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Not Wanting Sims 5 Because Spent Money On Packs


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    SimmerGeorgeSimmerGeorge Posts: 2,724 Member
    edited July 2020
    Could the Sims 5 be as lackluster or even more lackluster than The Sims 4? Probably. Like yall said it will be the same people developing it
    Do I still want it to come out just to see if it's any better or not? Yes please!

    Just because the Sims 5 could be as bad as the Sims 4 doesn't mean I don't want to it to come out. I actually want to see if it will be as bad or not. Just speculating it will be bad doens't help. Just let them develop and release it and if it sucks yall don't buy it. I will do the same.
    Where's my Sims 5 squad at?
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    So_MoneySo_Money Posts: 2,536 Member
    So_Money wrote: »
    People say they dont want to rebuy it all, but they will anyway. They keep putting $ towards ts4 (the most shocking is the overpriced stuff packs) why not on a new game with real personalities, depth, humor, customization etc. Dont keep us in the dark ages, lets move on ppl

    Because the folks we’d be relying on to deliver those things are the same ones who have been so uninspiring in their TS4 output.

    Who knows, maybe it'll be completely different by then. I can only hope so. Because if things stay the same, 👎👎👎

    Maybe, but maybe if they choose a new team from in-house it will be even worse. 🤷‍♂️

    Unless they bring outside talent (a successful independent developer) into the fold I don’t see much to be hopeful about. And I doubt this will happen since they must already be working on TS5.
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    smurfy77smurfy77 Posts: 1,250 Member
    I mostly complain because I am always hoping for more bugs to be fixed in the game, and with this said I always buy every pack, there is always something I can look forward to and often when I start playing I either find other things I did not know I would like, it helps me create other ways of playing and/or decorating too. I know it takes alot of work to make these, and maybe even more to fix any issues, thats my only worry when a new pack comes out. Regardless of all of that, I will keep getting what they come out with for Sims 4 until it is done and may still play it often or my Sims 3, but I also would be excited to see what they actually do with Sims 5 when it comes out. I would wait, myself, until its been out long enough for me to see any differences in how to play it would be, like how Sims 3 and Sims 4 were still different. I remember creating my first sim in Sims 4 and the graphics are so much better and I feel I can make my sims prettier or more handsome than I could in 3. There are always ways to find to be excited even if you may not always like all of the parts.
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    SchmoloopSchmoloop Posts: 116 Member
    I hope they fix the bugs in TS4 first too so the people who like playing it can still play it. Some people have said they didn't want to wait for expansion packs to come out... but shouldn't the base game be at least playable without packs? Expansion packs should be optional, not necessary to enjoy the game. But, when I say I want TS5, I'm assuming that it'll be better than TS4.
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    KruegerKrueger Posts: 130 Member
    Schmoloop wrote: »
    I hope they fix the bugs in TS4 first too so the people who like playing it can still play it. Some people have said they didn't want to wait for expansion packs to come out... but shouldn't the base game be at least playable without packs? Expansion packs should be optional, not necessary to enjoy the game. But, when I say I want TS5, I'm assuming that it'll be better than TS4.

    The base game should be playable, it's just that when you go from having years and years worth of added content (and for some, mods and cc) to a completely vanilla game, that can be a surprisingly hard adjustment. Back in the days of 2 I had to do a complete reinstall about 5 times. Installing took forever, so my dad would only let me pick one EP a week to reinstall after we got all of them off. I usually wouldn't even bother playing until I had 2 or 3 of the EPs back because just felt so empty without them.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,003 Member
    I don't want multiplayer, so I do hope they give Sims4 enough attention before they present Sims 5 to the world. But I would never expect them not to go forward. I intend to play my game for as long as it gives me pleasure to do so.

