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The Life and Times of.... (Grand Finale Double Feature, Thank you for Reading :) )


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    KaleniyaKaleniya Posts: 168 Member
    I love Kaley & Kamryn! Keep them coming :]

    My ISBI forum thread; here
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    @Kaleniya thank, glad your enjoying the updates :)
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    edited October 2014
    And now for the special surprise episode of...


    Obviously not a surprise for you guys and girls since I said yestereday this would be coming, surprise as in Kaley has a surprise for Kamryn, and boy is she going to be surprised. And I am seriously abusing the word surprise and should probably stop..... surprise :p

    *director sign drops down startling narrator* "SURPRISE!!!"

    Oh hardy har har.

    Kaley woke up first ready to carry out her surprise for Kamryn in celebration of....


    ...their birthdays. Yep it's finally time for Kaley and Kamryn to age up.

    So Kaley starts off the morning baking a cake for them.


    And fixes eggs for breakfast.

    Ah eggs how far you have come since the start of this relationship, all the way from "eggs" to *cue angelic singing* Eggggsssss!!!!! *stop angelic singing* Hallelujah :p


    Once Kamryn wakes up the two enjoy breakfast and Kaley reveals that she has a surprise for her. And thanks to an extra does of luck Kamryn's promotion means she doesn't start until 6pm giving them most of the day.

    So to start off Kaley asks Kamryn out on a date since they haven't had time to go out together for a while.


    First stop is back where it all began. The park behind Kaley's old house where the two first met by complete chance on Kaley's first day in Willow Creek.


    The happy couple enjoy some romantic reminiscing and of course their usual flirting.

    Kamryn went for a kiss but Kaley stopped her. There's more coming ;)


    Stop number two is the art museum, the site of their first date and first kiss.

    The two wandered around and looked at the art, Kamryn again went for a kiss in an attempt to recreate their first moment but Kaley again stopped her.


    Kamryn again went for a kiss in an attempt to recreate their first moment but Kaley again stopped her.

    There's still more of Kaley's surprise to go.


    The third stop is of course Magnolia Park, to the place where Kaley dropped down on one knee and asked Kamryn to marry her.

    The two went for a quiet walk around the park, stopping to flirt along the way of course until the reached the quiet little nook of the park they'd found the same afternoon as the proposal.


    Kamryn yet again went for a kiss but Kaley stopped her again. Kamryn remembered this issue from their first date where Kaley wouldn't get the courage up to kiss her and this is starting to frustrate her. But Kaley promises that the wait will be worth it so Kamryn relents as the two continue to their next destination.

    And now with the next location it's time for Kaley's big surprise. Stop number four is.....


    Back at the art museum, where the two got married and where Kaley now asks Kamryn to renew their vows.


    And Kamryn finally gets her kiss :)


    Kaley makes sure it's a kiss to remember.

    With Kaley's surprise finally carried out the two return home for their birthday celebration.


    Kaley blows out the candles.


    And the two officially become full adults.


    Kaley gives a rose to her rose.


    And Kamryn gets another kiss, clearly she's trying to make up for lost time earlier in the day :p

    Sadly though the clock hits six and Kamryn has to head off to work before they can even enjoy their cake.


    But if you think Kaley's scheming is done your very mistaken.

    Several hours later Kamryn returns home to an additional surprise.


    So Kamryn, would you like cake or "cake" ?


    We all knew what Kamryn would choose....


    .... after all, since when do these two ever worry about letting food go to waste :p

    And that's it for this update. Tune in next time as the adventure continues....

    Will Kaley ever be able to top this date?

    Will Kamryn ever get enough kisses to make up for time lost?

    Will they finally get around to the adopting that I keep teasing? (don't worry, we are almost there)

    Find out next time on....


    I hope everyone enjoyed the update and as always happy simming :)
    Post edited by Celiria on
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    Update regarding my Kaley Green story. With the recent chapter and Kaley and Kamryn's transition to adults I have decided to put this save on hiatus for a bit. I am not cancelling it or deleting it, I'm just holding off on playing for a bit. The reason for this is because the normal age length is a bit short for my liking while the long age length is too long, this is an issue that I realized when I saw the age length for adults after the last chapter and saw that Kaley and Kamryn are already through half of their adult lives. So I am going to hold off on continuing with this save until either someone creates an age length mod that better reflects my preferred play style or Maxis patches in age sliders, whichever comes first.
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    capturedmusecapturedmuse Posts: 300 Member
    Hrm, why not just turn off aging for a little bit so you can continue playing if you want to?
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    Hrm, why not just turn off aging for a little bit so you can continue playing if you want to?

    Because I like having aging and having the rest of the town age along with my sims. If I start flipping aging on and off or using other methods to reduce their ages then it throws things off. Plus I'm fairly sure that either a patch or a mod will show up eventually so it's easier to wait for a little bit.
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    Ignore the formerly stated hiatus. With some prodding from one of my friends in another topic I've decided to just deal with the aging and continue with Kaley and Kamryn. Also because I was having so much fun playing them and don't want to stop.
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    KaleniyaKaleniya Posts: 168 Member
    Glad to see that you'll continue to update them :]

    My ISBI forum thread; here
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    Presenting a new episode of...


    Now available in bite size.

    Warning as required by the food and drug administration, bite size is just a joke due to the short length of this episode please don't actually try to eat the update, it is not actually designed for consumption.... also it won't taste good :p

    When we last left off our verdant haired heroine had taken Kamryn on a romantic birthday date around town to the various locations of big events in their relationship finishing off with a vow renewal and "cake"

    *director sign drops down* "I think you may be overdoing it in this series with the quote jokes like "eggs" and "cake" "

    What O.o but their funny....

    *second sign drops down* "Right "funny" "

    Oh ho ho, Mr. Comedian over here. How about you leave the jokes to me and stick to your job.

    *third sign drops down*

    man our sign budget must be through the roof with this episode

    Sign reads: "I am doing my job, I'm here to bicker with you for the sake of humor and frivolity while in reality all the directing, producing, writing, and whatever else is done by you. I am nothing more than another of the many voices in your head that you frequently argue back and forth with in vague attempts at humor as you slowly drift off into insanity"

    Wow that's one hell of a big sign... or possibly just really small text.... also that "vague attempts at humor" bit was mildly insulting *glares at director*

    *fourth sign drops down* "hey you wrote it"


    Back on topic :p


    After the events of the previous day Kaley and Kamryn decided to enjoy a chance to sleep in since Kaley still had another day off and Kamryn didn't have to work until six. And by sleep in I mean until 1 pm.... and I though watching them read was dull :p


    When they finally got up Kaley fixed pancakes for lunch.


