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The Life and Times of Berry Beau (Play the Sims 3 Challenge Entry)

Hello all,

This is my entry for Dawnrob's and Lissykin's Play the Sims 3 Challenge. In this thread, I'll be detailing Berry's life as I played her in my game. Some of you may have seen this coming due to the slew of memories and achievements on my MyPage (I apologize for the spam :oops: ), but in case any of you were interested in why I was uploading so much, please feel free to have a look at what Berry accomplished!

I had a great time playing with Berry and Bella, and I'll probably continue playing with them even though the challenge is over. Thank you dawnrob and Lissykin for such an awesome contest!

I'm open to comments once I'm done posting everything, so please wait until Berry's story is complete before posting. There's quite a lot to get through, so I hope this is understandable. Thank you! :D
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Introduction and Game Info

    Mother/Child combo: Bella Beau and Berry Beau, both created by GrandmotherGamer

    House: Cozy Victorian by sashraf

    Expansions/Stuff Packs used: Base Game, Seasons

    Lifespan: Long

    World of Choice: Riverview
    (with some embellishments. For example, I used Hidden Springs' Seasonal Lot rather than Riverview's undersized warehouse, and placed the Al Fresco Street Market in the world as well.)
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Badges/Achievements Earned in the Course of Completing this Challenge

    It's probably worth mentioning that this is the first time I played while online in-game.

    In order of completion:

    1 Shared Memory Badge
    Description: Unlock this badge by sharing 1 Memory.
    Date Earned: Dec 21, 2013

    Supporter of the Arts
    Description: Have your Sim visit the Art Gallery
    Date Earned: Dec 21, 2013

    5 Shared Memories Badge
    Description: Unlock this badge by sharing 5 Memories.
    Date Earned: Dec 21, 2013

    10 Shared Memories Badge
    Description: Unlock this badge by sharing 10 Memories.
    Date Earned: Dec 21, 2013

    Sun Worshipper
    Description: Have your Sim get a sun tan
    Date Earned: Dec 21, 2013

    Flower Power
    Description: Have your Sim collect a wildflower
    Date Earned: Dec 21, 2013

    Happy Holidays!
    Description: Have your Sim get a greeting card picture taken and post it online
    Date Earned: Dec 21, 2013

    Serenity Now
    Description: Have your Sim get Stressed Out
    Date Earned: Dec 21, 2013

    Description: Have your Sim call in sick
    Date Earned: Dec 23, 2013

    The Language Of Love
    Description: Have your Sim send and receive a Love Letter
    Date Earned: Dec 23, 2013

    50 Shared Memories Badge
    Description: Unlock this badge by sharing 50 Memories.
    Date Earned: Dec 23, 2013

    Description: Have your Sim hire a babysitter
    Date Earned: Dec 23, 2013

    Trick or Treat
    Description: Have your Sim Trick or Treat at a house
    Date Earned: Dec 23, 2013

    Your Right to Party
    Description: Throw an Awesome Party
    Date Earned: Dec 23, 2013

    Festival Fun
    Description: Have your Sim enter a Haunted House, get face painted, and eat a snow cone
    Date Earned: Dec 26, 2013

    Bottomless Stomach
    Description: Have your Sim win both the Hot Dog and Pie Eating contests.
    Date Earned: Dec 26, 2013

    100 Shared Memories Badge
    Description: Unlock this badge by sharing 100 Memories.
    Date Earned: Dec 27, 2013

    Get Physical!
    Description: Have your Sim workout or perform some other physical activity until they are Fatigued
    Date Earned: Dec 27, 2013

    Festival Fanatic
    Description: Have your Sim attend the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter Festivals
    Date Earned: Dec 28, 2013

    Egg-cellent Collector
    Description: Have your Sim find a Festival Egg in an Egg Hunt
    Date Earned: Dec 28, 2013

    Book it!
    Description: Have your Sim visit the bookstore
    Date Earned: Dec 28, 2013

    **EDITED TO REMOVE THREE BADGES THAT WERE (likely) EARNED AFTER THE CONTEST HAD CLOSED. The three removed were 'Kaboom!', 'Prize Winner', and '200 Shared Memories', all of which were earned on December 29, 2013. For clarification/validation, please refer to my badges page here.
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Childhood Years, Part 1
    **Please note that some memories are custom ones, and others have had their pictures replaced due to my dissatisfaction with how the default ones turned out.
    **Personal comments/thoughts are in parentheses.

