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    gameplay9098gameplay9098 Posts: 7,895 Member
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...
    Everywhere i go
    I feel the hearts beating
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    Hamlet: We should probably check out and see how Skylar's doing. *looks at the others*

    Jaci: Sure. But i can't decide on which one to take. *Has her arms and hands full of baby rattles*

    Hamlet: Onyx gave me a credit card a little while back. Just get them all. *grins*

    Jaci: *Smiles* Ok. *Lioks over to Cy and Takumi* You done over there too?

    Cyrielle: *walks back over to them. He's holding a stuffed bear* Yup.

    Takumi: *follows Cy*

    Hamlet: Alright, then let's get out of here. *goes to the register to pay*

    Jaci: *Follows with a bunch of rattles*

    *After everyone checks out they step out of the gift shop*

    Hamlet: *texting Onyx for directions to where they are*

    Jaci: *Following beside Hamlet*

    Hamlet: *When they get off the elevator he looks for the right room*

    Cyrielle: *following*

    Takumi: *also following. The bad feeling in his stomach finally fades*

    Hamlet: *walks into the room and smiles, carrying a few bags* Hey guys... how are things going?

    Skylar: *looks over at them and smiles* I'm still breathing at least...

    Orion: *now sitting on the side of the hospital bed, still holding tightly to Skylar's hand... he may not ever let go*

    Jaci: *Frowns a little*

    Hamlet: Um... *sits the flowers he's carrying on a table beside the bed* We brought you some flowers and things for the baby... but... where's the baby?

    Orion: *looks away* He's--

    Nurse: *walks in* Visitation hours are ending. Unfortunately I'll have to ask you all to leave.

    Orion: *tightens his grip on Skylar's hand* I can't leave...!

    Skylar: Orion... I'll be okay. Go and get some rest. *smiles at him*

    Orion: I don't want to leave you... *blinks back tears*

    Jaci: Oh no... *Frowns, assuming the worst*

    Nurse: *getting impatient, watching as some of the others start reluctantly heading out*

    Orion: *leans down and kisses Skylar's forehead* I'll come visit you tomorrow. As soon as they let me in, okay? *deep down he's terrified something might happen to her while he's gone* ...I love you.

    Skylar: I love you, too. *smiles*

    Orion: *reluctantly lets go of her hand, looking over at Jaci as he walks out* He's in the NICU. Both of them will have to be in the hospital for a few weeks...

    Jaci: Oh... Well... We'll take the baby toys home. For when they come back.

    Orion: *nods* Good idea.

    Amelia: And we can set up a bit of a nursery in your room, too, for when they come back. *smiles*

    *Everyone starts heading out of the hospital*

    Orion: *visibly upset to leave Skylar and Orionis, he blinks back a few more tears*

    André: *Quietly approaches Orion*

    Orion: *walking slowly, he looks at Andre as he approaches, his lip wobbling a little*

    André: *Places a hand on his shoulder, giving him a sympathetic look* They are going to be ok... The worst part is over already...

    Orion: *nods a little* You're right... they'll be okay... *takes a deep breath* Tomorrow will be a better day, I'm sure of it. *tries to smile*

    *Everyone goes out and gets on to the UFO, heading home*


    *When everyone gets home, they go to bed pretty soon as it's very late*

    Orion: *walks into the empty bedroom and frowns, changing into some pajamas and crawling into bed. He tosses and turns, unable to fall asleep* I can't stop worrying about them... *He looks across the room at the bear Skylar got for him sitting in a chair. He gets up and takes it back over to the bed with him, laying back down and pressing the message button in its paw, listening to Skylar's recording over and over until he finally falls asleep snuggled up close to it*

    *A few weeks later, Skylar and Orionis have finally just gotten back from the hospital...*

    Orion: Are you sure you don't need anything else? More blankets? Pillows? Something to drink? A--

    Skylar: *shifts a little uncomfortably in the bed, still sore from the surgery* I'm fine, sweetheart. A nap sounds nice, though. *smiles a little*

    Orion: Right... I'll come check on you in a few minutes, okay? *still setting up a few last things in their room for Orionis. Onyx and Amelia brought a bunch of their old baby stuff into the room, so he's tucking some blankets into the crib, eager to go back downstairs and bring Orionis up*


    Stella: *holding Orionis and sitting on the couch, feeding him a bottle. He's still very tiny and weak and needs almost constant supervision and care... but he's breathing on his own and starting to grow, so as long as he's making that progress he won't need to stay in the hospital*

    Orionis: *squirming a little*

    *Meanwhile, outside*

    ?1: *Keeping a tight grip on ?2's hand* Aaah!!!
    ?2: *Looks back while running* Is it gone yet?
    ?1: *Stops, out of breath* Seems like it.
    ?2: *Looks up at the mansion in front of them* Where are we?
    ?1: I feel like... I've been here before... *Knocks on the door*

    Stella: *looks over at the door, but her hands are full* Guys, someone's at the door!

    Alexander: *comes up from the basement* I've got it! *goes up to the door and opens it*

    *By the door, there are two little kids. The one in the front is a little boy with dark black hair, who seems to be around 7*

    *There's a girl standing right behind him, who seems to be around the same age*

    ??1: *Looks up at Alexander with his big purple eyes* Hello?

    Alexander: *when he looks into the boy's purple eyes, he lights up in realization* ...Freddy!?

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow* Yup... That's my name... Who are you?

    Alexander: *his smile fades* It's me, Alexander... don't you remember? *the realization hits him that he probably won't remember him since he was so young*

    Freddy: Alexander... Alexander... *Looks down at the necklace he's wearing* Mama said some dude called Alexander gave me this. Is that you?

    Alexander: *grins* Yes! I've missed you so much... *smiling* Don't you remember anything? *remembers the drawing* Hey, wait, I have an idea. Come inside. I'll be right back! *runs upstairs*

    Freddy: *Comes inside* Lis, aren't you coming in?
    Lis: Uhh...
    Freddy: Come in! *Looks at the woods* Before it finds us!
    Lis: Okay, okay. *Walks in as well*

    Alexander: *scurries back downstairs with the drawing in his hand. He hands it to Freddy* Does this remind you of anything? *his smile fades a little* And... did I hear something about... before it finds us?

    Lis: Yes. The Big Bad Bunny! Freddy said he was under his bed once!
    Freddy: *Furrows his eyebrows at the drawing, turning it a little to see if he can understand it* This drawing is ugly...

    Alexander: *raises an eyebrow* The Big Bad Bunny? I've never seen him. If he comes after you, I'll be sure he won't get you, okay? *then he looks at Freddy, feeling a sting in his chest* ...I-It's not ugly... *takes the drawing back* It's very special to me, okay? *looks away, mentally scolding himself for the tears trying to form in his eyes* drew this for me. I-It's the two of us...

    Lis: *Nods* Alright!

    Freddy: It's ugly for me. So poorly done... I don't think i did that. I can draw better than this. And... Ayeggsundae? Really?

    Lis: *Frowns* Freddy! Why would you say this? He said it's special to him!

    Alexander: *doesn't realize a tear manages to escape* I think it's beautiful... *his voice is shaky* ...because it was a gift from someone I cared about very much... *he looks at Freddy and then takes a deep breath, holding his drawing closer* I...I should go put this away. *turns and goes back upstairs, wiping his eyes*

    Freddy: *Frowns* I didn't... I....
    Lis: *Shakes her head *

    Alexander: *puts the drawing back in a safe place and heads back toward the stairs, but hesitates when he realizes there are tears running down his cheeks* Why would Freddy say that...? I-I don't mean anything to him anymore...

    Freddy: Lis, i didn't mean to make him upset... *Looks down*
    Lis: You just can't keep your mouth shut, can you? Are you sure you dont remember him?
    Freddy: Maybe... I think... Hey! I had an imaginary friend called Ayeggsundae! He was bat! Do you think...
    Lis: *Raises an eyesbrow* An imaginary friend? *Laughs a little but realizes hes serious* You should talk to him.... Even if just to apologize..

    Alexander: *does his best to compose himself then comes downstairs the rest of the way, as he comes down, Stella heads up to take Orionis to her parent's room* ...Um... Sorry. I know you wouldn't remember me... I just... got caught up in my emotions, I guess... *frowning*

    Freddy: Are you a bat?

    Alexander: Am I a bat? *looks at him with confusion before grinning* I guess I can show you the answer. *turns into a bat and lands on his shoulder* ...Yes.

    Freddy: *Lights up* Ayeggsundae! You exist!!

    Alexander: *his little bat face lights up when he hears the name* Of course I exist! Do you remember now...!?

    Freddy: I remember you a little differently... But i'm sorry that I hurt you. I didn't mean to... *Frowns*

    Alexander: *looks down at Freddy and without another word he pulls him into a hug* It's okay. I'm just so glad to see you... you've grown so much... *smiles sadly* And I missed all of it.

    Freddy: *Returns the hug* You didn't miss much. There was this one time I showed you this universe full of other imaginary friends. One day you disappeared... So I assumed you'd gone there. I thought I would never see you again. *Smiles, mixing Alexander up with his imaginary friend, Ayeggsundae *

    Alexander: *sighs* I think maybe... you got your imaginary friend from your memories of me. But I'm not an imaginary friend... I'm a real friend. *smiles*

    Freddy: *Smiles and tightens the hug* You're real! This is even better!

    Alexander: *can't help but smile, tightening the hug too* I missed you, little buddy. *ruffles his hair* By the way... who's your friend? *looks at Lis*

    Lis: I'm Lis!
    Freddy: My best friend!

    Alexander: *grinning* Oh, you girlfriend? Nice. I guess I really have missed a lot.

    Freddy: She's not my girlfriend! *Crosses his arms*

    *Jaci walks downstairs *

    Alexander: Not yet, at least. Don't worry. You'll get her someday. When I was your age, all the girls at school were practically fainting over me! But, you know, I figured I was just too young for romance.

    Lis: Hey! I don't want to be his girlfriend!
    Freddy: Never ever!

    *A black cat suddenly shows up in a corner of the room*

    Jaci: Celeste?

    Alexander: Maybe not right now, but just wait until you hit puberty. Then things are-- *cuts himself off when he notices the black cat*

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow*
    Lis and Freddy: *Look at each other and "ewww" in unison*

    Jaci: *Smiles and pats her lap* Hey, girl. I missed you!
    Celeste: *Walks up to her*
    Jaci: *Lowers down to her height and pets her*

    Alexander: How did a cat get in here? All of the doors and windows are closed... *frowns a little then laughs at Freddy and Lis* Fine, fine. It's ewww... you'll laugh at yourselves later in life.

    Jaci: *Picks Celeste up* She does that all the time...

    Freddy: *Shakes his head* She won't ever be my girlfriend!
    Lis: Never!

    Alexander: Okay, okay! My apologies. She's just your friend. *smiles*

    *meanwhile outside*

    ???: Where is this? How did I get here? *furrows his eyebrows*

    ??x: *a bit behind ???, following confusedly but walking rather slow. She rubs her head* *What happened...? Ugh, my head hurts...*

    Freddy: Hey, Alexander, why don't we play something?

    Celeste: *Her ear turns a little towards the door* Is that....

    Alexander: *lights up* Play? Yeah, of course! *pauses when he hears the knock* ...One second. *goes up to the door and opens it*

    ???: Greetings, peasant! I am Prince Glacier and I am looking to find the way back to my fairy kingdom. Would you happen to know the way?

    Alexander: ... *blank, shocked stare* A fairy!?

    Celeste: *Meows in the door's direction*

    Glacier: What did I just say, you dumb peasant? Yes, a fairy.

    Alexander: Okay, first of all, I'm not dumb. Third of all, I'm not a peasant. *pause* ...Wait--

    Glacier: *pushes his way in when he hears the meow and sees Celeste* ...Oh, wonderful.

    Freddy: *Laughs at Alexander*

    Celeste: *Hisses at Glacier*
    Jaci: Uh-Oh *Put her down*
    Celeste: *Approaches Glacier with an angry glare*

    Glacier: Oh, shut your mouth, furball.

    Alexander: Hey, don't talk to the cat like--

    Glacier: It's not just a mere cat! *glaring*

    Alexander: ...Okay...

    Jaci: Don't talk talk to her like that!

    Celeste: *Hisses at him*

    Glacier: I SAID shut it!

    Alexander: Dude, chill out!

    Glacier: I'm an ICE fairy with ICE powers! I am chill!

    Celeste: *Glaring at him*

    Jaci: I know that look... She wants something from you. She won't shut it until you give it to her.

    Glacier: And what does she want?

    Jaci: *Shrugs* Beats me.

    Celeste: *Hisses at him once again, but she sounds angrier*

    Glacier: *stoops down* Look, Celeste, what do you want me to do? Remove the curse? Do I look like I know how to do that?

    Angra: *overhears the conversation and walks over* ... I know how to free her from the curse.

    Celeste: *Her expression softens and she Meows at Angra*

    Glacier: Oh, wonderful. Guess you should do that, then.

    Angra: Certainly. *takes a deep breath, then starts doing some magic on Celeste that Lyric is too lazy to describe*

    *A red mist surrounds the cat, slowly turning into a blonde woman. Her eyes are the same shade of green as the cat's*

    Jaci: *Gasps, feeling a slight blush on her cheeks* Wh-what?
    Celeste: *Tackles Glacier* I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!

    Glacier: *gasps as he's tackled to the ground* Get off of me!

    Alexander: *watching with wide eyes*

    Celeste: *Pushes herself up, staring right into his eyes with a glare as she stands up* You're awful. *Hisses at him... Cat thing*

    Jaci: What the- I-

    Glacier: *stands up and gets up in her face, glaring* Try that again and see what happens.
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...

    Orionis: *babbles at Andre*

    Orion: *walks over and smiles* I think he likes you...
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    gameplay9098gameplay9098 Posts: 7,895 Member
    Hamlet: We should probably check out and see how Skylar's doing. *looks at the others*

    Jaci: Sure. But i can't decide on which one to take. *Has her arms and hands full of baby rattles*

    Hamlet: Onyx gave me a credit card a little while back. Just get them all. *grins*

    Jaci: *Smiles* Ok. *Lioks over to Cy and Takumi* You done over there too?

    Cyrielle: *walks back over to them. He's holding a stuffed bear* Yup.

    Takumi: *follows Cy*

    Hamlet: Alright, then let's get out of here. *goes to the register to pay*

    Jaci: *Follows with a bunch of rattles*

    *After everyone checks out they step out of the gift shop*

    Hamlet: *texting Onyx for directions to where they are*

    Jaci: *Following beside Hamlet*

    Hamlet: *When they get off the elevator he looks for the right room*

    Cyrielle: *following*

    Takumi: *also following. The bad feeling in his stomach finally fades*

    Hamlet: *walks into the room and smiles, carrying a few bags* Hey guys... how are things going?

    Skylar: *looks over at them and smiles* I'm still breathing at least...

    Orion: *now sitting on the side of the hospital bed, still holding tightly to Skylar's hand... he may not ever let go*

    Jaci: *Frowns a little*

    Hamlet: Um... *sits the flowers he's carrying on a table beside the bed* We brought you some flowers and things for the baby... but... where's the baby?

    Orion: *looks away* He's--

    Nurse: *walks in* Visitation hours are ending. Unfortunately I'll have to ask you all to leave.

    Orion: *tightens his grip on Skylar's hand* I can't leave...!

    Skylar: Orion... I'll be okay. Go and get some rest. *smiles at him*

    Orion: I don't want to leave you... *blinks back tears*

    Jaci: Oh no... *Frowns, assuming the worst*

    Nurse: *getting impatient, watching as some of the others start reluctantly heading out*

    Orion: *leans down and kisses Skylar's forehead* I'll come visit you tomorrow. As soon as they let me in, okay? *deep down he's terrified something might happen to her while he's gone* ...I love you.

    Skylar: I love you, too. *smiles*

    Orion: *reluctantly lets go of her hand, looking over at Jaci as he walks out* He's in the NICU. Both of them will have to be in the hospital for a few weeks...

    Jaci: Oh... Well... We'll take the baby toys home. For when they come back.

    Orion: *nods* Good idea.

    Amelia: And we can set up a bit of a nursery in your room, too, for when they come back. *smiles*

    *Everyone starts heading out of the hospital*

    Orion: *visibly upset to leave Skylar and Orionis, he blinks back a few more tears*

    André: *Quietly approaches Orion*

    Orion: *walking slowly, he looks at Andre as he approaches, his lip wobbling a little*

    André: *Places a hand on his shoulder, giving him a sympathetic look* They are going to be ok... The worst part is over already...

    Orion: *nods a little* You're right... they'll be okay... *takes a deep breath* Tomorrow will be a better day, I'm sure of it. *tries to smile*

    *Everyone goes out and gets on to the UFO, heading home*


    *When everyone gets home, they go to bed pretty soon as it's very late*

    Orion: *walks into the empty bedroom and frowns, changing into some pajamas and crawling into bed. He tosses and turns, unable to fall asleep* I can't stop worrying about them... *He looks across the room at the bear Skylar got for him sitting in a chair. He gets up and takes it back over to the bed with him, laying back down and pressing the message button in its paw, listening to Skylar's recording over and over until he finally falls asleep snuggled up close to it*

    *A few weeks later, Skylar and Orionis have finally just gotten back from the hospital...*

    Orion: Are you sure you don't need anything else? More blankets? Pillows? Something to drink? A--

    Skylar: *shifts a little uncomfortably in the bed, still sore from the surgery* I'm fine, sweetheart. A nap sounds nice, though. *smiles a little*

    Orion: Right... I'll come check on you in a few minutes, okay? *still setting up a few last things in their room for Orionis. Onyx and Amelia brought a bunch of their old baby stuff into the room, so he's tucking some blankets into the crib, eager to go back downstairs and bring Orionis up*


    Stella: *holding Orionis and sitting on the couch, feeding him a bottle. He's still very tiny and weak and needs almost constant supervision and care... but he's breathing on his own and starting to grow, so as long as he's making that progress he won't need to stay in the hospital*

    Orionis: *squirming a little*

    *Meanwhile, outside*

    ?1: *Keeping a tight grip on ?2's hand* Aaah!!!
    ?2: *Looks back while running* Is it gone yet?
    ?1: *Stops, out of breath* Seems like it.
    ?2: *Looks up at the mansion in front of them* Where are we?
    ?1: I feel like... I've been here before... *Knocks on the door*

    Stella: *looks over at the door, but her hands are full* Guys, someone's at the door!

    Alexander: *comes up from the basement* I've got it! *goes up to the door and opens it*

    *By the door, there are two little kids. The one in the front is a little boy with dark black hair, who seems to be around 7*

    *There's a girl standing right behind him, who seems to be around the same age*

    ??1: *Looks up at Alexander with his big purple eyes* Hello?

    Alexander: *when he looks into the boy's purple eyes, he lights up in realization* ...Freddy!?

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow* Yup... That's my name... Who are you?

    Alexander: *his smile fades* It's me, Alexander... don't you remember? *the realization hits him that he probably won't remember him since he was so young*

    Freddy: Alexander... Alexander... *Looks down at the necklace he's wearing* Mama said some dude called Alexander gave me this. Is that you?

    Alexander: *grins* Yes! I've missed you so much... *smiling* Don't you remember anything? *remembers the drawing* Hey, wait, I have an idea. Come inside. I'll be right back! *runs upstairs*

    Freddy: *Comes inside* Lis, aren't you coming in?
    Lis: Uhh...
    Freddy: Come in! *Looks at the woods* Before it finds us!
    Lis: Okay, okay. *Walks in as well*

    Alexander: *scurries back downstairs with the drawing in his hand. He hands it to Freddy* Does this remind you of anything? *his smile fades a little* And... did I hear something about... before it finds us?

    Lis: Yes. The Big Bad Bunny! Freddy said he was under his bed once!
    Freddy: *Furrows his eyebrows at the drawing, turning it a little to see if he can understand it* This drawing is ugly...

    Alexander: *raises an eyebrow* The Big Bad Bunny? I've never seen him. If he comes after you, I'll be sure he won't get you, okay? *then he looks at Freddy, feeling a sting in his chest* ...I-It's not ugly... *takes the drawing back* It's very special to me, okay? *looks away, mentally scolding himself for the tears trying to form in his eyes* drew this for me. I-It's the two of us...

    Lis: *Nods* Alright!

    Freddy: It's ugly for me. So poorly done... I don't think i did that. I can draw better than this. And... Ayeggsundae? Really?

    Lis: *Frowns* Freddy! Why would you say this? He said it's special to him!

    Alexander: *doesn't realize a tear manages to escape* I think it's beautiful... *his voice is shaky* ...because it was a gift from someone I cared about very much... *he looks at Freddy and then takes a deep breath, holding his drawing closer* I...I should go put this away. *turns and goes back upstairs, wiping his eyes*

    Freddy: *Frowns* I didn't... I....
    Lis: *Shakes her head *

    Alexander: *puts the drawing back in a safe place and heads back toward the stairs, but hesitates when he realizes there are tears running down his cheeks* Why would Freddy say that...? I-I don't mean anything to him anymore...

    Freddy: Lis, i didn't mean to make him upset... *Looks down*
    Lis: You just can't keep your mouth shut, can you? Are you sure you dont remember him?
    Freddy: Maybe... I think... Hey! I had an imaginary friend called Ayeggsundae! He was bat! Do you think...
    Lis: *Raises an eyesbrow* An imaginary friend? *Laughs a little but realizes hes serious* You should talk to him.... Even if just to apologize..

    Alexander: *does his best to compose himself then comes downstairs the rest of the way, as he comes down, Stella heads up to take Orionis to her parent's room* ...Um... Sorry. I know you wouldn't remember me... I just... got caught up in my emotions, I guess... *frowning*

    Freddy: Are you a bat?

    Alexander: Am I a bat? *looks at him with confusion before grinning* I guess I can show you the answer. *turns into a bat and lands on his shoulder* ...Yes.

    Freddy: *Lights up* Ayeggsundae! You exist!!

    Alexander: *his little bat face lights up when he hears the name* Of course I exist! Do you remember now...!?

    Freddy: I remember you a little differently... But i'm sorry that I hurt you. I didn't mean to... *Frowns*

    Alexander: *looks down at Freddy and without another word he pulls him into a hug* It's okay. I'm just so glad to see you... you've grown so much... *smiles sadly* And I missed all of it.

    Freddy: *Returns the hug* You didn't miss much. There was this one time I showed you this universe full of other imaginary friends. One day you disappeared... So I assumed you'd gone there. I thought I would never see you again. *Smiles, mixing Alexander up with his imaginary friend, Ayeggsundae *

    Alexander: *sighs* I think maybe... you got your imaginary friend from your memories of me. But I'm not an imaginary friend... I'm a real friend. *smiles*

    Freddy: *Smiles and tightens the hug* You're real! This is even better!

    Alexander: *can't help but smile, tightening the hug too* I missed you, little buddy. *ruffles his hair* By the way... who's your friend? *looks at Lis*

    Lis: I'm Lis!
    Freddy: My best friend!

    Alexander: *grinning* Oh, you girlfriend? Nice. I guess I really have missed a lot.

    Freddy: She's not my girlfriend! *Crosses his arms*

    *Jaci walks downstairs *

    Alexander: Not yet, at least. Don't worry. You'll get her someday. When I was your age, all the girls at school were practically fainting over me! But, you know, I figured I was just too young for romance.

    Lis: Hey! I don't want to be his girlfriend!
    Freddy: Never ever!

    *A black cat suddenly shows up in a corner of the room*

    Jaci: Celeste?

    Alexander: Maybe not right now, but just wait until you hit puberty. Then things are-- *cuts himself off when he notices the black cat*

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow*
    Lis and Freddy: *Look at each other and "ewww" in unison*

    Jaci: *Smiles and pats her lap* Hey, girl. I missed you!
    Celeste: *Walks up to her*
    Jaci: *Lowers down to her height and pets her*

    Alexander: How did a cat get in here? All of the doors and windows are closed... *frowns a little then laughs at Freddy and Lis* Fine, fine. It's ewww... you'll laugh at yourselves later in life.

