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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,799 Member
    Having fun with the Jones family tonight. I got system that seems to work rather well to take care of the triplets. I’ll have an update and feedback tomorrow.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    I'm thinking of switching my games over to steam.I hear a lot of people prefer it on steam, what's the difference?
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    EvalenEvalen Posts: 10,223 Member
    @carlystur03 thanks, he is a cutie, yes, I have a lot of my sims marry their IF. that is if they are best friends. But maybe it would be nice if he got pregnant, keep the blood line going.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member

    Good you had fun with the save.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,931 Member
    I'm thinking of switching my games over to steam.I hear a lot of people prefer it on steam, what's the difference?

    I don't have the full story but I believe the attraction of Steam is being able to play without having it connected to Origin. But I think that might be changing - I've seen something's going on with that but I didn't take much notice as I have a 2009 version of the base game.

    You might need to do a bit more research and get the full story before spending money to go to Steam.
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    KrayzieStrykerKrayzieStryker Posts: 2,646 Member
    Hi its been a really long time, but recently I got some time to play again so I played some S3 and jumped right back to building my little houseboat (which I will upgrade as soon my Sims can afford moving).
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    AprylaApryla Posts: 23 Member
    My sim is in China and I noticed a tiny detail. When she's on the bike, and encounters an intersection, she looks into the intersection to make sure no traffic is there before continuing. It's awesome! Such a little thing!
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    Eurosim_7202Eurosim_7202 Posts: 50 Member
    @Apryla At least your sims know traffic then!
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,799 Member
    Jones Update

    Eric gets up first still, so I had him sit in the nursery with the babies until the rest of the family got up. I had to get rid of the rocker later as everybody only wanted to sit in it.

    Fawn cooked pancakes for breakfast. Christopher used to do the cooking, but since her father-in-law passed, she took on the duties. Eventually, L4u Rn will probably take over, although I like my Sims to be able to cook at least a bit.

    Once she got that done, she went up to talk with Eric. They have a great relationship but they don't have much time for as each other as they'd like. Fawn couldn't stop talking about the babies.

    Fawn loves being a grandmother. Eric had to eat so that's where he went while his wife took care of the triplets. Here, she is giving baby Abigail some love. Mom and Dad were still asleep as they stayed up late during the births.

    L4u Rn is doing great with the plants. At least this way, I can take care of other things.

    Eric got much better at bot building so he was able to upgrade her to Decent level, as well as adding a fourth trait slot. She put Limitless Learning back in, she wants to learn some skills.

    Melanie and Fawn taking care of the babies while the men were busy with other things.

    Melanie then began working on her new book, "1948" but then the babies needed diaper changes so she didn't get far.

    The grandparents took care of the kids while Dwight and Melanie went out for a date night. Her cousin, Lois Bunch, was talking to her pet kitten, Echo Bunch while the cop was Kaylynn Langerak, Dwight's mother.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,799 Member
    Page 3847, continued

    @GraceyManor I know what you mean, it seems with the triplets that I have to keep one Sim around them at all times.
    Honestly, I think they could have made the babies needs fall a little slower than they did.

    @Lucy_Henley The game will do that from time to time.
    The sports career is a bit annoying with all the games you got to play.

    @carlystur03 The pigtails actually look good on her.
    The crossed eye birthday pics, lol. I see that a lot, even in my games.
    Almost at the top, then.
    Great picture of the ladies.
    Nice to see ghost Christopher again.
    Great update!

    @Emily4331 Hi! I'm doing well, haven't got the virus yet and I'm hoping to stay that way.
    We all get sidetracked with other games sometimes, lol. I know I do.
    Ellie looks great!
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    KrayzieStrykerKrayzieStryker Posts: 2,646 Member
    Apryla wrote: »
    My sim is in China and I noticed a tiny detail. When she's on the bike, and encounters an intersection, she looks into the intersection to make sure no traffic is there before continuing. It's awesome! Such a little thing!

    Oh hi new Player welcome o/
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    ZhakiraPZhakiraP Posts: 1,439 Member

    Crumplebottom-Helgason Legacy
    Karl Helgason family:

    There have been quite a few birthdays happening. They are all getting tired of birthday cake.
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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    @Brandontaylor Glad to hear you're well! :3 And thank you!
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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    Much drama. Wow. :lol: I subconsciously typed "WoW" because I play too much World of Warcraft. Anyway. Here's an overly dramatic edited pic. :tongue:

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    A small update: :smile:

    Courtney invites The Squire over who is bringing a friend to meet Jasmine


    He is friends with Colin


    Not quite a double date but the group enjoy meeting up


    The dog is acting strange!


