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Sims Four Live Mode is Lacking


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    Charlotta11Charlotta11 Posts: 399 Member
    yep i think sims 4 is bit shallow for its game play. i like those little details i said above but i would like more, more exiting game play. The good thing about sims 4 is that its ongoing serie, so they will release more content to it.
    Sims 4 is made to look pretty and interactions are pretty and detailed, i like it. I just think sims 4 is not for everyone, its more about normal stuff, raise a family. take care of you're sick pet, going to the vet. sims 4 sims look sick if they got flu and they will cough, try you're outfits and doing you're makeup. like u maybe get the point. Sims 4 is more about 'normal life' and its pretty detailed. more detailed than in sims 3.
    Sims 3 were more exiting things, future, going adventure, be a rock star or singer, zombies, unicorns, mermaids and a lot more those things. But for me sims 3 did lack basic stuff, normal day in life.
    Sims 4 is more about you're own imagination and story telling and sims 3 was more about world around you for me. I think simgurus listen more what people want in game so we might all get what we want.
    I just wait and see when sims 4 is complete game and all expansions are released and see is there all featured i would always wanted to make it perfect game for me. I'm staying positive because in my mind sims 4 have good possibility to make it happen.
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    Jordan061102Jordan061102 Posts: 3,918 Member
    edited July 2018
    I hardly hope that for the least 3 years we will see an overhaul on personalities before the end of TS4. And I hope less paid content means more effort put on personalities and big updates.
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    ClarionOfJoyClarionOfJoy Posts: 1,945 Member
    @ClarionOfJoy yep, i did play sims 3. A Lot! i have played since sims 1. i have played this game since i was like 7 years old. 15 years! so dont say to me that i didn't play sims 3. yep, Yes in sims 3 u could buy store items to run bakery but those were too bad quality to even pay of those. Im talking about sims 3 expansion packs, not sims 3 whit store items or whit mods tho. Who would even buy store items. Imagine cost of sims 3 whit half store items. It is worth it? not for me. U can like sims 3 but i didn't and a lot of older sims fans didn't like that game. It's good if u like sims 3, its fine by me but i think i can say my own option. I think i can say what i want about sims 3, like u can say what u want about sims 4. I opened sims 3 like a week ago and i could not even play it after playing sims 4 so i don't really care about sims 3 updates.

    You DID talk about sims 3 stores, so I talked about that as well. The way I was able to buy most of the sims 3 store items was by waiting for them to go on sale, Daily Deals, and Make Me an Offer deals (which I only took if the deal was %40 off or higher). People who want to discourage others from the Sims 3 store will say it is too expensive without mentioning the many ways you can get things on sale, or how useful the items are.

    You say that a lot of the Sims 3 store was useless? Most of the clothes/hair/furniture in the Sims 3 store are from different time periods: tudor, renaissance, colonial, the roaring 20s (jazz age), the 50s, the 60s. They also have other themes too: fairy tale, goth, hollywood, japanese, indian, moroccan, african, latin, cambodian, bohemian,... too many to list. That allows me to customize the worlds to any period or place using Sims 3 store items. In TS4, there is no such ability to set the neighborhoods up to another time period or another place - it's not like you can set it up to be in the colonial times or to be in India for example.

    I actually LOVE the bakery! I use that set ALL THE TIME! I sometimes use it for a bakery like everyone uses it normally, but I've come to find that it's really useful to put the display case in most of my community lots! Then I have the NRaas mod, Cupcake, installed to automatically fill the case with whatever food I want (not just baked goods). So now, all my sims can just buy food and eat if they're hungry in most of my community lots! When I do set up a bakery, there's a mod that automates a sim to make random baked goods and automatically stores it in the display case so in that way, it's even better now than in sims 2. I also love all the build items from the bakery set as well and use the panels from that to build a lot of my stores (not just bakeries).

    The Sims 3 store also has some pretty amazing farm sets - something I know Sims 4 players are still waiting for. We can milk cows, and care for chickens and get eggs from them, we have the canning station, the water mill (it was advertised that you can fish from it, but I found out that it acts like the wind turbine or solar panel and lowers your bills!), a tractor to work larger numbers of plants and trees, plus furniture, clothes and hair. If I wanted to set up my world like "Little House on the Prairy", I could actually do that! Just set the world to have no cars with NRaas Traveler and have your sims use horses to travel. That's something Sims 4 can't do either, smh....

