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Feedback: The Sims 4 CAS Demo - New Thread


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    AlouetteDunsmoreAlouetteDunsmore Posts: 260 Member
    I love the new click and drag features, but I'm dying without more color options. Especially for skin and hair. I make lots of berry sims, and now I can't do many.
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    GrumpsgirlGrumpsgirl Posts: 2 New Member
    edited August 2014
    :heart: The demo is amazing!! I can't wait to actually play the Sims I am creating! I already preordered the Digital Deluxe edition. I just have a few problems. >:)
    :star: First, why take away the color wheel? I loved the color wheel in The Sims 3! It let me make the exact color/style I wanted and it doesn't make any sense to remove it in The Sims 4. I also liked being able to choose patterns on clothing/furniture so it's the exact shirt or couch I wanted. Please put it back!
    :star: Another feature that I enjoyed in a previous game that has never returned is the ability to layer clothing in the Sims 2 console version. I still play that game to this day because of the play style and how customizable the clothing is! I spend hours making the perfect outfit in that game, and it was made in 2005! Best Sims game to date!
    :star: Also, being able to tweak the length or fit of clothes would be an amazing addition! Every once in a while I want a shirt longer or looser, or a skirt lengthened, or the hem of my pants just a little wider to create just the perfect look! And belts should be their own accessory instead of being built into the pants, ya?
    :star: When choosing colors, especially eye colors, they never match up to what actually shows up. One color in the selector is a beautiful dark green, but on the sim it's almost gray All the eye colors are lighter in Sim than they are in the selector. I had to choose black eyes for my sim when my eyes are actually a chocolate brown. It's the same with the hair. An auburn color turns bright red!
    :star: Also, the Sims move too much while creating. I try to get an all around picture and she keeps swinging around and pulling faces and it's really frustrating. :disappointed:
    :star: under the eyes is creepy and I can't find any way to make it look less creepy.
    :star: WHERE ARE THE TODDLERS? In the past, new games have added new, unique life stages. This game took one away! Not cool. They were kind of annoying, but backwards progress is no progress! Repair instead of remove! I hope other aspects of the Sims 3 haven't been removed as well.
    :star: Final thing, when are pets coming out? I love the pets! ^_^ o:)
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    tiffedge76tiffedge76 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi, I have been playing for a few days, here is my likes and dislikes

    I really enjoy the ease of the body sliders. It was super easy to customize the body as I wanted it and I thought it was definitely a good step up.
    I love the sibling feature. I think that is going to be really fun and I look forward to it.
    I love how easy it is to remove things from the sim when in create mode.
    I liked some of the new facial features added as well, the choices are good. I hope there are more then just what came with the demo.

    Dislikes * I do realize this is a demo so if my dislikes are in the new game I am sorry.

    I do not like the eye lashes. it looks like a big black smudge overtop the eyes . To be honest, that feels like you took a step back to sims 2.
    I do not like that there is no color wheel. I grew fond of having such ability to customize my looks, hair, and clothing if it has not made it to the sims 4 it will be sadly missed.
    I miss being able to tone down the make up with the slider.
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    Syvarris13Syvarris13 Posts: 21 New Member
    edited August 2014
    1. What you liked
    I liked the new art style, it makes the sims look much more animated. I also like how when you'er editing the finer details, they stop moving so that you can see the changes without them blinking/flexing their muscles/etc. The sculpting tool is also very intuitive for the most part, with the exception of nose rotation, which seems inverted for some odd reason. I absolutely love the art style and new filtering options for clothing. I can not stress enough how much I love the clothing filters, in the SIms 3, finding the correct clothing was such a chore, but now it's a breeze and I feel so empowered.

    2. What you didn't like
    I did not like the fact that all of the pivot points are not in a centralized menu somewhere, I always felt like I was missing adjusting something and could find no way to figure out what it was. I also missed the Lifetime Wish/Aspiration suggestion feature from Sims 3 dearly. I want to know the aspiration that makes the most sense for any given sim based upon their traits. I also felt like hair and eye colours were lacking somewhat. The red hair tones were especially lacking.

