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    TheAemaSimmingTheAemaSimming Posts: 2,684 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    Amelia: *nods and walks over to the door, opening it*

    ???: *a young woman with brown eyes and brown ombre hair stands at the door with a smile* Aloha! I'm looking for someone.

    Amelia: Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm about to head out but... *looks at Onyx who approaches the door* You can talk to my husband about whoever you're looking for?

    ???: *nods* Of course. *steps inside to talk to Onyx* My name is Leilani.

    Onyx: *smiles* Nice to meet you, I'm Onyx.

    Fang: *follows Amelia as she heads out the door hand in hand with Meg*

    Meg: *smiles at Leilani as she walks out with Fang and hesitates a little at the doorway, struck by something odd about her aura but when Fang keeps following Amelia she let's herself be pulled along.* Whatever is going on...Onyx will handle it. Remember what Fang said, you are one person and you don't have to take care of everything all the time...

    *turning her attention back to Amelia* So what kind of car do you and Onyx have anyway? I've never seen it.

    Amelia: It's parked around back. You'll see when you there. *grins*

    *As they walk around it reveals a fancy shiny black and red Corvette*

    Meg: *looks at the beautiful car* Wow...*she slides a hand under the handle* I almost feel guilty asking you to take me to pick up all my junk.

    *she leans down and looks in* I'll sit in the back, Fang. Those bucket seats look like you'll be really crushed with your long legs.
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    LyricSimsz15LyricSimsz15 Posts: 13,136 Member
    (I really want to jump in but i don't know what to do so..)

    *Cy and Takumi are still standing there :joy:

    Orion: *looks over at Cy and Takumi with a smile* It's great that you're back. I know everyone else has said it but... your kids are really cute.

    Freddy: *Walks over to Evan and Emerald* Hewwo!

    Emerald: *looks at Freddy and lights up* Hello!

    Evan: *tilts head curiously*
    Just vibing...
    Check out my stories The Diversity Club and Lost Pride here on the forums!
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    gameplay9098gameplay9098 Posts: 7,895 Member
    (I really want to jump in but i don't know what to do so..)

    *Cy and Takumi are still standing there :joy:

    Orion: *looks over at Cy and Takumi with a smile* It's great that you're back. I know everyone else has said it but... your kids are really cute.

    Freddy: *Walks over to Evan and Emerald* Hewwo!

    Emerald: *looks at Freddy and lights up* Hello!

    Evan: *tilts head curiously*

    Freddy: I Fweddy! *Smiles*
    Everywhere i go
    I feel the hearts beating
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    *Meanwhile, in the study*
    Jaci: *Smiles a little at Hamlet* Where were we?

    Hamlet: ...Talking about reading? *grins*

    Jaci: Before that? *Raises an eyebrow at him playfully*

    Hamlet: Oh... that. Would you like to continue? *his grin turns flirtatious*

    Jaci: ... Or do you want to talk about reading? *Playful smirk*

    Hamlet: That sounds boring doesn't it?
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    (I really want to jump in but i don't know what to do so..)

    *Cy and Takumi are still standing there :joy:

    Orion: *looks over at Cy and Takumi with a smile* It's great that you're back. I know everyone else has said it but... your kids are really cute.

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Emerald: *grins at Orion* Hello!

    Orion: *smiles sweetly at Emerald* Hello there.
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    Amelia: *nods and walks over to the door, opening it*

    ???: *a young woman with brown eyes and brown ombre hair stands at the door with a smile* Aloha! I'm looking for someone.

    Amelia: Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm about to head out but... *looks at Onyx who approaches the door* You can talk to my husband about whoever you're looking for?

    ???: *nods* Of course. *steps inside to talk to Onyx* My name is Leilani.

    Onyx: *smiles* Nice to meet you, I'm Onyx.

    Fang: *follows Amelia as she heads out the door hand in hand with Meg*

    Meg: *smiles at Leilani as she walks out with Fang and hesitates a little at the doorway, struck by something odd about her aura but when Fang keeps following Amelia she let's herself be pulled along.* Whatever is going on...Onyx will handle it. Remember what Fang said, you are one person and you don't have to take care of everything all the time...

    *turning her attention back to Amelia* So what kind of car do you and Onyx have anyway? I've never seen it.

    Amelia: It's parked around back. You'll see when you there. *grins*

    *As they walk around it reveals a fancy shiny black and red Corvette*

    Meg: *looks at the beautiful car* Wow...*she slides a hand under the handle* I almost feel guilty asking you to take me to pick up all my junk.

    *she leans down and looks in* I'll sit in the back, Fang. Those bucket seats look like you'll be really crushed with your long legs.

    Amelia: Why? *laughs a little and gets in the driver's seat*

    Fang: No, I'll just ride in your lap. *has a serious expression*
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    See exclusive content and stay updated about Nightshade on my Instagram page!
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    gameplay9098gameplay9098 Posts: 7,895 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    *Meanwhile, in the study*
    Jaci: *Smiles a little at Hamlet* Where were we?

    Hamlet: ...Talking about reading? *grins*

    Jaci: Before that? *Raises an eyebrow at him playfully*

    Hamlet: Oh... that. Would you like to continue? *his grin turns flirtatious*

    Jaci: ... Or do you want to talk about reading? *Playful smirk*

    Hamlet: That sounds boring doesn't it?

    Jaci: That does, huh? *Curling up the lighter strand of her hair around her finger with a smirk in her lips*
    Everywhere i go
    I feel the hearts beating
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    TheAemaSimmingTheAemaSimming Posts: 2,684 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    Amelia: *nods and walks over to the door, opening it*

    ???: *a young woman with brown eyes and brown ombre hair stands at the door with a smile* Aloha! I'm looking for someone.

    Amelia: Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm about to head out but... *looks at Onyx who approaches the door* You can talk to my husband about whoever you're looking for?

    ???: *nods* Of course. *steps inside to talk to Onyx* My name is Leilani.

    Onyx: *smiles* Nice to meet you, I'm Onyx.

    Fang: *follows Amelia as she heads out the door hand in hand with Meg*

    Meg: *smiles at Leilani as she walks out with Fang and hesitates a little at the doorway, struck by something odd about her aura but when Fang keeps following Amelia she let's herself be pulled along.* Whatever is going on...Onyx will handle it. Remember what Fang said, you are one person and you don't have to take care of everything all the time...

    *turning her attention back to Amelia* So what kind of car do you and Onyx have anyway? I've never seen it.

    Amelia: It's parked around back. You'll see when you there. *grins*

    *As they walk around it reveals a fancy shiny black and red Corvette*

    Meg: *looks at the beautiful car* Wow...*she slides a hand under the handle* I almost feel guilty asking you to take me to pick up all my junk.

    *she leans down and looks in* I'll sit in the back, Fang. Those bucket seats look like you'll be really crushed with your long legs.

