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How much of the content you've bought do you frequently use?

I've always wondered this about other Sims when I first started playing The Sims, how much of the content from all the expansions, game packs, stuff packs and stores do you, my fellow simmers, frequently use?

Personally, I like to use something from each content pack I have in my main save so that I'm using content from all of my purchases, I always feel I'm wasting money if I don't constantly use different clothes, hairstyles and objects from all the packs I've bought and I end up filling some of my lots with too much stuff, so I've decided to make somewhat unique lots that are built primarily from one of the content packs e.g. I used the Luxury Party content to make a high-end Nightclub and Cool Kitchen content for one of my smaller house lots.
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    CupidCupid Posts: 3,623 Member
    edited June 2017
    i bought everything and use maybe 20-25% of it at any given time
    i don't really force myself to try and use everything just for the sake of using it.. I'm sure eventually everything will get some time in my little spotlight.
    oh,besides kids room stuff. i hate kids :x
    Post edited by Cupid on
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    MoeTJMoeTJ Posts: 3 New Member
    Packs I almost never use the content for:
    -Luxury Party (really only use the male suits, haven't touched the chocolate fountain more than once)
    -Cool Kitchen (only use the counters, stove, and fridge)
    -GTW jobs
    - Backyard (I rarely use those gameplay objects)
    - Romantic Garden
    - Outdoor Retreat

    I struggle to use any of these things and I have every pack but 2. I guess I just need some ideas on how to use most of the gameplay objects regularly because after making this list I kinda feel like I wasted my money lol.
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    JordojordJordojord Posts: 578 Member
    I was literally thinking this. Think particularly with Vampires that I have the game pack but I dont really use anything from it except from it first came out and I was trying to master vamp-ism ..

    However I do try to incorporate different packs and clothe sims with different things from I normally use
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    LadyKynLadyKyn Posts: 3,598 Member
    edited June 2017

    I have about maybe 80 to 85% of the majority of content. All the EP's, GP's and stuff packs. I probably don't own

    Vintage Glamour
    Bowling Night Stuff
    Romantic Garden
    Spooky Stuff

    Bowling Night I'm most likely going to get because of the build items and CAS. I was away from the sims for a LONG time, so I hadn't really gotten the spooky stuff pack since well, let's be real we only ever use holiday related stuff unless around the holidays. So I might hold off a bit on that one, plus was kinda disappointed that there wasn't more Children costume's than anything for the pack.

    Vintage Glamour? I do love the whole look of the pack. The furniture and items are beautiful, but most of my sims aren't even rich because that's some pretty high end furniture. :V The clothing looks nice, but lacking as this sets a certain type of time period which was reminding me of a throw back to Sims 3 70s,80s,90s stuff. Why is it that EA Maxis ALWAYS short us on clothing from certain decades as well as hairstyles? There was a LOT that could have been added into Vintage Glamour. Flapper related dresses, beautiful fur coats, hip length cardigans and sweaters, more tuxedo's for men, rolled up pants legs with suspenders, SOCK GARTERS FOR MEN....SO MUCH MISSED POTENTIAL. :cry:

    Only stuff pack I been kinda uninterested in is Romantic Garden. They really missed out on some more flower variety. The decor offered in it looks lovely and some of the CAS items are okay. The wishing well? Ah---I might have loved it more if Ms. Crumplebottom would have came crawling out from the depths where Grim resides to terrorize Sims lives once more.

    Luxury party I actually use pretty often myself as there are some sims that walk about with some of the formal wear and I use the makeup too. With the dine out pack, I used more of the decorations to make a fancy, pancy restaurant and also for clubs too. That one oddly did not go to waste.

    Think my most used stuff pack is backyard stuff in conjunction with patio stuff. Makes me want Summer sovery hard in this game. Everything in-game definitely get used whether it be a little or a lot even the cool kitchen stuff. Used the ice cream maker to make a cute little freezer bunny shop in Oasis Springs.
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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,741 Member
    I have all the packs even tho some of them don't have items that are of my style... why do I do this to myself...?

    Usually when I buy a new pack, I would try to use some of the new CAS items so at least my sims' wardrobe is updated. For the buy mode items, it depends. For example, I hate almost all of the items in the Parenthood GP cuz none of them are 'modern' enough for me. I think the only item I like from that is the bathtub. It's the only one that looks modern.
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    AfterMidnightAfterMidnight Posts: 1,020 Member
    Tbh I never realized how much content I use from different packs until I started uploading builds to the gallery. I go in think I've used only some of the packs and then later realize I've used all of them. c,: It all kind of blurs together once the "new stuff" factor wears off.
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    mustenimusteni Posts: 5,417 Member
    edited June 2017
    I have all EPs and GPs and half of the stuff packs. I would say I use all of it. I have a huge rotational save and like to have different type of families and interesting community lots. Now let me do a more detailed check for CAS and build items... I usually put a lot of weight on gameplay, but I didn't consider it when making these lists.

