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The SIMS 5 Ideas for EA Team

Pcjunky13Pcjunky13 Posts: 407 Member
I did not see a post about this but then again I didn't really look..... I apologize in advance, growing up I was never great at grammar (never understood it no matter how many different ways it was taught) and I tend to ramble on but hopefully you can stay with me.

I think we can all AGREE that we LOVE this game with a passion and only want to continue. As we know, no offence sims team you hear us but at the same time your not that great, MOST of the time giving us what we want/expect cough cough like a hot tub in a 20th anniversary update. Not that we demand it/expect it (well me personally) but at the same time if your someone like me that has been around since the FIRST SIMS, you probably spent at least a 1,000 dollars maybe or more, the beginning was more my parents but still that is not that point. The Point is that, all we want is to be heard me personally I like simplicity and the fact that I know some of you out there want the game more realistic like violence and drugs and etc...etc...etc... but the game for me is an escape from the harsh cruel world because its NUTS out there so I like that in my game they don't have that not that they have feelings there virtual "people" but the one thing that's nice is MODDERS can create those things for people that want them. Also as long as the sims team provides them with tools I admit those intense moments I should say help create a story(line)....

Anyways the point of this post was a IDEAS for the FUTURE SIMS 5 sense word of its been in the "AIR" / going around...why I said the other stuff in case you were wondering is more of a gentle vent/rant of I am tired of giving the sims team the benefit of the doubt and saying "You work very hard and can't please everyone, so no complaints" I am getting VERY tired of saying that and now with Sims 5 I would like to voice what I WOULD like to see before it gets released and you already screwed up. Not that the other Sims were failures compared to the first Sims, BUT at the same time the game lacked in departments yes there were improvements but just doing this HERE and THERE doesn't IMPROVE completely the previous ones which that's what it should be, anytime you create a newer version of this game to get a NEW and fresh audience of players to keep this game ALIVE doesn't mean throwing away the best parts of the previous you just tweek it to make it better with the additions you create. ANYWAYS RANT OVER NOW FOR IDEAS

With the 20th anniversary it made me play all the old Sims and made me realize even more so now, of what I Liked and Didn't like. The Best part is I think the majority of other players can agree (I would like to believe so, I could be wrong)...

I WOULD LOVE for the FUTURE Sims 5... I'm going to break it down of what I would like to see in Sims 5 from previous Sims games

SIMS 1 (2000)
Build and Buy from Superstar, Hot Date, Vacation, Makin Magic, House Party. (THIS INCLUDES IT'S GAMEPLAY WITH THOSE OBJECTS)
I used to laugh hysterical when they danced in the dancing cage and the Music Video Set.

Sims 2:
Nightlife, Cars, some of the simple little details in "Actions", Grocery Store and Buying Groceries, Memories, Turn ON and OFFs. and a BIG ONE GAMEPLAY WITH BABIES (Might add more later to this one),

Sims 3:
Open World, Horses, All the Supernatural occults. 5 Total Traits

Sims 4:
Emotions and some of the UI systems you have created have been fun working with it.

Now I wrote this post originally before I went to work so I might update later when I come back, RAN OUT OF TIME. But to add a few things

I would love to see an open world again with NO RABBIT HOLES or LARVA BABIES. I would love to see the ability to have more than three Traits and have 5 again. Also Memories should make a comeback. A farm expansion to 5 would be nice especially if it included HORSES, cows, chickens and etc...

A Feature I thought that would cool would be FLAWS: You would have the ability to make any trait a flaw because some times things that we have that make our personalty also can be a flaw for example. You can be neat and clean but there is OCD which isn't necessarily a flaw but to others it can be a draw back.

Also another thing some life stages could be added for example: Pre-Teen and preschooler not quite a kid yet but not a toddler anymore.

like I said there can be more later that I add but it's 9:08am and I have to be to work at 9:30 feel free to add/chime in your thoughts, suggestions, ideas as well THANK YOU and remember be KIND : )
Post edited by Pcjunky13 on


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    PatricePatrice Posts: 361 Member
    I love you're ideas for sims5! and it would be awesome to have the option for single player, or online play at the start of the game, so you agree? though I like sims as they are.🙂
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    1need4kaffee1need4kaffee Posts: 486 Member
    I read the subject and thought you were proposing a Chat system in Sims 5 since they are talking online again. SMH.
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    SimAlexandriaSimAlexandria Posts: 4,845 Member
    Most of tyhe ideas I don't want haha but I do really want preschoolers and preteens free babies and groceries!

