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**Bay of Islands** 14-Mar: Not dead, trees, bonus world!


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    DijanaMenatasDijanaMenatas Posts: 624 Member
    edited October 2013
    I finished off my stable then started placing some lovely lots down in the world that I got from the swap shop thread...unfortunately Caw then started to have issues, giving me error messages about trying to access protected memory or something and being unable to save..then unable to open :S

    Luckily I think I managed to save my equestrian centre to the lot bin and reverted to a backup from before I put more lots in which seems okay. I'm not sure if I did something or if one of those lots were bad, but I think I'll be keeping this backup safe from now on

    Granted, I did download a lot that had an error while downloading, and I think I had EIG open at the time, so that could have been what did it..maybe
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    DijanaMenatasDijanaMenatas Posts: 624 Member
    edited October 2013
    Ugh, so after putting down all my lots, CAW refuses to export the world now. I've done it before, I've been googling and trying suggestions I've found for the last hour with no luck. So now my last resort, I've renamed my sims 3 folder AGAIN and am reinstalling my store content..hopefully this fixes it =_=

    Edit: Thankfully that worked @_@ sure hope I don't need to do that every time I want to export it.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    DijanaMenatasDijanaMenatas Posts: 624 Member
    edited October 2013
    Alright! I managed to export the world again to test it all out. There's a few little graphical things around I'm having trouble fixing, specifically where some lots meet the roads, and some lots are very bareboned at the moment, also my roads are terrible I've decided, but so far everything seems to be in good order :D

    I used quite a few lots from the swap shop thread as well as some monte vista ones, they just seem to go well together. Although, I did edit some of them slightly (really only roof patterns and some trees to make them fit and match better in this world) So I took a bunch of screenshots of ingame.


    Firstly, here is my tester sim, Lily Allen, because I dont know who Lily Allen is (and all my sim cc is uninstalled until this is finished, so I cant use my avatar sim)


    The toyshop from Midnight Hollow had a makeover


    Some overheads to show the general layout and lot types in there already


    Some pics of the town centre area including the festival grounds. The festival grounds has a stage on it, sometime after seasons was released, I was sure I downloaded a festival lot that had a stage set in (although it seemed like it was only built in one season setting by accident), but when I checked this out there was no proprietor. Did I mix this up and it's not possible to combine the two lot types in any way?


    Moving onto the volcano island ;)


    This island has some very nice residential lots, as well as the museum, casino, equestrian centre, fire station, salon, and an empty 64x64 lot. But oh dear, I forgot the police headquarters >_< I also plan to build a very special park on the way up the volcano. Outside the equestrian centre the ground is lifted up above the road in one spot..I can't really figure out how to fix it properly, I thought I had smoothed it back down but it reverted. Unless that was before I had to place the lot back down after CAW crashed...I cant remember.


    Some lovely sunset pictures, including the hidden inlet reached by boat, to show you the size and scope of the area compared to my sim.


    This is another reachable by boat area, behind the rock arches, it's a fishing spot (when I add spawners in)....I don't know how the horse caught a boat there


    I started building some piers, but I haven't added any houseboats yet. I've also included some of the showtime venues, but I wont be putting in a big show venue, because I have no room for the default one and unless I can make my own, there are some pretty amazing ones on the exchange. However since I don't have permission to include them in my world, I'll just add them into my own game and edit when finished. Personally, I've always liked this one and I'll probably leave room for that.



    Bonus WIP picture of the special park I'm working on. It has quite a bit of Luna's stuff in it. Since it has a lot of cc and store content in this park, I'll probably remove it before putting this world up for download and have this lot be downloaded seperately, so that people who don't want to download all the cc for it don't have to.

    Please comment and let me know what you think of Bay of Islands so far :) I really appreciate any feedback
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    DijanaMenatasDijanaMenatas Posts: 624 Member
    edited October 2013
    As I was laying in bed last night trying and failing to fall asleep because I kept thinking about this, I realised some mistakes I've made.

    I've forgotten the police station AND the military base.
    -I'm thinking of rebuilding the grocery/bookstore/diner lot in the town centre and incorporating those two lots in there with RH rugs. When I started this I couldnt really decide what kind of buildings I was having, so those IP rabbit holes just look really out of place now.

    I don't have a community pool or many parks. I'm thinking of making the pool like something we have in our town, an artificial lagoon seperated from the sea with rocks. So it will be on the beach. Parks can more or less be put anywhere, as well as some more fishing spots.

