wonderful. Congratulations.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,892 Member
    I have a serious question for my committed readers, if I took this story to an offsite blog would you follow along? I'm already working on the next 'Under The Tartosan Sun' but I'm also thinking ahead to Anna's introduction to the world of 2023 and she has questions For Rayvn that I can't easily answer under forum rules.

    If you would prefer an honest and heartfelt continuation of Anna's story under forum rules please let me know. I can adapt Anna's questions to fit those rules. I don't want to leave readers behind if they prefer a forum friendly story.

    Just let us know which blog, IE the link and I'll bookmark it.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,126 Member
    Thank you! There is so much that happened in Anna and Karoly's goodbye, but the one element I was worried about was how quickly she changed her mind and then changed it back again. As much as she loved Karoly I felt like I owed it to her and the readers to say goodbye and have one last kiss. I had to have a good reason why he was letting her go, but she had to have a moment where she lost her will to run away. I was afraid I had made that moment too brief, and the lingering worry about word count had an effect on how fast that scene unfolded. So I'm delighted that it wasn't a disappointment. I did have a couple of fluff moments in the first two parts to illustrate how much Anna's life was changing and how close her friendship with Rayvn has become. Any romance between Rayvn and Anna is anybody's guess at this point. Rayvn has no idea whether it's love or just a really really close friendship. Anna is ready to burst because for the first time in her life she has another woman she can relate to, talk to, and call a friend. A true friend.
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    ElleLaAmourElleLaAmour Posts: 360 Member
    Chapter One: Prologue and Introductions Part 1

    Del Sol Valley. The Land of Make Believe. Dream Maker. Dream Breaker. It’s been known by more names than these. Del Sol Valley is one of those places in the universe where the line between fantasy and reality is blurred, if it even exists at all for some.

    It has a magical quality but not in the thaumaturgical sense like the mythical Magic Realm. Del Sol Valley takes ordinary sims, ordinary objects, adds imagination and creativity and a dash of luck to create its magic. Underneath that magical facade there are ordinary human desires and motivations. Some of them good and honorable. Others, much less so.

    Rayvn Nash

    This is my town. You could say it’s in my blood. I was born here but my family moved away while I was still too young to have any idea of what this city was all about. Even though we left so soon, getting back here, finding fame and fortune, was all I could think about. It feels so good to be back.
    My name is Rayvn. That's not the name my mother gave me. I came into this world as Ava Thomas. I felt like Ava Thomas was a great name but not for an actress. My full name now is Rayvn Thomas Nash. Like every teenager everywhere, eventually we had to read Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Raven' for school. I had barely gotten past the title when I knew I had found my stage name. It really fit me. At the time I was into dressing in all black and I did flirt with the goth scene. Now I love my name because it feels exotic and mysterious. I wanted to thank my mom for sacrificing so much and being so supportive of my acting ambitions so I took her maiden name Nash as part of my stage name. I kept my dad's family name to honor him. He passed away during my sophomore year in high school. It was cancer that took him away from us. He was right beside my mother doing whatever it took to help me reach my dream right up to the very end.

    I went through my 'When I grow up I want to be a princess and live in a big pink castle with the most handsomest prince ever!' phase. As I got older thoughts and dreams of movie stardom took over. As a teen I was constantly dreaming about becoming an actress. That's nothing new, lots of girls have had that same dream. I took it more seriously though. I took drama and theatre in school, and acting classes outside of school. Those dreams haven’t faded. They still motivate me. That's why I'm back here now. I'm going to have my star here one day. I haven't worked this hard to settle for anything less than superstar status. I will be back here one day to place my star on Starlight Boulevard and I'm not going to let anything stand in my way.

    My mom was once a personal assistant for a few different celebs including Judith Ward, briefly. Mom has always said she enjoyed her work even with Judith. She only left when dad got a promotion and they headed across the country for it. For all of her support and her openness about life in the movie business and Del Sol Valley, I feel like there is so much more she hasn't told me. I'm sure she has her reasons, whatever they may be. Maybe now that I'm here she'll offer up those things I feel like she hasn't told me. Recently, and I think it's just my imagination, but it feels like there's something specific she wants to tell me, but can't. Or won't. I don't know if it's related to 'The Business' or if it's something else entirely. If it's not my imagination I guess I'll find out what it is when she's ready to tell me.