    You also mentioned a lot of the older simmers don't like Sims 3 but that isn't true. I know that here in the official forums it looks like everybody loves Sims 4, but the Sims 3 section is extremely active here, especially the Sims 3 creative section, meaning that people are still creating things for it and writing stories and playing challenges, etc. Also if you go out into the real world, where EA doesn't have as much ability to control appearances, Sims 3 sections in other forums and social media like Facebook are the most active. Older simmers really love Sims 3. And if they don't love Sims 3, they prefer Sims 2 over Sims 4. Even in Mod the Sims where Sims 2 simmers are the most vocal, the Sims 3 section is still the most active.

    I'm also curious: exactly what do you do when you open Sims 4? Because what I'm taking away from all the posts on this forum is that people just make sims and build lots and that's it! So Sims 4 is basically like a dress up doll app or home builder app. That the live game portion is largely ignored because game play is lacking in comparison to TS1 - TS3. And because it's closed world and loading screen are annoying, sims 4 players tend to keep their sims home most of the time, thereby under-utilizing the map. People are already getting bored of the new Seasons EP too and it hasn't been out for very long. In light of that, if you open Sims 3 and can't play it - especially after Sims 4, then you have no imagination and/or don't know how to customize it. But that too can be easily fixed by just going to the Sims 3 section, look at how other people play it, get some ideas or play a challenge, and ask for help.
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    Charlotta11Charlotta11 Posts: 399 Member
    I hardly hope that for the least 3 years we will see an overhaul on personalities before the end of TS4. And I hope less paid content means more effort put on personalities and big updates.

    i wish that too and as much i would like more content, i still kinda hope that simgurus would focus fixing bugs more than trying to deliver more content :/
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    ClarionOfJoyClarionOfJoy Posts: 1,945 Member
    @ClarionOfJoy normally when people talk about sims, they don't talk that game whit cc. In sims 4 u can do basically everything whit cc too. So when u say sims 3 have more mods or whit mods u can do something because that doesn't make any sense. Sims 3 have prob more cc because its older game. Modders have done like 5 years longer cc in sims 3 than in sims 4.
    i just gave my options about sims 4 compered to sims 3. U can have you're own option. I think sims 4 have much more things to do whit out rabbit holes. All sims games are different so ofc every one got different options about the game. When i say my option or think things i like in sims i normally compered it to the older sims games like in sims 1, sims 2 or 3. at least for me i get better picture of things i like in sims 4 when i compered it to the older sims games.

    Sims 4 has mods too and lots of people prefer Sims 4 WITH mods to make it playable in live mode because it's lacking so much. Also, you need to buy a lot of it's EPs and other packs to make it interesting.

    Sims 3 is actually fun even without the other packs and mods. I played it that way for months before adding a pack or stuff from the Sims 3 store. And even now, I play just the base game sometimes - to get that feeling of wonderment that I first felt when I first played the base game of Sims 3 and to remind myself that there are still a lot of fun things you can do in just the base game.
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    Charlotta11Charlotta11 Posts: 399 Member
    @ClarionOfJoy where i did say that sims 3 store was useless? i said they were bad quality. and they are. if u look those store items they are looking bad and they don't work that well. I know what store item there is and i have some of the items there and they didnt really work that well and animation of the cows was terrible and wasn't worth the cost of that. u can have sims 4 expansions half price too.
    I like sims 4 world more because it look pretty and detailed. There are much more stuff in worlds and things to do than in sims 3.
    Every public lot look really different in sims 4. But i understand people who dont like loading screens but i personally take sims 4 world and unique and detailed worlds and unique community lots than sims 3 open world.
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    Charlotta11Charlotta11 Posts: 399 Member
    @ClarionOfJoy i'm talkin about simmer who played sims 1, they didn't like sims 3 because they start to do so much content in store and milk that game so much. ofc sims 3 have its own fan base like in all games. but i have still seeing a lot of former simmers complaining about sims 3. But in other hand all sims games or games in overall have players who don't like it.
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    ClarionOfJoyClarionOfJoy Posts: 1,945 Member
    keekee53 wrote: »
    I agree with many on this thread. It is tough for me because I do want to like this game and sometimes I have fun but it is lacking. I like playing on a rotation because my stories are usually on a world level and then each individual household has their part to play. I would be soooo bored if I only played one family. This totally ruined Sims 3 for me. In the end, I rather play Sims 4 than Sims 3 because of rotational play even though Sims 3 may outshine 4 in many ways.