    They cannot wait for places to reopen so they can actually do something more interesting!

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    EvalenEvalen Posts: 10,223 Member
    Jones Update

    Eric gets up first still, so I had him sit in the nursery with the babies until the rest of the family got up. I had to get rid of the rocker later as everybody only wanted to sit in it.

    Fawn cooked pancakes for breakfast. Christopher used to do the cooking, but since her father-in-law passed, she took on the duties. Eventually, L4u Rn will probably take over, although I like my Sims to be able to cook at least a bit.

    Once she got that done, she went up to talk with Eric. They have a great relationship but they don't have much time for as each other as they'd like. Fawn couldn't stop talking about the babies.

    Fawn loves being a grandmother. Eric had to eat so that's where he went while his wife took care of the triplets. Here, she is giving baby Abigail some love. Mom and Dad were still asleep as they stayed up late during the births.

    L4u Rn is doing great with the plants. At least this way, I can take care of other things.

    Eric got much better at bot building so he was able to upgrade her to Decent level, as well as adding a fourth trait slot. She put Limitless Learning back in, she wants to learn some skills.

    Melanie and Fawn taking care of the babies while the men were busy with other things.

    Melanie then began working on her new book, "1948" but then the babies needed diaper changes so she didn't get far.

    The grandparents took care of the kids while Dwight and Melanie went out for a date night. Her cousin, Lois Bunch, was talking to her pet kitten, Echo Bunch while the cop was Kaylynn Langerak, Dwight's mother.

    @Brandontaylor Love your game play, love how you have been playing with the into the future items, I like your robot. Triplets?, Oh my, how do you do it. Funny I have never had triplets in all the years I have been playing, only twins once. I don't think I could handle it. I would have a breakdown.
    I read you did not feel good, sorry to hear that, glad you are feeling better, I tell every one I have a sickness called Catnap, I blame it on my cat. LOL, I think it is from being in so long. Stay safe, stay well and keep playing your sims, your story is great. Will keep you in prayer.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited May 2020
    Hey friends. :) I'm 4 pages behind and need to catch up. Sorry I've been so busy writing. ;):mrgreen:

    *I see some new posters so, WELCOME!* :smiley:

    **Please check to see if you've been tagged as I spend so much time on these comments and don't want any of you to miss them.** <3

    @DeafSimmer Thanks for the reply comments. <3 I'm glad you were able to listen to the songs. :)
    Cute pic of Discord, Luna, and Nova at the beach. <3
    I could totally see Luna being a gamer girl (pony). ;)
    Oooh, is Celestia finding herself becoming attracted to someone? :smirk: (Even if he's a werewolf. :lol: )
    Singleness doesn't bring as much baggage as dating would.
    ^This is very much true. I HATED the dating game. :confounded: But man, when you find that perfect someone for you, and stay together, life is always wonderful no matter how hard it gets. <3
    Aww, she turned Mr. Werewolf down!?
    Oh boy, Nova has the chaos magic. :lol:
    So kids could use the science table, but not the alchemy station? Who came up with that idea?
    ^That's a very good question. :lol:
    I thought Luna would say, "She's just like her daddy!" :p

    Technically, it's still April, but the weather has been dry for ages, and now it's warm and dry, and the lawn around the house looks like after an exceptionally dry August. Yikes.
    ^OMGosh TRUTH! :star:
    Our lawn looks exactly the way you described because it warmed up here hard and fast! (Some of my tulip buds died because of this change in weather. :cry: ) And I've noticed it's been extra dry this year too as we've had the humidifers going since October! Where in the US do you live? ;) I'm curious now.
    Of course, many people don't follow the restrictions anymore. Oh well.
    ^Yup. :unamused: We good citizens will always suffer from the stupidity and selfishness of others...
    Nice edits on the NPC's, especially the Paparazzi guy. :blush:
    Yeah mostly I'm with you. I don't like how the playpen teaches the kids abilities when I feel that's the parents job and they lose quality time together. the case of Triplets...I might let the cheating slide. :lol:
    I really need to see more pics of Marcus shirtless. :smirk::love:
    (Him teaching his boy about cell phones! :lol: )
    I definitely know that Relativity didn't break the toddler skills, I've never noticed that happening in my game. My bet is it's a glitch with the playpen... I get the feeling you've already figured it out by now. ;)
    58 Teens!? My nelly! :scream: It's sad that we can't play generations on end in one world without it glitching. :( In my Holland Family story, Michael had 5 kids and they all grew up and lived in the same town together. Then they got married and had kids. Then the save began to lag, just with 3 (?) Generations. It still makes me sad. :pensive: I guess I could move a couple of family members to a new town, but I loved having them all in their hometown together. <3
    Oh I meant to tell you: the copying and pasting comments isn't the culprit for people not getting my Notifications after I did a test. :pensive: It's just a dang glitch in the forum...

