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The Sims 4 My First Pet Stuff - A Stuff Pack filled with Fur


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    RnM92RnM92 Posts: 222 Member
    The purpose of every company or place of employment is to give back to society. Right now all of us are conversing online through the means of products and services that none of us helped create. Some random strangers we don't know are to thank for our keyboards. Some random strangers we don't know developed our computer technology. Others are keeping our internet stable, and some others even built chairs and desks.

    We don't know these people and have no way of thanking them, yet they gave us something. The best way we can thank them is by continuing that mindset and giving back to society ourselves. This is how the world goes round: everyone working to aid society.

    EA has forgotten what it means to provide a service to society and has become lost in the numbers. To them, it's not about the quality of the work or the service that you provide to society, but rather about the money. They don't care about the service, they care about the wealth. They will gladly minimize work effort and work provided while attempting to maximize profit for it and won't feel any shame whatsoever.

    Little moves like this remind me that EA has lost it's way and doesn't want to give back to society, but wants to be as parasitic as possible within the confines of still working a job. Price increases and changes in policy do not occur because they're adapting to the fair market price, but rather because they just want money.

    To me? It's a grim reminder that the staff behind Sims 4 does not care about the quality of the game. Quality is only provided when it's a requirement to make money. When it isn't, it's optional. I don't see why I should have faith in any future products from the Sims team if this is their true attitude towards their fans.

    So much this! This is why I'm so sick of big corporations in general. But EA is particularly bad. I mean what game company purposely destroys nearly all of their game franchises?
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    Jordan061102Jordan061102 Posts: 3,918 Member
    Katlyn2525 wrote: »
    catitude5 wrote: »
    {EA_Lanna: Quote removed}
    I feel so sorry for the gurus. They work so hard on this game and are wonderful at engaging with the community, and then they have to take all the garbage when people get angry with the decisions from EA's faceless vultures.

    It's not the gurus, we all know it's not up to them. Nobody is mad at them.

    Do we?

    Listen, I also don't know they are behind it, but seeing this post of yours rubs me the wrong way because it implies we know these people and we're good friends with them.

    We don't.
    We're not.

    At the very least we know they absolutely knew about this pack and saw it's release coming, yet here it is. We also know that some are out there promoting it. Either they don't care and promote it earnestly or they're lying through their teeth about their satisfaction with it. Even if you'd argue "it's their job, of course they do that," well that's my point: their paycheck is more important to them than our satisfaction, clearly, so we can't exactly sit here and act like they're our pals or harbor no guilt whatsoever in this.

    I just feel viewing them as good pals is just asking to have them try to play into your sympathies for more sales.

    But you should be able to have a respectful conversation with them, despite your anger at something. I go after a situation I don't like. Not a Guru.

    I've not been disrespectful to them. However, respect =/= we're friends and I think they can do no wrong. I don't know them so we're not friends, and yes I think they're very much capable of doing wrong. I mean why should I not suspect they could be a part of this?

    At the end of the day, it's truly irrelevant. They had an opportunity to stand up and refuse to do this stuff pack, they didn't. Heck, maybe they tried and got strongarmed into making it. It doesn't matter, the result is the same: we get screwed over, and the gurus are sitting there lying through their teeth on twitter about how much they care with this pack and fan feedback, probably because it's expected of them for their job. Where is my motivation to give them the benefit of the doubt? What does it offer to the situation in a practical sense?

    The only practical purpose to pity for the Gurus...? EA can exploit that to try and make the outrage die down. "We may be greedy monsters, but think of the poor Gurus!" That's exactly why I spoke out: I don't see why any of us should be discussing them, because it only benefits EA.

    Nah, I don't want the Gurus being some sort of emotional shield for EA to hide behind. They had a chance to speak against this, and either they didn't or nothing came of it and now they've been doing what's needed to do EA's bidding. There is nothing personal about this and I don't have any personal hatred or judgement for the Gurus, because I understand how it is. They have a job to do, and sometimes doing your job stinks. It's easy to say they should do everything to stand against this, but sometimes the possibility of losing a job is just too scary. Regardless of the fact that this is no hard feelings though and nothing personal, I see absolutely no reason for me to sit here and throw a pity party for the Gurus. They're still a cog in the very machine we're all mad at, and yes they contributed.

