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Welcome to Fabulous NEW Vegas - Fallout: New Vegas ***TESTING OPEN, MAJOR WIP***

Money1000125Money1000125 Posts: 236 New Member
edited March 8 in Nominated Threads

Day 4 | Currently Working on - Homework

Dear fellow simmers, for the past two months I have been researching and taking notes on the possibility of a world very near to my heart. As some of you may know, my first ever world was Arcadia, this world had been based off of a game known as Fallout: New Vegas. I feel as if I'm now ready to undergo this major world, the Mojave Wasteland itself. After playing with some parts on CAW, mostly just figuring out how to grid the world, and how to reconstruct the world, I believe with the experience I've gained, and the tricks I'll learn over time, this world will be ready just in time for the end of Summer. This will be my Summer project, in fact.

- In short, one of my big summer projects will be the creation of Fallout: New Vegas for all of you.

As for the usage of items...
- All 10 Expansion Packs will be required
- Casino Items from the Lucky Simolean Casino will be required (Don't worry near-future testers, I don't own these yet)
- Custom Content made either by me or by generous helpers will be used, the links for download will be available here on this first page
- Store Content will only be included if it can be obtained for free

For you fans of New Vegas,
Most lot types can be accommodated with the world as is, junkyards, barbershops, consignments, bars, museums, military bases, etc. there will be a JUNK-LOAD of hidden tombs for you're wasteland exploring self. Some lots, such as Vaults, will be altered to act as residential homes. This post-apocalyptic world will attempt to feature all the major aspects from all ten expansions, in addition to the feel of New Vegas.

Roads will be slightly hard to work with (seeing as Fallout: New Vegas does have roads, yet they are completely torn to shreds and no one drives.) I'm not to certain how this will turn out. I do know roads are required for many Sim aspects like schools and jobs, yet the usage of cars would give the world a slightly different feel. I do have some ideas for this, possibly changing the textures of cars like taxi's and police, and giving sims worn and torn cars to use. I do know Fallout has a large - Explore the world by foot, stringent. Sim's worlds are slightly different. This matter will be looked into.

There are 4 DLC for New Vegas, I'm planning to make these as travel destinations for an added bonus (after the Main world is completed, of course)

Both my xbox360 and game are back at my home (No, I do not play New Vegas on the PC), so I am unable to begin the process of quickly creating this world until my summer vacation begins, and my HD-television ships home. This should be around the middle of May. I also do not want to actually "start" the world until I have University and my game updated for it. I have begun on some aspects, but am waiting until I can have some of the nicer aspects from this expansion (Like vending machines, dumpster diving, the works.)

I hope you all are as excited as I am, soon sims will walk the mojave wasteland.
For these next three weeks, bear with me. Please leave any comments or concerns below.

The World Thus Far (Look through rest of thread for photos)

I know there is not much to test out, but if you could test what exists, and comment on problems and such in helpful manner (Not things like "Ehhh, world's laggy"), this would be truly helpful. I don't mind if you test by doing hardcore everything possible, or if you test just by casually playing the world as is. If you come up across something, like sims stomping their feet in anger because of routing, weird graphic glitches, lot tearing, etc, please let me know. I don't need a picture for everything, but if the problem can best be described with one, please use it. If you happen to find an easy solution to this, such as moving an object a space over, inform me with your solution, too. I really appreciate any help you can offer, as this will speed up production.

There is a temporary space for your sims to live in as no residential homes are currently preset in this world. This space will fulfill your needs.

Here is the link to the testing world


1. Download this world, and install it like you normally would.

2. In your game files, find the DCBackups folder, then open it.

3. Organize the folder by date so that the most recent date appears at the top of the folder. The file will be at the top, with an hideous file name.

4. Rename it to Fallout: New Vegas - Testing, AND remove the .package extension and change it to .world extension. YES, you DO want to do this (if your computer asks).

5. Cut that file from the DCBackups folder, and then go to this folder -
C:/Program Files/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Game Data/Shared/NonPackaged/Worlds

6. In your Worlds folder, paste the Fallout: New Vegas - file.

Here's some help if the download page scares you like it does me. I had to buy a new computer because of stupid malware...


