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Côtes d'Ambonnay - a French Medieval World - FEATURED*


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    xSorcierxSorcier Posts: 346 Member
    edited December 2013
    Hi Rflong!
    Thank you for posting :) My DCCache is now 1,59 GB and we have about 118 lots built now I believe..
    And just in case you have missed I posted this today:

    "I tried again today and after removing all the Cashe files from sims 3 and CAW folders (including WorldCashes folders), renamed my mods folder, and removed more than half of the lots in my library(that, I tried today for the first time), it WORKED!

    I was able to go EIG add a few more completed lots and SAVE with no ERROR this time CAW also allowed me to export without having to generate a brand new DCBackup folder!!!"

    I'm very happy because I could do it with no errors today but I would love to know what caused that errors and how can I avoid those!
    *I recently changed my origin ID from levijeronimo to xSorcier.
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    JArch3rJArch3r Posts: 2 New Member
    edited December 2013
    Lovely world, guys!
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    ReachsimsReachsims Posts: 7,932 Member
    edited December 2013
    sharonxyz wrote:
    Reach: Hannah Reid gift necessary :D
    Not necessary, perhaps, but totally fun. Check your inbox for some goodies from us... with lots of love and gratitude from the Côtes d'Ambonnay partnership, xSorcier and Reach

    P.S. Thanks to Rflong for the offer of help!
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,589 Member
    edited December 2013
    xSorcier wrote:
    Hi Rflong!
    Thank you for posting :) My DCCache is now 1,59 GB and we have about 118 lots built now I believe..
    And just in case you have missed I posted this today:

    "I tried again today and after removing all the Cashe files from sims 3 and CAW folders (including WorldCashes folders), renamed my mods folder, and removed more than half of the lots in my library(that, I tried today for the first time), it WORKED!

    I was able to go EIG add a few more completed lots and SAVE with no ERROR this time CAW also allowed me to export without having to generate a brand new DCBackup folder!!!"

    I'm very happy because I could do it with no errors today but I would love to know what caused that errors and how can I avoid those!

    Ah, you've got under 2MB store. I've been reading and it seems that it should be okay for that much.

    Always delete cache files in both CAW and Sims 3. :D
    Sometimes just something in the DCBackup folder seems to mess up EIG *or if you don't delete the old crash files from TS3 folder. :D

    So glad you got it working! :thumbup:
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    ReachsimsReachsims Posts: 7,932 Member
    edited December 2013
    xSorcier wrote:
    ... and we have about 118 lots built now I believe..

    :shock: I think Sharon has a valid point and we might be closer to being done building this world than we thought. We better stop building so we can save some building for those who download the world and want to play in the sandbox with us.

    Looks like March will be a very lucky month for Côtes d'Ambonnay! I'm shooting for March, for what it's worth. :mrgreen:
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    sharonxyzsharonxyz Posts: 811 Member
    edited December 2013
    Reach and xSorcier,

    You two are too sweet, thank you for all the goodies! I can't wait to start dressing sims up for your world (no idea how to type with an accent circumflex or I'd write it out lol)

    Please note that while I sometimes have a ball with my color palette, I very much want to capture the feel and muted historic palette of the world and can do so and look forward to that.

    118 LOTS!! That is amazing and so ambitious. I am SO happy the problem was fixed and the world files are functional again. Very sweet of Rflong to offer advice, she is such a master and has made so many worlds that EA owes her quite a stipend!!

    xSorcier, I can feel for you having to delete half your downloads files, as I am a collector of lovely CC free content. This world is new and exciting and so subtle I could swear I am seeing if cameras were in existence :shock:

    Enjoy your holidays and March will be here before you know it! (gives me time to do some sims :D)

    Sharon :D
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    Starsaphire2Starsaphire2 Posts: 315 Member
    edited December 2013
    When you are ready for world testers, just let me know. I'd be happy to help out.

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    SamiKatSamiKat Posts: 3,786 Member
    edited December 2013
    Good to see you again, XSorcier and Reach. No sense rushing perfection. :D I figured you would both be too busy to devote much to this world until after the holiday rush. I'll just sit tight and watch it slowly unfold like a prized rose. I'm glad your CAW issues have resolved, though, XSorcier!

    How about a bite of bûche de Noël to sustain you:

    [img] "width = 250"[/img]
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    ReachsimsReachsims Posts: 7,932 Member
    edited December 2013
    @Sharon, you are so very welcome. It's our pleasure. :mrgreen: By the way, I have to just copy and paste, Côtes d'Ambonnay. It's too much trouble opening Word to find the accented letters. I just Google something and grab them that way. :XD: Thanks a bunch for your offer of help with Sims!

    @Starsaphire - Thanks also for your offer of help with testing later. We will start a list of volunteers on the first page so we can find you when we need you. :wink:

    @Sam - Thanks for the bûche de Noël! It's almost too pretty to eat. :mrgreen:
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    xSorcierxSorcier Posts: 346 Member
    edited December 2013
    Joyeux Noel!