    I started out with Sims2 and I bought all EPs and SPs, plus a very few Store items. Yet, eventually I moved on to Sims3, in time to get in in the release fun. It took years for that one to develop, too. Most have amnesia, I think. Base games are called that because they are just the base game. Things came along to help flesh the game out, but I never got the interactions I had hoped for, even so.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    DragonAge_300905DragonAge_300905 Posts: 1,946 Member
    My reasons for not buying sims 5 is simple. I spent $1,000 plus on the sims 3 and EA broke the game with the last patch. I've spent $500 plus on the sims 4 and every new pack breaks the game. EA's track record speaks for itself and I'm tired of throwing away good money on a buggy game.
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    SimAlexandriaSimAlexandria Posts: 4,845 Member
    For me it's 1) Sims 4 is my fav and I'd like to keep seeing it get updates, but if it did stop at least it's a great game as it is. 2) I already ahve 2,3 and 4 installed but I only ever play 4. I can't see myself playing more than one Sims game simultaneously, therefore I only need one game and since I already have more than I need, what's the point in spending money buying another? Seems like a huge waste to me.
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    CellardwellerCellardweller Posts: 92 Member
    I'm mostly concerned about the possibility of Sims 5 being an online, multiplayer, or microtransaction game...

    Any or all of those things would be a reason for me to never purchase Sims 5. The Sims game is an escape - MY WORLD when I'm playing it and I don't want to deal with any other real world personalities, which quite honestly in my advanced age (compared to probably most folks here) I've had enough of already.
    Microtransactions are a hard pass as well - too easy to be nickel and dimed to death. Online only is another thing that's already gone too far with having the direct downloads. While convenient, I would rather have a tangible storage like discs or a jump drive to install the games. I want to be able to be offline and still be able to reinstall if I needed to.
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    Chicklet453681Chicklet453681 Posts: 2,437 Member
    I'm excited for Sims 5, just like I was when all the other games were announced. I don't mind buying some of the same packs over again but I probably won't if it's just a prettier version of TS4. I really hate how they dummied down all of the animations, like drawers opening and babies being an object. The other games had so much more to offer, different from each other, but still quite engaging.

    But the basegame needs to be complete upon release before I ever bought it
    • Babies as Sims
    • All Lifestages completely fleshed out (teens actually smaller and recognizable compared to YA)
    • Pools & Diving Boards
    • Terrain Tools (including water tool for ponds)
    • Swimmable Water
    • Worlds that are totally editable (as in can bulldoze every building if you want with no fake buildings, remove trees or gawdy community decor)
    • Bikes
    • Slow Dancing, Cuddling, Leisure activities you do in RL on a bed (watch TV, play on phone/table, chat, relax, maybe back rubs, etc)
    • Color Wheel/Patterns and the ability to change the ceiling
    • Search word search in catalog
    • The same ability as TS4 to raise/lower objects, resize objects (although I would hope it has smaller increments) and ability to move wall items (and doors/windows) freely
    • I miss the Collections we used to have, that was so nice to keep things organized (Some CC creators are foreign and don't name/tag it like other languages so it sometimes hard to find what you're looking for doing a word search if it's not named what you're used to calling it

    It's a long wishlist, I know! And I know that I'll probably still buy at least the basegame when it comes out just to try it.

    But, I know for a fact that if it is ONLY a multi-player game, I won't buy it. If I wanted a "virtual world" I'd just go back to Second Life. I play the sims to get away from people not to be constantly DM'd when I log in and feel obligated to chat or "catch up" with people.
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    Atreya33Atreya33 Posts: 4,532 Member
    edited August 2020
    I think it all depends on how the transition to a new version feels. Will it be an improvement or will I just constantly be reminded of everything that was suddenly no longer possible in a base game.

    Sims 1 to sims 2 felt like a huge improvement. It was exciting and as soon as packs started releasing it got even better
    new features we never had before
    - aging with toddler, teens and elders added
    - being able to edit the neighbourhoods
    - color swatches for furniture
    Features of sims 1 EP that were now base game
    - community lots
    - buying clothes

    Sims 2 to sims 3 was another huge improvement. Sims 3 is my least favourite but it added enough to objectively be considered improving gameplay
    new features we never had before
    - open world
    - create a style
    Features from previous EP that were now base game
    - cars
    - gardening
    Features stripped that were previously base game
    - hot tub