    3. Suggestions?
    A color wheel for the hair and eyes, an eyelash length adjustment (preferably a slider). Randomization option for choosing traits. Away to figure out which aspiration would make the most sense for any given sim (in a demo video I saw that a Friend of the World's goal was to make 10 friends, so it doesn't make sense to pick that aspiration with a evil or mean sim, and I wish the game would tell me those things). Also more options for household relationships would be wonderful such as friends and girl/boyfriends.

    4. Did you experience any issues/bugs? If so- Other than a few issues where the pivot point would change while sculpting, nothing major, good job!
    - Please give full details of what you're seeing (error messages, etc.)
    - Provide your DxDiag & Config.Log (see below how to get these)
    Post edited by Syvarris13 on
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    MissBlackwoodMissBlackwood Posts: 63 Member
    I downloaded the CAS demo a few days ago. Here's my initial assessment:

    -It's much faster to create sims and upload them to the community.
    -Easier to browse through other peoples sims and download/add to game.
    -I love the different walks.
    -I love that the clothing and accessories are divided into subgroups so it's easier to find what you are looking for.
    -I love that you can delete all accessories/a clothing item by just clicking the (x) on the accessories/clothing button instead of having to hunt down that item specifically to click it off.
    -Love that hats can be worn with any hairstyle.
    -I love that there are so many more body shapes that can be made with the push/pull feature.
    -I love the new facial expressions, my sims seem more alive.
    -I like the new eye shadows. (wish I could change the opacity though)
    -I love how the emotions/characteristics have a more visible effect on the way sims act.

    -I don't like how the hair looks like plastic wigs.
    -I noticed that on the color swatches, most of the colors don't match what actually shows up on your sim.
    -Not enough hair colors.
    -Eye colors look fake, especially the blues and greens, and there are not enough color variations.
    -Not nearly enough clothing options; without the color wheel there should be much more clothing to make up for it.
    -Colors of clothing items don't match well with other clothing items; again if we don't have the color wheel, we should have lots of colors to choose from and they should match with other clothes.
    -Most of the walks don't look right with men; I found most of them look too feminine for a male.
    -Not enough aspirations or personality characteristics.
    -No long hair options for men.
    -Some of the clothing and shoes looks really bad, like they were very basic graphics, not realistic at all, just flat and messy around the edges.
    -I absolutely hate the eyelashes; they couldn't be any more fake looking.
    -It drives me nuts how much the sims move around while you are trying to create them.
    -When the talk during create a sim, their mouths move way faster than the words they are saying, it creeps me out.

    Overall, I think the game seems very promising and I'm excited to see how it will develop. Hopefully some of the cons I have brought up will be addressed or resolved; then I would be a very happy simmer!!

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    PajerdaPajerda Posts: 24 New Member
    I'm loving the drag feature- really easy to use, very intuitive. I like that they've created hairstyles that are much more modern this time around. It looks like perhaps they were mimicking some of the cc from the sims 3.

    I live for the cc coming out. I've already started downloading custom hair colors, because there just aren't enough right now. Especially since we're coming straight from the sims 3 which had an entire color wheel and root, tip, and highlight options.

    I have noticed a few bugs so far. A couple times while I've been tweaking my face, a random part that I wasn't clicked on will grow larger- and it won't go back to normal when I click undo.
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    KittalenKittalen Posts: 8 New Member
    I thought CAS 4 was very limited. Hope its just the demo.

    What happened to the any colour at all option. Why can't I have blue stripes in black hair? seems a step backwards. Also the same for patterns where are they?
    I would also hope to see a wider selection of clothes in the full version.

    I did love the twin/Sibling option. So I could randomise but still have them looking like family members.

