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Jordan and John


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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @Mikezumi I'm a bit bummed it wasn't a ghost baby, but glad it was a boy. Love the name Rory. :)
    I agree that Brett's hair looks better on him and the new hair is my favorite for little boys.
    Cute skilling pictures!
    Awwww, fly that rocket ship!
    Oliver is cute! Fast mover too!
    Dag, he should rock Rory. He wouldn't look so lonely then. :cry:
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Thank you @bekkasan :) I was bummed at first when I saw a human baby but when he aged up to toddler and I had a sneak peek at his grown up version I was good with it :)
    Oliver didn't waste any time at all! Most teens want to do their homework but he grabbed Morna as soon as he could ;)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited May 2018
    Sam had arrived just before I closed my game the previous night. After haunting a few objects around the house he woke Rory for a snuggle.
    Sam is a good grandpa :)
    He put Rory down when he had had his snuggle and went off to play the bass. I think he's the first sim to do so in this save :)
    Euan arrived shortly after I loaded my save. He sat in the rocker for a while but it wasn't long before he found the training dummy. Euan loved his MA in life and is no different in death :)
    Brett tended to Rory's needs before calling the family to breakfast.
    Lachie's waking wish was to find a gem so I had him collect one on his way to breakfast. He also had a wish to see a ghost locked in from the previous day ... granted! :D
    Lachie: "I can't believe dad sneezed right on my waffles!"
    When I sent Morna out to water the plants she rolled a wish to level up. There weren't enough plants for her to get her wish but she got it after she fertilized the money trees :) While she was watering I noticed a money tree seed on the ground. My trees are too old to produce seeds so I think it might be from when the house was saved to the library. I had used DebugEnabler to make everything visible the previous day and it must have been invisible all that time!
    I found Lachie asking Euan about his day :)
    Niall had a wish to use the stroller so I had him take his baby brother for a stroll :)
    I awwww'd loudly when I saw Kenna had joined her great-grandfather in a jam session :)
    Lachie has some amazing scare powers! :p
    Post edited by Mikezumi on
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Cain finished off the gardening when the kids had gone to school. I forgot to take a pic of him doing it, but he also picked up the money tree seed.
    I saw from Brett's thumbnail that he was on the trampoline :)
    Rory's skilling is complete but that doesn't let Brett off the hook! I got him off the trampoline and gave him Niall's stroller.
    I heard woohoo and found Cain and Niall in the elevator :p
    Niall's waking wish was to fish. I decided Cain should join him.
    Morna went on a field trip to the Bistro. Mikezumi was chaperone :) Oliver was also there :)
    When they got off the bus, I saw that Darnell (Beitris' son) and Peter (Duff's son) went as well :)
    Brett had a wish to catch a 50kg fish locked in. I gave him some red herrings and he caught an 80kg shark :)
    After he had a few fish wishes under his belt, I sent him inside to tend to Rory's needs.
    He danced when he was done :)
    When the boys got home from fishing, I let them do their own thing.
    Rory is too adorable :) I can't wait for him to grow up so you can see how handsome he will be!
    When Niall and Cain had their fill of woohoo, Niall came in and danced with his dad. They watched Rory the whole time! :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Niall and Brett were still dancing when Morna got home from the field trip. I chuckled when she looked at them as she came in the door. My teen son laughs at me when I dance and I imagine most teens don't believe "oldies" know how to have fun :p
    They were still dancing when the children got home from school!
    Kenna came home with a wish to hang out with Niall. She also rolled a wish to chat with him when she walked through the door.
    Lachie went straight to Cain when he was done with his homework :)
    I saw that Rory's social bar was dropping so had Morna join him at the xylophone :) It's funny to think that Rory is her uncle :D
    After some games of catch it was time for Kenna's birthday :)
    Um, no!
    Much better!
    She's not as striking as Morna but is beautiful nonetheless :)
    As soon as she finished her cake, I had her get started on the cooking skill.
    Cain got an invitation to his half-sister, Kristina's, party. Niall joined him after he got his wish to enrol Kenna in an afterschool activity.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Brett rolled a wish to take Rory for a stroll. He'd already had a stroll but only because I made him and not because he wished to so I obliged :)
    When I checked on Cain, I was happy to find him chatting with his sister :)
    I almost missed Lachie destroying Kenna's sandcastle because Morna was on her way over to chat with him.