    Perfect post. We don't have to get any pity for Gurus.
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited March 2018
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    Kita5399 wrote: »
    mirta000 wrote: »
    This is so bad that now I'm playing The Sims Mobile... You know, a "wait this amount of time or pay" sort of game, because they seem less scummy about their practices and it gives me my sims fix. This has gone down a very very outrageous route. What's even funnier is that they didn't catch up on all the backlash and are not even trying to fix this.

    Be very careful with that.

    I posted like a month ago that I thought Sims mobile was Sims 5, and that something they might try to do is get more and more bold and experimental with Sims 4 until people get sick of it. People feel Sims 4 is going down the drain? They'll try Sims Mobile. Just like that, they're inadvertedly pushing people towards the game with the more exploitative model. They'd even be making money off of those too stubborn NOT to buy the stuff packs.

    I looked into mobile yesterday, I immediately decided against it. I only wanted it for when I travel (which I can't anyway because it requires internet), but the second I looked at prices for added content I said forget it. It almost seems like we are being backed into a corner here. If we all buy this new SP we're supporting this new way to nickel and dime for content, but if we boycott we may also doom the series (if EA deems it no longer profitable).

    If EA wants to trash a franchise they’re going to do it anyway. It’s not our responsibility to make sure The Sims survives if EA continuously makes bad choices for it.

    Did Sim City teach you nothing? If a series gets the sells numbers EA keeps them around. If they don't EA axes them and quickly too. Not only did Sim City cease to exist - they axed it's studio in a heartbeat. It's their way or the highway. They own it and can take their toys and go home - leaving it nothing but a memory.

    People got encouraged because another company made what some say is a better Sim City, and of course people are forever thinking - well this will just happen to the Sims. But think about it - even companies who have considered making this kind of game backed off because it is a very expensive and difficult game to make. On top of it Sims City still makes them money - they have the mobile version - cheaper and easier to make and it sell like hotcakes. The only people left out are players like me who liked Sims City as it was ( I am not a mobile gamer and never will be) and the other versions like Build it - not at all - City Skylines - well it's just not Sim City and I doesn't have the same feeling and attachment toward it I had for the Sim Cities I used to love.

    Copies are never the same as the games we loved. I have tried other Sim like games - and I never end up liking them for very long. They are just a game - not even often a very good game, and definitely not the game I used to enjoy for so many years.

    So yes - I think it is on US to keep a franchise going. I mean what company is going to keep producing something that does not any longer make them money. When it cost a company to make their game and the cost goes negative - they have to cut their loses. That's called good business sense. EA also never waits around to see if things might eventually even out - they simply destroy them.

    So yes - you like the Sims - it really is up to the people who do - who use it as their escape pod from real life - to support it. Otherwise EA will drop it like a hot potato in a heart beat.

    Yes, I like The Sims enough to stick around awhile, and can put up with a dud or two, or undoubtedly a pack that is fine, but in which I'm simply not interested. But that road runs both ways. If they start systematically producing lower quality content, and prices continue to rise, I can drop them like a hot potato as well. There are always many choices for leisure time activities, and some of them might even be better for my health, mental stimulation, or well being.
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    Well people said that about Sim City and now it's gone - forever...... Also it's not blackmail. You get something for your money.

    I didn't get a product that was up to my standards, tho. It wasn't up to a lot of folks' standards. Something came along that was higher quality and it sold better. So it is gone. And yet, somehow, I adapted. :)

    I lost interest in City Skylines rather quickly. To me it was not the same joyful experience. But then I also do not care for a single one of the so called Sims like games - they look like games for 7 year olds or as chat centers. I liked Sim City 2000, 3000, 4, and Rush Hour. I liked Sims 1, 2, 3 and finally Sims 4 - I don't like any of the games that are considered Sims like. They are fine for a few weeks and then I feel like the one ripped off because let's face it - they are not the Sims or Sim City.

    But of course that is me...

    Well anyway - what ever - I have said what I had to say and while many will stay here hashing it out and fussing about being ripped off (which I don't get actually) I am going to go play my Sims games...

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    PrincessSimcessPrincessSimcess Posts: 917 Member
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    It's also annoying that they keep saying that the pack comes with four rodents. Like, no, it comes with one that has four different meshes. It's like saying the fox or raccoon are other animals when they're really not. They all play the same way. It's no different for this hamster. There's also no variety within the species. You can't change the colour of your hamster, even though in real life they come in all different designs.

