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Ashes to Ashes: A Legacy [Temporary Hiatus 4/4]


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    LadyTigressLadyTigress Posts: 183 Member
    JASPER!!!!! I knew it, but at least it didnt go further than a kiss but still....poor boys
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    YJB19299YJB19299 Posts: 5,801 Member
    Well, I was partly right with my suspision, but honestly I though Jasper would have something with one of his teachers, but that would have been too extreme anyway :D Still poor Boys, I hope they can figure Things out and get a solution...even if it means they will going back to just being friends...
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    @MrsRacooney Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts (as well as your own personal experience with your parents too!) Love and relationships certainly aren’t easy! It takes a lot of work from both people in order to make them successful. I think that’s a lesson both couples are starting to learn here...

    There could still be hope for Jam, but it’s hard to say right now... only time will tell, I fear.

    @LadyTigress yeah Jasper really messed up :( It could have been worse, but he definitely still betrayed Tam’s trust terribly. And after the issues they’d already been having, it was just too much :(

    @YJB19299 A teacher... or hot librarian! Marklyne 2.0 :joy: Nah, nothing pre-meditated here though. More just “I’m drunk and mad at my boyfriend and that guy over there is really hot and I’m going to foolishly give into temptation”... which was such a huge mistake!

    It will definitely take time if they want to fix things :( Friendship is probably still on the table. But more than that? We will see...
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    Skcaga6Skcaga6 Posts: 3,399 Member
    At least Jasper was honest with Tam about it and didn't hide what he did. That could have made it worse.
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    haswhhaswh Posts: 2,863 Member
    Oh my Jasper you naughty boy. I get it though stuff happens when you are mad and drink. I'm glad he didn't hide it that would've made it worse. I hope after a bit of a break those two can work things out.

    Phoenix asked himself some very good questions. Maybe he should think a bit more on them and he might see whats right in his face about Gigi. He has the knowledge he just needs to get those rose colored glasses off his face. B)

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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    @Skcaga6 it’s true! Jasper owned up to his mistake and was honest about it. Under better circumstances, Tam might have been more understanding. Instead, this was basically the last straw for him :(

    @haswh Yeah, it was a really really awful move on Jasper’s part. Being drunk and mad definitely didn’t help! But he still made that choice to mess up like that :( But there could definitely still be hope. They love each other a lot. But it’s not working right now.

    And yes, Phee really needs to let himself think more deeply about those thoughts he’s having... but those glasses are pretty firmly stuck on his face, I fear! :grimace:
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    Skcaga6Skcaga6 Posts: 3,399 Member
    @CitizenErased14 Under better circumstances, Jasper may not have made that mistake to begin with.
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    A good point too @Skcaga6 :( Things really weren’t good all around for them :(

    At least Jasper had good taste in dudes to drunkenly make out with? :joy: Case gets around lately hehe
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    Skcaga6Skcaga6 Posts: 3,399 Member
    Case is a busy boy today. lol
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    Skcaga6 wrote: »
    Case is a busy boy today. lol

    He does! :joy: And how ironic that Tam’s actor would be the one getting the hots for him.... Ha! And honestly it was purely coincidental. @pammiechick and I were really amused when we read each other’s chapters today hehe
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Skcaga6 wrote: »
    Case is a busy boy today. lol

    Case is VERY busy...he showed up in THREE stories today! LOL! (And totally unknown to all of us.)
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    Skcaga6Skcaga6 Posts: 3,399 Member
    How can one person be in three places at a time? Let's ask Case.
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Skcaga6 wrote: »
    How can one person be in three places at a time? Let's ask Case.

    Well, there is a thing called "video" where he's on camera at different times and then it's released! Ha! ;)
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    Who is Case’s agent? They’re great at finding his pretty face many gigs lately hehe
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    Happy Wednesday :blush: Extra early update today!

    Today, Phoenix goes back to Windenburg for the holidays, and spends some much-needed time with his best friend.