    New House!
    Berry just moved with her mother Bella into a new house. What memories will she make here?
    (Berry is the tiny figure in the blue top and white skirt to the right of the mailbox. I wanted to get a picture of the whole house; apologies if she's hard to see.)

    Bought a Guitar
    Bella bought a new guitar to facilitate her performance in the music career. Hopefully Berry will take a liking to it too.
    (Bella and Berry were a little short on cash after moving in, so I ended up selling the small television this house came with to increase their family funds. They had just enough to splurge on this shiny new guitar.)

    Learned Painting
    Learning the basics of any skill, but especially Painting, can be an uphill battle, but the rewards of new knowledge are certainly worth the pain.

    Berry's First Masterpiece
    Hopefully one of many more to come!
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Childhood Years, Part 2

    Visited the Art Gallery
    That art gallery is full of horizon-expanding pieces, such as a Llama standing on a box of apples.

    Berry wasn't too impressed by this painting of a satyr...

    ...But she thought this painting of a Monte Vistan countryside was majestic!

    Sweet Dreams
    Berry falls asleep dreaming about art.
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Childhood Years, Part 3

    Rise and Shine!
    Berry wakes up bright and early for her first day at school. My, doesn't she look excited...

    First Day of School!
    The first day of school is full of mixed emotions: fear, excitement and anticipation about the upcoming school year!

    Doing Homework
    One can just tell how absolutely thrilled Berry is to be doing homework. Only 100 pages to go!

    Bella's later working hours mean Berry is by herself in the evening. Luckily there are always leftovers! Yum.
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Childhood Years, Part 4

    Sick Day!
    Berry's sick today so Bella decides to keep her home to recover. Hooray!

    Berry spent the day painting.

    Her efforts soon resulted in this lovely creation. One can tell how inspired she was from her recent trip to the gallery.

    Went to the Library
    For bookworms, there are few things more joyful than thumbing through old volumes of Simpedia Expandia at the local library.

    Berry and Bella spent the remainder of the evening in the library.
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Childhood Years, Part 5 - Leisure Day!

    It looks like Bella's been negligent with her bills as of late, because Leisure Day starts with a visit from the Repo Man! This is a memory Berry will never forget.
    (He ends up taking an easily replaceable chair. Go figure...)

    But in typical Sims style, Berry soon recovers from it and goes to play chess with her mother. Doing so earns her her first logic skill point!
    Learned Logic
    Learning the basics of any skill, but especially Logic, can be an uphill battle, but the rewards of new knowledge are certainly worth the pain.

    Visited the Park
    A trip to the park is a fun way to enjoy the sun and fresh air, though one has to watch out for the muddy patches!
    (The park is Hidden Springs' designated festival lot. I generally dislike Riverview's because it's so small, so I replaced it with this one.)

    Face Paint!
    The first thing Berry does is gets her face painted. That's a happy-looking sun!

    Water Balloon Fight!
    Bella and Berry escape the heat by dousing each other with water balloons!

    Grape Snowcone
    Berry treats herself to a Grape Snowcone at the Summer Festival. She wonders if it will turn her tongue purple!

    Caught an Insect
    Bugs may be slimy and icky, but they are so fun to catch!
    (Her first catch was a Royal Purple Butterfly valued at 112 Simoleans :shock: . That ought to help with the bills! :lol: )

    Soccer Shootout!
    Berry practices her soccer shooting skills as Bella plays goalie. Berry seems to have more luck with this than with water balloons. GOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL!

    Berry and Bella finish the evening by eating out at a restaurant. Yum!
    Ate at a Restaurant
    A special treat of a meal out at a restaurant is always a welcome break from spending hours cooking one's favorite meal.