    Niall was happy to finally get to the party! ;)
    He and Mathew Svard got hearts but I fixed Mathew's gender preference when I found he was married and had a child.
    Cain was also glad to see Niall had arrived :)
    No Brett! I won't have you wallowing!
    I sent the birthday girl over to talk with her grandpa :)
    When I checked on the boys they were chatting.
    I couldn't see Kristina so looked upstairs and found she had interrupted her dad (Cain's dad also) and his wife who had obviously been making use of her bed :p
    Josh didn't look impressed by the interruption ;)
    Because Brett is on borrowed time, I sent the boys home early.
    I found Morna and Lachie playing catch. I wonder if I missed any epic scares while watching the other family members ;)
    The boys watched the stars :)
    Kenna finally got to play the drums. She had been on her way to do that when I had her talk with her grandpa instead.
    Beathan arrived just before I closed my game :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Beathan had arrived before I closed my game and Greg arrived just after I loaded it :)
    Morna had a wish to fish before 6am.
    Greg spent most of his visit haunting but Beathan chose to dance :)
    Brett got Rory up and ready for his last morning as a toddler. I never lose sims in the morning so I hoped that Brett was the same and that he gets to see his son as a child.
    Morna: "Is there something behind me?" ;)
    The family enjoyed crepes for breakfast :)
    Morna's waking wish was to find a seed. I sent her to a nearby spawner.
    Kenna's waking wishes were to be BFF with a few sims, including Morna. I cancelled the wishes. Fortunately she had a wish to prepare a meal using freshly caught fish locked in from the previous day when she learned the recipe for fish and chips.
    Lachie didn't have a waking wish so I had him get started on his block table skills. Brett's waking wish was to harvest a wild plant so I had Rory play with Lachie until he got back.
    Cain's waking wish was to water the plants.
    The family always need eggs and cheese so I sent Brett to the Community Garden to harvest some. He only wanted to harvest one wild plant but he got to harvest 6! ;)
    When Cain got his wish, I sent Niall out to help him finish the gardening.
    I noticed Tam in the yard so I sent Niall to invite him in. Morna took advantage of Niall' absence to chat with Cain.
    Phew! Once the kids go to school, I can put my feet up a little ;)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Both Brett and Niall had wishes to use the stroller, but I cancelled Niall's since I wanted to get Rory aged up before they morning was over.
    Niall was trying to talk with his cousin but Cain interrupted to flirt.
    Niall rolled a wish to snuggle his baby brother :) I let him do that before I aged him up.
    Not a good look!
    Adorable! :)
    He has Fife's green eyes :)
    I sent him out to get to know his cousin :)
    Niall learned that his baby brother has a good sense of humour :)
    Rory rolled a wish to learn the painting skill :) He also rolled a wish to go to painting class but why do that when there are perfectly good easels at home? ;)
    I noticed that Tam was still wearing a teen sized MA outfit so I changed him into his everyday outfit and removed all MA outfits from his outfit list.
    When Brett finished his painting he chatted with his nephew :) Niall and Cain were "playing" in the treehouse ;)
    Not sure who started this!
    But it ended well :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    I sent Brett to talk with Rory when his social bar started going down :)
    Kenna got home early and did her homework before asking Niall for driving lessons.
    Niall danced while Kenna did her homework :)
    Brett and Rory's talk led to a game of catch. Poor Rory probably wasn't expecting this! ;)
    Kenna got her licence in one go! :)
    Rory rolled a wish to visit the Art Gallery. Catch must not be his cup of tea ;)
    He met another cousin, Bert Lothario, while he was there :)
    Brett met Dianne, Bert's wife :)
    She didn't mind when he pulled out photos of his grandkids ;)
    I got a popup that Cain had leveled up so rushed home to take a pic :)
    Morna came home from Art Class with all kinds of sculpting wishes. I cancelled each and every one! I like the sculpting skill but it's not good for such a short lifespan because it triggers a neverending wish chain :#
    This is where I found Niall and Kenna when I got the popup that Kenna had got her licence. Why the game doesn't push them home is a mystery to me :#
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Lachie got home late because of Scouts.
