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I Need to Vent About Get Together

AxeEclipticaAxeEcliptica Posts: 370 Member
At first I was like "hell yeah, I'm buying Get Together!" because I HATE the dance animations for the base game. They are boring, not fun, and not creative. So I was willing to shell out $40 to fix it and also get my EDM party fix, because I adore EDM festivals and the thought of having one big dance party sounds awesome. So does clubs. Clubs are cool~ I was excited to bring back that Sims 2 Free Time game club. I think it's a neat feature to add to the game. Not a feature worth $40. THEN I read the whole "romp in the bushes" thing and decided: NO. I AM NOT GOING TO BUY THIS NOW. Why? Because as a college student who's had to put up with that party-standard 🐸🐸🐸🐸 that's the LAST thing I want in MY game that I use to ESCAPE this 🐸🐸🐸🐸 world of young adults NEEDING to go out and "party" in order to have an "interesting" young adult life. I hate it. Adding that woohoo bit in their sent me through the roof. They're trying to simulate PG13-friendly partying. If they didn't have an age rating to hold up I'm POSITIVE they could have put some spin off of weed or molly or some other 🐸🐸🐸🐸 in their as well. Hell let's give all our sims acid trips, because obviously EA thinks all we want to do is party party party. Well, they're wrong, and now they aren't getting my $40. Good job EA. You screwed up something good. You could have just left it at closet-woohoo. That would have been fine. But you didn't.
Post edited by SimStaffJessica on


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    XSimMimXXSimMimX Posts: 613 Member
    I respect your opinion, but shouldn't this be in the Get Together subforum rather than the General Discussion?
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    MightydanMightydan Posts: 2,983 Member
    Just because the trailer shows sims partying doesn't mean the only thing your sims will be doing is partying. That's the great thing about the game, you can do whatever you want. The clubs sound like a very interesting feature and there's already quite a few simmers in the Get Together forum that have come up with fantastic ideas for clubs not only featuring YA. You should check it out:
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    BrokenChaos69BrokenChaos69 Posts: 928 Member
    Gallery ID: ChaosKitten666
    I hope my Sims and lots aren't too terrible!
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    AxeEclipticaAxeEcliptica Posts: 370 Member
    This is the second thread about Bush woohoo. What exactly is the problem here? Neither explained it very well. If your concerned about the ratings, woohoo should be scrapped all together. The location shouldn't matter. And you should know that townie sims don't randomly woohoo so you wont see it. I imagine there will be a special bush for the woohooing, so just avoid it.

    You're making a fuss over pretty much nothing. Sorry to be rude. I accept it's your opinion and that's fine but it's irrational.

    It's not just that I'm upset over, and I'm not worried about the rating. It's just that... Well where I come from either you party and screw and people like you or you're a loser. It sounds really cliche and childish, but that's what I come from. And this EP just feels like it's focusing on those people who would go out, get wasted, and brag about it that coming Monday. It feels like a raunchy Spring Break EP. I love and embrace everything else this pack has to offer (or at least what I can tell from the trailer), but something like Sims going off into the bushes at a party and woohooing makes the bile well up at the back of my throat. I honestly don't put it past the devs to NOT program townie woohoo in just for those bushes, and I don't wanna find out the hard way. I'm salty about it, I'll admit. Like I said, I posted here to vent. That's all. You don't have to see it my way. I just feel like this game was already marketed for party gameplay in the beginning and now they have to amp it up with this Spring Break garbage... Everything else about this EP entices me. I love the clothes and hairstyles that appear to be coming with it, but TWO new woohoo interactions in this pack alongside all the partying and what appears to be clique-focused groups... It's just bringing back stuff I thought I left behind in high school.
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    AxeEclipticaAxeEcliptica Posts: 370 Member
    XSimMimX wrote: »
    I respect your opinion, but shouldn't this be in the Get Together subforum rather than the General Discussion?

    There's a subforum for Get Together?
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    AxeEclipticaAxeEcliptica Posts: 370 Member
    Another one? Is someone *making* you use the bush woohoo interaction? I thought not. Last time I checked, it was YOUR game; :) as Simmers we each have our own individual games.. and we can play how WE want to play. For the most part. (Engine limitations. You get the gist).

