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In the end there is Love...a Sims 3 story.


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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments and speculation.. <3

    @meerkattime , You have me curious as to what big favor you think Jasper will ask Rowan...maybe to help him get out? i can't comment to that. ;)

    @Springfairy556 , The next update is a flashback/backstory it will shed more light on Rosie.

    @coco , You are on the right track, but can't comment on it... ;)

    @lanlyn , Rowan will be opening up more for better or worse. Boy are you on the right track with one of the characters....I'll shut up now. ;)

    @Silverofdreams30 , Sadder stuff coming soon. :'(

    @bekkasan , Jasper is scared, so yes that is why he's not able to help Rowan..I want to comment on another comment you made but can't without giving away some of the next update.. ;)

    @emorrill , No worries sweets! I stink at giving feedback these days...days are too short and I need to play (and clean and argue with Matthew and drive him to and from work while argueing with him....mostly about why I have no time to play Stardew Valley! Kid is insisting I NEED to play it...) :s teenagers are fun...
    **I'm specifically not letting him tell Jasper that he is an IF for a very important story moment.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @Charlottesmom made me go back and read my comment to you. :lol: Waits patiently for the update. :)
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    Oh I love flashback type updates, can't wait to read!
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    ZhakiraPZhakiraP Posts: 1,439 Member
    @Charlottesmom did he get rid of the scary pictures on the walls? I only see a good witch now. Perhaps Rosie is reluctantly softening just a smidge? :)
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    In the end there is Love Part 15:

    12 years ago....

    Alice Green met her future boyfriend bad boy Trevor Black at a tiny eatery in a greasy spoon in the 🐸🐸🐸🐸 ant town of Sunset Valley, they fell instantly in "like" and decided to move in together a few weeks later as both were between jobs and a roommate would provide extra money for the house Alice was renting. Trevor promised to look for a job but was in not hurry it seemed. Alice rapidly found another job at the library, Trevor however spent most of his days playing video games and sluffing off...


    Trevor and Alice did get along pretty well, she was not his princess, and he was not her knight in shining armor but they did like each other enough to occasionally toss around the "L" word..


    mostly whispered by Trevor when it had been a few days since he had last "got a piece"...he knew the "L" word turned most chicks into putty in his hands...he counted on it and his bad boy looks, the chicks couldn't help themselves.


    Alice was just as easy as most of his past girlfriends, none of whom he would have ever moved in with, so he figured Alice meant something special...he guessed...whatever, as long as his needs are met he was fine, and Alice was pretty cute, he had a soft spot for blondes..



    The one thing Alice and Trevor had in common was drinking, both loved getting silly drunk, Alice stated drinking when she was 14 to drown out her parents endless fighting, she would go out with her friends after school and get totally plastered. She would go home, rush up to her room and sleep it off. Trevor started drinking after High School, no reason really he just discover a taste for it and liked the feeling of the rush of "I don't care" it gave him.



    So what do you get in a house with two borderline alcoholics with a money problem (since Trevor decided letting Alice support him was a fine way to live)...yes, you get fights...loads of fights.




    In between the drinking/fighting and making up they managed to get pregnant...Alice was thrilled, Trevor was most decidedly Not!

    "Trev, I have some great news..." Alice was so excited to share her news she was bursting!


    "What...did we win the lottery because we sure could use some booze money...and the bills are piling up too I noticed.."

    Alice ignored his comments and blurted..."We're pregnant!!"


    "Are you Kidding Alice!?! We don't have any money to have a bloody kid!!"


    he then added something that made Alice's heart sink..."Get rid of it!"


    "Trev, calm down, it won't be that's just a tiny little baby."


    "A tiny little baby that will grow and need a lot, we can't afford it...get rid of it!"


    "I can't get rid of it...I Won't get rid of it!!" Alice yelled..

    "Scr'ew you then...." he yelled right back and hopped on his bike and took off.


    Alice started getting very upset...and when she got upset she always did the same thing...called up Trevor's best friend Artie..

