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CC won't show up in game?

Hey guys!

A few months ago I decided to install some new CC from TSR. Unfortunately, my game crashed but I managed to fix my game (luckily).
The only problem is:

The new CC I've downloaded doesn't show up in CAS, or anywhere. The simspacks nor the packages show up. I have tried everything, but nothing works...

I have tried re-installing CC, start a new game, making a new Sims3 folder, and the next step will be a complete re-install.

I have never had problems with CC before, and I'm 100% sure that I've put them in the right place.

So please, help me :D


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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    edited October 2016
    In your TS3 game folder in Documents, there should be a file called DeviceConfig.log (it might be appearing as DeviceConfig). Don't open it, but right-click on it and select Properties (if Windows) or Get Info (if Mac). Does its Modification Date/Time exactly match the last time you launched your game? If not sure, launch the game and then see if the date/time changes.

    If it's not updating, that means you have a second unwanted TS3 game folder someplace that the game is reading instead and is ignoring the one in Documents into which you are adding content. If you are on Win 10, a popular place for these to show up is in OneDrive.
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    Nienke1Nienke1 Posts: 7 New Member
    igazor wrote: »
    In your TS3 game folder in Documents, there should be a file called DeviceConfig.log (it might be appearing as DeviceConfig). Don't open it, but right-click on it and select Properties (if Windows) or Get Info (if Mac). Does its Modification Date/Time exactly match the last time you launched your game? If not sure, launch the game and then see if the date/time changes.

    If it's not updating, that means you have a second unwanted TS3 game folder someplace that the game is reading instead and is ignoring the one in Documents into which you are adding content. If you are on Win 10, a popular place for these to show up is in OneDrive.

    Oh thank you so much! It actually is reading an unwanted TS3 game folder. I'm on a mac, so how can I find the unwanted TS3 folder?
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    Ah, these can be tricky to find on a Mac. Obviously look around your Documents and Downloads folders. Are there any other user logins on this Mac that have their own Documents and Downloads sections? Try saving a game with a goofy name and then do a Spotlight search on the goofy name to see if it shows up anywhere.

    But the game folder being used could be in Applications > (not sure of the exact path anymore) > TS3 > TS3 (this one can be opened further, but it's a Mac OS package file that can only be opened and examined with a right-click and "Show Package Contents"). Spotlight probably won't find files saved in such a location as they wouldn't be search indexed.

    Let's see if @BluebellFlora has any other ideas.
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    BluebellFloraBluebellFlora Posts: 7,115 Member
    Can you download a fresh resource.cfg file? ItsaprilXD has written the best tutorial on installing and getting mods to work on Macs. Give it a read, the link to the resource.cfg file download is also there :)
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    Nienke1Nienke1 Posts: 7 New Member
    Thank you both for replying. Sadly, neither of your suggestions have worked. I have searched for another TS3 folder by simply typing in the name, but the one in my Documents is the only one I can find.

    I'm not sure if the package files work, but I know for sure that the sims3packs still don't show up in game. I have checked my Downloads folder in my TS3 folder, and the content seems to be right, although I'm not sure about that. There are 3 files in there: nav.bin, wl.bin and FSIViewCountTracking. Are those supposed to be in there?

    The next step will be a complete re-install, I'll probably do that next weekend. I hope that'll fix the problems.

    Thank you for helping me, and if you have any other suggestions, I'll be happy to hear them. :)
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    Nienke1Nienke1 Posts: 7 New Member
    Can you download a fresh resource.cfg file? ItsaprilXD has written the best tutorial on installing and getting mods to work on Macs. Give it a read, the link to the resource.cfg file download is also there :)
    I had done that and it didn't work the first time but I think I've put it in the wrong place, so I'll move kt and check if it works in a few hours. My biggest problem isn't the package files at the moment, but the sims3pack files. Those really don't work, and I have no idea why.

    Do you or @igazor know how I can fix that problem?
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    Sorry, I thought we came to the conclusion that the OP has multiple game folders by way of reading the time/date modified on DeviceConfig. If the game folder into which content of any type is being added isn't the one being read by the game on startup, then it doesn't matter how one replaces files within it. It's all being ignored.

    Or have we moved on from all that by now?
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    Nienke1Nienke1 Posts: 7 New Member
    igazor wrote: »
    Sorry, I thought we came to the conclusion that the OP has multiple game folders by way of reading the time/date modified on DeviceConfig. If the game folder into which content of any type is being added isn't the one being read by the game on startup, then it doesn't matter how one replaces files within it. It's all being ignored.

    Or have we moved on from all that by now?