    Anyways...the real question here is... why on earth are you going to let one little interaction that you can avoid altogether keep you from buying a game that you happen to like quite a few of the features? (that we've heard so far), at least, that's what you say in your post.

    I'll let your mind ponder on that one. :)

    The game has three months.. well..technically three months before release...they're still building it. So, we're going to learn about more features and what not as the weeks/months arrive.. so, I'm sorry that you're willing to let something so small cause you not to enjoy the game. :(

    I'm sorry this expansion pack didn't work out for you, and I hope the next expansion pack is for you. :)

    Thanks for your post~ surprisingly nice for what I thought I was coming in on XD Really... It's because if I buy this, it's telling the devs that this kind of play is what I want in my game. And that's not true. That's the kind of play I will avoid with my life. If I could buy the pack without the Spring Break style play I would in a heart beat. It just feels really childish and raunchy to me. Think about it; two new woohoo interactions (one of which being really indecent), parties, cliques, and (this is speculation) I think they're putting something along the lines of skinny dipping in ponds in there? I left this nonsense in high school. Despite all the features I really want, if it shows the devs this isn't the kind of thing I'm interested in (and possibly others) they'll stop focusing on this party nonsense and really get to work on what most of us want; pets, university, farm life, supernatural, family play... All the stuff us fans are telling them we want. I'm not just looking at this as a typical player perspective. I'm looking at it as the kind of person that sees the Sims 4 taking a nose-dive and trying to give my feedback in the only way that's possible with EA these days; my wallet.
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    joleacojoleaco Posts: 2,250 Member
    I don't really understand your vent at all actually.

    The first point you make is that you are excited that you can make your big dance parties because you adore EDM festivals.

    Then you were all "oh noes" about the bush woohoo, as if your sims are going to be jumping into the bushes of their own free will every 10 minutes. (Which they won't).

    Then you make a complaint that it's all about parties, which you are trying to escape?

    This EP looks to be mostly party/club themed, so if you're trying to escape parties, it probably won't be a good purchase for you.

    The bush/closet woohoo is such a small part of it, that you won't even see it unless you tell your sims to do it. I really don't know why this is a big issue for people.
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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    edited August 2015
    Feel free to vent and do with your wallet how you want to. But yeah, there is a subforum about the EP, so feel free to stop by there too. It's just so weird it will be the first EP in at least 10 years not to have a supernatural in it. I mean I thought there would have been at least zombies so Sims can do zombie dances together.
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    IceyJIceyJ Posts: 4,641 Member
    This is the second thread about Bush woohoo. What exactly is the problem here? Neither explained it very well. If your concerned about the ratings, woohoo should be scrapped all together. The location shouldn't matter. And you should know that townie sims don't randomly woohoo so you wont see it. I imagine there will be a special bush for the woohooing, so just avoid it.

    You're making a fuss over pretty much nothing. Sorry to be rude. I accept it's your opinion and that's fine but it's irrational.

    It's not just that I'm upset over, and I'm not worried about the rating. It's just that... Well where I come from either you party and screw and people like you or you're a loser. It sounds really cliche and childish, but that's what I come from. And this EP just feels like it's focusing on those people who would go out, get wasted, and brag about it that coming Monday. It feels like a raunchy Spring Break EP. I love and embrace everything else this pack has to offer (or at least what I can tell from the trailer), but something like Sims going off into the bushes at a party and woohooing makes the bile well up at the back of my throat. I honestly don't put it past the devs to NOT program townie woohoo in just for those bushes, and I don't wanna find out the hard way. I'm salty about it, I'll admit. Like I said, I posted here to vent. That's all. You don't have to see it my way. I just feel like this game was already marketed for party gameplay in the beginning and now they have to amp it up with this Spring Break garbage... Everything else about this EP entices me. I love the clothes and hairstyles that appear to be coming with it, but TWO new woohoo interactions in this pack alongside all the partying and what appears to be clique-focused groups... It's just bringing back stuff I thought I left behind in high school.