    You can use the NRaas mod, Story Progression, to control what your inactive households do or shouldn't do while you play an active household in Sims 3. This makes rotational play possible. Ask Igazor whose part of NRaas who regularly visits this forum to help you set it up and will answer your questions. The mod will keep your inactive sims from breaking up with their spouses and running off with someone else or changing jobs, etc. until you want them to of course. I really love this mod and it's made playing my colony challenges possible and fun! Give it try!

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    Charlotta11Charlotta11 Posts: 399 Member
    @ClarionOfJoy normally when people talk about sims, they don't talk that game whit cc. In sims 4 u can do basically everything whit cc too. So when u say sims 3 have more mods or whit mods u can do something because that doesn't make any sense. Sims 3 have prob more cc because its older game. Modders have done like 5 years longer cc in sims 3 than in sims 4.
    i just gave my options about sims 4 compered to sims 3. U can have you're own option. I think sims 4 have much more things to do whit out rabbit holes. All sims games are different so ofc every one got different options about the game. When i say my option or think things i like in sims i normally compered it to the older sims games like in sims 1, sims 2 or 3. at least for me i get better picture of things i like in sims 4 when i compered it to the older sims games.

    Sims 4 has mods too and lots of people prefer Sims 4 WITH mods to make it playable in live mode because it's lacking so much. Also, you need to buy a lot of it's EPs and other packs to make it interesting.

    Sims 3 is actually fun even without the other packs and mods. I played it that way for months before adding a pack or stuff from the Sims 3 store. And even now, I play just the base game sometimes - to get that feeling of wonderment that I first felt when I first played the base game of Sims 3 and to remind myself that there are still a lot of fun things you can do in just the base game.

    sims 3 base game was much more fun than sims 4 base game, i agree whit that. Sims 4 is still ongoing searie so we don't have all same features than in sims 3 (university, paradise island). still for me sims 4 is more fun and playable than sims 3 whit expansions
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    Charlotta11Charlotta11 Posts: 399 Member
    @ClarionOfJoy mods wont fix sims 3 bad graphics, robotic sims or buggy game over all.
    I just feel like u don't understand what i say or u just ignore it. u answer things i didn't ask or wasn't the problem in sims 3
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    I don’t get why sims 3 was boring? I had a ton of exciting things happen in 3. One time my cat disappeared from my household. I saw it outside walking down the street one day so I followed it. Turns out it was kidnapped by a witch down the street and added to her household (it was probably a bug) but I pursued it into the witches house, she put a love spell on me and basically turned me into her love thrall (yeah I could have forced my sim to walk away but I decided to play along with what the game was making the NPC witch do.)

    Another time I saw my neighbor burn down his house making waffles then pee his pants and start to cry. I rebuilt his house and forgot about it a while. A few months later I noticed random ladies leaving his house in a super happy mood. So I switched to control his household and see what was up. He was woohooing multiple ladies and also became a doctor and best selling author.

    Back then I always chose the athlete career for my simself. The team used to show up at my house and have a pool parties.

    That’s just some stuff I remember from ts3. I thought live mode had a ton of personality. I really loved it.

    Ts4 seriously lacks personality but I like leveling the skills. I make households and just level everything and make them rich. We really need more lifestates (like witches and faires) so more random stuff can happen.