    Different pets would be hamsters (with or without the different meshes), birds, and reptiles, all with different interactions and habitats.

    Plus, sims interact with the habitats the way they interact with babies. Pick up for a second, put them down. Pet, put away. It's boring. At least in TS3 there were hamster balls and other cute little things.

    Such a ripoff.

    The caged animals were always that. At least this one they have more humane cages. At most you have to agree - the pack is in the eye of the beholder. People wanted little caged creatures and more gear - the pack delivers that. It is not a rip off as you don't have to buy it, but you also cannot go around and say they never delivered things some claimed were missing.

    I do think it's a ripoff for those who bought C&D. I never said they didn't deliver what wasn't promised. All I'm saying is that hamsters (and plenty of other small animals) were included with TS3 Pets, all in one pack. What's more, they were fairly interactive. This is a Stuff pack that has one animal that is basically decoration.

    I agree with the more humane cage part, but the fact that only one cage is offered is bothersome as well. Why is there no variety save for a colour swatch or two? If it's a pack about hamsters, they should have at least given two habitats.
    Lift up your head, princess. If not, the crown falls.

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    RnM92RnM92 Posts: 222 Member
    mirta000 wrote: »
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    Well people said that about Sim City and now it's gone - forever...... Also it's not blackmail. You get something for your money.

    buy this inferior product or the franchise ceases to exist!. It is blackmail. And I rather it died, than it got dragged in the mud to a point where the last iteration was as bad as simcity. At this rate if we would get The Sims 5, it would have lootboxes. That is not how I want to remember the franchise that I loved dearly.

    This is EA's go-to playbook strategy too:

    Step one: Spot a beloved franchise that makes good profit.
    Step two: Buy it.
    Step three: Set marketing into overdrive and sell the game off the franchise's name alone. Funding development isn't neccesary; fund marketing.
    Step four: Game releases. It either bombs and they kill it for not making enough profit, or it sells well. If it sells well, repeat steps three and four while reducing the funding until it finally dies.

    In the case of the Sims, they didn't really need to do steps one or two, but yes we're absolutely at risk of the same playbook strategy all the same. EA feeds off people's sympathies for beloved franchises and uses that to push sales.

    Nail on the head! They are basically parasites. Their whole business strategy is rage inducing.
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    mortiamortia Posts: 1,155 Member
    Katlyn2525 wrote: »
    catitude5 wrote: »
    {EA_Lanna: Quote removed}
    I feel so sorry for the gurus. They work so hard on this game and are wonderful at engaging with the community, and then they have to take all the garbage when people get angry with the decisions from EA's faceless vultures.

    It's not the gurus, we all know it's not up to them. Nobody is mad at them.

    Do we?

    Listen, I also don't know they are behind it, but seeing this post of yours rubs me the wrong way because it implies we know these people and we're good friends with them.

    We don't.
    We're not.

    At the very least we know they absolutely knew about this pack and saw it's release coming, yet here it is. We also know that some are out there promoting it. Either they don't care and promote it earnestly or they're lying through their teeth about their satisfaction with it. Even if you'd argue "it's their job, of course they do that," well that's my point: their paycheck is more important to them than our satisfaction, clearly, so we can't exactly sit here and act like they're our pals or harbor no guilt whatsoever in this.

    I just feel viewing them as good pals is just asking to have them try to play into your sympathies for more sales.

    But you should be able to have a respectful conversation with them, despite your anger at something. I go after a situation I don't like. Not a Guru.

    I've not been disrespectful to them. However, respect =/= we're friends and I think they can do no wrong. I don't know them so we're not friends, and yes I think they're very much capable of doing wrong. I mean why should I not suspect they could be a part of this?

    At the end of the day, it's truly irrelevant. They had an opportunity to stand up and refuse to do this stuff pack, they didn't. Heck, maybe they tried and got strongarmed into making it. It doesn't matter, the result is the same: we get screwed over, and the gurus are sitting there lying through their teeth on twitter about how much they care with this pack and fan feedback, probably because it's expected of them for their job. Where is my motivation to give them the benefit of the doubt? What does it offer to the situation in a practical sense?