    He searched for evil doings when he finished his homework. He rolled a wish to use the telescope as he was leaving for school in the morning.
    The family had Brett's favourite, stir fry, again. My son complains if he eats the same meal more than once per week! Thankfully sims don't care ;)
    Kenna rolled a wish to attend the Prom when she aged up. I had to wait for her future husband to age up before I could secure a date for her. This is Lonnie Frio and he's very cute :)
    Lachie came home from school with a wish to go for a joy ride. He got his wish after dinner :)
    After a bit of flirting, Kenna rolled a wish to kiss Lonnie for the first time :)
    When I checked back home, I found Brett and Rory playing catch again. I guess Rory doesn't mind the beaning ;)
    I saved Rory from further head trauma by having him chat with his father instead ;)
    Kenna and Lonnie were watching the stars when I next checked on them :)
    I wonder what Niall and Cain had been up to? ;)
    I like all my kids to learn the logic skill so I had Rory play with his dad :)
    Cain and Niall watched the stars :)
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @Mikezumi , Finally a free moment..
    **it must be nice to have so many ghosts on the property at once, they have proven helpful in the past.
    **You didn’t like Brett’s floating head?? :D
    **Do ghosts always break the shower?
    **Lachie has that shirt that you have used a few times, it always reminds me of my first Connor dream (though his was a button up with that stripe, and the stripe was a medium blue).
    **Lachie is a gorgeous child! I normally son’t care for blondes but have developed a soft spot for them as of late.
    **Morna takes the homework face to a new level! :D
    **Lachie’s “catch face” yipes!
    **LOL!! He’s gonna scare the baby right out of grandpa!
    **Hehe!! Payback pinching of the cheek!
    **Seriously Lachie is my new favorite!! Love that evil little booger... >:)
    **body-less labor...oh my!!
    **dang it I was hoping for a ghost baby!! (Peeked ahead and knew Rory was a “normal” kiddo)
    **I think I like Rory with Brett’s hair color, though another blonde would be cute too...
    **butterfly on Cain’s nose... <3
    **Tam’s son and Morna, bet they will have some gorgeous kids! (Though he’s not the son of that other Tam you had who was a knockout...that dude was whoa!!)
    ** moving boy!!
    **Morna’s painting looks adorable so far!

    Will do more in a sec.... :smiley:
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Charlottesmom Thanks for the lovely comments :) The ghosts seem to be particularly active lately and I am wondering if it's because the household was small there for a while.
    I don't think ghosts normally break the shower. I think it's just random as it is with living sims.
    I do remember you telling me about your Connor dream. I like the longer t-shirt (I believe you gifted it to me *hugs*) and I also like that striped pattern and the texture of the pattern as well :)
    Lachie is so adorable in his evilness :p
    Yes, that Tam was lovely! This Tam not so much. Not that he is ugly but that his nose and mouth are too close together.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited May 2018
    I was beginning to think I would have no ghostly visitors but Euan arrived about an hour after I loaded my save :)
    He went straight to the rocker but didn't stay there long because I maxed his motives. I don't want my ghosts to be uncomfortable and it makes me sad when they arrive "tense" :'(
    He was working out when the family came to breakfast.
    Rory had a couple of potion wishes locked in from the previous day.
    Kenna's waking wish was to paint.
    Brett's waking wish was to water the plants. Niall did the rest of the gardening while Cain played catch with Lachie.
    When Brett finished watering, I saw that Euan was in his queue to scare him. Fortunately he got distracted when the elevator door got him :p A little earlier I had seen Euan get out of the shower. He must have worked out until he was stinky. He didn't break the shower :)
    Once again, I found Niall dancing with his dad :)
    The kids had a field trip to the Science Facility. Yasmin Frio was chaperone.
    Luke, Tam's son, was also there :)
    Post edited by Mikezumi on
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Niall and Cain had been flirting but they got distracted by Brett skinny dipping.
    Needless to say, they joined him :p
    When Brett reacted to the skinny dippers it made him get out but he got straight back in again. Unfortunately he broke the hot tub.
    Cain, being over-emotional, had a little cry about it ;)
    Peter, Duff's son, came home with Morna.
    Kenna came home with a wish to do her homework - no wonder she's running to get inside ;)
    Duff danced instead of doing his homework. Probably getting in some practice before Prom ;)
    Brett had been playing catch with Niall but came in to chat with Peter when Cain interrupted for a flirt.
