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Ashes to Ashes: A Legacy [Temporary Hiatus 4/4]


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    VanPelt81VanPelt81 Posts: 2,990 Member
    Phoenix has some cool friends. I wouldn't have pegged Addy as a metalhead though it fits with everything else with her.
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    LadyTigressLadyTigress Posts: 183 Member
    Well at least Bi...I mean Gigi SEEMS to like Phee´s friends, but Gigi is just annoying me right now, like she gives me the wipe that SHE can hang out with her new friends but Phee cant, maybe thats just me
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    kayt45kayt45 Posts: 434 Member
    I’m glad everything seems fine BUT I don’t trust Gigi and we know Phoenix is clueless (hence why everything is a-ok in his journal). Tam and Jasper, aww, I hope they make it through.
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    @VanPelt81 Hehe glad you like his friends! I’m having fun with them! And Addy’s tastes are basically th definition of eclectic ;)

    @LadyTigress I totally understand your gripe with Gigi! Her behavior definitely seems a bit hypocritical here. And there might be some sort of tension growing between the two of them (and not the fun sexy kind :( ) But they’re both still adjusting right now. I think having some friends might do them both good!

    @kayt45 It’s funny, I was talking to someone in the WP comments about this — YA Phoenix is a lot more observant and insightful when it comes to other people (the days of thinking Tam and Jasper were “practicing for the talent show” are long gone ;) ) BUT he’s still so clueless when it comes to himself and his own problems :/

    And as for Jam... next chapter we will see more of what’s going on with those two!
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    pkinitasimspkinitasims Posts: 80 Member
    I NEED Tam and Jasper to sort things out! I love them together so much! Phee, get analysing them and fix it 🐸🐸🐸🐸 it :'(:'(
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    @pkinitasims I love them too :bawling: I’m sorry they’re having such a rough time!

    I do think Phoenix has some valuable insight and skills that he could use to help them. But the biggest problem is distance and time zones :( Christmas is coming soon, at least! He’ll get to see them in person once he’s home. Maybe he can do more then? Hopefully? :grimace:

    Thank you so much for reading! :heart:
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    edited August 2018
    Happy Saturday!

    Uh oh... why is Gigi so mad? :grimace:

    7.34: Had To
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    YJB19299YJB19299 Posts: 5,801 Member
    edited August 2018
    Two words: HOLY PLUM!!!! :cry:
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    @YJB19299 I’m sorry :bawling:
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    kayt45kayt45 Posts: 434 Member
    *has a Gigi sized tantrum*
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    PurplishSimEaterPurplishSimEater Posts: 563 Member
    Well, plum-nuggets. This went well.
    I love the smell of Gigi's emotional manipulation in the mornings - such a good foundation for a healthy relationship.

    Seriously though: yes, Phoenix plummed up, but nobody's perfect - as someone who also suffers from a serious case of foot-in-mouth I feel for him. Clearly, Gigi means a lot to him, and Niko caught him off guard so he said what popped into his head first as his answer. Based on what he said, Gigi does have a right to be upset - nobody wants to feel like they were the convenient option over being the only option. However, breaking out conveniently-timed tears and ending them after you back someone into a corner where their only option is the outcome you want IS NOT HEALTHY. Nor is merely pretending to own up to your mistakes - Gigi may have been genuine in her own apology but I doubt it.

    AND WHO LET YOU SINK THE SS JAM I WILL FIGHT YOU And I wonder what's going on with Tam and Jasper - they'd been having issues for a while, but what was the ultimate reasoning behind the breakup?
    Works in Progress: Fitzgerald Family Fables
    House: Ravenclaw/Pukwudgie | Wand: 12 1/4", Spruce & Phoenix Feather, Hard flexibility | Patronus: Black & White Cat
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    @kayt45 LOL nice description :joy: (sorry though :( )

    @PurplishSimEater You have a great analysis of the situation there! Phoenix did mess up, but it was totally unintentional. And Gigi did have a right to be upset, but the way she handled it was not the best either... :/ It was a huge mess! :(

    And as for Jam... Next chapter will shed some more light on what happened.
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    haswhhaswh Posts: 2,863 Member
    Once again there you go making a total mess of everything @CitizenErased14! :s You'd think I would be used to it by now well I kinda am I guess. The whole fight is really Gigi's fault for not understanding that IS the reason they got married so fast in the first place. Kinda funny how Gigi suddenly called their friends your friends when talking arguing with Phoenix. @Eddie Sims say it well with they are the Titanic just waiting to happen.