    Things I see often requested I do not want though occult, open world, turn ons and turn offs, realistic art style, or a color wheel.

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    Pcjunky13Pcjunky13 Posts: 407 Member
    I read the subject and thought you were proposing a Chat system in Sims 5 since they are talking online again. SMH.
    Haha true I honestly forgot about that... I’ll change it later
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    John_SalonicaJohn_Salonica Posts: 353 Member
    Sims 4: ''emotions and some UI systems'' . You forgot that sims 4 has amazing and WAY better build mode, create a sim and multitasking
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    Andyzhang2896Andyzhang2896 Posts: 58 Member
    I never played The Sims 1 & 2. So I don't know what great feature they have that The Sims 4 doesn't have.
    What I miss from TS 3 is some little details such as a sim getting awake by noisy loudspeakers, having a moodlet like "It's dark" when the room got no lighting and "Unfinished room" when the wall isn't painted yet. In TS 4, nobody cares about how dark or unfinished the room is, still asleep even the sister is karaoke-ing in the bedroom. Totally make no sense.

    I like the open world in TS 3, I can explore here and there which is very nice. Also, no loading screen when traveling from 1 house to another. There's no open world in TS 4 and I kinda understand it, they (developers) didn't want the game lagging and performance going smoothly. But one thing that I (and everyone I guess) hate so much is there's a loading screen when you travel from your house to another lot in the same neighborhood. I'm okay with a loading screen but not when it happens in the same neighborhood. If The Sims 5 can't be open world, at least reduce the loading screen.

    The color wheel is a must, TS4 got some great objects but the provided color swatches are so bad that I avoid the items solely because of bad color. Inconsistency also happens in the Get Famous pack, where some color swatches are missing.

    Build mode is TS 4 is great, but some things that people missed is:

    •Flat roof
    Yes, we can create a "flat roof" in TS4 with floor. The problem is we can't add roof texture to it, we can't create a flat glass roof. There are objects in DLC that can create glass roofs such as in Island Living and Get Together, but the object size is fixed, unlike a roof that we can adjust.
    •Multi-level floor
    I hope they implement this because their competitor is able to execute this.
    •Ceiling Tile
    This one probably gets so little or no attention at all from the community. The roof in TS4 is pretty boring, all white-colored without the ability to add some warm, woody material on it. Since it's hard to view ceiling even with TS3 camera, there should be a button that brings us to a new build mode/perspective specifically for designing the ceiling.

    Another feature that I wish and probably will never get implemented is the ability to turn on and off the occult of a pack. Not everyone likes occult things. I really wanted to buy Get to Work EP but didn't do it because there's alien.

    This is what I currently have in mind, the more I spend time in this game, the more I think this game need improvement.
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    alan650111alan650111 Posts: 3,295 Member
    1.We need Wants/Fears system that links to satisfaction points. If you satisfy a want you get points depending on how in-depth that want is. If you realize a fear they lose points and it's a certain hit of negative emotion upon your sim.

    2. The return of Create A Style from Sims 3. Customize walls, floors, objects, hair, and clothing! Just for fun how about you can even customize pattern of grass, trees, and every plant too?! This way people could make really wacky things and the power is truly in the hands of the player!

    3. The return of lot traits but ones that are much stronger and noticeable! A haunted trait could make doors slowly open on their own, spooky mist could appear, and ghosts would actually horrify Sims into an actual fear emotion. There could be traits to only have occults show up to lot or even certain genders etc. There could be traits that could make a lot truly cursed like everyone getting sick, random accidents happen frequently on said lot, and other cursed happenings. There could be endless possibilities if they got really creative!

    4. IN-DEPTH SIM TRAITS! I would actually make this the number one feature of the game! Sims 5 desperately needs really complex personalities for our Sims! Shy, loner, diva, grumpy, no sense of humor, good sense of humor, judgemental, jealous, brave, coward, frugal, wasteful, snob, proper, and the list could go on to a minimum of 70 traits to ship with The Sims 5 base game. Have each trait have custom animations and interactions. I want to be able to observe townie sims and be able to start guessing which traits they have because they would be so noticeable. 2 traits for toddlers, 4 for children, 5 for teenagers, 6 traits for young adult through elder! Unique traits are pivotal for long-lasting interest in a family or single sim!

    5. New Environment Section in Build mode--Ability to drop butterfly environment effects, lightning bug effects, squirrel spawner (and many other animals), fog, mist, and many other animated effects so forth so you can truly have your own environmental ambience.
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    Pcjunky13Pcjunky13 Posts: 407 Member
    I am loving all of these :) it's so sad that each game has it's up's and downs and you think with our feedback they would add and fix what they lacked. I know that you can't please everything but why would you take away from what was great in each game. It doesn't make sense. What I would love to see is STOP WITH SIMS 5 like stop working on it and come back to it years later.