    Greeting Card:
    Beau Greeting Card
    Greetings from the Beau family!
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Childhood Years, Part 6

    New Toy Oven!
    Bella's recent promotion means later working hours and the possibility of having no food in the fridge for when Berry gets home from school, so Bella has decided to invest in a toy oven. Berry can't wait to start using it!

    Made Muffins for the First Time!
    The leftovers have spoiled and Bella's out at work. Berry takes it upon herself to take care of dinner - muffins.

    The End Result
    My, those look... delicious.
    (My game has a tiny glitch where the muffins won't show on the plate. But I assure you, they were burnt :( )

    To the Library!
    Since Bella won't be home until late in the evening anyway, Berry decides to visit the library after school.

    Homework Help
    Berry gets help with her homework from a kind stranger named Robert Newbie. That's helpful!

    Used a Computer!
    The library has a computer room, and Berry is fascinated by what one has to offer. This is Berry's first time using a computer. She wonders if Bella will consider buying one for their home.

    Started Writing a Fiction Novel
    Berry uses the computer to chronicle the tales of Grunenwald the Nightmare and his origins.

    (The next two screenshots and their captions were largely included out of personal taste and due to storytelling reasons, but as the contest rules specifically emphasized presenting memories over presenting a story, they can safely be ignored as you continue going through Berry's memories).

    As soon as Bella comes home, Berry tells her about her library trip and proceeds to bombard her with requests to get a computer at home.

    Needless to say, Bella's a bit more concerned that Berry went off on her own and received homework help from a complete stranger. But they don't quite have the funds to afford a computer...

    (Back to Berry's memories now!)

    Got a Tablet!
    It's not quite a computer, but Berry can use it to do her homework and read all her favorite books!

    Learned Writing
    Learning the basics of any skill, but especially Writing, can be an uphill battle, but the rewards of new knowledge are certainly worth the pain.

    Learned Fishing
    Learning the basics of any skill, but especially Fishing, can be an uphill battle, but the rewards of new knowledge are certainly worth the pain.
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Childhood Years, Part 7

    Reached Level 5 of Writing
    One level closer...the top doesn't seem so far away now!
    (This happened while she was listening to a tabcast at school, so I wasn't able to get a screenshot. Apologies. Please enjoy this transparent picture of a hammer instead.)

    Over at a friend's house
    Berry was invited to go to Oscar Alphender's house after school. This could be the start of a beautiful friendship!

    Worked on Homework with Lulu Mather
    Sometimes two heads are better than one! Working on homework with another Sim always seems to make the drudgery go by faster.

    Worked on Homework with Oscar Alphender
    Sometimes two heads are better than one! Working on homework with another Sim always seems to make the drudgery go by faster.
    (Apparently he had two friends over at the same time. He decided to join the girls just as Berry was finishing up).

    Felt Bella Beau's Tummy
    Feeling a stomach expectant with new life is a thrilling experience!
    (The baby's father is Don Lothario. I guess he just has a thing for women named Bella!)

    The Baby's Coming!
    Berry is awoken in the middle of the night by Bella's screams and realizes that the baby's coming! She's not quite sure how to react, so she settles for flailing around in the middle of the room like a headless duck.

    Baby Brother!
    Bella returns from the hospital with a baby boy. Berry is thrilled to have a younger brother!

    New Roommates
    She's not so thrilled, however, to have to share a room with said little brother.
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Childhood Years, Part 8

    Got on the Honor Roll
    After spending long hours toiling on homework, getting on the honor roll is a fitting reward!

    Worked on Homework with Tatiana Ivanov
    Sometimes two heads are better than one! Working on homework with another Sim always seems to make the drudgery go by faster.

    Spooky Day Costume!
    Berry's going as a pirate this year.

    First Time Trick or Treating
    This would be everyone’s favorite memory, except it’s usually erased by everyone’s First Sugar-Induced Blackout.
    (I didn't get a default picture for this one, so I replaced the transparent default with a picture I took in-game. My personal caption would have been "Candy candy candy candy candy candy candy candy candy candy candy. CANDY!!!")