    The boys got home early because of the field trip.
    Kenna had rolled a wish to learn the guitar skill during the day. I gave her one of the spares in Brett's inventory. When I lined up the shot, I saw that Cain and Niall were doing okay ;)
    Kenna rolled a wish to jam with someone and I knew that Brett had some skill with the guitar so had him join her :)
    Rory learned the fishing skill while on his field trip. He came home with a wish to catch a goldfish. I know where Niall and Cain were ;)
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @Mikezumi , Awwwwww, Sam snuggling with Rory!
    **So glad to see ghosty Euan!! Look like he is enjoying his afterlife. :smiley:
    **Easy wishes for Lachie, do the gems from breaking the space rock count as “collected” if another Sim picks them up?
    **RUDE sneezing on others waffles!! He did cover his mouth though...
    **Two of my favorite Sims from this save Lachie and Euan chatting. ;)
    **sweet of Kanna joining Sam in playing the instruments.
    **Hehe!!! long distance scaring...freaking love that kid!! >:)<3
    **mikezumi as the chaperone! I bet that gave you the warm fuzzies... :smiley:
    **keep those kids in like C!!
    **Awwwww, I agree Rory is a cutie, especially playing with the dollhouse...why do they always eat the daddy?
    **Yup, us old folks have no clue how to have fun, I get eye rolls too!!
    **That is pretty amusing to think of Rory as Morna’s uncle (but not unheard of even IRL).
    **Kenna makes a great teen, love those lips!! I love the dress you put her in!
    **Ohhhh Lachie you little booger, stomping on Kenna’s sandcastle! Hehe!!! :lol:
    **Mathew appears pretty adorable! (i kept spelling his name like I spell my Matthew’s name...had to correct it twice!) :p
    **poor Brett...I just keep thinking he’s lonsly, poor boy!! BUT if he dies Rory will be dadless...even sadder.
    **Josh....a fine specimen!!
    **would love to see all the ghosts out at the same time...that would be epic!
    **Rory and Lachie look adorable at the block table together, I adore toddler/child together pictures...they tug at the mommy in me.
    **cheese plants always make me giggle..
    **Okay Rory IS a looker, you can see the heartbreaker peeking ou of those green eyes!
    **Niall and Cain “playing” in the treehouse...checkers right?? :wink:
    **geeze dad take it easy on your kiddo!!
    **Bert must be dramatic...
    **Lonnie....wowsa!! Kenna is a lucky girl!
    **Joyride is a favorite, in small doses.
    **Awww, Niall and Cain have take up camping’s nice to have a new hobby *snort* :lol:

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    As soon as the boys finished woohooing I sent them to the front door because I knew the girls' Prom dates would be arriving soon and wanted to save some time as they always approach someone in the yard for a chat before they go to Prom. Lonnie arrived first.
    Oliver was right on his heels. Morna came out to speak with Cain so I sent Kenna out as well. Oliver's phone rang just as the limo pulled up and it cancelled the action to get into the limo :# I had to send him to school using MC.
    I had Brett take the rest of the family to dinner.
    I was glad that Brett made it through dinner but worried the whole time they were driving home that I would lose him and considered teleporting them instead.
    He made it home :)
    Cain and Niall watched the stars when they got home :) Rory was heading to the sand pit :)
    It made me happy when Lachie got his grandpa out of the rocker by hugging him :) Because Lachie is a genius and Brett had a wish to level up in logic locked in, I had them play chess together after their hug :)
    The girls got home just as the family were heading to bed. They were hungry so I had them eat something before sending them to bed also.
    Sam arrived at around 2am.
    Beathan arrived shortly after.
    As I was getting ready to save and quit my session I saw that Fife had arrived as well :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Charlottesmom Thanks for more wonderful comments :) You are doing a really big catch up! *hugs*
    The gems from the board breaker do count which makes those wishes to find gems super easy! :)
    I adore Euan but Fife was really my favourite of that generation.
    It does give me the warm fuzzies when Mikezumi is chaperone :) She is looking out for my sims and I know she loves it too :)
    I don't know why they eat the daddy or even why they beat them up as well. Perhaps the person who made the animations had daddy issues? ;)
    R was an uncle at birth!
