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What Happened In Your Game Today?


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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    Things were going well. My sim was getting promotions at work, had a great money spinniing garden and was advancing her plans to take over the Landgraab empire ....



    Nancy had begun following my sim everywhere - she knew Malcolm was under her spell....

    But then this happened ......





    My first death of a single sim.

    Had Nancy paid people off to sabotage the stove....

    Was Malcolm in on it - he was in my Sims house a lot and often stood by the bed watching to make sure she was asleep before he went out into the kitchen

    Was the mysterious townie who used to come into her house uninvited and flirt with her for no reason part of it all - after all if she seemed interested he would push her away and shout at her..... a landgraab spy?

    Or was it because she had reported her co-workers who were smuggling alien packages and flying mysteriously off course in her job as an Astronaut .............
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    WolfiumWolfium Posts: 2,672 Member
    Zion moved out, and soon after him Lucrecia. Both of them will be interesting to play.

    Zion's going to be art critic and he resides in San Myshuno.


    Lucrecia lives at Del Sol Valley and she'll be famous actress one day.

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    DarkAngel1994DarkAngel1994 Posts: 771 Member

    New updates on the family

    Sebastian and Belinda are officially a couple.

    Dante tried his best to impress his childhood crush, Elena Milano, but she was not having it and rejected him. Maria, being the protective older sister, was furious at Elena for turning down on her brother.

    Maria and Francesca decided to look for a suitable lover for Dante and took their brother to the lounge at Oasis Springs. Francesca called her friend, Malcolm Landgraab, over (unknown to Maria since she hated him), and Dante was interested with Malcolm, and the two hit it off pretty well and fast, much to Francesca and Maria's surprise.

    Vanessa wanted to focus on her study rather than dating to get a better career as a musician.

    Can't forget about the parents. Caleb is now expecting a sixth child. (I forgot that I set risky woohoo on.)
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    Sofmc9Sofmc9 Posts: 499 Member
    Took picts using the photo studio item :3




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    HopeyStarrHopeyStarr Posts: 1,276 Member
    "Get up Cinderella. It's already morning."

    Lately her Stepmother has been waking her up before everyone else in the house to make breakfast.

    At first she didn't mind, but there are days where she would like to sleep in too!

    Oh well. The family needs to eat after all.

    "The quality of your eggs were poor today. You're slipping Cinderella."

    "Really? I'm so sorry Stepmother."

    Today Cindy was extremely tired and she admits to cooking a little carelessly.

    She hopes her Stepmother wasn't too disappointed.

    Lord Tremaine rolled out of bed rather late and was feeling under the weather.

    His presence brought an end to their mild conflict.

    But Lady Tremaine would not forget this moment.

    When Drizella came down for breakfast Lady Tremaine's mood seemed to lift.
    *:.。."It's great being ((Queen Bee))!".。.:*
    ✧ :-"As long as I continue to believe then one day my ((dreams)) really will come true."✧ :-
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @Sharonia such a cute family.
    @Becka28 mess with the Landgraabs and get burned...fitting.
    @Wolfium I really love Zion's look.
    @HopeyStarr Love that zoom in on her eyes, I just picture her look from the movies always scheming never happy.

    I had already given out awesomes I guess don't remember meh.
    Nothing like a nice 2 am grilled cheese.
    Her gig didn't go so well, that door isn't supposed to be locked yet, her costar laughed at her.
    Instead of making friends with the monster I let Felicity get some more practice in.
    Quality time with mama.
    He's awfully cheery for a sick kid that has missed three days of school.
    The twins were born, but got the notification that Boston had a performance so took the family to it, rabbit hole like the city events but still nice.
    The eldest is Raven by the wall and the other is Demi, both Demi and Max were upset about a new sibling, and with Max it's funny as he's been sad because he wanted a new sibling. He got over it as the next morning was his birthday, the others got a make over too so they'll look different.
    Isn't he adorable?
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    LadyKynLadyKyn Posts: 3,598 Member
    edited March 2019
    SO, thought i paused the game before I left for work when I shut my laptop. Pfft--Spoiler alert I DID NOT

    Was playing with the Grunt Family and when I came back to the game...well...