    No matter how hard she tries, Berry just cannot seem to get the hang of the children's oven. Looks like a culinary career isn't in the cards.
    (And no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get the muffins to show up! I guess they're just camera-shy.)

    Visited the Street Market
    Before Berry grows up, she and Bella take a special trip to the Street Market.

    Berry's Lemonade Stand
    She sells fruit juice too!

    Psychiatric Help
    Bella expresses her frustrations with her boyfriend to her daughter. Berry doesn't quite understand; she still thinks boys are smelly.
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Childhood Years, Part 9 - Birthday!

    Berry comes home from the market with her mother to find all her friends waiting for her to celebrate her birthday! Best surprise ever.

    Berry Beau Became a Teen
    When a child becomes a teen, it's time for the parental stress to go into overdrive!
    (Looks like she still has some growing out to do... Incidentally, this was the first time I experienced this "noodling" glitch in-game.)

    Had a Great Birthday Party
    A birthday party is always a grand time, but when things go especially right, it becomes a party to remember!

    Berry rolled the Natural Cook trait.

    Bonus Party Pics:



    Berry as she first appeared as a teen.

    Coincidentally, Berry's birthday happened to fall on Spooky Day, so the party was interrupted quite a few times by Trick-or-Treaters. Here are some of the characters who paid a visit:


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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Teenage Years, Part 1

    Picked Up Benjamin
    Such a cute little bundle of would be a delight to hold this one for hours!
    (Now that Berry's older, she can finally interact with her younger brother. Hooray!)

    A Rude Awakening
    Berry was woken up by her younger brother crying. Yes, she definitely does not like having to share a room.
    (The Mohawk auto-assigned when Berry turned into a teen. For a while, I was actually considering keeping it... but I couldn't stop laughing when she went to sleep :lol: )

    Repaired a Toilet
    Avoiding the cost of paying a repairman is incentive enough to roll up one's sleeves and do some self-repairs.

    Made a New Outfit
    Wearing the same clothes day in and day out can be tiring. Nothing like a new outfit to mix things up!

    Skipped School
    Berry skips school today to come visit the Riverview Hatchery. It's pouring out, but that doesn't stop her!

    Caught a Jellyfish for the First Time
    Catching a fish requires extreme patience and dedication to the fishy pursuit.

    Went to the Library
    For bookworms, there are few things more joyful than thumbing through old volumes of Simpedia Expandia at the local library.

    Back to Grunenwald!
    Berry visits the library and recalls her nightmare story about Grunenwald. She figures she should at least finish his story.

    Wrote First Novel
    Writing a novel takes a burst of creative thought and the persistence to write and revise!

    Learned Charisma
    Learning the basics of any skill, but especially Charisma, can be an uphill battle, but the rewards of new knowledge are certainly worth the pain.
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Teenage Years, Part 2 - Fall Festival!

    Learned Guitar
    Learning the basics of any skill, but especially Guitar, can be an uphill battle, but the rewards of new knowledge are certainly worth the pain.

    Visited the Park
    A trip to the park is a fun way to enjoy the sun and fresh air, though one has to watch out for the muddy patches!
    (Pardon the lighting; this happened quite early in the morning.)

    Discovered Some Metal!
    A metallic discovery is a glimmering hunk of valuable treasure. Oh, the possibilities of what can be created with this!

    Found a Gem
    Digging through the ground can result in a great find when a glint catch one's eye!
    (Sorry for the lack of pictures... by the time I realized these memories didn't have any, I wasn't able to go back and take a back-up :( )

    Slept on a Community Lot
    Sometimes lack of sleep can be so overwhelming that even a cement floor looks like a good place to sleep.

    Visited the Park
    A trip to the park is a fun way to enjoy the sun and fresh air, though one has to watch out for the muddy patches!
    (I really wish visits to the seasonal lots gave original memories... in this case, mother and daughter went to the Fall Festival to have some fun.)