For the Creation of Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas and rightful ownership of their games
- Bethesda Game Studios
- Bethesda Softworks
- 2K Games
- Obsidian Entertainment

For the Creation of The Sims 3 and Create-A-World
- Electronic Arts

For Helping with this World
- Andrioidsdreams

For Mods and Custom Content Used
- None Yet

- Adobe for Photoshop
- Google for Google Sketchup
- Tech-savvy Simmers and their brilliant tutorials
- S3pe (Can someone please let me know the name of this developer?)

4/25/13 - World Announced!
4/26/13 - Prospector Saloon
4/27/13 - Fixes to Prospector Saloon, Good Springs General Store, First attempt at Roads, Terrain Painting, _img replacement for commercial dumpsters
4/28/13 - First Testing World Open (at 12:09am)

Thank You for all your help, comments, concerns, patience, and thoughts!
Post edited by EA_Cade on


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    AndroidsdreamsAndroidsdreams Posts: 75
    edited April 2013

    Dear fellow simmers, for the past two months I have been researching and taking notes on the possibility of a world very near to my heart. As some of you may know, my first ever world was Arcadia, this world had been based off of a game known as Fallout: New Vegas. I feel as if I'm now ready to undergo this major world, the Mojave Wasteland itself. I've been playing with some parts on CAW, mostly just figuring out how to grid the world, and how to reconstruct the world. I believe with the experience I've gained, and the tricks I'll learn over time, this world will be ready just in time for the end of Summer.

    In short, one of my big summer projects will be the creation of Fallout: New Vegas for all of you.

    I have not yet decided upon the custom-content usage, mods, or free-store content. I DEFINATELY want to include gambling in these worlds, and will look into a way to get the lucky simolean casino for the slots and blackjack (wish there was roulette.) This will likely use all 10 EP's, no SP's, and a major amount of testing (and probably some minor alterations to give the world a well-rounded feel for simming.)

    Most lot types can be accommodated with the world as is, junkyards, barbershops, shops, bars, a museum, some military bases, etc. there will be A JUNK-LOAD of hidden tombs for you're wasteland exploring self. This post-apocalyptic world will attempt to feature all the major aspects from all 10 ep's.

    Roads will be slightly hard to work with (seeing as Fallout: New Vegas does have roads, yet they are completely torn to shreds.) I'm not to certain how functional they will be (no one drives in New Vegas, anyways.)

    There are 4 DLC for New Vegas, I'll make these as travel destinations for an added bonus (after the Main world, though)

    My xbox and game are back at my home, so I am unable to begin the process of creating this world until my summer vacation begins, and my television ships home. This should be around the middle of May. I also do not want to actually "start" the world until I have University and my game updated for it.

    I hope you all are as excited as I am, soon sims will walk the true mojave wasteland.
    For these next three weeks, bear with me. Please leave any comments or concerns below.

    Sounds good, good luck. :)

    If you need any screen shots from the PC version of fallout new Vegas let me know. :)
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    Money1000125Money1000125 Posts: 236 New Member
    edited April 2013
    That would be very helpful actually, My current plan is to just run around the game and build from what I see (sort of like what I did with another world of mine in the progress). What's good about this game is the amount of open world it has, so I can easily create what I see. I've been planning out on just how the heck I'm going to recreate some of New Vegas' more crazy characters like the Nightkin, or Victor and Rex. I will likely have to use some custom content I'll take a shot at making (especially for outfits!) If the world contained all 10 EP's, the casino content from the store (Once I can afford it), and custom content from one download only, you think this would be sufficient? I also looked into the matter of some lots with large populations (Reppconn, NCRCF, the Casinos), and am wondering if a way to overcome the lot limit of 8 sims is possible. (I wouldn't want to have a bunch of random copyable sims like nightkin in the basement for Reppconn, but enough to make the point.)
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    AndroidsdreamsAndroidsdreams Posts: 75
    edited April 2013
    That would be very helpful actually, My current plan is to just run around the game and build from what I see (sort of like what I did with another world of mine in the progress). What's good about this game is the amount of open world it has, so I can easily create what I see. I've been planning out on just how the heck I'm going to recreate some of New Vegas' more crazy characters like the Nightkin, or Victor and Rex. I will likely have to use some custom content I'll take a shot at making (especially for outfits!) If the world contained all 10 EP's, the casino content from the store (Once I can afford it), and custom content from one download only, you think this would be sufficient? I also looked into the matter of some lots with large populations (Reppconn, NCRCF, the Casinos), and am wondering if a way to overcome the lot limit of 8 sims is possible. (I wouldn't want to have a bunch of random copyable sims like nightkin in the basement for Reppconn, but enough to make the point.)

