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    ej_4_simsej_4_sims Posts: 30 Member
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    ej_4_simsej_4_sims Posts: 30 Member
    edited February 2020
    Post edited by ej_4_sims on
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @AlwaysAsking this post has the next update for Bob and Don, couldn't imagine going through that glad you guys at home chilling out huh, why? cause I'm evil you made me think of them first..mmhmm that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Troy is well he's Troy that's all I can say :D Just wait till you see what we'll have later. Just a simple happy family I can't believe how cute my baby Hazar turned out they are an odd pairing still, as a family. Don just can't help himself when it comes to Bob. I would have moved even with one baby but then a wild one that could distract even sweet Iggy..I was plotting. Ha I don't think they have any of him at all I didn't edit him so he's the same ugly guy we are stuck with we'll see when they are older.
    @hanuel he is loveable that way, Hanson isn't so bad I haven't plotted too much for him yet, the twins are <3

    I like Asher all the same, makes you wonder how he would do if Dysis could make it on her own without him whether he believed she could or not. It's nice to have a mix of characters even if some don't share the views of what you have at least to me, can't wait to see more of them when the twins cheer up too.
    @miloek extremely so, aw that's a cute name for them.
    I hope I didn't miss anything I typed that out saved and came back...moving on

    part 8 on 596
    Don was over the moon when Bob called and let him know that the twins were born he didn't get a chance to ask Don only told him that his space was waiting for him. Hanson thought they would have twins he said they skipped a really all played in well. When they arrived he quickly pulled his father aside.

    "I'm a little surprised, not what I expected..they aren't well off are they? Can he have that many children?" he whispered.

    "Father!" he warned.

    "Oh Donald I'm only asking." he said, instantly amused by Don's protective response.

    "Well don't...he'll leave."

    "Yes yes, him and his little army."


    Hanson chuckled all the same.
    "They are precious though, well done my boy."

    Don only smiled feeling if he said anything his father would catch him in a lie, this late at night he'd send Bob packing.
    He greeted them more formally, it was genuinely exciting for him though he didn't know how to express it without his usual snobby touch.
    "Welcome to my home, well ours now I suppose ah it does an old man's heart good to see his family grow."

    Lynn and Elliot's look describes the fall I'd think..anyhow...

    "So tell me...Donald says you're Bob and Iggy....that's Robertson and Ignacio shortened yes? Oh it must be that's much more fitting hm,?"

    "I...." Bob looked at Don for help who passed him a careful pleading look between Hanson's excited look between them.

    "Er...yeah...yes?" he corrected feeling like Hanson was really examining him through a magnifying glass of judgement he was a little overwhelming..he hoped it was just because he had freshly given birth and was hormonal. He wasn't all that prepared to have himself or his children around such a man. He couldn't even say he felt threatened he was just a little much.

    He nodded satisfied, they chatted a bit about living arrangement and Hanson had a chance to go on and on about his successes to someone new, though he would repeat it to Don too still they were a new audience.

    "Very good then, you know I must admit I don't know very much about you, when Donald told me he had gotten someone pregnant I feared the worst but you seem positively pleasant."
    Bob checked out a bit shooting Don a look who cleared his throat while he chatted with Iggy....Ignacio about his good grades to get his attention.

    "Father it's late...why don't you take your grandchildren to their rooms? I know you're dying to show them what you've done for them." Don said giving Iggy a look considering he would no doubt be included in that even though he made sure his father was aware while waiting on their arrival that Bob had been married before. all the same he didn't want him starting off poorly treating Iggy differently.

    "Right, come along they have much to discuss."

    Iggy, for his part was holding back a laugh as he took Elliot and Hanson grabbed little Lynn.
    "What,...was...that??" Bob growled.

    Sammi just looks at him as if to make sure he knows she had no part in it.

    "Now Bob calm down I can explain."

    "You better start talking then."

    "You wouldn't be here if I didn't tell him they were mine."

    "If that's the case, then why bother we were fine at home.....which is where I will be taking my kids, now."

    He stopped him before he could go.
    "Don't do that it's another long way back it'll be hours let them have some dinner and rest."

    Bob gave him a heated look after a moment.


    "I love you." he sighed heavily, no matter how nice it was to hear he wasn't letting him off the hook just like that and pulled his hands away.
    "I know that already, but my kids..."

    "I love them too."

    "You don't even know them!" he snapped.

    Don laughed.

    "I don't need anything more but to know they are a part of you....don't you love Eliza's kids?" he asked.

    Bob frowned, though his glare held little strength taken back by the words as Don only smoothly smiled at him.

    "That's not fair, that's not the same thing....that man thinks they are family to him."

    He shrugged.

    "And that means they began to have everything the moment they stepped in this house I know you don't need me or my father to do that...just let me take care of that while I can."

    Bob shook his head, having a really tough time with sweet words and if he could really mean them...he knew Don...he thought...maybe he did he wasn't sure.

    "What will happen when he finds out it isn't true?"

    "I'll take care of that too."
    "Here are your rooms if you need anything Ignacio I'm right down the hall I'm sure my sweet grandbabies won't need a thing." he very much approved of Elliot and Lynn...something Iggy was glad for though he wanted to correct him on the name he had a feeling he wouldn't listen.
    "Tell me about your father."

    ...Elliot is really curious about the man.

    "What would you like to know?"

    "How does he get on with my son?"

    "Well...aside from my mother he's really the only one he's been close to."

    Hanson's gaze picked up.

    "He still speaks to your mother?" Hanson asked.

    Even when I clicked on Bob he could meet prospective new client or whatever the phrasing interesting.

    "Yes....isn't that good?" he asked carefully.

    "Of course, it's good for the image, how a family handles it's branches looks great for voters."

    Iggy eyed him but...maybe he wasn't so bad.

    "When Donald said you were coming I was rushing to get things together, if you don't like something let me know I will rearrange it.."

    "Thank you Mr. Lothario but....this was nice enough." he said firmly.

    He scoffed.

    "Call me Hanson, get to know me and I won't answer to anything else...if my son wishes to claim you too since you're older at least you have a choice."

    Iggy glanced at his siblings but only smiled really unsure what would happen tomorrow.
    Though Don's words held true Hanson was generous.
    "I just don't get it....All this for what....we don't..."

    Don shook his head.

    "Dont go there." he wasn't going to let Bob say they had nothing.

