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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    I wanted to see what plansims are about.... who better than Lucolas to do this...
    I never tried them and never will play them again.... you can't even bring them in cas....

    anyway, Winterfest.... last time I said I was going to come back, and then I didn't, so I wanted to spend it with the Munch family this time...
    we decorated...
    Olivia came by... and Mila finally got to met his other son's girlfriend...
    (she pranked the presents later...)
    then Father Winter came by too...
    we had a family dinner...
    Lucolas spent some time with Olivia and then we all opened the presents Olivia had pranked, so no one got a thing....
    Then i switched to Lilith, 'cause I had yet to met her son...
    and I aged him up because I don't play babies.
    He's Johnny with Lilith's eyes... and I rolled out silly as a trait... 'course Johnny son had to be silly....
    Johnny went all in with this father thing right away!
    The game called the kid Dorian and I like him, so I kept the name... he's like his parents, very social
    The Mayor is very serious about his new role as king of San Myshuno!
    Then we went to visit Caleb and Cass!
    and Morgyn was there too 'cause he has the keys of their house
    Dorian got to spend some time wit his cousins and his uncle...
    and also tried to talk with this weird stranger...
    we spent a nice afternoon all together...
    and when we got home, the weird stranger was there too...
    do you ever stay at home!?!

    I took the opportunity to ask him for a drink...
    'cause I made myself a mod.... and drinking spellcaster's blood is now pretty cool...
    and also going to boost her skills.
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    HoveraelHoverael Posts: 1,230 Member
    edited October 2019
    After putting vampires on hold thanks to another thread i read and replied to yesterday about the guru's nerfing the autonomy features on vampires, i went out and got get famous instead (it was also on my wishlist). First time on a new character called Gemma Hinton and she managed to chat up and become friends with Dirk Dreamer almost right away, Gemma almost chatted up Dustin Broke as well.


    That isn't all, Judith Ward and Brytani Cho showed up and Gemma showed Judith up at a game of chess and almost managed to chat with Brytani as well. Infact Judith is still angry about that loss (as pictured below).

    Now i'm witnessing a fight between Nancy Landgraab and Lily Feng, and all i wanted out of Magnolia Park was some snapdragons! hahaha. Crazy, funny old world!


    Judith looks ready to beat that man into red paste, yikes!
    (Girl in pink with black hair is one of my sims)
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    Simmelina1Simmelina1 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Caliente Le Chien
    Many years ago Adam & Katrina Caliente went on a date. Adam later started to date & marry Penny Pizzazz. After Penny's death, Katrina told Adam they had children together. Adam & Katrina started to date and recently got married.

    Adam & Katrina recently became parents to twins Hope & Irina.

    Gabriella is Adam's youngest child from his marriage with Penny Pizzazz.

    Katrina told Dina & Nina how much she dislike to have Adam's youngest daughter living in her house.

    Fredrik came over to watch a movie together with his sister Gabriella.

    Katrina told him to leave. Fredrik became sad, because he grew up in this house.

    Katrina decide she has to talk to her husband Adam, about his childrens presence in their home.

    Katrina told Adam how she experience the situation. She makes it clear for him, she doesn't want to take care of Gabriella if he dies before she is a teenager. It is enough for her to take care of Hope & Irina.

    Adams brother Cole came over. Adam asked Cole for advice. He knew he doesn't have many years left to live. Adam & Cole are both children of Lina Vera Allocco & Joaquin Le Chien.

    Elsa came to visit her father. She adviced him to ask her older sister Amanda, if Gabriella could stay with her.

    Adam brought Amanda & Gabriella out for dinner. He talked about him being old and that they don't know how long he will live. Is it possible Gabriella can live with Amanda's family, if Adam die while she is still a child.

    Amanda:"Gabriella, you are welcome to stay in my home. My daughters Hannah & Ida are the same age as you. They will love to play with you."
    Adam was relieved Gabriella would be in good hands, if he die soon.

    Amanda, Belinda, Cecilia, Dara, Elsa, Fredrik & Gabriella are Adam & Penny Pizzazz children.
    Origin id: Simmelina
    The life of my sims. Elina & Don.

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    bella_gothbella_goth Posts: 1,770 Member
    edited November 2020
    Post edited by bella_goth on
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    @SiliClone honestly, the way plantsims are handled in TS4 is just terrible. Also, your Father Winter's teeth are delightfully terrifying! Dorian is a cutiepie, and the Mayor is very dapper. Oooh, what's the spellcaster blood mod?
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited October 2019
    I made 4 of my childhood friends to put into the game.

    I feel like I never have enough women in the game that really spark my imagination, and make me want to play them.

    Since I know my friends, I knew how to play them, and knew it would be fun.

    Here they are, names and descriptions. Wearing, as close as I could get, what they wore in the 80's


    This is the story of their first invitation to a party at the bluff. My sweet Sim Leo invited them, and I think he was shocked at what they were wearing 😅


    And who comes to every party at the bluff? Of course, Don Lothario, walking in like the Adonis that he is 😉


    My friend Lori, is in the black skirt and black boots in the center of the picture. And despite Don's lack of dance skills.....


    In a Spoiler to help the thread load faster!

    Lori still decided to talk to him.


    Don was a little bit less seductive than normal. So I decided to experiment with him, and see how many interactions it took to turn him into the Don Lothario that we all know and love.


    He was a bit skeptical at first.


    But she won him over fairly quickly.


    And soon they were exchanging numbers (in an era when phones were still attached to the wall! With no text messaging, no internet, no Snapchat! Can you imagine?!!)


    Taking selfies. (Not actually a thing back then :wink: )


    And giving hugs.


    Let's take a look at who else was at the party. We've got @OhMyHemsworth's Chris Hemsworth. @sarabeth2984 's Griffin. Of course, J Huntington III was there. My own sweet Leo.


    And @Becka28's Brock, (wearing a white coat) who never misses a dance party.


    My friend Lisa decided to give J a try.


    They didn't get very far, he didn't stay very long.


    Jasper showed up. I like to think that Lori is judging him for leaving Laney home alone again 😅


    Amy was chatting up Chris Hemsworth.


    But my sim Adam, off on the sidelines, was wishing she would chat with him.


    Lisa ended up hanging out with a young man she'd met a couple of (Sim) days ago, my sim Junior Compton. No sparks are flying yet, but their friendship bar is higher 😊


    But, back to Lori and Don. They were progressing nicely. I don't think she got him in 6 interactions, like he can do.


    But it wasn't much more than that.


    And he was ready for anything!


    And there they go, sprinting off to do something!


    In a Spoiler to help the thread load faster!

    I'll bet you didn't expect that it was this 😄 Don looks like he's in disbelief himself 😂


    Eventually, Lori made up her mind about Don.


    And here they are 😉


    At this point I should tell you that Lori never actually acted like this. I mean she never went this far on a first date, probably not even a tenth date 😄 But I had expanded on my first experiment idea when she had to initiate a first kiss.

    I decided I wanted to see how many things I had to do with Don before he would kiss her autonomously. So far, nothing from Don.


    Lori woke up long before Don did. The detective career was as close as I could come to her actual lawyer career, so she was outside exercising.


    While Amy was doing some serious judging 😅 Poor Lori, I can't have her explain to Amy that it's all just an experiment by some manipulative being in the sky 🤣


    It was getting close to the time that Lori had to leave for work, so she went in to wake up Don. Somehow he manages to Not look sweet and innocent even when he's asleep 🤔


    And of course, he's far from sweet and innocent when he wakes up.


    Lori is questioning her life choices.


    Or, more accurately, questioning my life choices 😄


    Don seems to know that something is wrong.


    So he has a serious talk with her.

    Oh my God, I can't even write that with a straight face 🤣😂😅

    Honestly, what could he possibly be telling her?


    But then, finally, he became the Don I've been looking for.


    It really didn't take that much to get him to kiss her. You know, just inviting him over for a night of woohoo. 🙄


    And looking at him like he was the biggest mistake of her life. 🤣


    He is hoping that all is well now.


    However, the manipulative being in the sky, has decided to let Lori off the hook 😉


    Don decided it was time to leave.


    But not before Amy did some serious judging of him as well 😂


    There are actually some hilarious aspects to this story, that I did not plan or think about it as it was happening. My friend Lori's first boyfriend's name really was Don. And he really was just about as smart as a box of rocks 😂

    He was also Amy's stepbrother, so the serious judging could have been completely justified 😄 But Amy isn't like that in real life.



    LOL 😅 Turles, put some clothes on man! You're upsetting the dog 😂

    I'm actually glad to hear that Cody bit people who got in his face. (What a terrible thing for me to say!!)

    But ... we had an Akita, named Shogun, that bit at least 4 people ( it was a while ago and I can't remember how many).

    When our baby turned 1 and started walking (which was over 18 years ago) my husband finally realized that the dog wasn't trustworthy enough to be around her, and we had to put him down. None of the rescue places would take him because he bit people 😔

    Anyway, sorry for sharing a sad story, but like I said, it made me feel a bit better about him biting people to know that your Akita did too. I'm not sure if the biting had bothered you or not, but I figured you may not mind hearing you weren't alone.

    Lol, your update in Selvadorada is so funny!

    Seriously, why is that guy in the white T-shirt standing in their pictures?

    You would think that he would look at Turles, and realize that he's not somebody he should be messing with! 😂 I mean, he's a former space pirate and all!

