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The Cielo Ranch: Legacy and FFC - Chapter 3 (foals 2 and 3) on page 8

NOTE: I had to restart the challenge but will still use this thread. The first chapter of the restart is here.

This is a fifty foal and legacy challenge so I decided to follow the standard legacy challenge rules along with the standard FFC rules with a few exceptions(simply because in some places the rules conflict):
• In the legacy challenge only one Sim is allowed to be made in CAS, well since this is also a FFC, one horse (male or female) was also made in CAP.
• Sims can have regular, rabbithole jobs unlike in the original FFC rules.
• Lot size must be 64 x 64 like in the legacy challenge.
• My goal is both to reach generation 10 of my family and have AT LEAST 50 foals be born in game and I dedicated myself to not quitting this at any cost so I might have way more than 50 foals be born or way more than 10 generations. I must accomplish both.

Also apologies for any spelling mistakes etc - I have only lived in the UK for 6 years and knew no English before having moved here so I'm hoping my English won't give anyone a headache :D

Almost forgot...

This is Gabrielle Talbot (Young Adult, female, traits: green thumb, lucky, horse lover, angler, natural cook, LTW: Jockey), the human founder for this challenge,
and her horse Belle (an adult mare of no official pedigree, made by me :), traits: agile, fast, obedient), the founding mare for this challenge, she will be later replaced by another horse as I am trying out alternative 2 of the FFC.

They have just recently moved to Lucky Palms to start out fresh and new... Well, ok, so they had to move to Lucky Palms; Gabby has always been a horse lover but her parents didn’t quite agree with her passion. When she finally gathered her courage and told them that she saved up some money and bought a horse she was thrown out of her house... And so Gabrielle travelled far and wide with the newly purchased Belle until they found this lot that was within their budget and decided to settle there – it happened to be in Lucky Palms.

Foals out of Belle:

1. Libeccio, colt - sired by Zając; EC Holstein; traits: shy, neat
2. Rosa, filly - sired by Zephyr; adopted mixed breed; traits: agile, untrained, fast
3. Demeter, filly - sired by Smok; adopted mixed breed; forgot to write down the traits
4. Hera, filly - sired by S'mores Praire and Desi a Fifty Foal Challenge
5. Kora, filly - sired by Demon
6. Herakles, colt - sired by Charlie Praire and Desi a Fifty Foal Challenge
7. Celeno, filly - sired by Prometheus The Alteran Fifty Foal Challenge Version II

Foals by Herakles:

1. Menelaos, colt - out of Faith from the L&S: Fifty Foal Challenge
2. Apollo, colt out - of Cameo (adopted from pet shelter)


1. Belle - founding mare for this challenge


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    Iweta1314Iweta1314 Posts: 179 Member
    edited September 2012
    The busy beginnings

    Gabby and Belle weren’t quite pleased with how the lot initially looked so just after they moved in I set out to build the very foundations of their new home... Here are the results.
    It still wasn't much but it was enough for the very start - everything needed to train horses was there and so were all the furniture that is absolutely necessary for the sims to survive.
    Since there was nothing to do on their, still quite deserted, lot Gabrielle mounted her mare and they set out towards the Equestrian Centre (EC). Gabs wanted to waste no time waiting and decided to have Belle studded on the very day of the move.
    Gabby soon realised that what she learnt, at the single equestrian summer camp back when she was 12, about horses and horse riding was not enough fro her to feel fully comfortable about horse riding around the town... So as she was making her way through the town her facial expression was screaming “I do not want to do this!”
    After almost half of the day the girls managed to get to the EC. There, after much consideration Gabby chose to stud Belle with Zając, a beautiful Holstein stallion who was quite shy but very neat...
    After the procedure Gabby sent her mare home for some well deserved rest whilst she stayed at the EC and took a horse riding lesson.
    However before doing so she made a phone call to the local pet shelter.
    She decided to adopt a little colt named Zephyr, the lady from the shelter said he was agile and fast but was also likely to need some training when he grows up, he also seemed to have wonderful markings.
    She was told that the foal will be dropped off on her property soon and sure enough the little colt was there just before Belle arrived home from the EC.
    Unfortunately the little boy turned out to be almost an exact copy of our Belle (which forced me to edit him in CAP once he grew up).
    Some time later Gabs got out of the EC. Seeing that it is getting dark she decided to take a cab home.
    Zephyr was the first thing that Gabs saw after getting out of the cab, even though it was dark and the colt was sleeping she could clearly see how much his looks resembled those of her mare... At that point she wasn't really hopeful about the genetics in her future breeding business...
    Gabby quickly realised that Belle did not have any food as yet and very quickly set out to spread some hay for her. Just as she finished she heard quiet whining, turning around she saw it was Zephyr so she rushed inside and prepared some formula for the little colt.
    Done with all this Gabrielle had a quick dinner and settled to sleep. Meanwhile Belle decided to get to know her mini-me :)