    First Apple Bobbing Contest Win
    Nothing like sweet victory with a slight taste of apple.

    First Time Braving the Scary Shack
    It takes a special kind of messed up to design and operate a haunted house. Of course, the Scary Shack actually could be haunted!

    At the Pumpkin Patch
    Berry must select only the best pumpkin for which to make her Jack-o-Lantern.

    Learned Gardening
    Learning the basics of any skill, but especially Gardening, can be an uphill battle, but the rewards of new knowledge are certainly worth the pain.

    Caught an Insect
    Bugs may be slimy and icky, but they are so fun to catch!
    (Berry got a pumpkin painted on her face earlier in the day.)

    Pie Eating Contest
    For 'dinner', Bella and Berry decide to partake in an eating contest. Time to stuff their face with pie!

    Poor Berry. Looks like all that pie didn't agree with her stomach.

    Beau Greeting Card
    Greetings from the Beau family!
    (With pie smeared proudly all over their faces :lol: )
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Teenage Years, Part 3
    **At this point, I began taking pictures less and less frequently, so the memories seen here (and beyond) may not all occur in the same day.

    Learned Handiness
    Learning the basics of any skill, but especially Handiness, can be an uphill battle, but the rewards of new knowledge are certainly worth the pain.

    Repaired a Toilet
    Avoiding the cost of paying a repairman is incentive enough to roll up one's sleeves and do some self-repairs.

    Read 5 Different Books
    Spending one's free time reading isn't the most social activity, but leads to a wealth of knowledge about the world!

    Busted After Curfew!
    Breaking curfew is an exciting way to cut loose in the evening, but it is always so embarrassing to get caught!
    (She was headed back after delivering her insects for donation to the Science Lab. :roll:
    Also, the default image didn't appear, so I used this back-up instead.)

    Repaired a Shower
    Avoiding the cost of paying a repairman is incentive enough to roll up one's sleeves and do some self-repairs.

    Started Failing School
    Spending too much time hanging out with friends and not enough time doing homework is a sure way to start failing school!
    (Apologies for the strange picture; she was fixing a sink when this notification appeared.)

    Repaired a Sink
    Avoiding the cost of paying a repairman is incentive enough to roll up one's sleeves and do some self-repairs.

    Met an Alien!
    They do exist! Berry awoke in the middle of the night to find an alien at her doorstep. Hopefully she's friendly!

    Learned Cooking
    Learning the basics of any skill, but especially Cooking, can be an uphill battle, but the rewards of new knowledge are certainly worth the pain.

    Threw a Party
    A party is a wild time full of possibilities. What will happen? A fight? A make out? Only time will tell!
    (Yeah... I'm not really sure what she was doing in this screenshot. :? However, this was my backup; the original memory screenshot had her hidden behind a wall.)

    Threw a Birthday Party for Benjamin Beau
    Throwing a birthday party for a special Sim is a great way to honor their passage through the stages of life! That was a birthday cake tummyache to remember.
    (The default picture turned the refrigerator transparent! :-o )
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Teenage Years, Part 4 - Snow Day!

    First Snow Day
    You got up early, you already dressed, and you just found out you don’t have to go to school. There’s fresh snow on the ground and a whole day of freedom ahead of you. Anything is possible!

    At the Gym
    Berry decides to take advantage of the Snow Day by hitting the gym.

    Became Strong
    Carving one's body into a model of physical fitness is no easy task and an achievement to remember!

    Learned Athletic
    Learning the basics of any skill, but especially Athletic, can be an uphill battle, but the rewards of new knowledge are certainly worth the pain.

    Berry finishes her Snow Day by taking a Painting class at her school.
    Took a Painting Class
    Taking a class in an interesting skill certainly expands and enriches one's horizons!

    Read with Benjamin
    Berry spends time reading with her little brother. Too cute!
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Teenage Years, Part 5 - Snowflake Day and Winter Festival!

