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On my Own- The story of Homeless Harriette

((Someone mentioned this idea on the discussion boards, a homeless sim who dumpster dives to create their home and such..I decided to make it into a story))


Hi, my name is Harriette and this is home sweet home behind me. I know it doesn't look like much now but one day I promise it will be much better. You see I am new to Riverview and without much money and no friends or family well I am doing what I can to get by.

Why am I homeless? Is that what you are wondering? Well like any good story it started with a boy, Harry Springwater. Oh how I loved Harry and oh how Mom hated him. She told me he was using me and he was no good. She ordered me to stop seeing him, I declined. She kicked me out. He dumped me because I no longer had my families money. Oh yeah the Spanglers are rich. Dad invited some sort of robot maid thing and is racking in the dough. But not me...


I have my bike, a tent and sleeping bag, and a couple odds and ends. It may not seem like much now but I will persevere through this any way I can.


Even if it means dumpster diving.


Ok I know you are saying to yourself "Oh how the mighty of fallen" or perhaps you are simply thinking "Ewww" and believe me I have been thinking those same things. But you know what it's not so bad and people through out some pretty cool things. I plan on using the dumpsters around town to get the money to fix up my house and make a life for myself. If I like the items, I'll save them for the house.


I'm sure to find something good in here!


Oh yeah! I found a shiny rock! Oh wait....I think it's genuine copper. This should fetch me some money.


I found a couple other items and run them back to my home, I realize I stink..bad! So I head to the gym for a quick shower.


See this is why I chose Riverview, I remembered reading an article in the newspaper about a town that allowed people of many walks of life a safe community to live in, they had free gyms, a library, park, the people here really care about eachother, so when I ended up on the street I knew where I had to go.


By now the stink is settling over me and I rush to get into a nice hot shower.


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    PandoraRitterPandoraRitter Posts: 787 New Member
    edited March 2013
    After my shower I ran around the gym for a bit taking pictures with this camera I found while dumpster diving. None of the pictures turned out very well, but I wasn't giving up yet. I knew if I could improve my skills that photography can be very lucrative. I decided to head to a park, try and see about getting some outdoor shots.


    Nothing was turning out well but I wasn't giving up. I saw a chess table set up in the park and decided to kill some time playing. Not too long later an older gentleman asks to join me.


    Melvin Taft was a very funny and kind old man, we had a lot of fun playing chess. I told him my story and he thought I was very brave for setting out on my own.


    Pretty soon a couple of his friends showed up. Bennie Dean and Henry McGlum were Melvin's good friends and several nights a week the men got together at the park to share a picnic dinner.


    Tonight they invited me to join them. I was relieved, I was not looking forward to dumpster diving for food. I'd rather go in search of a garden in someone's backyard.


    The guys were a hoot, I never had more fun, really. It was getting late and them men wanted to get home to catch the evening news so I said good night. I decided to make one quick stop to the little girls room before heading home.


    Public restrooms used to give me the creeps but Riverview takes really good care of their bathrooms. It doesn't bother me at all. But I won't lie, I dream about the day I have enough money to build my own. After using the facilities I head back home to look over the days finds.


    The coffee table could use a little sanding and refinishing but I definitely think it will find its way into my home.

    There are still tissues in the tissue box so I will be keeping that as well, it wouldn't really bring me much money anyhow.

    The science center had flyers up saying they pay for any good quality bugs so I'll probably take the butterfly there in the morning to see what I can get for it.

    And the chunk of copper, I'm sure i can find somewhere to take that and get a bit of cash.

    All in all it was a good day in Riverview. I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

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    PandoraRitterPandoraRitter Posts: 787 New Member
    edited March 2013
    Feel free to comment and give suggestions, this is my first official story. If I figure out how to link Chapters I will do it in this post, and will consider the first 2 posts an introduction. I may randomly asks for readers votes on things happening in Harriette's life, like men and children.