    Now that I'm settled into my apartment in the Spice Market neighborhood I can get busy becoming the legendary actress I was born to be. Follow me to the top if you dare, but hang on tight. I have a feeling this ride is going to be bumpy. My mom has always cautioned me about 'The Business', how cutthroat and ruthless it can be. "Del Sol Valley and superstardom", she says, "are not for the weak or faint of heart dear." Well neither am I. Are you ready to come along with me? Do you think you can keep up?

    Lady Mimi Eleganza/Mimi Eleganza

    Hello my lovelies! Mwah! Some of you already know me, no doubt. For those who don't I am Lady Mimi Eleganza, Mimi Eleganza when I'm not on stage. I prefer they/them when I'm out of character. Not that I'm ever truly out of character. Lady Mimi is an outrageous, totally uninhibited, version of me with bigger hair and a little bit more makeup.
    I've been making a name for myself in the drag business for a few years now. Some people have called my rise meteoric. I suppose it is. I like that description. I'm from nearby Oasis Springs but left to start my drag career and my journey of self exploration elsewhere. I could have done all of it here, but I needed some time and space away from my...'family'.

    They are a prominent name in Oasis Springs though God knows Nancy thinks she's a big deal everywhere. Geoffrey's only claim to any scrap of relevance, if you can call it that, is being married to Nancy Landgraab. I was born Johnny Landgraab and I was briefly known as Johnny Zest. You may have deduced already, my family and I do not get along. Like not at all. Especially Nancy and I. Fire and gasoline have a better relationship than we do. Nancy and Geoffrey can't handle the truth, my truth. I'm twice the lady Nancy will ever be and a bigger man than Geoffrey. Malcolm was never openly hostile like Nancy and Geoffrey, but he never stuck up for me against them or any bullies when we were in school. Anytime I was the victim of a bully whether it was words or fists he just sat there mute or walked away. He literally has not spoken to me, even when I was still living at home, in years. So I figure he's their mini me and they can have each other.

    I'm still learning so much about myself, about who I am. I know for sure that I'm more comfortable in my own skin now than I have ever been at any point in my life. As sad as it sounds, I am so much better off without them in my life. They will never again be a part of my life until they learn to be loving, supportive, and non-judgmental. I'm not holding my breath or pausing my life to wait for that to happen.

    Now that I'm ready for the big leagues of drag I'm back home. I live at 1010 Alto in Del Sol Valley. I took over the lease on the penthouse suite from Diego Lobo. Oh my god he's so cute. Sadly he's taken so I remain free to sample life’s buffet of manly goodies. If he should ever become available though...

    I'm ready for the confrontations that are surely coming with Nancy. She still feels like she can tear me down by verbally attacking me publicly or privately. I know her all too well she won't let this go. One way or another she's going to try something, but I'm ready for her. She came after me in public once before. Back then I was a nervous, awkward 17 year old who snuck out of the house to perform and to simply be me. I lied about my age to get into one of the smaller clubs. I performed there a handful of times before Nancy found out what I was doing. I was in my element but I was still a scared kid in heels, a mini-dress, and a metric ton of makeup who was just learning how to be an entertainer. It didn't take much of a push from her to topple me. That night was my first time wearing 5 inch heels so I was as unsteady and wobbly as a newborn kitten. You could have knocked me over with a feather. I can make jokes about it now. I think it infuriated her that I looked better in a mini dress than she ever did.