    1. Get to Work I use the CAS a lot, many favourites! I use some build items, but there are many I've never used.
    2. Get Together I love the CAS as well, but maybe not as much as above. The build items are great, use often.
    3. City Living Interesting CAS, althoug not as easy to use as in the previous packs. Use the build items sometimes.

    1. Vampires Best CAS ever, though haven't used all yet. Best build items ever, have used almost all.
    2. Parenthood CAS looks usable. Have already used some of the build mode.
    3. Outdoor Retreat I only use some of the CAS. Love the build mode.
    4. Dine Out Love the CAS and use it. Haven't used most of the build mode.
    5. Spa Day Don't care about the CAS much, but use it. Haven't used all build mode items.

    1. Romantic Garden Favourite CAS, frequently use all. Good build mode, use often.
    2. Movie Hangout Use most of the CAS, includes some favourites. Adore the build mode, use all.
    3. Kids Room Nice CAS, but haven't used all. Build mode is one of the best to use.
    4. Spooky Stuff Some of the CAS is in regular use. Have used all the build items.
    5. Perfect Patio I didn't realize my favourite dress came with this pack, otherwise just ok. Use build items regularly.
    Post edited by musteni on
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    christyruinchristyruin Posts: 65 Member
    I never play with Vampires, but I love some of the decor that came with it.

    Vintage Glamour and Romantic Garden are also my favorites. The flowers that came with Romantic Garden are just gorgeous.
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    Meegie1977Meegie1977 Posts: 224 Member
    I never use vampires pack, and rarely the backyard or movie packs. I definitely shouldn't have bought the vampires though!
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    SparklePlumleySparklePlumley Posts: 1,061 Member
    I have everything except Vintage Glamour. I love all the BB in VG, but I just can't justify buying it right now. The CAS was dissapointing in VG, to me anyway. And with the buggy butlers, I think my game would really go haywire if I tried adding them. It's bad enough after the last couple patches.

    Spooky stuff is the one I use the least. I got it in a bundle, and honestly if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have it now. It just seems strange to me, not having the appropriate season to go along with it. The only thing I use regularly is the leggings. The striped ones, most often. I like using them for sleepwear. I use the necklaces every now and then, and I used a few BB objects in my vampire house. Most of it is made to look more like comerical Halloween decor. Alot of it just doesn't match, with the decor from Vamps.

    My favorite hair is from Movie stuff. It's the pony tail. I just love that hair! I use the BB from it a lot too.

    Backyard stuff I use quite a bit. I use pretty much everything from that pack. Granted the waterslide can be problematic sometimes, when it comes to space, but I love watching them use it.

    Cool kitchen, I was a little dissapointed in, in terms of actual kitchen stuff, but I was very happy with the CAS.

    I've had more fun with Bowling than I thought I would.

    Outdoor Retreat is one of my favorites. I guess one reason is because it looks exaclty like the place I live.

    The rest of the SPs and the GPs I use just as often.

    I use GTW BB alot in my Venues. Believe it or not, I haven't played with retail yet. I just haven't had a place for it yet, in my story.

    The CAS from CL is a little too much for my tastes. There is a few things I use alot. The rest I don't use unless I make an unusual sim who would fit with it.

    I don't usually use the clubs from GT. When I do, I have fun with them. Especially with Vampires. To me the club system is what you make of it.

    I like to have alot of variety in my sims and the lots. So the more stuff the better, for me. I don't like using the same things over and over, no matter how much I like it. People and places are all different IRL, so I try to make my game the same way. But that's just me. I made sure I knew all about each pack before I bought them, to make sure it was something I would use. The exception being SS, it was just cheaper to get the bundle, which was on sale for half price. So it doesn't bother me. It would had I paid $10 for just it. I did buy Vamps on release day. My only ever release day purchase.

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    icmnfrshicmnfrsh Posts: 18,790 Member
    I have Parenthood, Luxury Party, Perfect Patio, and Backyard.

