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How often do your sim marriages fail?


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    MindsimscreateMindsimscreate Posts: 414 Member
    Not often. About 1/4 or less of my sims have at least one failed marriage.
    Thank you, EA_Rtas :)
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    GrumpyGlowfishGrumpyGlowfish Posts: 2,211 Member
    1/5 or less of my sims have had at least one failed marriage.
    Marriages in TS4 can fail...?
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    IndigoGreeneIndigoGreene Posts: 49 Member
    Somewhat often. About 1/2 of my sims have at least one failed marriage.
    Love a bit of drama in the game!
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    N0NoTToN0NN0NoTToN0N Posts: 1,024 Member
    1/5 or less of my sims have had at least one failed marriage.
    I think I've always used the sims mostly as sort of wish fulfillment. Sometimes when the game gets a little repetitive I'll spice things up a bit but I don't remember ever having a divorce (been playing since TS1). I do have a TS4 save game that I started specifically to be more dramatic and chaotic but literally haven't played it since I created it (2014... when the game came out) The older I get the more tired I get of the drama, chaos and stress of real life. I guess I don't want it in my sims lives.

    It's funny because my favorite games when I was younger were the bloody, violent fighting games. I still like them sometimes and I love action movies, but I guess I use the sims for a different purpose... like yoga vs kick boxing.
    19172275569_bb0181ed75.jpgGingerThyme; by T Reece, on Flickr
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    invisiblgirlinvisiblgirl Posts: 1,709 Member
    I'm not interested in playing relationship drama - if I create a couple that I want to play, they stay married until death. If I'm just creating a spouse in CAS for pro-creation purposes, the spouse gets moved out, but I don't divorce them. (I just have to remember to lock the front door, especially after the kid is born. I had one separated Sim who hung around her wife's house forever. She had the romantic trait and just couldn't let go, no matter how grungy and hungry she got.)
    I just want things to match. :'(
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    Bluefairy286Bluefairy286 Posts: 254 Member
    Never. They stay together until they die.
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    notasmokealarm09notasmokealarm09 Posts: 240 Member
    Never. At least so far.

    Sure, a couple squabbles here and there. But nothing that's ever ended in any of them breaking apart. (This being said with all my Sims on high free will and being left to do their own thing.)
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    Simsister2004Simsister2004 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Never. I don't allow it. :)
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    alan650111alan650111 Posts: 3,295 Member
    Not often. About 1/4 or less of my sims have at least one failed marriage.
    I put certain marriages and relationships to the test sometimes. I also love telling the story of a couple divorcing and then eventually finding their way back to each other after I realize they were perfect for each other. Another story I have told a few times is of a spouse dying and the widow/widower finding a new love that has children and they make a mixed family.
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    verlainemverlainem Posts: 837 Member
    1/5 or less of my sims have had at least one failed marriage.
    Well the ones I control so far have kept their marriages intact. I do have couple save where they are most players like Atticus, who's life goal is to turn Sim World into a ginger haired world so any ginger headed sim is a target.
    In my main rotation save a sort of legacy type. Everyone so far is with their original partners, except a couple of 2nd generation that MCCC took and let make babies everywhere lol. I had to put them back into rotation, until I figure out current MCCC settings.
    I have to say MCCC is having fun with my non-played sims, broken families, divorce, affairs switching gender preferences. Looking at some of the family trees can get confusing lol.
    EA ID burnished_dragon
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    Rhaenyra13Rhaenyra13 Posts: 7 New Member
    Somewhat often. About 1/2 of my sims have at least one failed marriage.
    Depends. I like to marry townies but I tend to rush into it before finding out all their aspirations and what not. The last one I had to divorce was because he had the sad and slob trait and he was always walking around crying and making a mess. Not gonna deal with it lol
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    simesmerizedsimesmerized Posts: 202 Member
    Somewhat often. About 1/2 of my sims have at least one failed marriage.
    After thinking for a while, I'm going to go with about half. I've been playing the same small-ish group of sims for years. It helps to keep things interesting if they have flings, get divorced or what not. Plus I change my mind a lot. One sim in particular that comes to mind is my vampire Teddy. He had a girlfriend as teen and YA named Annabelle. I made Annabelle. She was very pretty and well suited to Teddy. They had a child and I then I changed my mind again. lol

    In short, some of my sims are monogamous and stay married forever and some are serial romantics I've had get married or in long term relationships over and over again.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,892 Member
    1/5 or less of my sims have had at least one failed marriage.
    In RL, I come from a long line of 50+ years together marrieds. I am only too painfully aware that divorce happens, all too frequently. But, my game is my refuge, if you will, and there I call the shots. LOL I've been playing Sims since Sims2 and I can count on one hand the number of divorces in my game.

    My Global Superstar took his time, nearly marrying the wrong Sim, twice. Engaged four times in all, twice to Sim number One, and then he left number Two at the altar. (Although it was his idea to call it off, when he announced it to their guests, he said she decided not to go through with the wedding. And some suggest Chivalry is dead. :open_mouth: ) Number Three he married, joyfully. Thing is, that's what dating is all about. You get to know the person with whom you hope to spend the rest of your life with. So, my Sims do, too.

    It should be noted that number Two brought the Paparazzi to their wedding, when they had agreed upon a intimate, private affair. Not only that, but they caught him getting all weak-kneed when a Caterer's Assistant openly flirted with him! He was furious and that was the final straw. After all he's got a Pristine Reputation to consider.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    SimpatsyannSimpatsyann Posts: 1,310 Member
    Not often. About 1/4 or less of my sims have at least one failed marriage.
    Never. They stay together until they die.