    @Brandontaylor I keep wondering when I'll finally add ITF to my game. :p
    Emit sleeping in the same bed as Eric! :lol:
    I wish we could synthesize food IRL. I know I'd be eating much healthier if I did because I'm sick of cooking in my older age. :p
    Melanie had triplets?? Ohhh boy! :flushed: Bless their hearts and good luck to them! :lol: I like the names you picked out. :)
    Thank you for all your lovely reply comments. <3 I always appreciate them.
    It's okay if you didn't notice Sebastian and Abigail flirting, I was just curious to see how many would. :p<3
    Love your captions for bekkasan 's photo. :lol:
    ^Thank you. :mrgreen: It was fun to do.
    You found a system that works to care for the triplets? Awesome! :grin: I look forward to seeing!
    I guess the grandparents could always help. ;)
    1948 - Nice! :lol:

    @Evalen Ooooh I really liked this post of yours! :smiley: I don't blame either of them for wanting to have the baby at home and I'm like rooting for Tobby the whole time he was maneuvering the houseboat! I KNOW he can get them home! :star:
    That's a very pretty island they landed on! <3
    Woah that lightning flash over the ocean was an awesome capture! :smiley:
    Ooh, the bumpy terrain on that island is cool! :grin: What world is this?
    If only the virus could be controlled that quickly. ;)
    Yay they made it! :mrgreen:
    Welcome Barry! Cute kissing pic at the end. <3
    He IS one adorable toddler! :)

    Seizures aren't fun.I can vouch for that from personal experiences.
    ^I'm sorry to hear that. :cry: They sure don't look or sound fun...
    Harvey is very handsome. And charming!
    ^Yes, yes he is. :love: Even with the 'stache! :lol: Brownie points to you for saying that. ;):p
    Thanks for the link to the baby carrier and I'm glad I could give you a laugh. :blush:
    Hey their friends are superheroes too! :smiley: Cool! I hope they take down creepy gamer guy soon!
    The outfit isn't too bad. :lol:
    Really Steam is just a better platform to play the game on which MUCH better customer service, from what I hear. Origin su'cks in both those areas.

    @bekkasan I see about Drogo. I wonder if he went back to her grave because he felt a hint of remorse? :confused: Guess we will find out more. ;)
    Hee hee, I'm happy to hear your noticed Abigail and Sebastian flirting. :blush: Yeah sometimes sims photo bomb in pics I'm trying to take for my stories so I'm careful to keep other sims out of the shot...unless I want them to be there. :smirk: That was the case here. I was curious to see if anyone would notice and comment, but it makes perfect sense why you didn't. <3
    I'm kinda sad @Nikkei_Simmer hasn't popped in to caption your family photo gone wrong. :( I'm sorry that pose turned out to be an awful one...
    Glad you loved my caption of your photo. <3 I wanted to give you a good laugh. :lol: I was hoping more would have captioned it.
    Hey, we've been watching Twilight Zone episodes lately. :smiley: They're pretty awesome and some really get you thinking...
    How have I never noticed that dark cloud in the sky when there's a ghost invasion!? :open_mouth: (Geez Em, HOW long have you been playing this game!? :confounded: )

    @Silverofdreams30 I had a feeling you noticed Seb and Abby flirting. ;) I was curious to see if anyone would and what their comments would be. I like to tease. :p
    Okay, I know I already told you this, but your newest Teen Witch update...HOT! <3 That kiss!! Wowza! (And thanks for sharing some of the "outtakes" with me. :blush: )
    I guess Derek is realizing that Alisson is not a very nice girl and senses kindness from Jodie that makes her all the more attractive. :) He's seeing the light on how a person should be and treat others.
    Aww, that was her first kiss. <3 My first kiss was pretty hot too. :smirk: Although I wish it'd been my husband who was my first.