    The only practical purpose to pity for the Gurus...? EA can exploit that to try and make the outrage die down. "We may be greedy monsters, but think of the poor Gurus!" That's exactly why I spoke out: I don't see why any of us should be discussing them, because it only benefits EA.

    Nah, I don't want the Gurus being some sort of emotional shield for EA to hide behind. They had a chance to speak against this, and either they didn't or nothing came of it and now they've been doing what's needed to do EA's bidding. There is nothing personal about this and I don't have any personal hatred or judgement for the Gurus, because I understand how it is. They have a job to do, and sometimes doing your job stinks. It's easy to say they should do everything to stand against this, but sometimes the possibility of losing a job is just too scary. Regardless of the fact that this is no hard feelings though and nothing personal, I see absolutely no reason for me to sit here and throw a pity party for the Gurus. They're still a cog in the very machine we're all mad at, and yes they contributed.

    I could not possibly agree with this sentiment more. The shielding of the people who develop the game from all responsibility in what occurs over the development of the game is pretty unreal. EA has say in what goes on, that's a given, but you are deluding yourself if you think the dev team are helpless drones who don't also make decisions about the course the game takes.
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    LiELFLiELF Posts: 6,528 Member
    I'm going to go ahead and say that someone in development has a "Furry" fetish!

    Starting with Outdoor Retreat bears (though I guess they didn't have any other ideas on how to make the bear work).

    Then you have furries dressed as Raccoons! So now... I'm starting to wonder!

    NOW... they have that creepy furry hamster dancing at the end!

    I don't have all the packs, so there's probably another animal outfit that I missed!

    UNFORTUNATELY - I can't "unsee" what I already saw - a creepy dancing hamster furry! I must go now and cry in a corner... :bawling:

    Thanks EA!

    Omg, I was thinking the exact same thing, lol!
    The purpose of every company or place of employment is to give back to society. Right now all of us are conversing online through the means of products and services that none of us helped create. Some random strangers we don't know are to thank for our keyboards. Some random strangers we don't know developed our computer technology. Others are keeping our internet stable, and some others even built chairs and desks.

    We don't know these people and have no way of thanking them, yet they gave us something. The best way we can thank them is by continuing that mindset and giving back to society ourselves. This is how the world goes round: everyone working to aid society.

    EA has forgotten what it means to provide a service to society and has become lost in the numbers. To them, it's not about the quality of the work or the service that you provide to society, but rather about the money. They don't care about the service, they care about the wealth. They will gladly minimize work effort and work provided while attempting to maximize profit for it and won't feel any shame whatsoever.

    Little moves like this remind me that EA has lost it's way and doesn't want to give back to society, but wants to be as parasitic as possible within the confines of still working a job. Price increases and changes in policy do not occur because they're adapting to the fair market price, but rather because they just want money.

    To me? It's a grim reminder that the staff behind Sims 4 does not care about the quality of the game. Quality is only provided when it's a requirement to make money. When it isn't, it's optional. I don't see why I should have faith in any future products from the Sims team if this is their true attitude towards their fans.

    Unfortunately, this is standard practice in corporate capitalistic America. It's embarrassing, it's deeply depressing, but absolutely true. It's the "norm" of business ambition. I can't express how much I hate it.

    As for this pack, I just can't justify supporting it, and I'm one of the people who has generally defended the stuff pack DLC model. I never took issue when a stuff theme was independent and cohesive and could stand alone as "extra content." I have also voiced my concern in the past that expansion packs lack the content for the price tag, and although I enjoy Cats and Dogs and feel that cats are the best they've ever been from what I've experienced, I could not deny that objects were scant and dogs could have used a couple more layers of animations. I, of course, assumed that was that, end of content for cats and dogs.

    Now here we are, only four months later and suddenly there are more objects being offered for that expansion. And the most insulting part of it, is that these objects aren't even new. If you go back to the trailer and take a look, the beds are basically the same style with new design, same toy boxes, food bowls, etc. These things are quick re-skins of objects we already have. There are no covered fluffy beds or doubled pet bowls or round robotic cat pod litter boxes. These are the same frakking items! All of these things should have been patched in to us because we already have them, and the EP already lacks a variety of pet objects. In fact, I believe that ANY new objects specific to Cats and Dogs should be patched in. That expansion has been made, and it was not complete. We deserve our money's worth.