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    madhu_vatimadhu_vati Posts: 406 Member
    edited August 2012
    Very nice start! I really look forward to seeing how your foals turn out, and how your legacy goes :D . Good luck!
    Rainbowcy: story home, forum thread
    Completed 50 foals challenge: Prairie and Desi
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    Iweta1314Iweta1314 Posts: 179 Member
    edited August 2012
    An uneventful day

    When the morning arrived the horses still seemed to be in the same place. Belle seemed very interested in the little colt - almost like she didn't know what to make of their resemblance to each other :)
    Since he and Belle had barely any that night Zephyr decided to try out the stall and he immediately fell asleep. Meanwhile Belle just wandered around the farm tending to her needs.
    Soon after Gabby got up, and after taking a quick shower, she headed off to the City Hall (CH) to officially register as a horsewoman.
    On her way home Gabrielle decided to drop by the local bookstore to get some books on horses, horse breeding and riding and similar stuff...
    Then she was on her way home, just after making a mystery phone call, throughout all this time both the horses were asleep in their stall.
    Since it was already getting late Gabrielle rushed over to sort the horses out before tending to herself. First off she fed the little colt some formula, he seemed really hungry after sleeping the whole night through and drank the whole bottle in no time. Then she gave him a good brush, and just as Belle was helping herself to some hay Gabby gave the little colt TLC.
    When the little foal run off Gabby decided to have a quick meal seeing that her mare is also busy, enjoying a sip of water, at least for the moment.1154a5f4.jpg
    Having rushed her meal, Gabby went back outside to sort out a few last things, but whilst spreading the hay all that she could think of was sleep... The poor girl then remembered that she still has to pay the bills.
    When Gabrielle finally headed home Belle was training and little Zephyr run around. Oh, also Belle's pregnancy has been confirmed! Foal #1 on the way.
    Gabby slipped into her bed with her head still full of her horses.

    madhu_vati: Thank you, I have already got two foals but only managed to start putting the story up yesterday so they will appear shortly - foal 3 is also in the making but it will take some time before it comes around to be :) Thanks for the good luck as well - I will probably need it soon, with the start of uni and that :) for now I have decided to have as much sims time as I can before the course starts because I don't know how much time I will have after it happens...
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    DweiathecatDweiathecat Posts: 1,005 Member
    edited August 2012
    Nice. :) Bookmarked!
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    Iweta1314Iweta1314 Posts: 179 Member
    edited August 2012
    Thank you Dweiathecat, I've gpt your challenge bookmarked to for quite some time but couldn't post any comments due to rubbish internet connection on my holiday... :/ I was lucky if I actually managed to read anything :(

    Anyway - I am finnaly getting to the first foal in my updates so I'm really excited but it really isn't that special looking a foal... But I love it - fighting hard to call the foal it to not give away the gender :D

    Also decided to speed this up a little by posting two chapters at once so here we go :)