    7.36: Changing
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    YJB19299YJB19299 Posts: 5,801 Member
    I kinda get the Feeling that the one who suffers the most from the Jam break up is actually Phee, I feel sorry for all of them though :/
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    @YJB19299 It’s definitely very hard on him :( Tam and Jasper are his two best friends, so seeing them both in pain and having this wedge driven between them is really difficult :( They’re all pretty miserable right now, but hopefully it won’t last
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    haswhhaswh Posts: 2,863 Member
    Gigi is a bit insecure doncha think!? Let your man go visit if he wants to, you want a nap anyway. The guy needs some time with his best friend! Jeez not a good move to be all sad and spoiled, doesn't look good on you dear, :s

    Lila looks like her Mom only with her Dad's nose, so pretty. <3 She really does look 14. Good job on that!
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    LadyTigressLadyTigress Posts: 183 Member
    The more I see of the Gigi, the more I hate her guts and wish Phee would wake up and throw her bottom to the curb and find a nice, deccent and BETTER woman than her! poor Tam and Jasper though, I really though they would last....doesnt look good does it?
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    @haswh definitely some clinginess from Gigi! And she is definitely spoiled haha but at least Phoenix put his foot down this time!

    And I’m glad you like Lila! I was pretty pleased with how I was able to make her somewhat look the age she’s supposed to be! Height mod and a little CAS magic ;)

    @LadyTigress LOL unfortunately Phee still loves her and has no plans to kick her to the curb. Sorry :grimace: She’s here to stay, for now at least! :tongue:

    And yeah... not looking great for Jam, since Tam is seeing someone else already :/ But it’s still early. We’ll see what those two end up deciding down the line...
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    VanPelt81VanPelt81 Posts: 2,990 Member
    edited August 2018
    Phoenix you G.D. idiot!!! Don't unleashed the cursed Rosebrook Journal to Tam!!! You don't know the power it has!!!

    In all seriousness though, I'm glad that Tam was able to talk out with Phoenix regarding the situation with him & Jasper though the ending of that chapter was bittersweet.
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    SpectresValkyrieSpectresValkyrie Posts: 317 Member
    Wow, I have had a lot to catch up on. Phee is really cute. It feels like he has rushed into a lot in these chapters. First seeming to lurch from girl to girl and trying to find out who Pheonix is during his teen years. Then seeming to rush into a wedding when he wasn't ready for. I understand that long distance can put a major strain on a relationship but it might have been better for them both. I don't think Pheonix is ready or enjoying married life so much. Sure he loves Gigi very much but love alone doesn't make a great marriage. He also didn't seem very thrilled at being married so soon. He wanted to due his own purposeful in his own way when he was ready. I also don't think Gigi is ready to be married. While yes she purposed, I don't think she fully thought it through. Yes she could go with Pheonix while he was off to get his degree but will it be worth it in the end??

    I have a bad feeling that something is going to go very wrong (maybe something like what happened with Tam and Jasper) or Gigi's overly clingy nature is going to go into overdrive or something and it won't end well. I hope not because I really want Pheonix (and to extent Gigi) to be happy. Fantastic chapters and young adult arc so far!! I have really enjoyed the previous chapters.
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    haswhhaswh Posts: 2,863 Member
    @SpectresValkyrie I think maybe that Gigi will feel so desperate to keep Phoenix that she will get herself pregnant to try to keep him. Not sure that it will help their marriage though. Usually it just puts more strain on a relationship.
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    SpectresValkyrieSpectresValkyrie Posts: 317 Member
    haswh wrote: »
    I think maybe that Gigi will feel so desperate to keep Phoenix that she will get herself pregnant to try to keep him. Not sure that it will help their marriage though. Usually it just puts more strain on a relationship.

    That is a good point. Maybe if she feels the relationship is straining too much or is feeling that she is losing Pheonix, she could get pregnant thinking that it will fix things or keep him around longer? If that happened it would probably have the opposite effect and like you said put a huge strain on their relationship.
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    VanPelt81VanPelt81 Posts: 2,990 Member
    That is a good point. Maybe if she feels the relationship is straining too much or is feeling that she is losing Pheonix, she could get pregnant thinking that it will fix things or keep him around longer? If that happened it would probably have the opposite effect and like you said put a huge strain on their relationship.

    But we're not ready for an hier yet. It just seems like this chapeter started not too long ago.

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