Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What Happened In Your Game Today?


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    CheesySimsLoverCheesySimsLover Posts: 258 Member
    Last night's simming session:

    It was the last day of fall for my Sims, so the kids decided they wanted to go to the beach with their cousins.

    Dakota met her new cousin Robi (son of her mother's brother, Christopher)

    Dakota and her brother, Dawson, played in the sand and built a sand turtle:

    It was a warm day at the beach, which was a nice change from the cold weather back home. Dawson showed off his swimming skills, and Dakota worked on hers:

    Brianna joined them at the beach later and played with Dakota in the sand. Then she got upset about something. Dakota tried to comfort her and lift her spirits. One thing I've noticed is Dakota always seems to be happy. Brianna always seems moody. I wonder if their home life has anything to do with it. I noticed Brianna has a new stepmother (her mom died when she was a baby). Dakota's parents are happily married.
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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    Poor Caleb, get him a good camera :lol:
    Tiramisu OMG :love: Cute puppies!

    More baby girls? :worried: Try carrots!
    Oh, I see you already took care of it! :lol:

    Every time you mention how Don's emotional state may change after he gives birth I remember that Ron Weasley's face journey when cured from love potion :lol:

    Roslynn is a lovely kiddo and so patient with her little sister :heart:
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    AngeliqueAdelaideAngeliqueAdelaide Posts: 1,033 Member
    What is Cassandra talented at? Perhaps something music-related, or history, or psychology? These seem like the sort of things she may be into.
    Five minutes was enough for me to decide that I much prefer playing with autonomy on. It´s already bad enough after the latest update, because it would occasionally take them an hour to decide what to do, I can´t imagine being forced to direct their every step. But everyone their own, I guess, since I know some players always play with autonomy off.

    No, relationship changes are still on, because Antoniette´s daughter Adelaide and her fiance Gunther Munch broke up (I wish that it would have surprised me, but in reality it did not. They were never really at the same wavelenght.), plus another married couple had a divorce. So perhaps Luna and Don are just...happy? Can´t say for sure, because I haven´t seen either of them for ages.
    Mortimer is sort of glad that he is already dead, because otherwise he would have gotten several heart attacks by now from all this woohoo :D
    You might be right about Alexander, though I think the moment he felt it was a good idea to sleep with his girlfriend´s mom comes to close second, because had he not done it, none that followed would have never happened. It´s kind of fun to speculate what everyone´s lives would´ve been like: maybe Anastassia and Alexander would still be together? maybe Agnessa would have made peace with her sister and married Don (who she had been sort of seeing at that time)? Who knows.
    We are going to not only find out more about Lolita, but actually meet her. Well, her ghost. Eventually, because I have like million storylines going on at the same time :D Who knows, maybe even Gunther Goth himself climbs out of the grave to make a cameo, the living version of him is set to appear at flashbacks.
    I hate using poseplayer, but 3/4 of the poses sims strike when using the take photo of... option give me death by anger. I just can´t stand all this goofyness, I even turned off autonomous mischief actions because all these so-called pranks that stopped being funny for me after the first time made me want to turn off the game. Another thing that calls for improved personalities - it makes no sense for everyone to be constantly joking around, not everyone is a born prankster and class clown. Now, the mischief actions mean something and actually say something about the sim who is using them. (Sorry about the rant, but I really needed to get it out of my system.)

    Birthday time!
    Meghan RHRyOU1.png
    Ellyn toYxak8.png

    The house is at the state where I roughly know what goes where, but I have several rooms to furnish. The final version has 5 floors and 17 rooms.
    I love building underground levels, because exterior design is where I plum the most, not having to deal with it solves half of my problems.
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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    edited January 2020
    Erwin and Darling enrolled in Foxbury Physics and Biology respectively.
    So there was a lot of studying.
    And yet more studying.

    And then some partying!
    Cassandra worked really hard on her DJ Mixing skill and wanted to practice it in an actual nightclub.
    The rest of Untamed household were there to support her.
    Making the DJ to take a very confusing break.
    Spin it, Cassie!

    Venessa was very much in her element.
    Dance battle with Candy.
    Venessa won!

    Cassie had a very supportive support squad!

    These two tho, they just had to do it in front of Darling.
    I'm fairly convinced they are doing it on purpose.

    Other stuff...
    They are so predictable, yes.

    Judging by whims and thought bubbles, Caleb constantly wants to marry Morgyn.
    Guess one day I'll make it happen, but not yet :blush:

    Caleb, Morgyn and Cassandra are cross-flirting all the time and it's so cute!

    Venessa seems to be really into biting :smirk:
    Ah, those angelic looking sims, always full of surprises!

    And Darling is constantly scandalized...
    I almost feel bad for including him in this household :/

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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited January 2020
    I'm mostly going backwards through the thread, so you might receive a couple of notifications from me today.


    Awww, thank you again. You were part of the reason I rewrote the earlier drafts of the chapter. 😅

    I just wanted it to be more worth your time. 😉

    It was fun that there was a screenshot that I could use for Thorne to think that thought. I'd been planning to have him think it, but wasn't sure if I could work it in. That picture made it easy 😅 lol

    I'm glad you think that Don's character is developing. Although he is a weepy lil guy. Lmao. Not something I'm used to with Don Lothorio.

    Your Don sounds great! I have a Sim like that too, except he's my own creation. I have him in 2 of my current 3 saves. I used to have 4 saves, and he was in three of them. It's nice to have a "super Sim" but yeah, at some point they become a bit boring. Especially if they get the trait where they only have to sleep every few days. If their friends or partners don't have that, then there's not much to do all night when everyone else is sleeping 😄

    Does your Don still get tense about him non committal issued? 😄

    If I leave my Don to talk to Thorne on his own, at some point he'll bring that up. I think that's partially my fault though. He doesn't have a job, so he doesn't have that to whine about.

    My "Super Sim" has the same girlfriend in those saves, and she has non committal too, but she Never complains to Jasper (that's his name) that she's having trouble with her non committal problems with him. But she does complain/ get tense about needing to switch jobs.

    I'm currently trying to decide which set of screenshots to make the next update about. I think I've picked it now though, so hopefully I will get another update done soon. Once again I am trying to figure out some "drama" to put in it. Perhaps I'll ask @RedDestiny92 for ideas 😛

    Btw, RedDestiny92, there's another mention for you in these comments, hopefully you saw that.


    Ok so, several things.. Thanks so very much for the WordPress guide! My main problem, as I said, is wanting to be able to post new chapters after my current ones instead of at the beginning. I see that you covered that. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but at least I have an idea what to try now! Lol

    I'm sure you won't mind questions if I don't get it.

    Also, you mentioned making sure that you use good tags. Do you have some ideas of what tags are good?