    Followed by romantic television and cuddling which they did until Kamryn had to go to work. Seriously, I think any real life couple would be sick of each other by this point. Luckily in regards to these two they love being together, either that or they are just really good in bed. Sadly we'll never know for sure since Maxis removed the woohoo skill before release :p


    After Kamryn headed off to work Kaley worked at upgrading the kitchen sink before going to bed (Really Kaley? It feels like you just got up)


    Kamryn got home later that night and had a quick meal before following suit.


    And with the income from the day of work they finally furnished the second bedroom. You all know what that means :D

    They can finally look into adopting because all the main necessities for the house are pretty much taken care of. The wait is finally over....

    That's it for this update (well I guess the wait isn't quite over :p )

    What will happen next time?

    Will Kaley and Kamryn finally adopt? (they darn well better, I'm tired of waiting)

    Will they be up before noon to adopt? (I really hope so because this sim day was dull with them spending half of it sleeping and the other half cuddling)

    What will their adopted child be like?

    Find out on the next update of....


    I hope everyone enjoyed the update, sorry again for the confusion regarding the hiatus and then cancelled hiatus. And as always, happy simming :)
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    KaleniyaKaleniya Posts: 168 Member
    Aw, I'd love to read this but keep having issues with none of your pictures loading. I wonder if I'm the only one with this issue?

    My ISBI forum thread; here
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member

    I haven't heard any issue about not seeing the images so I don't know what the problem is :\

    Maybe it's an internet thing and you could try checking back later. I wish I could be of more help but I'm honestly not sure what could be causing the issue.
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    edited October 2014
    It's adoption day in....


    .... at least that's what I'd like to say.

    When we last left our verdant haired heroine and her lovely wife they had enjoyed a lazy day of sleeping in and cuddling until 6pm at which point Kamryn went to work an brought home enough money to finish furnishing the second bedroom so they could finally adopt. But it turns out that for some reason Maxis decided to have a $1000 fee for adoption :\ and after furnishing the second bedroom Kaley and Kamryn only have around $2 ( I wish I was joking about that). So adoption gets pushed back again. On top of this Kamryn starts her 3 days off for the week tomorrow so after today we go to half income. But we aren't giving up, we have one chance to save the day, and her name is Kamryn Green.


    The day starts off with the two enjoying leftover eggs and toast for breakfast, no time for cuddling though since Kaley has work and we need adoption money. But Kaley is nowhere near a promotion so she won't be able to earn enough to cover the costs meaning it's going to come down to Kamryn.

    Kamryn needs to gain a full point in mixology and get her work performance to max to get promoted. So after Kaley heads off to work Kamryn settles down on the couch with her mixology book to try and gain the required level.

    *cue epic montage music*


    "We're leaving together, but still it's fareeewell.
    And maybe we'll come baaaack, to earth who can tell.
    I guess there is no one to blame, we're leaving grouuuund.
    Will things ever beeeee the same againnnnnnnn.



    Baduh da duh, bahda da da da

    Baduh da duh, baduh da da da da



    *narrator stares open mouthed as the director power slides across the room*

    baduh da duh, baduh da da da

    baduh da duh, baduh da da da da


    "Oh we're headed for Venus, and still we stand tall.
    Cause maybe they've seen us, and welcome us all yea.

    *narrator gives in and starts waving a lighter in the air as director continues to dance around singing*

    With so many lighyears to goooo, and things to be fouuuuund. To be fouund.
    I'm sure that we all miss here soooooooooooooo



    baduh da duh, baduh da da da

    baduh da duh, baduh da da da da

    *music fades out*

    *narrator stares at the director* :o

    Dude.... where the hell did that come from

    *director sign drops down* "What can I say, I'm a child of the 80's"

    ....... I'm honestly not sure what to say about that...... Also why do you use signs when you can clearly speak (and apparently sing)?

    *director sign drops down* "Gotta rest the pipes"

    ....... I'm just going to continue with the update cause I'm not sure what to think about this......


    So Kamryn got her mixology level (with just minutes to spare before work so she really cut it close). This just leaves the work performance to gain (she is about halfway on performance). So off to work she goes to work hard and hopefully get a promotion which should give enough money to finally allow the pair to adopt.


    After which Kaley arrives home and gets to wait anxiously for Kamryn and news of whether they can finally adopt or not. Just to be clear Kaley's aspiration is to have a successful lineage so she wants kids but between having to work, furnish the house, and already being a full adult, time is quickly ticking away for her and Kamryn.


    So she gets to wait nervously for Kamryn to get home (hopefully with good news)


    As she waits she decides to try and do something to kill time so she upgrades the second bathroom's bathtub.


    and the sink


    and the toilet (so pretty much the entire second bathroom)


    After all that there was still quite a wait before Kamryn finished work so Kaley got to pace.


    and pace


    and pace

    *director sign drops down* "Want to do another montage?"

    No I think we're fine

    *directors sign drops down* "I can do Aerosmith"

    ..... as much as I kind of want to see that we are good.

    *directors sign drops down this time with a picture*


    Oh come on now, not the puppy dog eyes that's cheating.


    Kaley finally got tired of pacing and just went out on the porch to watch for Kamryn.


    At last Kamyn finished work and arrived home. Kaley was quickly there to greet her and ask how it went.

    (this is suspense :p )



    Meaning the couple gets her salary for the day, a bonus of $556 and some promotion gifts (a set of better counters worth $600). So they now have around $1800 more so they can adopt tomorrow :D (Maxis, don't you dare throw another hurdle in my way, these two have more than earned the right to adopt)


    Kaley is overjoyed at the news


    Very overjoyed


    The couple will finally get to have a child :)

    and that's it for this update. What will happen next time?

    Will they finally adopt? (I don't care what happens, they are adopting tomorrow if I have to cheat to let them do it. I'm tired of this getting delayed)

    What will their new child be like?

    Will the director sing again?

    Find out next time on....