    Perfect 4 and then maybe in another 10 years go to sims 5. I don't care much or little about the online idea it's a MOO point (TV Show friends quote). To me fix what we have been complaining about I don't care about a color wheel although cool sometimes I hated it. I know everyone is torn between No OPEN WORLD or OPEN WORLD isn't there a way to have both. Because loading screens were and are a pain but then it lagged like crazy for everything to load. Yes you gave somewhat of that option in the sims 4 but it's not the same. Add Cars, New Life Stages, New Traits and Aspirations and like someone said more IN-DEPTH Traits. What I find hilarious is if you watch the trailer for sims 4 launch trailer it made it look obvious of what the sims traits and personality but yet Sims.

    But don't even get me started the Emotion System was a cool idea but it lacks in what I thought it would provide. When Rachel (I think that's what her name was) when sims 4 was launching and they were showing it of at like EA play or something they had a test scenario were there emotions were effected at what they do, yes the do to an extent like it doesn't affect them as much as I though it would be. And the Sims in Sims 2 had WAYY more personality and yet they didn't have a trait system or emotions. I say combine Emotions with the Traits, and add more interaction like facial expressions, body language. THE LIST COULD GO ON!!!!

    That's why again STOP 5 RIGHT NOW AND FIX 4!!!! I am not ready to buy I new one and we don't need a SimCity that came out in 2013, as we all remember that was a DISASTER. So let's not lose your huge fanbase I realize your trying to help keep it going but I don't know why your rushing when you know very well you haven't fixed 4. Okay I get start from scratch but I don't know seems to me that each time a new one comes out you focus on SOMETHING NEW and focus on that, that you lose focus of what makes Sims, Sims. The Sims are supposed mimic real life. Not Completely but I look back at Sims 1 and 2 and it has that feel of real life to it but yet not exactly like it, if that makes sense. Sims 3 wasn't terrible and neither is 4 they have great things about them but lack greatly in everything else EXCEPT they key focus. Sims 3 it was Traits and an Open world. Sims 4 it was Emotions. But you took away from other things.
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    Sakia90Sakia90 Posts: 46 Member
    edited April 2020
    @Pcjunky13 Sims 4 cannot handle another 10 years. It's already starting to lag and have problems for people. Maybe Sims 5 can handle 16 years, but Sims 4? No. Plus there are those who want to move on to a new and hopefully better game.
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    KaronKaron Posts: 2,332 Member
    SIMS 1/2/3/4 as one thing.
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    Briana2425Briana2425 Posts: 3,653 Member
    What I want from Sims 5 I want vechiles, Burglars, Firemen and Police back.
    I want the drama back I do want prom, graduation, homecoming, back for teenagers and learning to drive.
    Better babies then Sims 4 also I want the strollers back for both Babies and Toddlers and a daycare for toddlers and playdates that you can set up.
    I would like a school game pack where you don't have to follow the kids to school but have homework and other assignments and field trips.
    I would like to have a funeral or memorial everyone dress on black and pay Respect to the family.
    I would want Preteens.
    Double wedding rings for the female Sims.
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    AmTk86AmTk86 Posts: 80 Member
    Sims 4 build buy and CAS stay mostly the same, however, an added color wheel for skin color and hair along with being able to mark it as dyed and have a natural color (stuff along those lines). And in the clothing category, I'd want layerable clothing (scarfs being its own clothing item, overalls being classed as bottoms that can be combined with any shirt). MORE/BETTER AFRO HAIRSTYLES, the base game ones in the sims 4 are a d i s g r a c e! I may be pushing it here, but maybe an ombre accessory that can be added to any hairstyle, the main theme I'm going for here is just more customizability. Disabilities, just physical as mental, seems to cause too much controversy, but I'd like to have wheelchairs and stuff. For personality, I advocate for a mix of the point system and traits; points for basic aspects of the personality everyone has (think the Big 5 in psychology, but that's just an example) but five trait slots for more unique parts of a sims personality. Along with likes/dislikes, favorites, quirks, and zodiacs, we could have really in-depth personalities. To make it feel like sims had a life before the game starts, maybe allow us to choose a couple of skills that we can have up to level three in. Maybe even give us the option to choose a career (at the starting level obviously, a little higher if you're playing an adult). These wouldn't be required but help with storytelling better than the create-a-story mode that we have now.