    Jaci: *Picks Celeste up* She does that all the time...

    Freddy: *Shakes his head* She won't ever be my girlfriend!
    Lis: Never!

    Alexander: Okay, okay! My apologies. She's just your friend. *smiles*

    *meanwhile outside*

    ???: Where is this? How did I get here? *furrows his eyebrows*

    ??x: *a bit behind ???, following confusedly but walking rather slow. She rubs her head* *What happened...? Ugh, my head hurts...*

    Freddy: Hey, Alexander, why don't we play something?

    Celeste: *Her ear turns a little towards the door* Is that....

    Alexander: *lights up* Play? Yeah, of course! *pauses when he hears the knock* ...One second. *goes up to the door and opens it*

    ???: Greetings, peasant! I am Prince Glacier and I am looking to find the way back to my fairy kingdom. Would you happen to know the way?

    Alexander: ... *blank, shocked stare* A fairy!?

    Celeste: *Meows in the door's direction*

    Glacier: What did I just say, you dumb peasant? Yes, a fairy.

    Alexander: Okay, first of all, I'm not dumb. Third of all, I'm not a peasant. *pause* ...Wait--

    Glacier: *pushes his way in when he hears the meow and sees Celeste* ...Oh, wonderful.

    Freddy: *Laughs at Alexander*

    Celeste: *Hisses at Glacier*
    Jaci: Uh-Oh *Put her down*
    Celeste: *Approaches Glacier with an angry glare*

    Glacier: Oh, shut your mouth, furball.

    Alexander: Hey, don't talk to the cat like--

    Glacier: It's not just a mere cat! *glaring*

    Alexander: ...Okay...

    Jaci: Don't talk talk to her like that!

    Celeste: *Hisses at him*

    Glacier: I SAID shut it!

    Alexander: Dude, chill out!

    Glacier: I'm an ICE fairy with ICE powers! I am chill!

    Celeste: *Glaring at him*

    Jaci: I know that look... She wants something from you. She won't shut it until you give it to her.

    Glacier: And what does she want?

    Jaci: *Shrugs* Beats me.

    Celeste: *Hisses at him once again, but she sounds angrier*

    Glacier: *stoops down* Look, Celeste, what do you want me to do? Remove the curse? Do I look like I know how to do that?

    Angra: *overhears the conversation and walks over* ... I know how to free her from the curse.

    Celeste: *Her expression softens and she Meows at Angra*

    Glacier: Oh, wonderful. Guess you should do that, then.

    Angra: Certainly. *takes a deep breath, then starts doing some magic on Celeste that Lyric is too lazy to describe*

    *A red mist surrounds the cat, slowly turning into a blonde woman. Her eyes are the same shade of green as the cat's*

    Jaci: *Gasps, feeling a slight blush on her cheeks* Wh-what?
    Celeste: *Tackles Glacier* I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!

    Glacier: *gasps as he's tackled to the ground* Get off of me!

    Alexander: *watching with wide eyes*

    Celeste: *Pushes herself up, staring right into his eyes with a glare as she stands up* You're awful. *Hisses at him... Cat thing*

    Jaci: What the- I-

    Glacier: *stands up and gets up in her face, glaring* Try that again and see what happens.

    Celeste: *Glaring right into his eyes, a pink light glows in her hand and her eyes go from their normal green to the same shade of pink as the light in her hands* I would like to see you try.
    Everywhere i go
    I feel the hearts beating
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    gameplay9098gameplay9098 Posts: 7,895 Member
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...

    Orionis: *babbles at Andre*

    Orion: *walks over and smiles* I think he likes you...

    André: *Smiles at Orionis, rocking him. For a second, it's like he finally got to hold Andreah*
    Everywhere i go
    I feel the hearts beating
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    TheAemaSimmingTheAemaSimming Posts: 2,684 Member
    edited January 2019
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...

    Orionis: *babbles at Andre*

    Orion: *walks over and smiles* I think he likes you...

    André: *Smiles at Orionis, rocking him. For a second, it's like he finally got to hold Andreah*

    Meg: *smiles, happy that Orionis seems to have calmed down* I think so too...

    *She looks up at Andre and then Orionis happily babbling and as she does she suddenly has a flash of Sofia's dream again and the smile drops away for a second. The image of Amelia's baby photo and the sadness that Sofia felt rushing through her before she shakes it off. She still had that dream on occasion but she still hadn't found a good time to talk to Amelia and Onyx. It would definitely still need to wait, there was too much else going on right now. Putting the smile back on her face, and hoping that Orion didn't notice she looks over at him* Sorry that I was less helpful then I hoped...
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    Hamlet: We should probably check out and see how Skylar's doing. *looks at the others*

    Jaci: Sure. But i can't decide on which one to take. *Has her arms and hands full of baby rattles*

    Hamlet: Onyx gave me a credit card a little while back. Just get them all. *grins*

    Jaci: *Smiles* Ok. *Lioks over to Cy and Takumi* You done over there too?

    Cyrielle: *walks back over to them. He's holding a stuffed bear* Yup.

    Takumi: *follows Cy*

    Hamlet: Alright, then let's get out of here. *goes to the register to pay*

    Jaci: *Follows with a bunch of rattles*

    *After everyone checks out they step out of the gift shop*

    Hamlet: *texting Onyx for directions to where they are*

    Jaci: *Following beside Hamlet*

    Hamlet: *When they get off the elevator he looks for the right room*

    Cyrielle: *following*

    Takumi: *also following. The bad feeling in his stomach finally fades*

    Hamlet: *walks into the room and smiles, carrying a few bags* Hey guys... how are things going?

    Skylar: *looks over at them and smiles* I'm still breathing at least...

    Orion: *now sitting on the side of the hospital bed, still holding tightly to Skylar's hand... he may not ever let go*

    Jaci: *Frowns a little*

    Hamlet: Um... *sits the flowers he's carrying on a table beside the bed* We brought you some flowers and things for the baby... but... where's the baby?

    Orion: *looks away* He's--

    Nurse: *walks in* Visitation hours are ending. Unfortunately I'll have to ask you all to leave.

    Orion: *tightens his grip on Skylar's hand* I can't leave...!

    Skylar: Orion... I'll be okay. Go and get some rest. *smiles at him*

    Orion: I don't want to leave you... *blinks back tears*

    Jaci: Oh no... *Frowns, assuming the worst*

    Nurse: *getting impatient, watching as some of the others start reluctantly heading out*

    Orion: *leans down and kisses Skylar's forehead* I'll come visit you tomorrow. As soon as they let me in, okay? *deep down he's terrified something might happen to her while he's gone* ...I love you.

    Skylar: I love you, too. *smiles*

    Orion: *reluctantly lets go of her hand, looking over at Jaci as he walks out* He's in the NICU. Both of them will have to be in the hospital for a few weeks...

    Jaci: Oh... Well... We'll take the baby toys home. For when they come back.

    Orion: *nods* Good idea.

    Amelia: And we can set up a bit of a nursery in your room, too, for when they come back. *smiles*

    *Everyone starts heading out of the hospital*

    Orion: *visibly upset to leave Skylar and Orionis, he blinks back a few more tears*

    André: *Quietly approaches Orion*

    Orion: *walking slowly, he looks at Andre as he approaches, his lip wobbling a little*

    André: *Places a hand on his shoulder, giving him a sympathetic look* They are going to be ok... The worst part is over already...

    Orion: *nods a little* You're right... they'll be okay... *takes a deep breath* Tomorrow will be a better day, I'm sure of it. *tries to smile*

    *Everyone goes out and gets on to the UFO, heading home*


    *When everyone gets home, they go to bed pretty soon as it's very late*

    Orion: *walks into the empty bedroom and frowns, changing into some pajamas and crawling into bed. He tosses and turns, unable to fall asleep* I can't stop worrying about them... *He looks across the room at the bear Skylar got for him sitting in a chair. He gets up and takes it back over to the bed with him, laying back down and pressing the message button in its paw, listening to Skylar's recording over and over until he finally falls asleep snuggled up close to it*

    *A few weeks later, Skylar and Orionis have finally just gotten back from the hospital...*

    Orion: Are you sure you don't need anything else? More blankets? Pillows? Something to drink? A--

    Skylar: *shifts a little uncomfortably in the bed, still sore from the surgery* I'm fine, sweetheart. A nap sounds nice, though. *smiles a little*

    Orion: Right... I'll come check on you in a few minutes, okay? *still setting up a few last things in their room for Orionis. Onyx and Amelia brought a bunch of their old baby stuff into the room, so he's tucking some blankets into the crib, eager to go back downstairs and bring Orionis up*


    Stella: *holding Orionis and sitting on the couch, feeding him a bottle. He's still very tiny and weak and needs almost constant supervision and care... but he's breathing on his own and starting to grow, so as long as he's making that progress he won't need to stay in the hospital*

    Orionis: *squirming a little*

    *Meanwhile, outside*

    ?1: *Keeping a tight grip on ?2's hand* Aaah!!!
    ?2: *Looks back while running* Is it gone yet?
    ?1: *Stops, out of breath* Seems like it.
    ?2: *Looks up at the mansion in front of them* Where are we?
    ?1: I feel like... I've been here before... *Knocks on the door*

    Stella: *looks over at the door, but her hands are full* Guys, someone's at the door!

    Alexander: *comes up from the basement* I've got it! *goes up to the door and opens it*

    *By the door, there are two little kids. The one in the front is a little boy with dark black hair, who seems to be around 7*

    *There's a girl standing right behind him, who seems to be around the same age*

    ??1: *Looks up at Alexander with his big purple eyes* Hello?

    Alexander: *when he looks into the boy's purple eyes, he lights up in realization* ...Freddy!?

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow* Yup... That's my name... Who are you?

    Alexander: *his smile fades* It's me, Alexander... don't you remember? *the realization hits him that he probably won't remember him since he was so young*

    Freddy: Alexander... Alexander... *Looks down at the necklace he's wearing* Mama said some dude called Alexander gave me this. Is that you?

    Alexander: *grins* Yes! I've missed you so much... *smiling* Don't you remember anything? *remembers the drawing* Hey, wait, I have an idea. Come inside. I'll be right back! *runs upstairs*

    Freddy: *Comes inside* Lis, aren't you coming in?
    Lis: Uhh...
    Freddy: Come in! *Looks at the woods* Before it finds us!
    Lis: Okay, okay. *Walks in as well*

    Alexander: *scurries back downstairs with the drawing in his hand. He hands it to Freddy* Does this remind you of anything? *his smile fades a little* And... did I hear something about... before it finds us?

    Lis: Yes. The Big Bad Bunny! Freddy said he was under his bed once!
    Freddy: *Furrows his eyebrows at the drawing, turning it a little to see if he can understand it* This drawing is ugly...

    Alexander: *raises an eyebrow* The Big Bad Bunny? I've never seen him. If he comes after you, I'll be sure he won't get you, okay? *then he looks at Freddy, feeling a sting in his chest* ...I-It's not ugly... *takes the drawing back* It's very special to me, okay? *looks away, mentally scolding himself for the tears trying to form in his eyes* drew this for me. I-It's the two of us...

    Lis: *Nods* Alright!

    Freddy: It's ugly for me. So poorly done... I don't think i did that. I can draw better than this. And... Ayeggsundae? Really?

    Lis: *Frowns* Freddy! Why would you say this? He said it's special to him!

    Alexander: *doesn't realize a tear manages to escape* I think it's beautiful... *his voice is shaky* ...because it was a gift from someone I cared about very much... *he looks at Freddy and then takes a deep breath, holding his drawing closer* I...I should go put this away. *turns and goes back upstairs, wiping his eyes*

    Freddy: *Frowns* I didn't... I....
    Lis: *Shakes her head *

    Alexander: *puts the drawing back in a safe place and heads back toward the stairs, but hesitates when he realizes there are tears running down his cheeks* Why would Freddy say that...? I-I don't mean anything to him anymore...

    Freddy: Lis, i didn't mean to make him upset... *Looks down*
    Lis: You just can't keep your mouth shut, can you? Are you sure you dont remember him?
    Freddy: Maybe... I think... Hey! I had an imaginary friend called Ayeggsundae! He was bat! Do you think...
    Lis: *Raises an eyesbrow* An imaginary friend? *Laughs a little but realizes hes serious* You should talk to him.... Even if just to apologize..

    Alexander: *does his best to compose himself then comes downstairs the rest of the way, as he comes down, Stella heads up to take Orionis to her parent's room* ...Um... Sorry. I know you wouldn't remember me... I just... got caught up in my emotions, I guess... *frowning*

    Freddy: Are you a bat?

    Alexander: Am I a bat? *looks at him with confusion before grinning* I guess I can show you the answer. *turns into a bat and lands on his shoulder* ...Yes.

    Freddy: *Lights up* Ayeggsundae! You exist!!

    Alexander: *his little bat face lights up when he hears the name* Of course I exist! Do you remember now...!?

    Freddy: I remember you a little differently... But i'm sorry that I hurt you. I didn't mean to... *Frowns*

    Alexander: *looks down at Freddy and without another word he pulls him into a hug* It's okay. I'm just so glad to see you... you've grown so much... *smiles sadly* And I missed all of it.

    Freddy: *Returns the hug* You didn't miss much. There was this one time I showed you this universe full of other imaginary friends. One day you disappeared... So I assumed you'd gone there. I thought I would never see you again. *Smiles, mixing Alexander up with his imaginary friend, Ayeggsundae *

    Alexander: *sighs* I think maybe... you got your imaginary friend from your memories of me. But I'm not an imaginary friend... I'm a real friend. *smiles*

    Freddy: *Smiles and tightens the hug* You're real! This is even better!

    Alexander: *can't help but smile, tightening the hug too* I missed you, little buddy. *ruffles his hair* By the way... who's your friend? *looks at Lis*

    Lis: I'm Lis!
    Freddy: My best friend!

    Alexander: *grinning* Oh, you girlfriend? Nice. I guess I really have missed a lot.

    Freddy: She's not my girlfriend! *Crosses his arms*

    *Jaci walks downstairs *

    Alexander: Not yet, at least. Don't worry. You'll get her someday. When I was your age, all the girls at school were practically fainting over me! But, you know, I figured I was just too young for romance.

    Lis: Hey! I don't want to be his girlfriend!
    Freddy: Never ever!

    *A black cat suddenly shows up in a corner of the room*

    Jaci: Celeste?

    Alexander: Maybe not right now, but just wait until you hit puberty. Then things are-- *cuts himself off when he notices the black cat*

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow*
    Lis and Freddy: *Look at each other and "ewww" in unison*

    Jaci: *Smiles and pats her lap* Hey, girl. I missed you!
    Celeste: *Walks up to her*
    Jaci: *Lowers down to her height and pets her*

    Alexander: How did a cat get in here? All of the doors and windows are closed... *frowns a little then laughs at Freddy and Lis* Fine, fine. It's ewww... you'll laugh at yourselves later in life.

    Jaci: *Picks Celeste up* She does that all the time...

    Freddy: *Shakes his head* She won't ever be my girlfriend!
    Lis: Never!

    Alexander: Okay, okay! My apologies. She's just your friend. *smiles*

    *meanwhile outside*

    ???: Where is this? How did I get here? *furrows his eyebrows*

    ??x: *a bit behind ???, following confusedly but walking rather slow. She rubs her head* *What happened...? Ugh, my head hurts...*

    Freddy: Hey, Alexander, why don't we play something?

    Celeste: *Her ear turns a little towards the door* Is that....

    Alexander: *lights up* Play? Yeah, of course! *pauses when he hears the knock* ...One second. *goes up to the door and opens it*

    ???: Greetings, peasant! I am Prince Glacier and I am looking to find the way back to my fairy kingdom. Would you happen to know the way?

    Alexander: ... *blank, shocked stare* A fairy!?

    Celeste: *Meows in the door's direction*

    Glacier: What did I just say, you dumb peasant? Yes, a fairy.

    Alexander: Okay, first of all, I'm not dumb. Third of all, I'm not a peasant. *pause* ...Wait--

    Glacier: *pushes his way in when he hears the meow and sees Celeste* ...Oh, wonderful.

    Freddy: *Laughs at Alexander*

    Celeste: *Hisses at Glacier*
    Jaci: Uh-Oh *Put her down*
    Celeste: *Approaches Glacier with an angry glare*

    Glacier: Oh, shut your mouth, furball.

    Alexander: Hey, don't talk to the cat like--

    Glacier: It's not just a mere cat! *glaring*

    Alexander: ...Okay...

    Jaci: Don't talk talk to her like that!

    Celeste: *Hisses at him*

    Glacier: I SAID shut it!

    Alexander: Dude, chill out!

    Glacier: I'm an ICE fairy with ICE powers! I am chill!

    Celeste: *Glaring at him*

    Jaci: I know that look... She wants something from you. She won't shut it until you give it to her.

    Glacier: And what does she want?

    Jaci: *Shrugs* Beats me.

    Celeste: *Hisses at him once again, but she sounds angrier*

    Glacier: *stoops down* Look, Celeste, what do you want me to do? Remove the curse? Do I look like I know how to do that?

    Angra: *overhears the conversation and walks over* ... I know how to free her from the curse.

    Celeste: *Her expression softens and she Meows at Angra*

    Glacier: Oh, wonderful. Guess you should do that, then.

    Angra: Certainly. *takes a deep breath, then starts doing some magic on Celeste that Lyric is too lazy to describe*

    *A red mist surrounds the cat, slowly turning into a blonde woman. Her eyes are the same shade of green as the cat's*

    Jaci: *Gasps, feeling a slight blush on her cheeks* Wh-what?
    Celeste: *Tackles Glacier* I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!

    Glacier: *gasps as he's tackled to the ground* Get off of me!

    Alexander: *watching with wide eyes*

    Celeste: *Pushes herself up, staring right into his eyes with a glare as she stands up* You're awful. *Hisses at him... Cat thing*

    Jaci: What the- I-

    Glacier: *stands up and gets up in her face, glaring* Try that again and see what happens.

    Celeste: *Glaring right into his eyes, a pink light glows in her hand and her eyes go from their normal green to the same shade of pink as the light in her hands* I would like to see you try.

    Glacier: *a light blue glow forms in his hand and goes up his arm, his eyes glistening* Be careful what you wish for.
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...

    Orionis: *babbles at Andre*

    Orion: *walks over and smiles* I think he likes you...

    André: *Smiles at Orionis, rocking him. For a second, it's like he finally got to hold Andreah*

    Orionis: *smiles at Andre and closes his eyes, starting to drift to sleep*
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...

    Orionis: *babbles at Andre*

    Orion: *walks over and smiles* I think he likes you...

    André: *Smiles at Orionis, rocking him. For a second, it's like he finally got to hold Andreah*

    Meg: *smiles, happy that Orionis seems to have calmed down* I think so too...

    *She looks up at Andre and then Orionis happily babbling and as she does she suddenly has a flash of Sofia's dream again and the smile drops away for a second. The image of Amelia's baby photo and the sadness that Sofia felt rushing through her before she shakes it off. She still had that dream on occasion but she still hadn't found a good time to talk to Amelia and Onyx. It would definitely still need to wait, there was too much else going on right now. Putting the smile back on her face, and hoping that Orion didn't notice she looks over at him* Sorry that I was less helpful then I hoped...

    Orion: No, it's not your fault... *speaking quietly he looks over at Andre and Orionis* I'm surprised he's calming down so easily...
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    LyricSimsz15LyricSimsz15 Posts: 13,136 Member
    Hamlet: We should probably check out and see how Skylar's doing. *looks at the others*

    Jaci: Sure. But i can't decide on which one to take. *Has her arms and hands full of baby rattles*

    Hamlet: Onyx gave me a credit card a little while back. Just get them all. *grins*

    Jaci: *Smiles* Ok. *Lioks over to Cy and Takumi* You done over there too?

    Cyrielle: *walks back over to them. He's holding a stuffed bear* Yup.

    Takumi: *follows Cy*

    Hamlet: Alright, then let's get out of here. *goes to the register to pay*

    Jaci: *Follows with a bunch of rattles*

    *After everyone checks out they step out of the gift shop*

    Hamlet: *texting Onyx for directions to where they are*

    Jaci: *Following beside Hamlet*

    Hamlet: *When they get off the elevator he looks for the right room*

    Cyrielle: *following*

    Takumi: *also following. The bad feeling in his stomach finally fades*

    Hamlet: *walks into the room and smiles, carrying a few bags* Hey guys... how are things going?

    Skylar: *looks over at them and smiles* I'm still breathing at least...

    Orion: *now sitting on the side of the hospital bed, still holding tightly to Skylar's hand... he may not ever let go*

    Jaci: *Frowns a little*

    Hamlet: Um... *sits the flowers he's carrying on a table beside the bed* We brought you some flowers and things for the baby... but... where's the baby?

    Orion: *looks away* He's--

    Nurse: *walks in* Visitation hours are ending. Unfortunately I'll have to ask you all to leave.

    Orion: *tightens his grip on Skylar's hand* I can't leave...!

    Skylar: Orion... I'll be okay. Go and get some rest. *smiles at him*

    Orion: I don't want to leave you... *blinks back tears*

    Jaci: Oh no... *Frowns, assuming the worst*

    Nurse: *getting impatient, watching as some of the others start reluctantly heading out*

    Orion: *leans down and kisses Skylar's forehead* I'll come visit you tomorrow. As soon as they let me in, okay? *deep down he's terrified something might happen to her while he's gone* ...I love you.

    Skylar: I love you, too. *smiles*

    Orion: *reluctantly lets go of her hand, looking over at Jaci as he walks out* He's in the NICU. Both of them will have to be in the hospital for a few weeks...

    Jaci: Oh... Well... We'll take the baby toys home. For when they come back.

    Orion: *nods* Good idea.

    Amelia: And we can set up a bit of a nursery in your room, too, for when they come back. *smiles*

    *Everyone starts heading out of the hospital*

    Orion: *visibly upset to leave Skylar and Orionis, he blinks back a few more tears*

    André: *Quietly approaches Orion*

    Orion: *walking slowly, he looks at Andre as he approaches, his lip wobbling a little*

    André: *Places a hand on his shoulder, giving him a sympathetic look* They are going to be ok... The worst part is over already...

    Orion: *nods a little* You're right... they'll be okay... *takes a deep breath* Tomorrow will be a better day, I'm sure of it. *tries to smile*

    *Everyone goes out and gets on to the UFO, heading home*


    *When everyone gets home, they go to bed pretty soon as it's very late*

    Orion: *walks into the empty bedroom and frowns, changing into some pajamas and crawling into bed. He tosses and turns, unable to fall asleep* I can't stop worrying about them... *He looks across the room at the bear Skylar got for him sitting in a chair. He gets up and takes it back over to the bed with him, laying back down and pressing the message button in its paw, listening to Skylar's recording over and over until he finally falls asleep snuggled up close to it*

    *A few weeks later, Skylar and Orionis have finally just gotten back from the hospital...*

    Orion: Are you sure you don't need anything else? More blankets? Pillows? Something to drink? A--

    Skylar: *shifts a little uncomfortably in the bed, still sore from the surgery* I'm fine, sweetheart. A nap sounds nice, though. *smiles a little*

    Orion: Right... I'll come check on you in a few minutes, okay? *still setting up a few last things in their room for Orionis. Onyx and Amelia brought a bunch of their old baby stuff into the room, so he's tucking some blankets into the crib, eager to go back downstairs and bring Orionis up*


    Stella: *holding Orionis and sitting on the couch, feeding him a bottle. He's still very tiny and weak and needs almost constant supervision and care... but he's breathing on his own and starting to grow, so as long as he's making that progress he won't need to stay in the hospital*

    Orionis: *squirming a little*

    *Meanwhile, outside*

    ?1: *Keeping a tight grip on ?2's hand* Aaah!!!
    ?2: *Looks back while running* Is it gone yet?
    ?1: *Stops, out of breath* Seems like it.
    ?2: *Looks up at the mansion in front of them* Where are we?
    ?1: I feel like... I've been here before... *Knocks on the door*

    Stella: *looks over at the door, but her hands are full* Guys, someone's at the door!