    "Just come see what he did, think it over a few days."

    Bob wanted to go off on him but in the end he was tired, his head ached, he didn't want to go in circles and he found himself following Don upstairs.

    So yeah.....stay tuned.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    DarkAngel1994DarkAngel1994 Posts: 771 Member

    [Hell Family]
    Jamie is still learning how to vampire, but had been having constant stomach pains.
    "You're pushing yourself a bit too hard, babe. Let's take a break."

    Sofia was watching her parents train and being adorable as always.

    There are times Jamie would yell at Logan for no reason, but soon apologize soon after.

    Tobias asked if his Mama was alright, and Jamie told him he's fine, only to feel sick again.

    Not too long, Jamie announced that he was pregnant again, and Logan was happy. :)

    Jamie's mood swing is kicking in again.

    They made it up real quick.

    But there was something Jamie hadn't told Logan about the pregnancy.
    (I took a peek on MCCC and was surprised at the result.)

    [Lothario Family]
    Atticus aged up into a toddler and is born a Spellcaster, just like Nyx and Calista.

    I changed one of the upstairs bathrooms into Atticus's bedroom.

    It's summer time, and Atlas and the kids went to a nearby lake to fish.

    Nyx, on the other hand, doesn't want to and complained about her problems to Xavier, who invited her over to the pool to cool down.

    She felt better and had fun swimming with her new friend.
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    @sarabeth2984 oof, I hope you're feeling better! Bronchitis can be nasty! And yeah, Darling has the Active trait, right? Active Sims will work out all the time if you let them. If I can't find Lilith, first place I check is her workout area XD

    Poor Griffin, it must be hard trying to come to terms with your own death. I can understand why they'd be getting frustrated with him, though. Oof, the Night Spectre one is awful! There's something kind of hilarious about Death being spooked by a ghost. You are DEATH. Hurrah for Untamed magic, welcome back, Griffin! Vlad and a mortal, huh? Wonders will never cease! And onwards to college!

    @Koteyka the height differences can be frustrating, yeah. When there's a big visible difference for Sims that aren't meant to have one (say, Caleb and Johnny), I just have to make sure it's not too full-body or one is bending slightly or something XD;;

    God, poor Tony :( There's something really unpleasant about the kid smirking in the background while Steve's trying to comfort Tony, what an evil little brat. Oh man bless the islanders, and bless Keala! I wonder if they can get some sort of connection to a proper psychologist who knows how to deal with trauma? Given how long Nick has been manipulating Tony, I suspect he has complex PTSD - it's a variation of PTSD that develops when the victim is in a prolonged, abusive situation with no plausible escape, and Tony definitely fits the criteria. Like I know Sulani doesn't have great internet, but even over the phone could help.

    @RedDestiny92 so just on a shallow note I really love the yellow, orange, and purple bedding and the sunflowers XD Favourite colours and flowers! Happy birthday to Hazar! Aww, and welcome to the world, Elliot and Lynn! Heh, yeah, might be a bit small in their current place for five of them...

    Hanson is a bit intimidating, yes o.O It's not a bad arrangement, honestly, although it would be pretty bad if Hanson ever found out the truth. Might be good for Bob and Don to brief Iggy a bit on the Right Things To Say to keep the illusion going, and at least they have each other to confide in!

    @AlwaysAsking oh man, your son's surgery sounds stressful! (...accidental alliteration.) When I had mine done, I was under a general anaesthetic because I had pretty messed-up roots (I had one where the roots were twisted but at least pointing down, but the tooth itself was sideways, so the whole thing was an L-shape!), impaction, and locals don't work well on me, due to my Ehlers-Danlos. Hurt a ton afterwards, but I wouldn't have been able to handle being conscious. Hope he has a quick recovery! Also, swishing warm salted water around tastes nasty but makes it feel a lot better, so try and have him do that after meals (and it can help prevent infection, which is not fun. I was on a high dose of codeine that made me so nauseous I couldn't eat, but if I didn't take it, I was in too much pain to function). And lots of soup, smoothies, and other nice smooth things. Tell him not to use straws, though, suction can pull the clots out.

    ...anyway. Wisdom surgery isn't fun, heh.

    @DeafSimmer man, poor Rosalie :-\ I hope she can at least see an example of a healthy relationship with Nathan and Sylvia, where there's mutual respect?

    @miloek 'Zesty Grapes' is the best name :D Oh jeez, run-ins with Malcolm and Geoffrey XD;; Poor Johnny must have loved that!

    @Beardedgeek AFAIK for country names, they just use the existing ones? In TS3, Shang Simla was explicitly described as being in China, Al Simhara being in Egypt, et cetera, and in TS4, the food stalls in City Living use the actual names. So I think you're good to say they went out for Mexican! And yeah for acceptance to Foxbury! And yeah, a Selvadoradan elective sounds perfectly fitting!

    @rainbowwithfangs nice quiet Harvestfest sounds good! Ooh, your restaurant is cute. Yeah proposal!!

    @DarkAngel1994 I love the contrast in appearance between Jamie and Logan, haha. Sofia is so cute! Ooh, lemme guess - triplets? Atticus' room is precious, I love the owl pictures!
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    OH no! only about 5 pages behind.

    @ccarrig_95 I like your 4 sims. I think Giselle is gorgeous - I hope she does begin to feel confident about herself. I would love to own Tiny Living. I have Moschino and Laundry Day but not the others you mentioned. I think Laundry day has excellent CAS and build-buy - I use it with many sims and almost every build. I thoroughly recommend it - and the laundry gameplay isn't too intrusive or time wasting if you chose to use it (you dont have to). It can cause a few fires if you dont keep your dryer lint free. Moschino is fun in terms of the extension of photography skill and freelancer career. It is not as easy as a lot of things in the sims and you have to practice it. the CAS is limited and has both excellent items (the hairs especially) and some really really poor ones . The build buy is ultra modern and a nice addition to the game.

    @Tistou I noticed the butterflies in Willowcreek especially. I think its beautiful.

    @Jase Thomas and Kyler sound exciting. Kyler looks great - I use his hair all the time but have never used it with a blonde - seeing him makes me wish it dd now. I look forward to seeing how Thomas'life changes now Kyler is there.