    And as far as small pets goes, I think we can all see the direction they intend to take with it. Instead of giving us an independent, focused, inclusive pack with a variety of small pets like birds, reptiles, ferrets, rabbits, etc., they fully intend to separate each creature "type" and sell them separately in stuff packs purposely tied to an expansion, just to ensure that every single customer who wants any kind of pet, feels compelled to first purchase the Cats and Dogs pack. They are reselling us repeat content and IT IS WRONG.

    #Team Occult
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    Jordan061102Jordan061102 Posts: 3,918 Member
    edited March 2018
    mirta000 wrote: »
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    Well people said that about Sim City and now it's gone - forever...... Also it's not blackmail. You get something for your money.

    buy this inferior product or the franchise ceases to exist!. It is blackmail. And I rather it died, than it got dragged in the mud to a point where the last iteration was as bad as simcity. At this rate if we would get The Sims 5, it would have lootboxes. That is not how I want to remember the franchise that I loved dearly.

    Exactly. I don't care if we don't get TS5 because we didn't want to buy rubbish. It's their fault. I prefer make die this franchise instead of staying in this position, pay EA to continue to sell me rubbish.
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    mirta000mirta000 Posts: 2,974 Member
    edited March 2018
    Writin_Reg wrote: »

    I lost interest in City Skylines rather quickly. To me it was not the same joyful experience. But then I also do not care for a single one of the so called Sims like games - they look like games for 7 year olds or as chat centers. I liked Sim City 2000, 3000, 4, and Rush Hour. I liked Sims 1, 2, 3 and finally Sims 4 - I don't like any of the games that are considered Sims like. They are fine for a few weeks and then I feel like the one ripped off because let's face it - they are not the Sims or Sim City.

    But of course that is me...

    Well anyway - what ever - I have said what I had to say and while many will stay here hashing it out and fussing about being ripped off (which I don't get actually) I am going to go play my Sims games...

    I also liked Simcity up to Rush Hour and nothing will change that. But after Simcity 4 we didn't imediately go to the newest one. We've seen a mobile game. And Simcity Societies. And that's the only game to ever make me regret my purchase to a point where I cried. You see I did not have much as a teen. And it cost my grandfather petrol and time to take me to a games store. And it cost me 2 months worth of allowance.
    Simcity death was very slow and painful. So while it's nice to remember the "good times", those good times ended 10 years ago, far before Cities:Skylines ever came into the picture.
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    Sigzy05Sigzy05 Posts: 19,406 Member
    edited March 2018
    EpicSims wrote: »
    The company seems to have been taking advantage of consumer psychology too much.

    And look what we’ll see soon.

    “The hamster pack” seems to me to symbolize the peak of the company’s abuse of consumer psychology.

    So funny.
    Pet clothes and a hamster.
    That’s it.
    But well, not even surprising :)

    I wonder why many seem to not be able to stop loving the sims 4.

    I also think Having gray slots, meaning not purchased, on the very first page when the game’s on is VIRTUE.

    + Yeah, this pack is insulting. I never felt so offended by games....

    Honestly this makes me sort of done with TS4. I was going to get the new vacation pack but I'm not even sure it's worth it after this mess. This game is just pure cash grab and it's just sad.

    The Cats and Dogs EP is but a circus. They took advantage of us by only offering cats and dogs with mediocre gameplay and lack of content to later on charge us with 10 for extra content for pets? No thank you. I refuse to support this mess. I don't even comprehend how this EP had any sort of success as it is inferior in every aspect to previous Pets EP's.
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    PrincessSimcessPrincessSimcess Posts: 917 Member
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    It's also annoying that they keep saying that the pack comes with four rodents. Like, no, it comes with one that has four different meshes. It's like saying the fox or raccoon are other animals when they're really not. They all play the same way. It's no different for this hamster. There's also no variety within the species. You can't change the colour of your hamster, even though in real life they come in all different designs.

    Different pets would be hamsters (with or without the different meshes), birds, and reptiles, all with different interactions and habitats.

    Plus, sims interact with the habitats the way they interact with babies. Pick up for a second, put them down. Pet, put away. It's boring. At least in TS3 there were hamster balls and other cute little things.

    Such a ripoff.

