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Ask Me Anything, the game


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    LyouflnLyoufln Posts: 10,861 Member
    Does orange pekoe count as a flavour?

    Do celebrate a holiday in December? If so, what’s one of your favourite things to eat during that holiday?
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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,711 Member
    I don't celebrate anything in December.

    Do you own a phone case? If so, what does it look like?
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    edited November 2019

    An aside, but orange pekoe refers to the size of the leaf, not a flavor and not anything to do with oranges. It's just black tea, full stop.
    The name confuses people, and worse, it's marketed as if it were a flavor. So people aren't at fault for not knowing different.
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    I have a Samsung Galaxy s10+, and the case is a nice leather one with a card slot inside and a magnetic flap to hold it folded closed, or open. I really like it.

    What would you like to be doing this summer?
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,711 Member
    edited November 2019
    I have a Samsung Galaxy s10+, and the case is a nice leather one with a card slot inside and a magnetic flap to hold it folded closed, or open. I really like it.

    What would you like to be doing this summer?

    Oh my God, how do you people deal with flip casessss...?? I have one only cuz my Sony Xperia hasn't gotten the stock for their screen protector yet and they game me a free flip case anyway, so I was like, "Heck, I will just use this to protect the screen in the mean time..." But I just hate it. The magnet makes it so hard for me to peel it from the back to close it and since I always carry my wallet in my other hand, it gets a bit tedious to do things like that while walking and not wanting to drop anything.

    I find to just flip the cover around like 90% of the time, so it just pretty much looks like a non-flip case. I only close it when I'm placing the phone in my bag or pocket. :D

    What do you mean this summer? It's already winter for most people. Sorta. Well, actually we don't have seasons here.

    Do you have a guilty pleasure song?
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    edited November 2019
    About the flip case, it's not at all hard to deal with the magnet on mine, and it just doesn't bother me. Maybe when I use my phone, it's for a longer session, and when I put it away, I don't keep taking it out every few seconds. Like, either I'm using it for a while, or it's put away for a while unless there's a call.

    A guilty pleasure song would mean something I like and am embarrassed to like. I like many very risque old British tavern songs that are equal parts funny and dirty, but they are definitely NSFW. Other than that I can't think of anything I like that I wouldn't readily admit to. Okay, maybe I'm a bit embarrassed to like this song, because it's Bieber. But it was written by Sheeran. So I can say I like Sheeran, not Bieber.

    I like this song because a lot of times, life feels like a party I don't wanna be at.

    Forgot to ask a question, so here's one:

    Do you have a secret you won't even tell your best friend?
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,711 Member
    Haha, I see. I gotta keep up with the social media all the time so I tend to use my phone a lot when I'm outside. 🙈

    Yeah, probably but most of the secrets are like "too much info" type of stuff that no one wants to hear about. 😂

    What was your fav thing about this week?
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    FurryModSpinelFurryModSpinel Posts: 481 Member
    t h a n k s g i v e n i n g

    do you use sims 4 mods?
    fnf is a very pog game

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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,711 Member

    Least fav chore?
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    All of them. Okay, putting away laundry. I don't mind folding or hanging it, but putting it away is the worst. I don't even.

    Do you like to play billiards/shoot pool?
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,711 Member
    All of them. Okay, putting away laundry. I don't mind folding or hanging it, but putting it away is the worst. I don't even.

    Do you like to play billiards/shoot pool?

    Wait, what's the difference between putting it away and hanging/folding? 😂

    I've ever played that before.

    Have you ever gotten terribly lost before in an unknown place?
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    LyouflnLyoufln Posts: 10,861 Member
    DeKay wrote: »
    All of them. Okay, putting away laundry. I don't mind folding or hanging it, but putting it away is the worst. I don't even.

    Do you like to play billiards/shoot pool?

    Wait, what's the difference between putting it away and hanging/folding? 😂

    I've ever played that before.

    Have you ever gotten terribly lost before in an unknown place?