    i don't think sims 3 was boring, but that open world was boring for me. not much to see since i could not see my sims going to shops, restaurants or to the spas. Sims 3 sims look like dolls and lack of facial expressions.
    I feel like all my sims 3 face look kinda same because i did have only one face style i would use to get nice looking sim. I have never found good looking sims 3 sims on the internet.
    I liked sims 3 when it came, don't get me wrong but i think they just didn't add game play that i liked that sims 4 offers me. Like i love spas, massages, saunas, makeup table for doing actual makeup whit it, restaurants to order food i like, cafes, drink and eat the same time, eat popcorn and wach movie same way that in sims 4, calendar, decorate christmas tree, make you're own holidays and go shopping chothes.
    those were couple thing i loved in sims, it remind me of sims 2. like open for business (sims 4 get to work), sims 2 bon voyage and camping ( out door retreat) for example.
    I have. On the internet and in my own game. What has this got to do with Sims 4 being lacking in live mode though?
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    ClarionOfJoyClarionOfJoy Posts: 1,945 Member
    @ClarionOfJoy where i did say that sims 3 store was useless? i said they were bad quality. and they are. if u look those store items they are looking bad and they don't work that well. I know what store item there is and i have some of the items there and they didnt really work that well and animation of the cows was terrible and wasn't worth the cost of that. u can have sims 4 expansions half price too.
    I like sims 4 world more because it look pretty and detailed. There are much more stuff in worlds and things to do than in sims 3.
    Every public lot look really different in sims 4. But i understand people who dont like loading screens but i personally take sims 4 world and unique and detailed worlds and unique community lots than sims 3 open world.

    That goes to show how little you know about the Sims 3 store items. None of it is bad at all - not even the bakery or the cows. You're just saying they're "terrible" without going into specifics because you don't actually know. You should talk about how broken a lot of the items are in Sims 4 - and not just that but the systems as well like retail and the vet career to the point where people give up play those parts of the game.

    And I notice you talk in generalities about Sims 4 overall - you say it is so much more fun and has more fun things to do than Sims 3 but you don't specify at all what is fun about it or things to do which make it fun. I notice that about all the Sims 4 simmers when they try to pump it up - they're NEVER specific. If you read about the fun things that Sim 3 simmer find about Sims 3, they can give you specifics - about things that happened in their game, how they use items (proving they're not "terrible"), how they changed things around in the world to make it their very own. So when you say that Sims 4 is just so much better, it doesn't ring true at all - not in light of how customizable Sims 3 is - or even Sims 2.
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    ClarionOfJoyClarionOfJoy Posts: 1,945 Member
    @ClarionOfJoy i'm talkin about simmer who played sims 1, they didn't like sims 3 because they start to do so much content in store and milk that game so much. ofc sims 3 have its own fan base like in all games. but i have still seeing a lot of former simmers complaining about sims 3. But in other hand all sims games or games in overall have players who don't like it.

    Well I'm a simmer from way back to Sims 1 also so what you're saying isn't true. At this point you're incoherent. I love Sims 1 and even this iteration is better than Sims 4 simply because it had a lot more game play that was fun. I bought all the expansions for it as they were released and I didn't even bother waiting for them to go on sale they were so good. But I don't know why you're complaining about the Sims 3 store - no one is forcing you to buy them. I bought most of it (and still working to buy them all) because 1) I do find a lot of it useful and of great quality and 2) I like rewarding EA with my money for making such a wonderful game as Sims 3.

    Also when people put down Sims 3 it's because 1) their computer is a potato pre-2014 or they don't know how to make their more current computer to work with Sims 3 (just go to the sims 3 section - they will help you!), or 2) they don't know just how flexible and customizable this game is and therefore don't know how to adjust it to their playing style (again you can just go to the sims 3 section and ask for help), 3) they're trying to pump their favorite iteration of Sims so they need to make Sims 3 look less than what it is or can do.

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    ClarionOfJoyClarionOfJoy Posts: 1,945 Member
    @ClarionOfJoy mods wont fix sims 3 bad graphics, robotic sims or buggy game over all.
    I just feel like u don't understand what i say or u just ignore it. u answer things i didn't ask or wasn't the problem in sims 3

    Again, you're just posting talking points that don't work anymore. Sims 3 has been finished since 2013 and is therefore a stable game - especially for computers that came out after Sims 3 was finished. Not only had EA quietly improved its stability, but all the known problems of Sims 3 have been 1) well documented and 2) one or more solutions were found or made to fix them. Honestly, I've registered a lot of hours playing this game and EVERY problem I ever came across (which wasn't often, by the way) was easily FIXABLE.

    The fact that Sims 4 needs a monthly patch day says a lot about how buggy and broken that game is when it claims to work better than Sims 3. Well no, it's buggy and glitchy too which makes it worse than Sims 3 simply because they took SO MUCH out of it just be able to say it runs smooth and bug-free.