    You will definitely need some custom content for some of these characters, but don't let it put you off of doing it.

    I'll have a look around the net about it when I get some free time to do so and see what I can come up with.

    Some of the Nrass mods allow more than 8 Sims on a lot. I forget which one exactly.

    Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
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    Lizpearl87Lizpearl87 Posts: 33 Member
    edited April 2013
    That does sound cool! In my opinion, you should not put roads. My opinion is slightly biased though, based on me loving big worlds with no roads. Plus, I think for a post-apocalyptic world it would fit better to not have roads. You could use a terrain paint to make it look like ruined roads. It could also work with roads, though. I've never played fallout but I have heard a lot about it. Looking forward to this. I swear I'm about to try out your other post-apocalyptic world, it looks so cool, I'm just working on a world right now and my sister keeps criticizing me for not finishing anything I start so I aim to prove her wrong. Thanks for offering up interesting worlds for those of us who like to play in different ways. If it weren't for creators like you the sims would be very....vanilla.
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    Money1000125Money1000125 Posts: 236 New Member
    edited April 2013
    I looked into that. I saw someone had made recreations of Boone, Arcade, and one of the legionaires (I think Vulpus?). I also saw nraas mod for i believe upto 24 sims? 24 should DEFFINATELY be plenty. I also looked into the mods over on Vegas Nexus (or whatever it's called) and am looking to see if I can extract the meshes from the game itself, to get some of the more nicer things (like the Novac Sign, or some clothing)
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    Lizpearl87Lizpearl87 Posts: 33 Member
    edited April 2013
    Oh, I believe twallan's master controller allows more than 8 sims per lot but I think you also need his portrait mod so that they are all selectable. I wouldn't overdo that, though, as there can be issues if you go overboard with a bunch of sims. I know, I've done it.
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    Money1000125Money1000125 Posts: 236 New Member
    edited April 2013
    Thank you Lizpearl, the thing about worlds is that they take ALOTTA time. I myself can't only work on one at a time (I'd get so frustrated that I'd hate the world and rush it at the end, sacrifing so much quality!) I have about 4 worlds I'm working on right now which I have announced.

    As for the blandness of the sims, I don't mind a good world here or there with some realistic things, but I've been a lover of themed stuff. Like how the flintstones still watch TV and go bowling, but use rocks and animal cruelty! I really think the New Vegas world can play just like any other sims world, except with a far awesome theme.

    And for roads, I'm really not a fan of them either. I don't like how textures are applied to them, and I don't like working with them in CAW. Though they are helpful for sloping terrain smoothly, I'll likely use be invisible sidewalks for wasteland wandering sims with some method of creating roads that don't affect routing or push the terrain paint limit of 8 I have.

    I'll also have to look into finding some of the vegetation in the world. There's not many trees if I recall (New Vegas is more of a desert). On one playthrough i managed to get to a forested area (my expression: A TREE!?!?).

    ALSO, the reason I put no spoilers is since I actually have never beaten the game I've had 5 attempts, a reason for each why I couldn't. 1 was b/c i made a really bad character, leveled poorly, and couldn't even play with it. 2 was since my game data froze on me, and my earliest save was 12hours before. 3 was since I recieved Fallout 3, and then just got Fallout-tired. 4 I only played for a few days with some cousins, we tried to beat the game as quickly as we could. Similar to 1's scenario. And then 5's reason was since I had to go back to college to finish second semester. So you're probably thinking, am I crazy enough to START THE GAME A 6TH TIME?

    YES! I AM! this time, I am playing WITH the DLC, so I naturally thought to myself, 6th time's the charm!

    Storywise, I made it all the way to Boomers on my 3rd playthrough, but I did the most side-stuff on my fifth.
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    Money1000125Money1000125 Posts: 236 New Member
    edited April 2013
    how overboard is "Overboard"?
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    AndroidsdreamsAndroidsdreams Posts: 75
    edited April 2013
    Thank you Lizpearl, the thing about worlds is that they take ALOTTA time. I myself can't only work on one at a time (I'd get so frustrated that I'd hate the world and rush it at the end, sacrifing so much quality!) I have about 4 worlds I'm working on right now which I have announced.

    As for the blandness of the sims, I don't mind a good world here or there with some realistic things, but I've been a lover of themed stuff. Like how the flintstones still watch TV and go bowling, but use rocks and animal cruelty! I really think the New Vegas world can play just like any other sims world, except with a far awesome theme.