    I don't think so...though me and some friends got lost in a corn maze after dark once.

    What's something (food/smell/music/holiday/etc) that makes you feel nostalgic?
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    edited November 2019
    ETA: I didn't have anything I could think of that made me feel nostalgic in food/smell/music/holiday, so I went with something that might be considered nostalgic if nostalgia is just a memory you really like.

    There was a time when I was 200 lbs of solid muscle, and our final exam for the semester in college fencing was a tournament on the edge of a fountain. As in, fencing on the edge of the fountain (about a foot wide), going in two teams, lined up around the (very large) fountain, with the two combatants meeting in the middle. Whoever got scored on or lost their balance and fell off, lost, and the winner would face the next in line, until one team ran out of people.

    Well, I was last in line, on my team, and it was nearing the end, because there were only 3 people in front of me, and the other team was ahead by 6. With dismay I saw the people in front of me getting picked off, til with dread, I it was my turn, to face 3 of them, one at a time. I knew we would lose, but I was going to do my best. I was far from the best in my class: many had longer reach and rangier build (I was bulky as heck which is not a great advantage at all, in fencing), but I had a powerful arm, fast reflexes, and apparently better balance than they did...I had never fenced on a ledge before and neither had they, but I was amazed how short each match was: I could stay on the fountain and defend myself, but they lost their balance and had to step off.

    I was glad when the first one fell, that at least I wasn't going to embarrass myself. But when the next one did, I was excited. And when the third one fell, I couldn't believe it, but my teammates were screaming at me! I had forgotten that the team champion had to go in under 10 seconds and grab the opposing team's standard and hold it up, to win. So I took off running (we weren't supposed to run, technically, because the area around the fountain was wet) while my teammates were all screaming in excitement, and a few feet away from the other team's standard, I hit a wet patch of fine gravel on concrete, and went down skidding on my knees for those last 3 feet or so.

    But I got up and grabbed the standard and held it up and everybody went crazy, and my teammates swarmed me, holding out their arms to grab me, everyone jumping around. Someone tried to hoist me up but gave up on that idea (I don't blame him). But then they and the instructor were helping me to walk, because my pants were ripped and blood was coming down my shins.

    I had to dig a few small stones out of the top of my shins, and get cleaned up and bandaged, and the bones swelled and formed large projections there so I can't kneel on hard floors, but that was the highest of any high I ever felt before or since. It's a dopamine rush like no other, being the one who won for your team, then having them go wild like that and want to hold you up, or failing that, everyone reaching for you at once.

    What a way to end one's fencing career. :)

    What would take a do-over on, if you could?
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    edited November 2019
    @Dekay how folding/hanging are different from putting away is, I can stand there and fold things into piles on top of the washer and dryer, and put the rest on hangers. But then taking it all upstairs and putting folded items in a bureau and hanging items in a closet? Yuck! Why not just leave them there on top of the washer until they are used? haha
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    llamasflullamasflu Posts: 221 Member
    that's a hard question for me😂😂😂😂 i would redo the last 4 years of my life over again (so i can enjoy myself more because i didnt)

    what's your favorite movie?
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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,711 Member
    Dekay how folding/hanging are different from putting away is, I can stand there and fold things into piles on top of the washer and dryer, and put the rest on hangers. But then taking it all upstairs and putting folded items in a bureau and hanging items in a closet? Yuck! Why not just leave them there on top of the washer until they are used? haha

    Oh, I see. The way I do it is different. I take the laundry to the room and from there, I just hang them on the spot, or fold and put it in the closet.
    that's a hard question for me😂😂😂😂 i would redo the last 4 years of my life over again (so i can enjoy myself more because i didnt)

    what's your favorite movie?

    Big Momma's House.