    Amelia: Why? *laughs a little and gets in the driver's seat*

    Fang: No, I'll just ride in your lap. *has a serious expression*

    Meg: *she looks up at him, forgetting for a few seconds about his wolf form, then laughing at herself as she realizes what he means* Oh. Ok....

    *she slides into the front seat and leaving the door open she pats her lap* Come on, then.
  • Options
    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    *Meanwhile, in the study*
    Jaci: *Smiles a little at Hamlet* Where were we?

    Hamlet: ...Talking about reading? *grins*

    Jaci: Before that? *Raises an eyebrow at him playfully*

    Hamlet: Oh... that. Would you like to continue? *his grin turns flirtatious*

    Jaci: ... Or do you want to talk about reading? *Playful smirk*

    Hamlet: That sounds boring doesn't it?

    Jaci: That does, huh? *Curling up the lighter strand of her hair around her finger with a smirk in her lips*

    Hamlet: Yes, of of course it does. Why don't we do something else?
    Nightshade: A Simlit || Blogspot || Forum Thread
    See exclusive content and stay updated about Nightshade on my Instagram page!
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    Amelia: *nods and walks over to the door, opening it*

    ???: *a young woman with brown eyes and brown ombre hair stands at the door with a smile* Aloha! I'm looking for someone.

    Amelia: Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm about to head out but... *looks at Onyx who approaches the door* You can talk to my husband about whoever you're looking for?

    ???: *nods* Of course. *steps inside to talk to Onyx* My name is Leilani.

    Onyx: *smiles* Nice to meet you, I'm Onyx.

    Fang: *follows Amelia as she heads out the door hand in hand with Meg*

    Meg: *smiles at Leilani as she walks out with Fang and hesitates a little at the doorway, struck by something odd about her aura but when Fang keeps following Amelia she let's herself be pulled along.* Whatever is going on...Onyx will handle it. Remember what Fang said, you are one person and you don't have to take care of everything all the time...

    *turning her attention back to Amelia* So what kind of car do you and Onyx have anyway? I've never seen it.

    Amelia: It's parked around back. You'll see when you there. *grins*

    *As they walk around it reveals a fancy shiny black and red Corvette*

    Meg: *looks at the beautiful car* Wow...*she slides a hand under the handle* I almost feel guilty asking you to take me to pick up all my junk.

    *she leans down and looks in* I'll sit in the back, Fang. Those bucket seats look like you'll be really crushed with your long legs.

    Amelia: Why? *laughs a little and gets in the driver's seat*

    Fang: No, I'll just ride in your lap. *has a serious expression*

    Meg: *she looks up at him, forgetting for a few seconds about his wolf form, then laughing at herself as she realizes what he means* Oh. Ok....

    *she slides into the front seat and leaving the door open she pats her lap* Come on, then.

    Fang: *turns into a wolf and jumps up in her lap, tail wagging*

    Amelia: Alright... off to San Myshuno. *pulls out of the yard and onto the road*


    Onyx: *sighs and walks back to the front door* I'm sorry to head out so abruptly, Leilani, but I need to go do something. *walks out and heads toward the cottage*
    Nightshade: A Simlit || Blogspot || Forum Thread
    See exclusive content and stay updated about Nightshade on my Instagram page!
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    gameplay9098gameplay9098 Posts: 7,895 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    *Meanwhile, in the study*
    Jaci: *Smiles a little at Hamlet* Where were we?

    Hamlet: ...Talking about reading? *grins*

    Jaci: Before that? *Raises an eyebrow at him playfully*

    Hamlet: Oh... that. Would you like to continue? *his grin turns flirtatious*

    Jaci: ... Or do you want to talk about reading? *Playful smirk*

    Hamlet: That sounds boring doesn't it?

    Jaci: That does, huh? *Curling up the lighter strand of her hair around her finger with a smirk in her lips*

    Hamlet: Yes, of of course it does. Why don't we do something else?

    Jaci: Like what? Playing chess? *The playful smirk doesn't leave her face*
    Everywhere i go
    I feel the hearts beating
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    *Meanwhile, in the study*
    Jaci: *Smiles a little at Hamlet* Where were we?

    Hamlet: ...Talking about reading? *grins*

    Jaci: Before that? *Raises an eyebrow at him playfully*

    Hamlet: Oh... that. Would you like to continue? *his grin turns flirtatious*

    Jaci: ... Or do you want to talk about reading? *Playful smirk*

    Hamlet: That sounds boring doesn't it?

    Jaci: That does, huh? *Curling up the lighter strand of her hair around her finger with a smirk in her lips*

    Hamlet: Yes, of of course it does. Why don't we do something else?

    Jaci: Like what? Playing chess? *The playful smirk doesn't leave her face*

    Hamlet: Maybe... *returns her smirk* Unless you'd rather do something else?
    Nightshade: A Simlit || Blogspot || Forum Thread
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    gameplay9098gameplay9098 Posts: 7,895 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    *Meanwhile, in the study*
    Jaci: *Smiles a little at Hamlet* Where were we?

    Hamlet: ...Talking about reading? *grins*

    Jaci: Before that? *Raises an eyebrow at him playfully*

    Hamlet: Oh... that. Would you like to continue? *his grin turns flirtatious*

    Jaci: ... Or do you want to talk about reading? *Playful smirk*

    Hamlet: That sounds boring doesn't it?

    Jaci: That does, huh? *Curling up the lighter strand of her hair around her finger with a smirk in her lips*

    Hamlet: Yes, of of course it does. Why don't we do something else?

    Jaci: Like what? Playing chess? *The playful smirk doesn't leave her face*

    Hamlet: Maybe... *returns her smirk* Unless you'd rather do something else?

    Jaci: *Without another word she walks closer to him and pulls him into a kiss*
    Everywhere i go
    I feel the hearts beating
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    TheAemaSimmingTheAemaSimming Posts: 2,684 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    Amelia: *nods and walks over to the door, opening it*

    ???: *a young woman with brown eyes and brown ombre hair stands at the door with a smile* Aloha! I'm looking for someone.

    Amelia: Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm about to head out but... *looks at Onyx who approaches the door* You can talk to my husband about whoever you're looking for?

    ???: *nods* Of course. *steps inside to talk to Onyx* My name is Leilani.

    Onyx: *smiles* Nice to meet you, I'm Onyx.

    Fang: *follows Amelia as she heads out the door hand in hand with Meg*

    Meg: *smiles at Leilani as she walks out with Fang and hesitates a little at the doorway, struck by something odd about her aura but when Fang keeps following Amelia she let's herself be pulled along.* Whatever is going on...Onyx will handle it. Remember what Fang said, you are one person and you don't have to take care of everything all the time...

    *turning her attention back to Amelia* So what kind of car do you and Onyx have anyway? I've never seen it.