    Second - the Simprovise site. I'm going to ask questions here, instead of in that chat, just in case others are interested.

    (Also, I'm going to try to phrase the questions a couple of ways, because you said that you learn things differently. I'm used to that with my ADHD daughter. I'm not trying to be condescending! You are obviously very intelligent)

    1. I see a whole bunch of characters there now! However, I have not seen a story started anywhere. Have I missed it? / Is there a place where a story has been started? What is it called in the drop-down menu?

    2. The site seems to be divided into the separate worlds from the game. Is there a reason for that? / I see posts (background character info) written in some of the "world" areas. Is that what those divisions are for?

    3. Would there ever be more than 1 story going on at the same time? / The "plot" page on the site mentions that you do not have to be part of the main Vampire - Spellcaster war story. If you don't think you can integrate your own characters into that story where would you be writing?

    4. Again - if no story has been started anywhere, could you possibly start one using a couple of your characters to give me an example of what it will be like? / I've never seen or heard of a site like this, so I'm totally in the dark about how it works. An example would be very helpful for me. I seem to learn much better when I can see what I am supposed to be doing! 😊


    Hmmm, weird stuff with Gaston. You must play other households sometimes for him to have gotten together with Clara without you seeing him do it.

    Or does time keep going in your game even if you aren't playing it? You have such crazy mods 😅

    In any case, relationships get broken in the vanilla games all the time. So much so that MCCC has a specific way to repair them. So if you want to repair his relationship with Rose you certainly can.

    Unless you think it's definitely a result of the spirit journey, and you want to go with wherever the game takes you. 🤔


    Wow! Dre knows how to turn on the charm! Goodness, I think he's been taking lessons from Zion everytime he has to apologize to Avery 😅

    Anyway, good job to him! And yay! A girlfriend 🥰


    The PLL legacy looks like it's going well 😊

    Oh my! Charlotte is an adult now. Noel is super cute as a child! Samara is a darling toddler 😊 and so is Mike.

    Super cool that she completed the freelance botanist aspiration, did you pick a new one yet?


    Blake is almost done with college I see! 😮

    I agree with Tommy. It was funny that the soccer ball hit him in the head 😂

    He's had 2 nice days so far. Lol at what he did to Foxbury 😅

    And now I want to know who is leaving cookies out for them 😁

    Good for him, computer engineering is always going to be a great career. There will always be jobs open in that field!

    And yeah! Isn't the picture thing awesome!!


    Hmmm, yeah that's weird. I can't really see outgoing as an attribute that would contribute to innocence. I'll bet it's the aspiration, like you said.

    Goodness! A woobie is a first introduction to me of a whole heap of words I've never heard 😅😂😄

    My gosh, I do believe that I understand what a woobie is, but all the offshoots and results make me wonder where Don is going 😅

    That page is just crazy 😂 Who knew there were so many tropes? Apparently you do 😄 And that whole page is there to explain one word. Although, it links to a million others. I can see myself lost in that rabbit hole very easily.

    When you say you are setting up a Master Save do you mean that you will reuse it everytime you start a new save? Because I've heard of that before, but I've never been brave enough to do what is recommended in order to isolate that save from others in your game. Lol

    If that's what you are doing, can you let me know how you'll isolate it?

    Caleb dear, the camera is this way, turn around 😂

    But Tiramisu is so so cute! Where did you find him? Or did you make him?


    It's wonderful that your heir is such a friendly and helpful person!

    I often find that when people come over in a terrible mood it's because they are hungry or tired or something. Or at least if I feed them it helps their mood.

    But of course she's a child, and I don't know any way for a child to prepare food for someone else. 🙄

    I hate the monster under the bed so much that every child in my game has a double bed 😂 And if they have a sibling, they sleep in the same bed with them to save room.

    I hear that the night light type wall lamp will keep the monster away. But I've never tried it, and sorry, I can't remember the exact name of it.

    Anyway, good luck to Roslynn. She's so nice, she deserves a good night's sleep!

    Hmmm, I love your water idea 🤔 I might have to do that. I think I remember you saying that you live in a warmer climate than I do. Right now it's hovering around 14 degrees Fahrenheit (for the last week). And that's actually warm for this area's winter weather. So technically, I shouldn't need frozen water, I'm not hot 😅 I'm always freezing. But I love ice in my drinks, and this could totally work!

    It seems like a lot of the kids can be lovable or hateable. I don't like hating a child, but it seems inevitable in a few cases in this game.

    Lol, most people love getting their own way, but Diego seems to have enough money to make it happen. Me? Not so much 😄

    You did manage to make a cool "different" type Sim with Nef. I'm not good at that. I also can't stand giving them negative traits. I think that's why playing the pre-mades is interesting. I always feel like I shouldn't change their traits, and it can make them difficult to difficult to handle, but you're kind of forced to.

    That's what's so interesting about Don this time around. I honestly don't know what Thorne did to him, but I've never seen Don reject a romantic gesture from someone with whom he has a good green bar, and an empty spot for a pink bar they used to have. He had both of those with Penny, but still pushed her away.

    And he kissed Katrina back a few times, (in chapter 12) but all the scenes of him just walking away from her with that pathetic look on his face were real. He wouldn't do anything more than kiss her, and I've left their pink bar intact (for times he needs her "help.") It's around 2/3rds full, but he'd have nothing to do with her besides those couple of kisses.

    It should help now that Anaya and Leon have their own place. At least they will see each other now. Is the ghost child with them?

    Such a mystery 😮

    It was really funny that she told him not to skimp on the money he should throw in, but he didn't listen!

    Well, that's what you get Leon. 😅


    Ahhh, the toddlers on the beach aged up. That makes sense! 😊

    The story from Cecilia's point of view is sweet. It's wonderful when a daughter in law is that fond of their mother in law. That doesn't always happen in real life 😉

    I think Mila is a special case. She's so sweet ❤️

    Hunter and Iselin look very similar! Janelle has very different features, but she is also pretty!

    I didn't realize that there could be a color of the year! So classic blue is the one this year? I wonder how many people will consider that when they choose what to buy and what to wear this year.

    It is awful to see Gunther so sad. And poor Cecilia. It reminded her of losing her parents.

    Are Kenneth and Liana twins? I can't remember, but they both aged up the same day, so they must be. They have such big eyes! And I love his curly hair!

    Awwww, that is unbelievably sweet! They will name their next daughter Mila ❤️🥰😊


    Oh wow! This update is awesome!

    I'm glad partying finally came after the studying 😁

    Looks like Cassandra is a good DJ.

    The marriage bubble thought is so sweet. Is Morgyn still constantly wanting to handcuff him? 😅 They might have different ideas about what this relationship is about.

