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The Novelcy Chalenge--Official Rules Posted on Page 2--Come try it out!



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    Ailatan99999Ailatan99999 Posts: 639
    edited December 2011
    Thanks so much! I just found this and am starting one soon :D
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    KyrstenAKyrstenA Posts: 1,893 Member
    edited February 2012
    First of all, I'm so glad that this is still being looked at ^-^ I'll definitely be around more often now that I've gotten some stuff done in the last couple months.

    @Zelda Thank you so much!! I hope you take on the challenge at some point ^-^

    @Silver That sounds smazing so far! I assume Frank and Joe Hardy are he famous Hardy boys and of course there's the Nancy Drew name drop. Is Charity based on a different mystery series, or is she made up? I'm loving it so far and I really hope you continue with it!

    @Dreamer I originally had an idea to create a 10 generation legacy where each generation was based off of a Victorian classic. I'll create a post that follows this one with a better explanation of what I mean :) And if you've already started it, make sure you post a link!

    @Nez Thank you!! I hope you choose to do one yourself!

    @May That sounds like an amazing one to do! Pets would come in super handy with it too :) Make sure you post a link! And did you know that she's written a ton of books?? You could totally to an author-based legacy.

    @Pegsaus It's your own legacy, so feel free to do whatever you'd like! I think that'd be great to do :D

    @Ailatan Hooray! Make sure you post a link! I'd love to read it.
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    KyrstenAKyrstenA Posts: 1,893 Member
    edited February 2012
    For some further explanation about what I mean by this, I'll give you guys a slightly more detailed example:

    If I wanted to do a legacy based off of the Victorian era classics, it may look something like this:

    Gen 1-

    Eliza is my 'founder/heir,' I tell her story, she falls in love with Mr. Darcy just like in the story, and then I tell what happens afterwards.
    This would conclude the Pride & Prejudice generation.

    Gen 2-

    Mr. and Mrs. Darcy had one baby - Jane, named after Eliza's sister. Sadly, Eliza and her husband died around the time when Jane was 6. Jane was left with Mr. Darcy's sister-in-law, Miss Reed, who treats Jane cruelly (anyone know this one so far? :) )
    Jane gets shipped off to boarding school and eventually goes to be a governess for Mr. Rochester, who she eventually falls in love with and continues the family with after I finish telling their story.
    This concludes the Jane Eyre generation

    Gen 3-

    Jane and Mr. Rochester have two children, Catherine and Hindley. One day, Mr. Rochester came home with a young boy of a dark complexion named Heathcliff.
    Not long after, his wife Jane died, leaving Mr. Rochester to raise Catherine, Hindley and young Heathcliff alone.
    Blah, blah blah Catherine and Heathcliff fall in love when they're older but are forced to stay apart and Catherine has a baby and names her Catherine as well.
    This concludes the Wuthering Heights generation

    (Now, because Catherine and Hindley are the blood related children to Eliza/Darcy & Jane/Rochester, young baby Catherine would be the next heir and I would have her continue the following generation :) )

    What I meant about music or songs could relate to the lyrics. For exaplme:

    If you have Adele's song, "Someone Like You," you may choose to have a character who had broken up with an old boyfriend and had trouble watching him grow to love and marry someone else. In the end, she'll be with someone who will fit her better and she'll find herself happy with her ex and his family.

    With this said, it's probably best if you did a song legacy that you choose songs that actually have story-based lyrics and not jumbly bumbly lyrics (not that those are bad :) )
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    schyisloveschyislove Posts: 617 New Member
    edited July 2012
    i might try this with Sarah Dessen's books :D
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    madhatter123madhatter123 Posts: 5,624 Member
    edited November 2012
    I think I'll try this. A "The Monkey's Paw" gen, anyone? :D
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    zerhaizerhai Posts: 21
    edited December 2012
    oh wow, this is a great idea, hmmm
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    HappyDaiz12HappyDaiz12 Posts: 12
    edited February 2013
    this is so much fun. i only started this a few weeks ago but i'm already on gen.2.
    Gen 1 was based on the song 'good morning sunshine'. all the children's names where based on the sun so when my founder had a boy called Light, i made Gen 2 based on well Death Note :).
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    ChaoticAshChaoticAsh Posts: 1,056 New Member
    edited March 2013
    I will be giving this a go :)
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    ChaoticAshChaoticAsh Posts: 1,056 New Member
    edited March 2013
    Do you have the rules/point systems updated yet by chance?
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    BohemianGirl83BohemianGirl83 Posts: 1
    edited May 2013
    I have never done a legacy challenge after sifting through all the variations this caught my eye. I will be doing this. So excited!
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    backstrokerrulebackstrokerrule Posts: 2
    edited May 2013
    Cool!!! I have never done a legacy before so I think this may be my first one!!! I was thinking of doing one by the notebook because that is a really cute topic, or a sleeping beauty one. Also, I might try to go for one off the book "Delirium". Obviously there would be more than one gen in all of them :)
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    liliesinbloomliliesinbloom Posts: 18
    edited June 2013
    As an English major as well I can't tell you how excited I am about this idea of yours. I closed my eyes, ran my fingers over the spines of all my books and stopped when it felt right. Guess what book I landed on? The controversial, but brilliant, Lolita... oh my.
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    ShiverGirlShiverGirl Posts: 252 New Member
    edited June 2013
    Hmm, I may try this. It looks really cool! :D
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    EeveeKiwiEeveeKiwi Posts: 4
    edited July 2013
    You have put what I've been struggling to do to words. :D I love makings families from my stories but never was able to keep them going. This is great. <3
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    LadyRavenJadeLadyRavenJade Posts: 11 New Member
    edited January 2014
    I'm thinking of having JK Rowling as my founder then she can name all her kids after Harry Potter characters, but who should she marry?
    Maybe she should find a doctor to marry then I can pretend they are a dentist and they can have Hermione because you never learn her parents first names. Hermione's parents would be muggles, but she could get a potion to turn her into a witch because I have supernatural.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    LadyRavenJadeLadyRavenJade Posts: 11 New Member
    edited January 2014
    Ohhhh, but her first name is Joanna which is the same name as Lenard McCoy's daughter from start trek. I could do that first.

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