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What agespan does everyone play on?


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    NitroglycolNitroglycol Posts: 121 Member
    For the last while it's been this for me:

    Baby: 3
    Toddler: 7
    Child: 10
    Teen: 14
    YA: 42
    Adult: 42
    Elder: 17

    I may change this in the future. But as far as my own sims go, they've usually gotten their hands on either life fruit or the Young Again potion (possibly with an Age Freeze chaser) while still young adults.
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    nerdfashionnerdfashion Posts: 5,947 Member
    edited August 2021
    I change it a lot, sometimes I have aging off, sometimes I have it on long, sometimes normal, sometimes short. It all depends on he context of the save. For example, when I'm playing a sim who gets turned into a vampire, I'll start with the lifespan on normal and when they change set it to short so it seems to them like time is passing faster.

    Edit: I just remembered another save I did a while ago. I had seasons set to one week each, and I changed the sim lifespan to 28 days for every stage. It was actually really fun because I could do summer vacations and whatnot for my child and teen sims. The exception is baby and toddler, I set babies to one week and toddlers to 21 days because babies since those stages last a bit less IRL anyways.

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    MyriadSimsMyriadSims Posts: 1,197 Member
    i play on short lifespan.
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    SharoniaSharonia Posts: 4,853 Member
    edited August 2021
    This is what I have set currently.
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    SunnyyesjamsSunnyyesjams Posts: 541 Member
    baby 2 days
    toddler 3 days
    children 6 days
    teen 5 days
    young adult 30 days
    adult 10 days
    elders 5 days

    Yeah my sims live fast and furiously :D:D . But I do play with relativity so each sim day is longer.
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    HillyBethHillyBeth Posts: 3,505 Member
    I'm gonna go into my Sims 4 MCC settings and write down the age span I have there and convert it to Sims 3. :)
    Origin ID
    P.A.C.E- Positive Attitude Changes Everything
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,153 Member
    edited August 2021
    I play with seasons and I have set 1 year = 13 days (I would have used 12, so that 1 day = 1 month, but the game wouldn't let me..).

    Hence my age settings are the following:

    Baby (0 - 1 years) - 13 days.
    Toddler (1 - 5 years) - 65 days.
    Child (6 - 12 years) - 91 days.
    Teenager (13 - 19 years) - 91 days.
    Young adult (20 - 35 years) - 208 days.
    Adult (36 - 64 years) - 377 days,
    Elder (65 years - ) - 208 days.

    This gives my sims a life expectancy of 81+ years. Not sure what the actual expectancy will be, because I haven't had any of my main sims die of old age yet...

    I think this is my best option to play "realistically rotationally" so that my sims can live for a long time, but also die at one point...

    For supernaturals this is completely thrown away, I'm not sure how that works, only that they live longer. :P
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    JunkyPoemJunkyPoem Posts: 135 Member
    Edited Long with added days
    For rotational play, has to be long/aging off. In current game now, realized I just killed my elders by turning aging on to grow my teens in unplayed houses. And Cassandra still didn't age up?
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    HillyBethHillyBeth Posts: 3,505 Member
    In my sims 4 game, this is my normal span:
    Infants: 2
    Toddlers: 5
    Children: 28
    Teen: 28
    Young Adult: 49
    Adult: 42
    Elder: 56

    Replicating that in Sims 3 would be hard since it skips numbers(Ex: I have the young adult span set to 50 and want to lower it three numbers. It goes down four numbers)
    Origin ID
    P.A.C.E- Positive Attitude Changes Everything
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    TurjanTurjan Posts: 1,717 Member
    Edited Long with added days
    HillyBeth wrote: »
    Replicating that in Sims 3 would be hard since it skips numbers.
    Not really. Just edit the numbers directly in the Options.ini file, as that's much easier. Make a copy of the file before that and put it somewhere safe, in case you bungle something.
    Also, unless you have a special love for elders, keep in mind that they can get considerably older than the number you put there.
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    HillyBethHillyBeth Posts: 3,505 Member
    Turjan wrote: »
    HillyBeth wrote: »
    Replicating that in Sims 3 would be hard since it skips numbers.
    Not really. Just edit the numbers directly in the Options.ini file, as that's much easier. Make a copy of the file before that and put it somewhere safe, in case you bungle something.
    Also, unless you have a special love for elders, keep in mind that they can get considerably older than the number you put there.