    I can tell you never played the Sims 3 University, huh? Lol.
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    OneAdorkableGirlOneAdorkableGirl Posts: 2,379 Member
    edited August 2015
    Another one? Is someone *making* you use the bush woohoo interaction? I thought not. Last time I checked, it was YOUR game; :) as Simmers we each have our own individual games.. and we can play how WE want to play. For the most part. (Engine limitations. You get the gist).

    Anyways...the real question here is... why on earth are you going to let one little interaction that you can avoid altogether keep you from buying a game that you happen to like quite a few of the features? (that we've heard so far), at least, that's what you say in your post.

    I'll let your mind ponder on that one. :)

    The game has three months.. well..technically three months before release...they're still building it. So, we're going to learn about more features and what not as the weeks/months arrive.. so, I'm sorry that you're willing to let something so small cause you not to enjoy the game. :(

    I'm sorry this expansion pack didn't work out for you, and I hope the next expansion pack is for you. :)

    Thanks for your post~ surprisingly nice for what I thought I was coming in on XD Really... It's because if I buy this, it's telling the devs that this kind of play is what I want in my game. And that's not true. That's the kind of play I will avoid with my life. If I could buy the pack without the Spring Break style play I would in a heart beat. It just feels really childish and raunchy to me. Think about it; two new woohoo interactions (one of which being really indecent), parties, cliques, and (this is speculation) I think they're putting something along the lines of skinny dipping in ponds in there? I left this nonsense in high school. Despite all the features I really want, if it shows the devs this isn't the kind of thing I'm interested in (and possibly others) they'll stop focusing on this party nonsense and really get to work on what most of us want; pets, university, farm life, supernatural, family play... All the stuff us fans are telling them we want. I'm not just looking at this as a typical player perspective. I'm looking at it as the kind of person that sees the Sims 4 taking a nose-dive and trying to give my feedback in the only way that's possible with EA these days; my wallet.

    I see where you're coming from; at the same time, this expansion pack isn't called. "Woohoo in a bush". It's primarily focus is not about wooohooing; and it's not all about woohooing in that bush. It's about getting together with friends and family; and it's even about rivalries (which I love by the way.. if they make a University Expansion pack down the road this is going to be so perfect..) how cool would it be.. if two Sisters made different "clubs" and then rivaled one another? AHH the possibilities man. The ideas just keep coming. Sheesh. Ehem, sorry.. moment..over.

    Anyways, if this pack was all focused on woohooing in a bush... then yeah, I'd be pretty upset too. (Not saying you can't be upset.. just to be a little open-minded..) This expansion pack is not "Night life/Late Night", it's not about club hopping, night clubs, and dancing in them... yes, it does have a couple 'party aspects', like the dj booth, and the new dances (but if they release a Nightlife/Late Night expansion pack, they won't have to add the dj booth.. and can add something brand NEW; and/or even add onto the dj booth, and even add more dances.) also the way I look at it.. it's just another way of distinguishing the different clubs that will be in the game.. and it's more about getting together with your club friends and hanging out and doing things together as a group.. (because, to be honest, it's a little difficult right now.. to control so many different Sims and have them do things that you want them to do together with your Sim.. so I think this is definitely something that will help and something that can work very well with future expansion packs/game packs/and even Stuff Packs. : ) ~ ).

    Get Together is just adding features to the foundation. So that way, when University comes along, they're not wasting the entire expansion pack on coding the "club feature" in and they can just "add-on" to the club feature already there.. and then add even new coding.

    Do not get me wrong! I completely understand what you're saying. I am one of those Simmers that NEEDS: University, Generations (Toddlers and Preteens would be SO amazing!), Pets, Seasons, Supernatural (Witches (Must have!), Vampires(must have!), Werewolves, and Elvens/Fairies, etc..) I love family game-play and these would really help *MY* game. I am a family Player, when it comes to Sims; and I love making two Sims and watching as their family grows and when I'm "attached" to two Sims that are a couple... I make sure to have lots of kids with that family.. because their my "main" family and I want their generation to go on and on for a long time... so, I understand you 100%.. but..

    Let me quote a very well thought out post over at Tumblr that actually makes some sense.. and maybe can allow you to keep an open mind about Get Together. :)
    simscompletecollection: The Sims 4 packs are building the future of the game

    The packs they’re releasing for Sims 4 all seem to have a sort of foundation for the future of Sims 4 instead of solely focusing on adding new “in the moment” stuff.