    "He's being an a*ss again, please come over..." she gave him the shorthand of what this fight was about, Artie was stunned but said he would be right over..


    Alice smiled, she knew Artie would be right over, he could never resist her.


    The tears then started flowing...she was a mess, her life was a mess.


    While Alice was waiting for Artie she knew Trevor would be back in less than 15 minutes, she counted on it. Trevor could get fuming mad at her but could never stay mad for longer than 15 minutes tops. Trevor never apologised though unless Artie was in the room, Artie was basically the glue that kept them in disfunctional bliss.


    Trevor sat down next to Alice silently but heard the doorbell ring a few seconds later..."You could go get that ya know.." he thumbed towards the door.


    Artie started right in as Alice knew he would..."The he*ll dude!?! What are you doing telling Alice to get rid of the baby for??"


    "Artie, how the hec*k are we going to afford a baby?? Is magic money just going to rain down from the heavens?"


    "Why don't you hmmm I don't know...Get A Job...dumba*ss!!"


    "FINE!" was all he said, then walked over to Alice mumbled, "sorry...I'll start looking for a job tomorrow."


    Trevor scooped up Alice in a heated kiss...Artie was used to this behavior, Trevor was a creature of habit, he knew the fighting would start up again soon enough. He really only put up with being the mediator because of his friendship with Trevor.

    Among other reasons...


    Part 2 will be up soon....
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    @Charlottesmom Wow! Trevor is a plum for sure! poor Alice, all excited for the baby and he has to go raining on her happiness.I'm glad she has Artie around, but the poor girl doesn't deserve that! I think I'd break down crying to.

    Moved my comment to here, sorry.I thought I was on the same
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @Charlottesmom Well, dag! Trevor is so cute :love: but a major bad boy!
    Alice is pretty and I totally love her name! <3 They look like a great couple but they are not :(
    One of their fights after she got her job should have been over him not getting a job! lol
    Oh dear, pregnant and he did not take it well.
    I kinda have a feeling all is not going to go well despite Artie's best efforts.
    Look forward to part 2!
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    ZhakiraPZhakiraP Posts: 1,439 Member
    @Charlottesmom magic money :D I wish!
    Great update.
    That guy has to be blind, she´s the size of an elephant! How did he not notice she´s pregnant?! Must be all the gaming :p
    I don´t envy the baby having those two for parents, I must say.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    @Charlottesmom Well that was...dramatic. :worried:
    I mean, incredibly well written and entertaining to watch dramatic :smiley: but also very very sad. :cry:
    If my guy ever told me to get rid of our unborn child...that would be grounds for kicking him out of my life, but......sometimes that's easier said than done. :pensive:
    Based on Alice's blonde hair, I'm going to say these are Jasper's parents. ;);) And she is a very pretty sim.
    You did an awesome job making Trevor look "bad boy" and usually I don't eye those type, but... he's a cutie. :love: (But no, he has a horrible personality Em! :confounded: )
    Artie is a sweetheart, coming in to help save the day. Maybe Alice's eyes will open and she'll be able to see the man who was truly there for her.
    Can't wait for the next part!! :mrgreen:
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    In the end there is Love Part 15 part 2:

    Trevor and Artie as per their habits decided on a few drinks at the bar, they went almost every night. Alice declined, she wasn't feeling to hot and wanted to lay down.

    "I'll catch up with you in a few bro...gotta hit the head" Trevor yelled as he headed to the bathroom.

    "Can I talk to you for a second?" Artie asked as he lead her over to the side of the house so no one would see what he was about to do...he was taking a huge chance but he had been in love with Alice ever since he first met her when Trevor introduced the two. He only had minutes so had to spit is out...


    "Alice I know you love Trevor...."

    "Like..." she corrected....

    "Like...wait what?" he looked confused..

    "I'm not sure I love Trevor....I'm pretty sure I love someone else", she said as she gently held Artie's hands...