    @PeculiarPlumbob congratulations to Maya on getting her celebrity tile (and her surprise pregnancy - those sims can be sneaky when they want something LOL) Kerry and Sana's wedding was beautiful.

    @Tomatplante I loved the photo tribute to your legacy sims life. They fit so much in their lives sometimes. I love seeing it all over a life time like that.

    @YankeesForever <3 your queen Bella Goth

    @Beardedgeek Love the micro-home you built. And alejandra is very pretty but oh no has stalker Vlad already. Stalk him back - he will totally disappear!

    @Ellupelluellu Bjorn does like to push his way into people's stories - I like him stalking Ted just in case. AND Caleb is a stalker extraordinaire! I love thast your sim gave him keys just so he wasn't standing around waiting to be let in all the time. (Thats how my sim ended up married to him - she just gave up in the end and decided it was the only way to deal with him.)

    @Tixyen so excited to see Rainbow age up and how sweet the relationship she has with her father is. I really feel very invested in her as we have watched her life all along. I like your choice of clothing. I think it fits with how the fmily is. Thanks for your lovely comments on Jess and Dego.

    @Smellincoffee I love Alexander Goth's face when the other two are having a glitchy makeout session.

    @ChuChuExpress I love learning all the amazing things Benjamin can dio with his bees (seducing your wife with a swarm is a new one LOL)

    @DoloresGrey What sweet twins. Its nice that you got to use your RL name because it randomly came up.

    @ryttu3k I have given Meow Meow a little jumper like you suggested - I usually don't dress cats but I don't want Meow Meow looking all goosebumpy like a plucked chicken . I would guess that poses and Moschino would work wonders together! Best of both worlds. Plus Viktor is one of my precious baby sims - he is the only child sim who maxed out all child aspirations I kept him a child for so long cos I love him- I will never let Max get away with hurting him long term (but he may cause heartache shortterm..) Viktor may confuse sympathy with love but I am too old and cynical :(

    @haneul The castle for Asher is jaw dropping. You are doing a magnificent job. I am in awe.

    @RedDestiny92 I really enjoy your Don and Bob story.

    @fullspiral Natalie looked like she had a lot of fun on Sulani - but I worry that being pixelated while jetskiing may not be the safest thing in the world. LOL

    @Koteyka I am so far behind :( Firstly, that woman is VILE! Pity she doesn't have acting skill because a fitting punishment for her would be to be discovered and mentored by NIck. How dare she do that to Tony! (or anyone really). Her facial expressions are priceless - its so satisfying when you want a sim to play a role and they really throw themselves into it. She seems to enjoy being awful. I hope that family is cursed with a kitkat shortage wherever they go. I will comment on your next update next time.

    @AlwaysAsking thanks for the long comment - I will have to respond next time. Trying to catch up with the thread is impossible. i hope your son feels better now - the removal without gas sounds terrible. Wisdom teeth are awful things sometimes. I am on the waiting list to have mine removed - like ryttu3k I have to have a full operation under general anaesthetic.


    the best thing that happened in my game today was I opened up my game and saw 100s of notifications - I had got a Maxis Fave for one of my rooms in a build challenge and heaps of people were commenting and downloading. Yay - only other simmers understand how I feel. I have been dying to share with someone - so I am sharing with this thread. Insert happy dance here.......

    Can't get much happier than random townie at the bluffs in a towel :)

    Caleb continued to be excessively romantic with Mina.
    And it wasn't long until she was pregnant again.

    Little Marquis gets all their attention.
    Here he wasn't eating and they fussed and fussed until he did.
    He is still the sweetest toddler I have ever had in a game.
    Caleb can't leave him (or Mina) alone.
    And then Baron was born. (Marquis was a random spin so I thought I better stick with the theme of nobility)
    Caleb stopped eating autonomously - there is two plasma fruit trees and plenty of plasma packs available I am not sure why he did it.
    Of course he became starving and had the moodlet that he would attack the next neck he saw.
    So I called over Sergio because I hate how he gets around in a cardigan and 3/4 pants, he has a rotten personality and he enjoyed posing in his speedos way too much. Caleb attacked him as soon as he entered the house.
    Mina (who definetely has issues) performed the kiss interaction autonomously 3 times in a row so Caleb forgot that he was a guilty drinker and lost his tense moodlet.

    When Sergio finally woke up he left saying "Thank you for inviting me over, I had a great time." in the notifications- I love it when the game messes up like that (I like to read it as sarcasm).

    Why would Caleb stop eating and get to the point he attacks other sims? He is a guilty drinker - he doesn't like to hurt others - so what was the point? Mina can't wait to use plasma packs - I never have to tell her to care for her needs.

    Pretty soon it was Marquis birthday.
    Caleb loved being allowed to cook something.

    Baron aged up to a toddler - he is also a vampire
    - he spun charmer. They have been very lucky with their kids. Mina was just about to become a bat and fly Baron downstairs in this shot.

    Happy family

    (and yes she ended up pregnant again - Caleb may not eat but he likes to do other things autonomously)

    Mina can now turn others so we picked Judith to experiment on.

    When do children turn fully into vampires - teens? Do they need to start reading the vampire tomes? Mina can't read past tome 1 - she keeps studying on the computer but it says she needs to study more before she can buy tome 2 - is this right or a glitch?

    A little bit of Jess and Diego
    Diego came over late at night (he had been dressed but walked by the pool and all his clothes disappeared because pools do that you know.)
    Jessica asked Diego to woohoo and he agreed but his response was to get on his bike and ride to her bedroom. I know her house is big but seriously Diego - thats just rude!
    It didn't seem to put Jessica off though.
    This shot made me smile
    They decided to shower (without the bike.)
    Usually I worry Jessica is going to break Diego but he seems to be in charge here.
    I just adore their silly walks together (hewith his snooty walk and her with the super slow exaggerated celebrity walk)

    And a tiny bit of Meow Meow
    A new jumper thanks to Ryttu3ks suggestion

    And I can only imagine what sort of supercharged internal cat smell leaked out to make Viktor make this face. Stop feeding Meow Meow that rich expensive cat food! I can hear Phoebe singing smelly cat in the background.