    As always I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter and happy simming :)

    P.S. For anyone not familiar with 80's music the song the direct sang was Final Countdown by the band Europe
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    And now a second update of...


    Since I technically said yesterday that you all would get to see them adopt today (before running into the obnoxious $1000 fee) I figured I would post this update as well. Plus it's a slow day here so it gives me something to do :p

    When we last left off... earlier this morning, our verdant haired heroine and her lovely wife finally have everything needed to adopt. The house is furnished, they have the money, and they are definitely going to adopt this episode.

    But first some other stuff

    What you can't blame a guy for having a little suspense before the big reveal :p


    Since Kamryn did so well at not only getting a level in mixology but maxed her work performance, got promoted, and gave awesome smooches to Kaley last night (though admittedly the last one is kind of an everyday thing for this pair) Kaley felt her dark haired beauty deserved the chance to sleep in and relax.


    She also found that since Kamryn had earned more than enough money the previous night for the adoption fees she also got Kaley another gift.

    I think at this rate Kamryn is well on her way to spouse of the year nominations :p


    So Kaley happily wasted no time in calling in to work to tell them she was quitting. No more rude or smelly coworkers for her. Now she gets to work from home where the closest she has to a coworker is neither rude or smelly.


    Kaley then started to try her hand at her new job/hobby. Though thinking about it, it probably wasn't the best idea to let her quit work and take up a hobby she has absolutely no experience or knowledge in seeing as Kaley is now a painter yet hasn't painted anything before. So this should be interesting. Also apparently with painting in the sims 4 you have to purchase the canvas to paint on so she gets to start off in the hole money wise and has to hope to make it back when the painting is done. Kamryn, I hope you realize what you may have gotten yourself into.


    Kamryn doesn't seem to worried though as she is happy that Kaley is happy.


    The two then enjoy breakfast accompanied by the usual flirting.


    Which of course lead to their other usual activity. Yep Kaley definitely upgrade job wise here. She doesn't even have to get out of her pajamas to go to work, and she can work on her own schedule and the workplace "benefits" are fantastic :p

    Though they may want to enjoy this while they can because adding a child to the household may cut down a bit on their love life.


    After finishing their morning fun Kaley finishes her first painting. I have to say it turned out really well for a first ever attempt. Though they still take a loss on it because Kaley gets to keep this one since it's her first painting and turned out well.


    And now the moment everyone has been waiting for and probably glaring at their computer screens wishing I would get to the point. Kaley calls the adoption agency (technically I had them buy a computer, use the adoption agency, then sell the computer because for some reason you can't just call for adoption :\ )


    After that Kaley headed off to pick up the child while Kamryn waited at home getting her turn to wait anxiously.

    Kaley finally came home with their new daughter. So.....


    Meet Ashley Green. She's cheerful and has the child aspiration to be a social butterfly.


    And of course she is quickly welcomed to her new home with a nice big hug from Kaley :)


    And Kamryn quickly follows suit. I'm getting the feeling Ashley is going to get a lot of hugs in this family, but considering she came from an orphanage she probably is very happy about that.


    Kaley and Kamryn lead her into her new home and Kaley and Ashley got to chat while Kamryn fixed dinner.


    During dinner Ashley got a chance to get to know her new parents.


    After that it was getting late so Kamryn showed her to her room and gave her another hug.


    As well as a goodnight kiss on the cheek.


    And then Ashley climbed into bed and drifted off to sleep. A nice new addition to her happy new family.

    Just a couple extra pictures.


    Here's a better look at Ashley.


    And a family picture of all three of them :)

    And that's it for this update.

    What will happen next as we get to start into Ashley's life in her new home?

    How will her first day of school go?

    What hobbies will she take up?

    Will she meet any nice friends?

    Find out next time on.....


    As always I hope everyone enjoyed the update and happy simming :D
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    And now for a new red hot episode of....


    And by red hot I'm not referring to Kaley's and Kamryn's love life.

    When we last left our verdant haired heroine she and Kamryn had finally adopted a little girl of their own named Ashley.


    But things aren't starting out so smoothly :\

    Kaley decided to try and fix breakfast for Ashley before her first day of school and as you can see things didn't go as planned. Kaley did manage to beat the flames out (quite literally in fact, with the spatula :p ) so nothing major was damaged other than her pride and of course breakfast.


    So Ashley had cereal for breakfast instead.


    And then after hugs from her parents she was off to her first day of school.


    Meanwhile back inside Kamryn teased Kaley a bit as she fixed a meal that wasn't on fire :p


    But as always that teasing was only playful as the two can never stay mad at each other for long, not when there's kissing to do :p

    Feeling flirty from kissing Kamryn, Kaley was inspired to make a flirty painting. A painting that represented her love, a painting that....


    ...... wow, just wow. She paints that nice fruit picture when feeling normal but when she goes to paint something inspired by her love we get this.....

    I'm going with the idea that by flirty painting the game actually means that she is so overwhelmed by thoughts of Kamryn that she isn't thinking straight :p

    So Kamryn should take that as a compliment that she is able to distract Kaley's brain so thoroughly :p


    Kamryn that's not helping :lol:

    Maybe Kamryn sees something in the painting that we don't, or maybe she just randomly decided she wanted to kiss Kaley some more.... yeah that second one's much more likely.

    Kaley finished the painting and somehow sold it for a profit, only about $8 profit but profit none the less. Though who buys a a stick figure drawing for $108 is beyond me (As mentioned before it costs money to paint. So far that I've seen small paintings cost $50, medium cost $75, large cost $100 and the flirty painting costs $100. So Kaley sold the painting for $108 earning her an $8 profit).


    After that Kaley decided to try again to make a flirty painting. This time Kamryn stayed to chat with her while she worked on it. Seriously Kamryn your going to distract her again and we'll get more stick figures, it's clear that Kaley's mind can't focus on you and something else. Though once again Kamryn would probably take that as a compliment :p


    Though this painting actually turned out well, I'm not sure what's flirty about it but it's a nice painting. I would have kept it for their bedroom (like they don't need more flirty inspiration there :p ) but since Kaley just dropped $100 to paint it I figured it was better to make some money back, and she got around $50 profit as well so yay.