    I'd say I've used around 30% of the items in these packs. I don't really have a lot of save files to try t hem on, but I do try to use whatever interesting thing I come across. I like some of the clothes and hairstyles in Luxury Party. I also got the chocolate fountain. I mostly bought Perfect Patio for the hot tubs. Backyard has a lot of CAS items I like, as well as the water slide, bird feeder, wind chimes, and beverage pitcher. For Parenthood, I've used a few CAS items and some of the objects. And I've tried some of the gameplay features since they're integrated into my sims' daily lives, such as the parenting skill.

    And yeah, I can relate to using the packs' content to feel that I got my money's worth. :D To be honest, I already feel like I do, because the parts I like and use have improved my game experience quite a bit.
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    duhboy2u2duhboy2u2 Posts: 3,290 Member
    I use the CAS items from most of the packs all the time and the build items, but as far as the rest, I hardly ever use vampires or dine out and I never use Outdoor Retreat or Get Together.
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    ladybreidladybreid Posts: 3,455 Member
    I have everything and use a bit from all of it though I haven't played with vamps since the first week.
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    lele62lele62 Posts: 157 Member
    I have all the packs and pretty much use all of them for one reason or another. I mostly build my own houses and will use whatever looks good and could end up using something from every pack. I definitely use Perfect Patio, Vintage Glamour, Romantic Garden, Get Together, City Living, Perfect Patio, Bowling, Kids Stuff and now Parenthood almost every time when building/buying.

    In gameplay, I'm using Parenthood, City Living, Bowling, Vampire, Spa Day, Kids Stuff practically in every game.

    Sometimes, I'll have my Sims accept an invite to dinner with Dine Out. It really depends on my gameplay and what's going on when the Sim is asked. I always place restaurants in game. Here, I wish experimental food could be cooked on a regular stove instead of the cumbersome workstation.

    I never (or almost never) do anything with Get Together and groups, Outdoor Retreat and going camping, Get to Work and their jobs. I do want to try baking and running a retail store (a bakery) in one game. I only wish there was an aspiration for retail stores, baking, photography, etc.
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    BlkBarbiegalBlkBarbiegal Posts: 7,924 Member
    I use a little bit from every pack. Sometimes it takes a while to play specific features such as toddlers or bowling since I rotate households. But when I get to it/them it will be loads of fun..
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    mctsimmermctsimmer Posts: 277 Member
    Yes, I definitely use the packs I've paid for in the game.

    The packs I have:

    All the Expansion packs: Get To Work, Get Together, City Living

    Game Packs: Dine Out, Vampires, Spa Day, Outdoor Retreat
    Leisure time uses items from Spa Day and Outdoor Retreat. Yoga clubs meet up at the spa. Vampires are played exclusively on a separate game save and deleted on the other saves. Dine Out is used for date and family nights.

    Stuff Packs: Romantic Garden, Spooky Stuff, Movie Hangout, Kids Room, Cool Kitchen, Perfect Patio, Luxury Party
    All the kids play with the Kids Room content. Halloween is great with the Spooky Stuff. The Movie Hangout and Cool Kitchen's popcorn and ice cream maker is in every home. Families with terrible cooks use the buffet table from Luxury Party. Romantic Garden uses the wishing well, otherwise I don't use it. I'm not into the flowers in the pack.

    Each pack decorates individual houses. A theme is used in each Sims household and makes them distinct. From what other players say on the forum, I've heard playing in the sim sandbox can get stale, . I've avoided this problem by keeping each sim unique. The packs help me make a statement in creating each individual sim.
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    Simfan923Simfan923 Posts: 5,551 Member
    That's honestly a good question. For me I normally overuse any items that come from a new DLC to the point where I either forget the old DLC or stop using the DLC once the newness wears off. As much as I love supernatural play, I haven't played with vampires since maybe feburuary or march. I just think it depends on wether or not the content is something I use in my everyday gameplay or the sims I'm playing as.
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    PegasysPegasys Posts: 1,135 Member
    edited June 2017
    I pretty much use at least a few things from every pack. Right now I have all packs except Luxury Party and Spooky Stuff. I don't really keep track of what I'm using, especially CAS items - I just use what looks good not paying much attention to which specific pack it came from.