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    sarabeth2984sarabeth2984 Posts: 849 Member
    @Becka28 Saw your vampire questions! Vampire kids will turn when they age up to teen. Although, they can start reading the vampire manuals as kids! It helps to knock it out early. I also recommend Mina ask Caleb or Vlad for training, sometimes that will unlock tome 2. Also having Caleb offer her vampire advice advances them further. Vampires will automatically drink the plasma packs but you have to prompt them for the plasma fruit and salad? Its weird. I love them as a couple!
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited February 2020
    @Becka28 I think most cats don't like clothes because it messes with their fur, but hairless ones enjoy it because it helps keep them warm? Either way, it's cute XD I'm glad Viktor will eventually get some happier times!

    Ohhh, congrats on the fave!! Marquis is presh, and welcome, Baron! Poor Caleb :( Uh, probably a good thing you don't have the same mods I have, heh. Your justification for choosing Sergio does amuse me, not gonna lie! The kiddos are adorable <3 Not sure about levelling kids up, unfortunately, the only vampires I've played were the Vatores, not kids, and I was doing a bunch of stuff like sparring as well as having them read tomes. Heh, Diego and the bike! And the conveniently placed houseplant! And Meow Meow is an angel :D

    And just a few li'l bits and pieces! Johnny finally hit pristine reputation and promptly got invited to a charity event in Selvadorada. His performance was a big hit!

    Selfies were taken, feat. photobombing Santa.

    Ooh, a fancy pod!

    Caleb... completely neglects to get dressed again before wandering back through the jungle to get home.

    He did get dressed again when they got home. Lilith is still in her formalwear, Johnny is... still in his pyjamas. Lilith is also being a massive third wheel because Caleb is actively trying to serenade Johnny here.

    And finally, Cassandra ages up to YA! She picked up Art Lover as a third trait, which works well. The second outfit there is another everyday outfit for spellcasting - I cheated in bloodlines when I first got RoM (since the Goths have been magical from the start!), so she's now an Ancient Bloodline spellcaster!

    And her teenage appearance, for comparison.
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    @Becka28, page 597.
    Heh, keeping bees is demanding, but also rewarding. And Benjamin is so confident around his bees, he hardly needs to wear the suit!

    First screenshot is Shine's cowplant:
    And the plants need to be watered:

    Chloe, hard at work
    Chloe went up to her bedroom and got working on a freelancer task:
    Carol had come over, and was chatting to Benjamin:
    And Chloe still kept working:
    At last, she had finished. She finally was able to get the requested book accepted by her client after two attempts.
    Chloe sat back in her chair and stretched. 'That took a while' she thought.
    Yes, feeding the cowplant counts as gardening, too:
    Piano playing in the national park and smooches from Lucy Bliss
    Chloe and Roddy went to the national park in Del Sol Valley. Chloe got out her keyboard and played a few songs:
    She really was enjoying it, as was everyone else:
    When Chloe had finished playing the keyboard, she put it away and posed for pictures whilst Roddy talked to Alexander Goth:
    Later on, Lucy Bliss came over and gave Roddy several big smooches on his face:
    Roddy went bright red and giggled. Lucy had covered his face in big, shiny, bright pink lipstick smooches:
    Roddy then used one of his makeup removal wipes:
    Lucy Bliss smiled and gave her grandnephew a big loving hug:
    Afterwards, Roddy said goodbye and went back home. Chloe had gone on ahead.
    Club Gathering
    When Roddy got home, he started a club gathering of the Order of the Pink. Carol Brinson and Jessica Lacey arrived. Carol gave Jessica a big hug:
    Roddy Furystrykar and Jessica Lacey then gave each other a big loving hug and a kiss on the cheek:
    The club went into their club basement. Carol gave Roddy several big smooches on his face:
    Roddy went bright red and giggled. Carol had covered his face in big, shiny, bright pink lipstick smooches:
    Roddy used a makeup removal wipe:
    Carol smiled and gave Roddy a big loving hug:
    Meanwhile, Jessica Lacey chatted with Shine:
    Afterwards, she went back into the club basement and gave her sweetheart a big loving hug and a kiss on the cheek:
    Then Jessica Lacey and Roddy talked to each other:
    Whilst Carol danced to the music that was playing in Chloe's bedroom:
    And after that, Carol went back over to the club basement and gave Roddy several more big smooches on his face:
    Roddy went bright red and giggled yet again. Carol had covered his face in big, shiny, bright pink lipstick smooches:
    Roddy used another makeup removal wipe:
    Carol gave Roddy another big loving hug:
    After some more chatting, Roddy ended the gathering and said goodbye to Jessica Lacey and Carol Brinson.
    'Ma'am, please get out of my stall'
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member

    Update on Legacy 2.0 Brick + Angela Generation 3


    Angela had her third and final baby. Her name is Kirby. Naming theme this generation is Dynasty. It's a show with a lot of drama.


    Eden is a great nanny for the kids.


    Kirby becomes a toddler. They grow up so fast.


    Angela's adult birthday is here. She's still in college... she's been in college her entire young adult life.



    It's time for the twins birthdays. Here goes Fallon.


    Fallon will be my heir.



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    ej_4_simsej_4_sims Posts: 30 Member
    getting my daughter ready for school which i think its the cutiest outfit rjUZ5tv.jpg

    and then play time b4 bed family time rules ILmjB5w.jpg
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,938 Member
    @ AlwaysAsking said, "You know you have to tell us what happened now, right?" You mean after I exited without saving?
    @GalacticGal, page 596.
    You made a good choice, there.

    p.596? Of what? My novel about this family isn't that long. Please do share what you mean. You've got my curiosity quite piqued.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited February 2020
    You made a good choice in exiting the game at that moment. Who on earth woohoos in a closet during a charity event? That's so very wrong!
    As for the page numbers, I do it so I can catch up to mentions. Hope I haven't confused you too much.
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,938 Member
    @ChuChuExpress Thanks for the explanation. I'm no longer confused, but I do admire your tenacity in writing down the page number. Kudos to you! I think if John were a gad-about he certainly wouldn't behave that way in front of his mother, his wife, or other guests. Nor would many do such things in public. Certainly NOT in the 18th century. But, this was a moment in my game. LOL
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited February 2020
    Update in a nutshell
    Shine petted the cowplant:
    Benjamin watered his plants:
    And he tended to his bees:
    Roddy gave Dina Furystrykar a hug:
    Shine maintained her bonsai:
    And lastly, Roddy ate cake:
    Another update in a nutshell
    In Del Sol Valley, Roddy and Chloe went over to Studio PBP. Chloe talked to Dirk Dreamer:
    Roddy gave Carol Brinson a big loving hug:
    Later on, Roddy went upstairs and he got a big loving hug from Grandma Laura Furystrykar:
    And a big smooch on the cheek as well:
    And then Chloe and Roddy said goodbye and went back to Dianthus Hall:
    Bonus pictures
    I cranked up the edge smoothing from low to high for these. This is Roddy, wearing his masculine formal outfit:
    And this is him, wearing his feminine formal outfit:

    Yep, changed my avatar to the first picture in the bonus section. (Roddy kept getting confused for a girl).