    The shot of Tullip playing with the butterfly is so adorable 😊❤️😊

    I've never seen a child do that. Does it only happen in Selvadorada and Granite Falls? Because I don't have either of those game packs.

    My gosh, Tullip is so darn cute!! I love her eyes and her hairstyle 🥰


    That racecar painting is great! I've only gotten that one once. I don't remember what category it is. I nearly always have my Sims do paint by reference because they always sold for the most money.

    It was sweet of Tiffany to give it to Roddy.

    I loveeeee the name and premise of Chloe's book! Lol.

    The pictures of Roddy and Shine are delightful. And I like the one in the spoiler the best! ❤️

    Wow! Roddy's ice skating routine looks like it's quite elegant. Do you get to pick the music that is playing while they skate?

    I guess Hamish is going to have to get used to the lipstick kisses routine.

    Maybe he's going to have to start carrying around a pack of makeup wipes too 😅

    Your bloopers are funny. it looks like Baako Jang and Eric Lewis need a lot more practice on the ice 😂

    Tiffany and Wendy's date sure was sweet. It's so nice to see a restaurant working like it's supposed to again!

    The update where the two couples renew their vows is so cute. And how did you get the arches to rain confetti again? Do they always do that?

    I am glad Shine got the children to the fire in time. Seems like blizzards are dangerous in that game


    Lol, ok, I'll give you that. If someone cleans up after Bob, whether cook or spellcaster, he could be great!

    Yeah, maybe the fact that it was a holiday confused the game. Idk, I don't have Seasons. (Which also means I can't get the cool seasonal pictures that you get 😄)

    I hope it works for Caleb if he tries on a regular day.

    It's so funny that all of that happened to Jamie in one day. Are those Award ceremonies always on a specific day? Like the Festivals in City Living?

    If so, now you know that you only have to submit work the morning of the ceremony 😅

    Does Jamie have most of the whim point rewards? Out of my own Sims (not ones downloaded) my guy Jasper has the most. With Ian and Lawrence next.

    Obviously, the Sims you play the most get them the fastest. I'm never sure which ones to get first. Although, getting the one where you learn all three things about a Sim when you introduce yourself is invaluable for the detective career.

    Could you tell me your gallery ID again? I haven't been able to download your HP people yet.


    Wow! That's so smart! Get the baking aspiration, and earn money at the same time. Good idea. It would be hard to eat all that baked stuff alone.

    I didn't even know there was a baking aspiration. I'll have to look for it 😊

    I love your idea about a Sulani based treat shop.

    I've heard other people talk about their Sims being carryovers from an earlier Sims edition. Do you mean that in a literal sense? As in, you took your Sim from Sims 2 and somehow put her in 4? Or do you mean that you recreated her in 4?

    My Sims 2 game was in a computer at least 2 computers ago 😅 and I never got Sims 3. I don't think I'll be transferring anyone.

    Do you play with aging off? I can't imagine how you could do so much with aging on 😳


    Lol! A thunderstorm. Too funny. I think it made a great screenshot 👍


    I have so many screenshots of dance parties. One of these days I'll post a few 😄

    Also, hmmm, if it's all about luck with the celebrities, that makes it difficult to get all the autographs that you want.

    Now that Odette has met Judith, will she be able to talk to her whenever she sees her?


    Yeah, I haven't ever done that again. I have started requiring running on a treadmill in order to earn watching TV lol.

    Except when I first enter a household. Someone will invariably be standing next to the treadmill watching TV just to spite me 😄

    And we almost always have high quality food available as leftovers. So there isn't too much quick food being consumed. But I'm glad to hear that it matters for weight. I usually don't have them eat it because it doesn't seem to fill them up.

    Oh, an update!

    A Romance Festival proposal! Cool. I'm happy for Gunther and Emilia!

    When she had the curse, did she wake Gunther up to hug him? Wasn't there a way to x those actions out?

    I'm glad you cheated it away. 😄

    Omg! Mila and Sigfried! I can't imagine what his kids would look like.

    Morgyn is awesome. I wish someone would stop by my house and fix things 😅

    And Monka is adorable.

    Okay, how did you unplant Lucolas? I read about them one time, and just reading about it made me think there's no way I'm going to do it.

    The Munches at Winterfest are very fun to see. I love the decorations. But I think I would lock Olivia in the closet next time Winterfest rolls around. I don't think I would appreciate not getting any presents LOL.

    Johnny and Lillith's little boy Dorian is just adorable. And it sure figures that he got the silly trait. The picture of Dorian and his little cousin is so cute. Can't remember her name right now.

    Isn't it wonderful that Morgyn follows you all across your game? 😅


    Thank you so much! It's so nice to hear feedback on my updates 😊

    I was so proud of Diego for turning down Ricardo! I've never seen anything like that before, at least autonomously.

    I do love he and Hermes together. I never looked at his traits. They must work well with Diego's.

    I think Rose would be happy to be with Ricardo! And everyone is friends, so it wouldn't be a problem that way. But I'm worried about Ricardo continuing to try to get Diego. So I'm not sure.

    Poor Rose and Laney. Laney is in love with a young adult, so can't have him as a boyfriend. And Rose is crazy about a boy who is infatuated with her roommate 🙄 They need to meet more boys 😄

    Thanks for liking my apartments 😊 I'm particularly fond of the black and white one, because my Sim Jasper painted that portrait of the African American man that is showcased there.

    I love building the homes more than decorating them. 😄 I don't think I'm nearly as creative as most of the other builders I know.


    Oh! For some reason I didn't realize that Max was still in highschool.

    It's too bad that her prom was ruined. I kind of keep wishing the police would catch her though.

    It was nice to see that she is still kind to Selene.

    And Selene!! Looking for the wishing well. I'm not sure if I want her to find it.

    Doesn't it do bad things too? I sure understand why she misses her mom so much.

    Did she give up on looking for her dad?


    Lol! That's the best! Have a baby once a week to stay young. I'm not sure if that works in real life 😅

    Oh well, that's why we have Sims, right?

    Good ol' Don will have time to do every aspiration now that he's immortal. But he sure does look like he's almost through with the body building one 😮

    I never asked, is he the "hunt you down in a dark ally and drink your blood" kind of vampire?

    Did he move into Marcus's house with their kids? And hmmmm, I really can't imagine this literal "player" as the best parent. Is he going to be helping with homework, tucking into bed kinda dad? Or the "I'm going to move one of my partners in here with me to take care of these kids" kinda dad?

    Poor Marcus, I don't blame him for forgoing the woohoo 😊 It's a good thing that VD isn't a thing in this game. 😄 I'd keep Don away with a 10 foot pole if it was 😅

    Didn't Marcus complete the aspiration that gives them long life? He was always working out as a premade. Then he'd live long enough to see his kids age up.

    Do Don's kids show up at his house? Or only swarm him in public?

    Do you know what level he's at in parenting?

    The statistics are interesting. 🤔 In your opinion, did the children he had with occult Sims generally turn out occult? I seem to remember someone saying that's how it works for them. I can't remember how many merpeople he was with though.

    What's next for Don? That save might be confusing. So many siblings! I wonder how many if them with end up marrying their half siblings. Or is that mod missing from that save.

    Could you give me your gallery ID again? I'd like to go grab some of his kids 😊


    Mikel is going to find out about the cowplant very soon if he keeps playing with it 😅

    It's so cute that Mahiro gets excited about his older siblings visiting.

    How are you coming up with enough names for all of these kids? 😄

    Lia is really pretty, and she looks a little bit like Cassandra Goth. I think Lia is prettier though.

    Mikel and Lina seem to have such a nice life together. It's hard to believe that she already buried three husbands, and just gave birth to her 16th child 😅

    The little toddlers look like they're having so much fun at the beach. I love seeing the little imagination pictures.

    Oh my gosh, I just found another update. That's so crazy that Lina's oldest son Adam is an elder and might die soon!!

    The children all aged up very nicely. I was going to say that I liked Nicolina's looks the best, but then I had another look at Olina and she's really pretty too!

    Apparently Mahiro is the best one at bowling though 😅

    Paulina is a cute little toddler, with her pink cheeks on her green skin 🥰

    Oh my God, I just found your update about little Gabriella. I've never liked Katrina Caliente very much, Now I like her even less! She's just a nasty person. But I am actually glad that they talked it out so that they figured out that Gabriella can live with Amanda's family. I'm sure she will be much happier there and she would be with that crab Katrina.


    Lol! Everyone wonders where the firemen are when they first start this game 😅 Sorry little Sims, you're on your own.

    Then the most frustrating part is that they keep panicking and never extinguish the fire!

    I've discovered that resetting them wakes them up and they use the extinguisher right away.

    Tee hee I love your rational, if he's going to fling oil around, he deserves it 😅

    I always exit without saving if someone dies, and I play with aging off. So I've never had an interaction with a ghost spouse. Good to know this information 😅


    Yeah, Quincy is a looker. He's from the gallery though, and I can't find him again to give anyone credit. Although, he does not look exactly like he did when I got him.

    Elliot is really good! Especially since he's completely game made. And I can't believe you found a scrawny alien! I've never found one that was even normal sized. They are always in need of some serious time on a treadmill 😅

    I agree, Wolfgang will have to work hard to be good enough for Cassandra.