    Then came the transition from sims 3 to sims 4 which did not feel as an improvement
    new features we never had before
    - emotions (I found one, yay. Although I was already perfectly able to tell how my sims felt in sims 2 times without emotions overriding their personality)
    Features from previous EP that were now base game
    Features that were previously base game stripped at launch (this is the one that hurts and be kept as short as possible)
    - TODDLERS (sims 2 and 3) (personal deal breaker)
    - pools (sims 1, 2 and 3)
    - ghosts (sims 1, 2 and 3)
    - the ability to edit neighbourhoods (sims 2 and 3)
    - babies as sims instead of a crib object (sims 2 and 3)
    - police and burglar (sims 1, 2 and 3)
    - repaimen (sims 1, 2 and 3)
    - terrain tools (sims 1, 2 and 3)
    - family tree (sims 2 and 3)
    -... (we all know the list by now)

    Sims 4 to sims 5:???
    So now the big question is how will the transition from sims 4 to 5 feel. Will the base game add significant new content to be considered an improvement and feel like a step forward, then I can see myself buying it again. Will it cut back on base game content even more, than I am not inclined to immediately start buying everything from scratch and wait until enough has been added to be playable for a long time fan.
    I'm mostly concerned about the possibility of Sims 5 being an online, multiplayer, or microtransaction game...

    Otherwise, I'd most likely be more than happy to purchase it... but the direction many gaming companies are taking certainly concerns me with the future of Sims 5...

    I don't mind purchasing the packs all again (especially since each iteration generally comes up with a way to make the repeated packs better than the previous)... but yeah, the type of game Sims 5 could end up becoming is what truly makes me cringe.

    I feel exactly the same the same about which direction the sims should take. If it is multiplayer online only, or even worse with subscription, then I am out. As someone who started out when sims 1 had exactly one EP and now owning sims 1,2,3,4 with all EP except eco lifestyle that is saying something.
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    SimmerGeorgeSimmerGeorge Posts: 2,724 Member
    Atreya33 wrote: »
    I think it all depends on how the transition to a new version feels. Will it be an improvement or will I just constantly be reminded of everything that was suddenly no longer possible in a base game.

    Sims 1 to sims 2 felt like a huge improvement. It was exciting and as soon as packs started releasing it got even better
    new features we never had before
    - aging with toddler, teens and elders added
    - being able to edit the neighbourhoods
    - color swatches for furniture
    Features of sims 1 EP that were now base game
    - community lots
    - buying clothes

    Girl, The Sims 2 came with 3D graphics, memories, family trees, life stages, aspirations, want and fears, Create a neighborhood tool, actual cooking recipes, a storytelling mode, new CAS features like seperate faces from hair, seperate pants from shirts, accessories, make-up. The transition from Sims 1 to Sims 2 might be the biggest in the franchise.

    This is why I was dissapointed with The Sims 4. It came with innovations only in CAS and some more practicality in Build and buy, the rest was just a downgrade honestly.

    I really hope they make another big transition like TS2 with The Sims 5 as well. That would be awesome.
    Where's my Sims 5 squad at?
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    GooseyGoosey Posts: 317 Member
    edited May 2022
    Post edited by Goosey on

    Gentlemen, from this day forward... you will all refer to me by the name... Betty... myahhahah!
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    Atreya33Atreya33 Posts: 4,532 Member
    @SimmerGeorge. You are right. My list was in no way complete. I just wanted to show which transition to a new base game felt as an improvement. Because that would be a reason to start all over again despite owning all packs of a previous version.
    But the step from sims11 to 2 felt like the biggest one yet.
    Goosey wrote: »
    I'll never buy Sims 5 if its got forced in multiplayer because I like playing solo and also like using mods in my game.

    As for its release, we all know when it's released it will lack 95% of what existed in other previous games when you include all their packs....

    Even if you don't care about money and will blindly buy them all again, the game will be so boring for at least 2+ years until they actually add enough back into it to give you something to do.

    I'd love it if they actually made Sims 5 contain at least half the things we have right now and then they could add more new things and ideas to the game over the years instead of just putting back in things that should have been already part of the game by now.