    Alexander: *comes up from the basement* I've got it! *goes up to the door and opens it*

    *By the door, there are two little kids. The one in the front is a little boy with dark black hair, who seems to be around 7*

    *There's a girl standing right behind him, who seems to be around the same age*

    ??1: *Looks up at Alexander with his big purple eyes* Hello?

    Alexander: *when he looks into the boy's purple eyes, he lights up in realization* ...Freddy!?

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow* Yup... That's my name... Who are you?

    Alexander: *his smile fades* It's me, Alexander... don't you remember? *the realization hits him that he probably won't remember him since he was so young*

    Freddy: Alexander... Alexander... *Looks down at the necklace he's wearing* Mama said some dude called Alexander gave me this. Is that you?

    Alexander: *grins* Yes! I've missed you so much... *smiling* Don't you remember anything? *remembers the drawing* Hey, wait, I have an idea. Come inside. I'll be right back! *runs upstairs*

    Freddy: *Comes inside* Lis, aren't you coming in?
    Lis: Uhh...
    Freddy: Come in! *Looks at the woods* Before it finds us!
    Lis: Okay, okay. *Walks in as well*

    Alexander: *scurries back downstairs with the drawing in his hand. He hands it to Freddy* Does this remind you of anything? *his smile fades a little* And... did I hear something about... before it finds us?

    Lis: Yes. The Big Bad Bunny! Freddy said he was under his bed once!
    Freddy: *Furrows his eyebrows at the drawing, turning it a little to see if he can understand it* This drawing is ugly...

    Alexander: *raises an eyebrow* The Big Bad Bunny? I've never seen him. If he comes after you, I'll be sure he won't get you, okay? *then he looks at Freddy, feeling a sting in his chest* ...I-It's not ugly... *takes the drawing back* It's very special to me, okay? *looks away, mentally scolding himself for the tears trying to form in his eyes* drew this for me. I-It's the two of us...

    Lis: *Nods* Alright!

    Freddy: It's ugly for me. So poorly done... I don't think i did that. I can draw better than this. And... Ayeggsundae? Really?

    Lis: *Frowns* Freddy! Why would you say this? He said it's special to him!

    Alexander: *doesn't realize a tear manages to escape* I think it's beautiful... *his voice is shaky* ...because it was a gift from someone I cared about very much... *he looks at Freddy and then takes a deep breath, holding his drawing closer* I...I should go put this away. *turns and goes back upstairs, wiping his eyes*

    Freddy: *Frowns* I didn't... I....
    Lis: *Shakes her head *

    Alexander: *puts the drawing back in a safe place and heads back toward the stairs, but hesitates when he realizes there are tears running down his cheeks* Why would Freddy say that...? I-I don't mean anything to him anymore...

    Freddy: Lis, i didn't mean to make him upset... *Looks down*
    Lis: You just can't keep your mouth shut, can you? Are you sure you dont remember him?
    Freddy: Maybe... I think... Hey! I had an imaginary friend called Ayeggsundae! He was bat! Do you think...
    Lis: *Raises an eyesbrow* An imaginary friend? *Laughs a little but realizes hes serious* You should talk to him.... Even if just to apologize..

    Alexander: *does his best to compose himself then comes downstairs the rest of the way, as he comes down, Stella heads up to take Orionis to her parent's room* ...Um... Sorry. I know you wouldn't remember me... I just... got caught up in my emotions, I guess... *frowning*

    Freddy: Are you a bat?

    Alexander: Am I a bat? *looks at him with confusion before grinning* I guess I can show you the answer. *turns into a bat and lands on his shoulder* ...Yes.

    Freddy: *Lights up* Ayeggsundae! You exist!!

    Alexander: *his little bat face lights up when he hears the name* Of course I exist! Do you remember now...!?

    Freddy: I remember you a little differently... But i'm sorry that I hurt you. I didn't mean to... *Frowns*

    Alexander: *looks down at Freddy and without another word he pulls him into a hug* It's okay. I'm just so glad to see you... you've grown so much... *smiles sadly* And I missed all of it.

    Freddy: *Returns the hug* You didn't miss much. There was this one time I showed you this universe full of other imaginary friends. One day you disappeared... So I assumed you'd gone there. I thought I would never see you again. *Smiles, mixing Alexander up with his imaginary friend, Ayeggsundae *

    Alexander: *sighs* I think maybe... you got your imaginary friend from your memories of me. But I'm not an imaginary friend... I'm a real friend. *smiles*

    Freddy: *Smiles and tightens the hug* You're real! This is even better!

    Alexander: *can't help but smile, tightening the hug too* I missed you, little buddy. *ruffles his hair* By the way... who's your friend? *looks at Lis*

    Lis: I'm Lis!
    Freddy: My best friend!

    Alexander: *grinning* Oh, you girlfriend? Nice. I guess I really have missed a lot.

    Freddy: She's not my girlfriend! *Crosses his arms*

    *Jaci walks downstairs *

    Alexander: Not yet, at least. Don't worry. You'll get her someday. When I was your age, all the girls at school were practically fainting over me! But, you know, I figured I was just too young for romance.

    Lis: Hey! I don't want to be his girlfriend!
    Freddy: Never ever!

    *A black cat suddenly shows up in a corner of the room*

    Jaci: Celeste?

    Alexander: Maybe not right now, but just wait until you hit puberty. Then things are-- *cuts himself off when he notices the black cat*

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow*
    Lis and Freddy: *Look at each other and "ewww" in unison*

    Jaci: *Smiles and pats her lap* Hey, girl. I missed you!
    Celeste: *Walks up to her*
    Jaci: *Lowers down to her height and pets her*

    Alexander: How did a cat get in here? All of the doors and windows are closed... *frowns a little then laughs at Freddy and Lis* Fine, fine. It's ewww... you'll laugh at yourselves later in life.

    Jaci: *Picks Celeste up* She does that all the time...

    Freddy: *Shakes his head* She won't ever be my girlfriend!
    Lis: Never!

    Alexander: Okay, okay! My apologies. She's just your friend. *smiles*

    *meanwhile outside*

    ???: Where is this? How did I get here? *furrows his eyebrows*

    ??x: *a bit behind ???, following confusedly but walking rather slow. She rubs her head* *What happened...? Ugh, my head hurts...*

    Freddy: Hey, Alexander, why don't we play something?

    Celeste: *Her ear turns a little towards the door* Is that....

    Alexander: *lights up* Play? Yeah, of course! *pauses when he hears the knock* ...One second. *goes up to the door and opens it*

    ???: Greetings, peasant! I am Prince Glacier and I am looking to find the way back to my fairy kingdom. Would you happen to know the way?

    Alexander: ... *blank, shocked stare* A fairy!?

    Celeste: *Meows in the door's direction*

    Glacier: What did I just say, you dumb peasant? Yes, a fairy.

    Alexander: Okay, first of all, I'm not dumb. Third of all, I'm not a peasant. *pause* ...Wait--

    Glacier: *pushes his way in when he hears the meow and sees Celeste* ...Oh, wonderful.

    Freddy: *Laughs at Alexander*

    Celeste: *Hisses at Glacier*
    Jaci: Uh-Oh *Put her down*
    Celeste: *Approaches Glacier with an angry glare*

    Glacier: Oh, shut your mouth, furball.

    Alexander: Hey, don't talk to the cat like--

    Glacier: It's not just a mere cat! *glaring*

    Alexander: ...Okay...

    Jaci: Don't talk talk to her like that!

    Celeste: *Hisses at him*

    Glacier: I SAID shut it!

    Alexander: Dude, chill out!

    Glacier: I'm an ICE fairy with ICE powers! I am chill!

    Celeste: *Glaring at him*

    Jaci: I know that look... She wants something from you. She won't shut it until you give it to her.

    Glacier: And what does she want?

    Jaci: *Shrugs* Beats me.

    Celeste: *Hisses at him once again, but she sounds angrier*

    Glacier: *stoops down* Look, Celeste, what do you want me to do? Remove the curse? Do I look like I know how to do that?

    Angra: *overhears the conversation and walks over* ... I know how to free her from the curse.

    Celeste: *Her expression softens and she Meows at Angra*

    Glacier: Oh, wonderful. Guess you should do that, then.

    Angra: Certainly. *takes a deep breath, then starts doing some magic on Celeste that Lyric is too lazy to describe*

    *A red mist surrounds the cat, slowly turning into a blonde woman. Her eyes are the same shade of green as the cat's*

    Jaci: *Gasps, feeling a slight blush on her cheeks* Wh-what?
    Celeste: *Tackles Glacier* I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!

    Glacier: *gasps as he's tackled to the ground* Get off of me!

    Alexander: *watching with wide eyes*

    Celeste: *Pushes herself up, staring right into his eyes with a glare as she stands up* You're awful. *Hisses at him... Cat thing*

    Jaci: What the- I-

    Glacier: *stands up and gets up in her face, glaring* Try that again and see what happens.

    Celeste: *Glaring right into his eyes, a pink light glows in her hand and her eyes go from their normal green to the same shade of pink as the light in her hands* I would like to see you try.

    Glacier: *a light blue glow forms in his hand and goes up his arm, his eyes glistening* Be careful what you wish for.

    Angra: *walks over to Glacier and Celeste* Okay, let's not get violent. What ever is going on I'm sure we can settle this without fighting.
    Just vibing...
    Check out my stories The Diversity Club and Lost Pride here on the forums!
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    TheAemaSimmingTheAemaSimming Posts: 2,684 Member
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...

    Orionis: *babbles at Andre*

    Orion: *walks over and smiles* I think he likes you...

    André: *Smiles at Orionis, rocking him. For a second, it's like he finally got to hold Andreah*

    Meg: *smiles, happy that Orionis seems to have calmed down* I think so too...

    *She looks up at Andre and then Orionis happily babbling and as she does she suddenly has a flash of Sofia's dream again and the smile drops away for a second. The image of Amelia's baby photo and the sadness that Sofia felt rushing through her before she shakes it off. She still had that dream on occasion but she still hadn't found a good time to talk to Amelia and Onyx. It would definitely still need to wait, there was too much else going on right now. Putting the smile back on her face, and hoping that Orion didn't notice she looks over at him* Sorry that I was less helpful then I hoped...

    Orion: No, it's not your fault... *speaking quietly he looks over at Andre and Orionis* I'm surprised he's calming down so easily...

    Meg: *sees Orionis drift to sleep and lowers her voice looking at Orion* I know it's not my fault...Don't worry, Orion. I'm just happy someone can help you so you can get some rest. You need to sleep too. You can't carry the burden of caring for both of them all alone.

    *looks back to Orionis and Andre and smiles at Andre, seeing how content he looks. It reminds her of the look he had when he saw Andreah in the After*It seems like you have it under control, André. I'll show myself out.

    *quietly opens the door and walks out into the hall. Once outside, she leans against the wall*
  • Options
    gameplay9098gameplay9098 Posts: 7,895 Member
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...

    Orionis: *babbles at Andre*

    Orion: *walks over and smiles* I think he likes you...

    André: *Smiles at Orionis, rocking him. For a second, it's like he finally got to hold Andreah*

    Orionis: *smiles at Andre and closes his eyes, starting to drift to sleep*
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...

    Orionis: *babbles at Andre*

    Orion: *walks over and smiles* I think he likes you...

    André: *Smiles at Orionis, rocking him. For a second, it's like he finally got to hold Andreah*

    Meg: *smiles, happy that Orionis seems to have calmed down* I think so too...

    *She looks up at Andre and then Orionis happily babbling and as she does she suddenly has a flash of Sofia's dream again and the smile drops away for a second. The image of Amelia's baby photo and the sadness that Sofia felt rushing through her before she shakes it off. She still had that dream on occasion but she still hadn't found a good time to talk to Amelia and Onyx. It would definitely still need to wait, there was too much else going on right now. Putting the smile back on her face, and hoping that Orion didn't notice she looks over at him* Sorry that I was less helpful then I hoped...

    Orion: No, it's not your fault... *speaking quietly he looks over at Andre and Orionis* I'm surprised he's calming down so easily...

    Meg: *sees Orionis drift to sleep and lowers her voice looking at Orion* I know it's not my fault...Don't worry, Orion. I'm just happy someone can help you so you can get some rest. You need to sleep too. You can't carry the burden of caring for both of them all alone.

    *looks back to Orionis and Andre and smiles at Andre, seeing how content he looks. It reminds her of the look he had when he saw Andreah in the After*It seems like you have it under control, André. I'll show myself out.

    *quietly opens the door and walks out into the hall. Once outside, she leans against the wall*

    André: *Rocks Orionis lightly. Again, it feels like he is rocking his own kid*
    Everywhere i go
    I feel the hearts beating
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    gameplay9098gameplay9098 Posts: 7,895 Member
    Hamlet: We should probably check out and see how Skylar's doing. *looks at the others*

    Jaci: Sure. But i can't decide on which one to take. *Has her arms and hands full of baby rattles*

    Hamlet: Onyx gave me a credit card a little while back. Just get them all. *grins*

    Jaci: *Smiles* Ok. *Lioks over to Cy and Takumi* You done over there too?

    Cyrielle: *walks back over to them. He's holding a stuffed bear* Yup.

    Takumi: *follows Cy*

    Hamlet: Alright, then let's get out of here. *goes to the register to pay*

    Jaci: *Follows with a bunch of rattles*

    *After everyone checks out they step out of the gift shop*

    Hamlet: *texting Onyx for directions to where they are*

    Jaci: *Following beside Hamlet*

    Hamlet: *When they get off the elevator he looks for the right room*

    Cyrielle: *following*

    Takumi: *also following. The bad feeling in his stomach finally fades*

    Hamlet: *walks into the room and smiles, carrying a few bags* Hey guys... how are things going?

    Skylar: *looks over at them and smiles* I'm still breathing at least...

    Orion: *now sitting on the side of the hospital bed, still holding tightly to Skylar's hand... he may not ever let go*

    Jaci: *Frowns a little*

    Hamlet: Um... *sits the flowers he's carrying on a table beside the bed* We brought you some flowers and things for the baby... but... where's the baby?

    Orion: *looks away* He's--

    Nurse: *walks in* Visitation hours are ending. Unfortunately I'll have to ask you all to leave.

    Orion: *tightens his grip on Skylar's hand* I can't leave...!

    Skylar: Orion... I'll be okay. Go and get some rest. *smiles at him*

    Orion: I don't want to leave you... *blinks back tears*

    Jaci: Oh no... *Frowns, assuming the worst*

    Nurse: *getting impatient, watching as some of the others start reluctantly heading out*

    Orion: *leans down and kisses Skylar's forehead* I'll come visit you tomorrow. As soon as they let me in, okay? *deep down he's terrified something might happen to her while he's gone* ...I love you.

    Skylar: I love you, too. *smiles*

    Orion: *reluctantly lets go of her hand, looking over at Jaci as he walks out* He's in the NICU. Both of them will have to be in the hospital for a few weeks...

    Jaci: Oh... Well... We'll take the baby toys home. For when they come back.

    Orion: *nods* Good idea.

    Amelia: And we can set up a bit of a nursery in your room, too, for when they come back. *smiles*

    *Everyone starts heading out of the hospital*

    Orion: *visibly upset to leave Skylar and Orionis, he blinks back a few more tears*

    André: *Quietly approaches Orion*

    Orion: *walking slowly, he looks at Andre as he approaches, his lip wobbling a little*

    André: *Places a hand on his shoulder, giving him a sympathetic look* They are going to be ok... The worst part is over already...

    Orion: *nods a little* You're right... they'll be okay... *takes a deep breath* Tomorrow will be a better day, I'm sure of it. *tries to smile*

    *Everyone goes out and gets on to the UFO, heading home*


    *When everyone gets home, they go to bed pretty soon as it's very late*

    Orion: *walks into the empty bedroom and frowns, changing into some pajamas and crawling into bed. He tosses and turns, unable to fall asleep* I can't stop worrying about them... *He looks across the room at the bear Skylar got for him sitting in a chair. He gets up and takes it back over to the bed with him, laying back down and pressing the message button in its paw, listening to Skylar's recording over and over until he finally falls asleep snuggled up close to it*

    *A few weeks later, Skylar and Orionis have finally just gotten back from the hospital...*

    Orion: Are you sure you don't need anything else? More blankets? Pillows? Something to drink? A--

    Skylar: *shifts a little uncomfortably in the bed, still sore from the surgery* I'm fine, sweetheart. A nap sounds nice, though. *smiles a little*

    Orion: Right... I'll come check on you in a few minutes, okay? *still setting up a few last things in their room for Orionis. Onyx and Amelia brought a bunch of their old baby stuff into the room, so he's tucking some blankets into the crib, eager to go back downstairs and bring Orionis up*


    Stella: *holding Orionis and sitting on the couch, feeding him a bottle. He's still very tiny and weak and needs almost constant supervision and care... but he's breathing on his own and starting to grow, so as long as he's making that progress he won't need to stay in the hospital*

    Orionis: *squirming a little*

    *Meanwhile, outside*

    ?1: *Keeping a tight grip on ?2's hand* Aaah!!!
    ?2: *Looks back while running* Is it gone yet?
    ?1: *Stops, out of breath* Seems like it.
    ?2: *Looks up at the mansion in front of them* Where are we?
    ?1: I feel like... I've been here before... *Knocks on the door*

    Stella: *looks over at the door, but her hands are full* Guys, someone's at the door!

    Alexander: *comes up from the basement* I've got it! *goes up to the door and opens it*

    *By the door, there are two little kids. The one in the front is a little boy with dark black hair, who seems to be around 7*

    *There's a girl standing right behind him, who seems to be around the same age*

    ??1: *Looks up at Alexander with his big purple eyes* Hello?

    Alexander: *when he looks into the boy's purple eyes, he lights up in realization* ...Freddy!?

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow* Yup... That's my name... Who are you?

    Alexander: *his smile fades* It's me, Alexander... don't you remember? *the realization hits him that he probably won't remember him since he was so young*

    Freddy: Alexander... Alexander... *Looks down at the necklace he's wearing* Mama said some dude called Alexander gave me this. Is that you?

    Alexander: *grins* Yes! I've missed you so much... *smiling* Don't you remember anything? *remembers the drawing* Hey, wait, I have an idea. Come inside. I'll be right back! *runs upstairs*

    Freddy: *Comes inside* Lis, aren't you coming in?
    Lis: Uhh...
    Freddy: Come in! *Looks at the woods* Before it finds us!
    Lis: Okay, okay. *Walks in as well*

    Alexander: *scurries back downstairs with the drawing in his hand. He hands it to Freddy* Does this remind you of anything? *his smile fades a little* And... did I hear something about... before it finds us?

    Lis: Yes. The Big Bad Bunny! Freddy said he was under his bed once!
    Freddy: *Furrows his eyebrows at the drawing, turning it a little to see if he can understand it* This drawing is ugly...

    Alexander: *raises an eyebrow* The Big Bad Bunny? I've never seen him. If he comes after you, I'll be sure he won't get you, okay? *then he looks at Freddy, feeling a sting in his chest* ...I-It's not ugly... *takes the drawing back* It's very special to me, okay? *looks away, mentally scolding himself for the tears trying to form in his eyes* drew this for me. I-It's the two of us...

    Lis: *Nods* Alright!

    Freddy: It's ugly for me. So poorly done... I don't think i did that. I can draw better than this. And... Ayeggsundae? Really?

    Lis: *Frowns* Freddy! Why would you say this? He said it's special to him!

    Alexander: *doesn't realize a tear manages to escape* I think it's beautiful... *his voice is shaky* ...because it was a gift from someone I cared about very much... *he looks at Freddy and then takes a deep breath, holding his drawing closer* I...I should go put this away. *turns and goes back upstairs, wiping his eyes*

    Freddy: *Frowns* I didn't... I....
    Lis: *Shakes her head *

    Alexander: *puts the drawing back in a safe place and heads back toward the stairs, but hesitates when he realizes there are tears running down his cheeks* Why would Freddy say that...? I-I don't mean anything to him anymore...

    Freddy: Lis, i didn't mean to make him upset... *Looks down*
    Lis: You just can't keep your mouth shut, can you? Are you sure you dont remember him?
    Freddy: Maybe... I think... Hey! I had an imaginary friend called Ayeggsundae! He was bat! Do you think...
    Lis: *Raises an eyesbrow* An imaginary friend? *Laughs a little but realizes hes serious* You should talk to him.... Even if just to apologize..

    Alexander: *does his best to compose himself then comes downstairs the rest of the way, as he comes down, Stella heads up to take Orionis to her parent's room* ...Um... Sorry. I know you wouldn't remember me... I just... got caught up in my emotions, I guess... *frowning*

    Freddy: Are you a bat?

    Alexander: Am I a bat? *looks at him with confusion before grinning* I guess I can show you the answer. *turns into a bat and lands on his shoulder* ...Yes.

    Freddy: *Lights up* Ayeggsundae! You exist!!

    Alexander: *his little bat face lights up when he hears the name* Of course I exist! Do you remember now...!?

    Freddy: I remember you a little differently... But i'm sorry that I hurt you. I didn't mean to... *Frowns*

    Alexander: *looks down at Freddy and without another word he pulls him into a hug* It's okay. I'm just so glad to see you... you've grown so much... *smiles sadly* And I missed all of it.

    Freddy: *Returns the hug* You didn't miss much. There was this one time I showed you this universe full of other imaginary friends. One day you disappeared... So I assumed you'd gone there. I thought I would never see you again. *Smiles, mixing Alexander up with his imaginary friend, Ayeggsundae *

    Alexander: *sighs* I think maybe... you got your imaginary friend from your memories of me. But I'm not an imaginary friend... I'm a real friend. *smiles*

    Freddy: *Smiles and tightens the hug* You're real! This is even better!

    Alexander: *can't help but smile, tightening the hug too* I missed you, little buddy. *ruffles his hair* By the way... who's your friend? *looks at Lis*

    Lis: I'm Lis!
    Freddy: My best friend!

    Alexander: *grinning* Oh, you girlfriend? Nice. I guess I really have missed a lot.

    Freddy: She's not my girlfriend! *Crosses his arms*

    *Jaci walks downstairs *

    Alexander: Not yet, at least. Don't worry. You'll get her someday. When I was your age, all the girls at school were practically fainting over me! But, you know, I figured I was just too young for romance.

    Lis: Hey! I don't want to be his girlfriend!
    Freddy: Never ever!

    *A black cat suddenly shows up in a corner of the room*

    Jaci: Celeste?

    Alexander: Maybe not right now, but just wait until you hit puberty. Then things are-- *cuts himself off when he notices the black cat*

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow*
    Lis and Freddy: *Look at each other and "ewww" in unison*

    Jaci: *Smiles and pats her lap* Hey, girl. I missed you!
    Celeste: *Walks up to her*
    Jaci: *Lowers down to her height and pets her*

    Alexander: How did a cat get in here? All of the doors and windows are closed... *frowns a little then laughs at Freddy and Lis* Fine, fine. It's ewww... you'll laugh at yourselves later in life.

    Jaci: *Picks Celeste up* She does that all the time...

    Freddy: *Shakes his head* She won't ever be my girlfriend!
    Lis: Never!

    Alexander: Okay, okay! My apologies. She's just your friend. *smiles*

    *meanwhile outside*

    ???: Where is this? How did I get here? *furrows his eyebrows*

    ??x: *a bit behind ???, following confusedly but walking rather slow. She rubs her head* *What happened...? Ugh, my head hurts...*

    Freddy: Hey, Alexander, why don't we play something?

    Celeste: *Her ear turns a little towards the door* Is that....