    And they are cool with all three flirting at the same time? Crazy

    Vanessa's face about the biting! Wow

    As for Darling, he needs a love interest. Maybe he'll calm down then 😄

    And yes! I can totally see Don going through a Ron-like realization when the hormones settle down 🤣 It would kill Thorne 😔 but he probably deserves it.


    You know? Sadly I can see Luna staying with Don even if he was sleeping around 🤔 but hopefully you're right and then are just happy together. You could check his relationships and see how many pink bars he has 😅

    I knew you thought Gunther and Adelaide would end up breaking up. I wonder if MCCC will match them with other people? I'd love to see both of them happy.

    Hmmm, too bad it would take so long to play out an alternate timeline. It would be cool to see what would have happened if Alexander hadn't done that. I'd forgotten about that. So.... my earlier statement that it wasn't his fault that he married his daughter should be somewhat retracted. He set that all in motion. I hope he sees that, or is he playing the victim in his mind? I can see him doing that 🙄

    Yay!!!! We will be meeting Lolita!! And seeing Gunther Goth in flashbacks! ( My poor phone, it does such great predictive text, but I keep messing with it. If I type Gunther it wants to put Munch after it. If I type "Morgyn and" it gives me Antoniette, Caleb, and Cassandra as options 😂)

    I can't tell you how much I hate the mischief interactions. So much so that I cheat the mischief skill back down to 0 all the time 😅

    At least it takes them awhile to build it back up. Don was "playful" and "impishly pestered" Thorne. Geez! Thorne spazzed and their friendship bar took a hit!! It took a whole evening to build it back up 🙄 and I think it had been way over the top before that, if that's possible 😅

    Your age ups are great! Meghan is such a cute little girl!! Even with red eyes 😂

    Ellyn and Alis too. At first I thought they looked very similar, but as I looked closer I see big differences, especially in the shape of their heads in the first place.


    Their day at the beach looked wonderful! I love when the build the sea turtle. It's so cute!

    Robi looks totally adorable 🥰

    That is very interesting that Brianna is always moody 🤔 I hope her home life isn't awful


    Ahhh, Bjorn the s e x y lady killer 😅 They just can't get enough of his chess skills 😁

    Oh my gosh! I can't believe Wolfgang and Tessa have a half red bar but still have a pink one!! That's crazy!

    I like that Wolfgang is buds with Ted! But ... is Ted still in this game? I'm thinking that you transferred a copy of him to your B & G save so he'd still be in this one too.

    Idk how great Wolfgang will be at lifeguarding. He doesn't like people very much 😂

    That is so sweet that Don and Penny are still together in Ted's save!!! Did Ted ever go after Penny? I can't remember. Seeeee... Don can be a good guy sometimes 🥰 I'd really Love to see their kids 🥰😊

    I hope you had fun playing the game the other night!

    And wow! Poor her! Couldn't even make it to bed! I hope we find out who is helping with the cooking!


    Oh wow! Yeah, plenty of old folks on their way! Olivia's grandparents will probably be ready as soon as you start playing that family 😉

    Is Siobhan a lot younger than Gerardo? And holy cow! 3 potions of youth? Do they have to be taken at each adult life stage, or all when you're an elder? I'd prefer to make my adult life longer, not so much my elder life, lol

    Gosh! Yeah, still the Sigworths, Bjergsens Landgraabs, Bheedas, and Pancakes to go!

    Have you used the people from Party house yet? Or Roomies? Or Summer's group (I can never remember their name) Is it Malcolm that you'll be taking from the Landgraabs? I'd rather have Johnny 😅 I feel sorry for whoever gets Malcolm 😂

    And yeah, that Sabastion guy, on the real Maxis page, has zillions of downloads. He's from the official Cats and Dogs trailer.

    And oh yeah! I forgot to say congratulations to Holly and Lucas on their upcoming little bundle of joy 🥰


    It's good to see that Hanna is working hard. She earned an A+ in the class because her presentation was so good? Awesome.

    That pic of her adding knowledge to the data bank is pretty gnarly. Yikes


    Wow! Lots going on in your game!

    How fun! Aden proposed after her performance ❤️

    Funny that your streak of only girls is continuing 😂

    I hope the alternative music works for Esme 😮


    The Lehman family looks so happy and peaceful! Except for losing Quinton of course 😔 How old was he?

    Gerard is so adorable looking at his new little sister ❤️ He looks nervous, but like he wants to get closer. 😊

    What a nice birthday party! And what a sweet big brother. That's so funny! The shark must be related to the movie they watched the night before 😂