    I have searched for it everywhere, but I really can't find the other game file.
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    Nienke1Nienke1 Posts: 7 New Member
    Nevermind, thank you for your help @igazor and @BluebellFlora , but my game crashed (debugging problem, I've had it before), so I will de-install the game in a few days.
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    BluebellFloraBluebellFlora Posts: 7,115 Member
    The debug issue is probably memory related. You need to purge RAM before you play and regularly during gameplay
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    DarkMagic2012DarkMagic2012 Posts: 45 Member
    All my games were installed through Origin and can be found in the Origin Games folder on my pc. Where can I place CC to show up in the downloads section in the launcher? I have a bunch of CC that I want to install but do not want to install them one by one.
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    edited November 2016
    All my games were installed through Origin and can be found in the Origin Games folder on my pc. Where can I place CC to show up in the downloads section in the launcher? I have a bunch of CC that I want to install but do not want to install them one by one.
    It doesn't matter how your game is installed.

    Sims3pack CC gets installed by being placed in Downloads in the Game Folder, the one that's in Documents, read by the Launcher, and installed one item at a time. Unless you are moving bundles of already installed CC over from another computer, then there is a shortcut that sometimes works.

    Package based CC gets installed by being placed into Mods\Packages within a properly setup Framework, also within your Game Folder in Documents, then there is no one item at a time thing for that file format.

    See the Types of Sims 3 Files section of this page for a more detailed explanation.
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    DarkMagic2012DarkMagic2012 Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you. I was in the wrong folder. :)
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    RedGrassRedGrass Posts: 4 New Member
    I am really sorry to bother and use this subject which is a bit old now but strangely, I cannot post a new thread on the forum :(

    I have the exact same problem as the author of the thread. I have the base game and the late night expansion downloaded, I have bought a few items from the official sims 3 store and run a few operational mod. My RAM is purged and there is space on my computer.

    However, I cannot see my CC content at all in game. I have tried to move the sims 3 folder to my desktop so my game would re-create new files and tried to download my CC content again from the store but it doesn't show in game anyway. More particularly, I used to play in version Roaring Heights where I've built a lot of new places and venues and personalised everything, invested a lot of time in it, and now I cannot play this world anymore :(

    Do you have any idea what I can do in order to make my CC content work again?
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    @RedGrass - If you moved your TS3 game folder out of Documents to the Desktop and made the game create a new one in its place, then your Saves would still be in the old file now on the Desktop but not in the live one. Have you tried to move them back?

    Store content -- downloading it (should) put the content in your Downloads folder, the live one, for the Launcher to read. It then needs to be installed? Which step is failing? Although I know this makes no sense at all, could you try removing your entire Mods folder before trying to download and install content? Many on the Mac version of the game report this helps for some reason.
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    RedGrassRedGrass Posts: 4 New Member
    Well in fact you were wrong. I used the 50% method on my mods, could identify the corrupted one and delete it. So thank you very much for your help!

    However one problem remain, I am able to play in new neighborhoods and save in them as well. However, I can't still access to my old save of roaring hights, while it downloads a message asking me if I want to debug my game makes it quit.
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    edited July 2017
    @RedGrass - So a corrupt mod prevented your store content from installing. Uhm, not entirely sure how that adds up to my being wrong, but okay.

    More to the point, I don't understand the Roaring Heights issue. Installing/downloading a world (from the EA Store) and accessing a prior save that took place in that world are two very different things.

    Tell you what, let's page a Mac expert in here and see if she can assist better than I have been able to. You are indeed playing on a Mac as you mentioned RAM purging, correct?
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    RedGrassRedGrass Posts: 4 New Member
    Oh sorry I wrote "wrong" but I meant right haha! Thank you very much for your input. Well at least all the content I've downloaded from the store is working again. I wish there was a way to get the content in my Roaring Heights updated version back.
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    RedGrass wrote: »
    Oh sorry I wrote "wrong" but I meant right haha! Thank you very much for your input. Well at least all the content I've downloaded from the store is working again. I wish there was a way to get the content in my Roaring Heights updated version back.
    All is forgiven. :)

    I'm sure someone can help, if your saved game is salvageable. They just need to figure out exactly where the fault is coming from, I'm still a bit confused as to what's going wrong there.
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    BluebellFloraBluebellFlora Posts: 7,115 Member
    @RedGrass I'm a bit confused - are you having problems downloading and installing Roaring Heights, or problems loading your previous save game from Roaring Heights? This sentence "I can't still access to my old save of roaring hights, while it downloads a message asking me if I want to debug my game makes it quit." is unclear.