    Ripp Grunt apparently was caught in a fire and man most of the fire completley charred the kitchen and an odd turn of events Grim is mourning over a dead sim? Not sure why.

    Or maybe it's because there's clothes outside and no one is doing laundry.


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    LissyK9LissyK9 Posts: 205 Member

    I have no idea if this is actually a thing, but I got an albino kitten today. The parents are both randomly created in-game strays as far as I'm aware, so it was a complete shock to me. Here's the Dad:

    And the Mom:

    And here are all three of their kittens, Emma, Fae Fae, and their albino brother Caesar:

    And a final closer look at the little guy:

    Please let me know if this has happened to anyone else!! I'm really curious.
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited March 2019
    Wow! That sounds awesome. I don’t have the vampire pack but I’ve heard it’s cool. So is that how it works? The kids are only vampires if both parents are Vampires? The kids are all great looking, but I think Sebastian and Vanessa are my favorites. Scary how much Vanessa and Francesca look alike, lol
    I can imagine that Dante was not thrilled at his sister’s behavior lmao

    And the new updates today are great :smile: Congrats to Sebastian and Belinda, as well as Malcolm and Dante (they look adorable together, I love the sunglasses) And dear Lord, a 6th child?

    @pjericksim That is cute. The best after Woohoo reaction I ever got were these
    Of course it was her first time, obviously not his :D

    Just keep in mind that the baby will be born without you being there, if you allow Sim time to pass while placing buildings. But congrats to the happy couple

    Wow! Sucks that your game crashed! And yeah, losing all that work with outfits is so disheartening. The family selfies that survived are great! Amelia is very pretty! And, yeah, Erick is photogenic, But Gillian and Finnian are adorable too! Bruce does look excessively cheesy in that photo, but I imagine he’s nice looking otherwise. Sad that Holly had no lips, I wonder where that genetic disaster came from?

    @angelicsamurai Poor Jilly, That’s a great back story, it explains a lot! Great idea to get into flower selling. I recently heard that one of the fruits (maybe dragon fruit?) sells for tremendous amounts of money. So, good luck to her. Maybe she can buy some better clothes one of these days! lmbo

    @OhMyHemsworth That’s so cute that Charlie and Miko hit it off so well, so quickly. I love those instant connections! It’s good to see that Marvel is home, I’ll bet the kids are very relieved. And I guess Beatrice got what she deserved for pranking all day, especially when it was followed up by giant goldfish catching, lol Robbie aged up very adorable! And yeah, creepy is a good word for the ex wife there, odd. Everything looks great with your family :smile:

    @RedDestiny92 Drama club? Must be offered in GF? Or did you make it up? Cool. And wow, you’re so lucky that only one of the kids makes messes. That so unbelievably annoying, right? And are both of those guys expecting? So fun, lol.I didn't even know that kids could make friends with the monster under the bed, Ha, I guess I’ll try that. I just always give them double beds because when the screaming kids wake the whole house up it 🐸🐸🐸🐸 me off :smiley: And OMG, today’s story is awesome! What a great Thanksgiving! :smile: Who the heck is the dimwit that can’t count kids? He really does look like he’s talking like that! What a scream. I just love the swing set, what pack does that come in? And Mom and Felicity’s exchange is too cute for words

    @Becka28 Wow! I haven’t seen that before! What’s happening to the dollhouse in your first post? And holy crap! That’s awful! A mystery death. I hope you’re going to tell us which hypothesis is true!

    @Vanderhoot I think it’s great that you’re taking your time in Strangerville! Why not, right? It took me quite a while because I was equipping 5 guys, and that took a lot. But you certainly don’t need to do that. I’m sure Brady will do great. The pictures are all great. Listening in on the bugs is fun. And yeah … bloop bloop, lol

    @Sharonia, adorable costumes!