    @GalacticGal. You're welcome!
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    Simmelina1Simmelina1 Posts: 2,626 Member
    @AlwaysAsking Thank you.

    Vera Flex family
    This is the familytree for Vera Flex family.
    I’m Britney a 3rd generation sim. My parents are Bella Vera Huntington & Salim Benali. My grandparents are Lina Vera Allocco & Joaquin Le Chien.
    I’m married with Marcus Flex. We have two daughters Johanna & Kadison.
    When we celebrated Marcus birthday, I realized how much older than me he is. I’m in the beginning of my young adult stage in life.
    Sometimes when I have a good conversation with a friend, there is no one infront of me. That is kinda strange.
    But maybe it was just my thoughts that played with my mind.
    Kadison & Johanna play together. It is nice to see them grow up together like I & Ariel Vera Munch did.
    Origin id: Simmelina
    The life of my sims. Elina & Don.

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    KoteykaKoteyka Posts: 537 Member
    edited February 2020
    aw that's right stand up for Tony, that witch needs to meet a pool with a wall around it hmp hehe.
    That would be a very fitting punishment! >:):D
    Thank you!

    The entire island to the rescue! My goodness, Mele turned into Peggy Mitchel!
    Hehe, I can see the resemblance ;)
    Thank you!

    The update where you changed her with a size slider is so cute! I mean she's cute, but the story is too 🤗
    Aww, thank you so much :blush: Morgan melts my heart with her cuteness <3
    Everything is so wonderful. Sooooo it's not surprising that an evil self-centered brat and his even worse mother would mess it up!
    And in the worst way possible too! Tony always considered the cafe a safe place - somewhere where he knew no one would ever hurt him. That woman and her kid barging in there crushed that trust.
    Lol that Mele wanted to do all that stuff with the baby. I know so many older people who are like that with babies 😂
    Yep, my grandma always told my parents that raising kids is a collective endeavour and a joint responsibility whether they like it or not :joy:
    That's terrible how that woman sounded so much like Nick. She must be from Del Sol Valley too. 😠
    That actually is the case :unamused: (I think I'm going to forever bash Del Sol Valley because it's the only Sims 4 world that I genuinely dislike. The lots are too big and laggy and there's so little of them! Perfect place for a dystopian city :naughty:)
    It was awful to watch Tony fall apart again. It certainly was lucky that Steve happened to be there. If he'd been hard to find I wonder how much worse it would have been.
    Yes, it was very lucky indeed that Steve was close. Tony, although improving vastly, still feels completely safe only home and next to Steve. Who knows how far Tony would break and how long it would take him to recover :disappointed:
    It was great to see all of the Islanders sticking up for Tony, and especially that Keala came in to calm it all down. She seems like a force to be reckoned with!
    Nobody should ever mess with Keala :D She can be very fierce! And all of the islanders love Tony so much :blush:
    It might interest you to know that there actually is medication to help with nightmares. My son takes it. Being unable to remember your dreams is actually a side effect of a blood pressure medication. When they figured that out they started prescribing it in low doses to help people with serious nightmare problems.
    Wow, I actually didn't know that! :o Very interesting piece of information. I gotta google more now!
    These guys deserve a break.
    Don't they always! :( Gladly, the worst is over now and I'm not planning on giving them more drama anytime soon.
    Thank you!

    It's a good show. The first few seasons are the best. Enjoy!
    Already two episodes in and loving it! :smiley:
    Thank you!

    God, poor Tony :( There's something really unpleasant about the kid smirking in the background while Steve's trying to comfort Tony, what an evil little brat.
    His parents didn't raise him well... :pensive: I gave him the mean trait so he was very pleased with everything going on.
    I wonder if they can get some sort of connection to a proper psychologist who knows how to deal with trauma? Given how long Nick has been manipulating Tony, I suspect he has complex PTSD - it's a variation of PTSD that develops when the victim is in a prolonged, abusive situation with no plausible escape, and Tony definitely fits the criteria. Like I know Sulani doesn't have great internet, but even over the phone could help.
    I could always come up with an explanation for getting Tony a professional psychologist, I'm just not sure whether I want to add that to my story or not.🤔 I suppose it would be logical but I also have this whole romanticised fairytale theory (it's actually Thor's but I borrowed it) that Steve and Tony are soulmates and the only person who can help Tony recover is Steve, even if he doesn't have any professional knowledge about how to deal with the situation.
    I think a huge part of me just wants Steve to be the only one in that spot :tongue:
    Thank you!

    I am so far behind :(
    Ah, it's okay, I just upload too often :sweat_smile:
    Firstly, that woman is VILE! Pity she doesn't have acting skill because a fitting punishment for her would be to be discovered and mentored by NIck. How dare she do that to Tony! (or anyone really).
    Wouldn't that be awesome! She definitely deserves that. Tony used to think that Mele's cafe is a safe place where no one would harm him and she crushed that belief - that's as bad as it gets.
    Although unfortunately I think her and Nick just end up being the best of friends :(
    Her facial expressions are priceless - its so satisfying when you want a sim to play a role and they really throw themselves into it. She seems to enjoy being awful.
    Oh it's VERY satisfying! I was just snapping screenshot and going "yes yes yes, this is so accurate" the whole time :smirk:
    I hope that family is cursed with a kitkat shortage wherever they go.
    I bet Keala could conjure something up... ;)
    Thank you!

    Ughh I feel like I'm spending way too much time playing the sims. I have a bunch of free time (five-six hours a day at the very least) and I usually spend all of it on the sims. I either play, either write updates and I'm having so much fun in the process but I also feel like I should do more important stuff that can make me successful later in life. Sometimes I can literally stay up all night guilt-tripping myself. Why can't I just play and enjoy myself :disappointed:

    "All of those years, you've been waiting for this single day."