    I'm glad you see the same thing I see in that exchange between Ricardo and Diego. I've never seen anything like that before. I mean that Ricardo showed up specifically looking for Diego. He wasn't there already and happened to run into each other. So weird.

    I like your update! Kirk is so adorable 😊 Also, I think that Lucas should just quickly go through the painting aspiration and career when he ages up! Holy cow, he draws a lot 😅

    Lol, isn't going to the vet so much fun? And 750 simoleons all the time 🙄

    Ha! Come on now Simeon, you're not so old that you throw your back out playing with a baby are you? I think he and Wolfgang do need to go to a gym 😅

    The screenshots of Kirk and Marla are indeed cuteness overload.

    How exciting that they are going to Selvadorada with Cornelia Goth!

    Her trip to the Magic Realm looks pretty fun too. It'd be nice if you could get magical training, (or any type of training) in the real world and pay for it with a cool folktale 😄

    L’s reaction to Rachel is quite amusing. At least she's polite enough (despite her crush on Simeon) to teach Rachel a spell and a potion.


    Oh good, I'm glad Avery's mom was able to stay alive. And thank you, Diego and Hermes always make my day 😊

    @Becka28 In a spoiler because I always write you an essay, I'm so sorry!
    Awwww, thank you. It's really fun to play Lawrence as a child. The way he acts as a child is very indicative of how he grows up. It's so strange to be doing it in reverse order though 😅

    Laney is quite beautiful as a teen, isn't she? My brain is whirling around trying to figure out what to do with her when she grows up. Considering I play with aging off, I probably don't have to worry about that for a while 😅 But I would like for her to have some love interest she can actually be with, like Diego has. Darrel just isn't going to work out 😅 And Jasper is older than her too. So aging him down won't help.

    Diego is a riot to play. He's much much easier as a teen without his hot head trait, but even with it he's still so animated all the time, that it makes up for his hot-headedness. 😅

    It could be fun to see him with Jessica. But is she patient? It seems like she has been patient with Bjorn, but Diego requires extreme patience 😅

    It's really too bad that Bjorn is continuing to be a plum. Especially considering the fact that they look like they are perfect for each other in every save, regardless of if they're really together or not. But just think, if she ditches him too, then he'll have two ex-wives flaunting their happiness in front of him 😅 Perhaps he deserves it? I don't know.

    Thank you for your kind words on my Glimmerbrook home. It's been fun to make, but I always find myself lacking in many areas, as compared to builds like yours and other people in this thread. Especially interior design.

    I think you've seen Andrew before, because I showed him to you when I mentioned that he had the same hair as Brock.

    I haven't played him in over a year, but the love triangle between he and Penny and Quincy will probably never leave my memory. It was quite a drama. 😅

    Your update is amazing! In terms of extremes of emotion. Wow

    But can I say first, I didn't want Jade to be such a good mother! 😠 For Tiffani's sake I'm glad that she is, I just didn't expect her to be.

    I love Marcus's harsh comment, I get that one all the time from Diego and Gunther's neighbors 😅

    The funny thing is, she ends up taking his advice 😂

    I can see how Bjorn is disappointing you more and more. He didn't get that way the day that he went to help her at her apartment though, did he? When he upgraded the plumbing and cooked food for her while she slept?

    I had hoped he had learned his lesson when he remorsefully walked up and down the stairs pouting at the gym.

    Gosh, I would hate to think that Edvin Ollie saw his dad with Jade at the park. Is there any way to check to see if he did?

    I've never lived in a TLC apartment long enough to know how to deal with power box sparking incidents. Does calling the landlady become an interaction on the phone?

    It's the mice that generally chase me out of those apartments. I had somebody dating Salim Benali one time, and they tried to spend the night at his place. That certainly didn't last, they quickly went across the hall to her apartment 😅

    Justin Delgato is hysterical at the Blue Velvet.

    What are the interaction options asking someone to take you back? My games are just not dramatic enough. I never see these things. Which is probably why I was so confused about what Ricardo was saying to Diego 😅 I had no clue. Anyway, I'm glad that Paulo told her to take a long walk off a short pier. Although I would like to see their child 🤔

    The whole exchange between Jade, Jessica, and Bjorn is quite interesting. It's great that Jade was able to realize that Jessica is a nice person. And to see how Bjorn looks at Jessica (in every save!)

    I imagine that could make you depressed. And why does MCCC think that you cheated? Can you physically set the time for an emotion moodlet?

    Well, maybe Jade will get her life together now that she has Tiffani. I can't wait to see what she looks like when she gets older! Clearly she has her daddy's hair.

    Post edited by AlwaysAsking on

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member

    There wasn't enough room in my other comment, so you guys get your own spot!


    Yeah! Tobias's place is already very open concept! It looks great, he'll earn enough to make it super cool.

    I didn't have anyone living in that apartment when I redid it. That was the Beeda's place. Which was wayyyy to small for them once they had their babies.

    So they moved across the hall into the other apartment I put up.

    Then I used the free real estate cheat to move Jesminder's parents into their old apartment across the hall. The black and white one. I figured that they would have earned enough in their lives to be able to afford that apartment. 😄

    I wish I could remember who mentioned it because I'd give them credit, but someone in the thread mentioned that the apartments are the best place to live in the game, because the bills never go up, even if you upgrade and get better furniture and stuff.

    Oh my gosh, MCCC didn't do you any favors with Summer, did it?

    Seriously, I'd delete that couple, and redownload a new single Summer. Although Dina is working fine for Tobias 🤔

    I never played Zoe Patel. She seems too quiet and mousy to me. But maybe that's just my game.

    With Parenthood, when the kids ask for advice, I think at some point the pop up options will start telling you what each answer will effect in terms of behavior. I'm not at that level with any of my current families, and I wish I was.

    Wow! Hopefully Heidi's "friends" know what they are talking about. I think it's good that she questions them now and then.

    Oh wow! You bought Get Famous!! That seems like a really complicated expansion. But it seems like you're getting the hang of it quickly!

    Either that or your sim is just unbelievably lucky.

    And all that you wanted were flowers for your garden? Too funny.


    Awwwww your teenage Sims are so good looking.

    Wow, does Aaron look sad when things are not going well for him with Lea.

    It's wonderful to see her laughing at his joke when they went out to eat. They both look very happy.

    The group dancing is cute to see, and I think Aaron has a good plan to hopefully have Lea as his girlfriend one day.

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    edited October 2019
    @ryttu3k actually it's one of my mods, this one

    It's not just spellcasters, aliens make the vampire glow and mermaids give them sun immunity.

    @AlwaysAsking I think Morgyn wants to be the protagonist, sort of..
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    @AlwaysAsking, page 482
    Thank you! Yep, they always do that. Blizzards aren't deadly in my game, but they're quite annoying. That painting is a confident painting, and Tiffany was in a confident mood.
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member

    Well, I'm updating twice tonight. I am so many months behind it's crazy ....

    I'm not sure how many of you remember my Sims, Hunter and Leo. There's is a strange and complicated tale, stemming from my Strangerville adventure (which I still haven't finished LOL).



    It kind of involves an alternate timeline, or dual universes, or some such, because Hunter is actually J Huntington III. But he's not - get it?



    Anyway, the last time I wrote about them they had officially sealed the deal, and were actual boyfriends.


    Hunter asked Leo to move in with him, which caused Leo to lose his job as a Strangerville scientist. But I was fine with that, because once he moved in I realized that his actual passion was music. He is now an entertainer.



    Spoiler to make the thread load faster!

    They went out together often, having fun together, generally deciding whether or not they were going to spend their lives together.









    So today was a big day


    It was @Steamvarious who actually brought my attention to the beautiful waterfall behind the Van Haute estate in Windenburg, many months ago.


    Hunter took Leo there one afternoon, and they wandered around being cute together.



    When they found their way to the waterfall, Hunter had a bit of a surprise for Leo.



    Leo seemed to be pretty happy about it



    And they had to celebrate in true Windenburg style.


    Spoiler to make the thread load faster!

    But now came the fun part! Planning the wedding!


    Hunter's good friends, Ian and Lawrence, offered their home for the wedding.


    They had a beautiful setup for weddings at their home, because they had gotten married there, and then left it all set up so their friends and family could use it too.



    Much of the wedding celebration took place before the ceremony, because Hunter and Leo wanted the beautiful lighting around the wedding arch to be illuminated for the ceremony.


    Tons of guests came to the wedding, and everybody had a wonderful time.


    There was a lot of dancing, hanging out at the bar, eating great food, conversing with old friends and new friends alike.








    Folks were looking delighted, looking distinguished, looking overwhelmed.




    Looking official (why Ian? why?) and looking adorable.



    There was also the surrealism of J Huntington III and "not" J Huntington III, running into each other inside Ian and Lawrence's house.


    They actually seemed to hit it off quite well


    The one hiccup in the whole plan was that despite the fact that Ian hired a mixologist before the wedding and three times during the evening, a mixologist never showed up!


    Sooooo Lawrence got to play bartender. Not that he isn't good at it! It was just rather frustrating that no one ever showed up.





    Finally it was time for the ceremony! The guests were seated, and the happy couple was under the arch!








    Everything went perfectly, and they were all very happy to see that Hunter had settled down with one person.


    No one was happier than his own mother, Gloria.



    The cake was served, congratulations were given




    And then Hunter and Leo snuck off to the little park behind the house to be alone.