    At that point Ashley got home so Kaley figured that was enough painting for one day and went to see how her daughters day went. Apparently Ashley isn't a huge fan at school and is tense. She spent the whole day trying to make friends and got nothing :(


    Kaley was happy to give her a hug though. She at least has friends in her parents :)


    After that Kaley helped her with her homework while Kamryn fixed dinner.


    The stove ended up breaking after Kamryn finished using it so Kamryn chatted with Ashley over dinner while Kaley worked on the stove.


    After dinner Kamryn helped Ashley finish her homework while Kaley continued arguing with the stove.


    Then Ashley went up stairs to play with her toys. This girl is definitely a bit of a tomboy, I went through to adjust her clothing (it's better than sims 3 was at generating random outfits but it still sometimes comes up with ridiculous combinations) and not a single one of her outfits she came with involved a dress of any kind. On top of this she goes to play with her toys? Doll nope, action figure :p I definitely don't think we're getting a girly girl with Ashley.


    Later Kaley came up and gave her a kiss goodnight (which is really quick and therefore hard to get a good shot of).


    And then everyone went to bed.

    Not a perfect first day between fires, stick figure paintings, Ashley having trouble making friends, and the stove breaking but still overall a great first day for the new family.

    and that's it for this update. What will happen next?

    Will Ashley finally make some friends?

    Will Kamryn leave Kaley alone long enough for her to paint some quality paintings? (Not likely)

    Will appliances stop exploding on me? (I really hope so because this is getting annoying)

    Find out on the next episode of....


    As always I hope everyone enjoyed the update and happy simming.
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    And now to continue....


    When we last left off our verdant haired heroine painted some questionably flirty paintings, Kamryn flirted with her anyway, and their daughter Ashley got to go to her first day of school though hasn't been able to make any friends.


    Luckily though, Ashley is a generally cheerful child so she's doing her best to not let her friend troubles get her down starting off the day on a happy note as she plays around in the bathtub.


    Meanwhile I'm still a bit jumpy after Kaley set breakfast on fire the day before so Kamryn makes omelets for breakfast. While Kaley and Ashley go through the usual morning routines.


    Kamryn calls them to breakfast but the two stop for a good morning hug in the hall before heading downstairs.


    And the two get to have some mother daughter bonding time over breakfast while Kamryn gets her turn to take a shower.


    And off Ashley heads to school.


    The happy couple spend the morning working on their respective careers. Kamryn is trying to gain another mixology skill (I can't wait until she gets to the branch in the career path so she doesn't have to worry about mixology anymore, she's aiming to be a chef so it's kind of obnoxious that she needs to know mixology in my opinion) meanwhile Kaley works on a new painting.


    Well it's not Picasso by any means but at least it's nice, a step up from the stick figures at least.

    Plus this would probably work better as a flirty painting, I can just picture Kaley holding up the painting for Kamryn and saying I got you a flower :p

    But money is more important at the moment since their funds are still low from adoption fees and the fact that Kamryn has been on her days off, so Kaley sells the painting for a small profit.


    Feeling inspired from painting Kaley decides she wants to take a break and bake some cookies for when Ashley gets home. I can already tell Ashley is going to be spoiled rotten :p

    Also thankfully no flames were involved in Kaley's cooking this time :p


    She then continues working on her painting skill, hopefully once she levels a bit we can get some better paintings than the kid drawings sims make when they're level 1.


    Though progress is slow as Kamryn decides it's time Kaley took a break to focus on her for a bit, not that Kaley's complaining.


    Their fun is cut short though as Ashley arrives home feeling really sad. Apparently once again she failed to make any friends while at school :(


    She sits down on the couch with her parents to talk about her problems, probably starting to wonder if there's something wrong with her.


    Luckily in a stroke of blind luck Kaley has the perfect solution to a sad child. Cookies (seriously cookies make everything at least a little better, except diets of course but screw diets :p ). I'm really glad that Kaley decided she wanted to make cookies earlier :)


    While Ashley ate her cookie Kamryn gave her some words of love and encouragement.

    But Ashley was still feeling sad so it's time for Kaley to take extreme measures....


    Everyone repeat after me: Awwwwwwwwwwwww

    Yep the ultimate in child cheering measures, super adorable cuddling.


    Feeling better Ashley then got to work on her homework with some help from Kaley (Sure homework isn't the best follow up to a bad day but she needs to keep up with her school work so there wasn't much choice).


    After that the family settled down for dinner together with Ashley in an all around much better mood. Even after doing homework she was still happy :)


    Sadly a "wrench" got thrown into the works (see what I did there :p ) as the sink broke and Kaley got to spend the evening fixing it.


    Ashley decided to help out by taking the dirty dishes upstairs and washing them for her parents while Kaley was working on the sink.


    Once the sink was fixed Kaley read Ashley a story before bed (Kamryn was upstairs working on studying more of her mixology book which I figured Ashley wouldn't find as interesting :p )


    And with that kisses goodnight were given all around and everyone headed off to bed.

    And that's it for this update, what will happen next time?

    Will Ashley finally make a friend?

    Will Kaley start painting real pictures instead of kindergarten ones?

    Will I ever see a cuter sims picture than that cuddling shot of Kaley and Kamryn? (I honestly don't think so)

    Find out next time on....


    As always I hope everyone enjoyed this update and happy simming :)
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    Time for the newest episode of....


    When we last left our verdant haired heroine and her family Ashley came home from a bad day at school where she continued to struggle to make any friends but Kaley and Kamryn cheered her up through the use of adorable cuddling and cookies.


    The next morning started out normally with the family settling down for some bonding time over breakfast before Ashley heads off to school.


    And the fridge broke so Kaley had to fix that *sigh*

    extra note: I found out after this that apparently the breaking rate is set at a 67% chance O.o I'm guessing due to either an oversight or bug not intentional design by the devs as I can't see them thinking that was a good idea. I have now got a mod that lowers the rate to 15% which makes much more sense so hopefully things won't break as often now.

    After that Ashley headed off to school to make a third attempt at making friends (come on, third times the charm *crosses fingers* ) Kamryn went upstairs to shower and everything since she starts back up with her job today at 2pm and Kaley spent the morning working on a painting in the pop art genre which she just unlocked.


    I don't think I understand pop art :\

    Though apparently it wasn't very good pop art at that as it didn't even make back the cost of the canvas meaning Kaley took a loss on the painting.