    Amelia: It's parked around back. You'll see when you there. *grins*

    *As they walk around it reveals a fancy shiny black and red Corvette*

    Meg: *looks at the beautiful car* Wow...*she slides a hand under the handle* I almost feel guilty asking you to take me to pick up all my junk.

    *she leans down and looks in* I'll sit in the back, Fang. Those bucket seats look like you'll be really crushed with your long legs.

    Amelia: Why? *laughs a little and gets in the driver's seat*

    Fang: No, I'll just ride in your lap. *has a serious expression*

    Meg: *she looks up at him, forgetting for a few seconds about his wolf form, then laughing at herself as she realizes what he means* Oh. Ok....

    *she slides into the front seat and leaving the door open she pats her lap* Come on, then.

    Fang: *turns into a wolf and jumps up in her lap, tail wagging*

    Amelia: Alright... off to San Myshuno. *pulls out of the yard and onto the road*


    Onyx: *sighs and walks back to the front door* I'm sorry to head out so abruptly, Leilani, but I need to go do something. *walks out and heads toward the cottage*

    Meg: *closes the door and smiling rubs Fang under his chin and down his chest, feeling secure. As Amelia pulls into the road she looks at her and the dream swirls into her mind, mostly the sensations. Looking towards the window she put her hands on the door and fiddles with the buttons for a minute.* ...I should tell her...but not now...I don't know if there will ever be a right time but...I'm pretty sure it's not now.
  • Options
    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    *Meanwhile, in the study*
    Jaci: *Smiles a little at Hamlet* Where were we?

    Hamlet: ...Talking about reading? *grins*

    Jaci: Before that? *Raises an eyebrow at him playfully*

    Hamlet: Oh... that. Would you like to continue? *his grin turns flirtatious*

    Jaci: ... Or do you want to talk about reading? *Playful smirk*

    Hamlet: That sounds boring doesn't it?

    Jaci: That does, huh? *Curling up the lighter strand of her hair around her finger with a smirk in her lips*

    Hamlet: Yes, of of course it does. Why don't we do something else?

    Jaci: Like what? Playing chess? *The playful smirk doesn't leave her face*

    Hamlet: Maybe... *returns her smirk* Unless you'd rather do something else?

    Jaci: *Without another word she walks closer to him and pulls him into a kiss*

    Hamlet: *smiles and leans into the kiss*
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    Amelia: *nods and walks over to the door, opening it*

    ???: *a young woman with brown eyes and brown ombre hair stands at the door with a smile* Aloha! I'm looking for someone.

    Amelia: Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm about to head out but... *looks at Onyx who approaches the door* You can talk to my husband about whoever you're looking for?

    ???: *nods* Of course. *steps inside to talk to Onyx* My name is Leilani.

    Onyx: *smiles* Nice to meet you, I'm Onyx.

    Fang: *follows Amelia as she heads out the door hand in hand with Meg*

    Meg: *smiles at Leilani as she walks out with Fang and hesitates a little at the doorway, struck by something odd about her aura but when Fang keeps following Amelia she let's herself be pulled along.* Whatever is going on...Onyx will handle it. Remember what Fang said, you are one person and you don't have to take care of everything all the time...

    *turning her attention back to Amelia* So what kind of car do you and Onyx have anyway? I've never seen it.

    Amelia: It's parked around back. You'll see when you there. *grins*

    *As they walk around it reveals a fancy shiny black and red Corvette*

    Meg: *looks at the beautiful car* Wow...*she slides a hand under the handle* I almost feel guilty asking you to take me to pick up all my junk.

    *she leans down and looks in* I'll sit in the back, Fang. Those bucket seats look like you'll be really crushed with your long legs.

    Amelia: Why? *laughs a little and gets in the driver's seat*

    Fang: No, I'll just ride in your lap. *has a serious expression*

    Meg: *she looks up at him, forgetting for a few seconds about his wolf form, then laughing at herself as she realizes what he means* Oh. Ok....

    *she slides into the front seat and leaving the door open she pats her lap* Come on, then.

    Fang: *turns into a wolf and jumps up in her lap, tail wagging*

    Amelia: Alright... off to San Myshuno. *pulls out of the yard and onto the road*


    Onyx: *sighs and walks back to the front door* I'm sorry to head out so abruptly, Leilani, but I need to go do something. *walks out and heads toward the cottage*

    Meg: *closes the door and smiling rubs Fang under his chin and down his chest, feeling secure. As Amelia pulls into the road she looks at her and the dream swirls into her mind, mostly the sensations. Looking towards the window she put her hands on the door and fiddles with the buttons for a minute.* ...I should tell her...but not now...I don't know if there will ever be a right time but...I'm pretty sure it's not now.

    Amelia: *the silence is already getting to her* Would you like to talk or listen to some music...?

    Fang: *notices one of the buttons rolled a window down and he can't resist sticking his head out, his tail thumping against Meg*
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    gameplay9098gameplay9098 Posts: 7,895 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    *Meanwhile, in the study*
    Jaci: *Smiles a little at Hamlet* Where were we?

    Hamlet: ...Talking about reading? *grins*

    Jaci: Before that? *Raises an eyebrow at him playfully*

    Hamlet: Oh... that. Would you like to continue? *his grin turns flirtatious*

    Jaci: ... Or do you want to talk about reading? *Playful smirk*

    Hamlet: That sounds boring doesn't it?

    Jaci: That does, huh? *Curling up the lighter strand of her hair around her finger with a smirk in her lips*

    Hamlet: Yes, of of course it does. Why don't we do something else?

    Jaci: Like what? Playing chess? *The playful smirk doesn't leave her face*

    Hamlet: Maybe... *returns her smirk* Unless you'd rather do something else?

    Jaci: *Without another word she walks closer to him and pulls him into a kiss*

    Hamlet: *smiles and leans into the kiss*

    Jaci: *Pulls him closer. She has an arm around his neck and is stroking his hair with her other hand. Suddenly, she freezes up.*
    Everywhere i go
    I feel the hearts beating
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    TheAemaSimmingTheAemaSimming Posts: 2,684 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    Amelia: *nods and walks over to the door, opening it*

    ???: *a young woman with brown eyes and brown ombre hair stands at the door with a smile* Aloha! I'm looking for someone.

    Amelia: Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm about to head out but... *looks at Onyx who approaches the door* You can talk to my husband about whoever you're looking for?

    ???: *nods* Of course. *steps inside to talk to Onyx* My name is Leilani.

    Onyx: *smiles* Nice to meet you, I'm Onyx.

    Fang: *follows Amelia as she heads out the door hand in hand with Meg*

    Meg: *smiles at Leilani as she walks out with Fang and hesitates a little at the doorway, struck by something odd about her aura but when Fang keeps following Amelia she let's herself be pulled along.* Whatever is going on...Onyx will handle it. Remember what Fang said, you are one person and you don't have to take care of everything all the time...

    *turning her attention back to Amelia* So what kind of car do you and Onyx have anyway? I've never seen it.

