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    WarGreymon77WarGreymon77 Posts: 127 Member
    @classicXcrime Oh, I love cow mascots! They're hilarious! lol Downside is that they tempt me to sell the sprinklers, but then the dorm would burn down. Cafeteria guy seems to start a fire every day.

    Speaking of University, I just found out that you could send townies to college. This is old news to a lot of people, but good for me. Now I don't have to worry about using cheats or buying Free Time.
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    I have been sorting things out in 3 for a while I went to look for something this morning in my 2 folder and had to sit staring for a while trying to remember where it was :) I agree we will just have to wait and see re 4 pets I just wish i had not commented on a couple of threads because now I have to scroll through a ton of those when I log on to get back to the threads I normally comment on :)


    Lovely wedding pics I really like the idea of wedding venues in 2 but I was under the impression it was hard to get guests over to the venue for the wedding for some reason which is why I have never tried it.. I wonder if there is a time limit on old loves kicking over trashcans as whenever I play Don I usually have to put fencing around the bin to stop it or it never stops lol I agree with @JULES1111 babies are a commin :)
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @SPARKY1922 I was kind of thinking of trying three again since it's installed I don't know, funny how that works just think of something you have to look for and you might lose it happens with everything to many of us. If you use the little star icon you can see your bookmarks and you won't have to scroll through notifications.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    I know I had forgotten to bookmark lol

    I love the open world of 3 and scenery is stunning and can be made more so with sky/water/stars mods.. but quite aside from that I like being able to visit almost all areas of the world, ride my horses anywhere/everywhere.. I have also managed to find mods now where food is served at the table like in 2 also a mod so when my sims go out together they actually eat together which can be difficult in 3 lol I have another mod that mimics the clothes rack purchase in 2 and am just about to start putting together a grocery store making it look like one from 2 but it will be the consignment store and although my fridges cannot run out of food I use a mod that will not allow my Sims to cook a recipe if there is not the fresh ingredients for that recipe already in the fridge which makes it more of a challenge and last I found a stand where my Sims can sell their wares either on the home or community lot so as you can see I love 2 enough to try and replicate it in 3 but unfortunately in my humble opinion 3 sims will never be as intuitive as 2 sims but everything I have done comes pretty close :)
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @SPARKY1922 heh it is pretty easy to forget it took me forever to add it to my usual forum bouncing, there are things I like about all of them and don't like about all of them the sims games so I know how you feel. I keep it installed anytime I decide to play but alot of the time I don't want to.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    classicXcrimeclassicXcrime Posts: 175 Member
    edited October 2017
    @SPARKY1922 I've always had my sims hold a wedding party and get married in the backyard because you can't select a community lot to have a party. For Gabrielle and Leslie's weddings, I didn't even bother inviting anyone. When they stood at the alter, anyone who was on the lot would start coming over to watch. So, mostly just the bartender and waiters and a couple of townies. But, I did Connor's wedding last night and because he knows all of the other sims that I have been playing, I had him create a group and gather them at the wedding lot. It worked as if I had thrown the wedding party. The funny part with that was I had Gabrielle and Leslie in attendance and I hadn't changed their formal wear out of the wedding attire, so I had three ladies with wedding dresses on :D .


    @JULES1111 I haven't quite decided where they will all honeymoon. All of them have simply rolled to go on vacation without a place in mind, but since I'll have four honeymoons to plan I figured I would decide in the moment where I think they would want to go based on their stories. I am itching to get them through it though so they can start having babies :).
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    JULES1111JULES1111 Posts: 4,489 Member
    @classicXcrime Oh I thought you were using the mod to allow community lot parties! In my quest to redo my downloads after replacing my pc I ran into it. Here if you are interested.,101151.0.html LOL about some of the guests being in their wedding dresses. :joy: Oooh choosing on the fly is fun! Yes must have babies!!
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    They are lovely pics and in my distant memory I thought sims 2 sims could not get married on a community lot which annoys me because I always plonk down a nice church where I would prefer my sims to get married and be able to party afterwards..