    But once again cuddling came to the rescue. To anyone wondering how these two are always so cheerful and happy this is why. If people had more moments like this in their daily lives they'd be happier to :p


    and Kamryn headed off to work.


    Kaley starts working on her first large painting. I also realized it was Friday so when Ashley gets home I think a mother daughter trip to the park would be nice. It's Friday so Ashley can hold off on her homework until the weekend.


    As Kaley waits outside for Ashley to get home Traci shows up walking by, and she seems to be in a bit of a down mood at the moment.


    But on a bright note Ashley gets home so Kaley takes the opportunity to introduce Ashley to her aunt.

    She also decides to invite Traci along on the trip to the park in hopes that it will cheer both of them up (Ashley once again didn't make any friends at school).

    Extra Note: I looked some stuff up on this and it seems that the option while at school to make friends doesn't actually make friends, it just raises your social skill :\ I wish they'd called it something else like talk to classmates as that would be less confusing. I also don't see why I can't have Ashley meet friends at school but that just seems to be how the game is.


    Well even if she doesn't make any friends here at the park at least Ashley is having fun.


    Meanwhile Kaley and Traci sit nearby where Kaley can keep an eye on Ashley while she chats with Traci and cheers her up.


    Yay it looks like the park plan is working as Ashley meets a young girl named Zuri on the monkey bars.


    But as soon as she they try to talk Zuri starts griping and complaining at her.


    Ashley tried talking to another girl named Kiara who was at the park but Kiara just started making fun of Ashley's face.....

    Ok I just have to say what is with random townies in this save and being jerks? Every one of my sims runs into this. Kaley had to deal with Patrice, Kamryn had those guys at the gym. Now Ashley has these two. I realize these sims are just a few out of the many they've run into who have been perfectly nice but come on game. I'm not looking for much just give Ashley one friend, just one :(


    With her mood not improved Ashley just wants to go home. Kaley does her best to comfort her daughter but this trip to the park has been really tough on her :cry:

    So the two say goodbye to aunt Traci and head home. But on the way home something fantastic happens.


    Meet Cassidy Hutchinson.

    As Kaley and Kamryn were getting home Cassidy happened to be walking by. So I decided to have Ashley try talking to her.


    Cassidy was a bit shy at first (it turns out she's a loner) but the two soon got to chatting and got along well. Ashley has finally made a friend :D

    *starts running around cheering and throwing confetti in the air*

    *director sign drops down* "yippee :)"

    On top of that here's the kicker. Cassidy's family lives in the house directly across the street. So Ashley's eventual friend was literally right in from of her the entire time :p but no matter the situation I'm just glad that Ashley finally has made a friend.

    But it's getting late so Ashley says goodby to Cassidy and heads home with Kaley.


    As Kaley fixes dinner Ashley's mood is through the roof as she raves about her new friend, and continues to rave all through dinner.


    After dinner Kaley gives Ashley a goodnight hug and kiss and puts her to bed.


    Kamryn gets home shortly after and enjoys some of the Spaghetti Kaley made while Kaley tells her about their daughters new friend.

    And all in all everyone goes to bed happy. Traci got to meet her niece and was cheered up by Kaley, Ashley made her first friend, and Kaley and Kamryn....


    Well they're always happy as long as they have each other :p

    And that's it for this update. What will happen next time as the weekend begins?

    How will the Green family spend their weekend?

    What will Kaley paint next? (she has some new styles to try so I'm both interested and worried :p )

    Will the game ever stop tormenting my sims with plums? I have to say aside from a few particular phrases I like using this censorship system is growing on me. rewording to plum does add a bit of humor to sentences :P

    Find out on the next episode of....


    I hope everyone enjoyed the update and as always happy simming :)
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    aroseinbloomaroseinbloom Posts: 3,456 Member
    I love your story so much! And the was you write it is so funny. Can't wait to see what happens next!
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member

    Thanks, it's always nice to hear that people enjoy my story :)
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    Now for another episode of....


    When we last left our verdant haired heroine and her family Ashley finally made a friend :D Also we added a pair of child sims to the list of unpleasant sims who might be deleted in the future. I'm such a benevolent player :p..... what then what does benevolent mean?....... oh yeah that's not what I meant so what word am I looking for...... hey now heartless is a bit harsh wouldn't you say, that girl did insult Ashley's face so she has it coming...... fine fine no deleting kids (I'll wait until their teens >:) )


    So as the day started Kaley and Kamryn decided to enjoy sleeping in for a bit.


    So Ashley decided not to disturb them and just made herself a bowl of cereal and enjoyed some morning cartoons. This put her in a playful mood so I decided to have her surprise her parents.


    So she woke them up and led them downstairs.....


    Where she had made breakfast for them for a changed :D

    Sure it's just cereal but in her defense she's only like 8. She can't exactly wip up anything fancy :p


    Ashley then decided to get out of the house for a bit and go play. I also figured a different outfit was better for running around than her usual everyday wear.


    Was there really any doubt what these two would get up to with the house all to themselves. I just hope they aren't doing anything.... awkward when Ashley gets home. That could be a bit weird to have to explain.


    Meanwhile Ashley decides to see if Cassidy wants to go to the park with her.


    It takes a bit of convincing but Cassidy agrees to go play at the park with Ashley.


    I love this picture. I haven nothing relevant or witty to say here I just love this picture.


    Ashley is easily the more talkative one but considering Cassidy is a bit of a loner that's no real surprise. But the two get along so that's what really matters :)


    The two go inside for a bit to relax and chat on something more comfortable than a park bench.


    It's getting late so Cassidy needs to head home so the two say goodbye.


    And Ashley heads home (please don't let her walk in her parents being.... well themselves, we really don't need to go having that conversation right now )


    Luckily Kaley is just working on her large painting when Ashley gets home. Kamryn's already headed off to work. Ashley enthuses about her fun day at the park while Kaley works.


    The painting turns out really nice. A bit dark though so she sells it and earns a $200 profit.


    Kaley then goes and makes dinner for her and Ashley.


    And Ashley continues to talk about the park.

    She's definitely very talkative. Though at least it's more cheerful chatter than annoying rambling.


    Then it's time for bed, after some good night hugs from Kaley of course :)


    Then Kaley goes downstairs for more hugs as Kamryn gets home.