    A Friend for Little Zephyr

    When the sun came around it was greeted by Belle, who was still working hard on her racing skill, and little Zephyr who was curiously watching the mare.
    Meanwhile Gabby was just starting to stir in her bed and consider waking up...
    But she quickly remembered that the ranch needs to be sorted out and in no time she was eating her cereal, whilst Belle still trained and Zephyr now a little hungry still watched her closely.
    With her mouth still full of the cereal Gabrielle rushed outside to feed her little colt and show him how much she loves him.
    After a quick glance at Belle, to make sure she wasn't going into labour just yet, Gabby headed back into the house to enjoy one of her books about horse riding.
    It wasn't long though before she heard whining coming from the outside. When she reached the stall however the little foal had already made its way into this world.

    It's a colt!

    Meet Libeccio...
    And some more pics of the newest addition to the Talbot family...
    Having made sure both mommy and colt are all good Gabrielle went back inside to continue her read, but now she was proud like never before of her wonderful Belle!
    It was this probably that helped her understand a little more of what she was reading...
    In the meantime the two little colts were very curious of each other. Eventually Libeccio worked up his courage and walked over to Zephyr. First both of the colts were a little cautious... [sniff] [sniff]
    But in no time the duo was going wild!
    And as Gabby headed out to feed Zephyr she couldn't help but smile to herself seeing the two boys playing together! When Belle took over to show her son some affection Gabs stepped in and quickly fed the other foal...
    Soon after Gabby hit the bed early, deciding she needed some rest after this day. The horses on the other hand had no intentions of going to sleep. Belle enjoyed trying her strengths on the jumping trainers (or whatever those little things were called - the game on my laptop is in Polish and the names are totally different :/) whilst the two colts just wandered around the ranch...

    A Small Change

    As the sun came up the next day it was greeted by the sight of three sleeping horses. Poor Zephyr had to sleep on the ground, outside the stall... The poor colt felt a little lonely, he knew Gabrielle couldn't sleep with him and Belle had to sleep with her little son...
    Not long after the sun's come up however Gabrielle was on her feet. She showered and had a quick breakfast just as Libeccio was having his.
    When he was full he went into the stall, leaving Belle free to have her breakfast. Just as she was having it Gabby was feeding Zephyr too.
    But Libeccio seemed unsure of what he really wants to do - before Zephyr managed to finish his bottle the other colt was out of the stall and curiously staring at his mother...
    After her meal Belle went over to the water trough she was a little confused when she saw Gabby entering the stall. It turned out the human needed to spread some new hay in the stall which Belle really appreciated.
    Meanwhile the two colts were playing with each other yet again.
    Since the youngsters were occupied Gabs decided that it was time for Belle to continue her training so she mounted her mare, with slight difficulty and a moment of wild screams about the horse's head being missing and such...
    And when she finally sat the right way around she directed Belle towards the training grounds.
    They run, and run and run.
    Thankfully Gabby's riding skill was now at a decent level and she didn't mind the long journey that much, she actually found it quite enjoyable.
    Though she enjoyed herself Gabby had a sore bottom by the time she managed to get to the training grounds with her mare. The later had a bit of a backache too but they both were determined to do some more training regardless.
    The obstacles were a bit too great a challenge for the tired horse and her rider and after a few attempts at the course Gabrielle decided to head back home and let her mare have some well deserved rest.
    And again Gabby enjoyed the ride regardless of being tired, though it was hard work Gabby was happy to now see that her decisions were not as reckless as her parents always told her.
    Just as Belle set her hoof on their lot the girls were approached by, a rather angry, Zephyr. He seemed to be trying to let Gabby know how awful it was when both her and Belle were away and only agreed to quieten down when Gabrielle brought a bottle for him.
    Belle on the other hand was approached by Libeccio who, without making a single sound sound, quickly took to satisfy his hunger... At the same time Gabby was 'enjoying' some juice for her dinner...
    Zephyr was long asleep when Belle finally got to satisfy her hunger and thirst. Just as she was doing so Libeccio also settled for some sleep.
    Before long Belle joined her little colt and quickly fell asleep in her stall too.
    By this time Gabby was already sleeping and all she could dream of was her horses!
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    malsq9malsq9 Posts: 972 Member
    edited August 2012
    Love it! The first foal is beautiful! Can't wait to see more!