    Amelia: It's parked around back. You'll see when you there. *grins*

    *As they walk around it reveals a fancy shiny black and red Corvette*

    Meg: *looks at the beautiful car* Wow...*she slides a hand under the handle* I almost feel guilty asking you to take me to pick up all my junk.

    *she leans down and looks in* I'll sit in the back, Fang. Those bucket seats look like you'll be really crushed with your long legs.

    Amelia: Why? *laughs a little and gets in the driver's seat*

    Fang: No, I'll just ride in your lap. *has a serious expression*

    Meg: *she looks up at him, forgetting for a few seconds about his wolf form, then laughing at herself as she realizes what he means* Oh. Ok....

    *she slides into the front seat and leaving the door open she pats her lap* Come on, then.

    Fang: *turns into a wolf and jumps up in her lap, tail wagging*

    Amelia: Alright... off to San Myshuno. *pulls out of the yard and onto the road*


    Onyx: *sighs and walks back to the front door* I'm sorry to head out so abruptly, Leilani, but I need to go do something. *walks out and heads toward the cottage*

    Meg: *closes the door and smiling rubs Fang under his chin and down his chest, feeling secure. As Amelia pulls into the road she looks at her and the dream swirls into her mind, mostly the sensations. Looking towards the window she put her hands on the door and fiddles with the buttons for a minute.* ...I should tell her...but not now...I don't know if there will ever be a right time but...I'm pretty sure it's not now.

    Amelia: *the silence is already getting to her* Would you like to talk or listen to some music...?

    Fang: *notices one of the buttons rolled a window down and he can't resist sticking his head out, his tail thumping against Meg*

    Meg: *laughs when Fang sticks his head out the window* No, not the right time...Right now I want to just soak up the happy feelings here.

    *to Fang* Guess you just can't resist...

    *she looks over at Amelia* We can chat if you want or we could listen to the radio...but I'm warning you I like to sing along. I'm not a bad singer but some people don't like it...
  • Options
    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    *Meanwhile, in the study*
    Jaci: *Smiles a little at Hamlet* Where were we?

    Hamlet: ...Talking about reading? *grins*

    Jaci: Before that? *Raises an eyebrow at him playfully*

    Hamlet: Oh... that. Would you like to continue? *his grin turns flirtatious*

    Jaci: ... Or do you want to talk about reading? *Playful smirk*

    Hamlet: That sounds boring doesn't it?

    Jaci: That does, huh? *Curling up the lighter strand of her hair around her finger with a smirk in her lips*

    Hamlet: Yes, of of course it does. Why don't we do something else?

    Jaci: Like what? Playing chess? *The playful smirk doesn't leave her face*

    Hamlet: Maybe... *returns her smirk* Unless you'd rather do something else?

    Jaci: *Without another word she walks closer to him and pulls him into a kiss*

    Hamlet: *smiles and leans into the kiss*

    Jaci: *Pulls him closer. She has an arm around his neck and is stroking his hair with her other hand. Suddenly, she freezes up.*

    Hamlet: *pulls away* What's wrong?
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    Amelia: *nods and walks over to the door, opening it*

    ???: *a young woman with brown eyes and brown ombre hair stands at the door with a smile* Aloha! I'm looking for someone.

    Amelia: Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm about to head out but... *looks at Onyx who approaches the door* You can talk to my husband about whoever you're looking for?

    ???: *nods* Of course. *steps inside to talk to Onyx* My name is Leilani.

    Onyx: *smiles* Nice to meet you, I'm Onyx.

    Fang: *follows Amelia as she heads out the door hand in hand with Meg*

    Meg: *smiles at Leilani as she walks out with Fang and hesitates a little at the doorway, struck by something odd about her aura but when Fang keeps following Amelia she let's herself be pulled along.* Whatever is going on...Onyx will handle it. Remember what Fang said, you are one person and you don't have to take care of everything all the time...

    *turning her attention back to Amelia* So what kind of car do you and Onyx have anyway? I've never seen it.

    Amelia: It's parked around back. You'll see when you there. *grins*

    *As they walk around it reveals a fancy shiny black and red Corvette*

    Meg: *looks at the beautiful car* Wow...*she slides a hand under the handle* I almost feel guilty asking you to take me to pick up all my junk.

    *she leans down and looks in* I'll sit in the back, Fang. Those bucket seats look like you'll be really crushed with your long legs.

    Amelia: Why? *laughs a little and gets in the driver's seat*

    Fang: No, I'll just ride in your lap. *has a serious expression*

    Meg: *she looks up at him, forgetting for a few seconds about his wolf form, then laughing at herself as she realizes what he means* Oh. Ok....

    *she slides into the front seat and leaving the door open she pats her lap* Come on, then.

    Fang: *turns into a wolf and jumps up in her lap, tail wagging*

    Amelia: Alright... off to San Myshuno. *pulls out of the yard and onto the road*


    Onyx: *sighs and walks back to the front door* I'm sorry to head out so abruptly, Leilani, but I need to go do something. *walks out and heads toward the cottage*

    Meg: *closes the door and smiling rubs Fang under his chin and down his chest, feeling secure. As Amelia pulls into the road she looks at her and the dream swirls into her mind, mostly the sensations. Looking towards the window she put her hands on the door and fiddles with the buttons for a minute.* ...I should tell her...but not now...I don't know if there will ever be a right time but...I'm pretty sure it's not now.

    Amelia: *the silence is already getting to her* Would you like to talk or listen to some music...?

    Fang: *notices one of the buttons rolled a window down and he can't resist sticking his head out, his tail thumping against Meg*

    Meg: *laughs when Fang sticks his head out the window* No, not the right time...Right now I want to just soak up the happy feelings here.

    *to Fang* Guess you just can't resist...

    *she looks over at Amelia* We can chat if you want or we could listen to the radio...but I'm warning you I like to sing along. I'm not a bad singer but some people don't like it...

    Fang: *rests his head on the bottom of the window and closes his eyes, enjoying the breeze*

    Amelia: So do I. *laughs a little and turns the radio on... it's Christmas music. She realizes how close it's getting* We have to decorate for Christmas...
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    gameplay9098gameplay9098 Posts: 7,895 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    *Meanwhile, in the study*
    Jaci: *Smiles a little at Hamlet* Where were we?

    Hamlet: ...Talking about reading? *grins*

    Jaci: Before that? *Raises an eyebrow at him playfully*

    Hamlet: Oh... that. Would you like to continue? *his grin turns flirtatious*

    Jaci: ... Or do you want to talk about reading? *Playful smirk*

    Hamlet: That sounds boring doesn't it?

    Jaci: That does, huh? *Curling up the lighter strand of her hair around her finger with a smirk in her lips*

    Hamlet: Yes, of of course it does. Why don't we do something else?

    Jaci: Like what? Playing chess? *The playful smirk doesn't leave her face*

    Hamlet: Maybe... *returns her smirk* Unless you'd rather do something else?