    Thanks for that mod link snagged immediately then because I have 4 sims 2 folders in my documents the HDU mod cannot find the right path now to check all the mods as I am not sure if I have something else that may conflict-) Argggggg now I need to resolve that before I can move forward my Sims games are starting to feel like a full time job I am trying to do so many things at once :)


    Of course I think all of us Sims players regardless of the series we favor want our perfect game in one series which of course is impossible as we all play so differently and want different things which is the point lol I think for me though an open world with Sims 2 Sims (keeping them as they are now though, no changes) would be my perfect scenario I think I could be happy with that forever and would be willing to pay a lot of money to get my hands on that game :)

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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @SPARKY1922 oh yeah I get that, I have things I love that I would want from two to come back to four and when the open world doesn't lead to crashing routing issues or otherwise that would be cool to see again too. I think it's great when people just enjoy what they like most or keep to all the games they can play when they are bickering I see some unneeded bitterness from some that 'can't understand' why one likes something different as if there is only one way to play and be happy with the series. Though when people just chat and keep things friendly that's nice to see. Oh oh staying on topic I do have to go in game and get more pics.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    and that is why I try to stay away from 4 forums as the bickering you mention without any thought of another players opinion appears rampant :)

    Oh and also staying on topic I look forward to more of your pics, updates and storytelling skills :)
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @SPARKY1922 yeah I rely on my bookmarks though I look through sometimes remind myself of the those that just want to whine and don't look at them again. Tt's less of a trend now then when ts4 first came out but you still see sims 3 trolls and sims 4 trolls trading their blah blah here and blah blah there. Two doesn't get so much traffic so I think we've lost most of the trolls here if not all of them.

    Anywho busy I have been, took too many pics so I kept the main ones..I don't know um I'll take less next time hehe.
    First had to just kind of go with the flow at Juliette's house being a little younger than Romeo she wasn't free from her grandfather's decisions just yet. She tried to warm up to Tybalt a little but he's just not letting go of the past, he's too much like Consort.

    "Grandpa you don't even know what I was going to ask."

    "It has something to do with that Monty thug?"

    "He's not a thug grandpa."

    "Sure he isn't he's just like Patrizio was, so no."

    She sighed but wasn't really in the mood to fight with him he could tune you out and make you feel guilty like it was a special skill.
    Consort hadn't noticed Tybalt and Juliette fighting and wondered what was keeping him busy.

    "I met someone is all."

    "Met how?"

    "I already asked her to move in and marry me."

    "Good a nice healthy heir to continue things on with."

    Consort was all business, if she had a use...well then he approved.
    He could hardly wait for Consort who got a part time job to keep busy so he settled for something simple with his sisters as witnesses, Jade adores him he only shows her his best side.
    Yes even when he's like this she loves him, I noticed after this that there hadn't been a fight in the memory but when I wasn't focusing on Juliette and Hermia they were no longer friends and Juliette was furious with her sister. Maybe they kept chatting and have different interests...I don't know she could be turning into their brother.
    When Juliette aged up I went back to the Monty's for some reason Mercutio wanted to sleep in his grandmother's bed, I guess he was lonely or something...and forgot he has a wife for that. heh
    Romeo felt the need to assure his grandmother that it would be worth it to make a real effort.

    "Ah Romeo your grandfather isn't here anymore have all of them over."

    "Yeah but I don't want you to fight with Consort either, Juliette convinced him to come."

    "It'll be fine dear."

    He doubted that.
    Isabella doesn't have much time left but she's so excited to be a great grandmother.
    Romeo couldn't have been more excited seeing Juliette free of the house, Mercutio said the home was just as much theirs but Romeo was looking to move out they wouldn't start their family here. Mercutio would be sad to see him go.
    "Oh Consort."


    "No need to be so stiff you old geezer our grandkids are getting married."

    "Who are you calling old you pile of dust."
    Noticed a little something over here thought I was imagining things.
    I was not, I'll have to play with the Summerdreams soon see how that goes.
    The wedding was pretty quiet, things were a little awkward though you know how sims get when they aren't interested in talking that is Juliette didn't make a new enemy but Mercutio is on guard. That and he's also a little attracted to Juliette....and she's also a little attracted to him...and Romeo and Titania are also a little attracted to each other...oh my I'm gonna have a field day what could happen there.
    Love is in the air.
    Tybalt and Mercutio couldn't keep it together.

    "Who do you think you're looking at."

    "Just wondering what garbage bin you got that tacky suit out of chill."

    "Excuse me??"

    "Honey please! Not at your sister's wedding."

    "I didn't even want to come."

    "Yes you did, you love your sister, and don't lie about it either." he huffed but backed off.
    A bit of sweetness, Jade was able to firmly distract Tybalt so Mercutio could walk away..
    The fight broke out and imagine that the 'pile of dust' won.
    Puck and Hermia wandered off to entertain themselves, guess they figured their duties were done.
    Then there was another fight and Isabella won that one too, Juliette got him to leave and chatted with Mercutio after.
    Before pulling Isabella to play chess with her, don't know why but they love the chessboard in this house someone is always playing.

    "Ugh I have a migraine."

    "I'm sorry Lady Monty...he promised he'd be on his best behavior."

    "That's okay dear it's not your fault, but there is something."

    "Yes ma'am?"

    "Call me Isabella, and welcome to the family."