    And then it's off to bed for Kaley and Kamryn. No woohoo tonight though considering how they were when Ashley left for the park I'm guessing that activity took place earlier in the day ;)

    And that's it for this update. What will happen next?

    Will Ashley ever tone down the talking?

    Will Kaley and Kamryn tone down the flirting?

    Will pigs fly :p ?

    Tune in next time and find out on....


    As Always I hope everyone enjoyed the update and happy simming.
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    And now for a new more artistic episode of....


    This entire episode will be delivered, through interpretive dance, in the name of art.

    *director sign drops down* "No interpretive dance"

    What :( but, but, artistic episode, name of art and all that.

    *director sign drops down* "NO INTERPRETIVE DANCE*

    Wait a minute, this is my show! Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do?

    *director sign drops down* "Trust me, if they see you dance the viewers will side with me. Just leave the art to the Green family"

    Fine fine, no interpretive dance.

    When we last left our verdant haired heroine and her family Ashley spent the day at the park playing with Cassidy and Kaley spent the day at home playing with Kamryn *wink wink, nudge nudge*

    *director sign drops down* "You've just been waiting for a chance to make that joke haven't you?"

    Like you wouldn't believe :)


    Kaley was the first up the next morning and decided to make pancakes for everyone.


    Kamryn came down and was suprised by Kaley with a suave kiss (on a side note the suave kiss confuses me. I used it once in an early update and got an animation where Kaley pulled Kamryn to her and kissed her hand but everytime since she has done the elaborate hand kiss and I don't know what causes the difference :\ )


    But Kamryn as usual won't settle for just a kiss on the hand and wanted more :p


    Once breakfast was ready Ashley got to enjoy her pancakes while her parents continued to make goo goo eyes at each other. I can already tell these two are going to be insufferably flirty today.

    They then decided that since Kamryn didn't have to work until mid afternoon to take Ashley to the museum for the morning on a family outing.


    And of course while Ashley looked at the art Kaley and Kamryn's attention was on each other. Before anyone grumbles about their parenting they did keep an eye on Ashley and stuck with her as she wandered the museum they just weren't paying a lot of attention to the art.

    Ashley though wasn't a huge fan of the museum. She didn't hate it but she wasn't enthused about it either.


    She did like the suit of armor though.


    Tired of the museum Ashley headed down to the nearby lake, clearly she finds the view better than any painting.


    She also went looking for frogs. She actually found an uncommon one that I was going to let her keep as a pet in her room but when I set the tank on the dresser it was the poorest rendered frog I've ever seen. There were no details on it at all other than basic shape and coloring, I couldn't even see the eyes. I'm guessing that was due to my graphics settings but either way it wasn't worth keeping so I sold it for $30.

    Sadly the family outing had to come to an end since Kamryn had work.


    Once home Kaley decided to work on her painting skill and try out some new painting styles.


    Meanwhile Ashley headed up to her room to play with some clay.


    Wow, maybe we have another artist in the family after all.


    Kaley finished her first painting (abstract). I'm starting to believe I'm never going to understand the appeal of some of these styles :\ the colors are nice but I just don't get the point.


    She started up on another painting, realism this time, while Ashley came downstairs to read for a bit while watching her mother paint.


    O.o Kaley I think your idea of realism is a bit off. I think I would be scared if I saw a woman who actually looked like that.


    And one more painting for the afternnon to try out the impressionism style.


    Nope, still makes no sense to me. This is a good example of why I write rather than paint, writing is easier to make sense of.


    At this point I realized that it was Sunday night and Ashley hadn't done her homework, so she worked on that while Kaley made chili for dinner.


    The two then got to enjoy some mother daughter bonding time while eating and watching the comedy channel.


    And with that it's bedtime for Ashley.

    On a side note I think I'm just going to just get her some new clay and let her keep the rabbit since it looks nice sitting there.


    Shortly after that Kamryn came home to a congratulatory kiss from Kaley. Kamryn finally got promoted to head caterer (the branch point of the career meaning no more mixology). Sadly this also means she goes back to working until midnight again, but she's happy to go higher in her career so Kaley's happy for her.


    And like this morning Kamryn doesn't like to settle for less and has a few ideas for a different "reward" for her promotion. Of which Kaley is more than happy to oblige.


    And that's it for this update.

    What will happen next time?

    How will Ashley's final days of grade school go before she becomes a teen?

    Will Ashley become an artist like her parents or go in a different direction?

    Will Kamryn's work schedule ever get more reasonable? (seriously I'm getting tired of these late work nights for her)

    Find out on the next episode of....


    As always I hope everyone enjoyed the update and happy simming.
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    And now more of...


    When we last left our verdant haired heroine and her verdant named family they enjoyed a family trip to the museum and Kamryn got promoted to head caterer.

    Sadly though as mentioned last time this promotion means Kamryn goes back to working until midnight :( and her work schedule even before this promotion has been preventing her from spending much time with Ashley.


    So Kamryn decides to try to sneak in some time in the morning with Ashley by fixing french toast for breakfast.


    But Kamryn's timing was a bit off and Ashley ended up having yogurt instead because time was running out before school and if she waited for Kamryn's french toast she wouldn't have time to eat :(


    She still loves her Mom though :)


    After Ashley left for school Kaley decided to take Kamryn out on a morning date (before Kamryn has to work) to cheer her up a bit.


    Really game.... just really *facepalm*

    The game once again decides to try to crush Kamryn's happiness by trying to ruin her date with Kaley. This jerk shows up and immeadiately starts hitting on Kamryn.


    Kamryn's already not in a good mood from her missed attempt at bonding time with Ashley this morning so this does nothing to help her mood.

    The guy then had the nerve after being yelled at by Kamryn to turn and try to hit on Kaley......


    Kamryn's had enough and just snaps punching the guy in the face.


    I swear, when I paused the game for this photo I was in laugh lock for a good five minutes. The look on her face is just priceless. Lesson for everyone, don't mess with Kamryn's girl or she will mess you up.


    Kamryn won the fight of course and finished it by throwing a drink in the guys face.


    Kaley led her still fuming wife up to the balcony to calm down. It seems Kaley has a thing for bad girls and appreciated Kamryn standing up for her.


    They then headed home where Kaley shows that she really has a thing for bad girls. Funny thing is I'm not exaggerating when I say that Kaley's whim to woohoo with Kamryn popped up right as the fight ended :p

    Kamryn then headed off to work a bit bruised from her fight but definitely in a good mood.