    If you've made it this far thanks for checking out my story :)
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    PandoraRitterPandoraRitter Posts: 787 New Member
    edited March 2013
    Rise and shine, it's Day 2 of my new life and I got a lot to do today.


    I noticed a junk yard the other day so I think I'll see what I can find there. Even if its just scrap it will bring in some money.


    Well that was practically a bust I got $16 but spent way to long digging through those piles. I am going to see what I can find in the dumpster.


    I ended up with two uncut gems, Amethyst and Smithsonite. If I send them to get cut they will be worth even more....perhaps I'll do that when I get home.


    I stumbled upon a community garden and was surprised that a sign said, take what you need. An idea sparked, if I took some of this and made my own garden at home I'd have food and profit!


    I grabbed some heads of lettuce. I didn't want to take too much plus I found a couple mystery seeds. I'd come back again and see what is harvestable.


    I remembered that butterfly I caught yesterday and headed to the science center. They gave me $21 for it. Maybe I need to look for more bugs.


    I was getting hungry so I decided to head back to the park where I met Melvin and his friends. I stopped by the grocery store and grabbed hot dogs, I'd make the guys dinner tonight.


    Problem. I have never used a grill and I burned the hot dogs...but people like them burnt right?


    Melvin and I decided to play a game of chess before heading home. A nice way to try and settle my angry stomach. No one else ate the hot dogs...guess I need to work on my cooking skills. Maybe I'd get some books and a bookcase.


    Here's my haul of the day. Amethyst and Smithsonite, uncut gems.


    I'll deal with those tomorrow, it has been a long day and I just want t go to bed. I decided to set up my tent tonight since it's suppose to be cooler tonight.


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    PandoraRitterPandoraRitter Posts: 787 New Member
    edited March 2013
    Day 3- I really need a bed....but I really want indoor plumbing. I hate having to run all over town just to use the bathroom. Sigh- okay I'll stop whining now. I think I'll start my day by planting that lettuce and the mandrake seed I found.


    Then it's off to the dumpster again. I found a cool tiki torch light. May have to keep that, so I can see at night. If I stub my toe into the fire pit again....Oh and I found a towel rack.


    Round two let's see some more copper and Stink Mask that a hint dumpster?


    Well after a quick run to the gym shower I head back over the community garden to see what I can harvest today. Those Apples look really good.


    I think I'll take some tomatoes too, I've always heard those are easy to grow. And they taste delicious.


    I find that I enjoy the quiet of the park at night, so I head over there and sit at the chess board for a bit.


    I head home and take a look at the loot of the day. I'll take the perfume and towel rack and sell those.


    I remembered the gems I sent out and checked the mail box sure enough they're there. I was able to resell them in an emerald cut for a total of $80! Well its off to bed. for now.

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    PandoraRitterPandoraRitter Posts: 787 New Member
    edited March 2013
    Day 4- I find myself tending my garden again, had to plat my apples and tomatoes.


    I'm starving so I grab some marshmallows and sit at the fire pit. I know marshmallows are an awful breakfast but a girls got to do what a girls got to do.


    While eating breakfast I recalled hearing about a fish hatchery, you could take any fish you caught in the ponds and get money for them. How hard can fishing be?


    Well, I'm here to tell you it is hard, I can't waste my whole day trying to catch a fish. So I guess fishing is not going to be an opportunity for me, not right now anyways. I really want that bathroom.

    The marshmallows had worn off and I was really hungry so I decided to use some of my savings and eat at a dinner. A nice cooked meal would probably hold me over for a time, right?


    I didn't want to leave the day empty handed so I went to my tried and true dumpsters behind the fire station.


    I got real lucky tonight! I found a chair and a lamp. I was tempted to keep them but I knew it would be smarter to sell them. They're a bit too country for my taste anyways.

