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    SnowBnuuySnowBnuuy Posts: 1,776 Member
    @Kellogg_J_Kellogg I try my best ;-; and I appreciate your support and your comments too < 33
    they/them or she/her
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    Wow, nice. Glad you're at least enjoying it.

    Yeah, mine's the same. It started because I wanted to see how many Morgynisms remained in a Morgyn clone, so I cloned Morgyn and made Ezio, and here I am over a year later, still writing their story (Of Frost and Fire). Unfortunately it's been anything but an enjoyable ride, they've destroyed my outlines at every turn, thrown in Highly Unexpected plot twists and devices, and basically done just about everything they possibly can to ruin my life and I can't even say it's all Morgyn, a good deal of it was also Caleb (Vatore, yeah). Ezio's behaving for the most part. He's chaotic in other ways.

    Also unfortunately the release of sentiments pretty much broke the save I was playing for it, so I'm not even playing the save anymore. I don't actually have a save for it now xD Probably just as well, the kids are messy enough without the addition of the game's randomness. I keep thinking I want to recreate the save though, I honestly miss it. It's like doing all the work milling flour and baking a cake and then it just disappearing after. The magic that was originally there when I started this journey isn't there anymore and now it's just tragedy, despair, and me being attacked by my readers for things I didn't decide to do. -shrug-

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    SnowBnuuySnowBnuuy Posts: 1,776 Member
    @Keidra Your readers have no business attacking you over your own work. Your story, your choices, your rules. Not theirs > : l

    Ahh the old Sentiment system giveth, and the Sentiment system taketh away. It's inspired some interesting bits in my own writing, but also it's just weird sometimes. One time, Father Winter called my Sim: 'Is a hotdog a sandwich?' My sim responded with 'No'. FATHER WINTER HAD A HURT SENTIMENT... 'I can't believe you! You're going on the Naughty List!'

    Remaking saves is pretty fun, but sounds like a lot of hard work X_X If you've got the patience (I have none) I say go ahead!
    they/them or she/her
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    Oh, I know. It's not like their attacking or complaining changed anything. Unfortunately, the issues that were points of contention were, as I said, not my choice, the characters did it themselves, and they didn't half-heartedly get themselves in trouble, either, these were serious issues we're still dealing with 10-20 chapters later. Even if I wanted to, there's just no quick fix for this kind of stuff, so either way they'd have had to suffer through it.

    I think a huge issue with it was that the original first book of this was written here on the forums, and was well within the content restrictions of the forums. And the rest was written off the forums, outside of those content restrictions, and I attracted fairy-tale-and-magic-tower lovers to a srs-bsns-be-gay-do-crime fic because of this. So things got Serious, and the readership was completely taken aback by it.

    Yeah... alas, there's a poly that is a very central part of the storyline (it's comprised of several of the MC's), and through some finagling I managed to make the game play nice with it. Well, sentiments ruined absolutely everything on that front. I had the original triad that would not actually flirt with each other in conversation with all three of them, they kept it to one-on-one conversations. And then the sentiment system introduced the initial suggestive conversation tone, which would nudge them into flirting in a three-way conversation, and of course, the tone would immediately go from suggestive to awkward the second the third one was roped into it (and it's not as if Sims are discerning in who exactly they flirt with when; if they have open romance bars with anyone in the room they will occasionally grab the random other lover rather than flirting with the lover they're talking to).

    Then, we added in the fourth, and I guess Caleb was just love-starved because he took off on a strong flirt-fest with Ezio. Cassandra started trying to keep up with it and Ezio started rejecting her advances out of nowhere, so they were legitimately taking relationship hits. And the worst part is he'd accept her advances if Caleb was not in the conversation. And I just got so frustrated with it I rage-quit. Setting it back up will be quite the undertaking, especially since I will need to do it a certain way to make sure sentiments don't interfere and their bars are all high enough to tolerate the weirdness sentiments and conversation tones cause before I bring them all together into one household, so it's going to also be pretty tedious. And I just... haven't had the willpower to do it just yet.

    I went back to an older save with the original triad in-tact, and even they're acting weird now, so I'm pretty sure sentiments or some other game update ruined the original triad, and honestly it just makes me really sad. :c

    Also, lol, Ezio went to potty train his son, and his son got defiant, and had a festering grudge from it. I've rambled at length about this elsewhere but freakin *REALLY*? xD

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,998 Member
    Sentiments haven’t really affected my game too much. The one issue is when my Sims lose a friend and they get the “Personal Rift” sentiment because they have the People Person lifestyle. Pretty much all the Masterson family, as well as Alexander, have that lifestyle!
    And yes, I’ve had Sims get the “hurt” or “festering grudge” sentiment, mostly I have no idea why!! Toddlers having a festering grudge against a parent just for potty training is silly really... but there’s a lot of silliness about The Sims :D:D
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    SnowBnuuySnowBnuuy Posts: 1,776 Member
    @Lucy_Henley That's hilarious about the toddler XD Imagine the toddler at a playdate just like 'Can't stand my dad. Tells me I can't use nappies for the rest of my life. Ridiculous.'
    they/them or she/her
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    Kellogg_J_KelloggKellogg_J_Kellogg Posts: 1,556 Member
    I'm currently reading the Eisenstern story...I'm enjoying it (up to part 2 atm) and, like I said earlier, I'm not usually into the supernatural Sim Lit.
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    Yeah, Caleb got the hurt sentiment from Morgyn and I don't actually know why because I didn't see it happen. That was mid-gen 2.