    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    @AlwaysAsking I think they're always on a Sunday? It might have to be the week before, when Caleb was nominated for an award, it was... Wednesday or something. They're definitely in the calendar, though! Jamie definitely has the most reward points, yeah. I wish there was a way to see how many hours you have per household, that'd be interesting. And my ID is ryttu3k, but it sometimes shows up as 'abc[random numbers]' and I have no idea why and it's very annoying ;_; If all else fails, I have the direct links here!

    @SiliClone oh wow, okay, that looks amazingly thorough. I'll have a good look through it, thank you!
  • Options
    O-meezyO-meezy Posts: 165 Member
    edited October 2019
    Avery was going through a mid-life crisis so in order to make her feel younger, Zion decided to take her for a short weekend vacation. This meant that Talia and Dre had the house to themselves for the weekend and Talia wasn't going to let an opportunity like this pass by.

    Talia: "Mom and Dad are finally gone! I know they said not to throw parties or anything but c'mon Dre, we can't give up a chance like this! We'll be the most popular kids in school!


    Dre: "Mom and Dad trusted us and we promised that we wouldn't! If you wanna mess up the house, than go right ahead but I'm not going to have any part of it.


    Talia: ""I can't do this without you! I'll make it worth your while..."


    Dre: "There is absolutely nothing that you can offer me that would make me even consider help... - Talia cut Dre off mid-sentence


    Talia: "I'll invite that red head girl from our English class, the one you think is really pretty! I hear she really likes you.


    Dre's face lit up like a Christmas tree and he began blushing.

    Dre: "You mean Sidney? Sidney Basset? She think I'M cute?


    Dre began mumbling to himself while blushing a very deep red

    Dre: "She actually thinks I'm cute? Me of all people?"

    Talia: "Does this mean you'll help?

    Dre: "Only on the condition that you invite Sidney.


    Talia: "Ahhh yes yes yes! This is going to be so fun!"


    Later that night, all of Dre's and Talia's friends from school began arriving for the party


    Everything was going great! Everyone was dancing, talking and having a great time :)


    As the party was going, Talia was trying her best to impress the popular kids

    Meanwhile, Dre bumped into Sidney but he was so nervous, that he could barely muster a coherent sentence. Little did he know, Sidney was just as nervous to talk to him and she too struggled to get a proper sentence out

    Dre: "Hi.. Hey Sid..Sidney. Your face is.. pretty and I *cough* like your ummm hair today *cough*

    Sidney: "Umm Hi.. Dre haha. I think you have a nice.. house. It's nice like um you.


    Dre: "So umm, my sister tells me that um... you think I'm cute? - Dre was so nervous, he was sweating from every inch of his body

    Sidney, embarassed, began blushing and sweating just as much as Dre.

    Sidney: "Well... umm.. yeah haha


    Even though it was incredibly awkward, Sidney and Dre spoke for hours and eventually it led to both of their first kisses!

    As for Talia, things with the popular kids were going great as well!


    But, just as everything was starting to go well for both Dre and Talia, someone accidentally lit their Dad's one of a kind, limited edition vintage Stereo on fire!

    Everyone: "EVERYBODY RUUUUUNN!!!


    As she was running for the door, Talia thought to herself "darn, darn, darn. ok, I'll just order dad a new stereo before they get home and everything will be alright!


    When the kids made it outside, Talia/Dre saw something that scared her even more than the fires...


    Next part is in the spoiler tag!

    Dre: " DAD?!

    It turns out that Zion had left his phone at home, so him and Avery had to come back a bit early in order to grab it. He came back just in time to see about 15 teenagers running out from his house screaming.

    Zion: "What's going on here??


    Zion: "A fire? NO, MY STEREO!


    Without a second thought, Zion rushed into the house in order to save his beloved stereo. The fire had spread to the front door but he whipped out is trusty freeze ray and began putting out all of the flames.


    Eventually he made it to his beloved stereo and saw that it too was set ablaze. He quickly put out the flame but it was too late. The stereo was destroyed.


    Once the fires were put out, Avery came inside the house and confronted the kids. Judging by the look on her face, she was not happy.

    Avery:" A party? Really? We were gone for like 5 hours and this is what happens?

    Zion: "C'mon, go easy on them. They we're just trying to have a bit of fun - Zion was fighting back tears. He was really really upset about his stereo but didn't want to show it.


    Avery: "I'd expect something like this from you Talia but Dre? You too?

    Zion"Avery, calm down... it's not a big deal.


    Talia: "Well, in my defense...


    Avery:"I don't wanna hear it! Both of you clean this up and then you're both grounded!


    Meanwhile Zion wasn't even mad about the party, he understood that teenagers are gonna do dumb things sometimes but he was really upset about the stereo. His mom had given it to him when he moved out and it was one of a kind.


    Fortunately, Avery had recently learned the Repairo spell so she fixed they stereo up like it was brand new while the kids cleaned up


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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @Steamvarius shine and benjamin renewing their vows are most definetely couple goals. <3

    @sarabeth2984 zi realise I left off my comment to you the other day and I feel awful as you always comment to me. It wasn't intentional. I loved the alien Griffin met at Sixam. I noticed when Clovelly went to the party at Sixam as part of the scientist career the aliens there were gorgeous, much better than regular aliens that turn up in the game and their disguises were all lovely too. I also agree that Cassandra and Wolfgang sound good on paper. When Wolfgang mett my "homeless"teen, he was never mean to her and looked after her really sweetly. He should be like that with Cass as she gets those gloomy moods which should bring out his caring side.

    @AngeliqueAdelaide also left off your comment :( very sorry. The stats from Don's 111 babies are very interesting. I can't imagine what would happen if young adukt Don and adult Marcus were married and then probably had an open relationship. No woman (or man) would be safe at all. Let alone if they were both focused on the one sim together!! However, I really like the rationale for them marrying to look after the child etc Are you planning on continuing using that save full of Lothario genes or are you planning something else? I may have missed that answer while trying desperately to catch up on the thread.

    @Simmelina1 Paulina is a beautiful toddler. And Katrina - the evil stepmother grrr

    @BMSO Tulip and the butterfly are adorable

    @SiliClone and @ryttu3k Plant sims are sooooo disappointing. What were they thinking? They could have been a great occult.

    @AlwaysAsking I love your friends from the 80s (I 'd liketo try and make mine but I am not sure there are enough bad taste fluoro, choose life/ footloose, spiral permed, acid washed, baggy pleated jeans, frilly options - and no jelly shoes. If there was a bad taste trend we were into it, we were vy young teens though)..

    I think looking at the length of this I will put a spoiler too :)
    Don never changes does he - and his looks are incredibly knowing - you made me giggle with the not even innocent when he sleeps. And what was that dancing? It was hysterically awful, but kind of makes him sweeter at the same time. And J leaving early - what a disappointment. I suppose it was too many good looking single men for one update. Your friend who hit on Chris Hemsworth had good taste. My pick would be Griffin (I would not get in between Jasper & Laney especially considering she is a spellcaster).

    I laughed at no selfies etc, did you & your friends have polaroid cameras? I didn't, because we had no money but my friends did - sort of how we shared our version of instagram photos with everyone. The sad thing is they all browned over time and I can't see a lot the ones I was given back then :(

    Your friend making the judgy faces was very funny. I am sure she can't judge Lori more than Lori probably would judge herself. I forgot to say about an earlier post that I have never see what Morgan said when you asked if he was single -" I am soooo in love with Darrel." (i think it was) - the most Sergio ever musters up is I have a girlfriend or i am seeing someone (and sometimes he says he's single) and the married men say I am married to ..... I may have to play rotationally to see that response and build up relationships so there are sims so in love with other sims.

    As for Jade, she can't help loving Tiffani because Tiffani loves her like crazy. Tiffani is independent (I random roll for traits) and is already at 3s in everything even though Jade hasn't done much actual teaching / developing of Tiffani. Bjorn didn't flirt with Jade when he visited her and made meals because I was controlling him and made him ask Jade to just be friends and stuck to friendly interactions. At the park, I was playing Jade and his flirtiness was all on him. Jade didn't do any flirty interactions back (well not ones I chose - they sneak them in). He was also independent when he came in and stared at Jessie playing piano. He didn't "see" Jade at all. Jessie and Jade got nearly 75% friendly bar from very few interactions - in another game they would make great friends. (Jessie is always losing friends as she makes so many so quickly and the game culls her old friends to make room- I have to work to keep the ones I want).

    Jessica is very patient, her first boyfriend Gino was hotheaded and jealous (he'd yell, woohoo her then cry in the bed - no fun but she really liked him), Cyrus was materialistic and a snob and in the end she caught him blatantly cheating in front of her one too many times, Romeo was slimy and non commital and lazy (and didn't last long) - and Bjorn is not the best husband as he is messy (slob) and lazy and things she hasn't realised yet (or admitted to herself yet). But see below - they really are a great couple and I love them when he is good.

    Finally, Jade didn't technically ask Paolo to come back or take her back as I am not sure this exists unless you ask for a divorce in game. What she tried was friendly then flirty interactions and he blew up and did the animations you saw. No reunion for her. And as you have said before, it is hard to get sims to cry on demand so I used MCCC to change her embarrassed, exhausted mood to sad - I chose very sad and the moodlet said you cheated to get this moodlet Jade is depressed +20 days - I didn't know that would happen, it never tells me I cheated if I make them happy, maybe Deaderpool doesn't want us being mean to sims. BTW I never cheat in my challenges like the Drifter one but in my just for fun saves I mess around as its more about the story I am telling or I want my sims to act in character with what is happening or just fancy some drama.

