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Dreams & Drama Neighborhood Rotation - ENDED & Rebooted to a New Version


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    cecerose0208cecerose0208 Posts: 1,521 Member
    Today's chapter is published! Jessie is pregnant and the family is so excited.

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    cecerose0208cecerose0208 Posts: 1,521 Member
    There was a post up yesterday. Jessie is doing her job as a surrogate and we finally get to meet Akira & Gavin's babies!
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    Skcaga6Skcaga6 Posts: 3,399 Member
    This is what I've been waiting for. :) I can't wait to see them when they are older.
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    cecerose0208cecerose0208 Posts: 1,521 Member
    Hey guys, goodness, it's hard to have a post ready to go here as soon as a new chapter publishes. I feel like I'm the only on who struggles with that, lol. Oh well, there have been two more chapters! The first is below.
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    cecerose0208cecerose0208 Posts: 1,521 Member
    Here's the most recent post that went up yesterday. In it, we see if Gavin's mother and stepfather are able to fit into the Ralston-Kibo family.
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    cecerose0208cecerose0208 Posts: 1,521 Member
    Another post went up today. After our surrogate Jessie left, and after the horrendous visit from Gavin's parents, this family is finally trying to get into the swing of their normal lives. That means doing their best to outnumber the toddlers and having friends with apartment keys over for interesting visits. Enjoy!

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    cecerose0208cecerose0208 Posts: 1,521 Member
    Another new post today!

    You ever been to a concert and the singer/band introduces a song saying something like, "I hope you guys enjoyed that last one. That was for you. But this next one, this next one's for me."? This is my roundabout way of saying this chapter is for me, haha.

    I am obsessed with the Ashes to Ashes legacy, and the writer @CitizenErased14 was nice enough to let me adopt Rory, one of the Rosebrook descendants. she is Mari's granddaughter and Clara's and Florian's daughter, if that means anything to you.

    She came to my story as a potential surrogate option for Gavin and Akira. She decided to move to town to finish school, and she ended up moving into the Ralston's old apartment. A little trust fund money paid for a renovation, and now she's all settled into San Myshuno. She's not going to be a main character in my story, but she'll be around.

    Technically, she's still a part of the canon of Ashes to Ashes. But if she ends up married with like five kids, that probably won't get folded into the Rosebrook family tree, lol.

    Enough with the chatter, check out the chapter!
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    cecerose0208cecerose0208 Posts: 1,521 Member
    Another new post went up yesterday. We've moved on to the Butler household. Just to remind you where we left off, Carmen's parents had arrived to town to help her. She'd just given birth to twin boys with (gasp) married Hugo Villareal. She knew she couldn't do it alone, and with parents like hers, she won't have to. Enjoy!
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    cecerose0208cecerose0208 Posts: 1,521 Member
    Okay, I'm a couple of chapters behind, but in case you are too, now is your chance to catch up!

    On Thursday, there was a new chapter. Carmen is settling into life with her parents there for an extended visit and she is happy. As everyone knows, the key to raising multiple Sim toddlers is to make sure they don't outnumber you, lol. She uses the child support payments from Hugo to renovate her house, making more room for her large family.

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    cecerose0208cecerose0208 Posts: 1,521 Member
    Anyone else freaking out about the sheer number of Sims in my banner?? Yeah... I do not expect you to remember them all, lol.

    If you ever read the story concept from the first post of this forum page, I say that I intend these five families to work like their own individual legacies. And the gender law is strict equality.

    That means that Laurel, our brunette right in the center, can only have a male heir. She has four daughters and one son, so you can look forward to me focusing more on her son and grandsons and less on her daughters going forward. That is, after I wrap up the craziness I started in Round 9. Y'all remember that her oldest daughter Robyn is pregnant, right?

    Well, enough about that, let's get on with where we are currently in the story. There was another chapter that went up on Saturday. Hugo had been MIA, but he shows up to the house to visit his sons, and starts meeting the parents.
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    I do remember Robyn is pregnant! ;) (oh yeah...just now seeing this thread LOL. I'm so bad at thread parties.)