    Life stages: I know I'm kind of going overboard here but hear me out, I'd want babies, toddlers, kids, tweens, teens, young adults, adults, Retirees, and elders. Tweens and retirees I can already see starting a controversy so let me explain, I see these stages as distinct age groups. Tweens are meaner than kids and more confused than teens. Gameplay should involve giving them a Tween trait (similar to the toddler traits in the Sims 4) that dictates how they experience puberty, like a childish trait for a tween who fears growing up but a Grown tween that rejects any reminders that they are still a child. A grown tween will be mean to younger siblings who still play with toys and make fun of childish tweens while the other will cling to expects of their childhood. Retirees simply replace the current elder stage, but the new elder stage will be a bonus life stage for those who take really good care of their sim (so retirees are more people in their 60s while elders are the lucky ones who live to be 90). Anyways, free babies obviously, but I'd have them work similarly to pets in the Sims 4, they do things, but you can't control them. It'd be fun if you couldn't choose the baby's trait but had to randomize it, so it would be pure luck if you get a fussy or calm baby.

    Gameplay-wise, bring back random chance events! I want robbers, cops, firefighters! I want more consequences for my sim's decisions. The townies should have their own lives going on, throw parties, fall in love, have some familial drama, get promotions, have families. I'm trying to think of a way to make story progression less invasive than it was in Sims 3, so maybe take the favorites feature in the Sims 4, and the game won't touch those sims? Then have a "control freak" feature for those sims that you aren't playing to control who they end up with and stuff. Y'know that option in-game to ask about other sims and stuff? Expand that and have options to "set up on a date," "suggest to propose, "suggest having kids." Now that could get you invited to weddings, called over to meet babies, etc. I think it would help storytelling without the player having to play out every sim's life. Until the university expansion gets added, jobs should hire based on skill level and education. Not just anyone can enter, say, the scientist career; you have to make good grades and have a high enough skill level in rocket science. Honestly, does getting an A in school affect anything in Ts4? If you start as an adult or young adult, the game will just assume you made good grades. I'd like more ways to interact with the world and change your sim inside of the world rather than going to CAS. Add a hairdresser where you can get your hair styled and/or dyed, a tattoo parlor where you can get tattoos. I just want these changes to the sim to feel like actual decisions they've made rather than just something slapped onto them. Cars, even if we don't get an open-world they still open up gameplay options and more realism. Instead of just fading away, your sims can get on a bus (which would have a scheduled time that your sim has to get to it, cost money), carpool or Uber (carpooling is free and gains relationship points, uber cost money but also gains relationship both take some time to get to your house), buy a car (cost a lot of money to initially get, responsible for repairs but can be used instantly), buy a bike (have to buy, fitness gain, tires sim out), or walk (free, tires sim, fitness gain). More gameplay for life stages other than young adult, family occult gameplay (I'm scraping if we don't get occult children in the sims 5), more tiny details like in Ts2. I'd want one fully developed occult in the base game, ghost preferably. I'm a firm believer in the base game containing a starting point for all forms of gameplay.

    This is part is more stuff that I want for me lol: no activity tables for kids, let them draw and write and program anywhere and all these other things that older sims can do. When witches come, I want it to be a Get famous like thing, you don't have to be genetically a witch, I HATE genetic magic with a passion, I don't know why but I do. Not locking certain genres of writing, art, and program for higher skill levels. More ways to be an artist than painting (watercolor, graphite), combining skills to do (or even just new skills for) animation, comic making. Posting art on simstagram. Opening commissions and being able to set a price. If it isn't obvious I'm apart of the art community but honestly, I'm advocating for depth to all the skills like this. Like, I'd want to be able to sell my sims art to galleries but you have to keep in mind the kind of art each gallery accepts or you could be rejected. Like I said, more world interaction and consequences. Ok, I'm done rambling now.
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    SinaMegapolisSinaMegapolis Posts: 244 Member
    The problem with a point/slider system for TS5 is that unless we're only letting them play a game of chances to give sims a sense of personality then it would make game dev very complicated.
    Because you would have to take every value on each slider into account when making new gameplay interactions and make new animations for most of them (which we know is very costly). Not to mention the interaction between different sliders and the interaction between sliders and traits.

    So our best bet is to keep the traits system but make the traits impactful and have the mods take care of the interactions between traits.
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    AnnLee87AnnLee87 Posts: 2,475 Member
    edited April 2020
    I want The Sims 5 to be less repetitive. After 5 years of the same aspirations for kids and only a few new for other Sims I don't even use them anymore. I just find myself just cheating points for a money tree and potions.