    @HopeyStarr Oh my, things are starting to go downhill….. Cindy and her dad are looking rough.

    Post edited by AlwaysAsking on

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @LadyKyn that's unfortunate that Ripp died but at least he has an interesting story now...I think.
    @LissyK9 aw they are so cute, I haven't had that happen could be something entirely random.
    @AlwaysAsking that guy looks so cheeky which I guess is the point lol.

    Drama club is in GF, hadn't used it before now but it's cute, it doesn't really bother me as you can take advantage have a parent discipline them then make them clean up but it's like he's crying out for attention he gets already the other two sometimes try to queue it recently, when they are busy so they are easier to stop. The maid was and Chris was, cause why not heh, I usually ignore the monster, I find that you can cancel pretty quickly if you catch them in time before they wake up the house but since Boston always seems to need more attention monster friends. Ha that's one way to avoid the monster, as for the dim pretty boy that is Thorne he comes in GF sometimes he's an attention seeker which you can fix by cheating down his celeb stars, other times he just exists I figured this time he could be the one missing a few bolts so to speak. I believe swing sets came in seasons.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited February 2022
    I played my own family for a while yesterday, and I figured I'd share what happened :blush:

    But first, let me introduce ourselves:

    This is my oldest son, I’ll just call him his middle name: Ryan
    He was the sweetest baby and toddler ever! (In real life & the Sims) But it’s time for him to age up!
    And here he is, instants later, looking about 9 years old, lol
    In real life, this son is now 34 :D

    This is my husband (boyfriend at the time) and his oldest son. We call them Big B and Little B. He was a very smart little guy, though not as angelic as Ryan, (in real life) lol
    And it’s time for him to age up!
    He’s a cute little guy!
    In real life this son is now 31 years old, lol

    Then I wanted to share these in-game pictures, of my husband and I, (but before we were married) as we were, 26 years or so ago. We both had our own first kids by this time. These pictures are so funny because they are so close to reality! These are not poses, this is how our Simselves act in the game :joy: The expressions in this game are amazing. They are perfect for how we were together.

    I literally never left the guy alone


    He’s not terribly demonstrative lol, but that never stopped me.


    This is definitely more his style, and that’s exactly how I looked at him :wink:



    He’s like, “Hey, that’s cool, you gotta admit that’s cool.”


    Me: “Ok, whatever.”


    “But now you owe me a hug, Mr. Ultra Cool”


    Here’s us on the weekends

    Me: “C’mon! It’s your weekend with Little B! We’re not sitting here all day!”

    Him: Thinking … Oh my God, there’s a game on today, now what do I have to do?


    Me: “Yes, we’re taking the kids out, yes, get ready.”

    Him: “Will we be back in time for the second game?”


    And here he is again, Mr. Ultra Cool – lol


    Ryan, still angelic, Little B, not as much, lmao


    But they were always adorable together, and never fought


    And Big B always ended up having fun


    And I still never left him alone, poor guy, lol


    Post edited by AlwaysAsking on

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    PlumbobCrossingPlumbobCrossing Posts: 8,455 Member
    Loving everyone's stories!
    @RedDestiny92 I don't usually play it either, I always cancel out of it but I figured I'd give it a go this time. You definitely should give it a try next time. ;)

    @AlwaysAsking Thank you! Yes, the minute I saw Miko I just knew her and Charlie were meant to be, plus they are both geeks! <3