    The caged animals were always that. At least this one they have more humane cages. At most you have to agree - the pack is in the eye of the beholder. People wanted little caged creatures and more gear - the pack delivers that. It is not a rip off as you don't have to buy it, but you also cannot go around and say they never delivered things some claimed were missing.

    I do think it's a ripoff for those who bought C&D. I never said they didn't deliver what wasn't promised. All I'm saying is that hamsters (and plenty of other small animals) were included with TS3 Pets, all in one pack. What's more, they were fairly interactive. This is a Stuff pack that has one animal that is basically decoration.

    I agree with the more humane cage part, but the fact that only one cage is offered is bothersome as well. Why is there no variety save for a colour swatch or two? If it's a pack about hamsters, they should have at least given two habitats.

    Hamster stuff pack coming In the summer.

    Dress your hamster in cute outfits! They can match your sims/cats and dogs.

    Another one habitat that is....


    A different colour!!!

    Only ten dollars!

    And don't forget, another missing piece from the C&D bedroom set! Want the missing rug? BUY HAMSTER STUFF NOW!!!
    (Requires My First Stuff, Cats and Dogs, Base Game, all sold separately.)
    Lift up your head, princess. If not, the crown falls.

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    Omri147Omri147 Posts: 11,169 Member
    edited March 2018
    I'm going to go ahead and say that someone in development has a "Furry" fetish!

    Starting with Outdoor Retreat bears (though I guess they didn't have any other ideas on how to make the bear work).

    Then you have furries dressed as Raccoons! So now... I'm starting to wonder!

    NOW... they have that creepy furry hamster dancing at the end!

    I don't have all the packs, so there's probably another animal outfit that I missed!

    UNFORTUNATELY - I can't "unsee" what I already saw - a creepy dancing hamster furry! I must go now and cry in a corner... :bawling:

    Thanks EA!
    I got that impression from the title of this pack alone... :lol:
    'A Stuff Pack filled with fur!'

    There are also more colorful bear costumes in Parenthood.
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    simmerbrentleysimmerbrentley Posts: 203 Member
    All I gotta say to EA is Cities: Skylines. EA lost a billion dollar title to a small development team. I'm excited to see what new competitor comes out of this. SimCity was ok, but Cities: Skylines was amazing and continues to be. I never would have thought a game could be everything I ever wanted and more.
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    DesertSimmer1971DesertSimmer1971 Posts: 498 Member
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    It's also annoying that they keep saying that the pack comes with four rodents. Like, no, it comes with one that has four different meshes. It's like saying the fox or raccoon are other animals when they're really not. They all play the same way. It's no different for this hamster. There's also no variety within the species. You can't change the colour of your hamster, even though in real life they come in all different designs.

    Different pets would be hamsters (with or without the different meshes), birds, and reptiles, all with different interactions and habitats.

    Plus, sims interact with the habitats the way they interact with babies. Pick up for a second, put them down. Pet, put away. It's boring. At least in TS3 there were hamster balls and other cute little things.

    Such a ripoff.

    The caged animals were always that. At least this one they have more humane cages. At most you have to agree - the pack is in the eye of the beholder. People wanted little caged creatures and more gear - the pack delivers that. It is not a rip off as you don't have to buy it, but you also cannot go around and say they never delivered things some claimed were missing.

    I do think it's a ripoff for those who bought C&D. I never said they didn't deliver what wasn't promised. All I'm saying is that hamsters (and plenty of other small animals) were included with TS3 Pets, all in one pack. What's more, they were fairly interactive. This is a Stuff pack that has one animal that is basically decoration.

    I agree with the more humane cage part, but the fact that only one cage is offered is bothersome as well. Why is there no variety save for a colour swatch or two? If it's a pack about hamsters, they should have at least given two habitats.

    Hamster stuff pack coming In the summer.

    Dress your hamster in cute outfits! They can match your sims/cats and dogs.

    Another one habitat that is....


    A different colour!!!

    Only ten dollars!

    And don't forget, another missing piece from the C&D bedroom set! Want the missing rug? BUY HAMSTER STUFF NOW!!!
    (Requires My First Stuff, Cats, and Dogs, Base Game, all sold separately.)