    Now the whole Jasper/Tam thing I believe that Jasper might have stepped out and Tam had had enough so broke up with him. Guess I'll find out more on Monday.

    Big life changing chapter for your characters! <3
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    @haswh Messes are what I do best :naughty: (lol sorry)

    Gigi definitely had her share of fault here for the fight, though Phoenix’s answer (accurate or not) was pretty insensitive. :/ But she certainly could have handled it better.

    Next chapter will let us know what happened with Jasper and Tam. Your guess is a definite possibility!

    Definite changes in this one, for Jasper and Tam obviously. But I think that fight is gonna stick with both Phoenix and Gigi too :grimace:
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    WHOOPS, forgot to change my thread title this morning with the new update day! Glad most people seem to have figured out there was a new chapter though haha Thanks guys :heart:
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    VanPelt81VanPelt81 Posts: 2,990 Member
    This video sums up the news at the end of the last chapter...
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    LadyTigressLadyTigress Posts: 183 Member
    “You’re not a 🐸🐸🐸🐸.” first of Phee, yeah she is second, what the heck?! Jam where doing so well and now they break up? rip my heart out and stomp it thank you....I wonder what happend
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    @VanPelt81 I know :bawling: Forgive me!

    @LadyTigress LOL I was so sure some of the folks who aren’t fans of Gigi would disagree with that line haha

    As for Jam, we will find out soon what happened! Things hadn’t been going quite as well for them since Jasper went back to school — like Phoenix said in the last chapter, lots of fighting :grimace: And that did play a huge role in the breakup. But there was something else that put the last nail in the coffin...
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    LadyTigressLadyTigress Posts: 183 Member
    I have a really bad hunch what that nail was....I hope I´m wrong
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    YJB19299YJB19299 Posts: 5,801 Member
    Argh, when is monday? :D

    Tbh I have a suspicion what broke Jam up, but for my personal mood I hope my guess is wrong :o
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    @LadyTigress @YJB19299 I wonder if you both have the same guess... hopefully the truth is nothing too awful! We will see tomorrow...
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    WralaiWralai Posts: 477 Member

    Click on the image above to be sent to my legacy, The Galvez Legacy!
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    @Wralai I’m sorry! :bawling: But the gen is still young... there may still be hope for Jam yet...
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    Happy Monday! Today, Phoenix is still trying to take in what happened to his brother and best friend :(

    7.35: Blinders
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    MrsRacooneyMrsRacooney Posts: 2,091 Member
    Well honestly Phee's right - being and all the more staying in love is so complex and difficult and requires a ton of tactfulness and realizations. But the good news is that if so many imperfect, selfish humans have mastered it until now it is indeed possible! :smiley: We tend to feel very fast like we're the only ones or the most incompetent ones as we're going through life and relationships but there's always someone who has done it before us, always someone who has endured more and there will always be people experiencing just the same. Fights are just one part of life and they're inevitable. My parents do have a strong marriage even with my father often being away on his job and when he's home, they still do yell at each other at times and they still annoy each other and that hasn't changed for many years. It probably never will but you know what, Phee? They've made it through. They reconcile. And that's what love is about more than anything else. If you always put yourself onto second place you'll one day have no strenght left, but there also is a time when you should.
    After that more philosophic approach, I am glad that Jasper and Tam want to take a break and I really hope they continue (or start) talking to each other and sorting things out. I think that's something most people only learn with age (and some never :expressionless: )
    Chapters | Updated 09/26

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