    Fall had kicked in full force and Chris battled with the leaves, he didn't mind though. He enjoys his quiet time since he has so very little of it. plus the kids enjoy playing in the piles he rakes up.
    Chris and Jess had realized they have been spending less time together with Chris' career and raising kids. So one night after the kids went to bed they decided to sneak out to a leaf pile and fool around.
    After that, they went and relaxed in the hot tub but that turned quickly turned into a woohoo again.
    They finally went to bed, only they didn't sleep just yet. These two were on fire!
    Marvel has been getting all the attention, he is one spoiled doggo.
    It was finally Beatrice's birthday! She wanted to go out to eat and celebrate, so her parent's granted her wish.
    She aged up beautifully! I am obsessed with her!
    She had a memorable birthday, some lady walked in on her in the bathroom. Geez

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    DarkAngel1994DarkAngel1994 Posts: 771 Member

    Thanks :)
    If both parents are vampires, then their child is born a vampire. But if one parent is a human and the other a vampire, there's a 50-50 chance their child will either be born a human or a vampire. Surprisingly, the quadruplets were all born human, except for Francesca.

    Maria found her true love on Harvest Day, Luna Villareal. <3

    A new member of the Lothario family was born. Meet Zachery. :)

    After that, this happened...

    Oh boy... :#
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    FurSimsOfficialFurSimsOfficial Posts: 2,362 Member
    edited March 2019
    Started playing again since a week or so. Need some distraction. But today I didnt want to continue playing until I had a few proper 'rich sims' lounges or nightclubs. So I build this one today. A 360 lounge on the second floor and some space for a wedding/award night as well. I didnt want it to have the hot spot lot trait, cause my sim is not famous enough to enter these place, but she is a snob who loves to only go to places like these :p

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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @AlwaysAsking aww your family is adorable, the only time I play with my self sim is when I con my guy into playing with me, fun times.
    @OhMyHemsworth funny enough I already cut out of it, I'll wait and see if it pops up again that was earlier in the sim year though.

    Ah Beatrice aged up super pretty.

    This got a little long so I had to pause and split up play time.
    Alex has learned not to poke the keys good she got my mental threats.
    They adore their big brother.
    After Boston's three day plague the twins were the only ones spared from getting sick.
    It's the first day of Winter and Checking day...lame holiday I made up it's like Santa's making his list and checking it twice so sims ought to be behaving or I delete them they go to bed without dinner. Chris made pancakes and Alex has to work so they are spending time together while they can.
    Getting ready to make cookies while the kids sing Christmas songs..cause why not.
    Decorations if you can tell there.
    It always starts out as family fun outside, then people come.
    And Alex imagines them being deleted...mmhmm looking at you red stay away from Chris...he has his own.
    That guy up there.."pfft this ain't even cold, you Willow Creek sims kill me being so sensitive."
    You can kind of see their finished snowmen.
    Max had a meeting so he had to run but they weren't ready to go home yet.
    Max is also a pain in the backside when he wants to be.

    "This is what you get for making me sick."

    "You shouldn't have had a bath after me!"

    Or something...
    Max isn't impressed by his father's skills...
    Until he makes a fool of himself realizing he can't keep up with his old man, Chris feels the hit to his pride more than Max does though.

    They still have to meet Santa and Alex's gig should start soon after the game is up again, then on Monday I'll be aging up Alex and Chris as the twins threw off his aging but they should have the same b-day. The girls will be kids on Friday and I think Boston will be a teen on Thursday..busy busy busy. Background stuff I made Caleb change his girlfriend she refuses to marry him but she'll live with him forever if I have anything to say about it.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,593 Member
    Time has passed since the death of their mother, and the boys kept busy with school work.w8T6dWn.jpg
    Eventually the twins aged up, and so has their younger sister.ndmROFn.jpgTheir father however coped with the death of his wife by meditatinggdxvycw.jpgk4nIFtr.jpgTime flew by as the boys aged yet againlaqfDTN.jpgHis eldest son, Mathias joined the military while Theodore found work as a programmer. Marrick became an elder and still keeps fit using his son's old equipmentHF0BrJ6.jpgHis daughter Scarlet aged up to a teen as well, she enjoys when her mother's ghost comes to visit, she lost her when she was a toddlerVkNI7vs.jpg Like her father, she's taken up doing some yoga5K873Ni.jpgHer brother doesn't like when she has boys over :Dlchx9X7.jpg
    She enjoys so far tending to her small garden and creating some flower arrangements.3dznQtp.jpgLove when her mom comes to visit!5Z9DitC.jpg
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    VanderhootVanderhoot Posts: 192 Member
    @CrystalAbyss1 Loving these shots! The yoga pose in Strangerville looks amazing. Also who's the boy that she has visting her? Love me a cute blonde sim lol.

