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Ashes to Ashes: A Legacy [Temporary Hiatus 4/4]


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    roseinblack69roseinblack69 Posts: 4,070 Member
    Wow! :o That's all what I can say... Reading this chapter I thought she'll end like her mother, but I don't want to be a prophet of evil. And Tobi should think seriously. If Anna can't hold her tongue soon things will get more worse :/
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    I hope Tobi learns a lesson about perception from this. He's already got half of it. He knows that his wife will perceive this "friendship" differently from him and jump to conclusions which is why he's keeping it secret. Now he's realized (I hope) that Anna perceives this "friendship" differently from him, and his sister is straight telling him how it looks to everyone else. Sometimes things aren't so black and white like right and wrong. There are some things that aren't necessarily wrong, but you choose not to do them because they are perceived to be wrong by everyone else. Sure, you could be like Clara and be like "🐸🐸🐸🐸" to everyone who has an opinion if you don't mind living with constant gossip lol. But, you know...everything that isn't wrong isn't automatically right. <--I'm gonna put that on a t-shirt lol well...let's start with Twitter first :p

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    @roseinblack69 yeah, no matter what happens, Anna definitely needs to keep her mouth shut it it will probably spell disaster for poor Tobi :lol:

    @Jes2G you are on a roll today! :tongue:You make great points about perception. This might sound funny, but in "researching" for this story arc, I looked up some articles about what's "cheating" in a relationship and what isn't (since I was asking myself a lot "IS Tobi cheating?").

    The general consensus I found was that everyone's definition of cheating is different, but the most important factor is this -- If you are keeping some kind of interaction with a member of the opposite sex (or same sex, depending) secret from your partner, and the behavior you are engaging in is something your partner would not approve of, you're cheating. Basically it's not about whether YOU think you're cheating, it's whether your PARTNER perceives it as cheating.

    So your comment ties into that perfectly -- Tobi may see Anna as just a friend, but since he knows Colette would not approve and is keeping it a secret, he's essentially cheating on her. Just not in the "traditional" sense. Not everyone will agree with that analysis of course, but I think it's an interesting way of looking at it!
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Yep. Unless you're planning a surprise, typically secrets are bad news lol.

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    edited July 2016
    What a little toot...but Tobi had it coming...
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    Just casually leaving this here with no comment :tongue:;)


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    Ruby10990Ruby10990 Posts: 491 Member
    Such a tease :p
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    ra3reira3rei Posts: 2,418 Member
    I love that picture, @Citizen. Took me a moment to notice Auggy doing bunny ears! And wow, Lucas....just wow.
    Check out Raerei's Fortress for Builds, Short Stories, and maybe some longer stuff.
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    kayt45 wrote: »
    Tobi! It plum that Clara blackmailed him like that but maybe it's the dose of truth he needs. Even if it were who are we kidding? This is going to get out of control fast, everybody off the SS Toco

    I've already abandoned ship. I've been hurt too many times by Citizen's stories to hold my breath... XD
    Just casually leaving this here with no comment :tongue:;)


    Clara and Luc (I think) are absolutely gorgeous... *kidnaps both of them*
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
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    Simslover163Simslover163 Posts: 2,833 Member
    Wow. Love the picture! :) I sense that Lucas will grow out his hair and get tats and piercings, making him a world class rocker. And Clara :love: She's a beauty and the purple really suits her!
    Sims 3 Blog | Tales from Veronica L. Hopkins High | Camellia Treasures (Coming Soon)
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    Yes, Luc turned out surprisingly hot :lol: And Clara is gorgeous. And Auggy is almost a clone of Tobi :lol:

    And then our poor heiress is... herself. :tongue: Pretty, but boring. :lol: But she wouldn't be Joce if she wasn't!
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Yes, Luc turned out surprisingly hot :lol: And Clara is gorgeous. And Auggy is almost a clone of Tobi :lol:

    And then our poor heiress is... herself. :tongue: Pretty, but boring. :lol: But she wouldn't be Joce if she wasn't!

    Agreed...wish our heiress might meet someone..COOL!
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    Yes, Luc turned out surprisingly hot :lol: And Clara is gorgeous. And Auggy is almost a clone of Tobi :lol:

    And then our poor heiress is... herself. :tongue: Pretty, but boring. :lol: But she wouldn't be Joce if she wasn't!