    Outdoor Retreat added the entire vacation system to the game already, so they can easily add new vacation worlds whenever they want because the coding is already finished.

    Get to Work added the entire active career system, so they can easily implement new active careers in future packs with the same system. It also added businesses that create new ways for future content to be used, such as opening an ice cream shop with the Cool Kitchen stuff pack. It also makes it easier for them to create other future business endeavors such as owning the nightclubs in the upcoming Get Together expansion.

    In Get Together it adds the whole club system that will only get stronger and more detailed as the game continues to grow and we can create new types of clubs as new activities are added to the game, such as a dog owner club once they add pets.

    So if you find yourself asking “why now” when they announce a big pack for Sims 4 because it doesn’t seem like the right time for it, it’s because it’s adding a lot of content for the future of the game as well. They’re not focusing on “in the now” packs, such as pets , where they add them and then that’s it. They’re adding things that can be expanded upon later or open new doors for future packs.

    I much prefer what they’re doing because everything meshes together instead of being completely separate like they were in Sims 3.

    Source: (It's hard to read with the floral background, so I posted it here.).
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    Zola1016Zola1016 Posts: 223 Member
    edited August 2015
    If the bush woohoo trumps the other features and will upset you, save your money then. As someone said above, just remove the bushes. Don't let that stop you from enjoying the game. I'm gonna get it, I'm looking forward to it. It seems like it would be the best EP thus far.
    Smelly cat, Smelly Cat
    What are they feeding you?
    Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat
    It's not your fault!
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    DyingLightDyingLight Posts: 309 Member
    edited August 2015
    The bush woohoo is as stupid as this whole get together EP. When I imagine the Sims 4 devs I imagine a bunch of old ladies thinking about what the young'uns might find trendy and "cool". Yeah, partying at some ruins, mean girls clubs and bush woohoo! Ehmm, NO. Where is the city??? I wanted a huge city, not some old european neighborhood, which was recycled from the sims olympus, and that means the neighborhood is older than sims 3's oasis landing, probably created in early-mid 2013. How do they get away with it? If I were their boss I'd say no plumming way you're recycling an old idea, YOU are making a new world or you're FIRED! The sims 4 is all about recycling, recycle the ice cream maker, recycle the hot tube, recycle the chocolate fountain, I'm sick of it. No new ideas AT ALL. *spits on the floor*
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    joleacojoleaco Posts: 2,250 Member
    DyingLight wrote: »
    The bush woohoo is as stupid as this whole get together EP. When I imagine the Sims 4 devs I imagine a bunch of old ladies thinking about what the young'uns might find trendy and "cool". Yeah, partying at some ruins, mean girls clubs and bush woohoo! Ehmm, NO. Where is the city??? I wanted a huge city, not some old european neighborhood, which was recycled from the sims olympus, and that means the neighborhood is older than sims 3's oasis landing, probably created in early-mid 2013. How do thet get away with it? If I were their boss I'd say no plumming way you're recycling an old idea, YOU are making a new world or you're FIRED! The sims 4 is all about recycling, recycle the ice cream maker, recycle the hot tube, recycle the chocolate fountain, I'm sick of it. No new ideas AT ALL. *spits on the floor*

    I think a lot of people agree that an EP that has a party focus is not what we have been clamouring for. But the bush woohoo really is not a significant thing to be outraged over. My Sims 2 sims have wants to public woohoo. They, like TS4 sims can hot tub woohoo in full view of other adults, children and even toddlers (in TS2). If people are getting so hot and bothered by a bush woohoo, they must be losing their minds over the hot tub woohoo. You will most likely just see a bush shaking....please pass the smelling salts.

    As for recycling, they will have to recycle ideas. I don't see how they can't. Not all of them of course, but if people want pets, seasons, University etc, how can we get these back in if there is no recycling?
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    Kim5496Kim5496 Posts: 1,261 Member

    My thoughts exactly.

