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Could do with cheering up.

Augh, I feel like I just got hit by a bus. I just got some terrible news, I can't go into it because of confidentiality issues, but suffice to say my mum and I have been completely betrayed by my dad and our friend/boss. I feel angry on so many different levels right now, and I am even worried that this will effect my daughters' futures.

Unfortunately, being betrayed by my dad is not a new thing, and just as the many times before there is nothing I can do about it, he has just taken things to a whole new level now.

As I have always done before the first thing I have wanted to do is come here and be around all of you, you always have a way of making things feel not so bad, even in the worst of times.


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    ForeverFranconiaForeverFranconia Posts: 2,154 Member
    edited January 2014
    OMG I'm so sorry to hear that! :cry: I don't wanna sound mean or try to get in your business, but it's really his loss. If he want to leave you and your family for some floozy that that's his problem and his mess that he has to clean up! Remember karma's a b*tch, and he'll get his! :twisted:

    You all deserve SO MUCH better than that, and I wish you the best of luck recovering from this!!!! I can't say at ALL that I know what your going through, but you do have my support, as well as the rest of the community! :D

    I'm sorry if this sounds bad, I'm really awkward in these situations...

    Hopefully that made you feel a little better. :) *hugs tight*
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    mcsnjbmcsnjb Posts: 3,464 Member
    edited January 2014
    OMG I'm so sorry to hear that! :cry: I don't wanna sound mean or try to get in your business, but it's really his loss. If he want to leave you and your family for some floozy that that's his problem and his mess that he has to clean up! Remember karma's a b*tch, and he'll get his! :twisted:

    You all deserve SO MUCH better than that, and I wish you the best of luck recovering from this!!!! I can't say at ALL that I know what your going through, but you do have my support, as well as the rest of the community! :D

    I'm sorry if this sounds bad, I'm really awkward in these situations...

    Hopefully that made you feel a little better. :) *hugs tight*

    Thanks, I feel the same way. He actually left my family 5 years ago to live with his "partner", but this is something else. He has influence with where my mum works, and has assisted her boss in giving extra hours to someone who lied about her qualifications (along with lots of other things), over her. Despite the fact he is the reason she needs the extra hours.

    I am really grateful that you took the time to respond to me though, it makes me feel so much better just to know that there is someone out there I can rant to. :)
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    saschatilosaschatilo Posts: 3,007 Member
    edited January 2014
    I'm so sorry to hear about your struggles in RL hun. I've never been that good at saying the right thing but I just wanted to let you know that I care! Hang in there! :wink:
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    MmdrgntobldrgnMmdrgntobldrgn Posts: 6,680 Member
    edited January 2014

    ugh, I really dislike when people do jerky things

    take 2 of these and call back later :wink:

    Peace, GranMama Dragon
    Exploring life through imagination & satire since 1969.
    Save Game Often
    repair & clear caches Often
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    S3 blog Story, lists of empty lots by world
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    readreadreadreadreadreadreadread Posts: 6,243 Member
    edited January 2014
    It sucks to be betrayed by anyone, but when it's a friend, or even worse, family member, it feels 10x worse. I feel horrible that you're so upset, and if I could I'd teleport into whatever room you're in right now and give you 100 bear hugs.

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    mcsnjbmcsnjb Posts: 3,464 Member
    edited January 2014
    Thanks guys, kitten pictures and bear hugs are just what I need. I can't believe how lucky I am to be able to come here and have all of you to support me and cheer me up. Everyone I am close to at home is too involved, and they rely on me to be the calm, rational and helpful one. Complaining to them will just make things worse, but being able to come here and just get things of my chest helps me so much, and that way I can be much more helpful to my mum and siblings.

    As regards my children, if the person they have hired is still there in a few years, when they are going to start school I will have to seriously consider sending my children to another school. Which will break my heart, because I have been so involved with that school for over 20 years, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

    All in all, I am grateful that for the most part my life is good, I have two beautiful, healthy little girls, and a loving, supportive husband.

    Lots of love and hugs to all of you. If any of you ever need to have a rant, get things of your chest, or just talk, I am always here for you too. :)
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    CharicharnCharicharn Posts: 1,612 Member
    edited January 2014

    Just wanted to add my super duper squishy hugs. That is so sad about your father the one person who should take care of you and protect you no matter how old you get.

    Enjoy your lil girls and your sweet husband and let that give you comfort.

    Squishy hugs

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    XxHannelorexXXxHannelorexX Posts: 2,943 Member
    edited January 2014
    I am so sorry to hear about your struggles. Sending special thoughts and prayers your way *hugs*
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    EnvyAshleeyyyEnvyAshleeyyy Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited January 2014
    I'm so sorry to hear all this :(

    I hope everything gets better and I hope you cheer up! *hugs* :D
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    Mizzila1297Mizzila1297 Posts: 620 Member
    edited January 2014
    I'm really sorry to hear that you're having tough times right now. :C

    In an effort to cheer you up, please enjoy these pictures of hugging kittens. (And a puppy.)