    I turned off lifestyles because they're honestly way too OP for me. Though originally I knocked people person down to like 8? and it required just friends not good friends, so if your Sim had 9 good friends it wouldn't trigger it. Made more sense to me.

    I also still haven't forgiven the game for the grudge. It took SO long for them to get past it, Cynemaer really did not like Ezio for a long time after that and it took into his childhood for Ezio to finally get the adoring sentiment for him. He got it with his other kids within the first few days of their becoming a toddler. Incidentally Cyne was the only one born that looked like Ezio's husband instead of Ezio so it was like "I swear he's not discriminating!" lol

    And fun! I'm trying to catch the Eisensterns up with the gameplay, I'm in gen 3 now, gonna try and zip through chapters.

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    Kellogg_J_KelloggKellogg_J_Kellogg Posts: 1,556 Member
    OK, new chapter time in Sim 66. Now I don't normally issue disclaimers or warnings before I publish a chapter...I let the story stand on its own and I trust the reader's intelligence and discretion to understand that it's fiction and that it's set in a historical time period where the sensibilities are different and in context. However, the game play for this chapter led my characters into interesting and more adult themes than is usual but instead of glossing over them, I dived headfirst into things.
    This chapter mentions drug taking (it is the 1960s after all) and alcoholism, two issues that might hit home to some readers. The comic is often close to the tragic. The Sneedleys are comical in part but Edna and George have deep secrets and their own vices which they keep secret. Like I said, gameplay drove a lot of this story: Edna went to have a drink 4 times in one game day and despite all the fun activities I tried to get her to take part in, at the end the only thing that took her fun bar from orange to green was Instant Fun, which I interpreted as yet another alcoholic drink. Three times her whim choices were "drink a glass of nectar". As a writer (even an amateur) I have to go with the strongest storyline which makes sense in the context of the overall story.

    Anyway, if you're still interested in reading on, here is Chapter 105: A Little Pick Me Up.

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    SnowBnuuySnowBnuuy Posts: 1,776 Member
    they/them or she/her
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    Got to generation 2. Squinted slightly because I've never written with gen 2 heir and I wasn't sure how her personality would come out.
    I love her already.

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    friendsfan367friendsfan367 Posts: 29,362 Member
    ben aydens son might be a genuis, he recently aged to child and already figured out if he meets his aunts grandpa and other family he doesn't have to g to bed. thats what happened so far. just aged him tonight.
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    SnowBnuuySnowBnuuy Posts: 1,776 Member
    After 3 days I've finally finished writing my 'lore' page for my stories in the 'Magic' universe. There aren't anything I'd consider to be spoilers here but it's a collection of ideas and headcanons for Realm of Magic and spellcasting in general.
    Read here!
    they/them or she/her
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,998 Member
    Ooh, that’s pretty detailed! Although anything is compared to my non-existent lore :D:D
    The Masterson family and their bloodline is still relatively new, so I’ve got time to develop some ideas. It won’t be much though. Perhaps as the bloodline gets stronger with each generation, the descendants could feel more like devoting their time to the study of magic. It’d be more a “family history” thing than magic in general.
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    SnowBnuuySnowBnuuy Posts: 1,776 Member
    I get too obsessed with my projects and think about nothing but my projects straight for months : p That I also do tabletop roleplay so I’m used to fleshing things out more than I need to just in case. And that sounds like a cool idea < 3
    they/them or she/her
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,998 Member
    So somehow Erytheia managed to achieve an A+ grade in her elective Painting class despite her term paper being of poor quality... well, perhaps her highish Painting skill helped (it was level 6 by the end of term, and she’d built up some Painting skill as a teen). Plus she managed to achieve all A+s this term so her overall GPA is now A! Xanthe also managed all A+s.
    Erytheia and Alexander are both doing an acting elective in their final term (Erytheia already has acting experience from doing the Drama club) and Xanthe is doing a comedy one.
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    mercuryfoammercuryfoam Posts: 1,156 Member
    Hi @Lucy_Henley! I don’t think you remember me but I used to be pretty active on the WHIYGT thread and kept up with yours, DeafSimmer’s stories and quite a few. This is late, but thought I’d say Hi and welcome before I go back to my lurky ways. :smiley: It's great that you're putting all your stories in one place. WHIYGT can move too fast at times and it's easy to miss out on chapters. :smile:
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,998 Member
    Thanks @mercuryfoam . I do recognise your name actually, mainly from seeing your name in comments on DeafSimmer’s posts. And thanks for following the story! I definitely agree on how easy it can be to miss chapters.
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    SnowBnuuySnowBnuuy Posts: 1,776 Member
    they/them or she/her
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,998 Member
    Another term is done!

    Part Four
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    mercuryfoammercuryfoam Posts: 1,156 Member
    Thanks @mercuryfoam . I do recognise your name actually, mainly from seeing your name in comments on DeafSimmer’s posts. And thanks for following the story! I definitely agree on how easy it can be to miss chapters.

    :lol: My last consistent post on there was May 2020 and this year I've only posted once on that thread. I've become more of an invisible 'liker/awesomes' than commenter there because it seems more appropriate for game-driven stories. So I'm pleasantly surprised that anyone remembers! Thanks! Grats on another term done and dusted. I'll check it out. :smile:

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