    You claiming the graphics are "bad" is just your opinion and not fact. I actually LOVE the graphics of Sims 3. They have better textures and aren't anywhere near blocky or blurred as in Sims 4. It is not overly childish and cartoon-y like Sims 4 either. I also love that 99% of the Sims 3 map is accessible and playable in comparison to the tiny patches of neighborhoods you can play in Sims 4. And can't even create new neighborhoods in Sims 4. Sims 3 had CAW six months after it's initial release and there are a ton of fan-made worlds we can play. - Some people complain that some of the store worlds are too laggy for their potato computers, but you know what? There are TONS of free medium and smaller sized worlds that fans made for you to choose from. You cannot say that about Sims 4 - what you see is what you get and there's not much of it.

    I don't think the sims are robotic either. That's just you trying to make Sims 3 appear less than what it is. I like that they are not to cartoonish in their actions because no one is like that in real life unless they're crazy. That's not the most important thing anyway. It is how they interact with each other and the world that matters. They react to things much better than they do in Sims 4 because their actions are based on who they know, how they relate to that person and how their personalities clash or mesh, not tied to things in the room they're in.

    If you love Sims 4, fine, but don't make up stuff about Sims 3 that isn't true anymore or was never true, just to pump up Sims 4.

    I never had to say anything bad about Sims 2 when Sims 3 came out because it holds up pretty well on its own without having to make Sims 2 look bad (plus I loved Sims 2 as well).
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    Charlotta11Charlotta11 Posts: 399 Member
    @ClarionOfJoy where i did say that sims 3 store was useless? i said they were bad quality. and they are. if u look those store items they are looking bad and they don't work that well. I know what store item there is and i have some of the items there and they didnt really work that well and animation of the cows was terrible and wasn't worth the cost of that. u can have sims 4 expansions half price too.
    I like sims 4 world more because it look pretty and detailed. There are much more stuff in worlds and things to do than in sims 3.
    Every public lot look really different in sims 4. But i understand people who dont like loading screens but i personally take sims 4 world and unique and detailed worlds and unique community lots than sims 3 open world.

    That goes to show how little you know about the Sims 3 store items. None of it is bad at all - not even the bakery or the cows. You're just saying they're "terrible" without going into specifics because you don't actually know. You should talk about how broken a lot of the items are in Sims 4 - and not just that but the systems as well like retail and the vet career to the point where people give up play those parts of the game.

    And I notice you talk in generalities about Sims 4 overall - you say it is so much more fun and has more fun things to do than Sims 3 but you don't specify at all what is fun about it or things to do which make it fun. I notice that about all the Sims 4 simmers when they try to pump it up - they're NEVER specific. If you read about the fun things that Sim 3 simmer find about Sims 3, they can give you specifics - about things that happened in their game, how they use items (proving they're not "terrible"), how they changed things around in the world to make it their very own. So when you say that Sims 4 is just so much better, it doesn't ring true at all - not in light of how customizable Sims 3 is - or even Sims 2.