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
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    cecerose0208cecerose0208 Posts: 1,521 Member
    Finally we come to today's chapter. If you're thinking, "hey, it's about plum time Hugo and Carmen talked about what they're doing and how they're going to fix this mess," then you're in luck... sort of... lol.
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    cecerose0208cecerose0208 Posts: 1,521 Member
    Jes2G wrote: »
    I do remember Robyn is pregnant! ;) (oh yeah...just now seeing this thread LOL. I'm so bad at thread parties.)

    I feel like I'm bad at it too! That's why I'm posting about my last three chapters today, lol. But I'm hoping I'll get better. Maybe I should set an alarm when it's time for a new chapter to publish...? How to people do it, lol?
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    cecerose0208cecerose0208 Posts: 1,521 Member
    New post today!! I don't know if I mentioned it, but for this Round 10, I'm doing something for almost every household. I'm bringing in parents and I'm doing a flashback. In this chapter, we're doing Carmen's flashback. And of course, continuing the story of Hugo in her house with her parents. Enjoy!

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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    I don't think I ever asked you. What's your rules/criteria for a round? Certain length of time, or a set of goals?

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
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    cecerose0208cecerose0208 Posts: 1,521 Member
    Jes2G wrote: »
    I don't think I ever asked you. What's your rules/criteria for a round? Certain length of time, or a set of goals?

    It's changed soooo many times as I realize what I'm doing doesn't work, lol. I can tell you what I'm doing currently.

    I don't have a specific order for the households, that's usually dictated by storyline. For instance, Daniella and Quincy's wedding is this round, so the Epstein chapters will be last. And I really needed to wrap up the Ralston surrogate thing, so their chapters came first.

    For each household, I have a goal for playing: 7 full days starting midnight on Sunday. The (new-ish) goal is to have some character development with the main focus of the family, something "interesting" happen between family members, and for someone in the house to spend time with friends or family from another household.

    Often times, the chapters write themselves because of something the Sims do autonomously. For instance, Gavin's mom just showed up for a visit, so I brought the stepdad over too, and just let that play out.

    I'm interested in your answers for your neighborhood rotation. Rule/criteria, goals, etc. But also, how you decide which characters to focus on and how you decide when someone needs to move on?
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Cool. We do it the same except our criteria is looser in different areas. I too play for 7 days, but my households are always played in the same order. Currently, that works to the readers' advantage because many times the stories spill over into the next house. For example, whatever happens with Breanne and Kaiden in the next rotation continues immediately because the Pruetts come after the Pancakes. Sometimes if Asia and Mary hangout their stories overlap too, but most of the time the continuity is broken one we leave the Pruetts. far as goals, I don't really have any solid ones. This story is probably 80% game driven, so I let whatever happens drive the 20% story-driven part. There's really only one household that always gets prefabricated arcs and that is the Joneses, naturally. Everyone else's fate is subject to however my imagination wants to interpret the gameplay lol. Because I have a definite end decided, I'm actually working toward that end and that's how I decide who to focus on now and who needs to go.

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    cecerose0208cecerose0208 Posts: 1,521 Member
    Jes2G wrote: »
    Cool. We do it the same except our criteria is looser in different areas. I too play for 7 days, but my households are always played in the same order. Currently, that works to the readers' advantage because many times the stories spill over into the next house. For example, whatever happens with Breanne and Kaiden in the next rotation continues immediately because the Pruetts come after the Pancakes. Sometimes if Asia and Mary hangout their stories overlap too, but most of the time the continuity is broken one we leave the Pruetts. far as goals, I don't really have any solid ones. This story is probably 80% game driven, so I let whatever happens drive the 20% story-driven part. There's really only one household that always gets prefabricated arcs and that is the Joneses, naturally. Everyone else's fate is subject to however my imagination wants to interpret the gameplay lol. Because I have a definite end decided, I'm actually working toward that end and that's how I decide who to focus on now and who needs to go.