    "Oh....." was all he could say, this was going way better than he had ever dared to hope.


    "Alice...I've always loved you...."


    "I love you too Artie, so much.." she breathed as she pulled him in for a kiss..


    Someone else had witness their declarations of love and felt like he was going to be sick.



    Trevor decided shoving this new development down deep was the way to handle it, he tried to supress his growing rage towards Artie, secretly wishing he would drive off a cliff or something.

    He handled it best when he was blind stinking drunk...



    The next night Alice went into labor...scared and totally by herself.


    It was so painful she couldn't even go to the living room to grab her phone and call Trevor..who had already headed to the bar.


    Little Rosalie (Rosie) Winnifred Green was born at 11:45 that Friday night.



    "A girl....couldn't even give me a son...worthless!" was the way Trevor decided to welcome his daughter into the world.


    "Nice one Trevor...say Hi to your daughter, Rosie..."


    After two weeks of bills bills bills....



    Alice decided to take matters in her own hands and get her bum of a boyfriend a job...


    Newborns are very expensive as Trevor predicted. Alice will need to go back to work in a few weeks, her friend Darci will be babysitting but she won't work for free.

    "What are you reading?" Trevor quizzed..

    "The newspaper genius....I'm finding you a job."

    "I can find my own job thank you very much.." Trevor scowled.

    "Well then here....feel free..."


    "Find one fast we need money for Darci when she starts babysitting Rosie."

    "Why don't I stay home with her and save us the money..."


    "Would you be comfortable doing that, I know you hate it when she cries and I've only seen you pick her up twice since she was born!"


    "I can take care of my own da'mn daughter Alice!!"


    "Stop swearing!! I'm so sick of your mouth, you can't get through one sentence without swearing!"


    "Don't treat me like a child Alice!"


    "Stop acting like one!!"


    "I need a drink..."


    "Great you big id'iot you woke her up!"


    "Well Trevor go get want to stay home with her you have to learn how to take care of her.."

    "See Alice, this isn't so hard....simple even, she shut right up."


    Trevor went over to the couch to watch TV with Rosie while Alice went out to do some grocery shopping, she made sure he knew where the bottles and diapers were.

    "Babies are so boring.." he muttered to himself.


    After he fed Rosie she spit up all over his shirt, disgusted Trevor plopped her back in her crib, took a shower and changed clothes...


    Trevor then proceeded to get was turning into an almost daily experience.



    He fell asleep on the couch after a couple hours..


    Meanwhile....Artie met Alice in the driveway as she was unloading groceries..

    "I want you to leave Trevor and be with me..." Artie practically begged.


    "Have you forgotten about your wife and 5 kids Artie? I'd love to be with you and I do love you but you can't leave your family, I know that now, family is the most important thing.."


    "My wife and kids didn't stop you from kissing me and telling me you loved me before..."


    "That was before, I need to give this family thing a try for Rosie, she needs a proper family...besides you're not doing any better than me and Trevor money wise and you have 5 kids to feed! This is killing me Artie but we can't keep this up.."


    "So what are you saying Alice?"

    "I'm saying we need to put the brakes on needs to end."


    Artie was heartbroken but deep down he knew this was for the best. He su'cked it up and gave Alice a final hug, they could be friends but nothing more.


    This is getting super long, chopping it up again....

    Part 3 will be up shortly...
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    Wow, what a way to welcome his daughter into the world.I get that he's upset seeing his girlfriend kissing another guy...a friend nonetheless! But still, little girl is just a baby, and can't help she was born a girl.She's totally adorable btw and love her name!
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    The final part of this trifecta.....

    In the end there is Love Part 15 part 3: (sorry for a three parter, it was getting really long!)

    Alice came home to a snoring drooling boyfriend and a screaming daughter...


    'Yeah...this will work out...'she thought sarcastically to herself.

    "Poor hungry sweetie..." Alice sang quietly to her daughter...


