Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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Color POP! *Results Posted.

LadyEmillyeLadyEmillye Posts: 19,238 Member
edited March 8 in Nominated Threads

Welcome to the first cycle of Color POP! What this photo entails is pops of color on a B&W Photo. The photo idea comes from yourself, and I will provide a color (with the codes) or just give a color, and you can use any shade from it to pop the color. The photo must be up to 3/4 B&W with the color only being up to 1/4. You can color one or a few things, as long as this guideline is followed.

So who can join? Anyone! Male models, female models of any age. Have a TS4 model? You can use them too. There doesn't have to be a model in every picture. This is all about creativity.

How many assignments?!? No worries, there will only be a mock, 4 assignments and a finale. This won't require a huge commitment, and assignments will run for a week each. This will be an elimination comp, starting at the mock depending on how many sign ups we have.

So what else do we need to know? The rules and prizes before we head over to the actual sign ups.

The Rules
  • Each person is allowed 2 extensions. Must be asked for 24 hours before the due date or it will not be accepted. Each extension is a max of 48 hours. If Simmer A asks for an extension and Simmer B needs one but doesn't ask, Simmer B will be counted as late within 24 hours after the due date which means a penalty or disqualified after the 24 hours up to 48 hours. If you need one, please ask! If you run out, please PM. I understand when things crop up unexpectedly.
  • Editing beyond the basic is allowed but not required.
  • Please PM me if things happen, I would prefer to try and accommodate something rather than having someone drop or no show.
  • Please respect the criticism of the judges. We are only trying to help you improve. It is your decision to use it or not.
  • Have fun!

The Prizes
  • Siggy for the winner and runner up.
  • Winner would also be able to receive a set from the store valued at 1900 SP.
  • The runner up would receive a 1000 SP worth of gifts.
  • Each eliminated person would receive 100 SP for participating (in gifts).
  • Finally, each person has the option to receive a CC Shirt of the Color POP! logo with the option to customize a shirt with a headshot of your model.



Need to check in



Post edited by EA_Solaire on


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