    I've been playing the game for 10 years and didn't know you can edit the options in the file!!! What am I, some newbie?! *facepalm*
    Origin ID
    P.A.C.E- Positive Attitude Changes Everything
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    MantleJackalMantleJackal Posts: 374 Member
    Edited Normal with added days
    I play on normal with some minor tweaks to make certain ages longer or shorter. Of course, it doesn't really matter all too much since the main sim I play is an immortal vampire so the age span is really for the rest of the sims.
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    Noree_DoreeNoree_Doree Posts: 1,470 Member
    Edited Normal with added days
    I give my sims 100 days in total. I know I give the young adults a little bit longer, but I'm thinking about adjusting the ages again to give my sims more time. I just feel like there's not enough time. lol

    As for you Epic players... My goodness, how do you not get bored of playing a household that long? Do you rotational play? If so I can see how it would keep things spicy.
    "Bada su the gorn bada su the brawn bada bady oda aba donk donk donk gerbits gerbits vo gerbits".
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    BlackSandBlackSand Posts: 2,074 Member
    edited September 2021
    Edited Long with added days

    As for you Epic players... My goodness, how do you not get bored of playing a household that long? Do you rotational play? If so I can see how it would keep things spicy.

    Lol ... My Sims meet just about everyone, wherever they go, and have hundreds of friends.
    Nothing is ever boring ... :D

    Some days they just go to work, have a nice dinner, and catch up on some reading.
    Some days they go to the beach, windsurfing, boating, diving, snorkeling or fishing.
    Some days they pack a bag and head to France, Sunset Valley, Island Paradise or wherever.

    They'll have a killer party, invite a bunch of friends, and get some live music going on.
    The next night they may have a fine dinner with a few friends, and go dancing.
    They'll have a picnic, find some valuable stuff, finish writing that book they started three weeks ago.

    Buy a ranch somewhere and raise a few horses.
    Build a Chateau, plant a vineyard in France, then open a Nectary in their home world.
    Start a Red Bean coffee plantation in Monte Vista.
    Build a Bot Emporium in Bridgeport.

    If and when things ever get slow, they'll have a kid, and deal with that for a little while.

    There are thousands of things to do in the game ...
    Dying is not at the top of their 'need to do' list ... B)

    Happy Simming!


    I eat pickles on my hamburgers ... MWWAHAHAHAHA
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    dylancnovakdylancnovak Posts: 2 New Member
    Edited Long with added days
    I usually play on Long or Epic.
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    Mizzila1297Mizzila1297 Posts: 620 Member
    Edited Normal with added days
    I play on Normal, but have added 5 days to YA, 7 to Adult and decreased Toddler by two days :lol:
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    As for you Epic players... My goodness, how do you not get bored of playing a household that long? Do you rotational play? If so I can see how it would keep things spicy.

    No, I don't do rotational play. My sims are "introverts". Their main goal is figuring out a way for longevity of life and increasing their wealth. :mrgreen:

    ...and of course; increasing their progeny.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    Deshong04Deshong04 Posts: 4,278 Member
    I use a custom realistic Sims-style age span. This way I no longer play with aging off because their lifespans are so long that I do not need to stop aging and finally have a much slower progression of time to continue getting to know the various Sim A.I.

    The thing about TS3 I noticed since the first day I played it, is that playing this game with high free-will and without micromanaging everything, I can see how unique and advanced the A.I. really is. This is why I enjoy TS3 so much being still a part of the concept that started it all but with way more improvements and advancements to that very concept from The Sims (2000). This playstyle is how I played since the beginning and loved it ever since but especially TS3 stands out the most.

    For those who know how to read people will find it easy, or not because of the complexity of human behavior at times, to read the Sims A.I., which is an imitation of humans thus called artificial intelligence for a reason. Of course not all A.I. can be looked at the same for some serves a different purpose in video games. The Sims in TS3 are much deeper than just autonomously choosing what to do next in terms of U.I. motive based actions. Also for those who pay attention will find all kinds of interesting things outside of a scripted animation not to mention Sims have their own goals that may not be related in any way to their U.I. wishes.