    Alexander: *lights up* Play? Yeah, of course! *pauses when he hears the knock* ...One second. *goes up to the door and opens it*

    ???: Greetings, peasant! I am Prince Glacier and I am looking to find the way back to my fairy kingdom. Would you happen to know the way?

    Alexander: ... *blank, shocked stare* A fairy!?

    Celeste: *Meows in the door's direction*

    Glacier: What did I just say, you dumb peasant? Yes, a fairy.

    Alexander: Okay, first of all, I'm not dumb. Third of all, I'm not a peasant. *pause* ...Wait--

    Glacier: *pushes his way in when he hears the meow and sees Celeste* ...Oh, wonderful.

    Freddy: *Laughs at Alexander*

    Celeste: *Hisses at Glacier*
    Jaci: Uh-Oh *Put her down*
    Celeste: *Approaches Glacier with an angry glare*

    Glacier: Oh, shut your mouth, furball.

    Alexander: Hey, don't talk to the cat like--

    Glacier: It's not just a mere cat! *glaring*

    Alexander: ...Okay...

    Jaci: Don't talk talk to her like that!

    Celeste: *Hisses at him*

    Glacier: I SAID shut it!

    Alexander: Dude, chill out!

    Glacier: I'm an ICE fairy with ICE powers! I am chill!

    Celeste: *Glaring at him*

    Jaci: I know that look... She wants something from you. She won't shut it until you give it to her.

    Glacier: And what does she want?

    Jaci: *Shrugs* Beats me.

    Celeste: *Hisses at him once again, but she sounds angrier*

    Glacier: *stoops down* Look, Celeste, what do you want me to do? Remove the curse? Do I look like I know how to do that?

    Angra: *overhears the conversation and walks over* ... I know how to free her from the curse.

    Celeste: *Her expression softens and she Meows at Angra*

    Glacier: Oh, wonderful. Guess you should do that, then.

    Angra: Certainly. *takes a deep breath, then starts doing some magic on Celeste that Lyric is too lazy to describe*

    *A red mist surrounds the cat, slowly turning into a blonde woman. Her eyes are the same shade of green as the cat's*

    Jaci: *Gasps, feeling a slight blush on her cheeks* Wh-what?
    Celeste: *Tackles Glacier* I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!

    Glacier: *gasps as he's tackled to the ground* Get off of me!

    Alexander: *watching with wide eyes*

    Celeste: *Pushes herself up, staring right into his eyes with a glare as she stands up* You're awful. *Hisses at him... Cat thing*

    Jaci: What the- I-

    Glacier: *stands up and gets up in her face, glaring* Try that again and see what happens.

    Celeste: *Glaring right into his eyes, a pink light glows in her hand and her eyes go from their normal green to the same shade of pink as the light in her hands* I would like to see you try.

    Glacier: *a light blue glow forms in his hand and goes up his arm, his eyes glistening* Be careful what you wish for.

    Angra: *walks over to Glacier and Celeste* Okay, let's not get violent. What ever is going on I'm sure we can settle this without fighting.

    Celeste: *Turns to Angra with a frown* But he is a traitor! The witches caught us and he just left me alone with them! *Glares at Glacier*
    Everywhere i go
    I feel the hearts beating
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    Hamlet: We should probably check out and see how Skylar's doing. *looks at the others*

    Jaci: Sure. But i can't decide on which one to take. *Has her arms and hands full of baby rattles*

    Hamlet: Onyx gave me a credit card a little while back. Just get them all. *grins*

    Jaci: *Smiles* Ok. *Lioks over to Cy and Takumi* You done over there too?

    Cyrielle: *walks back over to them. He's holding a stuffed bear* Yup.

    Takumi: *follows Cy*

    Hamlet: Alright, then let's get out of here. *goes to the register to pay*

    Jaci: *Follows with a bunch of rattles*

    *After everyone checks out they step out of the gift shop*

    Hamlet: *texting Onyx for directions to where they are*

    Jaci: *Following beside Hamlet*

    Hamlet: *When they get off the elevator he looks for the right room*

    Cyrielle: *following*

    Takumi: *also following. The bad feeling in his stomach finally fades*

    Hamlet: *walks into the room and smiles, carrying a few bags* Hey guys... how are things going?

    Skylar: *looks over at them and smiles* I'm still breathing at least...

    Orion: *now sitting on the side of the hospital bed, still holding tightly to Skylar's hand... he may not ever let go*

    Jaci: *Frowns a little*

    Hamlet: Um... *sits the flowers he's carrying on a table beside the bed* We brought you some flowers and things for the baby... but... where's the baby?

    Orion: *looks away* He's--

    Nurse: *walks in* Visitation hours are ending. Unfortunately I'll have to ask you all to leave.

    Orion: *tightens his grip on Skylar's hand* I can't leave...!

    Skylar: Orion... I'll be okay. Go and get some rest. *smiles at him*

    Orion: I don't want to leave you... *blinks back tears*

    Jaci: Oh no... *Frowns, assuming the worst*

    Nurse: *getting impatient, watching as some of the others start reluctantly heading out*

    Orion: *leans down and kisses Skylar's forehead* I'll come visit you tomorrow. As soon as they let me in, okay? *deep down he's terrified something might happen to her while he's gone* ...I love you.

    Skylar: I love you, too. *smiles*

    Orion: *reluctantly lets go of her hand, looking over at Jaci as he walks out* He's in the NICU. Both of them will have to be in the hospital for a few weeks...

    Jaci: Oh... Well... We'll take the baby toys home. For when they come back.

    Orion: *nods* Good idea.

    Amelia: And we can set up a bit of a nursery in your room, too, for when they come back. *smiles*

    *Everyone starts heading out of the hospital*

    Orion: *visibly upset to leave Skylar and Orionis, he blinks back a few more tears*

    André: *Quietly approaches Orion*

    Orion: *walking slowly, he looks at Andre as he approaches, his lip wobbling a little*

    André: *Places a hand on his shoulder, giving him a sympathetic look* They are going to be ok... The worst part is over already...

    Orion: *nods a little* You're right... they'll be okay... *takes a deep breath* Tomorrow will be a better day, I'm sure of it. *tries to smile*

    *Everyone goes out and gets on to the UFO, heading home*


    *When everyone gets home, they go to bed pretty soon as it's very late*

    Orion: *walks into the empty bedroom and frowns, changing into some pajamas and crawling into bed. He tosses and turns, unable to fall asleep* I can't stop worrying about them... *He looks across the room at the bear Skylar got for him sitting in a chair. He gets up and takes it back over to the bed with him, laying back down and pressing the message button in its paw, listening to Skylar's recording over and over until he finally falls asleep snuggled up close to it*

    *A few weeks later, Skylar and Orionis have finally just gotten back from the hospital...*

    Orion: Are you sure you don't need anything else? More blankets? Pillows? Something to drink? A--

    Skylar: *shifts a little uncomfortably in the bed, still sore from the surgery* I'm fine, sweetheart. A nap sounds nice, though. *smiles a little*

    Orion: Right... I'll come check on you in a few minutes, okay? *still setting up a few last things in their room for Orionis. Onyx and Amelia brought a bunch of their old baby stuff into the room, so he's tucking some blankets into the crib, eager to go back downstairs and bring Orionis up*


    Stella: *holding Orionis and sitting on the couch, feeding him a bottle. He's still very tiny and weak and needs almost constant supervision and care... but he's breathing on his own and starting to grow, so as long as he's making that progress he won't need to stay in the hospital*

    Orionis: *squirming a little*

    *Meanwhile, outside*

    ?1: *Keeping a tight grip on ?2's hand* Aaah!!!
    ?2: *Looks back while running* Is it gone yet?
    ?1: *Stops, out of breath* Seems like it.
    ?2: *Looks up at the mansion in front of them* Where are we?
    ?1: I feel like... I've been here before... *Knocks on the door*

    Stella: *looks over at the door, but her hands are full* Guys, someone's at the door!

    Alexander: *comes up from the basement* I've got it! *goes up to the door and opens it*

    *By the door, there are two little kids. The one in the front is a little boy with dark black hair, who seems to be around 7*

    *There's a girl standing right behind him, who seems to be around the same age*

    ??1: *Looks up at Alexander with his big purple eyes* Hello?

    Alexander: *when he looks into the boy's purple eyes, he lights up in realization* ...Freddy!?

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow* Yup... That's my name... Who are you?

    Alexander: *his smile fades* It's me, Alexander... don't you remember? *the realization hits him that he probably won't remember him since he was so young*

    Freddy: Alexander... Alexander... *Looks down at the necklace he's wearing* Mama said some dude called Alexander gave me this. Is that you?

    Alexander: *grins* Yes! I've missed you so much... *smiling* Don't you remember anything? *remembers the drawing* Hey, wait, I have an idea. Come inside. I'll be right back! *runs upstairs*

    Freddy: *Comes inside* Lis, aren't you coming in?
    Lis: Uhh...
    Freddy: Come in! *Looks at the woods* Before it finds us!
    Lis: Okay, okay. *Walks in as well*

    Alexander: *scurries back downstairs with the drawing in his hand. He hands it to Freddy* Does this remind you of anything? *his smile fades a little* And... did I hear something about... before it finds us?

    Lis: Yes. The Big Bad Bunny! Freddy said he was under his bed once!
    Freddy: *Furrows his eyebrows at the drawing, turning it a little to see if he can understand it* This drawing is ugly...

    Alexander: *raises an eyebrow* The Big Bad Bunny? I've never seen him. If he comes after you, I'll be sure he won't get you, okay? *then he looks at Freddy, feeling a sting in his chest* ...I-It's not ugly... *takes the drawing back* It's very special to me, okay? *looks away, mentally scolding himself for the tears trying to form in his eyes* drew this for me. I-It's the two of us...

    Lis: *Nods* Alright!

    Freddy: It's ugly for me. So poorly done... I don't think i did that. I can draw better than this. And... Ayeggsundae? Really?

    Lis: *Frowns* Freddy! Why would you say this? He said it's special to him!

    Alexander: *doesn't realize a tear manages to escape* I think it's beautiful... *his voice is shaky* ...because it was a gift from someone I cared about very much... *he looks at Freddy and then takes a deep breath, holding his drawing closer* I...I should go put this away. *turns and goes back upstairs, wiping his eyes*

    Freddy: *Frowns* I didn't... I....
    Lis: *Shakes her head *

    Alexander: *puts the drawing back in a safe place and heads back toward the stairs, but hesitates when he realizes there are tears running down his cheeks* Why would Freddy say that...? I-I don't mean anything to him anymore...

    Freddy: Lis, i didn't mean to make him upset... *Looks down*
    Lis: You just can't keep your mouth shut, can you? Are you sure you dont remember him?
    Freddy: Maybe... I think... Hey! I had an imaginary friend called Ayeggsundae! He was bat! Do you think...
    Lis: *Raises an eyesbrow* An imaginary friend? *Laughs a little but realizes hes serious* You should talk to him.... Even if just to apologize..

    Alexander: *does his best to compose himself then comes downstairs the rest of the way, as he comes down, Stella heads up to take Orionis to her parent's room* ...Um... Sorry. I know you wouldn't remember me... I just... got caught up in my emotions, I guess... *frowning*

    Freddy: Are you a bat?

    Alexander: Am I a bat? *looks at him with confusion before grinning* I guess I can show you the answer. *turns into a bat and lands on his shoulder* ...Yes.

    Freddy: *Lights up* Ayeggsundae! You exist!!

    Alexander: *his little bat face lights up when he hears the name* Of course I exist! Do you remember now...!?

    Freddy: I remember you a little differently... But i'm sorry that I hurt you. I didn't mean to... *Frowns*

    Alexander: *looks down at Freddy and without another word he pulls him into a hug* It's okay. I'm just so glad to see you... you've grown so much... *smiles sadly* And I missed all of it.

    Freddy: *Returns the hug* You didn't miss much. There was this one time I showed you this universe full of other imaginary friends. One day you disappeared... So I assumed you'd gone there. I thought I would never see you again. *Smiles, mixing Alexander up with his imaginary friend, Ayeggsundae *

    Alexander: *sighs* I think maybe... you got your imaginary friend from your memories of me. But I'm not an imaginary friend... I'm a real friend. *smiles*

    Freddy: *Smiles and tightens the hug* You're real! This is even better!

    Alexander: *can't help but smile, tightening the hug too* I missed you, little buddy. *ruffles his hair* By the way... who's your friend? *looks at Lis*

    Lis: I'm Lis!
    Freddy: My best friend!

    Alexander: *grinning* Oh, you girlfriend? Nice. I guess I really have missed a lot.

    Freddy: She's not my girlfriend! *Crosses his arms*

    *Jaci walks downstairs *

    Alexander: Not yet, at least. Don't worry. You'll get her someday. When I was your age, all the girls at school were practically fainting over me! But, you know, I figured I was just too young for romance.

    Lis: Hey! I don't want to be his girlfriend!
    Freddy: Never ever!

    *A black cat suddenly shows up in a corner of the room*

    Jaci: Celeste?

    Alexander: Maybe not right now, but just wait until you hit puberty. Then things are-- *cuts himself off when he notices the black cat*

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow*
    Lis and Freddy: *Look at each other and "ewww" in unison*

    Jaci: *Smiles and pats her lap* Hey, girl. I missed you!
    Celeste: *Walks up to her*
    Jaci: *Lowers down to her height and pets her*

    Alexander: How did a cat get in here? All of the doors and windows are closed... *frowns a little then laughs at Freddy and Lis* Fine, fine. It's ewww... you'll laugh at yourselves later in life.

    Jaci: *Picks Celeste up* She does that all the time...

    Freddy: *Shakes his head* She won't ever be my girlfriend!
    Lis: Never!

    Alexander: Okay, okay! My apologies. She's just your friend. *smiles*

    *meanwhile outside*

    ???: Where is this? How did I get here? *furrows his eyebrows*

    ??x: *a bit behind ???, following confusedly but walking rather slow. She rubs her head* *What happened...? Ugh, my head hurts...*

    Freddy: Hey, Alexander, why don't we play something?

    Celeste: *Her ear turns a little towards the door* Is that....

    Alexander: *lights up* Play? Yeah, of course! *pauses when he hears the knock* ...One second. *goes up to the door and opens it*

    ???: Greetings, peasant! I am Prince Glacier and I am looking to find the way back to my fairy kingdom. Would you happen to know the way?

    Alexander: ... *blank, shocked stare* A fairy!?

    Celeste: *Meows in the door's direction*

    Glacier: What did I just say, you dumb peasant? Yes, a fairy.

    Alexander: Okay, first of all, I'm not dumb. Third of all, I'm not a peasant. *pause* ...Wait--

    Glacier: *pushes his way in when he hears the meow and sees Celeste* ...Oh, wonderful.

    Freddy: *Laughs at Alexander*

    Celeste: *Hisses at Glacier*
    Jaci: Uh-Oh *Put her down*
    Celeste: *Approaches Glacier with an angry glare*

    Glacier: Oh, shut your mouth, furball.

    Alexander: Hey, don't talk to the cat like--

    Glacier: It's not just a mere cat! *glaring*

    Alexander: ...Okay...

    Jaci: Don't talk talk to her like that!

    Celeste: *Hisses at him*

    Glacier: I SAID shut it!

    Alexander: Dude, chill out!

    Glacier: I'm an ICE fairy with ICE powers! I am chill!

    Celeste: *Glaring at him*

    Jaci: I know that look... She wants something from you. She won't shut it until you give it to her.

    Glacier: And what does she want?

    Jaci: *Shrugs* Beats me.

    Celeste: *Hisses at him once again, but she sounds angrier*

    Glacier: *stoops down* Look, Celeste, what do you want me to do? Remove the curse? Do I look like I know how to do that?

    Angra: *overhears the conversation and walks over* ... I know how to free her from the curse.

    Celeste: *Her expression softens and she Meows at Angra*

    Glacier: Oh, wonderful. Guess you should do that, then.

    Angra: Certainly. *takes a deep breath, then starts doing some magic on Celeste that Lyric is too lazy to describe*

    *A red mist surrounds the cat, slowly turning into a blonde woman. Her eyes are the same shade of green as the cat's*

    Jaci: *Gasps, feeling a slight blush on her cheeks* Wh-what?
    Celeste: *Tackles Glacier* I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!

    Glacier: *gasps as he's tackled to the ground* Get off of me!

    Alexander: *watching with wide eyes*

    Celeste: *Pushes herself up, staring right into his eyes with a glare as she stands up* You're awful. *Hisses at him... Cat thing*

    Jaci: What the- I-

    Glacier: *stands up and gets up in her face, glaring* Try that again and see what happens.

    Celeste: *Glaring right into his eyes, a pink light glows in her hand and her eyes go from their normal green to the same shade of pink as the light in her hands* I would like to see you try.

    Glacier: *a light blue glow forms in his hand and goes up his arm, his eyes glistening* Be careful what you wish for.

    Angra: *walks over to Glacier and Celeste* Okay, let's not get violent. What ever is going on I'm sure we can settle this without fighting.

    Celeste: *Turns to Angra with a frown* But he is a traitor! The witches caught us and he just left me alone with them! *Glares at Glacier*

    Glacier: I'm not a traitor! I can do whatever I want! I'm a prince!
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...

    Orionis: *babbles at Andre*

    Orion: *walks over and smiles* I think he likes you...

    André: *Smiles at Orionis, rocking him. For a second, it's like he finally got to hold Andreah*

    Orionis: *smiles at Andre and closes his eyes, starting to drift to sleep*
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...

    Orionis: *babbles at Andre*

    Orion: *walks over and smiles* I think he likes you...

    André: *Smiles at Orionis, rocking him. For a second, it's like he finally got to hold Andreah*

    Meg: *smiles, happy that Orionis seems to have calmed down* I think so too...

    *She looks up at Andre and then Orionis happily babbling and as she does she suddenly has a flash of Sofia's dream again and the smile drops away for a second. The image of Amelia's baby photo and the sadness that Sofia felt rushing through her before she shakes it off. She still had that dream on occasion but she still hadn't found a good time to talk to Amelia and Onyx. It would definitely still need to wait, there was too much else going on right now. Putting the smile back on her face, and hoping that Orion didn't notice she looks over at him* Sorry that I was less helpful then I hoped...

    Orion: No, it's not your fault... *speaking quietly he looks over at Andre and Orionis* I'm surprised he's calming down so easily...

    Meg: *sees Orionis drift to sleep and lowers her voice looking at Orion* I know it's not my fault...Don't worry, Orion. I'm just happy someone can help you so you can get some rest. You need to sleep too. You can't carry the burden of caring for both of them all alone.

    *looks back to Orionis and Andre and smiles at Andre, seeing how content he looks. It reminds her of the look he had when he saw Andreah in the After*It seems like you have it under control, André. I'll show myself out.

    *quietly opens the door and walks out into the hall. Once outside, she leans against the wall*

    André: *Rocks Orionis lightly. Again, it feels like he is rocking his own kid*

    Orion: *sighs* I really hate to ask you but do you think... you could keep an eye on him just for a little while? I'm exhausted from these past few weeks. I haven't gotten more than a few hours of sleep in days... *looks up at Andre*

    Orionis: *sound asleep*
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    gameplay9098gameplay9098 Posts: 7,895 Member
    Hamlet: We should probably check out and see how Skylar's doing. *looks at the others*

    Jaci: Sure. But i can't decide on which one to take. *Has her arms and hands full of baby rattles*

    Hamlet: Onyx gave me a credit card a little while back. Just get them all. *grins*

    Jaci: *Smiles* Ok. *Lioks over to Cy and Takumi* You done over there too?

    Cyrielle: *walks back over to them. He's holding a stuffed bear* Yup.

    Takumi: *follows Cy*

    Hamlet: Alright, then let's get out of here. *goes to the register to pay*

    Jaci: *Follows with a bunch of rattles*

    *After everyone checks out they step out of the gift shop*

    Hamlet: *texting Onyx for directions to where they are*

    Jaci: *Following beside Hamlet*

    Hamlet: *When they get off the elevator he looks for the right room*

    Cyrielle: *following*

    Takumi: *also following. The bad feeling in his stomach finally fades*

    Hamlet: *walks into the room and smiles, carrying a few bags* Hey guys... how are things going?

    Skylar: *looks over at them and smiles* I'm still breathing at least...

    Orion: *now sitting on the side of the hospital bed, still holding tightly to Skylar's hand... he may not ever let go*

    Jaci: *Frowns a little*

    Hamlet: Um... *sits the flowers he's carrying on a table beside the bed* We brought you some flowers and things for the baby... but... where's the baby?

    Orion: *looks away* He's--

    Nurse: *walks in* Visitation hours are ending. Unfortunately I'll have to ask you all to leave.

    Orion: *tightens his grip on Skylar's hand* I can't leave...!

    Skylar: Orion... I'll be okay. Go and get some rest. *smiles at him*

    Orion: I don't want to leave you... *blinks back tears*

    Jaci: Oh no... *Frowns, assuming the worst*

    Nurse: *getting impatient, watching as some of the others start reluctantly heading out*

    Orion: *leans down and kisses Skylar's forehead* I'll come visit you tomorrow. As soon as they let me in, okay? *deep down he's terrified something might happen to her while he's gone* ...I love you.

    Skylar: I love you, too. *smiles*

    Orion: *reluctantly lets go of her hand, looking over at Jaci as he walks out* He's in the NICU. Both of them will have to be in the hospital for a few weeks...

    Jaci: Oh... Well... We'll take the baby toys home. For when they come back.

    Orion: *nods* Good idea.

    Amelia: And we can set up a bit of a nursery in your room, too, for when they come back. *smiles*

    *Everyone starts heading out of the hospital*

    Orion: *visibly upset to leave Skylar and Orionis, he blinks back a few more tears*

    André: *Quietly approaches Orion*

    Orion: *walking slowly, he looks at Andre as he approaches, his lip wobbling a little*

    André: *Places a hand on his shoulder, giving him a sympathetic look* They are going to be ok... The worst part is over already...

    Orion: *nods a little* You're right... they'll be okay... *takes a deep breath* Tomorrow will be a better day, I'm sure of it. *tries to smile*

    *Everyone goes out and gets on to the UFO, heading home*


    *When everyone gets home, they go to bed pretty soon as it's very late*

    Orion: *walks into the empty bedroom and frowns, changing into some pajamas and crawling into bed. He tosses and turns, unable to fall asleep* I can't stop worrying about them... *He looks across the room at the bear Skylar got for him sitting in a chair. He gets up and takes it back over to the bed with him, laying back down and pressing the message button in its paw, listening to Skylar's recording over and over until he finally falls asleep snuggled up close to it*

    *A few weeks later, Skylar and Orionis have finally just gotten back from the hospital...*

    Orion: Are you sure you don't need anything else? More blankets? Pillows? Something to drink? A--

    Skylar: *shifts a little uncomfortably in the bed, still sore from the surgery* I'm fine, sweetheart. A nap sounds nice, though. *smiles a little*

    Orion: Right... I'll come check on you in a few minutes, okay? *still setting up a few last things in their room for Orionis. Onyx and Amelia brought a bunch of their old baby stuff into the room, so he's tucking some blankets into the crib, eager to go back downstairs and bring Orionis up*


    Stella: *holding Orionis and sitting on the couch, feeding him a bottle. He's still very tiny and weak and needs almost constant supervision and care... but he's breathing on his own and starting to grow, so as long as he's making that progress he won't need to stay in the hospital*

    Orionis: *squirming a little*

    *Meanwhile, outside*

    ?1: *Keeping a tight grip on ?2's hand* Aaah!!!
    ?2: *Looks back while running* Is it gone yet?
    ?1: *Stops, out of breath* Seems like it.
    ?2: *Looks up at the mansion in front of them* Where are we?
    ?1: I feel like... I've been here before... *Knocks on the door*

    Stella: *looks over at the door, but her hands are full* Guys, someone's at the door!