    I was scared too because that night was the first time I was given a prime slot to showcase my talent. I wanted it to be as flawless as I could make it, and then here comes Nancy throwing a tantrum. She's screaming at me and everyone in the place about how they were encouraging a boy to wear a dress and to pretend to be a girl. If nothing else I learned I have a flair for comedy. You should have seen the look on her face when I said "Who's pretending." I was embarrassed that she was making me the center of attention for all the wrong reasons. I was mad too because she interrupted an epic rendition of 'Single Ladies' if I do say so myself. Nancy also made a spectacle of me as she yanked my wig off and forced me to remove my makeup in front of everybody all while still reading them the riot act.

    She won that round. She informed the club manager that I was underage. He had no choice but to kick me out and bar me from coming back until I was old enough. He didn't like it, but he had no choice. The manager, the other queens, and patrons were all so supportive and lovely to me before Nancy drug me out. That’s why I call you, my fans and supporters, ’My Lovelies'. Because you are and you mean the world to me. She had no clue then about who I am, and she still doesn't. For me the labels boy/girl, male/female are meaningless, I'm neither and I'm a glorious blend of both. All I am is me.

    My home away from home is The Orchid Club. I perform there nightly, except Mondays and Tuesdays. It is an oasis of love, understanding, and entertainment. The only requirements to get in are embracing the rainbow of humanity in all its infinite shades and varieties, and to be fab-u-lous. To paraphrase a legend, “Why don’t you stop by and see me sometime.”

    Judith Ward

    I shouldn’t have to introduce myself, after all I am the living legend. I was born a living legend. If there is anything on earth I love almost as much as I love myself, it’s talking about myself. After all, I am Judith Ward. Welcome to the wonderful world!
    Who wouldn't want to be me? I am the greatest actress there has ever been. I find it mildly humorous to see all these little starlets coming here thinking they’re going to be better than me. Somehow they think they can knock me off my perch. I ask you, when have you ever heard anything more preposterous? I applaud their drive to be great and to reach for golden ring. If you don't want to be great why even come here. Just be realistic my dears, you will never be as good as I am nor will you ever occupy my spot at the top in Del Sol Valley. I have that title all to myself. My advice to anyone who wants to be in my movies, don’t even think about walking onto on my movie set if you aren’t ready to be great. If you lack the talent to keep up with me and please me with your performance I will make your life miserable. I refuse to work with no talent hacks.

    The stories you hear about me are exaggerated. They call me arrogant. I think I'm rather humble for someone who is flawless at every single thing she does. When you are as perfect as I am you should be allowed to show a certain amount of self confidence. They call me unreasonable, rigid and unappeasable. I simply have higher standards of excellence and I will not compromise. Why should I? They talk about how I have this obsession with mirrors. Being this unbelievably gorgeous does make it hard to keep my eyes from drinking in my flawless features. There is a nasty rumor that I've spent more than a million simoleans on botox treatments and other cosmetic procedures to look this good. Nonsense. There have been ridiculous rumors of me being a vampire or that I've made a deal with the devil for my youthful looks. I'm just naturally blessed with perfect age-defying beauty. I wish these rumors would die but they seem to have achieved a sort canonical truth in the minds of the petty and jealous. I have a good idea who's behind them and I'll take care of her when the time is right.

    I'm not above sharing what I know with the right students. They have to show me they have the will to succeed, the talent to be great, and know their place. It's at this point that lesser talents would say, "I will teach you but I won't reveal all my secrets." I don't have to worry, because even if I did teach someone everything I know they would still never be as great as I am. They would be worthy of calling themselves second best perhaps.

    I would love to stand here and talk about myself all night long, but I have an awards show to attend and the worshipfulness of my fans to bask in.

    The Bailey-Moon's

    My name is Octavia Moon. Those handsome men are my hubby Thorne and my son Orange. Let’s just get it out of the way, “Why did you name your son Orange?” We’re celebrities, we’re required to give our kids weird and embarrassing names. It’s like the law or something. Thorne was eating an orange while we were discussing baby names. We couldn't agree on a name and we were getting bored. Thorne held up the half eaten orange and asked "Why not" as he nodded towards the hand holding it. Done and we met the requirement for giving our child a weird name. We came to Del Sol Valley right after high school. It was a great place for Thorne to work on his DJ and singing aspirations. Back then I wanted to be a novelist. I still enjoy writing but now I’m an actress first. I got involved in some theatre projects and before I knew it I was hooked on acting. We’re raising Orange to be creative and follow that energy wherever it leads him.
    Our life would be perfect were it not for the nutcase that lives next door.