    Bjorn and Jessica

    Their baby Lyra aged up to a toddler. (and aging is off again)

    She is the first child that really looks more like Jessica than Bjorn - they look so similar here.

    Love the cute little tail on the jumpsuit.

    Bjorn is mesmerised by his wife and child.

    Like her brother and sister, Lyra is obsessed with big brother Edvin Ollie and wants to follow him and talk to him all the time.

    Bjorn has reached the political level where he can give speeches.

    These people enjoyed it. Unfortunately, the lady in pink is married to his main rival.

    Bjorn the Daddy
    Bjorn is one of those sims that autonomously do toddler care (they are rare & wonderful). Maybe he is a keeper.
    Lyra is not convinced about what he is saying.

    Awwwww my favourite Daddy pic

    He also has taught her how to potty autonomously <3 Jessica appreciates his skills. Another try for baby whim on both of them. I really need that cat! Thankfully the glass of water was more attractive.

    Date at the Accolades
    Bjorn had earned some fame over a confused fame card regarding LLama rights - it made Bitany Cho an enemy so it cant have been all bad. And now he can come to the awards with Jessie.
    Things start okay ...
    but Bjorn soon gets bored and when he is bored he usually reverts to flirty

    Bjorn and Jessie autonomously do this through Judith's speech.
    Judith was as reliably OTT as ever
    More flirty action
    Interrupted by Jessica winning and award for her "making up is fun" song.
    Bjorn looks like he is suggesting how they can celebrate (thank heavens this lot is woohoo object free).

    Posing for fans (including Thorn, dustin and Kayla who don't try and steal her fans and just fan girl/boy themselves)

    Day at the Park (this happened after his day at the park with Jade).
    Jessica took Lyra to her favourite park in Newcrest. Bjorn came too.

    Like all my toddlers Lyra loves the horrible ball pit more than any other thing in the park.

    Dina Rocca (nee Calliente) is Jessica's biggest fan and can't stop screaming (she is really quite pregnant now).

    It is family time not fan time. Or obsessed staring time for Bjorn.

    Cute toddler pose for a photo..

    Jessica had time to talk with only 1 fan - Wolfgang. He was ecstatic.

    Some evening romance

    I love how jessica's face has gone all derpy - I do really like these 2 as a couple.

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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    I had more stress than fun playing the game in the last day... anyway... Sigfrid Frostborn was Johnny director for his next work...
    He had to perform a romance scene with Marcus Flex... careful Johnny, Marcus pretty much ruined Caleb...
    well... Sigfrid was very happy with the performance...
    but he laughted at him when he tried to tell him that he's a vampire...
    you're a spellcaster Sigfrid....

    there were a bit of problems between a camera operator and a productor...
    she won, but the operator attacked again and they went on for 2 hours...

    Lilith is taking some time off to stay with the kid
    and Mogyn was here again...
    with Caleb and Cass that only come for the tv...
    and Vlad..... that only comes for the karaoke machine (that I put in the inventory, ah!)
    well, when Caleb saw what Lilith is feeding her son he decided to cook...
    Dorian agrees with his uncle...

    Caleb stayed when the others went home...
    Johnny kept changing the channel to watch movies and they ended up arguing (Caleb is a mediator but I think the trait is not working on him, 'cause he always argue)
    no one won... but they found a movie both of them liked...
    such scary vampires....
    meanwhile, the stan was having a fight with a paparazzi... it wasn't even brawl day...
    then I tried to have a party but I had no fun at all because all my guests were blocked outside by routing faillures caused by Paparazzi, so I had to stop to mod paparazzi and stans out of the apartments. My sims were having the same routing faillures problems for the same reason...

    anyway, this kid... is a nightmare.
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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    @Becka28 they can't be fixed either because they're like the skeleton... just an effect on a normal sim... that was very disappointing.
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    KoteykaKoteyka Posts: 537 Member
    edited August 2020
    MY <3 you keep breaking it but beautifully so its okay!!
    Thank you so much! <3<3 Honestly the farther we go, the more I'm worried about how people might react to my updates which are becoming more and more sad. Generally people don't like too much sad. Maybe I'm overthinking (I do that a lot), but comments like yours really help me calm down. :)

    @AlwaysAsking thank you! :blush:
    I can't tell you how bad I felt for Steve when you pointed out that Peter and Tony are both gone all day.
    It's really sad. I signed Peter up for afterschool drama classes (I pretend they're ballet and modelling) so he doesn't come home till 5-6 PM. Tony isn't doing much besides working, simstagramming or completing tasks to earn promotion. So most days it's just Steve and the pets alone in the big mansion...
    I wish Steve didn't have to cry though 😔
    Me too... 😔

    @Becka28 thank you! <3
    I can't remember - does he still go to the same school as Orange? Does he still see his crush? Is he still crushing? Does he still dance and model
    Yes, yes, yes and yes. :) More on all of that later on.
    Tony - grrrrr. It broke my heart seeing Steve cry. He is soo nice and Tony is hurting him (not to mention what will happen if he finds out before Tony tells him).
    Steve is definitely the victim of this story. 😔

    Typical morning in the Starks household.

    "Peter, just leave your homework and eat. The school bus is coming in 10 minutes!"

    "But Pa, this is very important! I can't just leave it!"

    "It's okay, I'll just pack you up something. Fish and chips sound nice?"

    "Okay, better get going! Bye Pa, bye Dad!"

    Steve sighed. Yet another morning when Peter had to rush his homework in order to get good grades. Do grades even matter that much?

    At Tony didn't have to go to work today.

    So perhaps they could spend a little time together.

    "Alright, how about a movie, some candles to set up the mood and a nice romantic massage?" suggested Steve eagerly.

    "Yeah, about that..." Tony looked very sheepish. "So you know how I said I didn't have to go to work?"

    "Well that's exactly what I meant. I don't have to go to work but I still have work. On my computer. And it will take a good amount of hours so-"
    "How much longer is this going to continue for?" Steve interrupted.

    "This. The way our relationship is."
    "Steve I-"
    "You have a lot of work, I know. But we haven't done anything together for ages! I barely even see you! You don't even go to bed with me anymore, always staying up till morning and doing something on your computer... I'm not angry, I'm just worried. You look very tired."

    "Tired, me? No, not tired at all!" Tony forced a laugh. "Look, I honestly wish I had a bit more time on my hands but I just don't. I love my work and I can't let the whole team down by slacking off. I'm really, really, really trying my best... just hang in there for a couple more months, okay? Shooting days will be over in spring and I'll have all the time in the world to spend with you and Peter."

    "You know, one day those puppy eyes just won't work on me," Steve still sounded annoyed, but much less than moments before. Tony took that as a good sign.

    "We'll spend some time on the weekend."
    "Yeah, alright."
    "We will. I promise. Okay?"

    Why don't you just marry your work if you love it so much.
    More under the cut:
    Phew, that was a close one, thought Tony. Now back to work...

    "You do realise you just shut down my computer, huh Stanley?"

    "That's right. All black now."

    "Oh well," softly said Tony, giving Stanley a scratch. "Guess no one in this family wants me to work."

    "Pa! Dad! We're doing a school project together!"
    Peter returned from school with Orange and Ellie! Turns out the teacher separated everyone in groups for their school project. Peter was extremely happy about that.

    "Alright, come on in then."

    Peter was incredibly excited! This was the first time he had someone over. Even though it was "strictly business", as Orange said.

    Peter immediately started trying to become friends with Ellie. He tried telling jokes, but Ellie didn't get them. He tried discussing Star Wars but Ellie didn't watch it. And yet Peter was determined to show that he can be as fun and interesting as any other friend she had. And Ellie seemed to be rather okay with that. She even smiled at him. And this irritated Orange A LOT.

    "Ugh! Don't you ever shut up?" he shouted. "We don't care about your stupid jokes and your stupid movies and your stupid everything!"

    "Just stop talking! I bet you still have mental problems cause YOU TALK TOO MUCH!"

    "Boys, would you please stop arguing or we'll never finish this volcano..."

    Orange stopped. They finished the project in complete silence.

    At least it seemed to work.

    Soon Ellie's parents arrived and she was about to go home, but a certain furry creature interrupted those plans.

    "Is that a pitbull? She's so cute!"

    "That's Tessa," proudly said Peter. "You can pet her if you want!"

    "She' so soft!" Ellie seemed to be very fond of Tessa. "My parents won't allow me to have any dog..."

    "Is she trained?"
    "Trained?" Peter looked puzzled. "No..."

    "So she can't be trained? Then she's a stupid dog, just like you!" Orange laughed. Peter frowned.

    "Well, got to go, bye doggy..." Ellie pet Tessa one more time before leaving.

    "Whatever," Orange smirked. "I still got some time - lets play Voidcritters!"

    Peter agreed. He loved Voidcritters, but only had Pa and sometimes Dad to play it. And since both Pa and Dad always lost to him, it wasn't that fun. Having a new opponent would be great - even if it had to be Orange.

    "And the winner is... me! As always!"
    Orange had better cards than Peter so he won the first round.

    "We'll see about that..."

    "I won!"

    "Ugh. Losers luck."