    Alexander: *comes up from the basement* I've got it! *goes up to the door and opens it*

    *By the door, there are two little kids. The one in the front is a little boy with dark black hair, who seems to be around 7*

    *There's a girl standing right behind him, who seems to be around the same age*

    ??1: *Looks up at Alexander with his big purple eyes* Hello?

    Alexander: *when he looks into the boy's purple eyes, he lights up in realization* ...Freddy!?

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow* Yup... That's my name... Who are you?

    Alexander: *his smile fades* It's me, Alexander... don't you remember? *the realization hits him that he probably won't remember him since he was so young*

    Freddy: Alexander... Alexander... *Looks down at the necklace he's wearing* Mama said some dude called Alexander gave me this. Is that you?

    Alexander: *grins* Yes! I've missed you so much... *smiling* Don't you remember anything? *remembers the drawing* Hey, wait, I have an idea. Come inside. I'll be right back! *runs upstairs*

    Freddy: *Comes inside* Lis, aren't you coming in?
    Lis: Uhh...
    Freddy: Come in! *Looks at the woods* Before it finds us!
    Lis: Okay, okay. *Walks in as well*

    Alexander: *scurries back downstairs with the drawing in his hand. He hands it to Freddy* Does this remind you of anything? *his smile fades a little* And... did I hear something about... before it finds us?

    Lis: Yes. The Big Bad Bunny! Freddy said he was under his bed once!
    Freddy: *Furrows his eyebrows at the drawing, turning it a little to see if he can understand it* This drawing is ugly...

    Alexander: *raises an eyebrow* The Big Bad Bunny? I've never seen him. If he comes after you, I'll be sure he won't get you, okay? *then he looks at Freddy, feeling a sting in his chest* ...I-It's not ugly... *takes the drawing back* It's very special to me, okay? *looks away, mentally scolding himself for the tears trying to form in his eyes* drew this for me. I-It's the two of us...

    Lis: *Nods* Alright!

    Freddy: It's ugly for me. So poorly done... I don't think i did that. I can draw better than this. And... Ayeggsundae? Really?

    Lis: *Frowns* Freddy! Why would you say this? He said it's special to him!

    Alexander: *doesn't realize a tear manages to escape* I think it's beautiful... *his voice is shaky* ...because it was a gift from someone I cared about very much... *he looks at Freddy and then takes a deep breath, holding his drawing closer* I...I should go put this away. *turns and goes back upstairs, wiping his eyes*

    Freddy: *Frowns* I didn't... I....
    Lis: *Shakes her head *

    Alexander: *puts the drawing back in a safe place and heads back toward the stairs, but hesitates when he realizes there are tears running down his cheeks* Why would Freddy say that...? I-I don't mean anything to him anymore...

    Freddy: Lis, i didn't mean to make him upset... *Looks down*
    Lis: You just can't keep your mouth shut, can you? Are you sure you dont remember him?
    Freddy: Maybe... I think... Hey! I had an imaginary friend called Ayeggsundae! He was bat! Do you think...
    Lis: *Raises an eyesbrow* An imaginary friend? *Laughs a little but realizes hes serious* You should talk to him.... Even if just to apologize..

    Alexander: *does his best to compose himself then comes downstairs the rest of the way, as he comes down, Stella heads up to take Orionis to her parent's room* ...Um... Sorry. I know you wouldn't remember me... I just... got caught up in my emotions, I guess... *frowning*

    Freddy: Are you a bat?

    Alexander: Am I a bat? *looks at him with confusion before grinning* I guess I can show you the answer. *turns into a bat and lands on his shoulder* ...Yes.

    Freddy: *Lights up* Ayeggsundae! You exist!!

    Alexander: *his little bat face lights up when he hears the name* Of course I exist! Do you remember now...!?

    Freddy: I remember you a little differently... But i'm sorry that I hurt you. I didn't mean to... *Frowns*

    Alexander: *looks down at Freddy and without another word he pulls him into a hug* It's okay. I'm just so glad to see you... you've grown so much... *smiles sadly* And I missed all of it.

    Freddy: *Returns the hug* You didn't miss much. There was this one time I showed you this universe full of other imaginary friends. One day you disappeared... So I assumed you'd gone there. I thought I would never see you again. *Smiles, mixing Alexander up with his imaginary friend, Ayeggsundae *

    Alexander: *sighs* I think maybe... you got your imaginary friend from your memories of me. But I'm not an imaginary friend... I'm a real friend. *smiles*

    Freddy: *Smiles and tightens the hug* You're real! This is even better!

    Alexander: *can't help but smile, tightening the hug too* I missed you, little buddy. *ruffles his hair* By the way... who's your friend? *looks at Lis*

    Lis: I'm Lis!
    Freddy: My best friend!

    Alexander: *grinning* Oh, you girlfriend? Nice. I guess I really have missed a lot.

    Freddy: She's not my girlfriend! *Crosses his arms*

    *Jaci walks downstairs *

    Alexander: Not yet, at least. Don't worry. You'll get her someday. When I was your age, all the girls at school were practically fainting over me! But, you know, I figured I was just too young for romance.

    Lis: Hey! I don't want to be his girlfriend!
    Freddy: Never ever!

    *A black cat suddenly shows up in a corner of the room*

    Jaci: Celeste?

    Alexander: Maybe not right now, but just wait until you hit puberty. Then things are-- *cuts himself off when he notices the black cat*

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow*
    Lis and Freddy: *Look at each other and "ewww" in unison*

    Jaci: *Smiles and pats her lap* Hey, girl. I missed you!
    Celeste: *Walks up to her*
    Jaci: *Lowers down to her height and pets her*

    Alexander: How did a cat get in here? All of the doors and windows are closed... *frowns a little then laughs at Freddy and Lis* Fine, fine. It's ewww... you'll laugh at yourselves later in life.

    Jaci: *Picks Celeste up* She does that all the time...

    Freddy: *Shakes his head* She won't ever be my girlfriend!
    Lis: Never!

    Alexander: Okay, okay! My apologies. She's just your friend. *smiles*

    *meanwhile outside*

    ???: Where is this? How did I get here? *furrows his eyebrows*

    ??x: *a bit behind ???, following confusedly but walking rather slow. She rubs her head* *What happened...? Ugh, my head hurts...*

    Freddy: Hey, Alexander, why don't we play something?

    Celeste: *Her ear turns a little towards the door* Is that....

    Alexander: *lights up* Play? Yeah, of course! *pauses when he hears the knock* ...One second. *goes up to the door and opens it*

    ???: Greetings, peasant! I am Prince Glacier and I am looking to find the way back to my fairy kingdom. Would you happen to know the way?

    Alexander: ... *blank, shocked stare* A fairy!?

    Celeste: *Meows in the door's direction*

    Glacier: What did I just say, you dumb peasant? Yes, a fairy.

    Alexander: Okay, first of all, I'm not dumb. Third of all, I'm not a peasant. *pause* ...Wait--

    Glacier: *pushes his way in when he hears the meow and sees Celeste* ...Oh, wonderful.

    Freddy: *Laughs at Alexander*

    Celeste: *Hisses at Glacier*
    Jaci: Uh-Oh *Put her down*
    Celeste: *Approaches Glacier with an angry glare*

    Glacier: Oh, shut your mouth, furball.

    Alexander: Hey, don't talk to the cat like--

    Glacier: It's not just a mere cat! *glaring*

    Alexander: ...Okay...

    Jaci: Don't talk talk to her like that!

    Celeste: *Hisses at him*

    Glacier: I SAID shut it!

    Alexander: Dude, chill out!

    Glacier: I'm an ICE fairy with ICE powers! I am chill!

    Celeste: *Glaring at him*

    Jaci: I know that look... She wants something from you. She won't shut it until you give it to her.

    Glacier: And what does she want?

    Jaci: *Shrugs* Beats me.

    Celeste: *Hisses at him once again, but she sounds angrier*

    Glacier: *stoops down* Look, Celeste, what do you want me to do? Remove the curse? Do I look like I know how to do that?

    Angra: *overhears the conversation and walks over* ... I know how to free her from the curse.

    Celeste: *Her expression softens and she Meows at Angra*

    Glacier: Oh, wonderful. Guess you should do that, then.

    Angra: Certainly. *takes a deep breath, then starts doing some magic on Celeste that Lyric is too lazy to describe*

    *A red mist surrounds the cat, slowly turning into a blonde woman. Her eyes are the same shade of green as the cat's*

    Jaci: *Gasps, feeling a slight blush on her cheeks* Wh-what?
    Celeste: *Tackles Glacier* I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!

    Glacier: *gasps as he's tackled to the ground* Get off of me!

    Alexander: *watching with wide eyes*

    Celeste: *Pushes herself up, staring right into his eyes with a glare as she stands up* You're awful. *Hisses at him... Cat thing*

    Jaci: What the- I-

    Glacier: *stands up and gets up in her face, glaring* Try that again and see what happens.

    Celeste: *Glaring right into his eyes, a pink light glows in her hand and her eyes go from their normal green to the same shade of pink as the light in her hands* I would like to see you try.

    Glacier: *a light blue glow forms in his hand and goes up his arm, his eyes glistening* Be careful what you wish for.

    Angra: *walks over to Glacier and Celeste* Okay, let's not get violent. What ever is going on I'm sure we can settle this without fighting.

    Celeste: *Turns to Angra with a frown* But he is a traitor! The witches caught us and he just left me alone with them! *Glares at Glacier*

    Glacier: I'm not a traitor! I can do whatever I want! I'm a prince!

    Celeste: That's not how it works!

    Jaci: *Watching in shock*
    Everywhere i go
    I feel the hearts beating
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    gameplay9098gameplay9098 Posts: 7,895 Member
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...

    Orionis: *babbles at Andre*

    Orion: *walks over and smiles* I think he likes you...

    André: *Smiles at Orionis, rocking him. For a second, it's like he finally got to hold Andreah*

    Orionis: *smiles at Andre and closes his eyes, starting to drift to sleep*
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...

    Orionis: *babbles at Andre*

    Orion: *walks over and smiles* I think he likes you...

    André: *Smiles at Orionis, rocking him. For a second, it's like he finally got to hold Andreah*

    Meg: *smiles, happy that Orionis seems to have calmed down* I think so too...

    *She looks up at Andre and then Orionis happily babbling and as she does she suddenly has a flash of Sofia's dream again and the smile drops away for a second. The image of Amelia's baby photo and the sadness that Sofia felt rushing through her before she shakes it off. She still had that dream on occasion but she still hadn't found a good time to talk to Amelia and Onyx. It would definitely still need to wait, there was too much else going on right now. Putting the smile back on her face, and hoping that Orion didn't notice she looks over at him* Sorry that I was less helpful then I hoped...

    Orion: No, it's not your fault... *speaking quietly he looks over at Andre and Orionis* I'm surprised he's calming down so easily...

    Meg: *sees Orionis drift to sleep and lowers her voice looking at Orion* I know it's not my fault...Don't worry, Orion. I'm just happy someone can help you so you can get some rest. You need to sleep too. You can't carry the burden of caring for both of them all alone.

    *looks back to Orionis and Andre and smiles at Andre, seeing how content he looks. It reminds her of the look he had when he saw Andreah in the After*It seems like you have it under control, André. I'll show myself out.

    *quietly opens the door and walks out into the hall. Once outside, she leans against the wall*

    André: *Rocks Orionis lightly. Again, it feels like he is rocking his own kid*

    Orion: *sighs* I really hate to ask you but do you think... you could keep an eye on him just for a little while? I'm exhausted from these past few weeks. I haven't gotten more than a few hours of sleep in days... *looks up at Andre*

    Orionis: *sound asleep*

    André: *Snaps out of it and answers without taking his eyes off Orionis* I would love to!
    Everywhere i go
    I feel the hearts beating
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    Hamlet: We should probably check out and see how Skylar's doing. *looks at the others*

    Jaci: Sure. But i can't decide on which one to take. *Has her arms and hands full of baby rattles*

    Hamlet: Onyx gave me a credit card a little while back. Just get them all. *grins*

    Jaci: *Smiles* Ok. *Lioks over to Cy and Takumi* You done over there too?

    Cyrielle: *walks back over to them. He's holding a stuffed bear* Yup.

    Takumi: *follows Cy*

    Hamlet: Alright, then let's get out of here. *goes to the register to pay*

    Jaci: *Follows with a bunch of rattles*

    *After everyone checks out they step out of the gift shop*

    Hamlet: *texting Onyx for directions to where they are*

    Jaci: *Following beside Hamlet*

    Hamlet: *When they get off the elevator he looks for the right room*

    Cyrielle: *following*

    Takumi: *also following. The bad feeling in his stomach finally fades*

    Hamlet: *walks into the room and smiles, carrying a few bags* Hey guys... how are things going?

    Skylar: *looks over at them and smiles* I'm still breathing at least...

    Orion: *now sitting on the side of the hospital bed, still holding tightly to Skylar's hand... he may not ever let go*

    Jaci: *Frowns a little*

    Hamlet: Um... *sits the flowers he's carrying on a table beside the bed* We brought you some flowers and things for the baby... but... where's the baby?

    Orion: *looks away* He's--

    Nurse: *walks in* Visitation hours are ending. Unfortunately I'll have to ask you all to leave.

    Orion: *tightens his grip on Skylar's hand* I can't leave...!

    Skylar: Orion... I'll be okay. Go and get some rest. *smiles at him*

    Orion: I don't want to leave you... *blinks back tears*

    Jaci: Oh no... *Frowns, assuming the worst*

    Nurse: *getting impatient, watching as some of the others start reluctantly heading out*

    Orion: *leans down and kisses Skylar's forehead* I'll come visit you tomorrow. As soon as they let me in, okay? *deep down he's terrified something might happen to her while he's gone* ...I love you.

    Skylar: I love you, too. *smiles*

    Orion: *reluctantly lets go of her hand, looking over at Jaci as he walks out* He's in the NICU. Both of them will have to be in the hospital for a few weeks...

    Jaci: Oh... Well... We'll take the baby toys home. For when they come back.

    Orion: *nods* Good idea.

    Amelia: And we can set up a bit of a nursery in your room, too, for when they come back. *smiles*

    *Everyone starts heading out of the hospital*

    Orion: *visibly upset to leave Skylar and Orionis, he blinks back a few more tears*

    André: *Quietly approaches Orion*

    Orion: *walking slowly, he looks at Andre as he approaches, his lip wobbling a little*

    André: *Places a hand on his shoulder, giving him a sympathetic look* They are going to be ok... The worst part is over already...

    Orion: *nods a little* You're right... they'll be okay... *takes a deep breath* Tomorrow will be a better day, I'm sure of it. *tries to smile*

    *Everyone goes out and gets on to the UFO, heading home*


    *When everyone gets home, they go to bed pretty soon as it's very late*

    Orion: *walks into the empty bedroom and frowns, changing into some pajamas and crawling into bed. He tosses and turns, unable to fall asleep* I can't stop worrying about them... *He looks across the room at the bear Skylar got for him sitting in a chair. He gets up and takes it back over to the bed with him, laying back down and pressing the message button in its paw, listening to Skylar's recording over and over until he finally falls asleep snuggled up close to it*

    *A few weeks later, Skylar and Orionis have finally just gotten back from the hospital...*

    Orion: Are you sure you don't need anything else? More blankets? Pillows? Something to drink? A--

    Skylar: *shifts a little uncomfortably in the bed, still sore from the surgery* I'm fine, sweetheart. A nap sounds nice, though. *smiles a little*

    Orion: Right... I'll come check on you in a few minutes, okay? *still setting up a few last things in their room for Orionis. Onyx and Amelia brought a bunch of their old baby stuff into the room, so he's tucking some blankets into the crib, eager to go back downstairs and bring Orionis up*


    Stella: *holding Orionis and sitting on the couch, feeding him a bottle. He's still very tiny and weak and needs almost constant supervision and care... but he's breathing on his own and starting to grow, so as long as he's making that progress he won't need to stay in the hospital*

    Orionis: *squirming a little*

    *Meanwhile, outside*

    ?1: *Keeping a tight grip on ?2's hand* Aaah!!!
    ?2: *Looks back while running* Is it gone yet?
    ?1: *Stops, out of breath* Seems like it.
    ?2: *Looks up at the mansion in front of them* Where are we?
    ?1: I feel like... I've been here before... *Knocks on the door*

    Stella: *looks over at the door, but her hands are full* Guys, someone's at the door!

    Alexander: *comes up from the basement* I've got it! *goes up to the door and opens it*

    *By the door, there are two little kids. The one in the front is a little boy with dark black hair, who seems to be around 7*

    *There's a girl standing right behind him, who seems to be around the same age*

    ??1: *Looks up at Alexander with his big purple eyes* Hello?

    Alexander: *when he looks into the boy's purple eyes, he lights up in realization* ...Freddy!?

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow* Yup... That's my name... Who are you?

    Alexander: *his smile fades* It's me, Alexander... don't you remember? *the realization hits him that he probably won't remember him since he was so young*

    Freddy: Alexander... Alexander... *Looks down at the necklace he's wearing* Mama said some dude called Alexander gave me this. Is that you?

    Alexander: *grins* Yes! I've missed you so much... *smiling* Don't you remember anything? *remembers the drawing* Hey, wait, I have an idea. Come inside. I'll be right back! *runs upstairs*

    Freddy: *Comes inside* Lis, aren't you coming in?
    Lis: Uhh...
    Freddy: Come in! *Looks at the woods* Before it finds us!
    Lis: Okay, okay. *Walks in as well*

    Alexander: *scurries back downstairs with the drawing in his hand. He hands it to Freddy* Does this remind you of anything? *his smile fades a little* And... did I hear something about... before it finds us?

    Lis: Yes. The Big Bad Bunny! Freddy said he was under his bed once!
    Freddy: *Furrows his eyebrows at the drawing, turning it a little to see if he can understand it* This drawing is ugly...

    Alexander: *raises an eyebrow* The Big Bad Bunny? I've never seen him. If he comes after you, I'll be sure he won't get you, okay? *then he looks at Freddy, feeling a sting in his chest* ...I-It's not ugly... *takes the drawing back* It's very special to me, okay? *looks away, mentally scolding himself for the tears trying to form in his eyes* drew this for me. I-It's the two of us...

    Lis: *Nods* Alright!

    Freddy: It's ugly for me. So poorly done... I don't think i did that. I can draw better than this. And... Ayeggsundae? Really?

    Lis: *Frowns* Freddy! Why would you say this? He said it's special to him!

    Alexander: *doesn't realize a tear manages to escape* I think it's beautiful... *his voice is shaky* ...because it was a gift from someone I cared about very much... *he looks at Freddy and then takes a deep breath, holding his drawing closer* I...I should go put this away. *turns and goes back upstairs, wiping his eyes*

    Freddy: *Frowns* I didn't... I....
    Lis: *Shakes her head *

    Alexander: *puts the drawing back in a safe place and heads back toward the stairs, but hesitates when he realizes there are tears running down his cheeks* Why would Freddy say that...? I-I don't mean anything to him anymore...

    Freddy: Lis, i didn't mean to make him upset... *Looks down*
    Lis: You just can't keep your mouth shut, can you? Are you sure you dont remember him?
    Freddy: Maybe... I think... Hey! I had an imaginary friend called Ayeggsundae! He was bat! Do you think...
    Lis: *Raises an eyesbrow* An imaginary friend? *Laughs a little but realizes hes serious* You should talk to him.... Even if just to apologize..

    Alexander: *does his best to compose himself then comes downstairs the rest of the way, as he comes down, Stella heads up to take Orionis to her parent's room* ...Um... Sorry. I know you wouldn't remember me... I just... got caught up in my emotions, I guess... *frowning*

    Freddy: Are you a bat?

    Alexander: Am I a bat? *looks at him with confusion before grinning* I guess I can show you the answer. *turns into a bat and lands on his shoulder* ...Yes.

    Freddy: *Lights up* Ayeggsundae! You exist!!

    Alexander: *his little bat face lights up when he hears the name* Of course I exist! Do you remember now...!?

    Freddy: I remember you a little differently... But i'm sorry that I hurt you. I didn't mean to... *Frowns*

    Alexander: *looks down at Freddy and without another word he pulls him into a hug* It's okay. I'm just so glad to see you... you've grown so much... *smiles sadly* And I missed all of it.

    Freddy: *Returns the hug* You didn't miss much. There was this one time I showed you this universe full of other imaginary friends. One day you disappeared... So I assumed you'd gone there. I thought I would never see you again. *Smiles, mixing Alexander up with his imaginary friend, Ayeggsundae *

    Alexander: *sighs* I think maybe... you got your imaginary friend from your memories of me. But I'm not an imaginary friend... I'm a real friend. *smiles*

    Freddy: *Smiles and tightens the hug* You're real! This is even better!

    Alexander: *can't help but smile, tightening the hug too* I missed you, little buddy. *ruffles his hair* By the way... who's your friend? *looks at Lis*

    Lis: I'm Lis!
    Freddy: My best friend!

    Alexander: *grinning* Oh, you girlfriend? Nice. I guess I really have missed a lot.

    Freddy: She's not my girlfriend! *Crosses his arms*

    *Jaci walks downstairs *

    Alexander: Not yet, at least. Don't worry. You'll get her someday. When I was your age, all the girls at school were practically fainting over me! But, you know, I figured I was just too young for romance.

    Lis: Hey! I don't want to be his girlfriend!
    Freddy: Never ever!

    *A black cat suddenly shows up in a corner of the room*

    Jaci: Celeste?

    Alexander: Maybe not right now, but just wait until you hit puberty. Then things are-- *cuts himself off when he notices the black cat*

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow*
    Lis and Freddy: *Look at each other and "ewww" in unison*

    Jaci: *Smiles and pats her lap* Hey, girl. I missed you!
    Celeste: *Walks up to her*
    Jaci: *Lowers down to her height and pets her*

    Alexander: How did a cat get in here? All of the doors and windows are closed... *frowns a little then laughs at Freddy and Lis* Fine, fine. It's ewww... you'll laugh at yourselves later in life.

    Jaci: *Picks Celeste up* She does that all the time...

    Freddy: *Shakes his head* She won't ever be my girlfriend!
    Lis: Never!

    Alexander: Okay, okay! My apologies. She's just your friend. *smiles*

    *meanwhile outside*

    ???: Where is this? How did I get here? *furrows his eyebrows*

    ??x: *a bit behind ???, following confusedly but walking rather slow. She rubs her head* *What happened...? Ugh, my head hurts...*

    Freddy: Hey, Alexander, why don't we play something?

    Celeste: *Her ear turns a little towards the door* Is that....

    Alexander: *lights up* Play? Yeah, of course! *pauses when he hears the knock* ...One second. *goes up to the door and opens it*

    ???: Greetings, peasant! I am Prince Glacier and I am looking to find the way back to my fairy kingdom. Would you happen to know the way?

    Alexander: ... *blank, shocked stare* A fairy!?

    Celeste: *Meows in the door's direction*

    Glacier: What did I just say, you dumb peasant? Yes, a fairy.

    Alexander: Okay, first of all, I'm not dumb. Third of all, I'm not a peasant. *pause* ...Wait--

    Glacier: *pushes his way in when he hears the meow and sees Celeste* ...Oh, wonderful.

    Freddy: *Laughs at Alexander*

    Celeste: *Hisses at Glacier*
    Jaci: Uh-Oh *Put her down*
    Celeste: *Approaches Glacier with an angry glare*

    Glacier: Oh, shut your mouth, furball.

    Alexander: Hey, don't talk to the cat like--

    Glacier: It's not just a mere cat! *glaring*

    Alexander: ...Okay...

    Jaci: Don't talk talk to her like that!

    Celeste: *Hisses at him*

    Glacier: I SAID shut it!

    Alexander: Dude, chill out!

    Glacier: I'm an ICE fairy with ICE powers! I am chill!

    Celeste: *Glaring at him*

    Jaci: I know that look... She wants something from you. She won't shut it until you give it to her.

    Glacier: And what does she want?

    Jaci: *Shrugs* Beats me.