    Got you bookmarked! :wink:
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    Iweta1314Iweta1314 Posts: 179 Member
    edited August 2012

    malsq9: thank you :) I have to say I do love the first foal :) his younger sister turned out to be a mummy clone so so far he looks like the one to take over from Belle but I hope some more interesting foals show up before the time comes :)

    Love Is In The Air

    Something didn't feel quite the same that day. Regardless, as soon as he woke up Libeccio still run around and played as he always did. Having woken up Gabby also started on her usual, morning routine, taking her usual quick shower and having some cereal...
    Having finished her breakfast Gabrielle headed out to tend to her horses, but she stopped a little confused when she saw a maid. She quickly remembered that she hired one yesterday and decided to chat to him a little since by now she was starting to miss human company.
    It seemed she wasn't the only one interested in the Sim though. Not long after she reached the maid she was joined by the two little colts who decided to listen in to their owner's conversation.
    With nothing to talk about she chose to comment on the weather in Lucky Palms (which reminded me of TS3 Seasons which was announced the day before I got this far in my challenge... Made me think my Sims are as excited for this pack as I am xDD)but the maid seemed to be enjoying the conversation. Gabby seemed to be enjoying it too and she certainly liked the new maid more and more with every minute.
    Meanwhile the colts engaged in their own conversation both agreeing that they hate chicken...
    Then Gabs made a sudden decision and gave the maid some flowers. A little shocked, he accepted them and stuttering tried to tell her that the flowers are as pretty as she is.
    Then, as Zephyr repeatedly told the world how much he hates chicken (he sure is a stubborn horse :) ), Gabrielle gave the maid a massage under the excuse that "he does such hard work".
    Meanwhile Libeccio nursed from his mum totally oblivious to his owner's new romantic interest..
    It wasn't long before Gabrielle kissed the maid for the first time, thinking about how fast things move...
    The only comment Zephyr had for that was how much he hates chicken (I told you he's stubborn o.O).
    Unfortunately Gabrielle knew it was getting late and she had to say goodbye to the maid since she did nothing on the ranch that day. So after the quick goodbye she set off to work starting with feeding Zephyr his last bottle...
    He didn't drink much as it was time for his birthday and as he was about to grow up Gabby was still thinking about Julian, the maid.
    Since Zephyr still looked just like Belle when he grew up he got a quick make over... He's the brown and white one, enjoying his first solid meal ever in this picture.
    While Gabs got ready for sleep, Zephyr decided to try his strength with Belle.9458f18b.jpg
    After some nuzzling and grooming the horses got to know each other much better...
    Then the ranch settled in to sleep.