    "The day you get your chance. Your chance to achieve everything you ever dreamt of. Your chance to shine. Your chance to become a real star."

    "I know that you are a very special kid. You spent years and years working hard, learning techniques, memorising by heart every single role you could get your hands on... And now this day is finally here. The day for you to get out on stage and shine in front of all of those fancy cameras. You can't believe how proud I am of you..."

    "My dear Tristan."

    "And the rest of you too, of course."

    "Because today is finally the day we perform our school play in front of the Fury agency!!!"
    More under the cut:
    "Now it's very obvious they'll choose you but nevertheless I need you to do your best today! Let's show them that not only fancy private schools got talent!"

    "Don't worry mr Wilson, you can always count on me!"

    "Oh I don't even doubt it," mr Wilson smiled. He knew Tristan would do a splendid job. After all, Tristan won every single school award for acting.

    "Kassie, Lucas, good luck to you too! I'm sure you can show yourself off good enough for the people from Hollywood to get interested..."


    "Tony, what are you doing here? You should be on the other side, with all of the extras!"
    "It's too crowded in there. Devin almost squashed my foot."

    "Fine, just don't miss your act! Matt and Thomas got sick, Jack didn't show up so you're the only boxing extra we got..."
    "I wont, I remember all of the scenes by heart-"

    "Alright! All three of you - good luck and try your best tonight! Be the best Billy, Debbie and Micheal out there!"

    "Wow," mr Wilson laughed nervously. "This is so... so very exciting! Honestly, I'm still having a hard time believing that out of all schools you chose us to pick a kid for your movie... I-I mean obviously you're going through other schools too but still - wow..."

    "Now our kids are talented - exceptionally talented, in fact - but still... I hope you're not expecting too much. We're very low budget here, haha!.."

    "When the kids come, watch closely."
    "I know."
    "But don't spend too much time examining each one of them - the kid you're want should be noticeable immediately."
    "Ignore the lead roles - they're usually teachers favourites or good-looking."
    "Got it."

    "This is serious, Nicholas. Find the right actor and he'll be able to provide you the best life you could possibly imagine without even realising. All you need to do is push him a little along the way."
    "Yeah... I still don't get it."
    "What exactly?"

    "Out of all the schools we could visit we chose... this?" Nick sighed. "Not saying it's the worst neighbourhood in Del Sol Valley, but I can bet you anything that the kids got no future other than sweeping streets and selling chewing gum. They're primitive."

    "How many times do I have to repeat the same thing over and over? Global Superstars don't come from wealthy families! They come from the streets, the dirt, the scraps! Because the audience connects with them, the crowd sympathises them... They create a false belief that anything is achievable and people love that!"

    "And they're easier for us to control them too," slowly said Nick. "Because we're the ones who showed them the light and gave their lives meaning."

    "Exactly! Many agencies don't understand this but I do, Nicholas, that's why our agency is so successful! You don't need hundreds of talented actors from academies... all you need is one. One delicately chosen at a young age that will willingly bring you all of that sweet sweet sweet money and fame. He'll belong to you. He'll be your property. And he won't even realise it, too thankful and happy that you brought him in the world of fame..."

    "That makes sense. How will I know though? How will I know which one's able to become a Global Superstar?"
    "You'll know. It's similar to choosing the right pup from a litter - you know he's yours as soon as you see him. It's a wonderful feeling that only us, the people in charge, can feel..."

    "I can't wait for you to take over my agency, son. I know you'll do it well."
    "I'd never disappoint you, father," Nick smiled.

    "What's going on there? Tristan, what's going on there?"
    "Ouch! Kassie, stop pushing me!"
    "Oh shut up Lucas... Tristaan!"

    "Uh... There's two dudes and a camera. Not too much going on."

    "Are you worried?" Kassie giggled. "You sound worried."
    "No," Tristan muttered. "I mean I know they'll take me. I'm perfect for the role! I read the book and I know I'll make a super cool Jesse Aarons."
    "What if they like me?"

    "Keep on dreaming!" snorted Lucas. "They already casted someone on Leslie."
    "Well maybe they like me so much they'll let me audition and give me the role instead!" stated Kassie.
    "No way, you're not whimsical enough."

    "Tristaan? Don't you think I'd make a great Leslie?"

    "I think you'd make an awesome Leslie," Tristan blushed slightly.

    "Really?" Kassie blushed even more. "My hero..."

    "Kassie and Tristan sittin' on a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

    "Shut up!" Tristan giggled nervously.
    "First comes love..."
    "Lucas!" Kassie stomped her foot.

    "Then comes marriage..."

    "Then comes baby in a baby carriage!"


    "That's it!" yelled Kassie. "That's it!"

    "What "that's it"? You fight like a girl!" Lucas laughed.

    "You're just jealous because you don't have anyone," Kassie smiled.

    "Shut up! You're stupid and love is lame and you two are dumb!" shouted Lucas, suddenly sounding very mad. "Kassie and Tristan sittin' on a tree..."

    "One more time you say that and I'm gonna kick you!"
    "Okay, I'll just sing you love birdies a song instead," Lucas sniggered.

    "Wise maaan saaaaaay only fooools ruush in..."

    "But I caaaan't heeelp falling in loooooove with youuuuu..."

    "That's it! That's it! Tristan, kick him!"
    "What'd I do, don't you like Elvis Presley?"

    "I like Elvis Presley, I don't like you making fun of me and Tristan..."
    Tony smiled. He liked it when Lucas sang. Especially that song. The rest of the lyrics began swirling in his mind.

    Shall I stay
    Would it be a sin...


    If I can't help

    Falling in love with you.

    "One day you'll fall in love with a nice girl and stop mocking us," Tristan said calmly.
    "Bleh. Girls are stupid."
    "What!?" Kassie laughed. "Don't tell me you're into boys..."
    "Ew NO! No way! No! Don't be dumb, everyone knows those people belong in a mental institution!"

    "And- and- I'm not into anyone, actually. Love is stupid by default."
    "Whatever. C'mon Tristan, the first song is starting!"

    "See ya soon, love birdies!" Lucas yelled.


    Lucas turned.
    "Hey! Terry, right?"

    "Um- Tony, actually. And hi! I uh- I just wanted to wish you good luck," Tony smiled nervously. "I... I think they'll pick you."