    Merry Christmas to our friends and followers! We wish you all the brightest and best new year. The new year will see the completion of Côtes d'Ambonnay - and we're shooting for March.

    We thank you all for your support and encouragement as we work through this project to completion. As Reach says, Winners finish what they start."


    A view from the Badlands with the fishing village off to the left in the distance.


    Beauharnais and it's surrounding water with Sarlat's City Hall tower in the distance.


    The Badlands Port - entrance to Badlands Island. Locals call it "The Dragon."
    *I recently changed my origin ID from levijeronimo to xSorcier.
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    JodiRebbyJodiRebby Posts: 1,649 Member
    edited December 2013
    It's wonderful, xSorcier, Reachsims! Truly beyond words, well done! ^.^

    Merry Christmas, everyone!

    My brain's chugging along slowly so what's going on with this world? :oops: From reading all the posts I've missed, I gather there's going to be a bank of sorts for Côtes d'Ambonnay? Is this world going to come prepopulated and are there going to be lots that we'll have to add ourselves? I'm confused. :lol: Sorry!!! >.<
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    AmaraRenaAmaraRena Posts: 6,533 Member
    edited December 2013
    Reachsims wrote:
    My apologies for taking so long to respond also. I look forward to Christmas being behind us. There's just too much to do and my children are begging for all their favorite treats so I feel like I am living in my kitchen.

    @AmaraRena - if you are up to sharing your resources for Medieval French names, we'd love to have them. We might be using some of them already. Thank you for the de Lyon family! They're great! (Maybe xSorcier can use one of his extra posts on the first page to list the Sims so we don't have to dig through the thread to find them later.) Also, I will try to get Les Appartements de la Promenade ready for upload this weekend. I have not turned my game on since I got back from my trip but I hope to find some time in the next couple days.

    Thank you all again, for your encouragement and support. Hopefully we can get the EIG/CAW problem solved soon. Very soon. And for those who celebrate the season, I hope your days are running smoothly and that you're having lots of fun. :D

    Sorry for the delayed response. I, too, blame the holidays! My dad is here visiting til the 23rd but hopefully after that and Xmas I can get to making some more Sims! :) And thanks for the info on what sorts of Sims you are looking for. Looking forward to doing nobles, merchants and peasants!

    As to name sources, my favorite, hands down, is The Academy of St. Gabriel. They are a treasure trove of medieval and other historical period names from several cultures. You can find the archive at:
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    ClayworldClayworld Posts: 1,106 Member
    edited December 2013
    I think your idea of a bank of sims for people to download is perfect. It will save you the trouble of pre-populating the world and those who don't make their own sims will still have a great selection of sims. Players can pick and choose the types of sims they want and sim creators won't have any constraints as we can all pick and choose which sims they want in the world.

    Once we have the world, it will provide the inspiration to create many more sims. We can link them here and everyone can have exactly the world they want.

    ETA: Thanks for the link to medieval french names! What a great resource.

    :mrgreen:Joyeux Noel! :mrgreen:

    This lovely French Carol was my mother's favorite. She used to play and I would sing. Christmas makes me so sappy.

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    ReachsimsReachsims Posts: 7,932 Member
    edited February 2015
    wub.gif - Love the snowy winter pictures! Thanks for sharing those, xSorcier!

    @Jodi - We are considering offering an unpopulated version of the world so we can get it to everyone a lot faster. Several Simmers have generously offered to make Sims for this world and we are listing them on the first page, here.

    We are shooting for March as a target for completion. We will include some empty lots in the world and I would imagine that there might be a few lots that are added in after the world is released. Stuff happens, you know? :wink:

    @AmaraRena - Thanks for that link. :D Hope you have a great time with your father.

    @Clayworld - Exactly! Thanks for sharing the lovely French carol. I understand sappy, especially this time of year.

    And an avatar update from me, my Simself for Côtes d'Ambonnay - Laurenne Louvière - She uses two dresses and two hairstyles from the Store.


    Post edited by Reachsims on
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    JodiRebbyJodiRebby Posts: 1,649 Member
    edited December 2013
    Hahaha, Reach! I did a double take when I saw your avatar; didn't recognise you almost at first!

    Oh thanks for explaining; it is a bit clearer now and the other posts certainly helped as well. :D

    Whatever you and xSorcier decide, it's all good with me! :thumbup: This world is incredible and a bank sounds like a great idea. Yes, stuff happens (who knows how and when inspiration and bursts of creativity will strike?) and we look forward to seeing the result!! :mrgreen:

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    AmaraRenaAmaraRena Posts: 6,533 Member
    edited December 2013
    One more quick question... are we also doing various supernatural lifestates? If so, which ones? I'll make the majority of the Sims human of course but some supernaturals might be fun as well.
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    ReachsimsReachsims Posts: 7,932 Member
    edited December 2013
    I would think you can make any Sims or Supernatural life-states that you want. Personally, I don't play with them in my worlds too often, because within a Sim's two week period, about 75% of my world will be turned over to these other life-states, rather than there being a handful or so of these creatures. EA has never picked up on the concept that Less is More. :roll:

    Letter to EA: < = >

    We can also use a few horses. If anyone knows of some players who make beautiful horses, that would be helpful information to have.
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    xSorcierxSorcier Posts: 346 Member
    edited December 2013
    Hi everybody :D Thanks for stopping by!