    Received a Great Gift
    There a two types of great gifts; one your Sim always wanted and one your Sim can sell to purchase something they've always wanted. This is one of those gifts!
    (Story time: Berry actually invited a few more people to the party, but after she started a snowball fight with the other guests outside, they didn't come back in to open gifts. So the only people who actually received any gifts were Bella, Berry, and Susie Broke in the chair behind. Between the two of them, Bella and Berry received four easels and a guitar.
    ...and a partridge in a pear tree :P )

    New TV!
    Bella and Berry cash in their Snowflake Day gifts and use the funds to buy their very first TV set! Berry can't wait to peruse the channels it has to offer.

    New Computer!
    Bella and Berry have enough money to buy a computer in addition to the new television! It may not be the best model, but it still allows Berry to write her novels!

    Worked on Homework with Susie Broke
    Sometimes two heads are better than one! Working on homework with another Sim always seems to make the drudgery go by faster.
    (I know it's a repeated memory, but I thought to put it in since this is the first time since becoming a teenager that Berry has done her homework.)

    Visited the Park
    A trip to the park is a fun way to enjoy the sun and fresh air, though one has to watch out for the muddy patches!
    (Winter Festival Time!)

    First Time Snowboarding
    Snowboarding for the first time: the body will remember aches and pains for several days, but the mind will remember the thrill forever.

    Made a Snowman
    Berry builds a classic snowman at the Winter Festival

    Beau Greeting Card
    Greetings from the Beau family!

    Bonus Winter Festival Pics:



    Berry roasting some marshmallows...

    ...and then roasting a pumpkin. :shock:
    I'd never seen this before... it made me laugh so hard I think I cried :lol: . I always thought Sims would roast pumpkin pieces or something since every other fruit/vegetable was pretty small on the stick... I guess I was wrong! :P
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Teenage Years, Part 6

    Mastered Writing
    Hours of practice and study have finally paid off. There isn't anything else to learn in the study of Writing!

    Potty Trained Benjamin Beau
    Potty training Benjamin Beau was a bit of a messy venture, but the moment where he finally graduated to the big kid toilet was certainly memorable!

    Reached Level 5 of Cooking
    One level closer...the top doesn't seem so far away now!

    Taught Benjamin Beau to Walk
    Watching a child take their first shaky steps in life is a moment that could fill just about any Sim's heart with joy. Responsible adults must always keep an eye on the little tyke or they might tottle off into danger!

    Reached Level 5 of Handiness
    One level closer...the top doesn't seem so far away now!

    Reached Level 5 of Logic
    One level closer...the top doesn't seem so far away now!
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Teenage Years, Part 7 - Spring Festival!

    Visited the Park
    A trip to the park is a fun way to enjoy the sun and fresh air, though one has to watch out for the muddy patches!

    Taught Benjamin Beau to Talk
    Teaching a child to talk is an important milestone in their life. Just don't teach them to talk back!

    Fancy Festival Egg!
    Berry finds this special decorative egg while egg hunting at the Spring Festival.

    Had a Picnic
    That was a great day! Just enjoying the sun and a good meal...why can't every day be like that one?

    Beau Greeting Card
    Greetings from the Beau family!

    Spring Festival Bonus Pics:


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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Teenage Years, Part 8 - Skill Maxing, Plumbing Upgrades, and First Dates!

    Mastered Cooking
    Hours of practice and study have finally paid off. There isn't anything else to learn in the study of Cooking!
    (Except maybe how not to drop patties while grilling ;) )

    A Sense of Accomplishment
    Berry's mastery of cooking and writing has been recognized and immortalized in these two certificates. She plans to add more to her wall soon!

    Upgraded a Toilet
    Making an improvement to an object around the house is just the thing to add a nice touch to home.
    (Berry just finished upgrading the toilet to self-cleaning. Never will she have to clean toilets again!)

    First Kiss with Travis McDermott
    That first kiss with Travis McDermott was a special moment. It started off with nervous anticipation and ended in the magical moment where their lips first met!
    (Technically, what happened was they made out backstage while touring the theater on their first date. Unfortunately, that didn't leave me with very many good default pictures... and I think I may have been robbed of a memory of Berry's first make-out :evil: . However, I took quite a few back-ups, so I'll be using a lot of those instead of the defaults that came with her memories.)