    Celeste: *Hisses at him once again, but she sounds angrier*

    Glacier: *stoops down* Look, Celeste, what do you want me to do? Remove the curse? Do I look like I know how to do that?

    Angra: *overhears the conversation and walks over* ... I know how to free her from the curse.

    Celeste: *Her expression softens and she Meows at Angra*

    Glacier: Oh, wonderful. Guess you should do that, then.

    Angra: Certainly. *takes a deep breath, then starts doing some magic on Celeste that Lyric is too lazy to describe*

    *A red mist surrounds the cat, slowly turning into a blonde woman. Her eyes are the same shade of green as the cat's*

    Jaci: *Gasps, feeling a slight blush on her cheeks* Wh-what?
    Celeste: *Tackles Glacier* I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!

    Glacier: *gasps as he's tackled to the ground* Get off of me!

    Alexander: *watching with wide eyes*

    Celeste: *Pushes herself up, staring right into his eyes with a glare as she stands up* You're awful. *Hisses at him... Cat thing*

    Jaci: What the- I-

    Glacier: *stands up and gets up in her face, glaring* Try that again and see what happens.

    Celeste: *Glaring right into his eyes, a pink light glows in her hand and her eyes go from their normal green to the same shade of pink as the light in her hands* I would like to see you try.

    Glacier: *a light blue glow forms in his hand and goes up his arm, his eyes glistening* Be careful what you wish for.

    Angra: *walks over to Glacier and Celeste* Okay, let's not get violent. What ever is going on I'm sure we can settle this without fighting.

    Celeste: *Turns to Angra with a frown* But he is a traitor! The witches caught us and he just left me alone with them! *Glares at Glacier*

    Glacier: I'm not a traitor! I can do whatever I want! I'm a prince!

    Celeste: That's not how it works!

    Jaci: *Watching in shock*

    Glacier: It works however I say it works!
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...

    Orionis: *babbles at Andre*

    Orion: *walks over and smiles* I think he likes you...

    André: *Smiles at Orionis, rocking him. For a second, it's like he finally got to hold Andreah*

    Orionis: *smiles at Andre and closes his eyes, starting to drift to sleep*
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...

    Orionis: *babbles at Andre*

    Orion: *walks over and smiles* I think he likes you...

    André: *Smiles at Orionis, rocking him. For a second, it's like he finally got to hold Andreah*

    Meg: *smiles, happy that Orionis seems to have calmed down* I think so too...

    *She looks up at Andre and then Orionis happily babbling and as she does she suddenly has a flash of Sofia's dream again and the smile drops away for a second. The image of Amelia's baby photo and the sadness that Sofia felt rushing through her before she shakes it off. She still had that dream on occasion but she still hadn't found a good time to talk to Amelia and Onyx. It would definitely still need to wait, there was too much else going on right now. Putting the smile back on her face, and hoping that Orion didn't notice she looks over at him* Sorry that I was less helpful then I hoped...

    Orion: No, it's not your fault... *speaking quietly he looks over at Andre and Orionis* I'm surprised he's calming down so easily...

    Meg: *sees Orionis drift to sleep and lowers her voice looking at Orion* I know it's not my fault...Don't worry, Orion. I'm just happy someone can help you so you can get some rest. You need to sleep too. You can't carry the burden of caring for both of them all alone.

    *looks back to Orionis and Andre and smiles at Andre, seeing how content he looks. It reminds her of the look he had when he saw Andreah in the After*It seems like you have it under control, André. I'll show myself out.

    *quietly opens the door and walks out into the hall. Once outside, she leans against the wall*

    André: *Rocks Orionis lightly. Again, it feels like he is rocking his own kid*

    Orion: *sighs* I really hate to ask you but do you think... you could keep an eye on him just for a little while? I'm exhausted from these past few weeks. I haven't gotten more than a few hours of sleep in days... *looks up at Andre*

    Orionis: *sound asleep*

    André: *Snaps out of it and answers without taking his eyes off Orionis* I would love to!

    Orion: Really? *smiles* Thank you. Take good care of him for me, okay? *reaches over and runs a hand through the little bit of hair on Orionis's head* Be good while I'm asleep, okay? *goes over to the bed and lays down by Skylar*

    Orionis: *he looks so peaceful... and adorable*

    Stella: *already went back to her room too, hoping to get a little break, but when she heard Orionis crying loudly she made her way back. She's still standing in the doorway, watching* ...Do you need help with Orionis?
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    TheAemaSimmingTheAemaSimming Posts: 2,684 Member
    Hamlet: We should probably check out and see how Skylar's doing. *looks at the others*

    Jaci: Sure. But i can't decide on which one to take. *Has her arms and hands full of baby rattles*

    Hamlet: Onyx gave me a credit card a little while back. Just get them all. *grins*

    Jaci: *Smiles* Ok. *Lioks over to Cy and Takumi* You done over there too?

    Cyrielle: *walks back over to them. He's holding a stuffed bear* Yup.

    Takumi: *follows Cy*

    Hamlet: Alright, then let's get out of here. *goes to the register to pay*

    Jaci: *Follows with a bunch of rattles*

    *After everyone checks out they step out of the gift shop*

    Hamlet: *texting Onyx for directions to where they are*

    Jaci: *Following beside Hamlet*

    Hamlet: *When they get off the elevator he looks for the right room*

    Cyrielle: *following*

    Takumi: *also following. The bad feeling in his stomach finally fades*

    Hamlet: *walks into the room and smiles, carrying a few bags* Hey guys... how are things going?

    Skylar: *looks over at them and smiles* I'm still breathing at least...

    Orion: *now sitting on the side of the hospital bed, still holding tightly to Skylar's hand... he may not ever let go*

    Jaci: *Frowns a little*

    Hamlet: Um... *sits the flowers he's carrying on a table beside the bed* We brought you some flowers and things for the baby... but... where's the baby?

    Orion: *looks away* He's--

    Nurse: *walks in* Visitation hours are ending. Unfortunately I'll have to ask you all to leave.

    Orion: *tightens his grip on Skylar's hand* I can't leave...!

    Skylar: Orion... I'll be okay. Go and get some rest. *smiles at him*

    Orion: I don't want to leave you... *blinks back tears*

    Jaci: Oh no... *Frowns, assuming the worst*

    Nurse: *getting impatient, watching as some of the others start reluctantly heading out*

    Orion: *leans down and kisses Skylar's forehead* I'll come visit you tomorrow. As soon as they let me in, okay? *deep down he's terrified something might happen to her while he's gone* ...I love you.

    Skylar: I love you, too. *smiles*

    Orion: *reluctantly lets go of her hand, looking over at Jaci as he walks out* He's in the NICU. Both of them will have to be in the hospital for a few weeks...

    Jaci: Oh... Well... We'll take the baby toys home. For when they come back.

    Orion: *nods* Good idea.

    Amelia: And we can set up a bit of a nursery in your room, too, for when they come back. *smiles*

    *Everyone starts heading out of the hospital*

    Orion: *visibly upset to leave Skylar and Orionis, he blinks back a few more tears*

    André: *Quietly approaches Orion*

    Orion: *walking slowly, he looks at Andre as he approaches, his lip wobbling a little*

    André: *Places a hand on his shoulder, giving him a sympathetic look* They are going to be ok... The worst part is over already...

    Orion: *nods a little* You're right... they'll be okay... *takes a deep breath* Tomorrow will be a better day, I'm sure of it. *tries to smile*

    *Everyone goes out and gets on to the UFO, heading home*


    *When everyone gets home, they go to bed pretty soon as it's very late*

    Orion: *walks into the empty bedroom and frowns, changing into some pajamas and crawling into bed. He tosses and turns, unable to fall asleep* I can't stop worrying about them... *He looks across the room at the bear Skylar got for him sitting in a chair. He gets up and takes it back over to the bed with him, laying back down and pressing the message button in its paw, listening to Skylar's recording over and over until he finally falls asleep snuggled up close to it*

    *A few weeks later, Skylar and Orionis have finally just gotten back from the hospital...*

    Orion: Are you sure you don't need anything else? More blankets? Pillows? Something to drink? A--

    Skylar: *shifts a little uncomfortably in the bed, still sore from the surgery* I'm fine, sweetheart. A nap sounds nice, though. *smiles a little*

    Orion: Right... I'll come check on you in a few minutes, okay? *still setting up a few last things in their room for Orionis. Onyx and Amelia brought a bunch of their old baby stuff into the room, so he's tucking some blankets into the crib, eager to go back downstairs and bring Orionis up*


    Stella: *holding Orionis and sitting on the couch, feeding him a bottle. He's still very tiny and weak and needs almost constant supervision and care... but he's breathing on his own and starting to grow, so as long as he's making that progress he won't need to stay in the hospital*

    Orionis: *squirming a little*

    *Meanwhile, outside*

    ?1: *Keeping a tight grip on ?2's hand* Aaah!!!
    ?2: *Looks back while running* Is it gone yet?
    ?1: *Stops, out of breath* Seems like it.
    ?2: *Looks up at the mansion in front of them* Where are we?
    ?1: I feel like... I've been here before... *Knocks on the door*

    Stella: *looks over at the door, but her hands are full* Guys, someone's at the door!

    Alexander: *comes up from the basement* I've got it! *goes up to the door and opens it*

    *By the door, there are two little kids. The one in the front is a little boy with dark black hair, who seems to be around 7*

    *There's a girl standing right behind him, who seems to be around the same age*

    ??1: *Looks up at Alexander with his big purple eyes* Hello?

    Alexander: *when he looks into the boy's purple eyes, he lights up in realization* ...Freddy!?

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow* Yup... That's my name... Who are you?

    Alexander: *his smile fades* It's me, Alexander... don't you remember? *the realization hits him that he probably won't remember him since he was so young*

    Freddy: Alexander... Alexander... *Looks down at the necklace he's wearing* Mama said some dude called Alexander gave me this. Is that you?

    Alexander: *grins* Yes! I've missed you so much... *smiling* Don't you remember anything? *remembers the drawing* Hey, wait, I have an idea. Come inside. I'll be right back! *runs upstairs*

    Freddy: *Comes inside* Lis, aren't you coming in?
    Lis: Uhh...
    Freddy: Come in! *Looks at the woods* Before it finds us!
    Lis: Okay, okay. *Walks in as well*

    Alexander: *scurries back downstairs with the drawing in his hand. He hands it to Freddy* Does this remind you of anything? *his smile fades a little* And... did I hear something about... before it finds us?

    Lis: Yes. The Big Bad Bunny! Freddy said he was under his bed once!
    Freddy: *Furrows his eyebrows at the drawing, turning it a little to see if he can understand it* This drawing is ugly...

    Alexander: *raises an eyebrow* The Big Bad Bunny? I've never seen him. If he comes after you, I'll be sure he won't get you, okay? *then he looks at Freddy, feeling a sting in his chest* ...I-It's not ugly... *takes the drawing back* It's very special to me, okay? *looks away, mentally scolding himself for the tears trying to form in his eyes* drew this for me. I-It's the two of us...

    Lis: *Nods* Alright!

    Freddy: It's ugly for me. So poorly done... I don't think i did that. I can draw better than this. And... Ayeggsundae? Really?

    Lis: *Frowns* Freddy! Why would you say this? He said it's special to him!

    Alexander: *doesn't realize a tear manages to escape* I think it's beautiful... *his voice is shaky* ...because it was a gift from someone I cared about very much... *he looks at Freddy and then takes a deep breath, holding his drawing closer* I...I should go put this away. *turns and goes back upstairs, wiping his eyes*

    Freddy: *Frowns* I didn't... I....
    Lis: *Shakes her head *

    Alexander: *puts the drawing back in a safe place and heads back toward the stairs, but hesitates when he realizes there are tears running down his cheeks* Why would Freddy say that...? I-I don't mean anything to him anymore...

    Freddy: Lis, i didn't mean to make him upset... *Looks down*
    Lis: You just can't keep your mouth shut, can you? Are you sure you dont remember him?
    Freddy: Maybe... I think... Hey! I had an imaginary friend called Ayeggsundae! He was bat! Do you think...
    Lis: *Raises an eyesbrow* An imaginary friend? *Laughs a little but realizes hes serious* You should talk to him.... Even if just to apologize..

    Alexander: *does his best to compose himself then comes downstairs the rest of the way, as he comes down, Stella heads up to take Orionis to her parent's room* ...Um... Sorry. I know you wouldn't remember me... I just... got caught up in my emotions, I guess... *frowning*

    Freddy: Are you a bat?

    Alexander: Am I a bat? *looks at him with confusion before grinning* I guess I can show you the answer. *turns into a bat and lands on his shoulder* ...Yes.

    Freddy: *Lights up* Ayeggsundae! You exist!!

    Alexander: *his little bat face lights up when he hears the name* Of course I exist! Do you remember now...!?

    Freddy: I remember you a little differently... But i'm sorry that I hurt you. I didn't mean to... *Frowns*

    Alexander: *looks down at Freddy and without another word he pulls him into a hug* It's okay. I'm just so glad to see you... you've grown so much... *smiles sadly* And I missed all of it.

    Freddy: *Returns the hug* You didn't miss much. There was this one time I showed you this universe full of other imaginary friends. One day you disappeared... So I assumed you'd gone there. I thought I would never see you again. *Smiles, mixing Alexander up with his imaginary friend, Ayeggsundae *

    Alexander: *sighs* I think maybe... you got your imaginary friend from your memories of me. But I'm not an imaginary friend... I'm a real friend. *smiles*

    Freddy: *Smiles and tightens the hug* You're real! This is even better!

    Alexander: *can't help but smile, tightening the hug too* I missed you, little buddy. *ruffles his hair* By the way... who's your friend? *looks at Lis*

    Lis: I'm Lis!
    Freddy: My best friend!

    Alexander: *grinning* Oh, you girlfriend? Nice. I guess I really have missed a lot.

    Freddy: She's not my girlfriend! *Crosses his arms*

    *Jaci walks downstairs *

    Alexander: Not yet, at least. Don't worry. You'll get her someday. When I was your age, all the girls at school were practically fainting over me! But, you know, I figured I was just too young for romance.

    Lis: Hey! I don't want to be his girlfriend!
    Freddy: Never ever!

    *A black cat suddenly shows up in a corner of the room*

    Jaci: Celeste?

    Alexander: Maybe not right now, but just wait until you hit puberty. Then things are-- *cuts himself off when he notices the black cat*

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow*
    Lis and Freddy: *Look at each other and "ewww" in unison*

    Jaci: *Smiles and pats her lap* Hey, girl. I missed you!
    Celeste: *Walks up to her*
    Jaci: *Lowers down to her height and pets her*

    Alexander: How did a cat get in here? All of the doors and windows are closed... *frowns a little then laughs at Freddy and Lis* Fine, fine. It's ewww... you'll laugh at yourselves later in life.

    Jaci: *Picks Celeste up* She does that all the time...

    Freddy: *Shakes his head* She won't ever be my girlfriend!
    Lis: Never!

    Alexander: Okay, okay! My apologies. She's just your friend. *smiles*

    *meanwhile outside*

    ???: Where is this? How did I get here? *furrows his eyebrows*

    ??x: *a bit behind ???, following confusedly but walking rather slow. She rubs her head* *What happened...? Ugh, my head hurts...*

    Freddy: Hey, Alexander, why don't we play something?

    Celeste: *Her ear turns a little towards the door* Is that....

    Alexander: *lights up* Play? Yeah, of course! *pauses when he hears the knock* ...One second. *goes up to the door and opens it*

    ???: Greetings, peasant! I am Prince Glacier and I am looking to find the way back to my fairy kingdom. Would you happen to know the way?

    Alexander: ... *blank, shocked stare* A fairy!?

    Celeste: *Meows in the door's direction*

    Glacier: What did I just say, you dumb peasant? Yes, a fairy.

    Alexander: Okay, first of all, I'm not dumb. Third of all, I'm not a peasant. *pause* ...Wait--

    Glacier: *pushes his way in when he hears the meow and sees Celeste* ...Oh, wonderful.

    Freddy: *Laughs at Alexander*

    Celeste: *Hisses at Glacier*
    Jaci: Uh-Oh *Put her down*
    Celeste: *Approaches Glacier with an angry glare*

    Glacier: Oh, shut your mouth, furball.

    Alexander: Hey, don't talk to the cat like--

    Glacier: It's not just a mere cat! *glaring*

    Alexander: ...Okay...

    Jaci: Don't talk talk to her like that!

    Celeste: *Hisses at him*

    Glacier: I SAID shut it!

    Alexander: Dude, chill out!

    Glacier: I'm an ICE fairy with ICE powers! I am chill!

    Celeste: *Glaring at him*

    Jaci: I know that look... She wants something from you. She won't shut it until you give it to her.

    Glacier: And what does she want?

    Jaci: *Shrugs* Beats me.

    Celeste: *Hisses at him once again, but she sounds angrier*

    Glacier: *stoops down* Look, Celeste, what do you want me to do? Remove the curse? Do I look like I know how to do that?

    Angra: *overhears the conversation and walks over* ... I know how to free her from the curse.

    Celeste: *Her expression softens and she Meows at Angra*

    Glacier: Oh, wonderful. Guess you should do that, then.

    Angra: Certainly. *takes a deep breath, then starts doing some magic on Celeste that Lyric is too lazy to describe*

    *A red mist surrounds the cat, slowly turning into a blonde woman. Her eyes are the same shade of green as the cat's*

    Jaci: *Gasps, feeling a slight blush on her cheeks* Wh-what?
    Celeste: *Tackles Glacier* I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!

    Glacier: *gasps as he's tackled to the ground* Get off of me!

    Alexander: *watching with wide eyes*

    Celeste: *Pushes herself up, staring right into his eyes with a glare as she stands up* You're awful. *Hisses at him... Cat thing*

    Jaci: What the- I-

    Glacier: *stands up and gets up in her face, glaring* Try that again and see what happens.

    Celeste: *Glaring right into his eyes, a pink light glows in her hand and her eyes go from their normal green to the same shade of pink as the light in her hands* I would like to see you try.

    Glacier: *a light blue glow forms in his hand and goes up his arm, his eyes glistening* Be careful what you wish for.

    Angra: *walks over to Glacier and Celeste* Okay, let's not get violent. What ever is going on I'm sure we can settle this without fighting.

    Celeste: *Turns to Angra with a frown* But he is a traitor! The witches caught us and he just left me alone with them! *Glares at Glacier*

    Glacier: I'm not a traitor! I can do whatever I want! I'm a prince!

    Celeste: That's not how it works!

    Jaci: *Watching in shock*

    Glacier: It works however I say it works!

    Meg: *seeing Stella decides to head downstairs rubbing her forehead. As she reaches the bottom of the stairs, she glances around at all the new faces, the tension in the air along with powerful crackling of magical energy making her feel uneasy. She takes in Alexander and Jaci's expression and stops on the last stair*
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    gameplay9098gameplay9098 Posts: 7,895 Member
    Hamlet: We should probably check out and see how Skylar's doing. *looks at the others*

    Jaci: Sure. But i can't decide on which one to take. *Has her arms and hands full of baby rattles*

    Hamlet: Onyx gave me a credit card a little while back. Just get them all. *grins*

    Jaci: *Smiles* Ok. *Lioks over to Cy and Takumi* You done over there too?

    Cyrielle: *walks back over to them. He's holding a stuffed bear* Yup.

    Takumi: *follows Cy*

    Hamlet: Alright, then let's get out of here. *goes to the register to pay*

    Jaci: *Follows with a bunch of rattles*

    *After everyone checks out they step out of the gift shop*

    Hamlet: *texting Onyx for directions to where they are*

    Jaci: *Following beside Hamlet*

    Hamlet: *When they get off the elevator he looks for the right room*

    Cyrielle: *following*

    Takumi: *also following. The bad feeling in his stomach finally fades*

    Hamlet: *walks into the room and smiles, carrying a few bags* Hey guys... how are things going?

    Skylar: *looks over at them and smiles* I'm still breathing at least...

    Orion: *now sitting on the side of the hospital bed, still holding tightly to Skylar's hand... he may not ever let go*

    Jaci: *Frowns a little*

    Hamlet: Um... *sits the flowers he's carrying on a table beside the bed* We brought you some flowers and things for the baby... but... where's the baby?

    Orion: *looks away* He's--

    Nurse: *walks in* Visitation hours are ending. Unfortunately I'll have to ask you all to leave.

    Orion: *tightens his grip on Skylar's hand* I can't leave...!

    Skylar: Orion... I'll be okay. Go and get some rest. *smiles at him*

    Orion: I don't want to leave you... *blinks back tears*

    Jaci: Oh no... *Frowns, assuming the worst*

    Nurse: *getting impatient, watching as some of the others start reluctantly heading out*

    Orion: *leans down and kisses Skylar's forehead* I'll come visit you tomorrow. As soon as they let me in, okay? *deep down he's terrified something might happen to her while he's gone* ...I love you.

    Skylar: I love you, too. *smiles*

    Orion: *reluctantly lets go of her hand, looking over at Jaci as he walks out* He's in the NICU. Both of them will have to be in the hospital for a few weeks...

    Jaci: Oh... Well... We'll take the baby toys home. For when they come back.

    Orion: *nods* Good idea.

    Amelia: And we can set up a bit of a nursery in your room, too, for when they come back. *smiles*

    *Everyone starts heading out of the hospital*

    Orion: *visibly upset to leave Skylar and Orionis, he blinks back a few more tears*

    André: *Quietly approaches Orion*

    Orion: *walking slowly, he looks at Andre as he approaches, his lip wobbling a little*

    André: *Places a hand on his shoulder, giving him a sympathetic look* They are going to be ok... The worst part is over already...

    Orion: *nods a little* You're right... they'll be okay... *takes a deep breath* Tomorrow will be a better day, I'm sure of it. *tries to smile*

    *Everyone goes out and gets on to the UFO, heading home*


    *When everyone gets home, they go to bed pretty soon as it's very late*

    Orion: *walks into the empty bedroom and frowns, changing into some pajamas and crawling into bed. He tosses and turns, unable to fall asleep* I can't stop worrying about them... *He looks across the room at the bear Skylar got for him sitting in a chair. He gets up and takes it back over to the bed with him, laying back down and pressing the message button in its paw, listening to Skylar's recording over and over until he finally falls asleep snuggled up close to it*

    *A few weeks later, Skylar and Orionis have finally just gotten back from the hospital...*

    Orion: Are you sure you don't need anything else? More blankets? Pillows? Something to drink? A--

    Skylar: *shifts a little uncomfortably in the bed, still sore from the surgery* I'm fine, sweetheart. A nap sounds nice, though. *smiles a little*

    Orion: Right... I'll come check on you in a few minutes, okay? *still setting up a few last things in their room for Orionis. Onyx and Amelia brought a bunch of their old baby stuff into the room, so he's tucking some blankets into the crib, eager to go back downstairs and bring Orionis up*


    Stella: *holding Orionis and sitting on the couch, feeding him a bottle. He's still very tiny and weak and needs almost constant supervision and care... but he's breathing on his own and starting to grow, so as long as he's making that progress he won't need to stay in the hospital*

    Orionis: *squirming a little*

    *Meanwhile, outside*

    ?1: *Keeping a tight grip on ?2's hand* Aaah!!!
    ?2: *Looks back while running* Is it gone yet?
    ?1: *Stops, out of breath* Seems like it.
    ?2: *Looks up at the mansion in front of them* Where are we?
    ?1: I feel like... I've been here before... *Knocks on the door*

    Stella: *looks over at the door, but her hands are full* Guys, someone's at the door!

    Alexander: *comes up from the basement* I've got it! *goes up to the door and opens it*

    *By the door, there are two little kids. The one in the front is a little boy with dark black hair, who seems to be around 7*

    *There's a girl standing right behind him, who seems to be around the same age*

    ??1: *Looks up at Alexander with his big purple eyes* Hello?

    Alexander: *when he looks into the boy's purple eyes, he lights up in realization* ...Freddy!?