    That's dope. Not that the story is heading towards an ending, but everything else, haha.
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    cecerose0208cecerose0208 Posts: 1,521 Member
    New post went up today on this story! We got to see Hugo interacting with Mr. Butler, Carmen's dad. Now we'll see how things goes as he talks to Carmen's mother for the first time. Brace yourselves, haha.

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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Jes2G wrote: »
    Cool. We do it the same except our criteria is looser in different areas. I too play for 7 days, but my households are always played in the same order. Currently, that works to the readers' advantage because many times the stories spill over into the next house. For example, whatever happens with Breanne and Kaiden in the next rotation continues immediately because the Pruetts come after the Pancakes. Sometimes if Asia and Mary hangout their stories overlap too, but most of the time the continuity is broken one we leave the Pruetts. far as goals, I don't really have any solid ones. This story is probably 80% game driven, so I let whatever happens drive the 20% story-driven part. There's really only one household that always gets prefabricated arcs and that is the Joneses, naturally. Everyone else's fate is subject to however my imagination wants to interpret the gameplay lol. Because I have a definite end decided, I'm actually working toward that end and that's how I decide who to focus on now and who needs to go.

    That's dope. Not that the story is heading towards an ending, but everything else, haha.

    LOL, I know rotations are seemingly endless stories, but there is no way I'm gonna be doing this story (or any story) long-term. It's coming up on two years already I think. I always had a scenario planned that I could execute whenever I wanted when I felt like I wanted to be done, but now I'm at the point where I want things off my plate. Everything is ending! LOL Some faster than others.

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    New post went up today on this story! We got to see Hugo interacting with Mr. Butler, Carmen's dad. Now we'll see how things goes as he talks to Carmen's mother for the first time. Brace yourselves, haha.

    Ohhhhh boy! I hope my popcorn is still hot.

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    cecerose0208cecerose0208 Posts: 1,521 Member
    Jes2G wrote: »
    Jes2G wrote: »
    Cool. We do it the same except our criteria is looser in different areas. I too play for 7 days, but my households are always played in the same order. Currently, that works to the readers' advantage because many times the stories spill over into the next house. For example, whatever happens with Breanne and Kaiden in the next rotation continues immediately because the Pruetts come after the Pancakes. Sometimes if Asia and Mary hangout their stories overlap too, but most of the time the continuity is broken one we leave the Pruetts. far as goals, I don't really have any solid ones. This story is probably 80% game driven, so I let whatever happens drive the 20% story-driven part. There's really only one household that always gets prefabricated arcs and that is the Joneses, naturally. Everyone else's fate is subject to however my imagination wants to interpret the gameplay lol. Because I have a definite end decided, I'm actually working toward that end and that's how I decide who to focus on now and who needs to go.

    That's dope. Not that the story is heading towards an ending, but everything else, haha.

    LOL, I know rotations are seemingly endless stories, but there is no way I'm gonna be doing this story (or any story) long-term. It's coming up on two years already I think. I always had a scenario planned that I could execute whenever I wanted when I felt like I wanted to be done, but now I'm at the point where I want things off my plate. Everything is ending! LOL Some faster than others.

    When you say "everything," you don't mean stopping all Simlit, do you?

    And lol, I hope your popcorn is still hot.
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    My current stories, yes.

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    cecerose0208cecerose0208 Posts: 1,521 Member
    Jes2G wrote: »
    My current stories, yes.

    Okay, whew, I was worried you weren't going to write anymore.
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    cecerose0208cecerose0208 Posts: 1,521 Member
    There's a new post up today!

    Now that Carmen has finally had a real conversation with Hugo about their love and relationship options, she needs help. She calls in reinforcements, in the form of a Counsel Council meeting. These very different Sims have very different ideas of what she should do. Enjoy!

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