    First Kiss
    It might have been a little awkward, but the excitement of the first kiss was certainly memorable!
    (No idea what skill she was building when this happened...)

    Become Romantic with Travis McDermott
    Going from mere acquaintances to a romantic interest is the start of tender words, stolen kisses, and makeout afternoons.

    Started Going Steady with Travis McDermott
    Becoming the main squeeze of one's chosen romantic partner is moment that won't be forgotten soon.

    Asked Travis McDermott to Stay Over
    Asking a friend to spend the night may be a bit awkward, but an accepted invitation will bring a night of bonding!
    (He ended up leaving only a few minutes later :lol: )

    Had a Sleepover with Travis McDermott
    Inviting a friend to spend the night is sure to lead to a night of video games, giggling, and candy tummyaches!

    Went on First Date with Travis McDermott
    A first date is an uncomfortable night of unnatural questions and stumbling glances, but also one fresh with the possibility of new romance.
    (Right... I'm glad I took so many back-up pictures of their date, because I exhausted all of them with the above memories.)

    For those curious, the defaults looked like this:


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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Teenage Years, Part 9

    Visited the Graveyard
    A graveyard can be an eerie place, but it is nice to pay homage to those Sims who have passed on.
    (She ended up touring the mausoleum before her curfew ran out.)

    Got on the Honor Roll
    After spending long hours toiling on homework, getting on the honor roll is a fitting reward!
    (Amazing considering she was failing school only about a week ago. Well done, Berry! :D )

    Threw a Party
    A party is a wild time full of possibilities. What will happen? A fight? A make out? Only time will tell!

    Went Shopping
    A satisfying shopping trip means returning home with an armful of bags!
    (She just went out to get two books :P )

    Went to the Bookstore
    A bookstore is a fine place to spend an afternoon for bookworms and students alike!
    (Berry happens to be both! ;) )

    Threw a Birthday Party for Benjamin Beau
    Throwing a birthday party for a special Sim is a great way to honor their passage through the stages of life! That was a birthday cake tummyache to remember.

    My, doesn't she look enthused...
    Berry carries Benjamin over to his cake and helps him blow out the candles, all the while somehow managing to look bored out of her skull despite the fact that it was a great party.
    (Extra tidbit: Bella broke up with Don during the party and the two of them got into a fight. Bella won, but seeing as how the events weren't directly tied to Berry, I decided not to include them.)

    Room Upgrades
    Berry and Benjamin still have to share a room, but now that Benjamin is a child, his old crib and Berry's cheap old bed are swapped for a comfy bunk bed. In addition, they get a new desk for the space to do their homework.

    Homework Help!
    Benjamin asks Berry for help after getting homework on his first day of school. Berry can only remember back when she was a child asking for help from others... Oh, how the time flies...
    Getting back into TS3! :smile:
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Teenage Years, Part 10 - Summer Festival and More Skill Building! LIFETIME WISH FULFILLED!!

    Visited the Park
    A trip to the park is a fun way to enjoy the sun and fresh air, though one has to watch out for the muddy patches!

    Beau Greeting Card
    Greetings from the Beau family!

    Upgraded a Sink
    Making an improvement to an object around the house is just the thing to add a nice touch to home.

    Became a Renaissance Sim
    A true scholar would never be satisfied with mastering only a single subject!
    (And with that, Berry has fulfilled her Lifetime Wish! What will she aspire to next?)

    Mastered Handiness
    Hours of practice and study have finally paid off. There isn't anything else to learn in the study of Handiness!
    (Yet somehow I'm sure she'll still manage to bang her thumb when repairing a household object :lol: )

    Upgraded a Shower
    Making an improvement to an object around the house is just the thing to add a nice touch to home.
    (She made it self-cleaning! :thumbup: )

    Reached Level 5 of Painting
    One level closer...the top doesn't seem so far away now!
    (There are little golden sparkles emanating from her paintbrush! :-o I'm assuming that came with the 'Extra Creative' Lifetime Happiness Reward.)