    "Thanks dude!" Lucas smiled. "I think so too. I mean I am pretty cool, huh?"
    "Yeah... Very cool."
    "Wish I had more lines though. Micheal is such a tiny character!"
    "Oh... did you um- did you read the original script?"
    "The the original original? No, what about it?"

    "Well Micheal actually wasn't just the comic relief there. He had way more stuff there, like his own song and... um... he kind of liked Billy. They even got to kiss in the end."

    "What!?" Lucas burst into laughter. "Eww, thank god mr Wilson cut that out!"

    "If I knew about this before I'd never audition for Micheal! That's just so dumb, who would ever write that!?"

    "Yeah, totally! It's very..."

    "Very... dumb."
    He's just saying that because he's scared, Tony thought to himself. He has to keep it a secret. I get that. I have to keep it a secret too... We both have to.

    "I bet if the teachers knew they'd fire mr Wilson," Lucas said. "Maybe we should tell them and get a better drama teacher... I bet he's actually gay himself, explains why he's such a weirdo..."

    "Well, good luck with your part!"



    He wished me good luck! Maybe we could be friends. Just friends...

    "No, no, no, this is all wrong! You should be hitting him! And you should be hitting him!"
    "But I don't wanna hit Micheal. He's my friend!.."

    "Absolutely toothless. They scratched out everything even hinting on something controversial. Like, was it that hard to give Micheal the dress song? They didn't even have to make it serious, add a little bit humour!"
    "The kids parents wouldn't approve. Admit it, father, they only ever did Billy Elliot because they knew it would attract us."
    "Yes, I was hoping for more bravery..."

    "But we're not here to watch the play. We're here to choose the actor."
    "It's a waste of time," Nick muttered. "Thirty kids in the opening number and none of them looked good enou-"

    "Hold on. Him. I want him."

    "Mm... Yes, he'll do well. See how he's just standing there? He's not just standing there - he's causing an effect. Wherever you turn your sight, you'll still get drawn back to him. When the audience leaves the play it wont remember how Billy looked. Or Micheal. Or Debbie. But that kid will stay in the corner of their subconscious for a long time..."

    "You have a good eye, Nicholas. I'm proud of you. How'd you know?"

    "Just like you said. I looked at him and I knew. He's the one."

    "He's mine."

    Gasping and shivering, Tony woke up.

    He quietly sat up straight and placed his hand on his heart. It was pounding like crazy.

    I must admit, I was quite hesitant about uploading this update. But I've had it in my mind for a very long time now and I really really wanted to do it. :sweat_smile:
    Oh yes - the song the kids were singing. I bet all of ya'll know it but I'll leave a link just in case.
    |Beginning|Previous update|Next update|
    Post edited by Koteyka on
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,206 Member
    edited February 2020

    @ryttu3k , Thank you :) Great YA makeover with Cassie there!
    @alwaysasking , heh there will be a twist :P At the point it looked like there were 4 couples in that house, I was afraid it will be boring to play, but thanks to Morgan and most of all Cassandra, there will be lots of jealosy. :)
    @haneul , Thank you :) Wow at the palace!
    @KiniHokulani , Yes indeed, especially on paintings of sims, the grainy look bothered me.
    @RedDestiny92 , Yes, I play ts2 and in there the paintings are sharp, so I am kind of used to it. I think to some, who has only played ts4 those might look even too sharp :) (I never played ts3, so I don't know how paintings look in that game). Yes he did :(
    @sarabeth2984 , no problem :)
    @becka28 , YAY at the fave!! :) Great, congrats!

    He started to be pretty famous. Too bad his baby making times are over, Judith would of been real challenge :D

    Work is going even better and better.

    Dinner date with Bella, heh 3 of his kids were there too :)

    Ted (thinking): "WHOOAAH! Aren't there supposed to be some stuff in here?? I see right thru!"
    Surgeries went well.

    Bella and the kids.
    Bella lives at Brindleton Bay. (Ted is living alone, because it is easier for me to test stuff when controlling only one sim :) )
    Wannabe Indiana Jones, Stefan.
    And Elijah.
    Yes.. I was watching Vampire Diaries marathon when I named most of his kids :D .

    Cassie visited, she was pretty tense when she arrived, but relaxed soon.

    8 crazy YAs.

    Malcolm clearly didn't like Tessas attempt to assist him tending the plants. Fine, do it yourself then :D

    Group at the beach again.. eh.. the todd does not belong to it, LOL!



    Back at home, locals decided the group must be starving! -.-

    Okay, what's up with you two??

    Malcolm didn't care much about neighbors.

    Neither did these two.

    Because Tessa was at sleep, nobody there to ask them to leave, they did.. at 6am......

    And then the fire thingy happened :)

    Proposal and akward situations.
    (autonomous proposal by MCCC)
    ETA: he accepted :P (Thanks, becka28 :D )
    While Tessa was doing her work stuff.. Morgan and Hugo started flirting!

    They had suprise visitors, well Max was a surprise, Ted wasn't, lol.

    Community-lot time! Max had to leave, but Ted went with them.

    Darling was sleepy at first.

    ...but was awake when the "interesting stuff" started to happen!
    Cassie, NO! You do not try to flirt with him! Crying out loud, he is with your mother as you well know!

    And fully awake when started to fight with Wolfgang!

    Tessa: "Don't worry, I'll talk to her."
    Ted: "Okay, thank you."
    Malcolm, what are you staring at, lol?

    Tessa: "Here we go again.."

    Darling: "I know you cheated!!!"

    Aaaand continues.

    Love is in the air, in the whisper of the tree
    Love is in the air, in the thunder of the sea


    First woohoo! <3 (auto woohoo is disabled, but she had the whim :) )

    Post edited by Ellupelluellu on
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member

    Update of Pretty Little Liars Legacy Samara + Cameron Generation 8


    Sean's birthday.


    Gotta admit I'm not a fan...


    Meredith's birthday.


    I'm really leaning towards Meredith as heir. She has the party animal aspiration... I hate throwing parties...


    Cameron graduated. I got him a job in tech guru career and he didn't get any bonuses and started at level 1! What the plum?!?!


    The youngest is a toddler now. He is Alex.


    Cameron's final grades.