    Thanks to my horrendous road work, I don't really have much room left to put lots that fit nicely against the road. At this point, I wont put in any more residential lots against roads, I'll probably focus on houseboats and beach houses if I need more.

    I still need to build a supernatural hangout, but I have a spot on a small island set aside for that. I might also need some more Late Night lots, I think I have a few hangouts, and a disco club already. I've never played much with LN stuff before.

    I also don't think I have a bistro yet, I can't remember.

    I need to try to flatten my roads out in some places, as well as put spawners and some more trees in. After this and finishing those missing lots, I think I'm ready for beta testing, although pokemon comes out tomorrow so that might occupy me this weekend ^^; I'll try to do more work on this tonight after work and early tomorrow morning before stores open, I would really like to get my lots finished before then.

    I'm also taking suggestions for any other types of lots o: Preferably things that don't have to be fit against a road.

    Also I finished the special park, but I went and bought one of the wedding collections. It's very beautiful with lots of arches and white, it has a wedding arch and I'll set it up to be perfect for weddings overlooking the islands below. There's a lot of nice seating and wisteria on all over the arches and fencing. As I said previously, I'll have this lot for seperate download because it uses quite a bit of CC and store content I havent used anywhere else in the world.
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    juncedajunceda Posts: 2,614 Member
    edited October 2013
    Hi DijanaMenatas great work you have done! this world looks very nice indeed.

    If you have troubles again trying to export your world, remember you have to totally uninstall the copy you have allready in game and delete the files from downloads and exports folders, then you have just to move your DCCache and DCBackup folders to desktop, export your world, replace de DC folders to the sims 3 folder overwriting the new merging files with the old ones and then install your world, all your downloaded content will be in your world and it will export fine.

    I can play at last TS2 TS3 and TS4 So great that toddlers are here!!!
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    DijanaMenatasDijanaMenatas Posts: 624 Member
    edited October 2013
    Oh believe me I did all of that. I tried many other fixes I saw people tried on google, renaming my folder was my last resort cause I didnt want to reinstall store stuff again, but it was the only thing that would work.
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    CharlotteknCharlottekn Posts: 544 Member
    edited October 2013
    This looks SO great! I'm slowly working on a non-tropical bay type town myself and this is inspiring me to hit the Origin sale for Island Paradise immediately. Will you be able to have the kraken in this, or is that just in the IP town? My sims look forward to lounging on your beaches. :)
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    DijanaMenatasDijanaMenatas Posts: 624 Member
    edited October 2013
    This looks SO great! I'm slowly working on a non-tropical bay type town myself and this is inspiring me to hit the Origin sale for Island Paradise immediately. Will you be able to have the kraken in this, or is that just in the IP town? My sims look forward to lounging on your beaches. :)

    I'm not really sure how the kraken works, I haven't even seen it in IP, although I've heard people have seen it in the other towns they've got boats working in. I have no idea if I have to do something myself for it to show up, or if it's just automatic wherever boats work.
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    CharlotteknCharlottekn Posts: 544 Member
    edited October 2013
    ^^Ah, well either way, your world looks great!
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    DijanaMenatasDijanaMenatas Posts: 624 Member
    edited October 2013
    I decided to take a break from this this week and just play pokemon Y, which I have to say is mega fun. It's got me thinking I want more pets related stuff in this world.

    I'm also think about redoing the science facility, building my own lot with a rabbithole rug like the equestrian centre lot. I also play to buy business as usual set to make my own bistro lot.
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    DijanaMenatasDijanaMenatas Posts: 624 Member
    edited October 2013
    I've been thinking long and hard about this, I've been working on this for about a month but, I think I want to restart it. I've got a good idea of what I'm doing now and what I want, but I simply hadn't allowed myself that freedom with the way I initially designed this. I didn't know how much room I'd need or what to do with roads.

    I've been doodling maps today at work (yeah, I work really hard *cough*) based on the layout I've done so far and expanded it. I want to make the town centre larger with more community lots there, rather than have them scattered about everywhere.

    I had an initial plan of what each island was designated for, but it became a case of 'put it wherever it fits against a road' and all the empty space away from roads was filled with mountains. I suppose it wasn't wasted though, it was a good learning experience, and hopefully I can catch up quickly now.
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    DijanaMenatasDijanaMenatas Posts: 624 Member
    edited October 2013

    So I've spent the weekend reworking this. At first I tried salvaging what I had but couldn't do it u_u So here we are.