    The debug error, as I mentioned in this thread already here, is probably memory related so you need to purge RAM. There's no point in doing it once, you have to do it regularly throughout gameplay. If your problem is downloading and installing RH then the issue may be that it is a large game file installing through the Launcher. If your issue is your saved game not loading then it may be because that save is just too big and bloated now. How big is the save file?
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    RedGrassRedGrass Posts: 4 New Member
    Sorry for being unclear, English isn't my first language. I have problems loading my previous game.
    I did purge RAM on my laptop, which was almost full to reduce it to half but the message keeps appearing while I play. And strangely, I have no problem creating new saves on other neighborhoods.

    The save file is 83,8Mo big. Thanks a lot for your help!!
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    floweryobsessionfloweryobsession Posts: 1 New Member
    Uh, since I cant start a new topic, I'm writing here. I do everything right, but cant get mods to work. I have the mods folder, the resource.cfg, the packages folder... (all with right names, I have checked multiple times). but still, nothing works. Nor mods or clothes or hair, anything. I have got them to work before when I used the sims 3 discs, but as my computer cant take any discs right now, I downloaded my games from Origin. Could that be the reason? It has some files it uses in Program Files too (but I have places my cc in the right place, not program files). Or is the resource not working? It never saves it as "Resource.cfg", only as "resource". No matter where I download it from. But the more detailed file name seems to be as .txt, but I also tried changing that. I have tried reinstalling the game, too. But also weirdly, the packages seem to be extracting themselves. Could that be the problem? I'm really hopeless, I have gone through so many help discussions but nothing seems to work for me!
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    edited July 2017
    @floweryobsession - No, the fact that you have an Origin install doesn't make any difference and the game doesn't need to be reinstalled, this all has to do with how the user game folder in Documents works. Program Files is where the game program installs go, the user game folder in Documents is what as players work with.

    I suggest that you pull out your entire user TS3 game folder in Documents out to the Desktop and declare it a loss, but keep it there so the content (and saved games, if any) can be moved back into what will be a new game folder. Launch the game, and it should spawn a new TS3 user game folder in Documents. Test it by starting and saving a new game to make sure it's working as it should.

    Download the mods framework from here. Extract it (unzip) and place the Mods folder in its entirety into your new game folder. The download includes Mods, Packages, Overrides, and Resource.cfg all in the right places for you plus two sample mods already in Packages, NoStartupMovie and NoBuildSparkles. The file structure should look just like the illustrations. If you startup the game, is the startup movie suppressed? If so, then you have a working Mods folder. You don't have to keep the two sample mods if you don't want them.

    As for what file names look like, if you have Windows set to hide file extensions then Resource.cfg will look like Resource. That doesn't make any difference to the game, it's just what the files look like to the user when listed.
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    CassMayCassMay Posts: 1 New Member
    I really need some help! I just recently realized that the sims 3 had mods, yeah I know I'm a bit late, so I tried it out. I did everything right and I placed everything in the right place (believe me, I've checked) but none of the cc in my package folder showed up in the game. So I did some research and realized what the problem might be. I think my game might be reading another ts3 game file and not the one in my documents. I checked and it's time doesn't match the last time I logged in. Could you please tell me how to correct it? I have a windows 10 so I couldn't follow the guide you gave earlier in the comments since it was for a mac😅
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    suzsessuzses Posts: 2,439 Member
    Hi @CassMay If there is another "The Sims 3" folder on your computer, you should be able to find it by doing a search for that file name. I've been searching file names in Windows 10 by just opening up File Explorer and typing in the name in the search box at the top right. If you have two folders, you can check the dates/times on both folders to have an idea of what your game is using. Take a look at where that second file is located also. You can also check to see if your saved games and recent downloads are in the second folder that's presumably in a different place just by looking in the Saves and Downloads folders.

    If so, then you would obviously need to do some combining/moving to get everything in the right place. I may not be the best person to address the easiest/best way to accomplish it, but I'm sure someone else better equipped to handle it will be along shortly to help out.

    If you don't find a second The Sims 3 documents folder on your computer, open your launcher and go to installed content and make sure the run without custom content box there isn't ticked.

    If neither of those two things are the problem, then you probably either did do something wrong with your mods folder setup, even though you think not :) (it's happened to me even when it wasn't my first try), or you didn't install the cc files properly. There's a link above in the thread re. the different file types and how to handle them.

    Since this is an "older" thread, it may get closed out before your problem is completely solved (although since there's been some ongoing, helpful discussion in it, it also may not). If you can't post again here regarding this problem or if you have another problem while you still have new member status on the forums, here is a link to a thread for new members to post about problems they're having:
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