    I know a new base game won't have all the content from all packs, that is impossible. It should be compared base game to base game. And a new base game should be an improvement compared to previous games.
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    ChazzzyChazzzy Posts: 7,166 Member
    The Sims needs to add more features to the base game of TS5, not less. In TS4, they added less and then over time they added major features to base game and more jobs and taken items from sold packs to make them free by adding them to base game. It honestly was ridiculous.

    For TS5, I would like to see more features in the base game from jump. I don’t want to see them releasing an expansion pack of some sort and then a few months/years later taking items and objects from this expansion pack to add to base game in order to flesh out base game.

    I would like to see them add in seasons, pets, a celebrity system, basically as much as possible into the base game. I want us to finally have a fully fledged out game. We are on iteration 5. Folks should buy expansion packs not because they are necessary for features we’ve had previously for 20+ years now, but because they like the NEW theme and want to support/try it out.
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    GooseyGoosey Posts: 317 Member
    edited May 2022
    Post edited by Goosey on

    Gentlemen, from this day forward... you will all refer to me by the name... Betty... myahhahah!
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    Atreya33Atreya33 Posts: 4,532 Member
    Goosey wrote: »
    @Atreya33 They already have all the content from previous games to add into the base game of Sims 5, just need to adapt it slightly to work with Sims 5. EA isn't a small indie developer, they have billions of dollars and access to unlimited resources and yet you act like they just can't afford to the the most simple things and give us scum at least some improvements from previous games.

    Hell, the base Sims 4 game didn't even have a color wheel for CAS or open world, yet the base game of Sims 3 had it. You know at this rate Sims 5 probably won't even have more than 1 town, they'll just give us like 3 lots to build on and sell us the rest in surprise mechanics lootboxes.

    So tired of people defending these massive companies for screwing us constantly, we get nothing improved when people act like sheep and keep giving money to the unworthy.

    They have all the content, yes. But the problem is they have to recreate everything for a new base game. so they can't add everything from all expansion packs at once. That is why I prefer to compare base game to base game. But sims 4 was too barebone at launch for me. A big company with experience in making life simulation should be able to make a solid base game. I hope sims 5 will be, then I have no problem to start over, despite owning EP from previous games.
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    BrittanyChick22BrittanyChick22 Posts: 2,130 Member
    edited August 2020
    I think they mean they don't want to start buying all the same packs all over again for a new sims game after spending a lot of money on the sims 4. I think a lot of simmers at this point, are getting really tired of buying the same expansions again and again and expect ea to make some expansions core/base game such as seasons, pets, university, a downtown for clubbing, etc. to make more room for newer expansion/game play ideas.

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    popstarsleypopstarsley Posts: 1,086 Member
    edited August 2020
    Not developing The Sims 5 because some people don’t want to pay money for it is like Apple saying we won’t make more iPhones because some people don’t want to buy new models, or a car company saying we will not make new cars this year because some people already have one.

    Just like anything else; those who want it will be the early adopters and buy ASAP, and others will trickle in at their own pace later.
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    So_MoneySo_Money Posts: 2,536 Member
    edited August 2020
    Atreya33 wrote: »
    Goosey wrote: »
    @Atreya33 They already have all the content from previous games to add into the base game of Sims 5, just need to adapt it slightly to work with Sims 5. EA isn't a small indie developer, they have billions of dollars and access to unlimited resources and yet you act like they just can't afford to the the most simple things and give us scum at least some improvements from previous games.

    Hell, the base Sims 4 game didn't even have a color wheel for CAS or open world, yet the base game of Sims 3 had it. You know at this rate Sims 5 probably won't even have more than 1 town, they'll just give us like 3 lots to build on and sell us the rest in surprise mechanics lootboxes.

    So tired of people defending these massive companies for screwing us constantly, we get nothing improved when people act like sheep and keep giving money to the unworthy.

    They have all the content, yes. But the problem is they have to recreate everything for a new base game. so they can't add everything from all expansion packs at once.

