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Werewolves SimGuru/Maxis-Sourced Info

luthienrisingluthienrising Posts: 37,632 Member
edited March 5 in Nominated Threads

Thanks in advance to everyone who helps source info! Thanks as well for keeping on topic here — these thread can sometimes move fast even on topic as marketing ramps up, depending on the marketing plan for a pack. This isn't a discussion or questions thread. I’ll link out to other particularly active threads.

For general excited anticipating together, follow @catloverplayer's countdown thread:

NOTE: I won’t be updating after the 11th, or able to finish the p. 1 lists before I go.

Official Blog Posts, Trailers, & Livestream Links


Announcement Blog:

Pack Description:

Upcoming Dates
Livestream: Friday, June 10, 2022 at 11 AM PDT
Pack launch: Thursday, June 16, 2022


General Werewolf Gameplay
Beyond rocking a fearsome form werewolf Sims will have unique temperaments and abilities, be affected by the phase of the moon, and experience wolf-specific life events.
- Key Features

becoming a Werewolf:
Were you bitten, or were you born into a werewolf family?
- Key Features

Life as a Werewolf:
Find a pack to prowl the night with, meet your fated mate atop Howling Point, or shun all that and try to make it as a lone wolf.
- Key Features
The town’s pack members are also always up for a good spar at the pit – assuming you have the claws for it.
- Announcement Blog
With every howl, scratch, and transformation, a werewolf can grow their power to unlock new abilities, such as running swiftly on all fours, marking their territory, lunar resistance, and even immortality. But it’s not all steaks and sparring! As their power grows, so do the unique ways in which that werewolf views the world. These are represented by a growing number of temperaments, each of which distinguishes how that Sim’s fury may grow.

Speaking of Fury, it’s probably time we talk about the most important aspect of every werewolf’s life! At all times, a werewolf’s fury is growing. Using your unique werewolf powers, sparring with other werewolves, hanging out in beast form, being under the full moon, or doing behavior that conflicts with your temperaments will push fury to increase more quickly. Once maximum fury is reached, a transformation is imminent!
- Announcement Blog
There [Grimtooth Bar and Bunker] you can find the Werebies remedy (disclaimer: not the cure for lycanthropy - that’s another thing entirely)
- Announcement Blog

Werewolf rampages:

Looks like Werewolves can tear up gardens and smash and scratch objects:

Do Werewolves transform where you want or only because of the fury meter? Both!

Can Werewolves be in wolf form in the daytime? "Depends!"

Werewolves can shake water off (like a dog wolf) even in Sim form:

"Can we woohoo with werewolves?" asks acidlure. Yes!

Do Ghost Werewolves have wolf form? Yes!

Toddler gameplay:

“Teach to Howl”:

“Toddlers get a little bitey”:

Will Toddlers howl on their own?

Moonwood Mill is home to two distinct wolf packs: the Moonwood Collective - a pack of seasoned, rustic werewolves that value tradition, community, and self-control - and the Wildfangs - a scrappy, free-spirited crew of rebellious werewolves that value self-improvement, self-acceptance, and are inspired by punk and grunge aesthetics.

To join either one, visit their hangout and get to know the pack. Once you’re on good terms, the pack’s Alpha may challenge you with a few trials. Complete those and you’re in. The work doesn’t end there, however! Joining either pack comes with its own obligations, hierarchy, and dos and don'ts. As a member of the pack, you represent something greater than yourself - and someday, if you play for paws right, you might even become the Alpha and represent the pack itself.
- Announcement Blog

Nature of the different Werewolf Packs:

Lunar Cycles:

Are lunar cycles in this world only? No
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