    Sudden Decisions

    The following morning the horses were getting to know each other better again, before Gabrielle was even out of her bed.
    Unfortunately just after Gabby got up she was greeted by a rather unpleasant smell... Following her nose she quickly found that it came from the toilet which must have broken, so without hesitation she took out the tools and started repairing it.
    She was still doing this, completely forgetting that she was still wearing only her PJs, when the maid came.
    Meanwhile Belle was nursing her little colt while Zephyr caught up on sleep.
    Having finally repaired the toilet Gabrielle rushed outside to spread some hay for the horses.
    Then she looked around trying to find Julian, her hopes high that he likes her as much as she likes him.
    She soon found him outside but still on the ranch. She decided to start it off easy and asked him to tell something about himself.
    At the same time Zephyr was grooming Belle, leaving Libeccio to tend to himself. Not much time passed before they were trying for a foal yet again...
    Whilst Gabby was sweet talking Julian the little colt decided to let them know something about a syrup. Unfortunately his Sim was too busy to notice anything... So Libeccio decided to leave the two Sim alone.
    After all the sweet talking, whispering in the ear and a massage Gabrielle decided to take the risk. She knew it is very sudden but she also knew that she never felt like this before. Very nervous she asked Julian to go steady with her and she was jumping in joy when he agreed.
    After a passionate kiss...
    Gabby decided to risk it again...
    And she after another few minutes she was engaged!
    After a few more kisses, massages and similar interactions Gabrielle thought that since they've already gone this far then why not...
    Having explained to Julian that her only family are her horses and she knows no one in Lucky Palms apart from him Gabs asked if he would mind if they had a private wedding. She was surprised to find out he only moved here too and had no friends yet and he did not want to speak of his family at all.
    Having heard that Gabby had only one more question for Julian. Now slightly more confident, she asked him if he would mind having the wedding right there and then. She couldn't believe her luck when he agreed.
    Overjoyed and excited she did not oppose when Julian dragged her to their bedroom to enjoy ad he said "their first wedded night".

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    DweiathecatDweiathecat Posts: 1,005 Member
    edited August 2012
    Aww. Love it! XD And the kids will 'make no messes' now. ;D

    ...Hey. Marrying the maid. Hmmm. Something for Temeraire maybe... ;)
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    Iweta1314Iweta1314 Posts: 179 Member
    edited August 2012
    @Dwei - I actually did not have that in mind initially, it was just that she needed some help around the ranch and I wanted to bring the next generation in before there is too many horses so when Gabs hired a maid and he turned out to be pretty nice looking (had no traits whatsoever for some reason, had to do that myself) I got Gabrielle to talk to him and the rest is visible in the previous post :D but once they got married I remembered about the no messes thing and I can't say it's not convenient xDD Oh, and I can't wait for another update to your challenge :)

    Also the foal thing was a false alarm xDD I just got the sim-days mixed up and now realised that the foal was only conceived on the next sim-day :)

    A Growing Ranch

    Zephyr was out and working on his jumping skill from very early hours of the morning. Just a short while later Belle was woken up by a hungry Libeccio. Gabrielle woke soon after, feeling a little queasy though...
    As Zephyr, now a little sweaty, decided to talk to Belle. (sometimes I think that he thought he was human the way he behaved - work out and go flirt with the girl xDD) After some talking Belle decided to give him a good groom and soon enough they were getting to know each other better again...
    Meanwhile inside Gabrielle was taking a quick shower and was terribly hungry. She completely forgotten about her morning queasiness... Just as she was doing so Julian made some autumn salad for breakfast.
    Having eaten the salad Gabrielle was haunted by a sudden suspicion that the veggies she had in her fridge might have been spoilt as she dashed for the bathroom door...
    On top of the weird queasiness that was coming and going throughout the day, Gabrielle also felt a little more emotional that day. Almost like a teenager again, feeling sudden urges of passion whenever Julian walked by... A fair few of those ended in a pretty predictable way...
    Meanwhile outside the horses were just having a slow, relaxed day...
    Overcome by another one of those urges, Gabby decided to join Julian in the shower, with the excuse of saving water...
    After all he's seen that day Julian was becoming more and more suspicious of what might be going on with his wife, so without hesitation he called a cab and, whilst on his way to a job interview, he bought a few pregnancy tests, meaning to leave them somewhere in the bathroom.
    Back at home Libeccio aged up into a wonderful stallion, though with most or even all of mommy's markings he still had a little of his father in him! (Sorry for the dark pictures but they don't have that much money so there is little lighting in the garden)
    Meanwhile having carried out his plan as soon as he was back home Julian decided to join Gabrielle, who was reading a book on horses. Taking one of Gabby's old, less advanced books Julian decided to start his adventure with these powerful creatures with a little theory first...
    Meanwhile outside, whilst Libeccio slept, Belle and Zephyr got some private time again and before long they tried for a foal again. This time with success so foal # 2 on the way!
    Soon after that, the horses on the ranch slowly settled in for some sleep, and once more they were one stall short...
    Back inside Gabrielle had a sudden come back of nausea. Whilst in the bathroom she spotted a pregnancy test had magically appeared on the sink, seeing it made Gabrielle a little suspicious of what the whole thing may be about...
    A little wary Gabby decided to take the test and it turned out that there is a baby on the way. "Now this will be a busy ranch now" she whispered to herself, still not quite believing that she got pregnant on her first married night...