    Soon Steve entered the room and told Orange that his mom came for him.
    "Tell her I'll be there in a minute!" said Orange in a very polite tone. He changed as soon as Steve left though.

    "Listen up, Petey-boy. Ellie doesn't want to be your friend so you better back off."

    "How would you know that?" Peter tried to argue. Orange rolled his eyes.
    "Because she told me, dummy! She tells me everything! We're best friends if you didn't notice."
    Peter didn't. Orange and Ellie didn't talk much in school. Not that anyone had time to talk in school, of course.
    "She also secretly hates you. And she REALLY didn't want to come over."

    "If I ever see you talk to Ellie- even look at Ellie- that will be your last day in our school! I'll make sure the principal kicks you out. Got it?"

    "You're too much of a loser for her anyway."

    Peter sighed. Orange is probably right - why would Ellie ever want to be his friend? He's just a loser. Can't even talk properly. But she always seemed so nice to him, much nicer than the other kids...

    "Lie down. Lie down. Why won't you understand, Tessa? Lie down!"

    "Noo, not sit! Lie down! I told you to lie down! Come on Tessa, you're not stupid! I know Orange was lying, I just know it!"

    "Hey, what's up with all of the shouting?"
    "Tessa won't do "lie down"," Peter sniffled. "Orange said she can't be trained because she's stupid."
    "Well Orange is very mean," Steve sighed.
    "But she won't do "lie down" no matter how much I tell her too! What if he's right?"
    "Well that's utter nonsense," Steve laughed. "Maybe you just need to be a bit more patient with her."

    Peter took a deep breath and tried again.

    And again.


    "She did it!" Peter shouted excitedly. "She did it, Pa! She did "lie down"!"
    Steve smiled.

    "You're such a smart dog, Tessie!"

    "And you're a very smart boy," Steve scooped Peter up and settled him on the bed, kissing goodnight. "And don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Especially Orange."

    Bonus: Steve autonomously playing the piano in water trunks is something I never thought I needed to see. :D
    |Beginning|Previous update|Next update|
    Post edited by Koteyka on
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    Simmelina1Simmelina1 Posts: 2,626 Member
    @AlwaysAsking Thank you! Gabriella will be happier living with Amanda and her family. For some families names are themed and some I decide when the baby is born.
    I like that you created your real life friends.
    @Becka28 Thank you. Nice to see Bjorn as a good dad.

    142 sims have been born in the save I'm playing. For the Vera family I use alpabet to name sims. Lina and her children name children from a-. I've given Akira Kibo's children japanese names. Some of Raj Rasoya & Arun Bheeda's children have names from India.

    The last day in Adam's life
    Caliente Le Chien family tree now.

    Adam baked a cake for Katrina's birthday.

    Katrina invited her children to the birthdayparty. But Gabriella had to stay home.

    Katrina is now an elder.

    Adam decided to take selfies with his children with Katrina.
    Adam & Antony.

    Adam & Bianca.

    Adam & Celina.

    Adam & Dalia.

    Adam & Katrina ate dinner at a restaurant.

    Adam died in the bathroom. Adam had 13 children & 23 grandchildren.

    Elina just witnessed her brothers death.

    Next day was Hope & Irina's birthday.



    Origin id: Simmelina
    The life of my sims. Elina & Don.

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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,571 Member
    lol, this thread does take a while to load :D@AlwaysAsking I was about to ask if you finished the strangerville storyline yet but its okay, no need to rush. Whenever you get to it, its okay :) Also, in case you were interested my EA id is CrystalAbyss1 .
    Back to the story, it's really long so I put most of it it under spoilers:
    Chelsea was assigned a project and was partnered with a classmate, Brennan Bernard.
    She's never interacted with him but they got to know each other to be able to work together. They quickly got along.KquE0xu.jpgFbZEZOL.jpg
    They had planned out their project and figured they should meet at the library to focus and get as much information as they needed.wQg1S7N.jpg
    Christopher had called her to meet up but she couldn't make it, instead she was focusing on her work.nvk5TDY.jpgWhile getting information, the two would usually joke around, and their fun got one sim trying to read his book very annoyed. BQIlrDE.jpgundefined.jpg
    The next time they got together to work, Christopher came along to help them with their project but found it very suspicious when Chelsea had to go home early, because she wasn't feeling well. He helped Brennan finish the project, but he kept quiet, he didn't really have anything in common with him.aKeSSyV.jpgThe next day, Christopher went out to play some games with Chelsea and the two had a good time, Chelsea won many timeslEuRLTH.jpgQ2AhBXs.jpg
    By the evening, Christopher asked what was going on with Brennan, and she left early the day before.S2L7kFh.jpg
    Chelsea got angry and asked what was he implying, Christopher replied, that they've been hanging out together lately, but Chelsea said it was because they had a project to work on together. 7VmJqpZ.jpg
    Instead of getting into an argument, Chelsea just left home.

    Days later, Brennan went to the gym and saw Christopher with another girl, Isabelle. He'd seen her in school, but she'd never talk to him.nrJKOS8.jpg
    He didn't think anything was weird, but when he went to say hello to Christopher, he looked too close to her, Isabelle was not happy to see him.RSDkF4u.jpgHe called Christopher aside and asked him if he was flirting with her, since they looked to close to not be. Christopher didn't like the question, and told him they're just friends. Brennan said they looked too comfortable though, but Christopher said, she doesn't even like him. Brennan retorted, "but, you do?" ZR0hcdD.jpg"NO, I don't, besides I'm with Chelsea, don't tell her anything" but Brennan wasn't about to make him any promises. 8KqE4P4.jpgIt looked like Christopher was about to get physical, but Brant Hecking quickly got in between them, telling Christopher to just walk away. qHScsPO.jpgHe did, but he was sure Brennan was going to cause some problems.sqYl4ka.jpg
    Brennan was set to meet up with Chelsea at the library to finish writing a paper that went with their project, but called her to meet him at the coffee shop next door to the library. w7tcuQL.jpg
    He wasn't sure if he should tell her but he decided she probably should know.xhvjvU0.jpgChelsea didn't believe it, but kept asking if he's sure with what he saw. "Yes, I'm pretty sure the other girl was Isabelle"9vd8BgY.jpgShe then recalled what Christopher told her days ago, and had gotten angry he would accuse her of cheating, when he was doing it to her.UMwNwSf.jpg
    When they got to the library, Brennan steered clear from Chelsea, he did't want her taking out her anger on him.XMv3AN6.jpg
    Later that night, Chelsea stopped by Christopher's home, hoping to speak with him. She didn't find him but instead found Daniel.AlzyTC9.jpg
    "I'm not sure where he is, but I think he went out with"--"Isabelle?"Chelsea quickly responded. "I honestly don't know, maybe with Adrian."bqd7Eto.jpg"My friend told me, he saw Christopher flirting with Isabelle, you're his brother Daniel, do you know anything about them?" she asked, Daniel didn't answer but she didn't like his silence.Instead told her, he should just call him, if she wanted to talk. He led her outside and said "It's probably not true, he told me, he doesn't like her anymore" and realized what he said.0MHaJ51.jpg"Wait, what do you mean, by anymore? He liked her?"Daniel trying to fix what it, said "Before he started going out with you, she sort of rejected him...and he got kinda sad about it but then you guys started to hang out together and then go out" but it didn't help. "What do you mean we started going out? I'm only a rebound to him?"VYK8ghq.jpg
    Daniel figured he should stop talking. When they got down the stairs, he looked down and told her,he's sorry about what happened. But she should speak with Christopher for better detail.gkgg1Ce.jpg"I really don't know where he is, or who he's with but I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding"WgmAnKM.jpg
    Trying to make her feel better, he said "but look at the bright side, didn't you two exchange promise rings when we went on the trip to Granite Falls?It wouldn't make sense for him to flirt with her, if you two did."dtc8RFa.jpg
    She thanked him and left, Chelsea didn't exactly hear anything she wanted to hear. She was definitely going to speak with him the next day, she didn't want to do it over a text or phone call.IM1ZT6c.jpg
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    HoveraelHoverael Posts: 1,230 Member
    edited October 2019
    There wasn't enough room in my other comment, so you guys get your own spot!


    Yeah! Tobias's place is already very open concept! It looks great, he'll earn enough to make it super cool.

    I didn't have anyone living in that apartment when I redid it. That was the Beeda's place. Which was wayyyy to small for them once they had their babies.

    So they moved across the hall into the other apartment I put up.

    Then I used the free real estate cheat to move Jesminder's parents into their old apartment across the hall. The black and white one. I figured that they would have earned enough in their lives to be able to afford that apartment. 😄

    I wish I could remember who mentioned it because I'd give them credit, but someone in the thread mentioned that the apartments are the best place to live in the game, because the bills never go up, even if you upgrade and get better furniture and stuff.

    Oh my gosh, MCCC didn't do you any favors with Summer, did it?

    Seriously, I'd delete that couple, and redownload a new single Summer. Although Dina is working fine for Tobias 🤔

    I never played Zoe Patel. She seems too quiet and mousy to me. But maybe that's just my game.

    With Parenthood, when the kids ask for advice, I think at some point the pop up options will start telling you what each answer will effect in terms of behavior. I'm not at that level with any of my current families, and I wish I was.

    Wow! Hopefully Heidi's "friends" know what they are talking about. I think it's good that she questions them now and then.