    That would be Judith Ward. I swear that woman is psychotic. In the five years since we built this place and moved in it’s been one thing after another. We got off on the wrong foot. I was here overseeing some last minute details before we moved in. I was distracted, and frankly the way she was dressed how was I supposed to know it was her. She was wearing this wide brimmed sun hat that was so big it could have shaded three heads. All I could do was assume there was a head under that hat somewhere. It looked like her shoulders were holding the hat up. I asked the hat who it was? That was the wrong question. She goes into a tirade, "How could you not know who I am? I am Judith Ward!" I followed up my first wrong question with another. I asked her how I was supposed to know it was her under there with that hat over her face? By smell? That went over about as well as you think it did. Since I met her I have learned that you can smell her case it smells like Chanel Mademoiselle. I swear she pickles herself in that stuff.

    Oh, there was the time she took us to court. She wanted to see the blueprints for our house so she could see the measurements. She wanted to make sure it wasn't bigger than hers. That was after she came over with her butler and a tape measure. You read that right, the fool was going to measure our entire property. Needless to say I wasn't having any of that and told her she had 3 seconds to get lost or she was going home bald. Thankful the judge denied her request. So she hired an architect to renovate her house to make sure it was bigger than ours. I sometimes wonder what it's like to have more money than brains. I also wonder what color the sky and the grass are in her world because child, that woman isn't living in ours. You've heard that saying about crazy people having bats in their belfry. She ain't got bats, she's got condors...or some other big dang bird up in there. She is N-U-T-S nuts! That's enough talk about her. I'm afraid if I keep talking I might accidentally summon her like some demonic homing beacon.

    Let's talk about my boys for a second. The overgrown one is riding a wave in his career. Thorne's popularity is going through the roof as are his downloads. His concerts are selling out and he's hoping to start headlining tours soon. He loves to drop in for impromptu sessions at the local nightclubs. The Orchid Club is one of his favorites because the dance floor brings out big crowds most nights and his beats are perfect for the setting.

    Orange, well god love that boy but he's not the best student. He's more interested in video games and learning how to make music with his dad. He definitely takes after his dad with the bad student thing. Thorne was the worst student you ever saw. He was always more interested in music and girls than learning. I broke him of his fixation with chasing every woman in a short skirt. He knows how good he has it with me and he wouldn't be foolish enough to mess that up. He's starting to really rake in the simoleans with his music. As for me, well things are looking up. I'm still working on my acting hoping to land some big roles. I know you're wondering about working with you know who. That's not an issue, she only does movies and I prefer tv. The work in tv is steadier if you can land a juicy recurring role. I have a line on a couple of good ones. I don't want to go into details and jinx things but I feel like a really juicy role is coming for me. Our little family is in a good place right now and things are looking really rosy, all things considered.

    Hi DaniRose2143 (btw, do people call you Dani?) I finally have some time to read your story, although I wanted to start over from the beginning.
    I just love your cast of characters! Especially Lady Mimi lol. And Judith has a lot in common with Elle I think. :)
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,126 Member
    edited May 2023
    @ElleLaAmour I hope you enjoy the story!❤️ The last couple of chapters have shown me different sides to Judith and Rayvn. They haven't changed dramatically from the introduction but they have changed a little after their encounter with Elle, Lilith, and Anna. The detour through Forgotten Hollow has taken a while here in the real world but in the game it's only been about 4 or 5 days. In the next chapter we'll catch up with Mimi, the Bailey-Moon's, and finally Brytani Cho. I agree, Mimi is special and such fun to write for. I ❤️ Mimi!