    Agreed...wish our heiress might meet someone..COOL!

    @pammiechick you never know what might happen! There is a lot of this gen left (this is going to be the longest yet, I can guarantee it right now :lol:). Joce will have the main plotline once the YA years hit. We'll see whether she meets anyone "cool" or not ;)
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    XSimMimXXSimMimX Posts: 613 Member
    I just caught up, and it's getting intense! I think Tobi should tell the truth, no matter the consequences. Things will fall into place... not necessarily the way they were before, but in the end, it's gotta happen eventually.
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    @XSimMimX I'm happy to see you here and know you caught up :smiley: You're right -- Tobi really has to come clean about this, one way or another... *sigh* I love him to death but he's being majorly dumb right now :lol:
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    Julyvee94Julyvee94 Posts: 6,694 Member
    About the tobi cheating and perception thing.... Tobi is not telling colette because she'll think it's wrong but the fact that he's not telling her makes it even more wrong :D I can already hear her saying "If you're not cheating, why didn't you tell me about her?!"
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    Spottydog714Spottydog714 Posts: 2,518 Member
    Yes, Luc turned out surprisingly hot :lol: And Clara is gorgeous. And Auggy is almost a clone of Tobi :lol:

    And then our poor heiress is... herself. :tongue: Pretty, but boring. :lol: But she wouldn't be Joce if she wasn't!

    Joce? Pretty but boring? Are you sure we're talking about the same one. Colette is pretty. Joce is gorgeous! (Or maybe it's just because she looks so much like Mari, :p )
    Stories: Looking For Mum's Murderer | The Bachelorette | Fifteen
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    Haha @Spottydog714 you're right, Joce is very beautiful! :blush: She does resemble Mari quite a bit (and, no matter what anyone thinks of Mari, you can't deny that she's stunning haha) So I take it back -- she's beautiful but boring :tongue:

    @myfabulousreaders Time for today's chapter!

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    SonniejjSonniejj Posts: 54 Member
    I love Joce's boringness though. Honestly, it's refreshing to have an heir for once who isn't having some kind of mental breakdown or existential crisis :p

    #TeamJoce all the way!

    Frequent updates on my legacy story! Follow the Fiore's as their family legacy takes over Newcrest... and the world!
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    Sonniejj wrote: »
    I love Joce's boringness though. Honestly, it's refreshing to have an heir for once who isn't having some kind of mental breakdown or existential crisis :p

    #TeamJoce all the way!

    OMG @Sonniejj I just snorted :lol::joy:
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    SonniejjSonniejj Posts: 54 Member
    Sonniejj wrote: »
    I love Joce's boringness though. Honestly, it's refreshing to have an heir for once who isn't having some kind of mental breakdown or existential crisis :p

    #TeamJoce all the way!

    OMG @Sonniejj I just snorted :lol::joy:

    Hahaha it's kind of true, though, right? Of course, she's only a teen now, so who knows what you'll put her through... But you know how much Inlove Joce :smile:

    Frequent updates on my legacy story! Follow the Fiore's as their family legacy takes over Newcrest... and the world!
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    Sonniejj wrote: »
    Sonniejj wrote: »
    I love Joce's boringness though. Honestly, it's refreshing to have an heir for once who isn't having some kind of mental breakdown or existential crisis :p

    #TeamJoce all the way!

    OMG @Sonniejj I just snorted :lol::joy:

    Hahaha it's kind of true, though, right? Of course, she's only a teen now, so who knows what you'll put her through... But you know how much Inlove Joce :smile:

    Oh, it's definitely true! Even Alex had a (minor) crisis with Jade back when they first got together hahaha. Joce is the first drama-free heir :open_mouth: (Though, in my defense, this is essentially a SimLit soap opera :tongue: So... we need dramatic heirs, don't we? hehehe)

    Of course... The generation is still very young, so you never know what I have in store for her ;) But yeah, for now she is more the observer while her father and aunt stir up all the drama in the house :lol:
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,787 Member
    Soap operas can't always be about the children!
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    anaitapevaanaitapeva Posts: 917 Member
    I think there will be some type of confrontation at some point... ;)>:)
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    Hi guys! Let's figure out what's going on with Tobi in today's chapter...

    4.16: Might Be

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