    She could at least smile for that Romeo would never get a welcome from her stubborn grandfather.
    Already thinking of family watching Puck and his're too young lol.
    After the wedding Mercutio gave Romeo his wedding present, a nice little sum of cash from the family savings and they were gone.....then this happened...creepy child this one. Guess she's glad that her mother is happy but still hates Mercutio.
    Had some lag couldn't figure out why and got the game to pause to see that he was having some issue, he fixed the other computer with no issue so I assumed he'd be fine, oh well maybe no more fixing computers for you.
    Got a better picture of the new monty family pet...Gremalkin I think the game named him he's a good dog.
    Work and do a good job, Titania is already taking care of the finances and monitoring the house as she'll be the other head of the family once Isabella dies.
    Eliziana Monty was born not too long after, I set Romeo and Juliette up in a little house they can remodel but again too many pics so I'll show that next time.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    classicXcrimeclassicXcrime Posts: 175 Member
    Today the last of my four sims got married. As with the others, Caleb and Emily got married on my wedding chapel lot. Prior to the wedding, both rolled the want to adopt a kitten, so they adopted little Alegra who has aged up into the most precious and well-behaved kitty.


    Now that all of the couples are married, it is time to start the honeymoons. The first couple to go was Gabrielle and Ralph, they went to Twikki Island. This is the only vacation destination that I haven't been to and I was pleasantly surprised. I had no idea that you could swim in the ocean in TS2. The location was absolutely gorgeous and I felt like it fit their story perfectly. Their dog Cooper was certainly glad that they were finally home following the vacation.


    Unfortunately, Gabrielle and Ralph's apartment is starting to get a little cramped. They've almost saved up enough money to move into the lot I built that will serve as the family home and a home business, but they've still got a long way to go if they want to have the house furnished properly :D .
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    JULES1111JULES1111 Posts: 4,489 Member
    @RedDestiny92 Woot! Great update. Glad Romeo and Juliette are now together, with at least his family being ok. "Who are you calling old you pile of dust." :D:D:D This just cracked me up!

    @classicXcrime Awe Caleb and Emily looked like they had a nice wedding. Alegra is super cute! My friend had a cat that looked just like that! Ooooh I love Twikki Island! Yes they can swim in the ocean, and build sand castles, and comb the beach for treasures, or learn how to hula! :D It is my favorite vacation spot! LOL ah who needs furniture! Hopefully they will be able to move in soon.
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    Great update looks like you have the whole hood into everything :)

    I love this statement "he could tune you out and make you feel guilty like it was a special skill" yeah gifted to most men I believe hahaha

    I really love that feeding the wedding cake animation it looks so cute on newlyweds :)

    another spark of love occurs at the wedding :)

    fights, flirting, criticism of clothing sounds like a RL family get together lol

    OMG that kid that kicked over the trashcan looks like chuck or similar from one of those creepy movies if he was one of my Sims families kids I am afraid he would have to go :)

    A baby lovely as always..same for the dog but sad Isabella died..


    more lovely wedding pics love the kitty... I managed to play 2 for a very short space of time last night and sent my Sims to Twikki Island I love sending my Sims there :) As I am still fairly new to 2 I avoid owning animals a lot because I read once they can be taken away or something if left alone so thought that must mean holidays and avoided as I don't want to loose my pets..

    I am sure Gabrielle and Ralph will make it eventually are you going to get them to run a home business?
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @SPARKY1922 yeah pretty much, they know everyone but really when you load it not many are moved in which is better of course less sims longer saves but everyone gets pregnant when I play so I'll just make the most of it lol. Ha no kidding the special guilt without trying thing just sort of pops out and you don't realize it until it's too late. It is a cute animation I wonder if I'll see it again Hermia should grow up and be with Puck.

    Heh you never know with family get togethers it's funny when these things go wrong in game but not so much in the real life way, really though I paused just in time and zoomed in, face of evil right there not sure what I'll do with her. Expecting more babies how I love it hah, she's not quite dead yet but almost maybe she'll be gone the next time I play.

    @classicXcrime Allegra is adorable and I love the couples and the pics reminds me I wanted to take the fam out for a little vacation...which one though I'm not sure.
    @JULES1111 me too, I get so emotionally attached to characters sometimes, still bitter over Love Never Dies lol, really it made me giggle too like they tried to be mature then that failed so they went all out. Some of the family is okay at least though...that's a start heh.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,589 Member
    edited October 2017
    I haven't had the energy to play lately (on vacation) but I have to say- there might be more Blah, Blah I want to say about TS4 and if I do I respectfully ask to not be called a troll. :rage:

    *So let's keep it Sims 2 Fun and not name calling or old stuff bring up time.
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    JULES1111JULES1111 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    I haven't had the energy to play lately (on vacation) but I have to say- there might be more Blah, Blah I want to say about TS4 and if I do I respectfully ask to not be called a troll. :rage:

    *So let's keep it Sims 2 Fun and not name calling or old stuff bring up time.