    Since we are following Sharon's brilliant idea about the Bank of Households I think you should make some Supernaturals, they fit very well with our theme and players can chose the type of Sims they want to add. I would love to have some, specially vampires and witches :):):) Actually, we have a witch hut at the badlands!

    I can't say much about the way I play because I don't play a lot!! I mostly start a family and play for a few days and then, after that, I go back to building...I think I've never played for more than one generation :oops:

    *I recently changed my origin ID from levijeronimo to xSorcier.
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    xSorcierxSorcier Posts: 346 Member
    edited December 2013
    I want to send an enormous thanks to Cinjan1969 for generously gifting me with Aurora Skies :D
    *I recently changed my origin ID from levijeronimo to xSorcier.
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    Starsaphire2Starsaphire2 Posts: 315 Member
    edited December 2013
    xSorcier, thank you for posting the beautiful snowy pictures. It's such a pretty world and I so look forward to exploring it.

    Reach! Love your new Côtes d'Ambonnay avatar. Yeah, she will be in my world. :-) And thank you, thank you, thank you for the empty lots and the ability to play in the sandbox too. :D

    I like a 'normal' look to my sims when playing. I tend to use testingcheats to change any town sims from rainbow colored to one of the more basic skin tones. And though I have a world filled with fairies, I never add them to 'normal' types of worlds as they stand out too much. I wish I had the ability to 'hide' their wings. I like weres, but wish they would autonomously prefer to roam and howl at a fishing lot (instead of crashing a party) on a full moon. :shock: So I don't usually place either of these types of supers, but I often add a vamp or two, they add to scary streets and dark bars :wink: And I get a kick out of playing the only witch in town, creating lots and lots of potions, and eventually creating a two or three generation witch dynasty.

    Oh yeah...there will be a new witch dynasty in Côtes d'Ambonnay.

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    sharonxyzsharonxyz Posts: 811 Member
    edited December 2013
    xSorcier and Reach: You are both so brilliant and talented!! Have a happy and safe holiday and thank you for all the new gorgeous pictures!! :D
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    ReachsimsReachsims Posts: 7,932 Member
    edited December 2013
    Thanks so much, friends! It's a busy week for all of us but we wish you all good things. We will try to have some pictures up again later this week. The Armagnac Manor and The Strand are both ready for upload when I can settle on a good time and day to do so.

    Your support is appreciated so very much! Thanks to one and all!

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    AmaraRenaAmaraRena Posts: 6,533 Member
    edited December 2013
    xSorcier wrote:
    Hi everybody :D Thanks for stopping by!

    Since we are following Sharon's brilliant idea about the Bank of Households I think you should make some Supernaturals, they fit very well with our theme and players can chose the type of Sims they want to add. I would love to have some, specially vampires and witches :):):) Actually, we have a witch hut at the badlands!

    I can't say much about the way I play because I don't play a lot!! I mostly start a family and play for a few days and then, after that, I go back to building...I think I've never played for more than one generation :oops:

    Okay sounds good! After the holidays I'll add some more families, a few of which will be supernaturals. :)

    I play a bunch of different games mostly because I like making Sims and building... I basically actually just play the game when I get tired of building! LOL

    Happy holidays to you all!
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    ReachsimsReachsims Posts: 7,932 Member
    edited December 2013
    Good news for anyone wanting to turn off the fairies wings in-game -

    From Tremerion's Crypt - Invisible Fairy Wings

    This mod makes Fairy wings invisible. For all ages.

    There are 2 versions of this mod.
    1. Wings are invisible in game and in CAS --> InvisibleFairyWings

    2. Wings are visible in CAS only --> InvisibleFairyWingsCAS
    This one is perfect for setting the color of your Fairy's light.

    More information and Download at the above link. Both versions are in the download. Use only one version at a time!


    The above mod was made with Create your own no effects mod tool by VelocityGrass at MTS.
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    ReachsimsReachsims Posts: 7,932 Member
    edited December 2013

    Calling Sharon! -- :mrgreen:

    Uploaded to the Exchange --> Armagnac Manor

    :!: NOTE: The lot this goes on in Côtes d'Ambonnay is sloped downhill on the back left. If you add this lot to a different location/world, you can simply level out the back left corner. Lot size = 40 x 25.

    Revised and enlarged version of my Battersea Merchant's House. Lovely medieval home with most upgrades. Small but perfect garden, large cellar and exquisite wine collection. Partly furnished three bedroom, one and a half bath with several bonus rooms ready for decorating. Discreet covered parking for one vehicle. Small outbuilding, stable with barn. Lot is flexibly built so you can make some modifications. Bring your horse. Includes a crib. No 3PCC. For Cotes d'Ambonnay by Reach - 12/2013.



    Recs are always appreciated. Have fun and enjoy the lot! More pictures can be seen on the upload.
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