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    jackjack_kjackjack_k Posts: 8,601 Member
    The bush woohoo is as stupid as this whole get together EP. When I imagine the Sims 4 devs I imagine a bunch of old ladies thinking about what the young'uns might find trendy and "cool". Yeah, partying at some ruins, mean girls clubs and bush woohoo! Ehmm, NO. Where is the city??? I wanted a huge city, not some old european neighborhood, which was recycled from the sims olympus, and that means the neighborhood is older than sims 3's oasis landing, probably created in early-mid 2013. How do they get away with it? If I were their boss I'd say no plumming way you're recycling an old idea, YOU are making a new world or you're FIRED! The sims 4 is all about recycling, recycle the ice cream maker, recycle the hot tube, recycle the chocolate fountain, I'm sick of it. No new ideas AT ALL. *spits on the floor*

    No. If anything, it sounds like you're out of touch.

    Skins, a massive show (that went on for 7 seasons) is about Teens entering Young Adult hood. Guess what the first episode of Season 2 entails? A massive EDM rave inside ruins of an old building. And guess what two people later do? "WooHoo" in a bush.

    And for the last time, the world wasn't recycled from Sims Olympus. The world coming with Get Together and the world from Olympus are really different. The only thing that's *similar* is the Tudor houses. The Olympus world wasn't coastal, had farming paddocks (including hay barrels), and was far from what we have seen in the trailer. Windunburg has coastal elements, a modern business area, and even a private island. Very different from a small country town with old barns.

    And did you know, that the downtown aspect of the Sims 2 (including cars) was scrapped from the original game, and brought back with. Nightlife? That weather was in the base game of the Sims 2, and they scrapped it and sold it separately in a Seasons exapnsion. Doesn't mean they recycled ideas. It means they scrapped ideas *for the base* and waited until they could implement them better.

    And from experience, clubbing in the city is not the only place people party. This pack was announced in Europe, and was inspired by European culture. A lot of clubs in Europe are not in flashy cities. That's how they live. Be very careful what you say about other peoples cultures as well. They may find clubbing in the city boring, and massive clubs in abandoned buildings much more exciting :p
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    catloverplayercatloverplayer Posts: 93,533 Member
    At first I was like "hell yeah, I'm buying Get Together!" because I HATE the dance animations for the base game. They are boring, not fun, and not creative. So I was willing to shell out $40 to fix it and also get my EDM party fix, because I adore EDM festivals and the thought of having one big dance party sounds awesome. So does clubs. Clubs are cool~ I was excited to bring back that Sims 2 Free Time game club. I think it's a neat feature to add to the game. Not a feature worth $40. THEN I read the whole "romp in the bushes" thing and decided: NO. I AM NOT GOING TO BUY THIS NOW. Why? Because as a 19-year-old college student who's had to put up with that party-standard 🐸🐸🐸🐸 that's the LAST thing I want in MY game that I use to ESCAPE this 🐸🐸🐸🐸 world of young adults NEEDING to go out and "party" in order to have an "interesting" young adult life. I hate it. Adding that woohoo bit in their sent me through the roof. They're trying to simulate PG13-friendly partying. If they didn't have an age rating to hold up I'm POSITIVE they could have put some spin off of weed or molly or some other 🐸🐸🐸🐸 in their as well. Hell let's give all our sims acid trips, because obviously EA thinks all we want to do is party party party. Well, they're wrong, and now they aren't getting my $40. Good job EA. You screwed up something good. You could have just left it at closet-woohoo. That would have been fine. But you didn't.

    The Bush woohoo is optional meaning you don t have to use it in the game. I myself am glad their adding it. This game also comes with a new world,natural pools,a beach and 64x64 lots and your giving up all this because of Bush and closet woohoo?
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    catloverplayercatloverplayer Posts: 93,533 Member
    You can never have enough woohoo spots. I wish the shower and bathtub were also being added.
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    Sims woohoo in odd places. What's the difference with a closet or a haystack? Or a treehouse meant for kids for that matter... I like the game to be a little less prudent, not more.
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    KiwicantdieKiwicantdie Posts: 1,305 Member
    You'd be surprised to know that not only sims, but real people too, woohoo in odd places.
    I'm actually surprised they didn't put the bush!woohoo option with Outdoor Retreat, tbh.
    Origin ID: Kiwicantdie
    Willow Creek | Evergreen Harbor
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