    Jaci: *Without another word she walks closer to him and pulls him into a kiss*

    Hamlet: *smiles and leans into the kiss*

    Jaci: *Pulls him closer. She has an arm around his neck and is stroking his hair with her other hand. Suddenly, she freezes up.*

    Hamlet: *pulls away* What's wrong?

    Jaci: *Places both hands on Hamlet's shoulder when he pulls away, and looks at the one in the left* The ring is no longer there... André can't hurt me for kissing Hamlet. But why do i still feel like he can? *Looks at Hamlet and fakes a smile* Nothing. Nothing is wrong.
    Everywhere i go
    I feel the hearts beating
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    TheAemaSimmingTheAemaSimming Posts: 2,684 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    Amelia: *nods and walks over to the door, opening it*

    ???: *a young woman with brown eyes and brown ombre hair stands at the door with a smile* Aloha! I'm looking for someone.

    Amelia: Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm about to head out but... *looks at Onyx who approaches the door* You can talk to my husband about whoever you're looking for?

    ???: *nods* Of course. *steps inside to talk to Onyx* My name is Leilani.

    Onyx: *smiles* Nice to meet you, I'm Onyx.

    Fang: *follows Amelia as she heads out the door hand in hand with Meg*

    Meg: *smiles at Leilani as she walks out with Fang and hesitates a little at the doorway, struck by something odd about her aura but when Fang keeps following Amelia she let's herself be pulled along.* Whatever is going on...Onyx will handle it. Remember what Fang said, you are one person and you don't have to take care of everything all the time...

    *turning her attention back to Amelia* So what kind of car do you and Onyx have anyway? I've never seen it.

    Amelia: It's parked around back. You'll see when you there. *grins*

    *As they walk around it reveals a fancy shiny black and red Corvette*

    Meg: *looks at the beautiful car* Wow...*she slides a hand under the handle* I almost feel guilty asking you to take me to pick up all my junk.

    *she leans down and looks in* I'll sit in the back, Fang. Those bucket seats look like you'll be really crushed with your long legs.

    Amelia: Why? *laughs a little and gets in the driver's seat*

    Fang: No, I'll just ride in your lap. *has a serious expression*

    Meg: *she looks up at him, forgetting for a few seconds about his wolf form, then laughing at herself as she realizes what he means* Oh. Ok....

    *she slides into the front seat and leaving the door open she pats her lap* Come on, then.

    Fang: *turns into a wolf and jumps up in her lap, tail wagging*

    Amelia: Alright... off to San Myshuno. *pulls out of the yard and onto the road*


    Onyx: *sighs and walks back to the front door* I'm sorry to head out so abruptly, Leilani, but I need to go do something. *walks out and heads toward the cottage*

    Meg: *closes the door and smiling rubs Fang under his chin and down his chest, feeling secure. As Amelia pulls into the road she looks at her and the dream swirls into her mind, mostly the sensations. Looking towards the window she put her hands on the door and fiddles with the buttons for a minute.* ...I should tell her...but not now...I don't know if there will ever be a right time but...I'm pretty sure it's not now.

    Amelia: *the silence is already getting to her* Would you like to talk or listen to some music...?

    Fang: *notices one of the buttons rolled a window down and he can't resist sticking his head out, his tail thumping against Meg*

    Meg: *laughs when Fang sticks his head out the window* No, not the right time...Right now I want to just soak up the happy feelings here.

    *to Fang* Guess you just can't resist...

    *she looks over at Amelia* We can chat if you want or we could listen to the radio...but I'm warning you I like to sing along. I'm not a bad singer but some people don't like it...

    Fang: *rests his head on the bottom of the window and closes his eyes, enjoying the breeze*

    Amelia: So do I. *laughs a little and turns the radio on... it's Christmas music. She realizes how close it's getting* We have to decorate for Christmas...

    Meg: *hums a little along with Christmas song* It's been a very eventful end of the year...Oh! I love this song.

    *she starts to sing, in a light soft voice. It's on pitch if a little breathier when she reaches for the higher pitches*

    I'll be home for Christmas
    You can plan on me
    Please have snow and mistletoe
    And presents on the tree...
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    Amelia: *nods and walks over to the door, opening it*

    ???: *a young woman with brown eyes and brown ombre hair stands at the door with a smile* Aloha! I'm looking for someone.

    Amelia: Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm about to head out but... *looks at Onyx who approaches the door* You can talk to my husband about whoever you're looking for?

    ???: *nods* Of course. *steps inside to talk to Onyx* My name is Leilani.

    Onyx: *smiles* Nice to meet you, I'm Onyx.

    Fang: *follows Amelia as she heads out the door hand in hand with Meg*

    Meg: *smiles at Leilani as she walks out with Fang and hesitates a little at the doorway, struck by something odd about her aura but when Fang keeps following Amelia she let's herself be pulled along.* Whatever is going on...Onyx will handle it. Remember what Fang said, you are one person and you don't have to take care of everything all the time...

    *turning her attention back to Amelia* So what kind of car do you and Onyx have anyway? I've never seen it.

    Amelia: It's parked around back. You'll see when you there. *grins*

    *As they walk around it reveals a fancy shiny black and red Corvette*

    Meg: *looks at the beautiful car* Wow...*she slides a hand under the handle* I almost feel guilty asking you to take me to pick up all my junk.

    *she leans down and looks in* I'll sit in the back, Fang. Those bucket seats look like you'll be really crushed with your long legs.

    Amelia: Why? *laughs a little and gets in the driver's seat*

    Fang: No, I'll just ride in your lap. *has a serious expression*

    Meg: *she looks up at him, forgetting for a few seconds about his wolf form, then laughing at herself as she realizes what he means* Oh. Ok....

    *she slides into the front seat and leaving the door open she pats her lap* Come on, then.

    Fang: *turns into a wolf and jumps up in her lap, tail wagging*

    Amelia: Alright... off to San Myshuno. *pulls out of the yard and onto the road*


    Onyx: *sighs and walks back to the front door* I'm sorry to head out so abruptly, Leilani, but I need to go do something. *walks out and heads toward the cottage*

    Meg: *closes the door and smiling rubs Fang under his chin and down his chest, feeling secure. As Amelia pulls into the road she looks at her and the dream swirls into her mind, mostly the sensations. Looking towards the window she put her hands on the door and fiddles with the buttons for a minute.* ...I should tell her...but not now...I don't know if there will ever be a right time but...I'm pretty sure it's not now.

    Amelia: *the silence is already getting to her* Would you like to talk or listen to some music...?

    Fang: *notices one of the buttons rolled a window down and he can't resist sticking his head out, his tail thumping against Meg*

    Meg: *laughs when Fang sticks his head out the window* No, not the right time...Right now I want to just soak up the happy feelings here.

    *to Fang* Guess you just can't resist...