    i have said thing i liked about sims 4. like i already have said. u just don't listen or u just don't understand what i say.
    'Sims 4 is made to look pretty and interactions are pretty and detailed, i like it. I just think sims 4 is not for everyone, its more about normal stuff, raise a family. take care of you're sick pet, going to the vet. sims 4 sims look sick if they got flu and they will cough, try you're outfits and doing you're makeup. like u maybe get the point. Sims 4 is more about 'normal life' and its pretty detailed' And many more thing i have said in this convo :D u just don'tfocus what i say or dont understand
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    Charlotta11Charlotta11 Posts: 399 Member
    edited July 2018
    @ClarionOfJoy ' I liked sims 3 when it came, don't get me wrong but i think they just didn't add game play that i liked that sims 4 offers me. Like i love spas, massages, saunas, makeup table for doing actual makeup whit it, restaurants to order food i like, cafes, drink and eat the same time, eat popcorn and wach movie same way that in sims 4, calendar, decorate christmas tree, make you're own holidays and go shopping chothes.
    those were couple thing i loved in sims, it remind me of sims 2. like open for business (sims 4 get to work), sims 2 bon voyage and camping ( out door retreat) for example.' i found more thing i have said i liked sims 4 in this convo.
    I just talk things i like in sims 4 live mode what i was missing in sims 3. But what sims game is best sims game is everyone own option. So if i said why sims 4 game is better and things i didn't like in sims 3 u don't have to get mad. Its just my option. U can like sims 3 more. its fine. And FOR ME sims 4 have improved game play and i can't even play sims 3 anymore. its not about my imagination its just because i like sims 4 more for it's game play i said above. Everyone has their own options about the game. peace o:)
    Post edited by Charlotta11 on
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    @ClarionOfJoy ' I liked sims 3 when it came, don't get me wrong but i think they just didn't add game play that i liked that sims 4 offers me. Like i love spas, massages, saunas, makeup table for doing actual makeup whit it, restaurants to order food i like, cafes, drink and eat the same time, eat popcorn and wach movie same way that in sims 4, calendar, decorate christmas tree, make you're own holidays and go shopping chothes.
    those were couple thing i loved in sims, it remind me of sims 2. like open for business (sims 4 get to work), sims 2 bon voyage and camping ( out door retreat) for example.' oh i found more thing i have said i liked sims 4 in this convo. yepp.... never said things i liked in sims 4 :D
    pls next time if u said something about me or for me. read my text and focus what i say before u say anything.
    Sims 3 has saunas, massages, restaurants, cafes, shopping for clothes, they can go camping, you can also raise families in the game and play the normal daily life if you prefer that. For me it’s in fact the daily life in Sims 4 where I find it boring. It took vampires to make me interested in this game. Finally something to do.
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    Charlotta11Charlotta11 Posts: 399 Member
    edited July 2018
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    @ClarionOfJoy ' I liked sims 3 when it came, don't get me wrong but i think they just didn't add game play that i liked that sims 4 offers me. Like i love spas, massages, saunas, makeup table for doing actual makeup whit it, restaurants to order food i like, cafes, drink and eat the same time, eat popcorn and wach movie same way that in sims 4, calendar, decorate christmas tree, make you're own holidays and go shopping chothes.
    those were couple thing i loved in sims, it remind me of sims 2. like open for business (sims 4 get to work), sims 2 bon voyage and camping ( out door retreat) for example.' oh i found more thing i have said i liked sims 4 in this convo. yepp.... never said things i liked in sims 4 :D
    pls next time if u said something about me or for me. read my text and focus what i say before u say anything.
    Sims 3 has saunas, massages, restaurants, cafes, shopping for clothes, they can go camping, you can also raise families in the game and play the normal daily life if you prefer that. For me it’s in fact the daily life in Sims 4 where I find it boring. It took vampires to make me interested in this game. Finally something to do.

    yes. if u buy sims 3 store items. but not in those expansions. Or there are but they are rabbit holes. i like go and see inside those buildings.
    Maybe i would get sims 3 playable for me whit a lot of store items but i don't really like invest my money for it anymore because its older game and i prefer sims 4 graphics more and art style of the sims. :)
    u said "For me it’s in fact the daily life in Sims 4 where I find it boring" i totally understand that some people find that boring but for me that isn't boring and that is why i didn't like sims 3 as much as sims 4. i think day to day life is more detailed and they focus just day to day life. Sims 3 in other hand have lot things to go, explore oceans, explore temples and going in to the future. u maybe get the point. I think there are 2 types of sims players. those who like to do missions (sims 3) and those who want to just do what they want and play day to day life and tell stories (sims 4)
    for some sims 3 offer a lot of stuff and things to do but for me sims 4 offer more to do in daily life :) but i still agree that sims 4 need little something exiting and not to be too predictable story telling.
    Post edited by Charlotta11 on
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited July 2018
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    @ClarionOfJoy ' I liked sims 3 when it came, don't get me wrong but i think they just didn't add game play that i liked that sims 4 offers me. Like i love spas, massages, saunas, makeup table for doing actual makeup whit it, restaurants to order food i like, cafes, drink and eat the same time, eat popcorn and wach movie same way that in sims 4, calendar, decorate christmas tree, make you're own holidays and go shopping chothes.
    those were couple thing i loved in sims, it remind me of sims 2. like open for business (sims 4 get to work), sims 2 bon voyage and camping ( out door retreat) for example.' oh i found more thing i have said i liked sims 4 in this convo. yepp.... never said things i liked in sims 4 :D
    pls next time if u said something about me or for me. read my text and focus what i say before u say anything.
    Sims 3 has saunas, massages, restaurants, cafes, shopping for clothes, they can go camping, you can also raise families in the game and play the normal daily life if you prefer that. For me it’s in fact the daily life in Sims 4 where I find it boring. It took vampires to make me interested in this game. Finally something to do.