    Then there will be the reptile stuff pack, that will include the matching kitchen island from Jungle adventure.
    (requires My first stuff, Cat's and Dog's, base game, and Jungle adventures to play)

    Then will be the game pack for birds, bunnies, and other random critters, where you can have a pet store (for supplies only, not pets).
    (requires base game, Cat's and Dog's, Jungle adventures, backyard stuff (birdfeeder), and GTW)
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    SelaronoSelarono Posts: 103 Member
    But.....HORSES!! I waited years to be able to make CC for my horse when it finally came out and then nope. Just dogs and cats. Before anyone says it, there are plenty of big enough lots and you can still wander the area in order to go on . You would only have a load screen if you wanted to go on a specific lot. There is plenty of room to go riding, plus it would be awesome to take your horses to granite falls and ride around there. I have loved everything so far, but this has been really disappointing.
    Swing by and say "Hi" @PixelatedWoofums.Tumblr.Com
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    sundaysimmersundaysimmer Posts: 201 Member
    mirta000 wrote: »
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    Well people said that about Sim City and now it's gone - forever...... Also it's not blackmail. You get something for your money.

    buy this inferior product or the franchise ceases to exist!. It is blackmail. And I rather it died, than it got dragged in the mud to a point where the last iteration was as bad as simcity. At this rate if we would get The Sims 5, it would have lootboxes. That is not how I want to remember the franchise that I loved dearly.

    This is EA's go-to playbook strategy too:

    Step one: Spot a beloved franchise that makes good profit.
    Step two: Buy it.
    Step three: Set marketing into overdrive and sell the game off the franchise's name alone. Funding development isn't neccesary; fund marketing.
    Step four: Game releases. It either bombs and they kill it for not making enough profit, or it sells well. If it sells well, repeat steps three and four while reducing the funding until it finally dies.

    In the case of the Sims, they didn't really need to do steps one or two, but yes we're absolutely at risk of the same playbook strategy all the same. EA feeds off people's sympathies for beloved franchises and uses that to push sales.

    The one good thing I have to say about this pack is that marketing did a really good job at making bits and pieces that were stripped from Cats & Dogs seem like a coherent theme.

    So yes, I agree - marketing is where the money seems to be going.
    Favourite TS1 packs: Superstar, Makin' Magic. Favourite TS2 packs: University, Open for Business, Seasons, Apartment Life. Favourite TS3 packs: Generations, Seasons, University Life. Favourite TS4 packs: Get Together, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Island Living, Discover University.
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    Jordan061102Jordan061102 Posts: 3,918 Member
    All I gotta say to EA is Cities: Skylines. EA lost a billion dollar title to a small development team. I'm excited to see what new competitor comes out of this. SimCity was ok, but Cities: Skylines was amazing and continues to be. I never would have thought a game could be everything I ever wanted and more.

    I'm in a hurry to see another company make this game.
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    And all the while fish are just objects that can’t even be fed. ( a first for the franchise)

    Won’t no one think of the fish??

    Perhaps a Funky Fish SP is in development :p
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    tobumontobumon Posts: 680 Member
    All I gotta say to EA is Cities: Skylines. EA lost a billion dollar title to a small development team. I'm excited to see what new competitor comes out of this. SimCity was ok, but Cities: Skylines was amazing and continues to be. I never would have thought a game could be everything I ever wanted and more.

    I like SimCity a lot more than Skylines. SimCity had lots of neat ideas, but there's no chance of any sequel now. Thanks a lot, 'fans.'
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    SimburianSimburian Posts: 6,918 Member
    edited March 2018
    tobumon wrote: »
    All I gotta say to EA is Cities: Skylines. EA lost a billion dollar title to a small development team. I'm excited to see what new competitor comes out of this. SimCity was ok, but Cities: Skylines was amazing and continues to be. I never would have thought a game could be everything I ever wanted and more.

    I like SimCity a lot more than Skylines. SimCity had lots of neat ideas, but there's no chance of any sequel now. Thanks a lot, 'fans.'

    I agree. I have all the SimCity packs but it feels a bit lonely playing it now so have gone back to Rush Hour which is still very enjoyable. I bought Skylines but it didn't have the same charm. Now I think of it I might create a world for Sims 2 with Rush hour if one can still do it.

    There were several competitors to The Sims when that came out but they all failed to last. At least the sandbox ones.
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