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    DweiathecatDweiathecat Posts: 1,005 Member
    edited August 2012
    Wait... Julian?!

    I thought that maid looked familiar! It's Julian Simmons right? Right?!

    Oh, the hilarity.
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    Iweta1314Iweta1314 Posts: 179 Member
    edited August 2012
    It might be... When I was writing up the updates I actually did not even remember his name so in my Word document he appeared as [name] xDD he had a pretty big nose which has gotten corrected and in one of the updates they manage to get themselves a dresser and he finally gets a makeover... What's the hilarity though...?
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    DweiathecatDweiathecat Posts: 1,005 Member
    edited August 2012
    Iweta1314 wrote:
    It might be... When I was writing up the updates I actually did not even remember his name so in my Word document he appeared as [name] xDD he had a pretty big nose which has gotten corrected and in one of the updates they manage to get themselves a dresser and he finally gets a makeover... What's the hilarity though...?

    He happens to be Temeraires maid. ;) My plan on marrying the maid backfired you see... I'm calling him Julie though. ;)
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    Iweta1314Iweta1314 Posts: 179 Member
    edited August 2012
    Well you can always fire him and try and hire another maid... Maybe the next will be a female. By the way, simply out of curiosity... Do you just live in Sweden or are you originally from there because the names you gave Temeraire and Iskierka make me think I know what book you read if you happen to know Polish...
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    DweiathecatDweiathecat Posts: 1,005 Member
    edited August 2012
    We'll see. I kinda like him. ;)

    Yup. *points at location*

    <----Never lived elsewhere. :)

    Edit: I wish they had dragons in TheSims3. Love them. X)
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    Iweta1314Iweta1314 Posts: 179 Member
    edited August 2012
    I do too :) they were pretty cool back in TS1 and I read a lot of fantasy books... Including the Temeraire series :) but I'm waiting for the most current book to come out in Polish...
    And I never knew Iskierka's name is the same even in the English books... Just to explain myself - Iskierka means sparkle in Polish but I forgot the author has a Polish mother... I feel really silly now... o.O

    And dragons are really cool ;)
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    DweiathecatDweiathecat Posts: 1,005 Member
    edited August 2012
    Iweta1314 wrote:
    I do too :) they were pretty cool back in TS1 and I read a lot of fantasy books... Including the Temeraire series :) but I'm waiting for the most current book to come out in Polish...
    And I never knew Iskierka's name is the same even in the English books... Just to explain myself - Iskierka means sparkle in Polish but I forgot the author has a Polish mother... I feel really silly now... o.O

    And dragons are really cool ;)

    I never played TS1. I Started with TS2... So I never got to see them. :(
    It's the same in the Swedish books too. Don't know much about the author... other than the fact that she writes fanfiction... :P
    Currently on a library list waiting for the latest book(in English). It's taking ages. -.-

    I wish I was a dragon. :(
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    Iweta1314Iweta1314 Posts: 179 Member
    edited August 2012
    Being a dragon would be nice :) especially one like Temeraire but with my character I'd probably be more like Iskierka :) hehe
    And I could read the book in English but I've read all the previous ones in Polish and own them all so will wait until it's released in Poland... But in the mean time I have a lot of other books awaiting my attention xDD like Stephen King's books :) I love fantasy but I would also die for a good horror book :)
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    DweiathecatDweiathecat Posts: 1,005 Member
    edited August 2012
    Iweta1314 wrote:
    Being a dragon would be nice :) especially one like Temeraire but with my character I'd probably be more like Iskierka :) hehe
    And I could read the book in English but I've read all the previous ones in Polish and own them all so will wait until it's released in Poland... But in the mean time I have a lot of other books awaiting my attention xDD like Stephen King's books :) I love fantasy but I would also die for a good horror book :)