    And for roads, I'm really not a fan of them either. I don't like how textures are applied to them, and I don't like working with them in CAW. Though they are helpful for sloping terrain smoothly, I'll likely use be invisible sidewalks for wasteland wandering sims with some method of creating roads that don't affect routing or push the terrain paint limit of 8 I have.

    I'll also have to look into finding some of the vegetation in the world. There's not many trees if I recall (New Vegas is more of a desert). On one playthrough i managed to get to a forested area (my expression: A TREE!?!?).

    ALSO, the reason I put no spoilers is since I actually have never beaten the game I've had 5 attempts, a reason for each why I couldn't. 1 was b/c i made a really bad character, leveled poorly, and couldn't even play with it. 2 was since my game data froze on me, and my earliest save was 12hours before. 3 was since I recieved Fallout 3, and then just got Fallout-tired. 4 I only played for a few days with some cousins, we tried to beat the game as quickly as we could. Similar to 1's scenario. And then 5's reason was since I had to go back to college to finish second semester. So you're probably thinking, am I crazy enough to START THE GAME A 6TH TIME?

    YES! I AM! this time, I am playing WITH the DLC, so I naturally thought to myself, 6th time's the charm!

    Storywise, I made it all the way to Boomers on my 3rd playthrough, but I did the most side-stuff on my fifth.

    I have 3 worlds on the go myself, I have only announced 1.

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    AndroidsdreamsAndroidsdreams Posts: 75
    edited April 2013
    how overboard is "Overboard"?

    Your only limit is your imagination and how creative you are.
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    Money1000125Money1000125 Posts: 236 New Member
    edited April 2013
    I've been working with the In-game map in photoshop, placed a grid, and boxed out the chunk boundaries which won't have lots on them.


    As you can see by this 8x8 grid, the entire wasteland itself occupies about 60% of the chunks.
    each chunk (or grid space) is 256x256 spaces. The largest lot size is 64x64, giving me the ability to place, in just 1 chunk, 64 of the largest lot spaces. (Not really b/c of a required space between lots, but basically 64 very large lots). I don't think any shrinking of the lots is going to be required here! This is AWESOME! I might actually have to space some of the lots out a little bit.

    I'll have to use a water tile for one the area with the dam (Last time i checked, the thing that generates them didn't work for me.)
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    AndroidsdreamsAndroidsdreams Posts: 75
    edited April 2013
    I've been working with the In-game map in photoshop, placed a grid, and boxed out the chunk boundaries which won't have lots on them.


    As you can see by this 8x8 grid, the entire wasteland itself occupies about 60% of the chunks.
    each chunk (or grid space) is 256x256 spaces. The largest lot size is 64x64, giving me the ability to place, in just 1 chunk, 64 of the largest lot spaces. (Not really b/c of a required space between lots, but basically 64 very large lots). I don't think any shrinking of the lots is going to be required here! This is AWESOME! I might actually have to space some of the lots out a little bit.

    I'll have to use a water tile for one the area with the dam (Last time i checked, the thing that generates them didn't work for me.)

    Thats great. :) I'll try to help where I can if I can be of any help.
    This project interests me as I once had plans to mod fallout New Vegas.

    Edit: have you looked into getting the height map for the terrain in Fallout new Vegas?
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    Money1000125Money1000125 Posts: 236 New Member
    edited April 2013
    Terrain maps would be difficult because of all the icons and such, But I could try looking into using one as a stencil of some sorts
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    AndroidsdreamsAndroidsdreams Posts: 75
    edited April 2013
    Terrain maps would be difficult because of all the icons and such, But I could try looking into using one as a stencil of some sorts

    That sounds like it might work.
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    Money1000125Money1000125 Posts: 236 New Member
    edited April 2013
    Well I couldn't find a heightmap for New Vegas yet, but I did use the grid to place down roads. The world will fit perfectly! No scaling necessary! I mapped out a spot for Goodsprings (This will likely be where I start working), and I remembered this time to pay attention to the sun. (I used images online to locate the sunset) I might be able to actually begin working on the world, but I'm only going to work with the Goodsprings area until I can actually run around in-game to match everything up. I also found a nice photo of an areal view of Goodsprings, which I'll be referencing for the time being. I'll try to put up some pictures soon.