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow* Yup... That's my name... Who are you?

    Alexander: *his smile fades* It's me, Alexander... don't you remember? *the realization hits him that he probably won't remember him since he was so young*

    Freddy: Alexander... Alexander... *Looks down at the necklace he's wearing* Mama said some dude called Alexander gave me this. Is that you?

    Alexander: *grins* Yes! I've missed you so much... *smiling* Don't you remember anything? *remembers the drawing* Hey, wait, I have an idea. Come inside. I'll be right back! *runs upstairs*

    Freddy: *Comes inside* Lis, aren't you coming in?
    Lis: Uhh...
    Freddy: Come in! *Looks at the woods* Before it finds us!
    Lis: Okay, okay. *Walks in as well*

    Alexander: *scurries back downstairs with the drawing in his hand. He hands it to Freddy* Does this remind you of anything? *his smile fades a little* And... did I hear something about... before it finds us?

    Lis: Yes. The Big Bad Bunny! Freddy said he was under his bed once!
    Freddy: *Furrows his eyebrows at the drawing, turning it a little to see if he can understand it* This drawing is ugly...

    Alexander: *raises an eyebrow* The Big Bad Bunny? I've never seen him. If he comes after you, I'll be sure he won't get you, okay? *then he looks at Freddy, feeling a sting in his chest* ...I-It's not ugly... *takes the drawing back* It's very special to me, okay? *looks away, mentally scolding himself for the tears trying to form in his eyes* drew this for me. I-It's the two of us...

    Lis: *Nods* Alright!

    Freddy: It's ugly for me. So poorly done... I don't think i did that. I can draw better than this. And... Ayeggsundae? Really?

    Lis: *Frowns* Freddy! Why would you say this? He said it's special to him!

    Alexander: *doesn't realize a tear manages to escape* I think it's beautiful... *his voice is shaky* ...because it was a gift from someone I cared about very much... *he looks at Freddy and then takes a deep breath, holding his drawing closer* I...I should go put this away. *turns and goes back upstairs, wiping his eyes*

    Freddy: *Frowns* I didn't... I....
    Lis: *Shakes her head *

    Alexander: *puts the drawing back in a safe place and heads back toward the stairs, but hesitates when he realizes there are tears running down his cheeks* Why would Freddy say that...? I-I don't mean anything to him anymore...

    Freddy: Lis, i didn't mean to make him upset... *Looks down*
    Lis: You just can't keep your mouth shut, can you? Are you sure you dont remember him?
    Freddy: Maybe... I think... Hey! I had an imaginary friend called Ayeggsundae! He was bat! Do you think...
    Lis: *Raises an eyesbrow* An imaginary friend? *Laughs a little but realizes hes serious* You should talk to him.... Even if just to apologize..

    Alexander: *does his best to compose himself then comes downstairs the rest of the way, as he comes down, Stella heads up to take Orionis to her parent's room* ...Um... Sorry. I know you wouldn't remember me... I just... got caught up in my emotions, I guess... *frowning*

    Freddy: Are you a bat?

    Alexander: Am I a bat? *looks at him with confusion before grinning* I guess I can show you the answer. *turns into a bat and lands on his shoulder* ...Yes.

    Freddy: *Lights up* Ayeggsundae! You exist!!

    Alexander: *his little bat face lights up when he hears the name* Of course I exist! Do you remember now...!?

    Freddy: I remember you a little differently... But i'm sorry that I hurt you. I didn't mean to... *Frowns*

    Alexander: *looks down at Freddy and without another word he pulls him into a hug* It's okay. I'm just so glad to see you... you've grown so much... *smiles sadly* And I missed all of it.

    Freddy: *Returns the hug* You didn't miss much. There was this one time I showed you this universe full of other imaginary friends. One day you disappeared... So I assumed you'd gone there. I thought I would never see you again. *Smiles, mixing Alexander up with his imaginary friend, Ayeggsundae *

    Alexander: *sighs* I think maybe... you got your imaginary friend from your memories of me. But I'm not an imaginary friend... I'm a real friend. *smiles*

    Freddy: *Smiles and tightens the hug* You're real! This is even better!

    Alexander: *can't help but smile, tightening the hug too* I missed you, little buddy. *ruffles his hair* By the way... who's your friend? *looks at Lis*

    Lis: I'm Lis!
    Freddy: My best friend!

    Alexander: *grinning* Oh, you girlfriend? Nice. I guess I really have missed a lot.

    Freddy: She's not my girlfriend! *Crosses his arms*

    *Jaci walks downstairs *

    Alexander: Not yet, at least. Don't worry. You'll get her someday. When I was your age, all the girls at school were practically fainting over me! But, you know, I figured I was just too young for romance.

    Lis: Hey! I don't want to be his girlfriend!
    Freddy: Never ever!

    *A black cat suddenly shows up in a corner of the room*

    Jaci: Celeste?

    Alexander: Maybe not right now, but just wait until you hit puberty. Then things are-- *cuts himself off when he notices the black cat*

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow*
    Lis and Freddy: *Look at each other and "ewww" in unison*

    Jaci: *Smiles and pats her lap* Hey, girl. I missed you!
    Celeste: *Walks up to her*
    Jaci: *Lowers down to her height and pets her*

    Alexander: How did a cat get in here? All of the doors and windows are closed... *frowns a little then laughs at Freddy and Lis* Fine, fine. It's ewww... you'll laugh at yourselves later in life.

    Jaci: *Picks Celeste up* She does that all the time...

    Freddy: *Shakes his head* She won't ever be my girlfriend!
    Lis: Never!

    Alexander: Okay, okay! My apologies. She's just your friend. *smiles*

    *meanwhile outside*

    ???: Where is this? How did I get here? *furrows his eyebrows*

    ??x: *a bit behind ???, following confusedly but walking rather slow. She rubs her head* *What happened...? Ugh, my head hurts...*

    Freddy: Hey, Alexander, why don't we play something?

    Celeste: *Her ear turns a little towards the door* Is that....

    Alexander: *lights up* Play? Yeah, of course! *pauses when he hears the knock* ...One second. *goes up to the door and opens it*

    ???: Greetings, peasant! I am Prince Glacier and I am looking to find the way back to my fairy kingdom. Would you happen to know the way?

    Alexander: ... *blank, shocked stare* A fairy!?

    Celeste: *Meows in the door's direction*

    Glacier: What did I just say, you dumb peasant? Yes, a fairy.

    Alexander: Okay, first of all, I'm not dumb. Third of all, I'm not a peasant. *pause* ...Wait--

    Glacier: *pushes his way in when he hears the meow and sees Celeste* ...Oh, wonderful.

    Freddy: *Laughs at Alexander*

    Celeste: *Hisses at Glacier*
    Jaci: Uh-Oh *Put her down*
    Celeste: *Approaches Glacier with an angry glare*

    Glacier: Oh, shut your mouth, furball.

    Alexander: Hey, don't talk to the cat like--

    Glacier: It's not just a mere cat! *glaring*

    Alexander: ...Okay...

    Jaci: Don't talk talk to her like that!

    Celeste: *Hisses at him*

    Glacier: I SAID shut it!

    Alexander: Dude, chill out!

    Glacier: I'm an ICE fairy with ICE powers! I am chill!

    Celeste: *Glaring at him*

    Jaci: I know that look... She wants something from you. She won't shut it until you give it to her.

    Glacier: And what does she want?

    Jaci: *Shrugs* Beats me.

    Celeste: *Hisses at him once again, but she sounds angrier*

    Glacier: *stoops down* Look, Celeste, what do you want me to do? Remove the curse? Do I look like I know how to do that?

    Angra: *overhears the conversation and walks over* ... I know how to free her from the curse.

    Celeste: *Her expression softens and she Meows at Angra*

    Glacier: Oh, wonderful. Guess you should do that, then.

    Angra: Certainly. *takes a deep breath, then starts doing some magic on Celeste that Lyric is too lazy to describe*

    *A red mist surrounds the cat, slowly turning into a blonde woman. Her eyes are the same shade of green as the cat's*

    Jaci: *Gasps, feeling a slight blush on her cheeks* Wh-what?
    Celeste: *Tackles Glacier* I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!

    Glacier: *gasps as he's tackled to the ground* Get off of me!

    Alexander: *watching with wide eyes*

    Celeste: *Pushes herself up, staring right into his eyes with a glare as she stands up* You're awful. *Hisses at him... Cat thing*

    Jaci: What the- I-

    Glacier: *stands up and gets up in her face, glaring* Try that again and see what happens.

    Celeste: *Glaring right into his eyes, a pink light glows in her hand and her eyes go from their normal green to the same shade of pink as the light in her hands* I would like to see you try.

    Glacier: *a light blue glow forms in his hand and goes up his arm, his eyes glistening* Be careful what you wish for.

    Angra: *walks over to Glacier and Celeste* Okay, let's not get violent. What ever is going on I'm sure we can settle this without fighting.

    Celeste: *Turns to Angra with a frown* But he is a traitor! The witches caught us and he just left me alone with them! *Glares at Glacier*

    Glacier: I'm not a traitor! I can do whatever I want! I'm a prince!

    Celeste: That's not how it works!

    Jaci: *Watching in shock*

    Glacier: It works however I say it works!

    Celeste: *Crosses her arm and rolls her eyes* I see this isn't going anywhere. I hope you break your face with that stupid attitude. *Hisses at him*
    Everywhere i go
    I feel the hearts beating
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    gameplay9098gameplay9098 Posts: 7,895 Member
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...

    Orionis: *babbles at Andre*

    Orion: *walks over and smiles* I think he likes you...

    André: *Smiles at Orionis, rocking him. For a second, it's like he finally got to hold Andreah*

    Orionis: *smiles at Andre and closes his eyes, starting to drift to sleep*
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...

    Orionis: *babbles at Andre*

    Orion: *walks over and smiles* I think he likes you...

    André: *Smiles at Orionis, rocking him. For a second, it's like he finally got to hold Andreah*

    Meg: *smiles, happy that Orionis seems to have calmed down* I think so too...

    *She looks up at Andre and then Orionis happily babbling and as she does she suddenly has a flash of Sofia's dream again and the smile drops away for a second. The image of Amelia's baby photo and the sadness that Sofia felt rushing through her before she shakes it off. She still had that dream on occasion but she still hadn't found a good time to talk to Amelia and Onyx. It would definitely still need to wait, there was too much else going on right now. Putting the smile back on her face, and hoping that Orion didn't notice she looks over at him* Sorry that I was less helpful then I hoped...

    Orion: No, it's not your fault... *speaking quietly he looks over at Andre and Orionis* I'm surprised he's calming down so easily...

    Meg: *sees Orionis drift to sleep and lowers her voice looking at Orion* I know it's not my fault...Don't worry, Orion. I'm just happy someone can help you so you can get some rest. You need to sleep too. You can't carry the burden of caring for both of them all alone.

    *looks back to Orionis and Andre and smiles at Andre, seeing how content he looks. It reminds her of the look he had when he saw Andreah in the After*It seems like you have it under control, André. I'll show myself out.

    *quietly opens the door and walks out into the hall. Once outside, she leans against the wall*

    André: *Rocks Orionis lightly. Again, it feels like he is rocking his own kid*

    Orion: *sighs* I really hate to ask you but do you think... you could keep an eye on him just for a little while? I'm exhausted from these past few weeks. I haven't gotten more than a few hours of sleep in days... *looks up at Andre*

    Orionis: *sound asleep*

    André: *Snaps out of it and answers without taking his eyes off Orionis* I would love to!

    Orion: Really? *smiles* Thank you. Take good care of him for me, okay? *reaches over and runs a hand through the little bit of hair on Orionis's head* Be good while I'm asleep, okay? *goes over to the bed and lays down by Skylar*

    Orionis: *he looks so peaceful... and adorable*

    Stella: *already went back to her room too, hoping to get a little break, but when she heard Orionis crying loudly she made her way back. She's still standing in the doorway, watching* ...Do you need help with Orionis?

    André: *Smiles wider at Orionis before turning to Stella* You've been taking care of him for so long... Maybe you could use some rest... *Frowns a little*
    Everywhere i go
    I feel the hearts beating
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    Hamlet: We should probably check out and see how Skylar's doing. *looks at the others*

    Jaci: Sure. But i can't decide on which one to take. *Has her arms and hands full of baby rattles*

    Hamlet: Onyx gave me a credit card a little while back. Just get them all. *grins*

    Jaci: *Smiles* Ok. *Lioks over to Cy and Takumi* You done over there too?

    Cyrielle: *walks back over to them. He's holding a stuffed bear* Yup.

    Takumi: *follows Cy*

    Hamlet: Alright, then let's get out of here. *goes to the register to pay*

    Jaci: *Follows with a bunch of rattles*

    *After everyone checks out they step out of the gift shop*

    Hamlet: *texting Onyx for directions to where they are*

    Jaci: *Following beside Hamlet*

    Hamlet: *When they get off the elevator he looks for the right room*

    Cyrielle: *following*

    Takumi: *also following. The bad feeling in his stomach finally fades*

    Hamlet: *walks into the room and smiles, carrying a few bags* Hey guys... how are things going?

    Skylar: *looks over at them and smiles* I'm still breathing at least...

    Orion: *now sitting on the side of the hospital bed, still holding tightly to Skylar's hand... he may not ever let go*

    Jaci: *Frowns a little*

    Hamlet: Um... *sits the flowers he's carrying on a table beside the bed* We brought you some flowers and things for the baby... but... where's the baby?

    Orion: *looks away* He's--

    Nurse: *walks in* Visitation hours are ending. Unfortunately I'll have to ask you all to leave.

    Orion: *tightens his grip on Skylar's hand* I can't leave...!

    Skylar: Orion... I'll be okay. Go and get some rest. *smiles at him*

    Orion: I don't want to leave you... *blinks back tears*

    Jaci: Oh no... *Frowns, assuming the worst*

    Nurse: *getting impatient, watching as some of the others start reluctantly heading out*

    Orion: *leans down and kisses Skylar's forehead* I'll come visit you tomorrow. As soon as they let me in, okay? *deep down he's terrified something might happen to her while he's gone* ...I love you.

    Skylar: I love you, too. *smiles*

    Orion: *reluctantly lets go of her hand, looking over at Jaci as he walks out* He's in the NICU. Both of them will have to be in the hospital for a few weeks...

    Jaci: Oh... Well... We'll take the baby toys home. For when they come back.

    Orion: *nods* Good idea.

    Amelia: And we can set up a bit of a nursery in your room, too, for when they come back. *smiles*

    *Everyone starts heading out of the hospital*

    Orion: *visibly upset to leave Skylar and Orionis, he blinks back a few more tears*

    André: *Quietly approaches Orion*

    Orion: *walking slowly, he looks at Andre as he approaches, his lip wobbling a little*

    André: *Places a hand on his shoulder, giving him a sympathetic look* They are going to be ok... The worst part is over already...

    Orion: *nods a little* You're right... they'll be okay... *takes a deep breath* Tomorrow will be a better day, I'm sure of it. *tries to smile*

    *Everyone goes out and gets on to the UFO, heading home*


    *When everyone gets home, they go to bed pretty soon as it's very late*

    Orion: *walks into the empty bedroom and frowns, changing into some pajamas and crawling into bed. He tosses and turns, unable to fall asleep* I can't stop worrying about them... *He looks across the room at the bear Skylar got for him sitting in a chair. He gets up and takes it back over to the bed with him, laying back down and pressing the message button in its paw, listening to Skylar's recording over and over until he finally falls asleep snuggled up close to it*

    *A few weeks later, Skylar and Orionis have finally just gotten back from the hospital...*

    Orion: Are you sure you don't need anything else? More blankets? Pillows? Something to drink? A--

    Skylar: *shifts a little uncomfortably in the bed, still sore from the surgery* I'm fine, sweetheart. A nap sounds nice, though. *smiles a little*

    Orion: Right... I'll come check on you in a few minutes, okay? *still setting up a few last things in their room for Orionis. Onyx and Amelia brought a bunch of their old baby stuff into the room, so he's tucking some blankets into the crib, eager to go back downstairs and bring Orionis up*


    Stella: *holding Orionis and sitting on the couch, feeding him a bottle. He's still very tiny and weak and needs almost constant supervision and care... but he's breathing on his own and starting to grow, so as long as he's making that progress he won't need to stay in the hospital*

    Orionis: *squirming a little*

    *Meanwhile, outside*

    ?1: *Keeping a tight grip on ?2's hand* Aaah!!!
    ?2: *Looks back while running* Is it gone yet?
    ?1: *Stops, out of breath* Seems like it.
    ?2: *Looks up at the mansion in front of them* Where are we?
    ?1: I feel like... I've been here before... *Knocks on the door*

    Stella: *looks over at the door, but her hands are full* Guys, someone's at the door!

    Alexander: *comes up from the basement* I've got it! *goes up to the door and opens it*

    *By the door, there are two little kids. The one in the front is a little boy with dark black hair, who seems to be around 7*

    *There's a girl standing right behind him, who seems to be around the same age*

    ??1: *Looks up at Alexander with his big purple eyes* Hello?

    Alexander: *when he looks into the boy's purple eyes, he lights up in realization* ...Freddy!?

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow* Yup... That's my name... Who are you?

    Alexander: *his smile fades* It's me, Alexander... don't you remember? *the realization hits him that he probably won't remember him since he was so young*

    Freddy: Alexander... Alexander... *Looks down at the necklace he's wearing* Mama said some dude called Alexander gave me this. Is that you?

    Alexander: *grins* Yes! I've missed you so much... *smiling* Don't you remember anything? *remembers the drawing* Hey, wait, I have an idea. Come inside. I'll be right back! *runs upstairs*

    Freddy: *Comes inside* Lis, aren't you coming in?
    Lis: Uhh...
    Freddy: Come in! *Looks at the woods* Before it finds us!
    Lis: Okay, okay. *Walks in as well*

    Alexander: *scurries back downstairs with the drawing in his hand. He hands it to Freddy* Does this remind you of anything? *his smile fades a little* And... did I hear something about... before it finds us?

    Lis: Yes. The Big Bad Bunny! Freddy said he was under his bed once!
    Freddy: *Furrows his eyebrows at the drawing, turning it a little to see if he can understand it* This drawing is ugly...

    Alexander: *raises an eyebrow* The Big Bad Bunny? I've never seen him. If he comes after you, I'll be sure he won't get you, okay? *then he looks at Freddy, feeling a sting in his chest* ...I-It's not ugly... *takes the drawing back* It's very special to me, okay? *looks away, mentally scolding himself for the tears trying to form in his eyes* drew this for me. I-It's the two of us...

    Lis: *Nods* Alright!

    Freddy: It's ugly for me. So poorly done... I don't think i did that. I can draw better than this. And... Ayeggsundae? Really?

    Lis: *Frowns* Freddy! Why would you say this? He said it's special to him!

    Alexander: *doesn't realize a tear manages to escape* I think it's beautiful... *his voice is shaky* ...because it was a gift from someone I cared about very much... *he looks at Freddy and then takes a deep breath, holding his drawing closer* I...I should go put this away. *turns and goes back upstairs, wiping his eyes*

    Freddy: *Frowns* I didn't... I....
    Lis: *Shakes her head *

    Alexander: *puts the drawing back in a safe place and heads back toward the stairs, but hesitates when he realizes there are tears running down his cheeks* Why would Freddy say that...? I-I don't mean anything to him anymore...

    Freddy: Lis, i didn't mean to make him upset... *Looks down*
    Lis: You just can't keep your mouth shut, can you? Are you sure you dont remember him?
    Freddy: Maybe... I think... Hey! I had an imaginary friend called Ayeggsundae! He was bat! Do you think...
    Lis: *Raises an eyesbrow* An imaginary friend? *Laughs a little but realizes hes serious* You should talk to him.... Even if just to apologize..

    Alexander: *does his best to compose himself then comes downstairs the rest of the way, as he comes down, Stella heads up to take Orionis to her parent's room* ...Um... Sorry. I know you wouldn't remember me... I just... got caught up in my emotions, I guess... *frowning*

    Freddy: Are you a bat?

    Alexander: Am I a bat? *looks at him with confusion before grinning* I guess I can show you the answer. *turns into a bat and lands on his shoulder* ...Yes.

    Freddy: *Lights up* Ayeggsundae! You exist!!

    Alexander: *his little bat face lights up when he hears the name* Of course I exist! Do you remember now...!?

    Freddy: I remember you a little differently... But i'm sorry that I hurt you. I didn't mean to... *Frowns*

    Alexander: *looks down at Freddy and without another word he pulls him into a hug* It's okay. I'm just so glad to see you... you've grown so much... *smiles sadly* And I missed all of it.

    Freddy: *Returns the hug* You didn't miss much. There was this one time I showed you this universe full of other imaginary friends. One day you disappeared... So I assumed you'd gone there. I thought I would never see you again. *Smiles, mixing Alexander up with his imaginary friend, Ayeggsundae *

    Alexander: *sighs* I think maybe... you got your imaginary friend from your memories of me. But I'm not an imaginary friend... I'm a real friend. *smiles*

    Freddy: *Smiles and tightens the hug* You're real! This is even better!

    Alexander: *can't help but smile, tightening the hug too* I missed you, little buddy. *ruffles his hair* By the way... who's your friend? *looks at Lis*

    Lis: I'm Lis!
    Freddy: My best friend!

    Alexander: *grinning* Oh, you girlfriend? Nice. I guess I really have missed a lot.

    Freddy: She's not my girlfriend! *Crosses his arms*

    *Jaci walks downstairs *

    Alexander: Not yet, at least. Don't worry. You'll get her someday. When I was your age, all the girls at school were practically fainting over me! But, you know, I figured I was just too young for romance.

    Lis: Hey! I don't want to be his girlfriend!
    Freddy: Never ever!

    *A black cat suddenly shows up in a corner of the room*

    Jaci: Celeste?

    Alexander: Maybe not right now, but just wait until you hit puberty. Then things are-- *cuts himself off when he notices the black cat*

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow*
    Lis and Freddy: *Look at each other and "ewww" in unison*

    Jaci: *Smiles and pats her lap* Hey, girl. I missed you!
    Celeste: *Walks up to her*
    Jaci: *Lowers down to her height and pets her*

    Alexander: How did a cat get in here? All of the doors and windows are closed... *frowns a little then laughs at Freddy and Lis* Fine, fine. It's ewww... you'll laugh at yourselves later in life.

    Jaci: *Picks Celeste up* She does that all the time...

    Freddy: *Shakes his head* She won't ever be my girlfriend!
    Lis: Never!

    Alexander: Okay, okay! My apologies. She's just your friend. *smiles*

    *meanwhile outside*

    ???: Where is this? How did I get here? *furrows his eyebrows*

    ??x: *a bit behind ???, following confusedly but walking rather slow. She rubs her head* *What happened...? Ugh, my head hurts...*

    Freddy: Hey, Alexander, why don't we play something?

    Celeste: *Her ear turns a little towards the door* Is that....

    Alexander: *lights up* Play? Yeah, of course! *pauses when he hears the knock* ...One second. *goes up to the door and opens it*

    ???: Greetings, peasant! I am Prince Glacier and I am looking to find the way back to my fairy kingdom. Would you happen to know the way?

    Alexander: ... *blank, shocked stare* A fairy!?

    Celeste: *Meows in the door's direction*

    Glacier: What did I just say, you dumb peasant? Yes, a fairy.

    Alexander: Okay, first of all, I'm not dumb. Third of all, I'm not a peasant. *pause* ...Wait--

    Glacier: *pushes his way in when he hears the meow and sees Celeste* ...Oh, wonderful.

    Freddy: *Laughs at Alexander*

    Celeste: *Hisses at Glacier*
    Jaci: Uh-Oh *Put her down*
    Celeste: *Approaches Glacier with an angry glare*

    Glacier: Oh, shut your mouth, furball.

    Alexander: Hey, don't talk to the cat like--

    Glacier: It's not just a mere cat! *glaring*

    Alexander: ...Okay...