    Of course they were playing checkers! What else would they be doing? ;)
    I agree about Lonnie! He's a cute one :)
    Joyride and Preside Over Royal Court are only good in very small doses! LOL
    That's what I meant to do! I was going to see if one of the kids wanted to sleep in the tent overnight. I should do it while the two boys are still children. It might be an adventure for them! :)
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    Forgot some awesomes...added them.. :smiley:
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Poor Fife was trying to fish but Sam had other plans for him ;)
    I missed getting a pic of the actual scare because the family were sleeping and the game was on ultra-speed.
    I decided to slow the speed down for a while so I could keep up with the visiting ghosts. I had the walls down but put them up to take a pic of Beathan watching Brett.
    I'm glad I put the walls down immediately after because I saw that Fife was scaring Beathan through the wall. I know where Lachie got his super scaring abilities ;)
    Fife went on to haunt the lamp in Niall and Cain's room.
    I missed Beathan scaring Sam in the basement. I heard the gasp but got downstairs too late.
    The family had waffles for breakfast. I had a slow day ahead of me because it was Saturday.
    I saw through the window that Fife was finally fishing. He always loved his fishing :)
    Morna's waking wish was to invite Oliver over. She also rolled a wish to make Autumn Salad when the lettuce was ready to harvest. When she was done, she rolled a wish to hire a butler. Silly sim!
    Kenna's waking wish was to paint but I sent her outside to water a plant first so she could unhide the gardening skill she got from Scouts.
    Brett's waking wish was to practise MA :)
    Niall's waking wish was to water the plants. He got his wish when he and Cain finished off the gardening :)
    Kenna got her wish :)
    Rory's waking wish was to visit the park. Lachie's was to have a sleepover. I don't do sleepovers so cancelled the wish and sent him to the park with Rory.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Morna got her waking wish :) Oliver grabbed her for a heat of the moment kiss as soon as they got in the house :)
    I sent Cain, Niall and Brett to the park when the gardening was done.
    I laughed really hard when Brett came over to boast about his grandkids to Cain :D Cain is responsible for more than half of his grandkids, afterall ;)
    Rory had been playing in the sand when Brett went over to talk with him :)
    I checked back at the house and found Morna and Oliver in bed :o;)
    Brett was in fine form. First boasting to Cain and then pinching Rory's cheek! :D I seriously can't understand micromanaging - I love being surprised by what my sims will do on their own :)
    Another quick check on Morna and Oliver :)
    Rory rolled a wish to read the baking report when the paper arrived. Brett called Mikezumi for a chat - I was chuffed! :)
    I sent Kenna to the park when she finished her painting.
    So much for SP! I tried disallowing service sims in the lot options but this sim showed up anyway :#
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Lachie interrupted his dads' flirting :D
    I sent Rory home to bake some muffins because he rolled a wish to bake something after reading the baking report. When he was done he rolled a wish to sell something.
    I sent him back to the park with his muffins and the bakers stand. I waited for some time and there were no takers. I knew that it never failed to work from home so that's where he went next.
    He had two customers within minutes!
    The only problem with selling baked goods from home is that the customers end up staying. I sent the female home but let Luke, Oliver's brother, stay for the day. He and Kenna exchanged one brief flirt but it went nowhere and they were back in the friend zone thereafter.
    Niall rolled a wish to find a gem while at the park. He got his wish when he got home :)
    I had Rory bake some more muffins in case he rolled another bakers stand wish. They'll never go off in the fridge and can be used by future generations of kids if needed ;)
    Morna and Oliver had been woohooing in the elevator. I found Brett and Lachie playing catch when I checked on them :)
    Niall rolled a wish to introduce himself to Luke. When I next checked on them he was tutoring him!
    Kenna is disciplined and she snuck off to learn MA. I didn't realize until I got the popup that she had learned the skill. She rolled a wish to spar with someone and Cain was handy :)
    It was a very quick match and Cain won.
    Kenna leveled up :)
    Luke is such a handsome boy!
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Brett and Lachie played catch for ages but Brett looked happy so I didn't stop them :)
    I saw that Morna was playing catch with Rory so I went looking for Oliver.
    He must have been hungry because he was making PB&J.