    I thought I saw in one of the trailers that you could change bootcut to skinny jeans or flares.

    To be honest apart from the walk option and slightly more voice options. there didn't seem to be much that you couldn't achieve in the older version with a more realistic look. Although I think it has been simplified for new users.

    One feature I did love was the ability to edit your family after finishing it. Something I have always wanted to do.
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    DarleymikeyDarleymikey Posts: 4,047 Member
    Easy to use, intuitive, smooth, lots of potential. Like what I saw. Alas, there wasn't much there to see. I fear that's what Sims 4 is going to be: what's there will be ok, but there will be too much that's not there.
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    JennaBean93JennaBean93 Posts: 84 Member

    After playing around with the demo for a few days, here are a few things I've noticed :)
    (Also sorry if these points have already been brought up :s )

    • Mouse would bug out and stretch a part of the sim you did not wish to alter, it will then not undo.
    • All music sound files would play at once and overlap each-other (Only happened once so far)

    Features that could be better
    • It would be nice to have a colour wheel for clothing as-well as hair, make-up etc.
      Also more make-up options for men such as lips and cheeks. There is a big lack of freedom in that aspect.
    • I know this is all a part of the style but the hair still feels slightly too blocky,
      even just finding a way to soften up the ends a bit would be nice.
    • Again I know this sims is more stylized which I love, and this isn't that big of an issue but... the anatomy of the armpits is way too high up. Could there be an option to lower them?
      (Here's an edit of what I mean)

    Luckily I haven't ran into that many problems with the demo and it's quite fun,
    there are a feww limitations here and there that I wish could be given more freedom but aside from that,
    I really like the new style of the sims and I think it fits the fun nature of the game :p
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    MoonShadowMoonShadow Posts: 129 Member
    I have already stated my opinions about the demo but I want to add another thing that is starting to bug me.

    I love how, when saving your household, you can choose your family picture. It's a really cute feature.
    However, I am starting to get really annoying by the whole 'random pose' thing. I would much rather have a list of poses to choose from. After making a few sims I know pretty much all the poses there are and most of the time I will have already picked a pose for my sims in my mind. Sometimes I have to spend a few good minutes clicking the 'random portrait' button to get the right poses for all my sims. It's quite tedious to do.
    It's a great feature that's just been badly executed.
    You can call me Sanne if you like. I really dislike my username.
    Origin ID: CrazyCuddle
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    CheydancerCheydancer Posts: 1 New Member
    I like the idea of emotions and the added walk choice, very cute. The bouncy walk would drive me crazy but it's just right for a morning Sim. Playing with the walks with my guys had me in stitches.

    With the Demo and it's limited content, it's difficult to get a real feel for whether or not I should buy this game. I've been with SIMS since the first iteration.

    I agree with Moonbarker from the older thread:

    "Please add an opacity slider for makeup. And please add makeup for the guys." My glam rock Sims love their eyeshadow and lipstick, too, not just eyeliner. ~ me

    "Please add a skin tone slider.

    Please, PLEASE, please add a color wheel. (emphasis mine)

    Please add zodiac signs.

    Please add favorites (food, color, music, etc).

    Please add turn ons/turn offs.

    Please fix those eyelashes. The eyelashes look like eyeliner and it's distracting when applying makeup. For males and females!

    Please add an eyelash length adjuster for both genders!

    Please let us choose at least 5 traits on our own in CAS. Three is too limiting and it's hard to make truly diverse sims and sims that are like people we know in real life."

    Please let all hairstyles be able to have highlights and be fully customizable like in Sims 3. I really, really liked the ability to make the hair different by adding root colors, highlights, colors to the tips and having a base color.

    Please, please, please include some decent long hair for the guys. I may be a little old lady, but I love anime and anime hair and not being able to design a "Gojyo" or "Touga Kiryuu" or "K Winchester" with all that lovely long hair is frustrating. I love and honor the modders who have made the games playable for me, but would really like to see some lovely stuff for the guys. Not everyone is a Dean Winchester, Marlboro Man kind of fan.