    Still feeling flirty after Kamryn left Kaley decided to start a flirty painting.


    Just in time for Ashley to get home, she invited Cassidy over so they could hang out while they worked on homework.

    I'm a touch worried now :\ we have two young girls in the room and Kaley is working on a flirty painting. I just hop it isn't anything too risque.


    Well color me impressed. I actually really like this painting, it's cute, it's romantic, and best of all it's child friendly so Kaley won't be hearing any complaints from Cassidy's parents :p

    I'm keeping this painting and hanging it up in Kaley and Kamryn's room :)


    While the two girls continue to chat and work on homework Kaley starts work on a large abstract painting.


    Now I'm okay with this painting. I still don't understand it but I can at least tell what it is. But while I like it I still sell it. Kaley just took one hit from the flirty painting and I don't need to go having them take another. They can't afford for Kaley to just keep all her paintings just yet. Maybe later when they have more money stored up she can be free to keep all the ones she likes.


    It's getting late so Cassidy says goodbye and heads home. It seems like she enjoyed hanging out with Ashley even if all the really did was work on homework.


    Kaley proceeds to fix dinner for her and Ashley.


    The two then get to enjoy their usual mother daughter bonding as they eat.


    Kaley then kisses her good night (yay I finally got the timing right on pause to catch the kiss :) )


    And Ashley heads off to bed.


    Kamryn gets home later that night tired and once again having missed being able to spend time with Ashley :(


    And she settles into bed for the night next to Kaley.

    And that's it for this update.

    What will happen next time?

    Will Kamryn ever get more time to spend with Ashley?

    Was today a sign that Kaley is finally going to consistently paint good pictures?

    Did that jerk from the bar learn his lesson? (well if he didn't Kamryn will be happy to kick his plum a second time if he dares try to hit on Kaley again)

    Find out next time on....


    I hope everyone enjoyed the update and as always happy simming :)
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    hirondelle09hirondelle09 Posts: 175 Member
    Loving the stories :) Your writing and story-line really inspired me, thanks for sharing!
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    aroseinbloomaroseinbloom Posts: 3,456 Member
    Excellent story! Glad I'm all caught up!
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    You want it, I've got it. Here's another episode of....


    When we last left our verdant haired heroine and her family Kamryn beat up a guy and Kaley showed just how much she likes bad girls.


    As the new day starts though Ashley is the one feeling playful as she starts the day off with one of her toys in the bath.


    Meanwhile since Kamryn is still tired after her late evening at work the night before Kaley comes downstairs first to fix breakfast.


    And the two get to spend some time together chatting before Ashley heads off for class.


    After Ashley leaves Kaley heads upstairs and finds Kamryn still fast asleep.

    Deciding that it's time for Kamryn to wake up....


    Kaley wakes her in a way Kamryn is sure to enjoy.

    Clearly the new flirty painting in their bedroom is working, though considering how these two usually are I may never get them out of the bedroom now.


    With Kamryn now awake and their morning fun had Kaley and Kamryn get to enjoy a peaceful late breakfast together.


    Afterwards Kaley begins working on a new flirty painting. I would be interested to see if there are other emotion painting types but these two spend so much time feeling flirty towards each other I never get the chance :p


    Kamryn has the next 3 days off so she decides to start catching up on some reading.


    Yay another flirty painting that actually looks flirty.


    Kamryn had the whim to admire art so I decided to let her take a look at Kaley's latest creation.

    So Kamryn admires Kaley's art.


    Then Kamryn admired Kaley's lips


    Followed by Kamryn admiring Kaley's.... errrr..... everything.

    Well the painting definitely works.

    I had Kaley sell it afterwards because I really may not be able to keep them out of the bedroom otherwise :p


    After finishing their second round of fun for the day Kaley started on a new painting, I honestly can't remember the style. Kaley can paint so many styles at this point I'm starting to lose track.


    While Kaley is painting Kamryn asks for a favor (don't worry everyone it's not round 3 :p ).

    She wants to have some time with just her and Ashley for the afternoon since she doesn't get much chance due to work.

    Kaley understands and is happy to let this afternoon be some quality time for just Kamryn and Ashley.


    And shortly after Ashley arrives home from another annoying day of school. The principal came to visit their class today and Ashley got in trouble after a boy started pelting her with spit wads and she told him to stop. Of course the principal only caught her so she was the only one that got yelled at :\


    But of course Kamryn is happy to help cheer her up. Which of course means....


    Super adorable cuddling time. Seriously I will never get tired of this interaction. It's just so cute :D


    Sadly homework has to get done but Kamryn is happy to help out so it goes by faster. I wish they could sit and help rather than being stuck standing :\


    Luckily the homework goes by quick with Kamryn's help and afterwards the two settle down together for some more bonding time as Kamryn reads Ashley a story.


    In the meantime Kaley finished her painting, though sadly she didn't make her money back which I find odd since she's made money off far worse paintings. Sims logic never fails to amaze me at times.


    Kaley continues to let Kamryn and Ashley have their quality time together and fixes dinner.


    The family enjoys dinner together on the couch, a brief break from Kamryn Ashley time so Kaley can have some time with Ashley as well.


    After dinner Kamryn finishes reading the story to Ashley.


    Meanwhile Kaley heads upstairs and works on upgrading the shower. It's an unnecessary upgrade but Kaley does it so that Kamryn and Ashley can have their time together :)


    After finishing the story it's bedtime for Ashley. Kamryn finishes her afternnon of mother daughter time with a goodnight hug.


    And with Ashley asleep in bed Kaley and Kamryn enjoy round 3, a nice thank you from Kamryn for Kaley letting her hog Ashley for the afternoon.

    That's it for this update. What will happen next?

    Will Kamryn's job ever lighten up so she doesn't need to ask for special time to hang out with Ashley on her days off?

    Will Ashley ever enjoy school? (The evidence points to no :p )

    What will happen as we draw ever closer to Ashley becoming a teen?

    Find out, as we continue with.....


    As always I hope everyone enjoyed the update and happy simming :)
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    It's time for a big new episode of....


    This episode will be narrated by the director because apparently he started some weird new life kick and wants to try something new :\ that or he's gunning for my job *glances suspiciously at director* but for now management assures me I am not being replaced so we'll go with it. So without further ado, here is Mr. Director.