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    SuttiPuttSuttiPutt Posts: 3,620 Member
    edited January 2014
    Sorry to hear about your having such struggles and everything being beyond your control in how to make things better.The only exsperience that I have would be from my Uncle George,he came up from Texas one year to see his sisters with his baby daughter and found out when he went back home that his wife of several years,who he raised his three older kids with had left him for another man and the responsiblity of taking care of their 11 year old daughter.It was hard for him at first,but he managed to get through it and hold his head up high and so will you and your mom reguardless of the situation.Just hang in there and be there for your mom as needed,I will keep you and your family in my prayers that things will work out for all concerned and that you don't have to change schools with your children in a few years.I know that it must be hard to be betrayed which is another hurdle for you to go through from what you say,but you will be alright,cause you have something that your dad doesn't have-your family who loves you.
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    Coffefreak4LifeCoffefreak4Life Posts: 8,082 Member
    edited January 2014
    always remember that no matter how dark the tunnel there is always a light at the end of it . God watches over all of us and will be there to pick us up when we fall .
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    TheKrazy_KimSimTheKrazy_KimSim Posts: 4,397 Member
    edited January 2014
    mcsnjb wrote:
    Augh, I feel like I just got hit by a bus. I just got some terrible news, I can't go into it because of confidentiality issues, but suffice to say my mum and I have been completely betrayed by my dad and our friend/boss. I feel angry on so many different levels right now, and I am even worried that this will effect my daughters' futures.

    Unfortunately, being betrayed by my dad is not a new thing, and just as the many times before there is nothing I can do about it, he has just taken things to a whole new level now.

    As I have always done before the first thing I have wanted to do is come here and be around all of you, you always have a way of making things feel not so bad, even in the worst of times.

    I am sorry to hear that things aren't going well for you MCSNJB.



    * The Krazy_Kim Sim *

    P.S. Thanks Terry for the .gifs!
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    JodiRebbyJodiRebby Posts: 1,649 Member
    edited January 2014

    Hi, mcsnjb.

    I hope I'm not being impolite or anything by doing this considering we haven't talk before. :oops: I'm so sorry to hear that and I'm hoping maybe this thing that I have been doing might cheer you up. Drop by over this thread: for a party. No need to come on over if you don't feel like it, okay?

    I got a puppy for you.


    Hoping you feel better.

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    NOXXINOXXI Posts: 2,728 Member
    edited January 2014
    Your dad sounds like a bit of a d*uchebag >< If hes been encourgaing your mums boss to give extra hours to someone whos been lying then just pass the info along to her boss and let the fireworks commence!

    Anyhow ignoring my criticisms, im sorry its made you feel low. I hope things get better soon :)

    hope this makes you smile;
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    YellowJaneYellowJane Posts: 6,589 Member
    edited January 2014
    Hey MC.
    First, you know that I am always there if you want to send me an email to talk :o) I will always try and help best I can if you want the shoulder.
    Sory to hear about what happened to your family. Being betrayed,especially by one of the people you're programmed to love the most, is understandably a really upsetting business. I really hope you can get fixed whatever went wrong in the first place and that it all becomes okay in the end. Remember that if it's not all right, the end of the problem just hasn't come round yet :)
    Stay strong,
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    YellowJaneYellowJane Posts: 6,589 Member
    edited January 2014
    Look here, mc:

    I made a little cheering up thread :)
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    SchweighsrSchweighsr Posts: 3,342 Member
    edited January 2014
    I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles. You might want to get and read 'Children of the Self-Absorbed' to help you get perspective on your Dad's behavior. It will at least let you know that you aren't alone and might help you disentangle yourself from his crazy-making ways.

    In the meantime [and to make this thread on topic], why don't you make some Sims and torture them? Or, if that would bring you down, make a SimSelf and bestow all sorts of blessings upon them. I know that it always cheers me up.
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    mcsnjbmcsnjb Posts: 3,464 Member
    edited January 2014
    Hi all, thank you so much for your support. Things do feel better after a good night's sleep and some time in-game.

    YellowJane - You are such a good friend, and I am so lucky to have you. :) I know I can always talk to you. :)

    Schweighsnr - Thanks for the advice, I will look for that book. :) I haven't managed to torture any sims yet, I have been so busy with contest builds, but doing them is a good way to take my mind of things. I am one of those people who try to make things perfect for my sims, because it is withn my control to do so. :)

    Hope you are all well, lots of love and hugs. :)
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    YellowJaneYellowJane Posts: 6,589 Member
    edited January 2014
    mcsnjb wrote:

    YellowJane - You are such a good friend, and I am so lucky to have you. :) I know I can always talk to you. :)

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    JodiRebbyJodiRebby Posts: 1,649 Member
    edited January 2014

    mcsnjb, I've gifted you something from your wishlist! :)
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