    Adrienne is so excited!
    Post edited by AlwaysAsking on

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited January 2020
    The basement of Hillview Hideaway is where we are!
    Shine and Roddy hit the trailhead:
    Chelsea Wayford was out and about also. She saw Roddy and gave him a big hug:
    And a big smooch on the cheek:
    Roddy then chatted with Chelsea:
    Afterwards, Chelsea went back home. Roddy spotted a dig pile:
    And this is when the section goes to screenshot only:
    Hello again! Roddy and Shine had arrived at the High Point:
    Roddy went on guard. 'Now let me guess....' he said.
    'Yep, I thought as much' Roddy said, sighing as the jungle bees buzzed above him:
    After the bees gave up, Roddy looked around. 'Now, where are you hiding this time, Dr Bees?' Roddy thought. He leaned against a rock...'Wait, this rock isn't natural!' Roddy exclaimed. It started moving. 'Ah, there you are, Dr Bees' Roddy said, lifting the rock. 'And what a surprise, you're eating honey!' he added. 'I've been found out!' Dr Bees exclaimed. A Ratel appeared from the undergrowth. 'Dr, Bees, meet my animal friend, Mrs Honey Badger' Roddy said, with a mischievous grin on his face. 'Oh no' Dr Bees said. Ratels, also known as Honey Badgers were known to love honey. They're quite vicious as well, so Dr Bees was in for a world of hurt. Dr Bees, covered in honey, ran away, screaming, with a ratel chasing him down. Shine chuckled and got excavating:
    Roddy's turn!
    Roddy and Shine went to the treasure chest:
    Shine opened it:
    Well, it seemed that the temple gods were not happy with her performance the last time she and Roddy were in Selvadorada, so they cursed her with sneezing:
    'Well, looks like I need to cook up a remedy of the ancients...ACHOO!' Shine said, sneezing. A trip to the marketplace was needed as she didn't have bone dust in her bag, So, go to the marketplace they did:
    Shine and Roddy went back to Hillview Hideaway.
    Cooking up the Remedy of the Ancients
    Shine got started on the remedy:
    Shine then consumed the bowl of curse removing food:
    She finished and put the empty bowl in the dishwasher:
    And she was curse free!
    Back in the Jungle
    Screenshot only section...mostly.
    Roddy went on guard:
    'HAHAHAAA! I AM THE INFURIATING FIREBUG! AND YOU'RE ABOUT TO BE BURNED!' A voice boomed. Roddy looked up. First there were two fire flies:
    Then there were more!
    Roddy was singed, and annoyed. 'WHY ARE THERE SO MANY INSECT THEMED VILLAINS IN THE JUNGLE!?' He exclaimed:
    Shine set up the portable shower:
    'Thanks mummy. Could you look the other way whilst I use it?' Roddy asked. 'Certainly, sweetie' Shine said. She walked away and turned her back to the shower:
    Roddy had a shower:
    Afterwards, he came out feeling clean. Shine put the portable shower back in her bag, and the pair continued on their way:
    Shine opened a treasure chest:
    Shine then gathered a few plants:
    She and Roddy then went back to Hillview Hideaway.
    Nothing like a plate of fish to fuel up for the next trip through the jungle!
    A temple run? This soon?
    Screenshot only section, ahoy!
    Actually, lets skip to the part where Shine gets the treasure:
    Shine and Roddy then went back to Hillview Hideaway.
    Smooches from Carla
    Later on, Shine and Roddy go over to the marketplace:
    'Hello, sweetiepie! You're looking well!' Carla said, smiling at Roddy:
    'Hello Carla!' Roddy said, smiling. Carla then gave Roddy a big smooch on the cheek:
    Roddy then talked to Carla for a while:
    Carla then changed into one of her formal outfits and gave Roddy several big smooches on his face:
    Roddy went bright red and giggled. Carla had covered his face in big lipstick smooches:
    Roddy then used one of his makeup removal wipes:
    Carla smiled and gave Roddy a big loving hug:
    The pair then chatted some more:
    Afterwards, Shine and Roddy said goodbye and went back to Hillview Hideaway.
    Post edited by ChuChuExpress on
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    llamasflullamasflu Posts: 221 Member
    our dog lulu aged into an elder (sadface), i had nathan take his daughter to the beach and he also got a tan.... since lulu aged up, i decided to get two dogs (i originally wanted one but right before i wanted to end the adoption evaluation, one of the dogs i chose just ran up to nathan and just greeted him and kept following him like he was his owner SO CUTE i wouldve felt terrible if i didnt adopt him). also : their daughter is gaining her skills REALLY fast
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    Simmelina1Simmelina1 Posts: 2,626 Member
    @AlwaysAsking Thank you. There is a pantone color of the year and this year it is classic blue. Can see the color on clothes and interior in shops. Kenneth & Liana are twins.
    Hunter & Iselin have their looks from Gunthers family and Janelle looks more like Cecilia's family.

    Dara Pizzazz Le Chien
    The family tree for Dara Pizzazz Le Chien, Penny Pizzazz & Adam Vera Le Chien's 4th child.

    Just came home from my sister Cecilia Pizzazz Munch's home. Promised to bring one of her toddlers to the park soon.

    My twinsister Elsa & I plan to go to university when we become young adults. But what should I choose to study?

    Albert Felix invited me to his home to watch a tv show called Hotel Luna.

    Later we played chess in the park together with Elsa.

    I was a good citizen today and raked leaves in the park.

    Worked out with my cousin Britney Vera Flex.

    As promised I brought Liana Pizzazz Munch to the park.

    She is adorable.

    Many people say I look a lot like my mum Penny Pizzazz.

    I spent hours at the gym to get more fit.

    Studied in the library before I sent my university application.

    Albert came to help me with my schoolproject.

    I have positive feelings for Albert.

    Bowling with cousin Carolina Behr Le Chien & Chloe Vera Barnes.

    Met cousin Ava Huerta Lobo there.

    Selfie with Albert.
    Origin id: Simmelina
    The life of my sims. Elina & Don.

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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited January 2020
    Who's that in the distance?
    It's Oscar Trujillo!
    Wait, am I seeing things or is someone tending the food stall? SOMEONE IS TENDING THE FOOD STALL!
    And it's being staffed by Carla Robles!
    Only one thing to do here. Try the local cuisine!
    Smooches from Grace Valencia
    Later on, Shine and Roddy were at Carla's Cantina:
    Grace Valencia saw Roddy and ran over to him. 'Hello Grace! How's the house hunting going?' Roddy asked. 'It's going well. Oasis Springs looks promising' Grace replied. 'What about you? How are you doing?' she asked. 'I'm doing well, and mummy's been working hard on her history course' Roddy said, cheerfully. 'That's really great!' Grace said, smiling. She then gave Roddy several big smooches on his face:
    Roddy went bright red and giggled. Grace had covered his face in big, bright pink lipstick smooches:
    Roddy then used one of his makeup removal wipes. Grace smiled and gave her friend a big hug:
    And then she chatted some more with Roddy:
    Then Roddy and Shine said goodbye and went back to Hillview Hideaway:
    Affection time!
    Shine went into the makeup room and reapplied her shiny, bright pink lipstick, whilst Roddy watched:
    Shine then checked herself in the mirror:
    She and Roddy then went into the affection station. Shine gave Roddy a very big loving hug:
    And then Shine gave Roddy several big smooches on his face:
    Roddy went bright red and giggled. Shine had covered his face in big, shiny, bright pink lipstick smooches:
    Roddy then used one of his makeup removal wipes:
    Shine smiled and blew a kiss towards Roddy:
    She then made a kissy face, which made Roddy giggle:
    Then Shine gave Roddy a very big smooch on the cheek:
    Roddy gave Shine a big loving hug and a kiss on the cheek:
    Later, Shine and Roddy were outside. Shine called Benjamin and brought him up to speed:
    She then grilled some fish:
    Then Shine and Roddy ate:
    Afterwards, Shine used the dishwasher:
    I still think the bell's in the wrong place:
    Jungle exploration
    Screenshot only section
    Shine went on guard. 'He's back!' she said, irritated.
    Roddy knew who Shine meant. The bees sent by Dr Bees tried attacking Roddy:
    Roddy looked around, and sensed Dr Bees was closer than usual. Roddy noticed a faint discolouration in the wall. He grabbed hold of the camouflage that Dr Bees was using. Dr Bees looked at Roddy. 'Hello guv' he said, scared of what Roddy might do to him this time. Roddy got closer to Dr Bees. 'You give ninjas a bad name' he whispered. At this point, Dr Bees was bricking it. A snake slithered out from the vegetation. 'Hello, Mr Slitherscales' Roddy said. It turns out, Dr Bees hated snakes and he ran like mad. Shine and Roddy continued on their way, and reached the Royal Baths, where they sat on the side of the pool and chatted:
    Shine and Roddy then had a cuddle:
    They then headed back to Hillview Hideaway.
    Time for a sleep!
    When Roddy got in, he changed into a sleepwear outfit and fell asleep. Shine tucked him in:
    And gave him several big smooches on his face:
    'Sweet dreams, sweetie' Shine whispered:
    Roddy's face was covered in big, shiny, bright pink lipstick smooches, but he still slept soundly:
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
  • Options
    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    edited January 2020
    So for tags, tagging it with Sims 4 and variants of that, as well as simlit, for instance, we've also got like um you can do sims family, or sims, stuff like that. You kind of have to think "What generic terms would I search for to find a story like this one?" and then tag it that way.