    *she looks over at Amelia* We can chat if you want or we could listen to the radio...but I'm warning you I like to sing along. I'm not a bad singer but some people don't like it...

    Fang: *rests his head on the bottom of the window and closes his eyes, enjoying the breeze*

    Amelia: So do I. *laughs a little and turns the radio on... it's Christmas music. She realizes how close it's getting* We have to decorate for Christmas...

    Meg: *hums a little along with Christmas song* It's been a very eventful end of the year...Oh! I love this song.

    *she starts to sing, in a light soft voice. It's on pitch if a little breathier when she reaches for the higher pitches*

    I'll be home for Christmas
    You can plan on me
    Please have snow and mistletoe
    And presents on the tree...

    Amelia: *joins in, her voice is a little rough around the edges but... she's not bad, she can carry the tune and hit the notes*

    Christmas Eve will find me
    Where the love light gleams
    I'll be home for Christmas
    If only in my dreams...

    Fang: *puts his head back in the window and howls along to Amelia and Meg's singing*
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    TheAemaSimmingTheAemaSimming Posts: 2,684 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    Amelia: *nods and walks over to the door, opening it*

    ???: *a young woman with brown eyes and brown ombre hair stands at the door with a smile* Aloha! I'm looking for someone.

    Amelia: Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm about to head out but... *looks at Onyx who approaches the door* You can talk to my husband about whoever you're looking for?

    ???: *nods* Of course. *steps inside to talk to Onyx* My name is Leilani.

    Onyx: *smiles* Nice to meet you, I'm Onyx.

    Fang: *follows Amelia as she heads out the door hand in hand with Meg*

    Meg: *smiles at Leilani as she walks out with Fang and hesitates a little at the doorway, struck by something odd about her aura but when Fang keeps following Amelia she let's herself be pulled along.* Whatever is going on...Onyx will handle it. Remember what Fang said, you are one person and you don't have to take care of everything all the time...

    *turning her attention back to Amelia* So what kind of car do you and Onyx have anyway? I've never seen it.

    Amelia: It's parked around back. You'll see when you there. *grins*

    *As they walk around it reveals a fancy shiny black and red Corvette*

    Meg: *looks at the beautiful car* Wow...*she slides a hand under the handle* I almost feel guilty asking you to take me to pick up all my junk.

    *she leans down and looks in* I'll sit in the back, Fang. Those bucket seats look like you'll be really crushed with your long legs.

    Amelia: Why? *laughs a little and gets in the driver's seat*

    Fang: No, I'll just ride in your lap. *has a serious expression*

    Meg: *she looks up at him, forgetting for a few seconds about his wolf form, then laughing at herself as she realizes what he means* Oh. Ok....

    *she slides into the front seat and leaving the door open she pats her lap* Come on, then.

    Fang: *turns into a wolf and jumps up in her lap, tail wagging*

    Amelia: Alright... off to San Myshuno. *pulls out of the yard and onto the road*


    Onyx: *sighs and walks back to the front door* I'm sorry to head out so abruptly, Leilani, but I need to go do something. *walks out and heads toward the cottage*

    Meg: *closes the door and smiling rubs Fang under his chin and down his chest, feeling secure. As Amelia pulls into the road she looks at her and the dream swirls into her mind, mostly the sensations. Looking towards the window she put her hands on the door and fiddles with the buttons for a minute.* ...I should tell her...but not now...I don't know if there will ever be a right time but...I'm pretty sure it's not now.

    Amelia: *the silence is already getting to her* Would you like to talk or listen to some music...?

    Fang: *notices one of the buttons rolled a window down and he can't resist sticking his head out, his tail thumping against Meg*

    Meg: *laughs when Fang sticks his head out the window* No, not the right time...Right now I want to just soak up the happy feelings here.

    *to Fang* Guess you just can't resist...

    *she looks over at Amelia* We can chat if you want or we could listen to the radio...but I'm warning you I like to sing along. I'm not a bad singer but some people don't like it...

    Fang: *rests his head on the bottom of the window and closes his eyes, enjoying the breeze*

    Amelia: So do I. *laughs a little and turns the radio on... it's Christmas music. She realizes how close it's getting* We have to decorate for Christmas...

    Meg: *hums a little along with Christmas song* It's been a very eventful end of the year...Oh! I love this song.

    *she starts to sing, in a light soft voice. It's on pitch if a little breathier when she reaches for the higher pitches*

    I'll be home for Christmas
    You can plan on me
    Please have snow and mistletoe
    And presents on the tree...

    Amelia: *joins in, her voice is a little rough around the edges but... she's not bad, she can carry the tune and hit the notes*

    Christmas Eve will find me
    Where the love light gleams
    I'll be home for Christmas
    If only in my dreams...

    Fang: *puts his head back in the window and howls along to Amelia and Meg's singing*

    Meg: *singing along with Amelia and Fang, and struggling to not laugh. When the song ends she shakes her head* You know this will be my first Christmas back home in Windenberg...I'm really looking forward to it...
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    squirrelwithacupsquirrelwithacup Posts: 10,475 Member
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Amelia: *lights up and without a word pulls them both into a hug* Cy! Takumi!

    Onyx: *grins* Back so soon? Did you miss us that much?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little and happily returns the hug* Well, it's been a while where we live.

    Takumi: *also returns the hug* Yeah... about 11 years.

    Meg: *hearing the familiar voices looks at Fang happily and standing walks towards the door* I knew I recognized your auras...Welcome back...I didn't even get to say good bye.

    Takumi: *looks up when he hears Meg and smiles* Hey, Meg.

    Meg: *smiles* Hi look good.

    Takumi: Thanks.
    *a portal opens outside of the house*

    Cyrielle: *walks through the portal* ... *looks at the house. He smiles a little* Wow. It's been a while.

    Takumi: *follows Cy through the portal, carrying Emerald* It's still pretty early... do you think it's still the same day we left in this world?

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* That'd be weird. We leave and then a few hours later we're back.

    Takumi: *sets Emerald down, just as the girl and the other toddler come through the portal*

    Emerald: *turns to the girl in confusion* Iza? Where are we?

    Izabella: *shrugs*

    ?: *looks at the house and feels a little scared. He reaches out for Cy*

    Cyrielle: *looks at the toddler and smiles* Not now, Evan.

    Evan: *pouts*

    Cyrielle: Aw. Go with Izabella, okay?

    Evan: Okay... *looks up at Izabella, who picks him up*

    Cyrielle: *smiles at them before looking at Takumi, then walking over to the door*

    Takumi: *follows Cy and knocks on the door*

    Amelia: *her head turns as she hears the knock* ... *stands up and heads for the door*

    Onyx: *follows closely behind... something tells him to*

    Amelia: *opens the door...*

    Cyrielle: *staring at the ground nervously. When he hears the door open he looks up, and when he sees Amelia and Onyx he smiles* Hey, guys.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Freddy: *Turns to the door* Takumi!