    I want The Sims 5 to have more options in the option menu instead of a special objects.
    I want to be able to make it summer all the time or winter. Whatever combination of seasons I choose. The weather machine is dumb imo.
    I want to go to options and choose what occults appear in my save.
    I want an option to turn off alien abductions.
    I want build and buy items separated from pack features in options. I love parenthood objects but dislike the ask for advice and character value system. If I disable the pack I don't have the objects.

    I get why we have cheat codes but a lot of them could just be options in the options menu a player can turn off and on. I am tired of typing death.toggle and some of the codes are very long.

    The Sims 5 does not need huge objects. I like the observatory we have now but it would be great to have a basic telescope. The cupcake machine was fun for like 5 minutes but it's not practical.

    The Sims 5 should have more hidden or behind the scenes goals and skills for players. Not just for the SIMS we create, manage and grow to love. I enjoy getting the little notifications like played for 24 hours or you pulled an all nighter etc. I want the game to acknowledge my skill and accomplishments as a player. Like you managed 8 Sims for a full day with fires or deaths. I want to be recognized as THE player. I put 5000+ hours into this game and who can I tell? lol I gave up $4 iced coffees, going out to eat and going to the movies to be able to afford every pack. I want some love back to me!
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    PlayerSinger2010PlayerSinger2010 Posts: 3,267 Member
    I want aliens from the beginning. GIve me something else to play with besides humans. Please!
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    KaronKaron Posts: 2,332 Member
    edited April 2020
    I want occult GP for ALL occults being released every year during halloween. And I also want GP for venues/active career like Dine Out and Spa Day (but still having the optional rabbit hole career version if I'm not interested to play them actively at some point):

    - Arboretum GP: Active/semi-active/part-time job and rabbit hole gardening career options. You start with the arboretum with empty plots and you can complete a collection at the same time as you fill the arboretum, kinda like the museum from Animal Crossing. You can also enter gardening competitions and go on school field trip.

    - Bistro/Diner GP: Just like Dine Out, but without all the bugs and lags. You can have a Culinary active career/semi-active/rabbit hole and part-time job options. You can also attend Gourmet Cooking class, Cooking class or Mixology class, as well as other food related skill classes.

    - Bookstore GP: You can be the owner of the bookstore, or havea ctive/semi-active/part-time job and rabbit hole bookstore career options (like the bookstore clerk part-job in sims 3). You can buy books, hold autograph session, make advertisement deal and sell your second-hand books for a higher value than from inventory selling. It could come with a library lot-type and/or a hybrid of library and bookstore.

    - City Hall GP: Active/semi-active/part-time job and rabbit hole gardening career options. You can protest here, change your name, divorce, register as self-employed... and so on and so forth.

    - Grocery GP: Like the sims 2 grocery system, but you can be the owner or be employed to work there in active/semi-active/part-time job and rabbit hole career options.

    - Hospital GP: Giving birth when the baby is coming, get plastic surgery, wax body hair, receive flu/allergy shot, and so on and so forth. A active/semi-active/part-time job and rabbit hole options as careers like in Get To Work where you can be teh doctor, but other options like being nurse or cleaning staff.

    - Mausoleum GP: Tour mausoleum, explore catacomb, manage the dead... active/semi-active/part-time job and rabbit hole related career options. Maybe a Mausoleum Clerk part-time job, a Grim Reaper career and a Ghost Hunting career too.

    - Marine Laboratory GP: You can scuba dive for fun, but you could also help to clean the ocean and study marine life. The Marine Lab could ahve a underwater museum/collection type like the Blathers museum from Animal Crossing for you to complete.

    - Day Care GP...

    - Other lot types like: 🐸🐸🐸🐸 Wagon, Military base, Office building, Police department, School, Science lab, Spa, Stadium, Stellar observatory, Subway, Theater, Museum, etc... IF cats, gogs and horses were in the base game we could have a Pet Shop EP where you could buy them, buy toys, clothing and run the pet shop too. Could also have a Veterinary GP and a Equestrian center GP.

    - Some of those GPs could be tied together in a Expansion Pack, like a Law and Order Expansion Pack with the Investigator active-career, Criminal active-career, Firefighter active-career, Hospital GP, Military Base GP, Police Department GP, etc...