    And onto Simprovise... (You're fine, I'm not easily offended. I have ADHD and autism, so yeah I really don't work normally xD) This is a long answer I am so sorry.
    These are all basically spawned from the same question and I know where your disconnect is, so let's scrap these being separated and start back here, because you've missed a fundamental of how this works. And thank god I saw this because the site didn't tell me it was here. I'm so mad at this notification system, I can't even. (If I've missed anything from anyone else, I am so sorry, my notifs are just eternally in a state of crisis.)

    Simprovise is a type of role-play called play-by-post. The what is RP guide does touch on this, but basically how this works is one user starts a new thread in an in-character location (the posts in the world locations) and writes a bit for their character. Then, another player writes a bit back with their character. And the two just back and forth like that to weave together a thread. It comes to an end when it makes sense for the scene to end, or the players mutually come to the conclusion that it should be done.

    One can kind of imagine threads to be a bit like scenes in a chapter. You kind of have to reimagine how you define a story, because these can go on forever, and can spawn threads with other characters that weren't involved originally, and become quite massive. Threads are thus one cohesive whole that makes up part of a story-line and story-lines can take several threads to get through, or may never quite end. It depends on how much writing the participants need to do in order to get through the plot / story-line they're working on.

    Sometimes two players start writing together and realise they're very incompatible, or maybe their characters are, and drop that thread and never interact again, either entirely, or just with those characters as the case may be. Others click really well and thread together a lot.

    The divisions on the site between worlds is there to make an easy denotation of where Sims are when they're interacting in threads. There are sites out there that don't use that separation, but as I have OCD, I like separation and tidiness lol. You can also have one character in multiple threads at once, if you can keep that straight in your head, because Simprovise is a type of play-by-post that runs on something called liquid time. This means the time-progression on the site doesn't follow a rigid linear pattern. In the other kind of time management, called linear time, all threads started are inherently in chronological order, and players are locked into the current time. So a thread started after another could technically take place many years before in liquid time, rather than compulsorily being after the first as in linear. This allows players some wiggle room with how many threads they're in, and the freedom to jump backward if they need to explore something that happened in the past.

    A big thing with RP is communication. Players need to be able to discuss certain things with one another to make sure they're all on the same page, and imagining things the sameish way. No one envisions something the exact same way as someone else of course, but not contradicting one another is a lot less frustrating. So sometimes a lot of how it "works" is really up to you and the people that you write with. Simmers are more accustomed to controlling everything, but some of that control is inherently surrendered to another player. You're still god, mind, just god of your own cluster of characters, and everyone else is god of their little cluster of characters, and we're all being god at once. Like a nice pack of Olympians. When and how things progress in storylines is also something that's up to the players and may need some communication to come to an agreement on; or not. Sometimes things also just kinda move on their own.

    So if you're not interested in taking part in a storyline another set of players is doing, you can either avoid interacting with the involved characters, or you can just mention that somewhere and ask them not to drag your character(s) into it and thread normally. Most of the time, depending on the thing going on, a player can avoid it and usually won't mind doing so. Other times a story is too personal and serious for someone to avoid all mention of it, however. Probably the best thing to do at this point is grabbing a thread in one of the world locations and reading it, because honestly I think the only way of really hammering it home is seeing it in action.

    (And this is really for everyone that might be interested in Simprovise, @TheLastStar is actually doing fantastic for all this is apparently the first venture into this kind of RP. I don't bite! And I don't mind nudging people the right way, so it's totally okay if you just wanna blunder into it and mess up a lot. xD Everyone starts somewhere. I promise you, 20 years ago I was about as bad at it as you're gonna be. Probably worse because back then I honestly couldn't even write. It's fine.)

    Post edited by Keidra on

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,198 Member


    Oh my gosh! I can't believe Wolfgang and Tessa have a half red bar but still have a pink one!! That's crazy!

    I like that Wolfgang is buds with Ted! But ... is Ted still in this game? I'm thinking that you transferred a copy of him to your B & G save so he'd still be in this one too.

    That is so sweet that Don and Penny are still together in Ted's save!!! Did Ted ever go after Penny? I can't remember. Seeeee... Don can be a good guy sometimes 🥰 I'd really Love to see their kids 🥰😊

    Yes, they had at the time just that relationship, lol , like "You are so darn annoying, but I cannot stop wanting you!" Currently they have bigger pink bar but almost all the dark red is gone, but W still keeps changing his moods.

    I am bad at explaining at english, sorry :)
    I have only 2 saves anymore, that B&G one, and this partly corrupted save what has Ted AND also his little sister, Tessa :) I have only loaded the B&G save once to test all is okay still in that one :)
    Ted (copy) and Tessa (copy) (and Uku and Inna, also copies) are saved to my library, and backup tray files in usb , ready to be inside at B&G save, when I am ready to play it (all new packs, means new plans too, like Babs and Geoffrey are going to move to another hood, I am building their new house at Del Sol Valley :) ).
    What I mean is, everything I have posted so far about either Tessa or Ted , this challenge and all previous Ted updates are all from this one "partly corryupted" save. Original Ted is still in this game , I never deleted him from this save and I have used him again for testing the new packs I got at christmas :) Just now Ted has new goals, no more babies, lol, he is with Bella, period :P
    And I play rotationally between Tessa&gang and Ted/Bella/kids , nice thing is, as Tessa is his baby sister, when I am playing Ted, he gets lots of invitations to visit from Tessa and I always accept those, as while playing Ted, I can still see what happens at the grouphouse while Ted is visiting there, lol.

    Nope, Ted never went after Penny, they do not even know each others:) Here is Lothario family at Ted/Tessa - save. (Yes I gave some makeovers lol):
    Their lot (downloaded after looking at it at the beginning, original horribly empty)



    Peter (teen, their first)

    Andy and Adam (twins, first Andy then Adam)

    And thanks, still just playing, all free weekend :D I can do the picture stuff when I cannot use computer freely :)

    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member
    edited January 2020
    Update on 100 BABIES with Colby as Baby Momma

    @AlwaysAsking You asked about their housing situation...


    This is the downstairs. Living room with open kitchen/dining. I'm not the best at building or even decorating, BUT I feel like it's very practical for what I need. We've got the toddler room downstairs on the first floor. One bathroom.