    @RedDestiny92 Loving the shorts (and knee socks) and tank top in the snow. Reminds me of some people where i live! There's one in every crowd.
    Check out my 1920s homes on the gallery: Vanderhoot13
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    VanderhootVanderhoot Posts: 192 Member
    I did more work 'rebuilding' towns today. I finished up Willow Creek over the weekend and was working on Brindleton Bay today. I found a neat little beach piano bar in the gallery. I don't know if it is because I gave it the 'Hottest Spot in Town' trait or what, but I sent one Sim there and ALL his friends/all the other Sims I play were there! I have never seen such a packed lot. It was great! Really added to the summer evening at the beach bar kinda vibe.

    Owen and Neil chat. Colin cutting a rug in the background.

    Neil got to taking pictures of everyone. Owen...




    What a night to hang out at the beach!
    Check out my 1920s homes on the gallery: Vanderhoot13
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    LyrieLyrie Posts: 881 Member
    Hello! Thank you to all so interested in my little story! I love this thread its such a good read when having downtime at work! I found sometime to play this weekend. After leaving it on a cliffhanger LOL not intended xD I actually forgot to take a pic, but here we go~

    Aubree the lover of parties was not going to be silenced just because she was pregnant. She was having a baby shower thanks to a mod by Brittpinkiesims. I downloaded a lot and decorated.

    I actually enjoyed the goals for the mod and recommend it. Everyone felt the baby~

    Oh yes and we know the gender from the ultarsound mod, its a girl! Well has the highest chance of being a girl! ^.^

    They had food, we made cupcakes decorating them, admired baby shower cards and singing karaoke.

    Reed had a guy talk with Dein and Yu about the whole situation, they seem to help ease him as well about everything.

    Even Bother Blake wants to feel the little baby~ aww so cute~

    Soon it was time for the little gal to come. Aubree had a rough pregnancy and the birth was no less hard. Declan was so worked up he fled from the room having to be calmed and wait in the waiting room. After many challenging hours the sim world would welcome, Hazel Ragahaven. The baby overlay, I found from watching xUrbansimsx mods for better babies youtube video, this makes the babies that much more cuter to me~
    The doctors want to keep them for bit longer before going home. At least for the rest of the night.

    Aubree is definitely a new mommy, she is trying and loves her little girl but she is also not used to this and is still a teenager on top of it all, I have to remind myself of this or else I scream at her xD

    She is confident about doing laundry though! Heh!

    Aubree has started to nap and often not really sleeping because when that girl sleeps she has trouble getting up at night! She will sleep right through poor Hazel's wailing or it will take her a long time to respond which will prompt her parents to come get the poor dear.

    But this little girl loves her mommy to pieces already and no matter if she is tired, worn out or sleepy Aubs does try her best making mistakes along the way.

    Wondering where Declan is? He has not been gone for too long but when Aubree shows Hazel off to him, his reaction, face, shocks me, is the real feelings coming out now? Declan....nooo.

    But never fear Nadia is here! She realizes its not even the baby but other teenage emotions so she uses her technique to have Dec talk it out with her and calm down, let things go, fears insecurities etc.

    Declan goes and talks to Reed for a bit too and this also helps.

    He and Aubree also spend some time together and she reassures him and oh no! No wonder he is feeling off as well, poor guy is having on and off sick symptoms :confused: and *facepalms* now Aubree will catch it after what they have been doing.