    Spring (93 days)
    Summer (94 days)
    Autumn (89 days)
    Winter (89 days)
    Year (365 days)

    Infant (93 days)
    Toddler (1,460 days)
    Child (2,920 days)
    Teen (2,555 days)
    Young Adult (7,300 days)
    Adult (9,125 days)
    Elder (13,140 days)
    Lifespan (36,593 days)


    Hours of Pregnancy (6,574)
    Hours to Show Fully Pregnant (5,843)
    Hours to Show Pregnant Buff (1,460)
    Hours to Start Contractions (6,572)
    Hours to Start Pregnant Motives (730)
    Hours to Start Walking Pregnant (5,847)

    Kittens, Puppies, Foals (186 days)
    Adult Cats and Dogs (3,650 days)
    Elder Cats and Dogs (3, 650 days)
    Cats and Dogs Lifespan (7,486 days)

    Adult Horses (6,570 days)
    Elder Horses (4,380 days)
    Horses Lifespan (11,136 days)
    “What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
    Stand a little taller
    Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
    What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
    Footsteps even lighter”
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    auroraael14auroraael14 Posts: 988 Member
    Edited Normal with added days
    Baby -2
    Toddler - 8
    Child - 12
    Teen - 15
    Young adult - 30
    Adult - 30
    Elder - 15

    Making 112 days for a lifespan.
    Check out my gallery for house builds! Username: aejp24
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    pinkrobinpinkrobin Posts: 110 Member
    Edited Long with added days
    I always play on epic because I like to have lots of time to do all the things I have planned for my sims. I also think it adds more realism to the game when the sims live for such a long time.
    EA ID: Praktrosella
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    bookwormbeautybookwormbeauty Posts: 31 Member
    I can't remember the actual days but baby and toddler lifespan is very short, and child I just reduced to like 20 days. Although the weird thing with that is that soon my teen's child will be her age soon (both teens). SO a touch awkward. I make teen and young adult longer.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    Long or Epic. Only I have the time frame set for babies at most 5 days. Usually I do 3 or less. They're just boring to me...

    Most of the time I play with aging off anyway :p but if I don't, I play on Long or Epic. I like my Sims to live very long lives. :blush:
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    texxx78texxx78 Posts: 5,657 Member
    edited November 2021
    Latelly i have been debating myself with the lifespan i should use.
    I've restarted playing TS3 just about 3/4 months ago. Before that i was playing TS4 and i always got bored with normal lifespan. So i have kind of a trauma when i think of adding more days to my sim's lifespan :lol:
    I'm mostly a generational player and i love to see the family tree growing. But i have been noticing that i don't have time enough to enjoy everything that i can do with my sims. Their lifes are just slipping away...
    My latest sim is almost completing her LTW and has plenty of friends. But she's just a few days away from the elder stage and she hadn't enough time to dedicate to her romantic life. I'm playing a legacy in which genetics play a big part so i can't simply adopt.

    So, i've decided to try the following lifespan:
    Baby - 2 days
    Toddler - 7 days
    Child - 14 days
    Teen - 21 days
    Young Adult - 35 days
    Adult - 35 days
    Elder - 28 days

    It's a total of 142 days and my first time ever with such a long lifespan.
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    Sorak4Sorak4 Posts: 3,940 Member
    Honestly I don't even play with aging on almost ever since TS2. When I do it's always on long, and toggled semi-often.
    I just chicken out and get afraid of the idea of premade Sims I know dying off and leaving my towns emptier.
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    texxx78texxx78 Posts: 5,657 Member
    edited November 2021
    Annnd i've changed the lifespan i'm playing again :lol:
    I was using the one above but for me it has to have some logic... for example, the teenage stage was longer than the child stage. That didn't made sense to me.

    I always have the baby stage the shorter i can (2 days). For me being a baby represents the first year of life, so 1 rl year = 2 days

    So i'll try the following lifespan:
    Baby - 2 days (1 yo)
    Toddler - 8 days ( 2-5 yo)
    Child - 14 days (6-12 yo)
    Teen - 12 days (13-18 yo)
    Young Adult - 44 days (19-40 yo)
    Adult - 50 days (41-65 yo)
    Elder - 30+ days (65-80+ yo)
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