    "Night night sweet heart, see you in the morning, I love you forever" Alice kissed her daughter and set her to sleep in her crib for the night.


    Alice heard someone in the kitchen..."A, I'm making supper before I head out.."


    "Thanks Trev, I'm going to take a quick nap..." she knew Trevor was headed to the bar and would most likely be out for hours, she would grab a quick nap then she had a video she had been planning on watching, a nice quiet night in was just what the doctor ordered.



    Alice woke up a few hours later, popped a hot dog back in the microwave to heat it up and enjoyed her meal...


    until she felt the hot dog get lodged in her throat, she tried to breathe but found the piece lodged even furthere in her throat...she was gasping and panicking...she felt herself getting dizzy...


    her vision was getting darker....her head was spinning...eveything was buzzing..


    she tried to get up and find her phone to call 911...she passed out on the floor, he last thought was of Rosie...


    Trevor got home a few minutes later, he panicked....he tried to revive her but it was too late. Alice died that night, her daughter was less than a month old.



    Trevor called Artie and told him what happened, Artie rushed over..


    Trevor took this very moment to confront Artie about the kiss he had witnessed...Artie couldn't deny he let Trevor scream..he understood the pain, Artie was in pain too. Both were in so much pain screaming felt like the best course of action.



    Artie left shortly thereafter with Trevor screaming he never wanted to see him again.


    Rosie woke up when all the screaming was going on...



    Two and a half years later...Trevor was NOT a good father, he ignored Rosie, he drank, he slept around, and brought women home with him, he drank and drank some more. He did side carpentry work to afford rent and booze and a cheap baby sitter.



    Trevor slept a lot...


    He ignored, laundry...the house was filthy, he talked to no one...Artie did try to text him once in a while, and stopped in a few times a week to make sure Trevor was okay, even though he and Trevor didn't talk anymore.


    Rose was kept in her crib most of the time, she was learning that crying didn't help, she had to wait for meager meals, she grew to know hunger...she had a constant diaper rash because Trevor never taught her how to use the potty seat. He also barely ever talked to her, so he speech was very limited.


    She sure knew how to scream, he father hated her for that high pitched was not crying it was screaming, it was the only way she knew how to communicate with her father.


    "I hate you you little brat!!" he screamed back at her.



    All the screaming was driving him crazy, he needed a drink and he needed it now, he took Rosie out of her crib and plopped her on the floor.


    He picked through the dirty clothes and put a dirty t shirt on the child, gave her a bottle and changed her diaper.


    Rosie played quietly with her only friend in the world...Edward..."Edwaa"


    "Edwaaaaaaa ed waaaaaaa" she sang to him, Rosie loved him more than anything in her life....her miserable life.

    Trevor had been drinking for hours...he was about to pass out, he felt so dizzy...


    "Oh hurts...!!" Trevor was in serious pain...


    It seems God wasn't listening to him at that very moment because he felt his heart clench, pain ripping through his chest...


    He passed out from the sheer pain..and never woke up.


    Trevor died of a massive heart attack...right in front of his daughter.


    Rosie was alone in that house for two days, no mother no father, no one...only Edward.



    she was hungry and managed to find a plate of pancakes on the floor, that her dad knocked to the floor in his pain.


    Artie was walking past and heard Rosie screaming, it was a common noise but this scream sounded despirate...he knocked and found no answer..


    He figured Trevor was passed out drunk...he listened more Rosie was not calming. He kicked in the door.

    The house stunk and he found a headstone, he knew then and there that Trevor was gone. He hugged Rosie like she had never been hugged before, she hated it and squirmed, she was not used to being touched...


    and started screaming.


    Artie would have loved to keep Rosie with his family but since his wife was preganant with baby number 6 it was impossible. He knew just could help this poor child...his friend Julia. He rushed over to her house with Rosie protesting the whole trip.....