    Here's the second story... Three bedrooms two baths but one without a tub. Why the separate shower and tub in most of my house? In the past (I don't know if it's been fixed) combo shower/tubs wouldn't let me do the "soaks" to give moodlets. I like the kids doing citrus soak before school it causes a focused moodlet. So that is why I put both a tub and a shower.


    This is the basement. Two bedrooms two bathrooms. So I actually have 5 bathrooms and 6 bedrooms if you count the toddler bedroom as a bedroom.


    The oldest has a birthday and is now a teenager. His name is Nate and he is named after one of the members of the band The Dead South. My favorite band and I saw them in concert. They are Bluegrass. Naming theme is musicians. His father is Jaxton Fryes and is probably descended from the Fryes premades.




    Eric (named after Eric Clapton). has a birthday from tot to child. His father is Elisha Kalani.

    You can see toddler Alanis streaking.



    The youngest babies aged into toddlers. They are twins.


    This one is either Scott or Dave. Sorry I don't remember which is which. Lol :( Geez I'm bad at this.

    Scott is named after another member of The Dead South. Dave is named after Dave Navarro.


    Their father's name is Samson Bailey.


    They ring in the new year. Too bad it didn't happen the same time as real life that would have been awesome.


    Then around 2am once the New Year's celebrations were over she gave birth to a girl named Emma. She is named after Baby Spice from the Spice Girls. That's my childhood right there ya'll. Listening with my CD player to Spice Girls, N'SYNC and Backstreet Boys... Oh let's not forget Brittney Spears so many pop stars from my childhood.

    Emma Bunton... That's Baby Spice's real name. And apparently by googling her I learned Emma Stone got named after Baby Spice. When I made Amy the founder or first baby momma of this challenge I made her by combining sim version Peter Dinklage and Emma Stone to make Amy. I have Emma Stone's sims version saved in my library. I add her to stuff all the time.

    So yeah so that's how my 100 Baby challenge is going.

    When all my legacies and challenges sync up to all current heirs and such to almost YA (young adults) I will buy University I've been wanting it sooo bad, but I want to wait to get it until I'm ready to send everyone off to college. I still need RoM too but I love university more.

    Edit: Emma is baby #21 and I have a full house with 8 sims but it's currently Sunday in game and I'm pretty sure when Nate gets back home from school on Monday he will have an A and I can move him out.
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,198 Member
    Listening with my CD player to Spice Girls, N'SYNC and Backstreet Boys...
    Can I press the Mee Too button??
    ps. I liked Donny.
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    @Keidra got it now, thanks :D And using Cassandra's paintings works!

    @Nushnushganay that is... weird! You could restore the relationship with MCCC, but yeah, not sure how that would have happened in the first place.

    @O-meezy aww, a nice successful date :)

    @Morkovka he actually does have one, he just went for the mirror instead! And isn't she perfect? <3

    That's a lot of studying! Glad they got to unwind at the club, and love all their clubbing outfits! Oh, Caleb and Morgyn XD Please, guys, you're going to scandalise poor Darling!

    @DeafSimmer I do like forestry. Poor Celeste and her nightmares, though, that must not be fun. Oh dear, something he's not telling her?

    @AlwaysAsking oh man, TVTropes will teach you so many new words and concepts. It's actually really useful for writing! But yeah, you can spend... an extremely long time there, haha.

    I made Tiramisu! She belongs to the Vatore parents, who are now living in Brindleton Bay. I figured they had to have a dog if they were living there! Isn't she precious?

    For the Master Save - instead of saving like normal, I did Save As on my main save. Then, I changed the name of it to 'Master Save' and opened it up. Deleted everyone but the premades, NPCs, and a few downloaded Sims specifically to serve as service Sims, deleted a bunch of houses I had added for my own Sims, stuff like that. Since I had played the Vatores and Johnny so much, I also deleted my own versions and replaced them with 'fresh' versions, and moved them back into Oasis Springs and Forgotten Hollow. Any Sims that had aged up in my main game, I de-aged (Elsa got de-aged from teen to child, Darling and Morgan got de-aged from YA to teen). So now I have a save just with the premades, already made over, already with a whole lot of original EA builds replaced with better ones from the Gallery.
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    Awesomes out I am not feeling well meh so I am commenting then if my net allows I'll show you guys a little shortie i ended up with. Its in my hundred baby save and I dont have much use for it.

    @AlwaysAsking ha thats funny cause I love my frozen water and ice cream even when its cold. It gets ornery here Ill say that much but rain or shine heat or freeze cold treats be the bees knees. Ha.

    Yeah Im the same but when it comes to the characters of certain stories it just happens.

    I wish I had Diego's bank account I wouldnt even need to get my way Id lock myself away with a few shiny gadgets and only come out for groceries. Hehe
    I have found i dont get negative either as I can take care of that during story time usually. Sometimes you have to sit in cas take stuff you like or stuff you dont use and mix it all together to see what happens.

    Then you get a "Nef" ha, I love how sims can change like that and its not always obvious without or sometimes with a story but when you catch it its nice. If we do get a sims 5 that sometimes feels like a upgrade of 3 like how 4 kind of gives me 2 vibes rarely ill be fine keeping ot around for its sim ways.

    Anaya and Leon might see eachother, still busy, I think he is still with them Ill have to check.

    Tsk tsk but sims are stubborn arent they.
    Okay ill be back now
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    As you might be able to tell Don is in a mood, he's not all that focused on his punching bag but on the girl playing him all too well, how does it feel to be Donned....Don lol. He found that she wasn't looking for real committment after hanging out with him which naturally was perfect for him considering his ways and his reputation. When she didn't call him and moved on to her next conquest he grew frustrated. So he took his moody self to work leaving one of his roommates alone.

    Gavin meets Hugh roaming by their house, cause that's just what you do pizza boy meh.
    He really liked him though he never considered liking another guy like that, Don and J were fairly good looking but did nothing for him he just assumed he had bad taste in women. He's rather innocent that way.
    I also have never really played him lol.
    Hugh left but Gavin got him to come back and relax with him in the pool a bit.
    He tried flirting and was actually glad that they were well received he let Hugh explore the house a bit really not all that concerned until Don came home in a much better mood.

    "You actually used the pool?"

    "Why wouldn't I?"

    "Cause you look like you skipped...everything day." he teased.

    Gavin rolled his eyes.

    "Oh I get it, you're entertaining someone, is she hot?"

    Gavin huffed but figured it was unavoidable considering he was about to call Hugh to eat and didn't know where he was.

    "It's a guy."

    Not skipping a beat Don smirked even more.

    "So?...It's still a valid question."

    "Don...I..yes I don't know okay."