    Completed Skill Achievement for Charisma
    Completing a skill achievement is an amazing accomplishment and a moment to remember!
    (I believe this was the Celebrity Skill Challenge she completed, by having a certain number of acquaintances, but I can't be sure. :? I'll go back and check if I have time.)

    Reached Level 5 of Charisma
    One level closer...the top doesn't seem so far away now!

    Bonus Summer Festival Pics:
    Bella ended up winning this eating contest... again. And she doesn't even have the 'Competitive Eater' Lifetime Happiness Reward! I guess she just has a naturally bottomless stomach! :lol:

    Water Balloon Fight! Girls vs. Boy, who will win?
    Getting back into TS3! :smile:
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Berry's Teenage Years, Part 11 - Birthday! Goodbye Teenage Years!

    Had a Party Make Out
    When a party gets rocking, inhibitions go out the door and anything goes, including an earnest make out session!
    (Her last romantic interaction with her boyfriend before aging up. :cry: Hopefully his birthday isn't too far behind!)

    Became a Young Adult
    Finally, it's time to shed those awkward teenage years and embrace the shining future of adulthood!

    Had a Great Birthday Party
    A birthday party is always a grand time, but when things go especially right, it becomes a party to remember!

    Berry rolled the 'Great Kisser' trait.

    Extra Party Pics:




    I just noticed it now, but... is her boyfriend seriously laughing at her in those pictures? Methinks Berry might not get back together with him when he ages up. :x
    Getting back into TS3! :smile:
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    And with that... we're done! Due to time constraints, I don't think I could have continued playing with Berry any longer than I did, so I decided to end this challenge as soon as she aged up to a young adult. So, several mishaps, technical issues, and 206 in-game screenshots later, here we are!

    Final Tally


    Final Traits:
    -Artistic (established at start of challenge)
    -Bookworm (established at start of challenge)
    -Virtuoso (established at start of challenge)
    -Natural Cook (established as Teen)
    -Great Kisser (established as YA)

    Skill Points:
    -Athletic: 2
    -Charisma: 5
    -Cooking: 10 (mastered)
    -Fishing: 3
    -Gardening: 3
    -Guitar: 1 (clearly, I didn't exploit her Virtuoso trait very much :x )
    -Handiness: 10 (mastered)
    -Logic: 6
    -Painting: 5
    -Writing: 10 (mastered)

    Certificates for the skills Berry mastered in the course of this challenge. From left to right: Cooking, Handiness, Writing

    Lifetime Happiness Rewards:
    -Fast Learner (15,000)
    -Extra Creative (30,000)
    -Simmunity (7,500)
    Getting back into TS3! :smile:
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    pixiegamerpixiegamer Posts: 1,729 Member
    edited December 2013
    Thank you to all my friends who tolerated my memory/achievement spamming over the course of the past few days. Now that this challenge is over, I plan to return to my offline playing, so rest assured you won't be seeing memories on my wall for a while! ;):D

    And of course, thank you to dawnrob and Lissykin for hosting such an amazing challenge! I had a lot of fun completing it and learned a lot more about the game than I would have if I had continued playing it how I was. I don't usually play the Sims 3 when I go in-game (I usually prefer to build), so this was a really fun challenge for me to do! :D

    This thread is now open for posting/comments. Thank you all for taking the time to read through Berry's journeys and accomplishments!
    Getting back into TS3! :smile:
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,735 Member
    edited December 2013
    Very nicely presented memories of Berry :) It looks great how you have divided the memories up into various posts/sections with headings. Great to read the additional comments in brackets that you have written. It is great that you have listed the badges that were achieved over the life of Berry, . It is great that at the end of memories you have posted what traits she ended up with, as well as her skill levels and life time rewards. It is nice seeing the certificate signifying the skills that she mastered.
    I have enjoyed looking at the memory pictures and reading the accompanying words that you have posted of Berry in this thread. It looks and sounds like you had a lot of fun playing Berry. Great contest entry! :)
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