    - Instead of making a whole GP mixing the Mausoleum GP with ghosts, you could have the ghost hunting career in the Mausoleum GP and focus on detailing the ghosts in their on GP with a world themed in the hell/heaven, and other stuff like that (and if it had space in the gp could also include the ghost hunting career which wouldn't be a problem).
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    KaronKaron Posts: 2,332 Member
    @PlayerSinger2010 they should add ALL occult types in the base game. Not the Vampires/Spellcaster with full fledged power/abilities tree, but the Sims 1/2/3 ones with basic stuff, then they could release other packs expanding those basic occults to make all of them detailed... It would also open up a possibility for them to add a whole Occult Hybrid game pack. We never had proper occults before cuz the occults were always scattered in different packs.
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    AntoniaBaybeeAntoniaBaybee Posts: 160 Member
    Having recently jumped back to the sims 3 for a bit, I found there's a lot of things I like there that are not in the Sims 4 which I'd love to see make a return for Sims 5 but with little tweaks here and there for some and a couple other ideas as well:

    - Buying Groceries - I loved my sims going to the store and selecting groceries however, I hated having to drag each item individually to the fridge so it would be fun if the groceries were maybe stored in the inventory (presuming we have one) in a sort of shopping bag or basket that can be used to store everything. Alternatively, an action on the fridge that shows put away all groceries so all items which could be stored in the fridge can be placed there and also functioning cupboards and cabinets to make pantries and non-fridge items can go in here.

    - Cars - I don't care if it's an open world like The Sims 3 or closed like The Sims 2 & 4 but having the sims have the ability to drive around or scoot around when they feel like it is a good idea and I think it would make more sense and realism to the game.

    - Burglars & Fire Department Returning - Adds more realism to the game

    - General Household Cleaning & Laundry Products in the base game - Like we have an array of floors and sims don't take their shoes off going in and out of the house so it would mean a lot of heavy traffic and mud being trodden in especially when it comes to mud puddles from seasons so we could see hardwood and tiled floors getting wet and discoloured so that a brush and mop can be used to clean and hoovers for carpeted areas and rugs and it would be great if we had washing machines, driers and clothes lines in the base game. The return of making beds as well would be nice.

    - I'd like to have more interactions with babies and have them as their own sims characters and maybe have different traits for when they are born like a noisy baby that cries a lot or a quiet baby who doesn't fuss too much etc

    - I'd like to see better traits and more overall traits in the game as well as memories, wants and fears and turn offs and turn ons and more fleshed out sims and maybe have more of a realistic look around them. I also liked how Sims in TS3 reacted to simple things like a light not being on in a room or a room being unfinished.

    - I'd also like NPC careers to be available for played sims like a repairman, maid, mail person.

    One thing I would like clarification on though with the Sims 5 (if there proves to be one in development?) is how it is going to be played. Is it gonna be DLC via origin like previous iterations or is it gonna be like an online version which I know TS4 was originally supposed to be? I'm sure I'll love it either way but if they are bringing it out and putting a heavy price on it I would like to see some aspects of gameplay we have to pay for separately in previous versions included in the base pack such as Seasons and Pets. I'd adds for more realistic gameplay but also opens up the creators two more slots for expansions in which they can use for new ideas or ideas from the past which they have not been able to bring back but due to the money these expansions bring in I don't see it happening but I can hope.
    Antonia Louise <3
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    ClarionOfJoyClarionOfJoy Posts: 1,945 Member
    edited April 2020
    Karon wrote: »
    I want occult GP for ALL occults being released every year during halloween. And I also want GP for venues/active career like Dine Out and Spa Day (but still having the optional rabbit hole career version if I'm not interested to play them actively at some point):

    - Arboretum GP: Active/semi-active/part-time job and rabbit hole gardening career options. You start with the arboretum with empty plots and you can complete a collection at the same time as you fill the arboretum, kinda like the museum from Animal Crossing. You can also enter gardening competitions and go on school field trip.

    - Bistro/Diner GP: Just like Dine Out, but without all the bugs and lags. You can have a Culinary active career/semi-active/rabbit hole and part-time job options. You can also attend Gourmet Cooking class, Cooking class or Mixology class, as well as other food related skill classes.

    - Bookstore GP: You can be the owner of the bookstore, or havea ctive/semi-active/part-time job and rabbit hole bookstore career options (like the bookstore clerk part-job in sims 3). You can buy books, hold autograph session, make advertisement deal and sell your second-hand books for a higher value than from inventory selling. It could come with a library lot-type and/or a hybrid of library and bookstore.

    - City Hall GP: Active/semi-active/part-time job and rabbit hole gardening career options. You can protest here, change your name, divorce, register as self-employed... and so on and so forth.