    She re-introduces Declan to Hazel again and though its a wary looking smile, I think this is more him without all the severe emotions.

    I believe they are going to be okay. Declan just needs to get better. I wish there was a way you could make non-played-characters drink the medicine if you bought it and either gave them it or set it down. But I guess this gives me a chance to see more of Declan's life since I need to go care for him. I'll see who he lives with etc.

    That's all for now~ :smile:
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    DaepheneDaephene Posts: 1,774 Member
    @AlwaysAsking Thank you! Your family is adorable. I have no idea what happened to Holly originally. I mean, Arthur has pretty thin lips but he's her stepfather. Anyway, thanks to cheats I fixed her mouth and here's how Holly and Ivy turned out (Ivy's the redhead):

    @CrystalAbyss1 The brother's face when she's talking to the boy is hilarious. I love the expressions these sims make.

    @RedDestiny92 Max is adorable.
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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,593 Member
    @Vanderhoot thank you, he's a sim I created, Lance Swenson. He's a "bro" but an evil sim. He's adorable, you got some quite good looking sims youself ;) . In case you're interested in a download.
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    PlumbobCrossingPlumbobCrossing Posts: 8,455 Member
    @Tixyen Congrats to Aubree! I can't wait to see Hazel as a toddler. <3
    @RedDestiny92 Thank you, I can't wait to make her life almost perfect. She's probably my favorite sim other than Chris. :D

    Back playing with Charlie and Mathias:
    While out in the city one night, Mathias met a girl he really liked. Jada Rosa.
    He met another, Zoe Patel, he became fast friends with them and invited them to the romance festival. He figured by the end of the night, he would be taking one back home.
    I tried out the Passionate Romance mod and got some cute shots of Chris and Jess.
    Miko was killing it at karaoke night.
    Things had been going so good between Charlie and Miko, she moved in with the boys. Charlie took her out to dinner to celebrate.
    Caleb came to dinner bloodthirsty, he went for the entertainer. :cold_sweat:
    It was Christmas Eve and Charlie and Miko shared some quiet time together before Mathias got up.
    They put their tree up and lit it!
    They then bundled up and went down to Geekcon, Mathias got some selfies with some cool cosplayers!
    Charlie and Miko took a woohoo ride in the spaceship.
    They had a Christmas Eve dinner just the three of them.
    It was Christmas morning and the little trio opened up all their presents.
    After opening gifts they got dressed and went to Chris and Jess' for the day. Miko got to meet Charlie's folks. They had the best day, Charlie's family really liked Miko. They spent the day eating and watching movies while it poured the snow outside.

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    JojoMOMSTERJojoMOMSTER Posts: 1,977 Member
    OMG @AlwaysAsking so relatable and adorable Fam! In my house (I want to watch sports) is expressed as follows: “I have to do laundry” and “you guys need to get out this afternoon and get some exercise, it will be good for you” “Exercise would be good for you too. .” “No, no no I get plenty of exercise at work and I have to switch over the laundry”
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    OMG @AlwaysAsking so relatable and adorable Fam! In my house (I want to watch sports) is expressed as follows: “I have to do laundry” and “you guys need to get out this afternoon and get some exercise, it will be good for you” “Exercise would be good for you too. .” “No, no no I get plenty of exercise at work and I have to switch over the laundry”

    Lol 😂 Thanks @JojoMOMSTER

    As Big B has gotten older the laundry excuse has come into play much more often around here too. Well that and the fact that all of our kids are grown up now. The youngest is 18 and off at college, so I’m not making him take anyone to the beach these days 😅

    But I’m glad to hear I’m not alone 😅😊😂

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    VanderhootVanderhoot Posts: 192 Member
    @CrystalAbyss1 thanks! He is handsome. I think i have enough blondes lol.
    Check out my 1920s homes on the gallery: Vanderhoot13

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