    Creating unique SIMS and homes for them to live in is more than half the fun of the game for some people. Having a robust game with strong content still leaves plenty of room to add DLC and micro-transactions later in the game.
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    BlkBarbiegalBlkBarbiegal Posts: 7,924 Member
    can you rotate eyes?
    Me on:
    Twitch jovi_jov
    Twitter BarbieSimmy
    Origin SimsBarbie
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    PenelopePenelope Posts: 3,298 Member
    edited August 2014
    I've been enjoying the demo. I do really, really wish there were more eye colors, though. Two of the blues look identical, and two of the greens also look identical. You need a dark olive green, a darker, muted blue, and some unusual colors like amber, purple, red and pink. Hey, there really are people in the world with amber, red and pink eyes! And supposedly Liz Taylor had purplish eyes. I had a roommate once who had true amber eyes. Seriously, her eyes were golden. Literally. So yeah, some people have eyes like that.

    Also, I really hope there are some solid-colored versions of the maxi dress (the floor-length gown with the designer stripes and whatnot).

    And you need a true white haircolor in the game. Your "white" is really gray. Plus, I'd love to have more unusual hair colors and a nicer shade of blonde.

    And I'd love to see Andre's eyeglasses enabled for females.

    I haven't gotten any bugs in the demo, though. It works really nicely.

    Post edited by Penelope on
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    Sparkysim2Sparkysim2 Posts: 359 Member
    I've made a city full of Sims. The only problem I've had is crashing. Love the new system of doing things. But I did really like the sliders in The Sims 3. I was able to make Sims look like I wanted in it. I am missing smile lines and such. The faces are very smooth and well not many people don't have a few lines. I am very disappointed about the lack of color customization in the clothing. Using and making your own patterns in The Sims 3 was top notch. I hope I've just missed some info and there is more options than I've heard about. I can't wait to have all my unique shaped Sims interacting with each other.
    "If I don't remember it, it didn't happen." CM
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    elooocinelooocin Posts: 115 Member
    edited August 2014

    It is really strange that some full body outfits do not have a subcategory, or that stubble is lacking one for men. That means they are going to get lost in the jumble. PLEASE make a sub-category for everything!!!
    ♦ Simblr | tiptoesims ♦ YouTube | tiptoehappiness

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    follyfootfollyfoot Posts: 3,450 Member
    Love the new CAS Demo I only have one problem. Not as much time as I would like to play it. :D Folly
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    FluorescentSoapFluorescentSoap Posts: 1,472 Member
    I'm probably the only one with this issue but I've always wished and in Sims 3 as well that we could move the lips just that little bit higher. ya know when you move the nose so high and the mouth won't go much higher above the chin. :<
    ⌠ Team Holy Hêll ⌡ [Currently playing TS4]
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    GoodFairyGoodFairy Posts: 205 Member
    edited August 2014
    First of all I L.O.V.E. the look of the new sims. Never ever before we've been able to create so EASILY so individual looking sims so detailed without even using custom content! It's great!
    There is nothing I "dislike" in CAS. It's intuitive to use. I rather have some suggestions to make it even better.
    * It'd be cool to create Styled Looks and share them via gallery
    * A mode where we can set a make-up/hair style for all outfit categories
    * possibilty to change length of eye lashes without have to use the predefined eye types
    * We need more shades of skin tones especially the darke colors have a very "dramatic" step from rather pale to pretty dark
    * Eye colors need to be fixed. The preview color does not reflect the actual color which will appear on the sims eyes. Also here are definitely more colors needed.
    * A super duper neat feature would be to create asymmetric faces. Maybe an option "unlock symmetrie" which would enable us to morph any facial feature only on the right or left side! *fingerscrossed* I'm really really hoping for that one!
    Until that I'm sticking with making naturally beautiful perfect symmetric sims ;-)