    My haul- (sold for $150)


    With the chair and lamp I was able to start my bathroom, right now its just about 3 walls and some tile but one day soon it would be an actual functioning bathroom.
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    PandoraRitterPandoraRitter Posts: 787 New Member
    edited March 2013
    I have now played up through day 10, so I will be updating the story soon. I have an Uncle's wedding to go to later today and want to hi the shower first but I plan on getting this up to Day 10. It is amazing how far she has come.

    She has 2 possible guys she is interested in, trying to decide if I should allow her to have a boyfriend/eventual husband. She is very focused on making her home. Maybe I should wait until she at least has a basic house made? You soon see she has a good start on her home.

    If you are up to this point, thanks :)
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    madhatter123madhatter123 Posts: 5,624 Member
    edited March 2013
    The title reminded me of this. ^^
    But besides that, they don't have much in common.
    I really like this. It seems fun. I can't wait to open up my game and do something like that. :D
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    DuckypantsDuckypants Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited March 2013
    I've played a homeless sim before. Its tough, having them run all over town just to meet thier basic needs. Good story so far!
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    YellifishYellifish Posts: 759 Member
    edited March 2013
    Nice story...I've been tempted to try this out as well.
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    PandoraRitterPandoraRitter Posts: 787 New Member
    edited March 2013
    The title reminded me of this. ^^
    But besides that, they don't have much in common.
    I really like this. It seems fun. I can't wait to open up my game and do something like that. :D

    Yeah I am starting to regret that lol since everytime I think about the story I here that song now lol. Love Les Mis though
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    PandoraRitterPandoraRitter Posts: 787 New Member
    edited March 2013
    I have realized this is turning into a legacy. She's starting form nothing and slowly building her home. So it may actually just slide right into that.
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    PandoraRitterPandoraRitter Posts: 787 New Member
    edited March 2013
    Day 5-

    I rise bright and early to tend my garden, I never knew how much I would enjoy it. Perhaps I am meant to be a Gardener?


    I decided after tending my garden, I'd hit up the community garden and see what was ready to be picked. The golden peppers looked good, I knew I'd have to do some research before I'd plant them but having them on hand would be good.


    I met a guy named Dallas and we chatted for a bit. He didn't seem to be too amused by me but he kind just the same.


    It was getting late and I hadn't really made any money today so I head to the dumpsters to see what I could find today.


    I found a couple things, so the whole day wasn't a wash. One of the firefighters came out and invited me to use their fridge and bathroom facilities. That would really help me from having to run to the gym. I got a can of soup for dinner. It was really good.



    My haul for the day-

    -Trash can sold for $25, the phone for $35, I donated the ladybug and butterfly and received $9 for each.

    Now it's off to bed.
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    PandoraRitterPandoraRitter Posts: 787 New Member
    edited March 2013
    Day 6-

    I think all this running around is catching up with me, I slept really late today. I knew I wasn't going to get much done today so I went to the fire station to eat, shower, and search the dumpsters.



    I got real lucky today and found a real nice globe that I was sure would fetch me some good money. Feeling good I headed home and roasted a pepper over the fire.


    The globe sold for $195 and I sold the tissue box for $4.


    I decided to spend some money on a toilet and some tile. I was getting a good start on my new bathroom!


    I wasn't ready to turn in yet so I gave my friend Melvin a call. I had to share my good news to someone.


    Shortly after our conversation I decided to climb in the tent and head to bed. Tomorrow I would have to tend my garden.
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    PandoraRitterPandoraRitter Posts: 787 New Member
    edited March 2013
    Day 7-

    I woke up to something amazing today! I had my first harvest! My heads of lettuce were big enough to pick!


    I had to use the potty, it was a bit nerve wracking being so out in the open but I live on the outskirts of town, there is not much traffic and the retaining walla round the property is large. I can not wait to add more walls.

    I run right over to harvest my lettuce. I was able to sell it for $52!


    I was getting hungry so I took a ride over to the fire department.