    Don laughed at his nerves he had no idea how Gavin got mixed in with J and Mitchell but he didn't have any negative feelings toward him.

    "I'm just messing with you, let me meet him."
    He gave him a look.

    "It doesn't bother you?" though even he wasn't really sure what he was asking, wasn't this awkward stage supposed to be over in college or after? His guidance counselor lied to him!

    "What are the the fifties? Dude please, I'd like to think I have actual things to be concerned about."

    He found himself smiling slightly...okay maybe Don was a tiny bit attractive if he thought like that but still he wasn't for Gavin.

    "Like everything day?"

    "Exactly, so what's it gonna be?" he tried again.

    "He's still here, his name is Hugh."
    "He actually stayed by you huh? i am having that exact issue with a chick she's the opposite though.." he muttered about Makayla (the girl) for a bit while Gavin pretended he couldn't feel some hostility coming from the usually chill guy.

    "Anyway..." Don started seemingly good again.


    Gavin got up about to call Hugh before he brought himself over.

    "Oh hey...I'm.."

    "Loverboy huh, so you're the type."

    "Don!" Gavin snapped.

    "for the love of all that is I'm just examining him, ." or something....they worship something trianguler...hehheh.

    Hugh laughed before he chatted with Don a bit.
    So Hugh left and J came home from work..bro hug, I kind of like it for them heh, Gavin go away you're not important again.
    "So who is the chick?" J asked.

    "Actually it's a guy, he's okay."

    J grinned.

    "Not for me loser, for Gavin."

    "Huh..I always thought he had a thing for Mitchell, I'm talking about you diphead."

    "Nope still wrong, I don't have a girl."

    "Yes you do, or at least you have your eyes on one."

    Don inwardly groaned as he sighed, J was also a little too like him but unlike Makayla that made them friends and he was unfortunately going to have to deal with J being observant. The nerve.

    "We don't have anything going on."

    "The Don fizzled out? I love it, and I want to meet her, give me her number."

    "You know...I hate you sometimes, and don't call me that."

    "But it's funny, I heard some women talking about it, I think it suits you so deal with it." also...hehe.
    Don left J for a bit to have a nap and J took a speedo, and when he got up it was time for a more serious talk bro to bro.

    "SO?" J started.

    "So what?...Don't expect me to comment on you neanderthals eating at the table in your swimwear."

    "You're just jealous it doesn't work for you." J teased.

    Don snorted as J gave him a look, he rolled his eyes, yep knew him too well.

    "Makayla, her name is Makayla and she makes me crazy, go ahead make all the fun you want."

    "Not a chance."

    "You don't want to?" Don asked, as J chuckled.

    "It's just no fun with permission."


    "Look I just wanted to say, get your head out of the clouds, if things aren't going your way go find someone else."

    Don only half listened as he got some bro wisdom, he tried that he partied nearly every night and still ended up on his phone looking for a call from her which aggravated him.

    "Are you listening?" J asked.


    "Fine be that way, but you better watch it or you'll end up like Mitchell stuck with some kids and a girl that never comes to see you and you'll be okay with it cause that's who you are."

    "Don't you use those forbidden words on me." Don snapped.

    "Oh now you have some bite, let it go Don."

    "I can't take you seriously in that speedo."

    "The jealousy, sad really."
    Later that evening after J was asleep Don found Gavin roaming around, who is important to the story

    "If you're going to sneak out, you better dress better." Don said with a grin.

    Gavin sighed.

    "Very funny, I'm just....." he trailed off.

    "Just what?"

    "You're going to make fun of me, so don't worry about it."

    "Dude just tell me."

    "Hugh's housing center burnt down..he's homeless."

    "Guess the watcher has plans."

    Yes I do and kindly stay in character Don.

    "Yes ma'am."

    "What was that?" Gavin asked.

    "Nothing he needs a place to stay?" he asked thinking of how perfect a revenge it would be against J for suggesting what he had, like who does he think he is?

    "King of everything."



    "Sorry for what Don?" Gavin asked.

    He sighed.

    "It's nothing, look just tell him to come over here we have an extra room."

    "Really? What about J?"

    "Hey...the guy just needs to be able to pay his share of the rent."
    The next morning Gavin came to tell J about their new roommate.

    "You found someone just like that? Awesome, who is it?"

    "Well Hugh..."

    J frowned, this had Don written all over it, and really he was still bitter about the toilet incident.
    "Fricken skirt chasers man...both of them, obessessive ..iaudhfodfad."

    "J....? I can tell him not to come."

    "It's fine, just need the rent."

    "That's what Don said."

    "Yeah...I figured."
    "Go on in Man."
    Gavin sure was eager to be around their new roommate.
    Now I was with Johnny just for these three pics I have never seen a sim come home in a bad mood and their dog just run out and greet them, she listened to his troubles and as he hugged her he got his first star, he was streaming as usual. Shiloh is just so loveable.
    Lastly...this girl, that has Don eating out of the palm of her hand, going on about nothing and Patchy really doesn't care but she's all he has so...yeah.

    Mmkay see I told you I wasn't well and this is what happens when I mix that with sims, I'll be looking to give you a Bella or Nef update next time you may never see these sims again ha. Unless you're curious that is I don't care I'll bring em back too I mostly update 100 baby when there is a new baby since she hasn't popped yet this is filler.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    MistyLakeMistyLake Posts: 1,700 Member

    Rohan Elderberry isn't university material.

    I found that out earlier today.

    We don't have As, Bs, Cs etc. here in Finland..we have 0-5. After 1st "year" Rohan got one 0, one 2 and two 3s. After 2nd "year"...0 0 0 0...yup. And you say it is TOO EASY to get A+!? I (=Rohan) did everything possible and got only zeros!!!


    Rohan is not a university student anymore.
    "By Grabthar's Hammer! Let There Be Sims!"
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    TheLastStarTheLastStar Posts: 164 Member
    @Keidra I'm finding this form of RP very easy, probably because I've been writing since I was 11, writing fanfiction since I was 12, and really started honing my skills at 15 (I'm 24 at present). Then again, out of everything, writing has always come the most naturally to me. Since this RP is like a novel/fanfiction, it's not a problem for me to keep up! Th only hitch was when I jumped in at the beginning not understanding controlling other characters besides my own, but after you let me know, I totally get it (I think anyway hehe) ^_^
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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    edited January 2020
    Checked your thread with TheLastStar and it's sooo cooool :love:
    I was like "LET ME INNNNNNN!".
    But it's still way more reading and writing in English than I'm comfortable with for a hobby, so I know even if I try I'll burn out in 72 hours and disappear.
    I'm so conflicted :weary:

    Maybe I could play a toddler?
    Not understanding 90% of what adults are about, just occasional heavy menacing look dead in the eye and "Potty now! Or else..." :lol: Jk.
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    edited January 2020
    You're doing really good now c: certainly way better than I did when I first started lmao but I was like, 12, and hadn't been writing long. So I wrote really terribly and did some pretty questionable things xD

    Well, you don't have to write that much at once. You also don't have to post as frequently as we do. We can try and keep our responses shorter for you.
    But I've had ESL (and third and fourth language...) players join before. One of my closest RP friends is Chinese-Japanese. You won't be that weird for me to write with, and the more you do it, the more comfortable you'll get with reading and writing in English. Many of those aforementioned non-native speakers wanted to better their English, sometimes for a job, sometimes just because. It's a good tool for that, because of the consistent exposure in a setting where understanding is important.
    The great thing about RP is that you get immediate feedback, and by writing with someone that has a better grasp of grammar and vocabulary, you incidentally learn from them as you go. And if you need to take a break from it for a while here and there, that's okay too. Like, seriously, what I said to Star above is absolutely correct. RP made me the writer I am today. I would not be near as good a writer as I am without it.
    But honestly, the worst that happens is you try it and decide it's not for you, and that's also okay. c: But if you're gonna deal with a different language, you may as well have fun doing it, right? lol

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    30 pages later, I see this Golden God of pure sexuality in the distance. What an exceptional human being.
    Oh look, a woman to match the pure beauty of the man. Perfection.
    Oh hey, forgot Becca was pregnant too.
    Julia: "How is that possible? I thought Morgyn couldn't get people pregnant."
    Becca: "How did you get your wife pregnant?"
    Julia: "Magic....Ah I see."
    This weirdo broke into their apartment....again. Might have to "Take care of her". Good thing I have a sister I can call for that.
    So Julia got back to work on her latest project when suddenly.
    Look at that smug face, I blame her for your life's problems.
    Julia: "This is what you get for my life's problems!"
    We all got a good laugh that day.
    Luna's sister broke in today as well. But she's family so it's okay, just slightly annoying.
    While that was going on, Julia went outside and bought some mouth burning food.
    Luna: "Yo that was awesome. One plate of mouth fire, please."
    Luna: "I don't know, this doesn't feel too spicy."
    Luna: "Rad."
    Oh hey, Luna's in the second trimester now. Which means you can finally feel the baby kicking in there.
    Luna: "Ain't Magic great?"
    Ah, the flea market was today. Might as well have the two check it out.
    Literally across the street from their apartment.
    Yeah might as well just let them enjoy their day, hey look it's the new Mayor of San Myshuno!
    Mayor Gunsalot. He's known for never unhanding his gun. Don't know why he has it, don't know why he's mayor but we don't question it because he's the one with the gun.
    Luna wants to set this street performer on fire.
    However she was nice, so she decided to just go burn something else instead.
    There, burn the pavement. Can't hurt anyone by burning pavement right?

    I was wrong, four people died, including Mayor Gunsalot, don't know about you but I personally think the city is safer without him.
    Oh look this random old lady showed up and-Oh dear sweet buttery Jesus that's Ariel.
    Nice lighting though.
    After the flea market was over, Luna made some Taco Casserole that was the Bomb.
    The next morning Luna went off to work.
    And then she got promoted.
    Now practice your magic in the hallway.
    Luna: "Nice of you to come over today, Mom."
    Ariel: "Been here since last night, I never left. I have nothing better to do these days."
    Julia: "Something wrong?"
    Luna: "I think I'm going into labor."
    Julia: "Well let's get to the hospital then!"
    Luna: "Not until I finish making dinner!"
    Ariel: "Dinner's done. Hospital now?"
    Luna: "Are you kidding me? This Taco Casserole looks even more bomb than last night's! I'll go to the hospital after dinner."
    Luna: "Hmm, I can't finish this, not while I'm in labor. I guess I'll have the baby and then come back and finish it."
    Julia: "Wow, you showed up in the hospital gown. Where'd you get one of those?"
    Luna: "Just had one lying around the house. Might as well put it to good use."
    Oh wow, for once the receptionist isn't a ghost. I mean, this clearly isn't a human, but she has a pulse. That's a big deal.
    Doctor: "We really streamlined the baby delivering process. Cut out a lot of unnecessary steps.
    Oh and here's a first, the parent actually showing up to the delivery room!
    Doctor: "Very natural process."
    Doctor: "Oh dear, the robot arms are fighting each other once again.
    Doctor: "We really should work out the kinks next time around."
    But hey, Octavia Wright was successfully delivered though. There's an upside to everything!
    And now to get back to that casserole. Yep, definitely the bomb.
  • Options
    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited January 2020
    Hello Roddy!
    Affection time
    Shine gave Roddy a big loving hug:
    And then she gave him several big smooches on his face:
    Roddy went bright red and giggled. Shine had covered his face in big, shiny, bright pink lipstick smooches:
    Roddy used one of his makeup removal wipes:
    He smiled and gave Shine a big loving hug and a kiss on the cheek:
    The pair then had a chat:
    What else happened?
    Shine researched the plants that she was growing in the basement:
    She emptied the bin:
    Grabbed some food from the food stall:
    Paid the bills:
    And Shine did some archaeology:
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    @RedDestiny92 Don has been out-Donned! Good luck to Gavin and Hugh, honestly. And aww, the bit with Johnny and his dog is too sweet!

    @DoodlyDoofus see. This is why we don't use the free camera thing to look at Forbidden Realms. And yeah, we don't question pregnancy in the Sims. I have MCCC pretty much set to anything goes and it's quite refreshing seeing both halves of married couples doing the heavy lifting! Mayor Gunsalot is... concerning. Oh, never mind, Luna took care of him XD Bless pyromaniacs. Really, sometimes you just have to have a good meal first. Welcome to the world, Octavia! Congratulations to Luna on her greatest creation... the tuna casserole! Oh, and the baby XD
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    Simmelina1Simmelina1 Posts: 2,626 Member
    My love story
    Curent family tree.

    I baked this cake while it was cold and heavy snow outside.
    I celebrated my young adult birthday together with my siblings.

    Albert & I went from friends to a romantic relationship.

    We went on a date in sunny Sulani.

    That's when Albert proposed. Of course I sad yes.
    Right now I'm the happiest girl in town.

    We started to plan our wedding. Decided to have the wedding celebration in Sulani, where we got engaged.

    The wedding ceremony was romantic infront of familymembers. It is the happiest moment of my life.
    Wish my parents had lived long enough to share this happy moment with me.

    Selfie with my sister Gabriella.

    Mr. & mrs Felix.

    I, Dara Pizzazz Felix will start at university next semester.

    My twinsister Elsa is also going to university.
    Origin id: Simmelina
    The life of my sims. Elina & Don.


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