    - Grocery GP: Like the sims 2 grocery system, but you can be the owner or be employed to work there in active/semi-active/part-time job and rabbit hole career options.

    - Hospital GP: Giving birth when the baby is coming, get plastic surgery, wax body hair, receive flu/allergy shot, and so on and so forth. A active/semi-active/part-time job and rabbit hole options as careers like in Get To Work where you can be teh doctor, but other options like being nurse or cleaning staff.

    - Mausoleum GP: Tour mausoleum, explore catacomb, manage the dead... active/semi-active/part-time job and rabbit hole related career options. Maybe a Mausoleum Clerk part-time job, a Grim Reaper career and a Ghost Hunting career too.

    - Marine Laboratory GP: You can scuba dive for fun, but you could also help to clean the ocean and study marine life. The Marine Lab could ahve a underwater museum/collection type like the Blathers museum from Animal Crossing for you to complete.

    - Day Care GP...

    - Other lot types like: 🐸🐸🐸🐸 Wagon, Military base, Office building, Police department, School, Science lab, Spa, Stadium, Stellar observatory, Subway, Theater, Museum, etc... IF cats, gogs and horses were in the base game we could have a Pet Shop EP where you could buy them, buy toys, clothing and run the pet shop too. Could also have a Veterinary GP and a Equestrian center GP.

    - Some of those GPs could be tied together in a Expansion Pack, like a Law and Order Expansion Pack with the Investigator active-career, Criminal active-career, Firefighter active-career, Hospital GP, Military Base GP, Police Department GP, etc...

    - Instead of making a whole GP mixing the Mausoleum GP with ghosts, you could have the ghost hunting career in the Mausoleum GP and focus on detailing the ghosts in their on GP with a world themed in the hell/heaven, and other stuff like that (and if it had space in the gp could also include the ghost hunting career which wouldn't be a problem).

    I like your ideas, but I really wouldn't want them separated into game packs - buying all of them will turn out to be more expensive than if you group them into EPs.

    Karon wrote: »
    @PlayerSinger2010 they should add ALL occult types in the base game. Not the Vampires/Spellcaster with full fledged power/abilities tree, but the Sims 1/2/3 ones with basic stuff, then they could release other packs expanding those basic occults to make all of them detailed... It would also open up a possibility for them to add a whole Occult Hybrid game pack. We never had proper occults before cuz the occults were always scattered in different packs.

    I agree with this. Put all of them in the basegame with basic features and that will give people an incentive to buy the future packs which add more gameplay for each of occult type. Also agree with the hybrid features too!
    - I'd like to have more interactions with babies and have them as their own sims characters and maybe have different traits for when they are born like a noisy baby that cries a lot or a quiet baby who doesn't fuss too much etc

    I totally agree with this! They should add milestones to a baby's development Make them skills perhaps: first roll over, first smile, first time sitting up, recognizing mommy's and daddy's voice or face, etc. The devs just have to look up a simple list of development firsts for babies.

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    ldmarkoldmarko Posts: 5,487 Member
    I would love to see open worlds but in the Sims 4 format (all connected so sims from the different neighborhoods can interact), Sims 4 aging options, more emphasis on relationships, a self-modding system where we can toggle off anything that annoys us or isn't relevant to the current save, & bring back customization!
    Gallery ID: LDM2
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    Briana2425Briana2425 Posts: 3,653 Member
    Also a Summer Beach Resort and A Winter Snow Resort for vacation locations almost like bon voyage.
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    commwheelcommwheel Posts: 11 New Member
    1. Open world and history progression like in TS3.
    2. BASIC stuff that is usually added by one of the first expansions should be finally in the base game... Seasons or cats&dogs should be in the base game already, expansions could add more flavour to seasons-related events or locations, or more animals after cats&dogs. They should really consider putting basic stuff like that into the base game, and then, potentially, expanding those through stuff or game packs, instead of making expansions about SEASONS...
    3. The worlds organisation could be a bit better. What I liked about TS3 was that all of the worlds were very unique and big, travelling was a very special experience. What I disliked about it was that when you moved from, say, Sunset Valley to Bridgeport, you basically started a new game with the same family. What I like abaout TS4 is that you can go to different cities freely, but the cities are very small. Moving from one city to another becomes pointless unless you want a different house. Would be cool if they made it like this:
    a) cities are organised into regions (like in SimCity); you can move freely (like in TS4) between cities that are a part of your Home Region (for example 2 or 3 cities)
    b) you can travel to cities in Neighbouring Regions, but you have to book a hotel room or stay at a friends' place, but there's no fixed date of return as when travelling abroad for vacation
    c) you can travel to cities in Foreign Regions, which is basically going on a vacation, as always
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    chons95chons95 Posts: 51 Member
    First, I would like to apologize for my English, it's not my first language. I hope this is comprehensible either way. Secondly, this may be a long comment, sorry I'm trying to summarize what came out too much free time. And finally, please feel free to add or comment on this idea whether you think it's good, bad, lacks somethings or whatever.