    Takumi: *smiles when he hears Freddy* Hey, Freddy.

    Meg: *steps back to let Freddy get to the door if he wants, taking a moment to just look at Cy and Takumi*

    Amelia: Eleven years...!? I'm sure so much has happened... you'll have to tell us all about it! *lets go of them and steps back too* Please, come in.

    Emerald: *curiously wanders over and looks up at Amelia* Hello! *grins*

    Amelia: Who's this? *grins back at Emerald*

    Takumi: *looks down at Emerald and smiles* Well... This is our daughter, Emerald.

    Amelia: *eyes widen* You have--

    Onyx: *lights up* You have kids!? *steps closer and stoops down to Emerald's level with a big grin* Hey there!

    Emerald: Hello! *grins*

    Izabella: *sets Evan down and looks at him* Do you want to go say hi?

    Evan: *shakes his head*

    Izabella: *laughs a little* Come on, Evan.

    Evan: *nervously clings onto Izabella's leg*

    Takumi: *smiles* Yeah, and there's- *turns around and snickers when he sees Evan*

    Izabella: Hey, your child is attached to my leg. *laughs a little*

    Takumi: Yeah, he does that. *when they come over he turns back to the others*

    Emerald: *looks at them* Evan!

    Meg: *can't help but smile at Evan and Emerald, they're are so adorable. She puts her hands over her heart.* Everyone has such adorable toddlers, first Emrys, Ebony, Alnitak and Alnilam and then Freddy and now... Evan and Emerald....

    Onyx: *beaming at Evan and Emerald*

    Amelia: You two have beautiful children. *smiles at Cy and Takumi*

    Cyrielle: *smiles* Thanks.

    Takumi: *also smiles*

    Meg: *her phone in her pocket rings. Frowning she pulls it out and looks at the caller ID* It's my apartment super...?

    *picks it up and walks around into the kitchen* Hello, Mr. Benali?... What? I don't understand I already paid my lease through the beginning of th-- Well, yes I'm aware of that but... I'm currently in Windenburg. I told you that I would be while I sorted my new arrangements and you agreed that was acceptable as long as I paid in advance.

    *she listens for a moment a frown on her face and puts a hand on her neck*

    ...I see. Um, yes, I understand. I'll make arrangements then. Yes, you too.

    *hanging up she looks at her phone obviously not pleased.*

    Julia: *Frowns at Meg as well*

    Meg: *turns to face everyone, a hand rubbing her neck* That was...I'm being evicted.

    Onyx: Evicted? From your apartment?

    Amelia: *chimes in with a grin* Well, guess that means it's time to go get that cottage worked on! Of course, you can stay here as long as you need to.

    Meg: Yeah... Apparently my landlord got a better offer on the apartment, I had paid through the end of the year but... since the apartment has been vacant for the last couple months he has the right to take on a new tenant. It's in the lease, although I never thought it would be a problem, the place is... less then desirable. The problem is... I need to go to San Myshuno. He said if I don't pick up my things by this weekend. He's going get rid of all of it. *she sighs and rubs her head*

    Onyx: I can drive you to San Myshuno since Aurora and Alexander are so busy? Otherwise I'd recommend the UFO...

    Amelia: *nods at Meg* I'll come top and I'm sure that Fang-

    Fang: I'll go too.

    Meg: *smiles at Fang* Thanks, Onyx and Amelia... I just feel bad. *she turns to Cy and Takumi* You guys just got back...less then ideal timing...

    Cyrielle: *laughs a little* It's okay.

    Onyx: We won't be gone for super long, I hope.

    Amelia: I'll get the keys and we can... *pauses then drops her voice low* Can we leave André unsupervised like that?

    Meg: *glances over at Andre, his presence forgotten for a moment* You know I could always take the train. Its how I got out to begin with.

    *looks at Onyx knowing he'll object* I made the trip down alone but this Fang can come with me. I don't want to be a bother. Plus you and Amelia should visit with Cy and Takumi.

    Onyx: ...Alright. Are you sure you and Fang can handle carrying everything? Maybe at least one other person should go...

    Amelia: Well, there's a fine selection of capable carriers here, so... shouldn't be a problem. *sighs* I kind of wanted to go and see the apartment... not that it matters anyway though. Plus while she's gone... I can go down to the cottage and surprise her by getting things started!

    Meg: Well...*glances at Amelia when she sighs* I know what I just said but... Amelia...since you promised to help with the cottage I'd truthfully like you to come.

    *thinks* It might be one of the only times I have the opportunity to try and talk to her about Sofia's death alone...I really don't want Onyx to know it will only worry him...

    I mean...Most of the furniture I was planning on selling's mostly going to be my books and clothes we're collecting. It will only be a maybe a few boxes. Anything I don't need now we can move to my storage unit.

    Amelia: Then it's settled. Although we don't need to take the train if I'm coming... I can drive too. *smiles*

    Alright... sounds good to me.

    Meg: *she smiles and then looks at Onyx* OK, I know you're going to worry but I promise we'll be back tonight. I'll text when we get there and when we leave to return if you promise to limit yourself to one check in call, Dad. We're going to my apartment and the storage unit, the most dangerous thing we'll do is eat some street vendor food. We have a deal...?

    *she looks up at him patiently waiting*

    Onyx: Fine, alright. I know you're capable of handling yourselves. I just... worry...

    Amelia: *smiles and stands on her tip toes, she kisses his cheek* It's because you care and we appreciate that. See you later?

    Onyx: *smiles and leans down to return a kiss on the cheek* See you later.

    Amelia: Oh, and... *whispers something to Onyx*

    Onyx: *nods* Will do.

    Meg: I do appreciate the worry...I just don't want it to be the only thing on your mind. I need to go get ready and...I'm going to find Hamlet. I need to apologize for how harsh I was yesterday...before I let him know I'll be gone for a while. I should check on Ophelia too.

    *heads upstairs, following her aura senses she realizes Hamlet and Ophelia are both in the study with Jaci. Walking up to the doorway, she knocks*

    Amelia: *watches as she disappears upstairs* ...Well... you can go ahead and get started.

    Onyx: *sighs* You're really excited about this aren't you? *pulls out his phone* Fine, I'll see if I can find an architect...

    Hamlet: *opens the door* Yes? *when he sees it's Meg he freezes*

    (While Meg is doing that I'm gonna do a thing)

    *meanwhile out in the woods*

    ???: How did I end up here...? *looking ahead of her at the house* Well... maybe they'll know where he is? It's only the tenth house I've tried in Windenburg...

    Jaci: *Walks over to the door, behind Hamlet*

    Meg: *looks at Hamlet and then down at the ground* I wanted to apologise. Last night... I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was feeling pretty bad with the energy drain of the binding and I still don't think it was the best decision you've ever made but...

    *looks at Jaci* I know why you made it...