    Oh wow! You bought Get Famous!! That seems like a really complicated expansion. But it seems like you're getting the hang of it quickly!

    Either that or your sim is just unbelievably lucky.

    And all that you wanted were flowers for your garden? Too funny.

    I've been working on design ideas for Tobias' place, in the process of gathering ideas i've built two houses that contain a lot of stuff from dlc packs, one of which is the Cassavetes home.

    The other house belongs to the Thursday's, Harold and his wife Abigail (nee Ferris). Abigail has had her story advanced along. In this new household, she has gone from Teenager to YA and married, she isn't living with her parents Kevin and Samantha any more. While Kevin and Samantha have a toddler son of their own and they married each other before their son was born.

    I've got an idea for Tobias, more than i did before. I do find that basketball wooden flooring is actually one of the best floor tiles around for a wooden finish oddly.


    Quite honestly with MC, Arun and Jesminder are at it immediately and within three days of a new save they already have a baby, faster than any other household around. They should actually be moved into the apartment across the hall before they get any "ideas", because of the lot trait for good schools and the higher chance of twins. after that, they need flags to be placed on them to keep from having any more until the little ones have grown enough where they can move away.

    §20,000 is rather inadequate for a household, more so with the Medina apartment though, that is a little too big to make the best use of with such small starting funds.


    Nah. Tobias is happy as stated, Dina fits his type of girl quite nicely. I had hoped that Summer wouldn't get taken right away. I have MC set to check every mid-night on single sims and sims if they should get pregnant and the like, that is the way the these things go, the harsh reality that you can't always get what you want, i like that aspect because it provides consequence. Somehow Dina managed to avoid getting caught in that net by the time she met Tobias though, it had been 5 days since i started that save which is almost impossible to fathom for Dina.


    Zoe is your girl next door; quiet, good looking, and has some good traits about her. That is why i almost always assign Garry Burnside to her, as it completes her by having this big bouncy, cheerful teddy bear of a man to be at her side. It is the same reason why i like Summer Holiday, she is the same even if her traits aren't the same, they are grounded to where they are rather than like Penny Pizzazz with her head in the clouds looking to become a celebrity.


    It would be nice to know what the consequences are as well, as only the positive effect is shown under each choice button. you get two options, both are correct answers but have different positives and negatives about them. one can help responsibility but negatively effects emotional control, and the other effects empathy but responsibility takes a hit. Sometimes it is just better to move the teenager out before advice is asked to avoid taking such a hit, where as a toddler and child wouldn't be able to. it could get pretty ugly over a few weeks of asking for advice when you see a lot of red in some and a lot of green in others.

    It is why i like to have the chance of seeing a minor positive without having a negative added in there, so it can nullify some of the negativity that builds up over time on your child or children.


    Yeah, the mechanics aren't overly difficult to figure out. i've just learned to chime into conversations where a celebrity starts talking to a random sim off the street, it doesn't happen often, but if you got an eagle eye, you can bypass attempt introduction altogether as i've never had much success with that.

    When Gemma managed to almost chat to Dustitn Broke and Brytani Cho, they were in conversations with others, but i didn't get the chance to have Gemma talk to them directly as they had other priorities that kept them from being interacted with, until they broke off the conversation. Curiously every time Gemma tried to chat with Judith in conversation she breaks off conversation and walks away like Gemma is a disease or something! poor girl.
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @Hoverael I forgot to ask - who won between Lily and Nancy- did you see? That would have been some fight - both those ladirs are tough and would hate to lose. Dustin Broke will talkj with anyone, Judith treats everyone llike they are a disease so Gemma shouldn't worry and how awesome that Dirk Dreamer spoke with her, he isw very hard to engage.

    @Koteyka loved your update (but not Orange), I like stories with emotion and don't mind if they are sad. The worry for Steve is what is engaging about your story - plus everything that happens for Peter, and even Tony - he's only trying to do right by everyone he loves and not lose it all. I enjoy stressing over it.

    @BlueSeaWaves saw your families on the gallery - is Barry there? I didn't see him - but couldn't remember his last name.I enjoyed him as a sim and would love to have him in my game - hot heaeded sims can be fun.

    @AlwaysAsking I missed your Hunter and Leo post ( we sort of cross posted). What a gorgeous wedding - was that where Lawrence and Ian married too? And you managed to get them to feed each other cake yay. Can't believe the guests excessively celebrated with horns and confetti - I think my sims are alwasy too busy dancing to do this. Hunter and J in the one screenshot is too much - be still my beating heart. I still can't decide which one of them I like best. Your wedding guests were very well behaved and all seated. And I forgot that you created the lovely mother sim too. I adore the Von Haunt estate - Bjorn and Jessica didn't actually have a wedding because they eloped at that wedding arch where Hunter proposed (I hadn't looked for advice on the forums and thought weddings were messed up and too hard back then - now they would have got a massive formal wedding but you dont learn if you dont play.). Any where you go on the estate is gorgeous though.

    I am so glad you did what you did instead of leaving Leo heartbroken. I hate making sims sad when they get dumped etc. And he obviously adored J. and believed every word of the lies J. spun. And speaking of multiple Js how are he and Raj? That seemed like something either happily ever after or headed for drama (or both).

    Blast from the past (I hardly ever screenshotted in those days so have only one selfie of them when they were dating and not one before they were together - which is double the time they are together, and no kissing shot for wedding :( )
    An engagement

    and wedding
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    sarabeth2984sarabeth2984 Posts: 849 Member
    Hey everybody! Hope all is well. I am loving these posts!!