    .................................................. :(
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    Alright, talk about tearing me apart here.I had to fight back the tears, ugh poor Rosie.I hope she can find someone who will love her as much as Alice did.I know Artie would keep her if he was in a better situation.:(
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Charlottesmom "Like" isn't much to base a relationship on but it does happen.
    Trevor is good looking with his intense dark eyes.
    How sad for Alice that Trevor doesn't want the baby :(
    Artie's a good guy. I can see that even though Trevor probably won't change he does seem to feel like he has to make an effort in front of him.
    Poor Artie has it bad for Alice. I know she is acting nice towards him but is she just playing him along?
    Uh oh! Not good that it was witnessed by Trevor!
    Ah! Rosie! The cogs are turning :D
    What a plum Trevor is! A baby should be loved and wanted regardless of gender! :#
    He's not exactly a natural with babies :D I shouldn't be laughing because it is sad but his face made me laugh.
    Artie is obviously not as nice as I thought since he is willing to throw aside a wife and 5 kids!
    Hot dogs are a notorious choking hazard! I must admit I didn't see it coming in your story!
    I know Trevor was probably in shock about Alice but bringing up the kiss when there were more important things to think about, like a baby, just confirms that he is a plum!
    No, I change my mind again. Artie really is a nice guy. It was good of him to check on Trevor despite what happened after Alice's death.
    Poor, poor Rosie. It really does explain why she treats Rowan as she does. I can see why she loved Edward so much.
    I can't say I will miss Trevor but what a terrible time for Rosie :'(
    So that's how Rosie came to be with Julia!
    Such a sad start to Rosie's life :'(
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    Oh my gosh B that was the saddest thing ever!! :open_mouth::cry:
    First Alice dying from choking (I shudder to think :flushed: SO scary!!)
    Then Trevor being the world's worst drunk dad, telling his daughter he hates her while she's screaming for needs and attention! :( I mean, wow lady! This was one that was really tugging at my heartstrings! :pensive:
    (And you captured the perfect pictures to show it all off!)
    Thank GOSH Artie kept checking up on them!
    I guess this is to show us some perspective on why Rosie is acting the way she is, and to give us some sympathy for her. It does, but..... there's still no excuse for her to treat Rowan the way she is even though her dad did it to her...

    Looking forward to more! :smiley:
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @Charlottesmom Wow, what a very sad back story for Alice and Rosie and even Trevor, but, he didn't do much to try to make his life better, so I don't feel sorry for him.
    It was a rough beginning for Rosie and the lack of love does explain things, even if it doesn't excuse her being mean to someone else.
    Dag, Artie and his wife making babies like bunnies. :lol:
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,036 Member
    @Charlottesmom Powerful stuff! Rosie's background is even worse than I thought. What an upbringing. That Trevor was a real piece of work! And the death of both her parents. All Rosie had was her doll Edward to love and comfort her. ...So glad Artie showed up when he did. Such touching screenshots of him hugging Rosie and rescuing her. I hope Rosie's later life with Julia went better, but sometimes it's difficult to undo damage already done. So much neglect and abuse. :'(
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    bekkasan wrote: »

    Dag, Artie and his wife making babies like bunnies. :lol:

    That crossed my mind too @bekkasan ! :lol::lol:
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    Thank you all for the wonderful feedback! :smiley:

    I love that some of you commented on Trevor, I made him evil/bu*tthead for this story but he is my Luke who is really a cuddly bunny and is in pretty much all of my stories..



    Luke with his daughter Lilah (another one of my favorites)


    Alice was played by Julia but tweaked quite a bit..I'm going to hang onto Alice, I like the look of her. Trevor went bye bye as all I did was change Luke's hair style and color (to match Rosie's) and and eye color.


    @Springfairy556 , Glad you found this thread, the "hidden" one is just where I post unfinished updates and work out how I want the updates to flow. I don't mind you looking but it will most likely be different from the final update. ;)
    **I was creative with Rosie's middle name.. :wink:
    **You know Rosie is Julia's adopted daughter...Julia is nice to her but Rosie has residual effects from being neglected so bad as a baby...that is part of the reason why she is acting the way she is to Rowan.