    *looks back to Hamlet, meeting his gaze* Excuses aside...I should have been more supportive and less judgemental. I'm sorry...

    Hamlet: No. You were right... I made a terrible decision that I never should have made. *sighs*

    Meg: *sighs too* We were lucky and...I just hope you'll think before you consider another decision like it...but that's not the only reason I came up here.

    *she looks towards Ophelia* I have to head into San Myshuno...Someone made an offer on my apartment and my landlord is evicting me so I need to make arrangements for my things.

    Ophelia: You're leaving...?

    Meg: *nods at her* Amelia and Fang are going with me and I'll be back this Ophelia it's OK for you to stay here.

    *looks back at Hamlet, not sure how he'll take the news* ...but I thought you should know.

    Hamlet: *nods* Alright. See you then. *frowns and turns away from Meg, back to Jaci*

    Jaci: *Frowns when Meg mentions last night and then looks back at Hamlet when he turns to her*

    Meg: *nods his response better then she could have hoped for and she turns to head into her room to change and be ready to leave* See you then.

    Ophelia: *frowns and looking at Hamlet and Jaci, she follows Meg to her bedroom.* Meg...? *she pushes the door open hesitantly.

    Meg: *pulling out a new outfit turns to look at her* Come on in, Ophelia.

    *turning back she pulls of her old shirt and pulls a fresh one over not concerned about Ophelia in the room. Looking back at her puts her arms in* Everything OK? What you got there?

    Ophelia: *looks at the book she's still holding.* Hamlet. T-the book, that is. It turns I can read...

    Meg: *continuing changing* Really...? Well, that's great. That is a favorite of Hamlet's I hear.

    Ophelia: Yeah...*she blushes and hugs it to her then she looks up at Meg* are coming back...right? I...I only just got here and I don't want to.

    Meg: *finishes changing* I'm coming back, Ophelia. I just need to get a few of my things. *she gently puts a hand on Ophelia's cheek.* When I get back we really need to discuss your new-found abilities.

    Until I get back your welcome in my room whenever you want...

    Ophelia: OK...

    Meg: *smiles and grabbing a jacket heads back downstairs*

    Ophelia: *watches her go and not wanting to return to the study, she sits on Meg's bed and then looking down and the book she smiles and opens it again running her fingers over then title.*

    *as Meg hits the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door*

    Onyx: *just got off of the phone with whoever he called, he turns to the door* Guess I'll be busy while you're gone.

    Amelia: *smiles at Meg as she comes back down then looks at Onyx* Guess so. It will keep you less worried at least? *laughs a little*

    Fang: *quietly waiting*

    Meg: *gives a quizzical look to Amelia and Onyx, feeling like she must have missed something but she shakes it off.* Um, I'm ready to go when you two are.

    *walking over to Fang, she takes his hand in hers and smiles at him*

    Amelia: *nods and walks over to the door, opening it*

    ???: *a young woman with brown eyes and brown ombre hair stands at the door with a smile* Aloha! I'm looking for someone.

    Amelia: Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm about to head out but... *looks at Onyx who approaches the door* You can talk to my husband about whoever you're looking for?

    ???: *nods* Of course. *steps inside to talk to Onyx* My name is Leilani.

    Onyx: *smiles* Nice to meet you, I'm Onyx.

    Fang: *follows Amelia as she heads out the door hand in hand with Meg*

    Meg: *smiles at Leilani as she walks out with Fang and hesitates a little at the doorway, struck by something odd about her aura but when Fang keeps following Amelia she let's herself be pulled along.* Whatever is going on...Onyx will handle it. Remember what Fang said, you are one person and you don't have to take care of everything all the time...

    *turning her attention back to Amelia* So what kind of car do you and Onyx have anyway? I've never seen it.

    Amelia: It's parked around back. You'll see when you there. *grins*

    *As they walk around it reveals a fancy shiny black and red Corvette*

    Meg: *looks at the beautiful car* Wow...*she slides a hand under the handle* I almost feel guilty asking you to take me to pick up all my junk.

    *she leans down and looks in* I'll sit in the back, Fang. Those bucket seats look like you'll be really crushed with your long legs.

    Amelia: Why? *laughs a little and gets in the driver's seat*

    Fang: No, I'll just ride in your lap. *has a serious expression*

    Meg: *she looks up at him, forgetting for a few seconds about his wolf form, then laughing at herself as she realizes what he means* Oh. Ok....

    *she slides into the front seat and leaving the door open she pats her lap* Come on, then.

    Fang: *turns into a wolf and jumps up in her lap, tail wagging*

    Amelia: Alright... off to San Myshuno. *pulls out of the yard and onto the road*


    Onyx: *sighs and walks back to the front door* I'm sorry to head out so abruptly, Leilani, but I need to go do something. *walks out and heads toward the cottage*

    Meg: *closes the door and smiling rubs Fang under his chin and down his chest, feeling secure. As Amelia pulls into the road she looks at her and the dream swirls into her mind, mostly the sensations. Looking towards the window she put her hands on the door and fiddles with the buttons for a minute.* ...I should tell her...but not now...I don't know if there will ever be a right time but...I'm pretty sure it's not now.

    Amelia: *the silence is already getting to her* Would you like to talk or listen to some music...?

    Fang: *notices one of the buttons rolled a window down and he can't resist sticking his head out, his tail thumping against Meg*

    Meg: *laughs when Fang sticks his head out the window* No, not the right time...Right now I want to just soak up the happy feelings here.

    *to Fang* Guess you just can't resist...

    *she looks over at Amelia* We can chat if you want or we could listen to the radio...but I'm warning you I like to sing along. I'm not a bad singer but some people don't like it...

    Fang: *rests his head on the bottom of the window and closes his eyes, enjoying the breeze*

    Amelia: So do I. *laughs a little and turns the radio on... it's Christmas music. She realizes how close it's getting* We have to decorate for Christmas...

    Meg: *hums a little along with Christmas song* It's been a very eventful end of the year...Oh! I love this song.

    *she starts to sing, in a light soft voice. It's on pitch if a little breathier when she reaches for the higher pitches*

    I'll be home for Christmas
    You can plan on me
    Please have snow and mistletoe
    And presents on the tree...

    Amelia: *joins in, her voice is a little rough around the edges but... she's not bad, she can carry the tune and hit the notes*

    Christmas Eve will find me
    Where the love light gleams
    I'll be home for Christmas
    If only in my dreams...

    Fang: *puts his head back in the window and howls along to Amelia and Meg's singing*

    Meg: *singing along with Amelia and Fang, and struggling to not laugh. When the song ends she shakes her head* You know this will be my first Christmas back home in Windenberg...I'm really looking forward to it...

    Amelia: I know you must be. Christmas was always my favorite time of year... *smiles warmly* I have so many wonderful memories of Christmas. Of course, when you've had around a thousand of them, it's hard not to I suppose.
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