    Did I miss something? :confused: Who dares call you such a thing? :rage:
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member
    JULES1111 wrote: »
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    I haven't had the energy to play lately (on vacation) but I have to say- there might be more Blah, Blah I want to say about TS4 and if I do I respectfully ask to not be called a troll. :rage:

    *So let's keep it Sims 2 Fun and not name calling or old stuff bring up time.

    Did I miss something? :confused: Who dares call you such a thing? :rage:

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    CatFace13CatFace13 Posts: 38 Member
    Been super busy and it was nice to read all the updates.

    @classicXcrime, nice wedding pics. Look forwarding to seeing how life with Gabrielle and Ralph continues. :)

    @RedDestiny92 love the family drama! I cracked up when I read, "Mercutio wanted to sleep with his grandmother's bed...he forgot he has a wife for that" Hahahaha!!
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @CatFace13 so do I probably too much, in fact when I just have normal peaceful times sometimes it's weird lol, hehe yeah he's very attached to his grandmother so I leave him to go to bed and there he goes. I don't think his wife minds :)
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    classicXcrimeclassicXcrime Posts: 175 Member
    All of the honeymoons are officially over! Leslie and Jess went to Takemizu Village. This may have been the more uneventful of the trips and I actually had them head home early. Leslie did manage to find the ninja and on the second try answered the riddle correctly. She can now teleport :). Once they got back from their vacation, they both were promoted to the top of their careers and have both achieved their lifetime want and are in platinum status.

    Connor and Pamela, much like Gabrielle and Ralph, preferred to spend their honeymoon soaking in the sun and chose a stay on Twikki Island. They spent their days lounging in hot springs and exploring the many beaches. While on the trip, Connor got to thinking that it might be time to start growing the family. He is the first out of all of my sims to roll wanting a baby. They haven't gotten pregnant yet, but soon :).

    Lastly, Caleb and Emily went to Three Lakes. They both rolled the want to meet Big Foot, so they spent a majority of their first day digging holes at the Hotsprings. Emily managed to find the map to the Hidden Burrow and the secret lot in Takemizu Village. They quickly headed to the Hidden Burrow and met Alvin Bigfoot. Besides that, the vacation was pretty much a wash. Almost every tour they went on something bad would happen, one trip had them arrive back on the lot being chased by bees, but overall they had a good time.

    When Caleb and Emily got back from Three Lakes, they decided that it was time to move out of their apartment and into a house of their own. Caleb rose to the top of his career, achieving his lifetime want and Emily is close behind, but they certainly have their hands full now! Right after his promotion, Caleb was abducted by aliens! He was absolutely terrified by his ordeal, but Emily appeared to be very happy for him, knowing how many scientific advances could come from such an encounter. What they didn't know was that Caleb had returned pregnant, and to make matters more interesting, Emily was pregnant too! Emily didn't seem to mind, she found it quite exciting. After all, how many people can say that they were pregnant with their husband! They welcomed the children into the world just hours apart. Emily had a girl, named Caroline and Caleb had a boy who they named Orion after the constellation. Caleb is itching to go back and meet these aliens, but would he be ready for the consequences if he came back pregnant again?

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    JULES1111JULES1111 Posts: 4,489 Member
    @classicXcrime Awesome update! Nice you got to go to each of the vacation spots, to bad Leslie and Jess's was cut short. Most of the time my sims have a fear of meeting bigfoot. :D Nice both of your rolled the want to meat him. Oooooh alien baby!! I love alien babies <3 Right now Caleb and Emily are officially my favorites. :D I have had both sims pregnant at the same time before, somehow it seemed harder then having twins. Maybe because the baby needed to be changed at just the wrong time.. when the next was ready to give birth. :D I was just like, hold on a second lil one!!
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    Scribal_GoddessScribal_Goddess Posts: 748 Member
    Holy crumbs, it's wedding season in this thread!
    Patron Goddess of Newbs and Ninnyhammers.
    TS2 Graphics Fix Tutorial]
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    great update I must have a go at finding the ninja lol but I love Twikki Island and always end up sending my Sims there instead.. The three lakes sounds interesting that will defo be a honeymoon to remember meeting Bigfoot and being chased by bees :) Both preggers together I have never seen that before either thats awesome thats a wonderful storyline there bringing them up together :)

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    CatFace13CatFace13 Posts: 38 Member
    Haha! Who else can say they were pregnant at the same time as their husband?! :D:D:D

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