    My sculpting has been minimal thus far, just some random shapes, I decided it would work better if I placed the buildings down first this time and work in sections. Having all the buildings I wanted this time made it a lot easier when I just wrote down the sizes of each lot, so my roads are thankfully much more organized this time. I also did some tiers, so not everything is on a flat boring level this time!

    I even managed to fit a bunch of late night lots in there! So on the centre island, I have my 'town centre', which was expanded to include a lot more buildings. I also used a different rabbithole for the city hall, to include the police and military this time. Further past there are all the Late Night apartments and clubs. Below the town centre are some beach front stores. Further down along the shoreline are the rich houses, 3 64x64 houses with a park in the middle.

    On the island at the front of the picture is the main residential island. The larger houses are a bit further away, it also has a coffee house, big park for showtime, daycare, laundromat, greenhouse and my treetop markets.

    The third island in the faaar distance has the volcano of couse, as well as the resorts, casino, equestrian centre and some (currently blank) lots for ranches.

    So aside from some parks and fishing spots I'll dot around, I think my lots are all good and I can focus on getting my sculpting and painting down again now.
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    DijanaMenatasDijanaMenatas Posts: 624 Member
    edited October 2013
    Here are some of the wedding park pictures



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    timecatchertimecatcher Posts: 387 Member
    edited October 2013
    Cool the first one looked awesome!

    I understand restarting can give you lots of benefits but at the same time the one you already had/have could be tweaked with the new knowledge perhaps? Don't give up whatever you decide to do hah!

    At the first pic on page 1 I was like 'okay this doesn't look that great' yet the further you got into it showed how good you actually are xD! Love it anyhow!
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    DijanaMenatasDijanaMenatas Posts: 624 Member
    edited October 2013
    Cool the first one looked awesome!

    I understand restarting can give you lots of benefits but at the same time the one you already had/have could be tweaked with the new knowledge perhaps? Don't give up whatever you decide to do hah!

    At the first pic on page 1 I was like 'okay this doesn't look that great' yet the further you got into it showed how good you actually are xD! Love it anyhow!

    I tried tweaking the original. To be able to fit everything in better it would have involved deleting and redoing the roads, clearing mountains and beaches and resculpting. In the end I just decided it'd be better to restart and just reference the old one in rebuilding. I simply didn't leave enough room to fit everything in.

    My biggest problem at first was that I just put down a bunch of random sized lots then dropped in whatever fit, this time I've gone through all the different sized lots I had saved for it, as well as worked out the sizes I'd need for the rabbit holes and positioned the lots to match the right sizes and built the roads around them.

    Anyway, here's some updates on how the world is going, I slowed down because I injured my shoulder and sitting at the pc with my arm positioned to control the mouse is actually very painful for me right now if I do it for an extended period.


    Thus far I've only put the main 3 islands in, and I'll sculpt up the smaller islands after. I havent imported the ini files yet so no pretty sea and sky colours, makes it look a bit dull. I've finished the sculpting for the most part and I'm now working on painting, it's not finished so it still looks pretty messy.


    The town centre was expanded, but currently is also unfinished. Some of the lots I've just dumped down the rabbit holes to check the lots were large enough while I was laying out roads, and havent been built on fully yet. I also have yet to build the festival grounds (since I didnt like my old one) a performance park and the arboretum.


    The rich area has 3 64x64 lots with a park in the centre


    I included Late Night lots because this is meant to be an all expansions world, but this is provisional at the moment. I'm unsure if I'll remove the skyscrapers and rebuild some things myself that will fit better.


    These are the two main residential areas, there's a lot of monte vista lots.


    The horse ranches go here, as well as the casino and some resorts I've yet to place in there.


    And of course, I'm not losing the hidden waterfall place :p

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    EngelSim83EngelSim83 Posts: 69 Member
    edited October 2013
    Ur first world pics were simply AMAIZING!

    im a little sad that u stopped working on it and started new,
    BUT i somehow can understand such thoughts were well :D.

    so now im looking forwart what will come out of ur redoing :) *bookmarked*

    And also..i wouldnt have been able to Play ur last one cause i realy cant have any CC installed on my game so i only use worlds with NO CC and NO STORE. but suprizingly..even if there are some store objects needed..most worlds work fine for me even without the items.