    Samara's final grades.
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    @Koteyka, page 597.
    You're welcome! Ah, so Nick's father is also manipulative. Tony's really suffering. Where's Athena Cykes when you need her? Her special ability would come in handy if Steve had to sue Nick.
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @Ellupelluellu I am assuming he accepted the proposal? I wonder if wolfgang ever learns to stop setting things on fire. Its why my sim dumped him. Malcolm doesnt play well with others lol
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,206 Member
    Becka28 wrote: »
    @Ellupelluellu I am assuming he accepted the proposal? I wonder if wolfgang ever learns to stop setting things on fire. Its why my sim dumped him. Malcolm doesnt play well with others lol

    LOL, yes he did, I forgot to mention it :D Lol thanks :)
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    AngeliqueAdelaideAngeliqueAdelaide Posts: 1,033 Member
    edited February 2020
    Morgyn would say that nice is boring and he doesn´t do boring. This version of Morgyn is both the youngest and least nice of three. To be fair, the other two I have played have had more than a century to learn to keep their cool and to not hex everyone who 🐸🐸🐸🐸 them off, so they shouldn´t be judged by same standards. Meanwhile, Morgyn in this world is an extremely powerful, angsty millennial struggling with self-worth issues.
    Ada planned to have a quiet, solitary life, but stuff happened :D

    Once you complete one ambition in Sims Medieval, you are able to turn off both quests and daily tasks or just daily tasks and spend your time doing whatever you want with your heroes, it´s even possible to play up to four heroes at the same time, like we can play families is sims 4. The heroes are still the only ones who are playable, though.
    I actually rather liked quests. What I had problem with was keeping my kingdom´s state (security, health, knowledge, ece) balanced, everyone kept cathing plague on weekly basis because I just could not get the health up no matter how many health-based quests I did. Well, at least plague is easily curable in game, unlike in real life.
    I have no idea what got into Morgyn. I checked him with showsiminfo mod and he had nothing going on with anyone, so it wasn´t even that he got jealous and attacked Caleb because of it. He basically just met Caleb and decided that they were going to be enemies. Sims can be really odd at times, it reminds me when Hermione´s husband used to randomly insult her for no reason, up to the point when she kicked him out and got a divorce. Crazy sims.
    Ada sure has a lot going on for her. She loves Salim, but she has hots for Caleb despite knowing that it does her no good, and now she is going to have a baby with Morgyn. So much of a quiet, solitary life :D
    RIP, Griffin the pain-in-the-backside ghost. Ghosts sure enjoy breaking stuff and scarying their families half to death. I actually sent my only playable ghost Mortimer Goth back to work because of that, he kept scarying Alexander who is already troubled enough and does not need added emotional damage caused by his father trying to have fun.
    Does your Morgyn enjoy being a teacher? Mine tried once for a week, but kept complaining all day everyday that it was boring and why wasn´t he being promoted already, so I made him quit. Antoniette earns thousands a day, so it wasn´t like they were going poor.
    Yay, Griffin is alive again! Is he going to keep harassing his ex-wife and her new husband, or he believes that they have suffered enough?

    Ada went on a date with Salim HcQoTqo.png
    For some reason, the Talent Showcase was suddenly taking place at San Myshuno instead of Del Sol Valley, so the lounge was overrun by celebrities and celebrity wannabees 6uXHZZZ.png
    Pregnant sims can still get striken by lightning zKyADV3.png
    Ada gave birth to a daughter that she named Lorelai 1ixLOjc.png
    Salim invited her over to hang out. His appartment is a freaking routing nightmare GGe5Fgq.png
    Bubbles and poetry GrjWUl0.png
    Don´t do drugs, kids, or you´ll turn into a dragon 3dxMVJQ.png
    Graduation! Shouldn´t have used the bubble blower the night before, though 1KfhEAD.png
    Fortunately, her official graduation photo looks much better Q99PROZ.png
    Lorelai aged up v5iOdZn.png
    Life with a toddler sLFmcuv.png
    Morgyn moved in with Ada to help with Lorelai and to deal with Caleb. ktbgPT8.png
    Ada and Caleb had remained friends after their breakup, but he refused to believe that they were through, not realizing how uncomfortable his constant attempts to seduce her were making her feel.
    "Stop it!" zU61mjb.png
    "You know what? Enough is enough." WRh5hnc.png
    "Give me the key." xQizMIe.png
    "Call me again once you have come to your senses." AudbGtu.png
    "You! Did you came to gloat?" "Actually I live here. Unlike you, who has no business staying a moment longer." GoW0RE7.png
    "Yeah? And what are you going to do about it? Fight me again? We both know who is going to win." 7azdcMO.png
    "This." o8FkaKz.png
    "What the..." pJDrJYM.png
    "Loser." bL1mlDP.png
    (To anyone concerned about Caleb´s health: He suffered no permanent damage from being set on fire, as it had not been Morgyn´s intention to murder him. Were he to ever murder someone, he would do it in a secluded place far away from his young and impressionate daughter. In fact, MCCC informed me that afterwards, Caleb went and knocked up his wife at last. Poor Angela appears to be unaware of both his extramaritial relationships and illegitimate child.)
    Ada went back to university to study literature, while Morgyn got rejected on the ground of not possessing required skillset. Who could have guessed that being skilled in several ways to torture and murder is not enough to get you accepted into villainy degree? 4eD6tQL.png
    Morgyn had not been telling the whole truth when he offered to move in with Ada - he had also moved in with her because he had nowhere else to go. Some bad investments had caused him to lose all his money, leaving him homeless and with not a single simoleon on his name. Poverty, in turn, had forced him into a life of crime. He would die if anyone were to find out that Morgyn Ember was now a mobster.
    Vlad showed up again, but this time Ada was awake and sneaked out of the backdoor to surprise him Whk3zmL.png
    "Much better." YUAQF0y.png

    Cheers! ackafsP.png
    I fear that the excessive use of the potion of plentiful needs is not good to immune system, because despite it being summer outside, both Morgyn and Ada keep getting ill every few days. RdZ7tZK.png

    Some people really don´t understand the meaning of a word "no." Oh, well... nRsG9zh.png
    "Should I be afraid?" PHqvA6r.png
    Salim is aware that his girlfriend and her live-in baby-daddy are not exactly human and are probably sleeping together behind his back (they are, for the record), but he is honestly too lazy to deal with it. As long as neither of them does not turn him into a toad or something, let them have their fun.

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