    He didn't get to finish because I had Niall call everyone to dinner.
    When Brett went to the TV after dinner, I had the boys join him :)
    Kenna had a wish to catch a bug. There was only one active spawner on the whole map and she missed the bug!
    Cain and Niall watched the stars. Luke loves the outdoors and I found him fishing :)
    Morna and Oliver also watched the stars :)
    Brett lost interest in the TV :p
    Since they didn't have to keep Brett company any longer, I had the boys work on their block table skills.
    Cain was invited to party thrown by his half sister, Kristina :)
    Niall talked with his cousin, Tam while Cain introduced himself to Michael Frio, Kristina's father-in-law.
    Normally I get upset when my female sims bother everyone for games of catch but not when it means that Brett is not left on his own :)
    Greg visited a little before I closed my game.
    He didn't bother with the rocker and went straight to the board breaker!
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    It's Sunday morning and I have a treat for the family at the small park near their house :)
    Brett woke with a wish to grow a perfect plant, Kenna with a general gardening wish and Morna with a wish to weed.
    Rory woke with a wish to bake something which led to a wish to sell a baked good.
    Niall's waking wish was to watch the Cooking Channel. Brett was changing into his everyday wear so he could join Rory and Lachie at the park.
    I let Kenna have another try at catching a bug before I deleted the wish. Once again, the spawner was miles from home :/ but she got her wish :)
    I sent Morna and Kenna to the park as well. When I checked on them they were doing everything but playing with their new toys!
    When Cain and Niall finished off the gardening I had them join the rest of the family. I also took matters into my own hands and had the girls ride on the carousel. I need to check with retuner if riding the carousel is autonomous or not as I don't like to tell my family what to do.
    Brett! Either he's really proud of his grandkids or he is losing the plot ;)
    Since Lachie was getting in the way of his dads' loving, I sent him to test the Cotton Candy Machine :)
    I do remember loving Cotton Candy (Fairy Floss) when I was a kid :) My mother always called it Cotton Candy but this was probably because the Japanese learned their English from Americans and not Australians ;)
    The ride went forever! I ended up cancelling it so the others could have a turn.
    Poor Rory will never be able to finish his sandcastles :(
    At least Lachie takes pride in his work ;)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    When I released the girls from the carousel they wandered off to play catch. I let the rest of the family have a ride :)
    Rory must be rubbing off on Lachie because he also rolled a wish to bake something.
    Of course it led to a wish to sell a baked good so I had him tend the stand. He got two customers :)
    Collin Frio was the first customer and I sent him home immediately after he bought a muffin because I knew he was due to die that day and didn't want Lachie witnessing it. Stella, Beitris's daughter, also bought one and was also sent home in case she went into labor :p
    Lachie looked very pleased with his sales :)
    When I checked on the family still at the park I saw that Niall and Cain had splinters and Brett and Rory were sharing a hug :)
    The girls had come home at some point but I have no clue when. I really don't like the way my sims get pushed home when I have sent them somewhere. Kenna was breaking boards and Morna was reading a book.
    I let Rory finally get his wish to sell a baked good. As soon as he set up, two cars appeared. One is pulling up and the other is the bus on the far side of the fishing hole.
    Mathew Svard and Des Frio both bought muffins :)
    I sent the rest of the family home. Brett made a beeline for the stereo :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Some time during the morning, Morna rolled a wish to invite Oliver over.
    She also had a wish to take a photo with a friend :)
    I saw "tutor Oliver" in Niall's queue and cancelled it. He quickly replaced it with a general question so I let him go. As soon as he had asked his question they lost interest in him and went back to flirting.
    Niall chatted with his dad when the teens wandered off to the bedroom. I could see Rory and Lachie playing catch and Kenna talking with Cain.
    When I sent Niall to prepare some stir fry, Brett went straight to the rocker :(
    I let him relax until dinner was served.
    I could see something was wrong so I checked in map view and found that Oliver was complaining about art :/
    Brett had rolled a wish to level up in fishing during the day so I let him fish after dinner. The boys watched the stars nearby :)
    I smiled when the little boys came out to play catch nearby. Sims really do seem to want to be near those they love :)
    Cain has a wish to reach level 8 in MA locked in so I had him spar with Niall when they were done watching the stars.
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