    Some feedback on the gallery:
    * It would be nice for us to choose (rather than randomise) the thumbnail picture.
    * Some more neutral postures (without making faces) would be good to see/recognise the face features better.
    * A random button, which gives us a randomised list of gallery uploads rather than sorted by date/downloads/favorites. In this way, rarely downloaded and older uploads won't sink into insignificance.
    * Right now we can't search for any two letter hashtags, e.g. "#CC"
    Post edited by GoodFairy on
    (*) My Origin-ID GoodFairy684 (*)
    You find my sims in the gallery tagged with #SimsFairy.
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    LeslieM25LeslieM25 Posts: 2,766 Member
    edited August 2014
    We desperately need dark blue, dark green, and a hazel colors with green/brown and dark blue/gold in the center combos. I usually don't like to rely on CC for things like eye color but I had to with the demo! The given eye colors are really crazy bright!
    Here are examples of the dark green and blue we should have:

    The CC eyes I used for the pictures are by ixals on their tumbler. Didn't want to post the link cuz it would have to be approved
    Come check out my poses and more on my Simblr!
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    AlnairanAlnairan Posts: 2,424 Member
    I guess this is the right place to make suggestions for the gallery?

    I would like to be able to:
    1 - Change the description of an item after uploading it to the gallery without having to re-upload it.
    2 - Chose to share your stuff only with people you want to, instead of with everybody.
    Origin ID: Gabby-Abeille
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    SamiKatSamiKat Posts: 3,786 Member

    After playing around with the demo for a few days, here are a few things I've noticed :)
    (Also sorry if these points have already been brought up :s )

    • Mouse would bug out and stretch a part of the sim you did not wish to alter, it will then not undo.
    • All music sound files would play at once and overlap each-other (Only happened once so far)

    Features that could be better
    • It would be nice to have a colour wheel for clothing as-well as hair, make-up etc.
      Also more make-up options for men such as lips and cheeks. There is a big lack of freedom in that aspect.
    • I know this is all a part of the style but the hair still feels slightly too blocky,
      even just finding a way to soften up the ends a bit would be nice.
    • Again I know this sims is more stylized which I love, and this isn't that big of an issue but... the anatomy of the armpits is way too high up. Could there be an option to lower them?
      (Here's an edit of what I mean)

    Luckily I haven't ran into that many problems with the demo and it's quite fun,
    there are a feww limitations here and there that I wish could be given more freedom but aside from that,
    I really like the new style of the sims and I think it fits the fun nature of the game :p

    Oh, my. I hadn't noticed that armpit issue before, but now I see that it is a big error. Look how it makes their shoulders look bizarre and creepily disproportionate! It's going to seriously bug me now! :p
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    youmnaboufaryoumnaboufar Posts: 127 Member
    I don't know what's going with Origin,i'm downloading the sims4 Demo and evry time when it gets to 60percent it returns to 15% but i'm keeping doing that!! :\
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    SimWithBadLiverSimWithBadLiver Posts: 2 New Member
    All in all, I think Sims 4 CAS is improvement. I agree with everyone who said there are not enough presets for make up, eyes, skin and hair and that previews are wrong. Clothes is not bad, but I would like some actual high-high heels.

    Yeah, three traits are not enough. I wanted more of them even in Sims 3. I don't like at all, that fourth trait is forced on me when I choose aspiration. Especially when they made it so that whole gameplay depends on chosen personality. Maybe I don't even want that trait and want to play sim that is complete anti-talent for his ambition.

    I would also like "stupid" trait. Someone who doesn't know to turn on TV or is bad in school. Not all of us are geniuses.
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    SimsLovinLycanSimsLovinLycan Posts: 1,910 Member
    I just downloaded the demo yesterday, and I'm lovin' it! I absolutely adore the amount of control we have over our sims' body types and facial structure compared to TS2 (the only other Sims game I have). Figuring out where to hover for all of the different alteration tools was a bit of an adventure, but when you find those sweet GOSH, the amount of power you have over your sims appearance is incredible! Way more intuitive in the long run than the old slider system. The fact that you can customize their voices and walk cycles is awesome too, since anyone who has studied animation or acting knows that a character's voice and walk are two of the best ways to tell your audience who he/she is.