    Yes, people do call me Dani.🙂 I gladly answer to both Danielle and Dani, but my friends say I'm more of a Dani than a Danielle. Who am I to argue.😉
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    GirafHuntrGirafHuntr Posts: 759 Member
    I finally had a chance to finish the last couple installments. WOW, edge of my seat the whole time. This was so awesome and there were definitely some twists I did not expect.
    I especially loved the way that Karoly emerged and was able to ultimately sacrifice himself to set his love free. There was a running theme throughout of "if you love something let it go," and it was beautifully tied up in this way.
    My username has been my internet handle for over 20 years since I was 16 and refers to when I had a crush on a very tall boy. I intend absolutely no violence toward beautiful giraffes. <3
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,126 Member
    edited June 2023
    @GirafHuntr Thank you so much.❤️
    It was harder than I thought to say goodbye to Karoly even though that was essentially his only appearance in the story. I couldn't leave him behind unaware that Anna had escaped and I felt like she had to lose something to gain her freedom. Other than her immortality he was the only thing she had to lose. Eventually Anna will have to confront some of the things he said to her. She was so lost in love that his confession that he wasn't quite the man she thought he was didn't fully hit her. He wasn't a truly evil man like Victor was and he did love Anna, but he was no saint. Her coming to terms with what he said will be part of her...rebirth if you will.
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,126 Member
    edited June 2023
    Interlude: A Night To Remember

    "You know, Mimi, the idea behind a night off means getting away from work" said Trever Styles as he delivered Mimi's drink. Trever owns The Orchid Club. He purchased it two years before when it was still known as the Orchid A Go-Go, a hangout for hustlers, low level celebs, and wannabes. His dream was to create the LGBTQ oasis. His vision was becoming reality. Gay, lesbian, transgender, or straight, famous or anonymous, 'The Orchid' was the place to be in Del Sol Valley. DJs, bartenders, and drag queens, he hired the best. Mimi was making a case for being his crown jewel. "Mind if I sit down for a minute?"

    "Thank you Trever. No I don't mind at all. I'm a bit surprised that you even asked, you're the owner after all. I like the fact that you did ask though." Mimi stood, embraced him, and gave him a kiss on the cheek before taking their seat again. "I enjoy the occasional break from being on stage, but this is home. When the sun starts to set I get really, really restless if I'm not here. I love entertaining and I love seeing people dancing and having a good time."
    Ever since Mimi first came out to their parents, the character Lady Mimi was a refuge, a place to go and be who they are with no apologies. Growing up in the Landgraab household, letting the woman within come out always ended in an unhinged screaming rant from Nancy. On a couple of occasions it even ended with Nancy slapping Mimi's face, hard. Being Mimi at school all too often ended in being beaten up and Malcolm had orchestrated most of those beatings. Coward that he is, he paid other kids to beat Mimi up.

    "I'm just so happy that I can call you one of my stars, and a friend."

    "I'm happy you gave me a chance to fully explore my character and myself. I have another new look I want to try out. If people like it I'll add it to my repertoire."

    "Just go ahead and add it dear. People love everything you do."

    Mimi leaned over and gave him a friendly kiss on the cheek. "Flattery becomes you Trever. Thank you." It didn't hurt that he was easy on the eyes either. If he wasn't the boss, Mimi wouldn't mind seeing where things might go with him. But he is the boss, and there was still the elephant in the room that Mimi was trying hard not to think about tonight. Trever is gay and prefers men, but Mimi is only male in the most technical sense of the word. Lady Mimi was a refuge and she had become a prison of sorts, albeit a very comfortable one. When Mimi was known as Johnny she had dreamed of transitioning and being her authentic self, but that was never going to happen as long as Nancy had any say. In the face of that resistance and hate Lady Mimi was born. Now things had become tricky. She, they, which one really fits. Mimi loves being Lady Mimi but if they transitioned would they have to stop performing as Lady Mimi? If that happened, what then? Acting was an attractive option but it came with no guarantees of success. Being the drag sensation Lady Mimi Eleganza was already a success. Then again isn't happiness more important? Mimi found a pleasant distraction from the existential conundrum.