    @steamvarius -I’m glad Benjamin and Wendy were able to get to the root of the problem in Strangerville. Poor Meredith, but it sounds like she will do much better for herself in Windenberg. Judith Ward looks SOOO much better with that hairstyle! Shine and Roddy are so good at ice skating! I also enjoyed the blooper posts!
    @tixyen -Your Winterfest pics were so adorable. I loved watching Lilith and Rainbow hang out together. And also touching that they enjoy spending time where their grandmother came so long ago.
    @morkovka -YAY! I am so glad to see you back! I love Mario and Dorothy! Their beach photos were awesome. Glad to see they are doing well! But why all the hate on Coco? She’s too cute for all that lol! Congrats on Aurora, Lois and Stella!
    @simslover163 -Awesome dance party photos! I had to giggle at Judith Ward. My sim Simeon is rapidly becoming her stalker lol! He loves to get hugs from her lol
    @daephene - I like Allegra!
    @simmelina1 -Wow! Lina looks awesome for having 16 kids! I like the beach photos with the family:)
    @nerdfashion - Moon’s fashion choice is so suiting. I love that pic of her channeling her future moody teenager lol!
    @hoverael -It looks like you are enjoying the City Living pack! I totally agree. Some of the builds can be frustrating because of the layout and size constraint, but sometimes the challenge is fun
    I loved your GF gameplay! I had to laugh at Nancy and Lily fighting lol.
    @galacticgal -I had to laugh at your sim’ Erik’s date night. That’s a Sims moment lol. Poor Joseph. I’m glad you exited without saving! I hope Joseph still lives?
    @mia_noellle97 -Congrats on Liam and Max’s wedding! And Ava aged up into a beautiful teen
    @alwaysasking -I love what you did with the Medina Apartments! Its so cool how diverse everyone’s ideas are for the apartments.
    Your photos of your friends was awesome. I love the outfits! I had to laugh at Don Lothario. How long did it take him to get into Don mode? I take it not long lol! I also enjoyed seeing Griffin photobombing lol. That’s something he does in my games too. Poor dude can’t dance either.
    I hope sim Lori had an enjoyable time with Don despite being a poor life choice. Sometimes you have to live a little lol! We’ve all dated that guy who is dumb as a box of rocks. Lord knows I have several times lol!! I see the kissing didn’t take long to happen either.
    Real life Lori sounds pretty cool too!
    I am still really liking Quincy! My Elliot is pretty cool too. He’s a bro, self-absorbed, and hot tempered. I may have to change the hot-tempered trait. There are a lot of “larger” aliens running around my game believe me. His disguise is gorgeous, but his alien form has that pot bellied with extremely tiny shoulders body type. I hate that form. I think someone posted on here somewhere calling them “pear-shaped abominations.” Which made me chuckle. I don’t mind the extra padding around the middle by any means but the abnormally small shoulders make them look really deformed. I intend to make his shoulders more proportionate:)
    Thanks for liking Kirk! I think he’s going to have his mom’s love for the outdoors because all he does is pester the raccoon and poor fox non-stop. Non-stop petting, hugging, and imitating. He and Lucas get along really well fortunately. I am surprised at how Lucas is really creative. I may give him that trait when he ages up! He loves to draw and does it autonomously! He’s not quite done with the artistic prodigy aspiration yet. I’ve been focusing too much on Wolfgang. Its interesting how their preferences show up as kids. I love the parenthood pack. Griffin and Agnes’ kids for example. Skyler is so artistic, he loves to draw too. I intend for him to go into a creative arts career. His stepsister, Lisette, takes after her dad so much! She loves playing chess and her science lab. I think she will be a scientist like her daddy lol. They both are crazy for the scouts hobby too. They usually twirl straight into their scouts uniform rather than their everyday outfits. And you are right about the vet trips too lol. I just too my doggos to the vet for their annual check up and nearly died from the bill lol!
    Yep Simeon needs to workout! He’s lost weight but his muscle tone is bad and his stamina sucks lol. Wolfgang has the bodybuilder aspiration for now since it's easy to finish, so I’m going to start sending the two of them to the gym together soon.
    I will say, even though they have vowed (at least in my head and gameplay) never to learn magic from a Sage, I usually see either Cornelia Goth or Agnes Crumplebottom hanging around Magic HQ. Although never at the same time. Keeping secrets from the other maybe lol? I think Wolfgang will probably whisk Cassandra a few times to the Magic Realm just to impress her :)
    Also! I figured out how to get the glimmerstones! I don’t know why some witches have them and others don’t though. None of my Goths had theirs when I uploaded them and neither did the Charms when I went into their household. If you ask the Sage of Untamed Magic (usually Morgyn), the option to ask for Glimmerstone should be there under the “Magic” social menu
    Here is Ms. Crumplebottom asking Morgyn for one:
    You may have to cycle through all the socials under “Magic” I had to select under “more” options before I found it (sometimes)
    It showed up in her inventory right after
    I’ve started playing the Selvadorada trip (which I’ve needed because I’m sick of family game play atm). The team has only been there one day and I am dying from laughter! So many unexpected things are happening! Can’t wait to start posting it!!! No spoilers yet
    @siliclone -Lilith looks fantastic as always even after the baby! I had to laugh at Mila’s attraction to Sigfried. He’s such a stallion, who wouldn’t be attracted to him LOL !!!
    Somehow the idea of Lucolas being a plantsim is highly appropriate, but you are right they are so boring. Can a spellcaster be a plantsim at the same time?
    And vampire Father Winter is truly terrifying in an awesome way.
    OMG Dorian is too stinkin cute! Johnny Zest’s genes are very strong.
    @becka28 -Tiffani is so cute! I can see a lot of Bjorn in her! That look between Jade and Marcus. Somehow, I think he and Penny are a great fit for each other! Then the gossip between Eva and Jade! Glad to hear Paolo is doing well too now that he’s remarried to Dina.
    Why Bjorn Why!? What’s up with him and the flirting? Sounds like Jade’s love life is on the rocks at the moment, not saying she doesn’t deserve it! At least she has her daughter Tiffani to come home too:)
    I loved your post with Bjorn and Jessica! Their daughter Lyra is so cute! Despite his shenanigans with Jade, you can see he adores Jessica:)
    Thanks for liking Griffin’s new alien friend! :D I was surprised at the aliens there too! There were a lot of gorgeous aliens. I just liked Elliot, he had a fun personality and was making everyone laugh. I agree Wolfgang can actually be a surprisingly sweet sim. I’m glad he was kind to your homeless teen. I changed his mean trait (I dislike mean sims) to genius and kept his gloomy trait. Although the current trait glitch has changed that so his mean streak still comes out, I’m ok with that actually, it makes gameplay more challenging. They might wind up being gloomy together lol.
    @bmso -That photo of Tulip playing with the butterfly was too cute!
    @o-meezy -I loved the party update! Especially Dre’s first kiss! It looks like they were having fun right up until the point where the fire happened lol. Its too bad they were grounded but at least Avery was able to fix Zion’s favorite stereo :)
    @deafsimmer -Oh I am loving this story line. I am so glad Selene was able to bring back Veronica! She needed her mom and Veronica need a second chance at life. Hopefully Daphne will find a way to break down those barriers around her heart. She needs to before it destroys her.
    @kotekya - Poor Steve. When will Tony learn that he needs to devote a bit more time to Steve. He may lose him forever. And poor Peter! Orange is not a good friend at all. I am sure that Peter will find that Ellie really does like him for himself.
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    sarabeth2984sarabeth2984 Posts: 849 Member
    Happy Halloween everybody!!! Hope you have a creepy (but fun and safe) one! I have had the past few days off but its been raining and storming like crazy so my vacation and outdoor home improvement project was canceled. I spent the time some virtual ones instead lol. Here’s a fun Spooky Day fun post
    So Halloween happened in my game (like last week but I wanted to post it today). Simeon Silversweater and his family were planning a fun night in.
    Rachel spends some time in her garden. She was collecting as much honey from her bee box as winter was soon approaching and her bees would become dormant. She’s bonded with them enough to send them out to fetch gifts now!!
    They brought back a gift
    It was an onion
    The family was getting the place decorated
    Spoilers below to help things load faster :)
    All that was left was to carve the pumpkins
    Wolfgang and Lucas set to work on theirs first
    Wolfgang was very proud of his
    Simeon grabs some candy and gets a scare.
    Uncle Simeon and Aunt Rachel tackle their pumpkins next
    Kirk comes to see what’s going on
    Lucas scares himself silly too
    So does Aunt Rachel. She’s already changed into her costume
    Wolfgang: “You guys are a bunch of dorks! What’s so scary about this stupid thin--Waaah!!”
    The place is finally ready
    Time to change into costume!
    Simeon first
    Heavy breathing
    “Wolfgang. Lucas. I…. am your Uncle”
    More under the spoiler
    “I can’t believe I’m related to you all.” Says Darth Maul.
    Yoda is watching cartoons on the couch.
    Wolfgang makes for an awesome Darth Maul.
    Darth Maul reads to a little monster
    Princess Leia screams from the bathroom “Who keeps clogging the sink and toilet!!! PLUM!!!
    Downside of living with a bunch of guys Rachel
    They go out for trick or treating. They get back and it is time for scary stories by the campfire
    Aunt Rachel is a great stortyteller
    Time for bed
    Meanwhile down the street at the Morecombe household
    Griffin and Agnes and their kids are getting ready for Halloween too.
    Agnes show off her mad cooking skills
    Halloween is terrifying but no where near as terrifying as this diaper apparently
    Being a vampire, Griffin loves Halloween, as does the rest of his family. His dad Harold flew by and stopped to visit. (All the Morecombe boys bat fly)
    Griffin’s daughter Lisette tells her Grandpa Harry about her grades
    Grandpa I got all A’s!
    “That’s fantastic!” he says
    Harry decides to hang a bit with his granddaughter
    Harry flies off
    Griffin’s younger brother Barnaby swoops in to visit too. These two guys are very close
    Lisette has to butt in the conversation as usual
    Barnaby flew off to take his little daughter Natalie trick or treating too.
    Agnes sneaks up behind Griffin. “Hello handsome”
    Mermaid derp. “Squeak!”
    That must have had some effect
    Griffin’s last two wives and girlfriend were all mermaids. Methinks he has a “type”
    Enough shenanigans. Time to start carving pumpkins
    Step-siblings Lisette and Skyler start carving theirs
    Followed by Mom and Dad’s
    Time for costumes! And attack of the candy bowl
    Lisette and Skyler went for the princess and pirate look. Last year they both went as Yoda
    More under the spoiler
    Lisette got the creepy poof of gas
    Her step brother and BFF Skyler joins in
    Agnes (smuggler) tries it herself. “Ew Zombie hand!”
    Griffin’s like “Honestly, there’s nothing frightening about this thing”
    “Lemme try” says the 300 yo grand master vampire
    They go trick or treating and comeback for some scary campfire stories
    Griffin, being really old, knows some awesome ghost stories. Don’t mind the dog pooping in the back

    Spoilers below
    Bjorn and Griffin are cousins. They are surprisingly close and love goofing around together. One day a long time ago, Griffin made a cloning machine and brought it over to Bjorn’s house to try out.
    “Hey Bjorn get over here! Let’s see what it can do!!
    Bjorn feels a buzzing sensation
    Oh no!
    The birth of Antoine! Aka Bjorn2 the clone.

    Several weeks later. Griffin flies over to Bjorn’s house again. He feels lonely being the only vampire (that he knows of) in Windenberg.
    “Hey Bjorn, have you ever thought of becoming a vampire? You’d live forever, and I can teach you how to fly around as a bat! Imagine how useful that could be at work? (Bjorn is no longer a secret agent, but a [Redacted] covert agent in the military.
    Griffin goes into creepy dark form mode
    And then they all went upstairs for this for whatever reason
    I love Antoine/Bjorn2’s reaction. He was immediately cool with it afterwards
    Purple vampire stomach cramps
    Griffin gives him some secret pointers. And a bunch of plasma packs

    I was out with another sim and I spotted Bjorn a couple days later. In Oasis Springs at noon of all places
    I transferred him to Griffin’s household immediately because he started to fry in the sun. Griff will teach him the ropes and he’s got plenty of plasmafruit trees to munch on.

    So now I have a clone Bjorn and a vampire Bjorn running around the game lol
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,966 Member
    @sarabeth2984 I wasn't going to play that game save for a bit, but curiosity took over. Joseph is alive and well, thank you. :) But, then my computer crashed so I called it quits for the day. :'(
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member

    @O-meezy I like your family. I hope the kids don't get into too much trouble.

    @AlwaysAsking I love your 80's friends <3 I was actually born in 88 but I still love the 80's. And your two male gay sims are so beautiful <3 You really do a great job at capturing the love they share.

    @Becka28 Bjorn makes a pretty good daddy <3

    @DeafSimmer What will Daphne do :O

    @Koteyka That Orange kid needs a spanking :P I hope Tony and Steve can get some much needed time together soon. I really enjoyed reading about their beach vacation.

    Sorry would comment more but my real life kids are getting in trouble and they need to trick or treat soon! Happy Halloween!

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