    I also love the sheer number of different shades of brown skin and the "Randomize Sibling" option. In TS2, to create a sibling resemblance in households without parents, I generally have to start from the same face/head template for each sibling and make little tweaks to get the results I want. "Randomize Brother/Sister/Twin" makes it a whole lot easier. And did I mention that I love all the brown skins? TS2 had so few, and the jump from medium brown to tan was a pretty big one. Here, there's so much room for skin tone variation it makes me just the least bit giddy.

    The only detraction I have is that there is pretty much no curly hair aside from two afros and some straight styles with a little bit of bend thrown in at the ends. I really hope that more curly/wavy/crimped hair styles are available in the full game and its expansions. Straight hair is cool and all, but curls and waves add variety to your cast of characters...
    There is a song I hear, a melody from the past...
    When I woke for the first time, when I slept for the last.
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    krisreynaudkrisreynaud Posts: 1 New Member
    Alrighty, so:

    1) What I liked:
    -I really love the fluidity of the body editor on the males.
    -Long hair didn't hover, I almost drooled.
    -Motions are less awkward.
    -No unrealistic fat-abs when selecting highest weight with highest exercise.
    -Generally speaking, it's pretty.
    -You can remove clothing filters! Yay!!!

    2) What I didn't like:
    - Gendered. Hairstyles. And. Tattoos. Ugh.
    - All eyeliner was quite thick with only solid lines, and I couldn't customize it at all.
    - Everything is ridiculously gendered.
    - Voice options for males and females are also extremely limited.
    - Some of the pre-colored streaks were, frankly, pretty ugly.
    - The yellow-blonde hair is a really ugly yellow, I'm sorry.
    - Why can't I give the females a harder jawline? What the heck?
    - lips were darker on the females. If I wanted this I would've used lipstick.
    - Lastly: Do you SERIOUSLY think this is as muscular as a female can get???? REALLY???

    3. Suggestions?
    - PLEASE. DON'T. GENDER. THE. HAIRSTYLES OR THE TATTOOS. I'm BEGGING you here. I have lots of characters with hairstyles conflicting to their gender/sex, I'm sure many others do too. Please don't limit us like this, especially with the tattoos as well.

    - The ribcage on the females isn't changeable, thus making it look REALLY REALLY AWKWARD when I try to try any body shape other than "skinny but still busty". Want to know why this is a problem? Because the muscular women look awkward as heck. Look up Samantha Wright, or any other female weight lifter. Women can actually be as buff as the males, now let us do that without making an abomination, please.
    - To add to that, more muscle definition on females
    - The ability to create harder features like jawlines as on the males
    - Jowel editing is actually very useful, please bring that back.
    - Makeup opacity. I need to be able to change this stuff.
    - Hair color vibrance. Lots of the colors are too strong, dark or glaring, maybe add some actual sliders in for this one.
    - More clothing color options if you refuse to add the customizer tool for even eyes.
    - I'd suggest either more eye colors or again, a color wheel system. The blue eyes especially, light blue-grey and neon aqua blue are NOT the only types of blue, and I can say the same for every other eye color.
    - Beanies. Please add beanie hats. I love them. Lots of people do.
    - I'd suggest more bang hairstyles with men and women.
    - Loose shirts for girls!
    - More boyish clothes for girls in general
    - More feminine clothes for boys
    - Just please stop gendering the hair I'm begging you

    4) Issues / Bugs?
    None, really. I found if I had the eyes closer together, the tearduct seemed to fuse into the nose, which looked really bad. Other than that, there were no problems.
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