    While that is a factor, the real reason we won’t get a “complete” basegame is because EA likes to make money and there’s no money to be made in giving us everything from the start.
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    Sim_ArchitectsSim_Architects Posts: 302 Member
    edited August 2020
    Some of us have done this 2-4 times already and don't want to do it again. I know that Sims 5's base game will have to be spectacular to tempt me. I've played all 4 iterations of the game and definitely don't want start from scratch with a new game. With 3 and 4, I played the base game for a while then went back to the previous version until some packs came out, because I started to miss all the extra content.

    That’s ok. But just because some people don’t want to “do it again” doesn’t mean sims 5 shouldn’t be made for the rest who do. I will always “do it again” , I’ll buy sims 6 when it releases :D I own all packs for sims 4. And I’ll continue to play it from time to time after sims 5. But I want sims 5! Buying it is optional.

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    Sim_ArchitectsSim_Architects Posts: 302 Member
    Not developing The Sims 5 because some people don’t want to pay money for it is like Apple saying we won’t make more iPhones because some people don’t want to buy new models, or a car company saying we will not make new cars this year because some people already have one.

    Just like anything else; those who want it will be the early adopters and buy ASAP, and others will trickle in at their own pace later.

    This! <3

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    LiELFLiELF Posts: 6,538 Member
    So_Money wrote: »
    Atreya33 wrote: »
    Goosey wrote: »
    @Atreya33 They already have all the content from previous games to add into the base game of Sims 5, just need to adapt it slightly to work with Sims 5. EA isn't a small indie developer, they have billions of dollars and access to unlimited resources and yet you act like they just can't afford to the the most simple things and give us scum at least some improvements from previous games.

    Hell, the base Sims 4 game didn't even have a color wheel for CAS or open world, yet the base game of Sims 3 had it. You know at this rate Sims 5 probably won't even have more than 1 town, they'll just give us like 3 lots to build on and sell us the rest in surprise mechanics lootboxes.

    So tired of people defending these massive companies for screwing us constantly, we get nothing improved when people act like sheep and keep giving money to the unworthy.

    They have all the content, yes. But the problem is they have to recreate everything for a new base game. so they can't add everything from all expansion packs at once.

    While that is a factor, the real reason we won’t get a “complete” basegame is because EA likes to make money and there’s no money to be made in giving us everything from the start.

    That, and the fact that developing a complete game will take ten years. The Sims games have always been "in development" throughout their run. So in order to get a complete game, you have to tack on all the development time after base game releases. If they were to do that, the cost of the game would be crazy.

    And also, there's no way players want to pay that much in a drop, or wait that long for a new game, lol.
    #Team Occult
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    Sim_ArchitectsSim_Architects Posts: 302 Member
    edited August 2020
    LiELF wrote: »
    So_Money wrote: »
    Atreya33 wrote: »
    Goosey wrote: »
    @Atreya33 They already have all the content from previous games to add into the base game of Sims 5, just need to adapt it slightly to work with Sims 5. EA isn't a small indie developer, they have billions of dollars and access to unlimited resources and yet you act like they just can't afford to the the most simple things and give us scum at least some improvements from previous games.

    Hell, the base Sims 4 game didn't even have a color wheel for CAS or open world, yet the base game of Sims 3 had it. You know at this rate Sims 5 probably won't even have more than 1 town, they'll just give us like 3 lots to build on and sell us the rest in surprise mechanics lootboxes.

    So tired of people defending these massive companies for screwing us constantly, we get nothing improved when people act like sheep and keep giving money to the unworthy.

    They have all the content, yes. But the problem is they have to recreate everything for a new base game. so they can't add everything from all expansion packs at once.

    While that is a factor, the real reason we won’t get a “complete” basegame is because EA likes to make money and there’s no money to be made in giving us everything from the start.

    That, and the fact that developing a complete game will take ten years. The Sims games have always been "in development" throughout their run. So in order to get a complete game, you have to tack on all the development time after base game releases. If they were to do that, the cost of the game would be crazy.

    And also, there's no way players want to pay that much in a drop, or wait that long for a new game, lol.

    Sims 4 was expensive when it released. Wasnt it like 60? I mean, I would pay $75 just for some basic features like an attraction system to be in the base game. Its a strech, but things may be done differently for sims 5. If im being honest, weather is a nice effect....but not something i must have. I dislike when it rains in game most times.
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