    Figured since I was there I might as well see what was in the dumpster.


    Glad I did! I found another globe, which I knew could get me close to $200. I also found a really cool butterfly. I hopped in the shower then headed to the community garden.

    There was a guy at the garden that I had seen a few times around town.


    I struck up a conversation with him and found out his name was Odin and he worked at a restaurant.


    He seemed like a nice guy and it really brought up something I hadn't thought about, did I want or need love in my life? I have been so focused on just establishing myself in Riverview. But did I want to be forever alone?
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    PandoraRitterPandoraRitter Posts: 787 New Member
    edited March 2013
    Day 8-

    After selling the globe and butterfly (it got me $26 not bad for a bug) I added 2 more walls to my bathroom. YAY more privacy!


    My garden was looking super healthy today.


    I knew today was going to be spent harvesting and tending garden. I decided I'd avoid dumpster diving today.

    I was hungry and the ice cream truck chose to drive by while I was tending my garden. I stopped long enough to order some ice cream.


    It was delicious, especially with the hard work I had been putting in.


    I took my harvest to the grocery store and was able to get.

    $42 for lettuce, $57 for tomatoes, and %36 for Mandrake Roots

    Then it was time for bed and I was exhausted, who knew gardening was going to be such exhausting work.

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    PandoraRitterPandoraRitter Posts: 787 New Member
    edited March 2013
    Day 9-

    I got to say crawling out of my tent everyone to this view is something I could get used to.


    I knew today would be another day of no dumpster diving. I think my garden may be enough to support me for now. Once I get some walls back up on my house I'd head back to the dumpsters to decorate. I decided to head to the consignment shop Melvin told me about. I figure I'd put the copper up and see that I can get for it.


    The woman inside reassured me that she would get me a decent price on the metal, she also told me about the bees out back.


    I went to investigate the bees. I remember in middle school I had to do a report about bees. They had beekeeper gear available. I grabbed a smoker to calm the bees and harvested some honey and beeswax.


    I was getting hungry by now so I went to a little coffee shop for lunch.


    Then I headed to the library, I needed to look into becoming self-employed.


    I was surprised to find it was as easy as going to City Hall so I headed there filled out the proper paperwork and was now an official gardener in Riverview. I met a nice guy outside, named Jon Lessen.


    Jon and I chatted for a while, he was really flirting with me and I found that I liked it. He was a musician and he was single, he made sure I knew that. Who knows, maybe he'll ask me on a date in the future.

    I harvested my garden and was amazed by the amount I got form the grocery store.

    The Beeswax got me $328, honey $142, Lettuce $50, Mandrake $48, Tomatoes $75, Apples $108

    I HUGE score that day! So much so I was able to finish off my bathroom with all the basics.


    Good night friends, can't wait to see what Day 10 has in store for me.
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    PandoraRitterPandoraRitter Posts: 787 New Member
    edited March 2013
    Day 10-

    Another day of harvesting for me. After the pay day yesterday I was able to get some guys out to lay some hardwood floors. They sure looked at me funny since there was no real house to speak of but they did it.


    I think it looks good, can't wait to start putting up walls.


    Harvesting my garden was beginning to take up a big portion of time, after all the necessary things like using the bathroom, showering, and eating. I didn't have much time. Riding over to the fire station to eat was becoming a chore, I knew my kitchen was the next thing I had to concentrate on.

    It was dark but I knew I had to check the mail, my check from the consignment shop may have come in.

    Imagine my surprise when I found a painting along with my check for the copper. I got $74 for the copper and after talking to a few people I was able to get $800 for the painting. I really wish I knew who sent it to me.


    Thanks to the painting and the copper I was able to purchase a cheap stove and fridge and a section of cabinetry.

    I could now cook at home.


    I never imagined hard work to be so gratifying but as you watch how nice things suddenly come your way after YOUR work. I don't know but for the first time I think I am glad my Mom kicked me out.
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