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So about babies..

Remember when they said the reason babies are tied to a crib is because of multi tasking and slot popping etc?

We were worried toddlers and pets would have the same issues, but they've updated the engine to allow Sims to carry other Sims.

If I remember correctly, they said they could do the same to babies, but they have to justify the resources put into it.

So let's give them a reason. Who wants babies separated from the crib? :)


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    LadyTachunkaLadyTachunka Posts: 1,454 Member
    i would love for babies to not be objects babies just bore me dreadfully. i always age up my babies instead of playing with them. i wish babies were like the sims freetime babies at lease you can do stuff with them
    8a35839c629b9a9f3643198909b278c0.gif Been simming since the end of sims 2~Sims Gallery ID:BSAAWaifu
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    KimmehKinkyKimmehKinky Posts: 3 New Member
    I would love for the baby stage to be actually fun to play.. Now I just either immediately age up when I'm playing long lifespan or just power through it on normal lifespan to get it over with. Toddlers are awesome though!
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    HimRumiHimRumi Posts: 1,444 Member
    I would prefer for them to look better and become separated from the crib atleast, this still kind of ruins the whole baby thing.
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    icmnfrshicmnfrsh Posts: 18,790 Member
    I would ask for more of the interactions they had with babies in Sims2. For instance, if a Sim played with baby too soon after a feeding, baby would spit-up all over the Sim, causing that Sim's hygiene to tank immediately. Also, bathing them in the sink was really cute, too. I would like a swing added, a nice changing table. A play mat where you could put the baby on the floor, safely out of the way, and baby could play with the dangling objects. One of the nice things about interactions with the baby was the relationship developed. Yes, we get a bit of that, now, but who wants to just hang out over a bassinet? The child Sims should also have a bit more interaction with baby. At one point in Sims3 (I think it was) the child could get baby a bottle. All this would require in Sims4, is to be able to place baby into a high chair. Strollers would also be good. I never treated the baby like an object in Sims2. But, sadly, found myself doing so in Sims3 with the restricted interactions. Did I mention I have a love/hate relationship with Sims3?

    ETA: Oh, and one more thing. It would be very nice were a Sim holding a baby to be able to pass baby off to another Sim, like they could in Sims2.

    Oh yeah, these are good ideas. I never make my sim play with the baby after feeding it in Sims 2 due to some firsthand experience with the barfing. :D

    I honestly don't mind right now that the babies are tied to cribs, because in Sims 2 and 3, that's where I leave them 90% of the time. When Sims 3 had strollers and that baby swing, yeah, they're worth taking them out of the crib for, but you still can't do much with newborns.

    I think you have a point about justifying such a change, and since toddlers were well-done, I think they can go beyond and make revolutionize the baby lifestage too, if they wanted it. We just need more gameplay ideas for babies...something that would entice players to take them out of their bassinets. The Sims 4's multitasking engine is good for this. Maybe parents can watch TV with their babies on their laps as they sit down. That's a thing parents do. I guess if our sims can do more activities while carrying a baby, they wouldn't just be left in a crib or bassinet.
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    tinkerbell3552tinkerbell3552 Posts: 104 Member
    I would only want it if there was a whole baby pack or update. A couple of items like a swing or playmat. Ability to take them in a stroller. Things like that. If they just added the ability to carry them around and that's it I wouldn't be interested as they don't do much, I usually skip that stage as of now.
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    Jordan061102Jordan061102 Posts: 3,918 Member
    I prefer they improve their look, more interactions and can be carry everywhere. So I want.
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    pixiejuicepixiejuice Posts: 711 Member
    I want everything that the Sims Freeplay babies have! They are so cute! Changing their hair and clothes. Sitting with them in a chair. The toys and bouncers. Then, because our TS4 toddlers start out already walking their first steps, it would be the perfect opportunity to introduce a rolling/sitting/crawling skill for babies.
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    LadyTachunkaLadyTachunka Posts: 1,454 Member
    kaiwrysims wrote: »
    This is what I want for babies:

    - Bathe them in Bath or sink
    - Take them for a walk in a stroller
    - Introduce them to family and friends. (Have this option when holding baby)
    - Teach to walk ( After teaching the baby to walk then they can take their first steps and the parent could get a moodlet. If they max this skill then they will be higher in the movement skill when they age up to toddler)
    - Teach to talk (same as walking but instead babies could say their first words)
    - Be able to play in play pens
    - Toddlers and kids can play with babies
    - When a sim takes the baby out of the crib then they should be able to put them down and have the baby crawl around
    - Kids have an "ask to hold" or "ask to see" option when another sim is holding a baby

    What I mostly want is to just see the ability for my sims to take them out to places and they are not just restricted to the crib.