    What is your fav movie genre?
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    llamasflullamasflu Posts: 221 Member
    > @DeKay said:
    > (Quote)
    > Oh, I see. The way I do it is different. I take the laundry to the room and from there, I just hang them on the spot, or fold and put it in the closet.
    > (Quote)
    > Big Momma's House.
    > What is your fav movie genre?


    who's your favorite youtuber?
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    LyouflnLyoufln Posts: 10,861 Member
    Hmm...I don't have an ultimate favourite, but I really enjoy watching the Stephen Colbert and John Oliver shows, and the Scishow/Crash Course channels and Kuzergast. All very nice to watch while knitting/crocheting :)

    What's your favourite savoury/salty snack food?
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    Probably a toss-up between Takis Fuego, and any kind of jerky. I love roasted salted nuts too, but have to watch it, due to 2 nut allergies (but so far other nuts are fine)

    What's the worst job you ever worked?
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,711 Member
    Don't have one. But my least fav was working at a pet store cuz retail is hard and boring.

    Same question.
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    A restaurant that was run by an old married couple. They contradicted each other with me, separately, so I had two bosses to please who were working at cross-purposes. I did veg prep, baked, filled pastries, prepped party trays, and saw things that made me warn friends privately never to eat there. But they had a revolving door on help for a reason, and loved me because I had had experience grinding under duress and had attention to detail and a good attitude.

    But I was hating their guts by the end. They would invite personal friends to the restaurant after closing, and make the entire staff stay, however late they wanted to linger, and I was dead on my feet and seeing red by that time. Most people just walked off the job to quit, but I gave lengthy notice, so they had me training my own replacement, and I went through like 4 people before leaving, because none of them would stay. The husband was competent and honorable, basically, and he would have been okay if it had just been him. But the wife was a bully (not to me, but I saw it and hated her for it), illegally witholding a girl's last paycheck, talking dirt about employees where others could hear, etc. She even had a special relationship with the health inspector or their doors would have been closed long before I worked there.

    When I left, she acted like I had stabbed her in the heart (I had, but only in my imagination) even though I gave notice and did everything right. They told me the door would always be open for me. I kept my face blank, thank goodness. But...NO. Never again.

    What is the best thing you've ever done for someone else?
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,711 Member
    edited December 2019
    Ah, I have no idea. 🙁 Hmm, maybe that one time, this guy who was from my high school (we were not in the same school anymore at the time cuz we were in different junior colleges) said on his Facebook status that he left his thumb drive at my school when he came to visit it for some event.

    And I don't know what got to me but I was like, "I can help you get it back!" And after posting that, I was like, the heck was I thinking....? 😂

    So I only had until the Friday to give the thumb drive to this girl in another class who was gonna meet with this guy on Saturday.

    It was a lot of work, like I had to get this dude in my Malay class who was in AV club to help me out and he said he could ask his friend about it. Then the next day, I asked him, and he said he forgot so I had to wait another day and I started panicking. But I got it the next day (on Thursday afternoon), so my plan was to give it to the girl on Friday during our morning assembly but she didn't arrive and I started panicking a bit and just decided to give it to one of her classmates and hoping that I can trust them to give it to her.

    It all eventually worked out in the end. 😂 It surprised me since I am not someone who is friends with people but I listen closely enough to people to know my connections like the guy in the AV club, for example. So that was cool, I guess. And also, I felt like I was on a cool mission. 😂

    The sad thing is that I feel like no one would actually do that for me if I were to just randomly say I left my stuff somewhere. 😂 🤷‍♀️

    What is your fav flower?
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    LyouflnLyoufln Posts: 10,861 Member
    I like tulips (though not the red-orange ones), dandelions, and lupins. Also just the random wildflowers you'll see when out and about.

    What was one of your favourite picture books growing up?
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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,711 Member
    There was this Sesame Street one, where it also had textures.

    Have you tried rollerblading?
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    luxsylvanluxsylvan Posts: 1,922 Member
    Yes! I did it quite frequently as a kid until I face planted and got a mouthful of sidewalk (literally, I bit my lip badly and could've broken my nose but was spared that misery). Haven't tried since 😂

    What's something you did recently that you're proud of?
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