    Here is the plan for Goodsprings. I drew in where the lots would be so I could place the objects. Some things will need to be created like the ruined homes, I'll look into recoloring the rocks. Not too sure how to fake the road, though.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    edited April 2013
    I have been asking Sims to create a fallout type world ever since they did that poll asking if we wanted an apocalyptic world or an Alien world,you would think with as many votes as an apocalyptic world got they would have created that too.I'll definitely be watching for this one. :P
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    AndroidsdreamsAndroidsdreams Posts: 75
    edited April 2013
    Well I couldn't find a heightmap for New Vegas yet, but I did use the grid to place down roads. The world will fit perfectly! No scaling necessary! I mapped out a spot for Goodsprings (This will likely be where I start working), and I remembered this time to pay attention to the sun. (I used images online to locate the sunset) I might be able to actually begin working on the world, but I'm only going to work with the Goodsprings area until I can actually run around in-game to match everything up. I also found a nice photo of an areal view of Goodsprings, which I'll be referencing for the time being. I'll try to put up some pictures soon.

    Here is the plan for Goodsprings. I drew in where the lots would be so I could place the objects. Some things will need to be created like the ruined homes, I'll look into recoloring the rocks. Not too sure how to fake the road, though.

    Hello again. Your planning seems to be going well. :)
    I am trying to find a perlin height map for you of the fallout new vegas wasteland. but no luck so far.

    On the other hand I may be able to help you in regard to custom textures, I'm no expert texture artist but I am getting better at it.

    I know I offered to take you some screen shots of Fallout New Vegas, however would video be better? I can video capture anything in the game which you request and do it in a way so the camera is moving around slowly, so you can take in the details, just tell me of what and when, that is if video would be better.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Money1000125Money1000125 Posts: 236 New Member
    edited April 2013
    I should be able to recolor things fine as I've done them before. What I'll have to buy and learn is how to create the custom content, and make it show in the CAW metadata. You have Fallout for the PC correct, would you be able to extract meshes from G.E.C.K. (i think that's what the Fallout Modding thing is called) and then convert them to files for TSR workshop or something like that? would this be safe for worlds? You could also send the extracted meshes over to me since I'd be persistent on making things the correct size. I'd prefer to start with the large blue trailers as I have nothing similar to them in the CAW metadata.

    As for the videos, that idea sounds nice, but it'd be far easier for me to just run around in game once I have the opportunity to do so. I'm still in college and can't devote all my time to this, but around the middle of May I'm basically summer-free.
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    AndroidsdreamsAndroidsdreams Posts: 75
    edited April 2013
    I should be able to recolor things fine as I've done them before. What I'll have to buy and learn is how to create the custom content, and make it show in the CAW metadata. You have Fallout for the PC correct, would you be able to extract meshes from G.E.C.K. (i think that's what the Fallout Modding thing is called) and then convert them to files for TSR workshop or something like that? would this be safe for worlds? You could also send the extracted meshes over to me since I'd be persistent on making things the correct size. I'd prefer to start with the large blue trailers as I have nothing similar to them in the CAW metadata.

    As for the videos, that idea sounds nice, but it'd be far easier for me to just run around in game once I have the opportunity to do so. I'm still in college and can't devote all my time to this, but around the middle of May I'm basically summer-free.

    Is there some sort of chat or game client which you use, which we could chat on?
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    Money1000125Money1000125 Posts: 236 New Member
    edited April 2013
    No, sorry man. I own the game for my xbox, which is why I'm a little concerned about the meshes
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    AndroidsdreamsAndroidsdreams Posts: 75
    edited April 2013
    No, sorry man. I own the game for my xbox, which is why I'm a little concerned about the meshes

    Don't you have origin?

    I wouldn't take meshes out of one game and then put them into another if I were you.
    You should make or get someone else to make a similar custom mesh for you.

    If you would like, I could try do it, that said, I still need to learn how to put textures onto 3D models (meshes). Which I will be learning to do anyway, as I will be using custom meshes I make myself for my own world.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Money1000125Money1000125 Posts: 236 New Member
    edited April 2013
    I'm not ready to really begin working with most of the meshes yet, but I'll probably come back to that in time. I just want to see what I can get done without them. I still don't own university, but am dying for those vending machines. A lot of aspects from it would be very useful in a number of my worlds.
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    AndroidsdreamsAndroidsdreams Posts: 75
    edited April 2013
    I'm not ready to really begin working with most of the meshes yet, but I'll probably come back to that in time. I just want to see what I can get done without them. I still don't own university, but am dying for those vending machines. A lot of aspects from it would be very useful in a number of my worlds.