    However in terms of gameplay items, yes, I use items from all EPs and GPs, and most SPs. Some of my sims are vampires; I also have one alien born in game (it can happen!). I play rotationally so although several packs may not be used with a specific family, eventually they do get used somewhere. My sims do yoga, occasionally go camping, go bowling, make wishes at the wishing well, watch movies and make popcorn, eat ice cream, lounge in hot tubs, go water sliding, use the globe bar, and when I remember to, the kids play with the puppet theater. One of these days one of my sim kids is going to get an obsession about the voidcritter game.
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    luthienrisingluthienrising Posts: 37,632 Member
    edited June 2017
    I have everything for Sims 4. For every pack, there's something I use a lot and other stuff I don't use at all and some stuff that I use occasionally but really, really appreciate when I do.

    Use a Lot: Both Windenburg and San Myshuno, the Club system ( <3 ), most of the CAS and about 80% of the build/buy (this is from all packs), restaurants, basketball and festivals, Aliens and (a bit less so far) Vampires, fire pits, the CL careers and (passively most of the time) the GTW careers, movies, costumes, waterslide (because I placed some in a park)

    Use Occasionally But Really Appreciate When I Do: Yoga and meditation, saunas, fountains and the wishing well, party types, camping/cabin holidays, ice cream (in restaurants), DJs, photography, Voidcritters & the puppet show

    Use Rarely: The buffet, popcorn, hot tubs

    Don't Use or Just Haven't Got Round to: herbalism, retail, ownership

    I'm sure I've missed stuff. I don't have a pack list in front of me. (But adding a few thanks to the next post!)

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    lele62lele62 Posts: 157 Member
    > @Pegasys said:
    > I pretty much use at least a few things from every pack. Right now I have all packs except Luxury Party and Spooky Stuff. I don't really keep track of what I'm using, especially CAS items - I just use what looks good not paying much attention to which specific pack it came from.
    > However in terms of gameplay items, yes, I use items from all EPs and GPs, and most SPs. Some of my sims are vampires; I also have one alien born in game (it can happen!). I play rotationally so although several packs may not be used with a specific family, eventually they do get used somewhere. My sims do yoga, occasionally go camping, go bowling, make wishes at the wishing well, watch movies and make popcorn, eat ice cream, lounge in hot tubs, go water sliding, use the globe bar, and when I remember to, the kids play with the puppet theater. One of these days one of my sim kids is going to get an obsession about the voidcritter game.

    I've always placed the void critter game but never have played it. I don't know why. I guess it's because Sim life gets so busy with other things.
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    HermitgirlHermitgirl Posts: 8,825 Member
    Well it is a good question. I have every pack. I use the clothes/hair and other CAS items regularly. They get blended in.
    I'm not a builder so most build objects I overlook more often than I'd like. I find things I missed frequently now or when I download others newer work. Vintage Glamour though stands out in items and beds for me.. I actively replace with some of this furniture. I also love the walls and floors in Spa Day for some reason.

    As to gameplay in about every family or save game I use:
    OR for a vacation at some point or as another aspiration I like to complete.
    Club system in Get Together
    Parenting System in Parenthood (I'm guessing ahead now...). Mostly because I like having traits and don't like to cheat them in. I see it rolling it into my gameplay in the future.
    Get To Work because I do like to use the active careers and base many stories around these.

    The other gameplay that I can think of off the top of my head gets used depending on the sim and personality and having something different to do as they travel around. It's used if needed or for something different to do and I'm glad it's there.
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    OEII1001OEII1001 Posts: 3,682 Member
    I would rank my usage as follows, sorted by pack classification as luimistelija did in his or her outstanding post.

    Expansion Packs:
    1. City Living
    2. Get Together
    3. Get to Work

    Game Packs:
    1. Vampires
    2. Parenthood
    3. Dine Out
    4. Outdoor Retreat
    5. Day Spa

    Stuff Packs
    1. Luxury Party Stuff
    2. Backyard Stuff
    3. Perfect Patio Stuff
    4. Cool Kitchen Stuff
    5. Kids Room Stuff
    6. Vintage Glamour Stuff
    7. Movie Hangout Stuff
    8. Bowling Night Stuff
    9. Romantic Garden Stuff
    10. Spooky Stuff
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    poltergeistpoltergeist Posts: 1,411 Member
    i use everything. i don't do it purposely, i just like everything.
    (i have all eps/gps, romantic garden/vintage glamour/cool kitchen/movie)
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    So_MoneySo_Money Posts: 2,536 Member
    I use the Bowling pack content all the time since I have all my worlds remade in a 1950's/60's aesthetic.
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    Goth583Goth583 Posts: 1,206 Member
    I'm only missing one stuff pack, but I'd say I really only use the restaurants and spa regularly. Outside of that I would say I use about 25% of the content. - Check out my current TS4 Legacy!
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