    I don't know which one I would be like. Probably one of the calmer ones. ^^' You mentioned one of my foals in your challenge btw... Any hints? ^^
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    Iweta1314Iweta1314 Posts: 179 Member
    edited August 2012
    I plan to have Quahtli, Prometheus and Itzlcoatl (I hope I spelt it right) bred to Belle but one of them might be changed to Ianos or Dionysus coz I just love them all :D but didn't get that far in the gameplay...
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    DweiathecatDweiathecat Posts: 1,005 Member
    edited August 2012
    Iweta1314 wrote:
    I plan to have Quahtli, Prometheus and Itzlcoatl (I hope I spelt it right) bred to Belle but one of them might be changed to Ianos or Dionysus coz I just love them all :D but didn't get that far in the gameplay...

    It's Quauhtli and Itzcoatl. You can change the sex of my mares too if you want. ^^
    *votes for Quauhtli and Dionysus* Though Ianos line is looong... I mean...

    *Cough* Ianus is the son of Anacaona and Lucky.
    Anacaonas parents and grandparents you know.
    Lucky is the son of Cheetah and Kuon.
    Kuon was born in my original challenge and his parents was the founder Janus and the mare Kyoko.

    Ianos is the greek version of Janus btw. ;)

    Big family tree huh? ^^ And his grandmother Quincy still lives in my ISBI where her line will continue even further. ;D
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    Iweta1314Iweta1314 Posts: 179 Member
    edited August 2012
    I might use Quauhtli, Itzcoatl and Prometheus and use Ianus in another generation :) as for the mares they probably won't be undergoing any sex changes as I will do the challenge so that a stud takes over from Belle and then a mare from him and etc.... So far not much luck with the heir though as out of the three foals two are fillies... I know it's a give away but oh well...
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    Iweta1314Iweta1314 Posts: 179 Member
    edited August 2012
    A Relaxed Time (Or Not)

    Exhausted after the night’s sickness Gabby slept through the normal time she would have gotten up at, so Julian decided to sort out all that needed to be sorted out on the ranch. So as the horses were just starting to wake up Julian was already in a taxi and on his way to the book store and groceries. Whilst at the latter Julian saw some beautiful wild horses.
    When he got home he picked up some congratulations letters from the mailbox and went back inside for some breakfast.
    As he was writing thank you notes in response to the received letters Gabs told him that she was pregnant and though not surprised he was a hell of a happy father and wrote on with a big smile on his face. Gabby was just standing there munching on a watermelon.
    As the horses were training outside Gabs and Julian decided to read a little about pregnancies and babies over the unfinished breakfast.
    Deciding that she’s had enough reading for the day Gabrielle went outside to try to bond with Libeccio a little more. She told him about her pregnancy whilst cleaning his hooves and brushing him. She hoped he understood more from it than she did from what he was saying back to her...Meanwhile Zephyr and Belle slept in their stalls.
    At that same time the other horses were sleeping.
    “You’re such a handsome young stallion, boy” Gabs said to Libeccio deciding to spend some more time with him “Maybe you’ll help me out after your mum, huh?” at this he gave a little nod and Gabs laughed.
    When Gabs went back inside, as quietly as she could, she found that Julian wasn’t sleeping yet and was actually still reading that book about horse riding, so she ate another watermelon (“**** those cravings! But that watermelon looks so tempting...” was all Gabs could think of at the time) and headed back outside to start a little garden.
    Whilst Libeccio was working on his jumps and Belle trained to improve her racing skill...
    Gabs decided to read some more herself as Julian was getting ready to sleep.
    Meanwhile outside Zephyr and Belle ate and drank and when he was done Zephyr set out to improve his jumps some more.
    And inside Gabby was still reading even though Julian had fallen asleep already. Soon after she had one more watermelon and went to sleep to dream about her horses.
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    DweiathecatDweiathecat Posts: 1,005 Member
    edited August 2012
    Mmmm. Watermelons. X)
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    ulightupmylifeulightupmylife Posts: 422
    edited August 2012
    I didn't read the last too update kinda busy but i will read them soon
    And if you don't mind of updating me on my page whenever you got update up i will be so happy because i'm kinda busy with my stables and my FFC so i don't check everyday but i will check from time to time
    Bookmarked :wink:
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    Iweta1314Iweta1314 Posts: 179 Member
    edited September 2012
    @Dweia - I normally play the matriarchal alternative of legacy challenge but it's harder to just wait it out until a girl comes along "naturally" when new foals must be born that often to keep the challenge going so yes - mad cravings for watermelons ;P