    @meerkattime , I thought Alice and Trevor looked pretty good together too, too bad Trevor is gone....forever. Alice will most likely sit in my library until she's in another story at some point.
    **Yup, their lives had to be a total mess so I figured why not let Artie have a crush on Alice... ;)
    **Rosie's life in the first few years needed to be a complete mess too...I hated doing what I did to her but it was needed.
    **Alice just wanted to feel love from someone, anyone.
    **All babies should be loved but in my reading on babies who's parents don't bond with them, not all babies are loved. That was some tough reading! Some "parents" truly are monsters.
    **Sorry about Alice, I needed both parents gone...and Rosie an orphan.

    @bekkasan , Trevor was cute to me because I could see Luke peeking out..I did like making Luke a bad boy (wasn't the first time, he was a stinker in the Kate story too)..
    **I was going with my Twilight theme with the names (Jasper, Edward, Rosie (Rosalie) and Alice), but yes, Alice is a great name as I bet your Adam would agree.. ;)
    **No it's not a good excuse but her backstory hopefully explains a little of why she is acting so cold to Rowan.
    **I needed Artie to not be able to adopt Rosie as it would have been logical for him to take her, with him and his wife having their hands full of 6 kids it would be impossible for him to take her...and Julia being his friend was a good solution.

    @ZhakiraP , I forgot to answer your last post, nope, all the creepy paintings are still in Rowan's attic, I've just favored taking screenshots from the other angle.
    **LOL!! Trevor isn't very observant is he...(I delayed too long taking those conversation shots so yeah, Alice was hugely pregnant when she popped the news).

    @emorrill , Nope...Rosie's parents (as you know now.. :wink: ), Jasper's past will remain a mystery, it took me too long to do Rosie and she needed to be the sc*rewed up one, Jasper is a normal kid. (thank goodness!)
    **You'd like Trevor's real Sim, Luke...he's freaking awesome, I adore him!
    **I'm sorry it made you sad, but happy too, mission accomplished. :wink:
    **I was originally going to have Trevor poison Alice but though that was a bit too vicious.
    **Unfortunately stuff like that really happens, (Horrible parents telling their kids they hate them)...very sad.
    **I wanted some sympathy for Rosie, I didn't mean for her to be so horrible when I wrote her, I went overboard with her meanness.
    **I needed Artie to not be able to adopt Rosie, and 6 kids was the solution... :lol:

    @Mikezumi , Like is all a guy like Trevor could give...I wanted him as caddy as possible.
    **Had to change Luke's pretty green eyes to Rosie's color for her dad.
    **Trevor had me cracking up half the time too, but I know that was Luke's personality coming out...Luke always has me laughing when I play him....even in his Trevor "costume". I won't miss him either but do love the bad boys.
    **I needed a reaon why Rosie is such an unfeeling jerk to Rowan and being so neglected when a baby was the solution, I did some reasong on parents who don't bond with their kids and the backlash...sad stuff..

    @lanlyn , Glad you liked the updates, I was hoping for a reaction like yours, I needed the poor kid to have a horrible start in life to give at least a bit of insight as to why she is horrible to Rowan.

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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    I can see how that would cause her to lash out.I still feel badly for Rowan though, poor kid being locked up.Its a sad situation all around.
    But makes for a very interesting story! Great updates!
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,036 Member
    @Charlottesmom Luke's Evil Twin Trevor made a great villain! ...I liked the Alice sim you came up with too. ...Your backstory definitely explained Rosie's issues, but I'm still hoping she learned something about caring and love too. Right now, she's acting out her anger and abandonment.

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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member


    Wow Bad guy but he does look hot.
    That was a intense update but great job writing it.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Charlottesmom Interesting updates to the story :smile: It was sad that there where Sims who died but I ha to laugh at the part tat Artie found a headstone which is a Sims way of showing that someone has died. I will check the thread when I get the time :smile:
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