    *director's sign drops down* "When we last left our verdant haired heroine and her family Kaley and Kamryn's ever frisky love life continued and Kamryn got to spend some quality time with Ashley on her day off"

    Whoa whoa whoa, your supposed to be narrating, you have to talk.

    *director's sign drops down* "But I don't talk, can't I just use these signs like usual"

    No you can't just use the signs, you realize how many signs that would take to narrate an entire episode? Plus you can't just expect the viewers to read everything can you.

    *directors sign drops down* "I see what you did there"

    Just talk, we know you can, you sang a whole power ballad for crying out loud.

    *director stairs blankly*

    *sigh* well this was a bad idea.

    Okay never mind the new life idea, we'll just do this like usual.

    *director's sign drops down* "So I can still use my signs?"

    Yes you can use your signs

    *director's sign drops down* "YAY"

    So what was even the point of this if your.... you know nevermind let's just continue on.


    Kamryn is still on her days off so she got up to cook breakfast for Ashley.


    And the whole family got to enjoy a meal together.


    After Ashley left it became cleaning day in the Green household. Kaley got to clean the counter, the master shower, and the master sink.


    While Kamryn put books away, cleaned out the fridge, and cleaned out Ashley's bathtub.


    After all the cleaning the two settled down on the couch for some of their usual together time while watching romantic TV.


    Kaley decided to have some fun and caught Kamryn off guard with some tickling.


    And of course the inevitable making out on the couch. If you didn't see this coming then where have you been the past 29 chapters :p


    And it's time for some more painting to keep some cash coming in while Kamryn's off work. They can't sustain on flirting and woohoo after all, as much as Kamryn might wish it :p


    Well it looks cool to me though apparently not to others as it didn't make the cost back. I wish there was a bit more logic to this as Kaley has sold much worse paintings for a profit. But whatever, she still sold it because while I like it it doesn't really mesh with any room in the house.


    As Kaley sold the prior painting Ashley got home from school, she actually had an enjoyable day for a change :)

    Kamryn then helped her with her homework while Kaley started on a new realism painting.


    With Kamryn's help Ashley finished her school work quickly. She thanked her mom with a nice big hug :)


    At that moment Cassidy called asking Ashley if she wanted to come over come to her house for a sleep over. Kamryn and Kaley agreed told Ashley it was alright to spend the night over there :)


    Before heading over to Cassidy's house here is the finished version of Kaley's painting. Much better than her first realism painting and it earned a nice profit so no complaints.


    And Ashley headed across the street to Cassidy's home. It is convenient having your best friend live right next door :D


    The two had a nice chat to start off Ashley's visit. They chatted about school for a bit and Ashley kept Cassidy company while she finished up her homework.


    Cassidy introduced Ashley to some of her family. This is her dad Dominick Hutchinson.


    And her slightly older brother Reid (I say slightly older because I saw him walking around as a teen the next day but Cassidy is still a child).

    Cassidy's mother wasn't there at the time though she does exist as I've seen her walking around.


    Cassidy's dad talked to the two girls for a bit. It turns out he has the mean trait though you really wouldn't know it. He was perfectly nice to Ashley and Cassidy throughout the night so I'm not going to hold the trait against him. Though it is kind of funny all these sims I keep running into being mean to my sims and then I find a sim with the mean trait who acts perfectly nice. This game is seriously just messing with me at this point.


    The two girls then went and enjoyed a meal as they continued to chat and hang out.


    After dinner Cassidy wanted to play on the computer while hanging out with Ashley but Reid got there first and wasn't moving. So they just went to Cassidy's room and spent the rest of the evening joking with each other and talking. Not the most exciting sleep over but the two seemed happy so that's what matters.


    The two eventually fell asleep in Cassidy's room (I temporarily altered it slightly because the game still has that stupid rule that two kids can't sleep in the same bed). Cute picture at least :)


    Cassidy's mom finally got home at around 2 am. I'm not sure why she was out that late but whatever. Meanwhile Dominick decided to grill up some burgers which the he Amaya and Reid enjoyed at BLOODY 2 AM IN THE MORNING. Sims logic amazes me sometimes. I kind of wish the AI would at least try to stick to a basic schedule. It would have been nice for Ashley to be able to sit down for a meal with Cassidy's family but that wasn't an option :\


    The two girls woke up the next morning and Ashley gave Cassidy a hug and thanked her for inviting her before heading home.


    Once home Ashley quickly washed up and got ready for school.


    And enjoyed some cereal while chatting enthusiastically to Kaley about the sleep over (Kamryn was still sleeping)


    After Ashley went to school Kaley was feeling confident so she started on a confident painting.


    Meanwhile Kamryn woke up and came downstairs to flirt with Kaley. How these two get anything done between all the flirting is beyond me.


    Wait what? I'm confused. this is a finished painting?

    *turns to director* Does that look finished to you

    *director's sign drops down* "shrug"

    You know I can see you shrug you don't have to use a sign :\

    *director's sign drops down* "but the viewers can't see me"

    Fair point.

    Apparently the painting is finished though (as much as I still struggle to believe it) and it sells for $248 O.o


    Well it works so she paints another confident painting while chatting with Kamyn.


    She ends up with this which sells for $257

    The sims art world amazes me.


    Kaley is now feeling focused and has the option to paint a mathematical diagram. Well she is a genius so it isn't out of character and I am kind of curious to see what this looks like.


    Well okay then, curiosity sated. From now on though I think we will keel math out of the art. It does make some money selling it though so yay.


    Ashley got home and invited Cassidy over to chat while working on homework.


    Though Cassidy was in a sad mood from school that day so Ashley decided her friend was more important than school work (she's a C student anyway so it's not going to hurt to much to miss one assignment).


    After a bit of joking and goofing around Ashley's got Cassidy feeling better. The two also officially become best friends :)


    After that Cassidy had to head home. The Green family then had dinner together and the rest of the evening was pretty much quiet. But it won't stay that way for long because tomorrow is Ashley's birthday as she finally ages up into a teenager :D

    And that's it for this update.

    How will Ashley's birthday go?

    What new trait will she get?

    What new exciting things will teenage years hold in store for her?

    Find out on the next episodes of....


    I hope everyone enjoyed the update and happy simming :)
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