    yes. if u buy sims 3 store items. but not in those expansions. Or there are but they are rabbit holes. i like go and see inside those buildings.
    Maybe i would get sims 3 playable for me whit a lot of store items but i don't really like invest my money for it anymore because its older game and i prefer sims 4 graphics more and art style of the sims. :)
    u said "For me it’s in fact the daily life in Sims 4 where I find it boring" i totally understand that some people find that boring but for me that isn't boring and that is why i didn't like sims 3 as much as sims 4. i think day to day life is more detailed and they focus just day to day life. Sims 3 in other hand have lot things to go, explore oceans, explore temples and going in to the future. u maybe get the point. I think there are 2 types of sims players. those who like to do missions (sims 3) and those who want to just do what they want and play day to day life and tell stories (sims 4)
    for some sims 3 offer a lot of stuff and things to do but for me sims 4 offer more to do in daily life :) but i still agree that sims 4 need little something exiting and not to be too predictable story telling.
    I don’t care how you can add gameplay to your game: EP’s, SP’s, GP’s, Store. It’s there and if you like it you can buy and get it (the things you listed are in my game, I often don’t even remember what pack or world or set it came with). I do agree with you Sims 3 is less detailed where it comes to daily family play than Sims 2, I noticed the difference right away when I started to play the Sims 2 UC and in retrospect I highly regret they sacrificed certain aspects in Sims 3 (didn’t know what I was missing out on before). I don’t quite see it in Sims 4 though... I find myself bumping into the issue of unexpainable emotion boosts in Sims 4, those are a real problem for me. Also with my vampire, who can get angry at times without any reason and the only way to get her out of it is putting her in front of a mirror and choose some interactions. I don’t get why she was angry in the first place (some aura I missed probably) and having to put her in front of that mirror takes me out of the game completely. In another save I have a toddler and I really love those in Sims 4. But all the animations take way way too long to hold my intention. They repeat and after awing them in the beginning (a lot of the animations are really cute and well done) I’ve seen them and I don’t have to see them over and over again. For some reason it’s not like that for me in Sims 2 and 3. My guess is because a lot of Sims 4’s gameplay is based on just that: watching and admiring pretty animations. I miss real reactions and I miss concequences and them remembering things.

    I think the Sims 3 animation team and the ones responsible for the facial expressions are highly underestimated by the way on these forums (except in the TS3 section where they are celibrated in 100+ pages long topics). You also said the worlds in TS3 are boring, but one of the things that struck me when I played JA was the total lack of things to do in the jungle (which looks stunning by the way). Somehow there’s a lot more to do for me when I send my sim to Egypt and make her travel through it. Things to find, things to explore, sims to interact with she meets in the middle of nowhere. I play Animal Crossing and even in those tiny villages there is way more to discover and explore than in a Sims 4 neighborhood.
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    roggekroggek Posts: 66 Member
    edited July 2018
    EA/Maxis wasn't born yesterday, they want us to feel that the game "is boring", so they can produce new expansion, game and stuff packs.

    And the sad part is, with all Stuff, Game and Expansiuon packs, the game "feels" much funnier than in the beginning…

    But I doubt there will be an Sims 5, the "genre" has died out...
    Much like the VHS recorder and rotary Telephone...
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    RosalettaRosaletta Posts: 25 Member
    I dislike building houses and creating sims, so I play almost exclusively in live mode. I'm also a rotational player. And yeah, I agree there are a lot of annoying things going on. I really dislike how sims will talk to their enemies the same way they talk to their friends. I roll my eyes when my sims keep grabbing water and trolling forums over and over again. Whims are way too general and I'd love for them to be more tied up with personalities, and the emotions often get too much in my face and all over the place. I miss the more long term goals and the fears from Sims 2, and I'd very much like if more things went wrong in their lives.

    But I still love Sims 4. I loved Sims 2 too, and spent countless hours in that game without getting bored (I skipped Sims 3, so I can't comment on that). Sims 2 was more challenging. Things didn't always work out the way I wanted it to, and I loved that. The personalities of my sims were more obvious, which was fun. It felt like my sims knew how they wanted their lives to go, and I as a player most often followed their lead.