    I'm gonna focus mainly in personalities in this comment at least. I would put 4 main categories: Aspirations, general aspects & horoscope, traits and on/off or preferences.

    -Aspirations are ok the way they work now; I don't have a list of which ones I want or don't want so I'm not gonna talk much about that. They can be changed after CAS, affect whims and long term wishes, get the rewards and so on.

    -General "aspects" & horoscope: this is kind of a TS2 thing but I added some things from TS4 so it changes a bit, mainly: calendars which I would like on the base game. So, first of all, aspects (or however you wanna call them): they would be opposite characteristics set through a slide which have extremes and middle grounds, they can change through gameplay and affect whims, actions and emotions. In TS2 they were sloppy-neat, shy-outgoing, lazy-active, serious-playful and grouchy-nice; personally, I would change the wording of those, maybe add some more of something, I would like one that is rational-emotional for example. As I said, these things could gradually change as you play, perhaps at first it would be kind of forced by the player but with times whims start to appear that pull the sim to do certain things. This should be a choice however, if you don't want your sims to play you can opt out of it.

    Anyway, as the sims 2, this also relates to horoscope, certain signs have a default personality. You can change those aspects with gameplay but not your sign. Now, here is where it gets tricky: I wouldn't use the zodiac as per usual. I think it would be better to come up with other signs... 4. Wait, I have an explanation which is: I would like the sims' birthday to fall in the same sign every time they change life stage (unless they use something to make them younger or older which... you do you buddy, Idk how to handle that yet). If there were 12 signs the lifespan would be too long for that* so I reduced the signs to 4 which could be based on the zodiac's elements: fire, water, earth and air or whatever you want, you can start from scratch with this one. With signs, come compatibility things which will not result in the players not having the ability to befriend someone or have a romantic relationship at all, but will make it harder or easier (there is also a possibility that the relationship bar varies from one sim to the other and all that like a fire sign may react differently to a water sign than the water sign reacts to the fire sign, I haven't thought too much about this either). It would be cool that when you start a new family the members of the household have an "age difference" based on their signs and when a new sim is born, they have a given sign and the default aspects that go with it.

    -Traits: they would work kind of like they do now, not change "naturally" through gameplay (maybe with some cheat or reward) and affect actions, emotions and whims. Given the general aspects, some traits that exist in TS3 & 4 would go away, but you can add many more, some that go with of against those aspects, some that are more about creativity, viewpoint in life or interests. Imagine a sim who is extremely shy and rational to be flirty, a pessimistic outgoing sim or a neat bohemian sim. I do realize this may be too much and too complicated, but I think it would bring a lot of interesting story lines while also allowing sims to be less complicated if the player wants.

    - On/off, likes/dislikes, preferences: in CAS this is exclusive to young adults or older, teenagers and below get to develop this which gets set when they become young adults. They affect emotions and relationships. Categories based on TS2 and TS3: food, colors, music and things about sims such as hair color, clothes, occults and so on. Maybe I would add styles (like furniture, art, clothing styles). It wouldn't change the sims emotions that much but maybe the moodlets. The development of those are also helped by memories, relationships and actions, repetition and/or things that left a bad or good memory. Maybe a sim doesn't like black hair because they had an enemy when they were a child who had black hair, they may like/dislike certain style of art or furniture because of certain experiences that happened in a house notable for that style of were the types of paintings that they painted mostly when they were in a good mood.

    Ok. I think I'm gonna end here for now, I hope it was understandable. Is it too much? Maybe... yes. Most of the ideas to develop certain things came out of the last survey the Sims team did. I don't know if some of these ideas have already been done before, I didn't play much of TS3 nor the original TBH. Thank you if you read all of this, hope you all like some of these ideas.

    *Time lapse of the life stages (yes, I had that much spare time and need to do something):
    Baby 4 days
    Toddler 8 days
    Kid 12 days
    Teenager 16 days
    Young Adult 24 days
    Adult 24 days
    Elder min 12 days

    They're all multiples of 4 given the 4 signs and are based on the other Sims games, mainly TS4.
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