    Im looking Forward to ur new creation. :thumbup:

    Good luck and greetings
    My Origin: EngelSim
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    DijanaMenatasDijanaMenatas Posts: 624 Member
    edited October 2013
    There's still CC and store content in this, but the cc is currently only the equestrian centre rabbit hole rug. It should still work without the cc and store stuff, it'll just leave it out or replace it.
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    DijanaMenatasDijanaMenatas Posts: 624 Member
    edited October 2013
    Why yes, trees DO make it look better :)

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    DijanaMenatasDijanaMenatas Posts: 624 Member
    edited October 2013
    My big 3 islands are just about finished. I have a few lots to build on them but at this point, since I have all my roads already worked out now, I'm going to take the tip I saw Rflong mention elsewhere today and leave it until everything else is done, export the world and then build in the game, then import those lots back to CAW.

    Tomorrow I'll start on the smaller islands.


    (There should be a waterfall in this one ^^^ doesn't show in EIG)


    TO DO LIST (so I don't forget this time <_< )

    Festival Grounds, Arboretum and Performance Park in town centre
    Various Beach Lots
    Diving Lots
    Science Facility (small island) <-- Thinking of using a RH rug for this one too instead of the EA shell, build it to be an aquarium on it's own little island.
    Graveyard (small island)
    Supernatural hangout (small island)
    Lagoon if I can do it without it crashing this time (for some reason my game really doesn't like me building pool/beach lots on the water)
    Junkyard? Considering trying to make this a barge
    Various parks for the supernaturals
    Some 'hidden' lots :)
    Finish building the rabbit hole lots in town centre (grocery/bookstore/school/hospital/business)
    Spawners...must not forget the spawners..

    Considering leaving the 4? 64x64 lots I have that were intended for resorts and ranches empty

    I'm dying not being able to play. I dont want to buy ITF until I have finished this world, otherwise I never will. First time I haven't bought an EP on release day since Pets. Going to try to up the pace on this and be ready for testing by the end of the weekend.
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    CharlotteknCharlottekn Posts: 544 Member
    edited October 2013
    Looks great! I love the hidden lagoon section the most. :)
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    DijanaMenatasDijanaMenatas Posts: 624 Member
    edited October 2013
    Thanks Charlotte :)

    Didn't get to work on this last night since it was Halloween and I spent the evening hurriedly setting up decorations for it after I got home late.

    I'm going to remove some of the lots specific to the store worlds like Lucky Palms' casino to make this more accessible. This world is intended for my own personal use and some people (on a different forum) have been giving me a bit of a hard time on the requirements for this, but some things I don't have to include in the world itself and I can just place down later in my own game.

    Monte Vista and Sunlit Tides are definitely required though as this uses their rabbit holes. As for the CC, I think I'll put up any lots that require it for seperate download so that those who don't want it don't need to download the CC. That is currently the park on the mountain, the Equestrian Centre and the science facility, they can always be replaced with EA lots.

    I'll probably leave out some of the random store items as well, such as the rock climbing wall and archery.

    This still requires all EPs though excluding ITF. I bought it last night but not installing it til this is finished, as far as I'm aware nothing from it NEEDS to be included in this world as I believe it all takes place in Oasis Landing and doesn't need to in the world building process? If anyone with that EP could clarify it for me whether I should include it or not it would be appreciated :)
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    Dglbr1969Dglbr1969 Posts: 854 Member
    edited November 2013
    All I can say is WOW, you are truly gifted with what you have achieved, I think I recall reading that this is your first world?? If so, WOW, lol and even if not WOW, it would seem you have been cawing for years!! It looks absolutely amazing with the trees, also the zoomed out pic of the world shows that it looks so natural with the sculpting. Keep up the terrific work, I will even go out and buy Monte Vista to have this world in my game .... No Pressure of course, just wanted to say how beautiful it is and what a fantastic job you are doing :thumbup:
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    DijanaMenatasDijanaMenatas Posts: 624 Member
    edited November 2013
    I was bad and spent yesterday playing skyrim instead of working on this :lol: But after making the small islands..or..2 of them anyway (the important ones), adding some more effects around and doing the routing, I'm ready to export this into my game, finish building those last few lots and doing some testing :D

    Edit: Dgl we posted at the same time haha

    Yes it's my first world kind of, I tried making one last year but didn't make it much past sculpting and putting down trees.
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    DijanaMenatasDijanaMenatas Posts: 624 Member
    edited November 2013
    Little update, working on building up some of the rabbit hole lots.


    Business building (and part of the hospital)


    Bookstore, groceries, diner and bistro..this one looks much nicer compared to the IP rabbit holes I used previously


    School and stadium
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    JLOVEkow789JLOVEkow789 Posts: 4
    edited November 2013
    You are doing a fabulous job on this, especially being your first world. I can hardly even navigate the world beta! I would love to have this world in my own system to play on when you complete it!
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