    @Lucy_Henley Nice to see you posting again. :)
    Omgosh I SO miss the chef that cooked the meals at Uni in the dorms like in Sims 2! I wish they'd passed that on...And the ceiling sprinklers. :naughty:
    Yeah you work that body Leonardo! :love:
    I love those blue colors on him. <3
    Congrats on his perfect GPA and Graduation. :star: Science or Medical career? I forget.
    Nice car he has! ;)
    You could always do a story about him finding his first job and his first love. :blush:
    Yeah I clear all my cache's before every play session and I know it helps tons! 👍

    @king_of_simcity7 Glad to see your sims happy to get together again. :) It will be interesting to see how all this "opening up" affects the world. I still say we need to do it more slowly, but whatevs. It's a very tough call to make.
    The dog! :lol:

    @carlystur03 Nice to see you posting again. :)
    Those dreaded pigtails! :lol:
    I wish sims didn't go all cross-eyed before and during an age up... :(
    Lol! I guess Alaina pushed herself a little TOO hard! :lol: (Sorry... ) Now I really feel bad because she was begging not to go. :( Her life didn't feel fulfilled.
    At least she and Christopher are together. :)
    I'm not sure if the clumsy trait affects cooking, would make sense.

    @Emily4331 Hey girl! Nice to see you! :smiley:
    I think I could do a lot better on most pieces if I took my time. Which is what I plan on doing when the great hand of depression is done strangling any motivation I have to do anything.
    ^Girl I SO feel you on this! The struggle is REAL! :confounded: And it's so dang FRUSTRATING! But once we get out of the funk we are Awesome! :star::kissing_heart:
    Nothing wrong with being chatty. :)
    Once again you reveal an incredibly realistic looking and beautiful sim! :star:
    Her blue contacts are stunning and...I do like the nose ring, even though I'd never wear one. :lol:
    Ha ha! @bekkasan asking how she blows her nose with that? :lol: I've never even thought about that!

    @MadDoctor61 I didn't think Bear Meat was in the game... 🤷‍♀️

    @ZhakiraP Nice to see you pop in. :)

    Have fun simming and stay safe even with all the opening everyone! <3
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,799 Member
    Page 3848

    @Silverofdreams30 Thanks!
    Nice to meet Derek, Alisson, and her friend.
    Alisson doesn't seem to impressed with Jodie.
    Derek seems to be though.
    Yeah, I can see Alisson being the bossy type.
    He kind of jumped into that quick, lol
    Great update!

    @bekkasan You're welcome.
    Cool pic of the ghost invasion!

    @DeafSimmer Looks like Celestia is interested.
    Sounds like Nova is going to take after her dad.
    Great update!
    Nova looks great as a child.
    Game developers, lol. That's who came up with it.
    Of course Discord will let her do that. :D
    Great update!

    @king_of_simcity7 Hope Jasmine and Courtney have a nice time.
    That's nice of Courtney.
    Great update!

    @Evalen Sounds like they are having a nice little trip among the islands. I hope they make it home okay.
    Glad that they made it home.
    Congrats on the birth of Barry!
    Great update!
    Cute toddler.

    @MadDoctor61 Wow, didn't know about the bear meat!

    @GraceyManor I think he looks cute in those.
    Nice trick, Kimberly.
    Great update!

    @Gamer43251 Sounds like a plan.
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    KayeStarKayeStar Posts: 6,715 Member
    Here's something amusing. I have two small bathrooms next to each other. My sim died of age in one, but the grim reaper in the next one. So, he has to walk around to get into the other bathroom to reap my sim's spirit.

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Brandontaylor Thanks for the feedback :smile:
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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    @emorrill Hyello! :smiley: Thank you. :heart: LOL I don't have any piercings and would probably never get any, but I do like how some of them look on my sims. So I'll just live vicariously through them. :tongue:
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    EvalenEvalen Posts: 10,223 Member

    Asha Potty trains Barry
    the worst part of Potty training, Asha never dreamed it would be like this.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Anyone have some tips or tricks on throwing a good party? Sims are standing around yawning, even though I have a lot of food and stuff to do with music going.
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    Eurosim_7202Eurosim_7202 Posts: 50 Member
    @king_of_simcity7 Simbourne looks similar to Eastenders.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Saroczky Thanks it has a British influence :smile:

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