    That sounds like a sentence. :D

    In my single family, legacy style saves they really don't divorce, mostly because I can't be bothered. Maybe once or twice, if the personalities involved make it seem like it would be a logical outcome.

    In my rotation save I've had several divorces. One sim has been divorced twice, even though he's rich, handsome and kind, because what he really wants out of a spouse is someone to be a house-spouse with no real ambitions of their own, as a sort of oasis among the rest of his insane family (it's a long story) and both times his husbands discovered they wanted more out of life than that and went off to find it (among other reasons, not least among them being that I thought it would be more interesting). In another case, I had a sim who was such a helicopter mom to her son that she became enemies with his new wife and deliberately angered her to death, and her husband was so horrified that he left her (although he was having an affair on the side, so there were additional problems). There are a few other cases.

    For the most part they stay together, though they might have problems along the way. But I'm not above splitting a couple up if they just don't fit, or if they grow apart, or if one develops a streak of homicidal mania, etc. I also set MCCC to do breakups among the NPCs although they don't seem to actually break up very often.
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    bshag4lvbshag4lv Posts: 9,390 Member
    1/5 or less of my sims have had at least one failed marriage.
    I can count the number of times on one hand that I had a sim end a marriage. To me it just seems very messy with all the crying and hurt feelings and all so I make sure the couple just doesn't belong together before I take any steps. Once they are divorced, there's no hanky panky if one of them gets bored and trys to fire the relationship up again. I allowed that to happen once and wished I hadn't. :#
    In my house, dog hair sticks to everything but the dog.
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    mikamika Posts: 1,734 Member
    Not often. About 1/4 or less of my sims have at least one failed marriage.
    Very rarely.
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    Bagoas77Bagoas77 Posts: 3,064 Member
    Very often. Almost every sim has had at least one failed marriage.
    My sims just destroy everything... the little darlings.
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    xPIXLxxPIXLx Posts: 34 Member
    1/5 or less of my sims have had at least one failed marriage.
    I really want to see failed marriages in the game. I have a teen sim who has been in a relationship with her boyfriend and has aged up. Of course this was her "first" love. I want my sim to experience their "first love." But the only way to have a marriage/relationship to "fail" is to be mean to each other. I want to see relationships require more work. I want to see sims who have a partner who is always busy with work or the kids slowly lose their relationship status because they haven't interacted with their partner enough.
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    Atreya33Atreya33 Posts: 4,500 Member
    1/5 or less of my sims have had at least one failed marriage.
    Never. My sims enjoy having a family. I'm actually planning the first divorce ever, but not entirely sure if I can go through with it, they seem happy together.
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    IndigoGreeneIndigoGreene Posts: 49 Member
    Somewhat often. About 1/2 of my sims have at least one failed marriage.
    Atreya33 wrote: »
    Never. My sims enjoy having a family. I'm actually planning the first divorce ever, but not entirely sure if I can go through with it, they seem happy together.

    @Atreya33 I had a situation like this. My sims Marcy & Ian had been together since they were teenagers and I planned for them to have a mid-life crisis and get divorced. Ian and Marcy both then had new relationships but I wasn't feeling it so 7 sims days later (after fixing their broken relationship) I had them back together haha. Ian's new wife didn't appreciate my change of heart though! :#:D

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    Atreya33Atreya33 Posts: 4,500 Member
    1/5 or less of my sims have had at least one failed marriage.
    Atreya33 wrote: »
    Never. My sims enjoy having a family. I'm actually planning the first divorce ever, but not entirely sure if I can go through with it, they seem happy together.

    @Atreya33 I had a situation like this. My sims Marcy & Ian had been together since they were teenagers and I planned for them to have a mid-life crisis and get divorced. Ian and Marcy both then had new relationships but I wasn't feeling it so 7 sims days later (after fixing their broken relationship) I had them back together haha. Ian's new wife didn't appreciate my change of heart though! :#:D

    I've heard stranger relationship turns in real life. But your comment about the new wife made me laugh. Maybe she can also find a new love in the end.
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    kipper123kipper123 Posts: 595 Member
    1/5 or less of my sims have had at least one failed marriage.
    I’m genuinely surprised (in a good way!) by the vote majority. Drama can be fun, but happily-ever-after is my favourite story to play <3
    Always remember you are braver than you think, stronger than you seem and smarter than you believe ~ Christopher Robin
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    FurSimsOfficialFurSimsOfficial Posts: 2,362 Member
    Somewhat often. About 1/2 of my sims have at least one failed marriage.
    I tend to create the drama. I am now playing my third generation and the first two both had bad marriages.. I realize now. The first one had a Casanova doctor who just went to bars sleeping with all the good looking ladies in town.
    The second one were good friends, but the man was gay so turned back to his teenage crush. I didn't intent to let him cheat at first, but then.. i got carried away :p

    I now had a new marriage in my third generation and I don't intend them to fail, but I have 3 more other siblings so who knows what happens to them hehe
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    NofravellNofravell Posts: 975 Member
    Not often. About 1/4 or less of my sims have at least one failed marriage.
    Most of my saves are as lifelike as possible. Real life is messy. It's not always black or white and sometimes you break up with your partner, your best friend or your spouse.
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    TropicanaCatTropicanaCat Posts: 93 Member
    1/5 or less of my sims have had at least one failed marriage.
    Rarely, I've only had one failed marriage so far.
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