    "Who's mister gorgeous?" Mimi asked. Trever turned and looked at the man at the bar Mimi had tilted their head towards. "That's Diego Lobo, the art critic. I'm with you, God he's hot! Be careful with him Mimi. He has a reputation as a player."

    "That's okay. I'm not looking for anything long term unless I find the right fit." Mimi slowly traced a pink tipped finger around the rim of the wine glass on the table. "I'll never know if I found that fit unless I talk to them will I? Watch my purse for me would you please. I want a closer look."

    "I'll put it backstage on your makeup table. Good luck. And Mimi, please be careful."

    "I will Trever. Thank you hun."

    Mimi picked up their wine glass and headed to the bar for a refresh and to see what the night might have in store. "Hey Rick could you be a sweetheart and get me another pinot please."

    "Sure Mimi"

    "Mimi? As in The Lady Mimi Eleganza? I saw you sitting with Trever and I thought that was you." Diego spared Mimi the effort of breaking the ice. "I love your act. I have to say you are sensational. Are you going on later?"

    "Thank you..." Mimi faked ignorance about Diego's identity.

    "Oh, sorry. I'm Diego. Diego Lobo. Let me pay for that drink if you don't mind?"

    "No need, free drinks are just one of the perks of working here. And no, I'm sorry but tonight I'm just another girl looking for an escape from the ordinary."

    "You said your 'a girl looking for an escape', do you prefer she or they?"

    "I'm flexible. If she is easier for you, you certainly won't hurt my feelings. I mean, 'he' really doesn't fit me and definitely not when I'm dressed like this." They both shared a laugh.

    "No, it most certainly does not. I was about to head upstairs to the dance floor, would you care to join me?"

    "I would like that very much. Let me go backstage and freshen up. I'll meet you up there."

    "It's a date."

    Mimi ducked into the dressing room to touch up their makeup. Ximena had just come off stage and had seen the conversation out of the corner of their eye. "So, it looks like you and Diego were getting friendly. What are you doing back here, go get you some of that!"

    "I just wanted to do some touch up. I noticed a little bit of lipstick came off on my glass."

    "Girl, you always look sooo amazing. I've never seen you not looking gorgeous."

    "Thank you 'Meena. You want to talk about gorgeous, look in the mirror honey. Wish me luck!"

    "Go get him girl!"

    As the hours spun by, Mimi and Diego danced and got to know one another. The music from DJ Xander was on another level and it made the night even more fun.

    As the sky showed the first hints of purple and royal blue that heralded the sunrise, Mimi whispered in Diego's ear, "How do you feel about coming back to my place? This night has been pure magic and as much as I love this place let's not end it here. I'd love it if we ended somewhere more romantic, if you know what I mean. You're welcome to crash at my place if you can't make it home. I can make us something to eat. I really hope you don't want to go home after this."

    "I would like that very much. I have to admit I prefer my lovers to be more manly than me, but in your case, I'll make an exception."


    "I've always preferred the men I date to be more butch than me. But you are so captivating and magnetic that at least for tonight I can put aside my preferences."

    "You're certainly captivating too. And you'd really have to stretch the definition of man to fit me in, and please don't. I love men, I just don't like pretending to be one. That's why even after I take off Lady Mimi's dress and wig my look doesn't become manly, just becomes less campy."

    "I'm not looking for anything long term but I hope if nothing else we can be friends. I hope that doesn't change your mind about having me over?"

    "It doesn't change my mind at all. I’m not sure I would have the time to be there for a relationship. It wouldn’t be fair to a partner to focus so much time and energy into my act instead of on them.

    "That's fair. This has been an amazing night and I got to spend it with the most beautiful woman here."

    "Thank you Diego. I'm having a spectacular night too. Let's go back to my place to finish it off?"

    "I'm all yours..."

    Post edited by DaniRose2143 on
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,715 Member
    @DaniRose2143, wonderful.
    Mimi continues to be a joy and a wonder to read. It's very moving to see Mimi struggling with the challenges of just living.

    Also, nothing wrong with a fun night without expectations... but I have a bad feeling about Diego.
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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