    ^^^^ this! i love these ideas!
    8a35839c629b9a9f3643198909b278c0.gif Been simming since the end of sims 2~Sims Gallery ID:BSAAWaifu
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    kaiwrysimskaiwrysims Posts: 1,532 Member
    pixiejuice wrote: »
    I want everything that the Sims Freeplay babies have! They are so cute! Changing their hair and clothes. Sitting with them in a chair. The toys and bouncers. Then, because our TS4 toddlers start out already walking their first steps, it would be the perfect opportunity to introduce a rolling/sitting/crawling skill for babies.

    I love the sims freeplay babies! They are so adorable. The bouncers are my favourite. I hope to see that added for sims 4
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    83bienchen83bienchen Posts: 2,589 Member
    So let's give them a reason. Who wants babies separated from the crib? :)

    I´m definately in!

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    Stina1701AStina1701A Posts: 1,185 Member
    Nah. Not interested. The only time i let my baby stay a baby beyond 2 days is when I am decorating a toddler room or even building it/adding it to a house. I just want to get that stage over with. But I do love that mothers can breastfeed.
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    umbralshadowsumbralshadows Posts: 212 Member
    i want seprate babies an more interactions im fine with how they look but more gameplay i allways want
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    AvaSims4080AvaSims4080 Posts: 810 Member
    I wish there was much more, I always experience the baby lifestage and I want more from it. I loved The Sims 3 objects and The Sims 2 interactions the most, I feel as if babies have been neglected in The Sims 4 and need TLC.
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    auroraael14auroraael14 Posts: 988 Member
    I would love this. Right now I usually age them up within a day or two but if they had more to do and if they looked different from each other and more like their parents that would be great. Even having clothing options would be nice. Maybe some bows and headbands for girls too. They could've made the baby life stage so much better.
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    a_niles06a_niles06 Posts: 3,019 Member
    I honestly don't mind them the way they are too much....yes, it'd be cool if you could take them away from the crib and such but there are so many more interactions with them than previous installations so I'm ok with them as they are, really.

    Having said that, if they DID make them more mobile, I'd be totally ok with that also! I'm just saying I'd only really see the purpose if they included more interactions/more things for them to do. I said in another post that I'd love for our sims to be able to run their own daycare....they could have a baby room, a toddler room, a child room. They could set rates for care, hire staff for each room/type of care, etc. Along with this, if there were some baby objects that would be awesome. Play mats, teething rings, they could do tummy time, etc. I, too, would like strollers to come back but for the babies I want them to be a stroller they can lay in like actual babies would. I hated in TS3 how the burrito babies would sit up in the stroller....a little brand new newborn nooboo wouldn't sit up like that, I'd like it to be more realistic. If they're not going to make them mobile and not flesh them out a little bit more, I don't see much point. If they're gonna make them more interactive, I'd be all for it!

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    ResSteelResSteel Posts: 63 Member
    Babies being separated would be amazing! You could carry them, hold them in a chair, or maybe even lie them down on the ground and play with them!
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    agustdagustd Posts: 946 Member
    edited October 2017
    Raising a kid in TS4 is not a challenge. Toddlers introduced some, but overall it's just way too easy to take care of children. I like how you can raise toddlers to be pretty independent and how children can take care of themselves but to balance it out, newborns should be more complex. All they do is cry and figuring out what they need takes the player a second. I would love for them to get "updated" to resemble TS2 babies more but it's probably not maxis' top priority right now.

    I just wish they'd free them from the crib. Give us an object or two to place them in it, like a special chair or a mat, to give us illusion of actually spending time with them and bonding. They don't feel like a sim to me and I hate their pale, scary little faces.
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    haleighreilly19haleighreilly19 Posts: 9 New Member
    I strongly feel like there should be more gameplay for babies. instead of just being in their basket they should have other furniture (kind of like in previous sims) and should have little toys, mats and chairs like you would get with real babies, the option to dress them and choose their clothing and also more interactions. Also it was be so cool if the game had strollers/buggys in them so you could take the babies and also toddlers with the other sims when they go to places. Babies dont just cry, poop and get hungry lol.
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    comicsforlifecomicsforlife Posts: 9,585 Member
    me to
    more for sim kids and more drama please
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    MrMonty96MrMonty96 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I would definitely like someone changes. In my game I just take screenshots of the baby and then age them up.
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