    @ulightupmylife - sure, I'll let you know whenever an update is posted :D I've got you bookmarked as well btw :)

    Changes on the Ranch

    As Gabs was dreaming about their unborn baby Julian was getting ready to work.
    When she finally got up Julian was gone so instead of having a proper breakfast she had another watermelon again (yes, I do want a girl – playing a matriarchal legacy in the end).
    By this time a little fed up of doing nothing Gabrielle decided that she cannot go on like that for much longer, especially that Julian now had a full-time job in the City Hall and so had less time to help out on the ranch.
    When she headed towards the stalls the horses were minding their own business but seemed happy to finally have her visit them again. She filled up the water trough and luckily enough she did not understand Zephyr who was telling the other horses she looked big enough to carry twins...
    As Belle and Libeccio were enjoying some fresh water Gabby took Zephyr to the EC. Sadly it was time to say goodbye to him, as his foal was due anytime now.Having him stud a mare at the EC for some income Gabby sold Zephyr to a breeder who lived in Appaloosa Plains.
    Whilst she was at the EC Gabby noticed a beautiful brown horse. He was young but had severe trust issues due to being abused as a foal. Gabs felt really touched by his story and decided to adopt him knowing full well that the EC worker wasn’t joking when he said this horse won’t be good whilst being trained... Regardless she bought the handsome young stallion with a full knowledge of the problems that might pop up whilst training him.
    Back home Gabrielle left Smok free to roam the lot with the other two horses so that he could relax before she started to deal with him and his issues. She paid the bills whilst Smok stood and observed Belle and Libeccio. Soon after he decided to have some hay rather than disturb the horses both of which were training right then.
    Inside the house Gabs was already sleeping whilst Julian read another pregnancy book. When Gabby woke up he was practising some speech in front of the mirror so she decided against disturbing him and went outside and tended her little garden.
    After all the hard work Gabrielle felt that having some watermelon was in order.
    Libeccio and Belle were still up and were having their dinner when a scream broke through the night...
    “Help! Someone, anyone, please help!” Julian totally lost his head when Gabs told him that she went into labour.
    “Stop it for Christ’s sake! I’m the one going into labour right here!” it seemed that the labour pains were making Gabby quite irritable, “I’ll have it here – no need to waste time and money to get to the hospital.” She said to Julian and then added more to herself “I mean if Belle could do it on her own so can I, can’t I?”
    The contractions seemed to be taking forever so Gabby told Julian to make sure the house is clean for the arrival of the child. To be honest though she did it so that he (and the panicky atmosphere that surrounded him) is out of the room she was giving birth in.
    Soon after that little Pandora arrived, Gabs gave her a bottle straight away and then put her in the newly purchase swinging chair.
    Btw, yes the house was expanded during the labour so that the bedroom is now a separate room.

    Oh and sorry for the amount of birth pictures - I just love the sims' facial expressions when they give birth xD

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