    I would love to help you with this world, so I will try and make some meshes for you, no promises, but I will do my best. Maybe we could even figer out a way to make sunset sarsaparilla and Nuka cola vending machines, or if not that some nuka cola and sun set sarsaparilla textures for the ones in university.

    The reason I wont take meshes from fallout new Vegas is legal, So I am not going to take meshes from that game.

    It is why I am suggesting custom made meshes.

    (its legal if we pretty much make replica meshes and give Bethesda credit as the owners of the copyright for fallout new Vegas as far as I know, I am opened to be corrected about this if anyone else knows something I don't about this.)

    Give me a mesh wishlist and I will see what I can do for you. :)
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    Money1000125Money1000125 Posts: 236 New Member
    edited April 2013
    Ahhh, legel issues. Yes, that would be a problem. I'd like to use the ingame objects b/c of the functionality of them.

    Is it a legal issue to use textures from the game? Such as billboards? I was able to find a large number of billboard images online, but would this be a problem? I really wouldn't want to deal with any legal matters.

    And one thing I wasn't able to find in the metadata for CAW were some of those cactus-like trees.
    Here's an image to explain.

    If you could start with these abundant cactus trees, that'd be great! I don't know too much about meshes, but if they could possibly sway a teeny amount on higher settings, that'd be great. I also will need them to appear in the CAW Metadata, and vary size. I'd prefer that these are also able to be clustered in CAW like normal trees, too. I want to keep the file sizes small. If you could do this, that'd be a great start!

    Also, I started working on the Prospector Saloon, I couldn't find many images of of the plan of it. You said you could do videos? If you could possibly get an interior and exterior video of just the saloon, this would also be a good start. I already used a number of reference photos to get the size of the lot and such (20 x 25), but I'm having trouble with some of the interior objects. If you could use new world (where all the objects are default), and slowly pan around, paying attention to details such as lighting, floor and wall patterns, arches, furniture, and the spacing between these objects, this would work well.

    I may not be able to have everything perfectly copied, I learnt accuracy sacrifices quality and performance. So I'll have to find a happy medium between these.

    Finally, I know of a mod called OMSP (One more space please) which allows me to lift and lower objects. Is this mod still compatible and bug-free?

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    AndroidsdreamsAndroidsdreams Posts: 75
    edited April 2013
    Ahhh, legel issues. Yes, that would be a problem. I'd like to use the ingame objects b/c of the functionality of them.

    Is it a legal issue to use textures from the game? Such as billboards? I was able to find a large number of billboard images online, but would this be a problem? I really wouldn't want to deal with any legal matters.

    And one thing I wasn't able to find in the metadata for CAW were some of those cactus-like trees.
    Here's an image to explain.

    If you could start with these abundant cactus trees, that'd be great! I don't know too much about meshes, but if they could possibly sway a teeny amount on higher settings, that'd be great. I also will need them to appear in the CAW Metadata, and vary size. I'd prefer that these are also able to be clustered in CAW like normal trees, too. I want to keep the file sizes small. If you could do this, that'd be a great start!

    Also, I started working on the Prospector Saloon, I couldn't find many images of of the plan of it. You said you could do videos? If you could possibly get an interior and exterior video of just the saloon, this would also be a good start. I already used a number of reference photos to get the size of the lot and such (20 x 25), but I'm having trouble with some of the interior objects. If you could use new world (where all the objects are default), and slowly pan around, paying attention to details such as lighting, floor and wall patterns, arches, furniture, and the spacing between these objects, this would work well.

    I may not be able to have everything perfectly copied, I learnt accuracy sacrifices quality and performance. So I'll have to find a happy medium between these.

    Finally, I know of a mod called OMSP (One more space please) which allows me to lift and lower objects. Is this mod still compatible and bug-free?

    How long may this world take to make? what is the deadline if any?

    The reason I ask is I just figured out how to make custom meshes and I am still just learning how to make textures and how to put them on meshes.

    So animating them to sway might be a bit of a stretch for me at the moment, that said I will be learning how to animate once I am better at making textures and adding them to my meshes.

    I know nothing about the one more space mod, sorry.

    I will look into getting their size to vary and them to cluster in CAW.

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