    Jaci: Don't talk talk to her like that!

    Celeste: *Hisses at him*

    Glacier: I SAID shut it!

    Alexander: Dude, chill out!

    Glacier: I'm an ICE fairy with ICE powers! I am chill!

    Celeste: *Glaring at him*

    Jaci: I know that look... She wants something from you. She won't shut it until you give it to her.

    Glacier: And what does she want?

    Jaci: *Shrugs* Beats me.

    Celeste: *Hisses at him once again, but she sounds angrier*

    Glacier: *stoops down* Look, Celeste, what do you want me to do? Remove the curse? Do I look like I know how to do that?

    Angra: *overhears the conversation and walks over* ... I know how to free her from the curse.

    Celeste: *Her expression softens and she Meows at Angra*

    Glacier: Oh, wonderful. Guess you should do that, then.

    Angra: Certainly. *takes a deep breath, then starts doing some magic on Celeste that Lyric is too lazy to describe*

    *A red mist surrounds the cat, slowly turning into a blonde woman. Her eyes are the same shade of green as the cat's*

    Jaci: *Gasps, feeling a slight blush on her cheeks* Wh-what?
    Celeste: *Tackles Glacier* I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!

    Glacier: *gasps as he's tackled to the ground* Get off of me!

    Alexander: *watching with wide eyes*

    Celeste: *Pushes herself up, staring right into his eyes with a glare as she stands up* You're awful. *Hisses at him... Cat thing*

    Jaci: What the- I-

    Glacier: *stands up and gets up in her face, glaring* Try that again and see what happens.

    Celeste: *Glaring right into his eyes, a pink light glows in her hand and her eyes go from their normal green to the same shade of pink as the light in her hands* I would like to see you try.

    Glacier: *a light blue glow forms in his hand and goes up his arm, his eyes glistening* Be careful what you wish for.

    Angra: *walks over to Glacier and Celeste* Okay, let's not get violent. What ever is going on I'm sure we can settle this without fighting.

    Celeste: *Turns to Angra with a frown* But he is a traitor! The witches caught us and he just left me alone with them! *Glares at Glacier*

    Glacier: I'm not a traitor! I can do whatever I want! I'm a prince!

    Celeste: That's not how it works!

    Jaci: *Watching in shock*

    Glacier: It works however I say it works!

    Meg: *seeing Stella decides to head downstairs rubbing her forehead. As she reaches the bottom of the stairs, she glances around at all the new faces, the tension in the air along with powerful crackling of magical energy making her feel uneasy. She takes in Alexander and Jaci's expression and stops on the last stair*

    Alexander: *still watching with surprise* Okay, I'm really confused... why the heck are this cat woman and magical fairy prince fighting?
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    Hamlet: We should probably check out and see how Skylar's doing. *looks at the others*

    Jaci: Sure. But i can't decide on which one to take. *Has her arms and hands full of baby rattles*

    Hamlet: Onyx gave me a credit card a little while back. Just get them all. *grins*

    Jaci: *Smiles* Ok. *Lioks over to Cy and Takumi* You done over there too?

    Cyrielle: *walks back over to them. He's holding a stuffed bear* Yup.

    Takumi: *follows Cy*

    Hamlet: Alright, then let's get out of here. *goes to the register to pay*

    Jaci: *Follows with a bunch of rattles*

    *After everyone checks out they step out of the gift shop*

    Hamlet: *texting Onyx for directions to where they are*

    Jaci: *Following beside Hamlet*

    Hamlet: *When they get off the elevator he looks for the right room*

    Cyrielle: *following*

    Takumi: *also following. The bad feeling in his stomach finally fades*

    Hamlet: *walks into the room and smiles, carrying a few bags* Hey guys... how are things going?

    Skylar: *looks over at them and smiles* I'm still breathing at least...

    Orion: *now sitting on the side of the hospital bed, still holding tightly to Skylar's hand... he may not ever let go*

    Jaci: *Frowns a little*

    Hamlet: Um... *sits the flowers he's carrying on a table beside the bed* We brought you some flowers and things for the baby... but... where's the baby?

    Orion: *looks away* He's--

    Nurse: *walks in* Visitation hours are ending. Unfortunately I'll have to ask you all to leave.

    Orion: *tightens his grip on Skylar's hand* I can't leave...!

    Skylar: Orion... I'll be okay. Go and get some rest. *smiles at him*

    Orion: I don't want to leave you... *blinks back tears*

    Jaci: Oh no... *Frowns, assuming the worst*

    Nurse: *getting impatient, watching as some of the others start reluctantly heading out*

    Orion: *leans down and kisses Skylar's forehead* I'll come visit you tomorrow. As soon as they let me in, okay? *deep down he's terrified something might happen to her while he's gone* ...I love you.

    Skylar: I love you, too. *smiles*

    Orion: *reluctantly lets go of her hand, looking over at Jaci as he walks out* He's in the NICU. Both of them will have to be in the hospital for a few weeks...

    Jaci: Oh... Well... We'll take the baby toys home. For when they come back.

    Orion: *nods* Good idea.

    Amelia: And we can set up a bit of a nursery in your room, too, for when they come back. *smiles*

    *Everyone starts heading out of the hospital*

    Orion: *visibly upset to leave Skylar and Orionis, he blinks back a few more tears*

    André: *Quietly approaches Orion*

    Orion: *walking slowly, he looks at Andre as he approaches, his lip wobbling a little*

    André: *Places a hand on his shoulder, giving him a sympathetic look* They are going to be ok... The worst part is over already...

    Orion: *nods a little* You're right... they'll be okay... *takes a deep breath* Tomorrow will be a better day, I'm sure of it. *tries to smile*

    *Everyone goes out and gets on to the UFO, heading home*


    *When everyone gets home, they go to bed pretty soon as it's very late*

    Orion: *walks into the empty bedroom and frowns, changing into some pajamas and crawling into bed. He tosses and turns, unable to fall asleep* I can't stop worrying about them... *He looks across the room at the bear Skylar got for him sitting in a chair. He gets up and takes it back over to the bed with him, laying back down and pressing the message button in its paw, listening to Skylar's recording over and over until he finally falls asleep snuggled up close to it*

    *A few weeks later, Skylar and Orionis have finally just gotten back from the hospital...*

    Orion: Are you sure you don't need anything else? More blankets? Pillows? Something to drink? A--

    Skylar: *shifts a little uncomfortably in the bed, still sore from the surgery* I'm fine, sweetheart. A nap sounds nice, though. *smiles a little*

    Orion: Right... I'll come check on you in a few minutes, okay? *still setting up a few last things in their room for Orionis. Onyx and Amelia brought a bunch of their old baby stuff into the room, so he's tucking some blankets into the crib, eager to go back downstairs and bring Orionis up*


    Stella: *holding Orionis and sitting on the couch, feeding him a bottle. He's still very tiny and weak and needs almost constant supervision and care... but he's breathing on his own and starting to grow, so as long as he's making that progress he won't need to stay in the hospital*

    Orionis: *squirming a little*

    *Meanwhile, outside*

    ?1: *Keeping a tight grip on ?2's hand* Aaah!!!
    ?2: *Looks back while running* Is it gone yet?
    ?1: *Stops, out of breath* Seems like it.
    ?2: *Looks up at the mansion in front of them* Where are we?
    ?1: I feel like... I've been here before... *Knocks on the door*

    Stella: *looks over at the door, but her hands are full* Guys, someone's at the door!

    Alexander: *comes up from the basement* I've got it! *goes up to the door and opens it*

    *By the door, there are two little kids. The one in the front is a little boy with dark black hair, who seems to be around 7*

    *There's a girl standing right behind him, who seems to be around the same age*

    ??1: *Looks up at Alexander with his big purple eyes* Hello?

    Alexander: *when he looks into the boy's purple eyes, he lights up in realization* ...Freddy!?

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow* Yup... That's my name... Who are you?

    Alexander: *his smile fades* It's me, Alexander... don't you remember? *the realization hits him that he probably won't remember him since he was so young*

    Freddy: Alexander... Alexander... *Looks down at the necklace he's wearing* Mama said some dude called Alexander gave me this. Is that you?

    Alexander: *grins* Yes! I've missed you so much... *smiling* Don't you remember anything? *remembers the drawing* Hey, wait, I have an idea. Come inside. I'll be right back! *runs upstairs*

    Freddy: *Comes inside* Lis, aren't you coming in?
    Lis: Uhh...
    Freddy: Come in! *Looks at the woods* Before it finds us!
    Lis: Okay, okay. *Walks in as well*

    Alexander: *scurries back downstairs with the drawing in his hand. He hands it to Freddy* Does this remind you of anything? *his smile fades a little* And... did I hear something about... before it finds us?

    Lis: Yes. The Big Bad Bunny! Freddy said he was under his bed once!
    Freddy: *Furrows his eyebrows at the drawing, turning it a little to see if he can understand it* This drawing is ugly...

    Alexander: *raises an eyebrow* The Big Bad Bunny? I've never seen him. If he comes after you, I'll be sure he won't get you, okay? *then he looks at Freddy, feeling a sting in his chest* ...I-It's not ugly... *takes the drawing back* It's very special to me, okay? *looks away, mentally scolding himself for the tears trying to form in his eyes* drew this for me. I-It's the two of us...

    Lis: *Nods* Alright!

    Freddy: It's ugly for me. So poorly done... I don't think i did that. I can draw better than this. And... Ayeggsundae? Really?

    Lis: *Frowns* Freddy! Why would you say this? He said it's special to him!

    Alexander: *doesn't realize a tear manages to escape* I think it's beautiful... *his voice is shaky* ...because it was a gift from someone I cared about very much... *he looks at Freddy and then takes a deep breath, holding his drawing closer* I...I should go put this away. *turns and goes back upstairs, wiping his eyes*

    Freddy: *Frowns* I didn't... I....
    Lis: *Shakes her head *

    Alexander: *puts the drawing back in a safe place and heads back toward the stairs, but hesitates when he realizes there are tears running down his cheeks* Why would Freddy say that...? I-I don't mean anything to him anymore...

    Freddy: Lis, i didn't mean to make him upset... *Looks down*
    Lis: You just can't keep your mouth shut, can you? Are you sure you dont remember him?
    Freddy: Maybe... I think... Hey! I had an imaginary friend called Ayeggsundae! He was bat! Do you think...
    Lis: *Raises an eyesbrow* An imaginary friend? *Laughs a little but realizes hes serious* You should talk to him.... Even if just to apologize..

    Alexander: *does his best to compose himself then comes downstairs the rest of the way, as he comes down, Stella heads up to take Orionis to her parent's room* ...Um... Sorry. I know you wouldn't remember me... I just... got caught up in my emotions, I guess... *frowning*

    Freddy: Are you a bat?

    Alexander: Am I a bat? *looks at him with confusion before grinning* I guess I can show you the answer. *turns into a bat and lands on his shoulder* ...Yes.

    Freddy: *Lights up* Ayeggsundae! You exist!!

    Alexander: *his little bat face lights up when he hears the name* Of course I exist! Do you remember now...!?

    Freddy: I remember you a little differently... But i'm sorry that I hurt you. I didn't mean to... *Frowns*

    Alexander: *looks down at Freddy and without another word he pulls him into a hug* It's okay. I'm just so glad to see you... you've grown so much... *smiles sadly* And I missed all of it.

    Freddy: *Returns the hug* You didn't miss much. There was this one time I showed you this universe full of other imaginary friends. One day you disappeared... So I assumed you'd gone there. I thought I would never see you again. *Smiles, mixing Alexander up with his imaginary friend, Ayeggsundae *

    Alexander: *sighs* I think maybe... you got your imaginary friend from your memories of me. But I'm not an imaginary friend... I'm a real friend. *smiles*

    Freddy: *Smiles and tightens the hug* You're real! This is even better!

    Alexander: *can't help but smile, tightening the hug too* I missed you, little buddy. *ruffles his hair* By the way... who's your friend? *looks at Lis*

    Lis: I'm Lis!
    Freddy: My best friend!

    Alexander: *grinning* Oh, you girlfriend? Nice. I guess I really have missed a lot.

    Freddy: She's not my girlfriend! *Crosses his arms*

    *Jaci walks downstairs *

    Alexander: Not yet, at least. Don't worry. You'll get her someday. When I was your age, all the girls at school were practically fainting over me! But, you know, I figured I was just too young for romance.

    Lis: Hey! I don't want to be his girlfriend!
    Freddy: Never ever!

    *A black cat suddenly shows up in a corner of the room*

    Jaci: Celeste?

    Alexander: Maybe not right now, but just wait until you hit puberty. Then things are-- *cuts himself off when he notices the black cat*

    Freddy: *Raises an eyebrow*
    Lis and Freddy: *Look at each other and "ewww" in unison*

    Jaci: *Smiles and pats her lap* Hey, girl. I missed you!
    Celeste: *Walks up to her*
    Jaci: *Lowers down to her height and pets her*

    Alexander: How did a cat get in here? All of the doors and windows are closed... *frowns a little then laughs at Freddy and Lis* Fine, fine. It's ewww... you'll laugh at yourselves later in life.

    Jaci: *Picks Celeste up* She does that all the time...

    Freddy: *Shakes his head* She won't ever be my girlfriend!
    Lis: Never!

    Alexander: Okay, okay! My apologies. She's just your friend. *smiles*

    *meanwhile outside*

    ???: Where is this? How did I get here? *furrows his eyebrows*

    ??x: *a bit behind ???, following confusedly but walking rather slow. She rubs her head* *What happened...? Ugh, my head hurts...*

    Freddy: Hey, Alexander, why don't we play something?

    Celeste: *Her ear turns a little towards the door* Is that....

    Alexander: *lights up* Play? Yeah, of course! *pauses when he hears the knock* ...One second. *goes up to the door and opens it*

    ???: Greetings, peasant! I am Prince Glacier and I am looking to find the way back to my fairy kingdom. Would you happen to know the way?

    Alexander: ... *blank, shocked stare* A fairy!?

    Celeste: *Meows in the door's direction*

    Glacier: What did I just say, you dumb peasant? Yes, a fairy.

    Alexander: Okay, first of all, I'm not dumb. Third of all, I'm not a peasant. *pause* ...Wait--

    Glacier: *pushes his way in when he hears the meow and sees Celeste* ...Oh, wonderful.

    Freddy: *Laughs at Alexander*

    Celeste: *Hisses at Glacier*
    Jaci: Uh-Oh *Put her down*
    Celeste: *Approaches Glacier with an angry glare*

    Glacier: Oh, shut your mouth, furball.

    Alexander: Hey, don't talk to the cat like--

    Glacier: It's not just a mere cat! *glaring*

    Alexander: ...Okay...

    Jaci: Don't talk talk to her like that!

    Celeste: *Hisses at him*

    Glacier: I SAID shut it!

    Alexander: Dude, chill out!

    Glacier: I'm an ICE fairy with ICE powers! I am chill!

    Celeste: *Glaring at him*

    Jaci: I know that look... She wants something from you. She won't shut it until you give it to her.

    Glacier: And what does she want?

    Jaci: *Shrugs* Beats me.

    Celeste: *Hisses at him once again, but she sounds angrier*

    Glacier: *stoops down* Look, Celeste, what do you want me to do? Remove the curse? Do I look like I know how to do that?

    Angra: *overhears the conversation and walks over* ... I know how to free her from the curse.

    Celeste: *Her expression softens and she Meows at Angra*

    Glacier: Oh, wonderful. Guess you should do that, then.

    Angra: Certainly. *takes a deep breath, then starts doing some magic on Celeste that Lyric is too lazy to describe*

    *A red mist surrounds the cat, slowly turning into a blonde woman. Her eyes are the same shade of green as the cat's*

    Jaci: *Gasps, feeling a slight blush on her cheeks* Wh-what?
    Celeste: *Tackles Glacier* I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!

    Glacier: *gasps as he's tackled to the ground* Get off of me!

    Alexander: *watching with wide eyes*

    Celeste: *Pushes herself up, staring right into his eyes with a glare as she stands up* You're awful. *Hisses at him... Cat thing*

    Jaci: What the- I-

    Glacier: *stands up and gets up in her face, glaring* Try that again and see what happens.

    Celeste: *Glaring right into his eyes, a pink light glows in her hand and her eyes go from their normal green to the same shade of pink as the light in her hands* I would like to see you try.

    Glacier: *a light blue glow forms in his hand and goes up his arm, his eyes glistening* Be careful what you wish for.

    Angra: *walks over to Glacier and Celeste* Okay, let's not get violent. What ever is going on I'm sure we can settle this without fighting.

    Celeste: *Turns to Angra with a frown* But he is a traitor! The witches caught us and he just left me alone with them! *Glares at Glacier*

    Glacier: I'm not a traitor! I can do whatever I want! I'm a prince!

    Celeste: That's not how it works!

    Jaci: *Watching in shock*

    Glacier: It works however I say it works!

    Celeste: *Crosses her arm and rolls her eyes* I see this isn't going anywhere. I hope you break your face with that stupid attitude. *Hisses at him*

    Glacier: Why don't I break YOUR face? *steps closer with a growl*

    Alexander: Okay, come on, really? Cut it out! This is a house, not a battlefield.
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    See exclusive content and stay updated about Nightshade on my Instagram page!
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...

    Orionis: *babbles at Andre*

    Orion: *walks over and smiles* I think he likes you...

    André: *Smiles at Orionis, rocking him. For a second, it's like he finally got to hold Andreah*

    Orionis: *smiles at Andre and closes his eyes, starting to drift to sleep*
    *upstairs, Meg steps out of her and Fang's room, fidgeting with her necklace. Although the bruises have long since faded, she still feels awkward wearing the necklace sometimes. Seeing Stella come up the stairs, she smiles* Hey there, how's your little brother?

    *she glances down the hall, towards Skylar and Orion's room* ...and your mom....? I still feel bad I wasn't there when she was going through so much. Although it's not like I could have done much either way...

    Stella: He's doing okay... still crying a lot of course. And he never calms down for me... *laughs a little* I think mom's okay but I haven't checked on her since we got home... dad was setting up stuff for Orionis so I had to keep an eye on him. Maybe you could come check on her with me.

    Meg: I'd like that if you don't mind the company?

    Stella: No, not at all. *smiles*

    Orionis: *being very squirmy and restless in Stella's arms*

    Stella: *heads toward her parents' room*

    Meg: *smiles and follows her Orion and Skylar's room*

    Stella: *opens the door and steps in* Hey... *smiles*

    Orion: Hey. *smiles when he sees Orionis, he walks over to Stella and carefully takes him from her* You fed him?

    Stella: *nods* He's been awake for awhile. He should probably get some rest...

    Orion: *nods and smiles down at Orionis, holding him close* You're sleepy aren't you?

    Orionis: *coos at Orion and yawns*

    Orion: *grinning, he places Orionis in the crib* I'm assuming that's a yes...

    Skylar: *has already fallen asleep, so tired that the talking isn't waking her*

    Meg: *steps quietly into the room behind Stella watching Orion and Orionis.* Hey Orion. I just came by to see how you two are doing...

    *glances over at Skylar and notes that she has fallen asleep* How's Skylar...?

    Orion: Well, I'm exhausted and... *looks at Skylar* I guess she is, too... But I feel much better with her out of the hospit--

    Orionis: *starts crying*

    Orion: *picks him back up* Aw, what's wrong...? *frowns and glances over at Meg* He cries... a lot. Doctors said he probably would considering all he's been through and the fact he probably doesn't feel very well, being undeveloped and weak...

    Orionis: *immediately calms down a little when Orion holds him*

    Orion: You need to take a nap, okay? I can't hold you all the time... *laughs a little* Just for a little while? *puts him back in the crib*

    Orionis: *cries again*

    Meg: *gives him a worried look as she can tell he's exhausted* I'm not you or Skylar but I'd like to help...want me to see if he'll be calm with me...? *she holds her hands up*

    Orion: *was lifting him out of the crib again, when she offers he holds him closer almost protectively* ...Um... *pauses for a moment then reluctantly hands him to Meg* ...Alright...

    Meg: *Notices his hesitation and almost feels bad for asking but when he hands Orionis to her she very gently takes him, knowing it was difficult for Orion she smiles at him gently* Hey Orionis...I'm Meg. Is it OK if I hold you so your Daddy and Mommy can rest...?

    *she speaks gently rocking her feet back and forth, waiting to see if Orionis is OK with her.*

    Orionis: *looks up at Meg with wide eyes... and starts screaming and bawling louder*

    Orion: *cringes at the shrill sound* Um... he's just really upset... don't take it personally...

    André: *Passing by when he hears the crying and knocks on the door*

    Orion: *goes over to the door and opens it, smiling a little when he sees André* Hey... sorry Orionis is being so loud...

    Orionis: *only getting louder*

    Skylar: *wakes up* Is Orionis okay...?

    André: *Frowns and approaches Meg, smiling over at Orionis* Hey...

    Orionis: *looks over at André and stares for a moment, his lip wobbly* ... *reaches his arm out to him*

    Orion: *goes over to Skylar* He's okay. Sorry it woke you up... just go back to sleep, okay? We've got it. *smiles*

    Skylar: Alright...

    Orion: *looks back over at Orionis, noticing he's reaching for André. He smiles a little*

    Meg: *looks from Orionis to Andre and smiles* Here he wants you. *transfers him to Andre*

    André: *Takes Orionis, smiling* Hey, there...

    Orionis: *babbles at Andre*

    Orion: *walks over and smiles* I think he likes you...

    André: *Smiles at Orionis, rocking him. For a second, it's like he finally got to hold Andreah*

    Meg: *smiles, happy that Orionis seems to have calmed down* I think so too...

    *She looks up at Andre and then Orionis happily babbling and as she does she suddenly has a flash of Sofia's dream again and the smile drops away for a second. The image of Amelia's baby photo and the sadness that Sofia felt rushing through her before she shakes it off. She still had that dream on occasion but she still hadn't found a good time to talk to Amelia and Onyx. It would definitely still need to wait, there was too much else going on right now. Putting the smile back on her face, and hoping that Orion didn't notice she looks over at him* Sorry that I was less helpful then I hoped...

    Orion: No, it's not your fault... *speaking quietly he looks over at Andre and Orionis* I'm surprised he's calming down so easily...

    Meg: *sees Orionis drift to sleep and lowers her voice looking at Orion* I know it's not my fault...Don't worry, Orion. I'm just happy someone can help you so you can get some rest. You need to sleep too. You can't carry the burden of caring for both of them all alone.

    *looks back to Orionis and Andre and smiles at Andre, seeing how content he looks. It reminds her of the look he had when he saw Andreah in the After*It seems like you have it under control, André. I'll show myself out.

    *quietly opens the door and walks out into the hall. Once outside, she leans against the wall*

    André: *Rocks Orionis lightly. Again, it feels like he is rocking his own kid*

    Orion: *sighs* I really hate to ask you but do you think... you could keep an eye on him just for a little while? I'm exhausted from these past few weeks. I haven't gotten more than a few hours of sleep in days... *looks up at Andre*

    Orionis: *sound asleep*

    André: *Snaps out of it and answers without taking his eyes off Orionis* I would love to!

    Orion: Really? *smiles* Thank you. Take good care of him for me, okay? *reaches over and runs a hand through the little bit of hair on Orionis's head* Be good while I'm asleep, okay? *goes over to the bed and lays down by Skylar*

    Orionis: *he looks so peaceful... and adorable*

    Stella: *already went back to her room too, hoping to get a little break, but when she heard Orionis crying loudly she made her way back. She's still standing in the doorway, watching* ...Do you need help with Orionis?

    André: *Smiles wider at Orionis before turning to Stella* You've been taking care of him for so long... Maybe you could use some rest... *Frowns a little*

    Stella: No, really, dad's been obsessing over him the whole time in the hospital every day... I only watched him for a few hours when they got back... *smiles a little* He's asleep, so maybe you could just use some company?
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