    Sims in 4 feel more like a blank canvas. They rarely object to the things I tell them to do. They don't "tell me" what they want in life. Their autonomous behavior is nearly the same regardless of their traits. I can do whatever I want with them.

    I find that I get way more attached to my families in 4 than I ever did in 1 or 2. I find that my households in 4 are more varied than they were in 1 or 2. Because Sims 4 forces me to be creative with their stories. It forces me to look at the traits of a sim and figure out how they would behave, to figure out stories and relationships based on the combinations of traits and aspirations in a household. While sims feel the same if I ignore the traits, they do react accordingly when I push them in the direction of their traits. An evil sim will love it if I send them out to make enemies. A lazy one will enjoy sitting in front of the tv most of the day, an active sim will not. And so on.

    To me, sims feel more alive than they did before. I love the multitasking - seeing them chat to each other while they are eating or watching tv, randomly checking their phone in the middle of things, or listen to music while they're doing other stuff. I love how they will randomly think about family members. How they behave when they are angry, sad or embarrassed.

    I very much enjoy family play in this game. Toddlers are very close to perfection in my book - how they have the parents running around the house, the fussiness, the various ways to bond with them and teach them stuff. How they gradually learn to walk and talk, how they'll wake up parents because of nightmares. Parenthood also added a lot to this aspect, I especially like the parenting interactions, and the mood swings for teenagers.

    I play sims 4 in a different way than I played 1 and 2. I realize that I often use it more like a storytelling device than a game, and I completely understand and respect that that isn't everybody's preferred way of playing. But for me it's a very worthwhile way to spend my time, because it gets my creativity going in a way no other sims game has done.
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    Laura_JonesLaura_Jones Posts: 485 Member
    It's becoming increasingly clear that it's acceptable to ship a game before it's finished and to then make people pay out the 🐸🐸🐸🐸 to buy back content that should've been included in the first place.
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    jooxisjooxis Posts: 515 Member
    I'm inclined to agree and as a huge Sims 2 fan I have thought a lot about why this is.
    And I think it comes down to one thing - nothing matters and nothing has consequences. Everything feels like a blank slate the following day. And all sims behave the same.
    They need to reintroduce the memory system - but an improved version of it. Traits and experience doesn't affect sims. Most of the traits are just moodlets you get at random times - it isn't complex enough. I also want to have more control over their skills - I don't find it realistic for grandma to be autonomously gaining video gaming skill by using her mobile phone on the toilet. I want skills to matter more.
    Sims need a lot more personality and their personality needs to affect their life in meaningful ways.
    Romance needs a full overhaul. Right now when I want to get two sims romantically involved the process is always 100% the same. Chat/flirt/kiss/woohoo. And it always works which is extremely boring. We need attraction back. Love at first site. Feeling repulsed by another sim. Unrequited love. Faithful and unfaithful traits. Cheating on another sim should change the way that sim behaves towards their partner maybe. Just subtle things. Finding out your partner is cheating should create diverse reactions depending on the sim's personality and their relationship. Some sims will be angry, some will be depressed. Others may not be bothered too much by it - but they shouldn't just FORGET about it the next day after a 12 hour moodlet. This is what I mean about nothing matters - sims won't remember anything. And that ruins the immersion for me.

    TL;DR - The way Sims 4 currently works is I have to fill in too many gaps in gameplay with my own imagination. And I'd prefer the game doing some more of the work.
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    jooxisjooxis Posts: 515 Member
    edited July 2018
    You claiming the graphics are "bad" is just your opinion and not fact. I actually LOVE the graphics of Sims 3. They have better textures and aren't anywhere near blocky or blurred as in Sims 4.

    Well to nitpick - these things can, in fact, be facts. I work in game design and video game illustration and the quality of graphics and textures of Sims 4 are far superior to that of Sims 3. You can of course enjoy the Sims 3 style more as many people do.

    (If your Sims 4 textures are all blurry or blocky you may be using low settings or your graphics card is not good or old)

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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    The only time I had actually fun was when I played Vlad, I used to cause mayhem all around town. The thing is: always disliked vampires in the sims, in the sims 4 are the only thing I have fun with.
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