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In-Game Pulsating Popup Packs Ad: Community Reacts


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    alanmichael1alanmichael1 Posts: 5,459 Member
    It doesn't pulsate in my game
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    Cassandra52182Cassandra52182 Posts: 525 Member
    @EA_Cade Ahh but hearing us isn't the same as listening to us now is it. It seems the bare minimum of what the player base wants is for the cart to only appear on the home screen, however most of us simmers want it gone completely, the patch where it just lessens the pulsing isn't far enough of a fix on this issue. As with some other simmers I too will not update my game or purchase anything else until this button is at least taken out of gameplay, and I encourage my fellow simmers to do the same, even if the packs that come out are ones we really want. This kind of obtrusive advertising in a game where most of us have already spent $100's of dollars is not an acceptable business practice and needs to be stopped right here and now, or who knows what else you'll come up with next to "enhance" our gameplay.
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,098 Member
    edited February 29
    @EA_Cade Thank you for compiling all of our feedback from multiple places and passing it on to EA, it must be a huge job, and thank you also for continuing to communicate with honesty and courtesy in both directions.

    TS4 was a game for purchase for a long time and then it became essentially free-with-ads.
    I use some free-with-ads services and listen to some free-with-ads podcasts. The ads are annoying but I get it about why they're there and accept that my attention to the ads is the cost of using the service.
    I can see why EA wants to adjust to a free-with-ads model now that the game is free to download.

    1. The game wasn't made free because of being a free-with-ads game. It was made free largely because of its age. Kinda like the way I bought TS2 with lots of expansions from the Apple store in the early days of the pandemic for like $34.99. It cost me way less than it would have if I'd bought TS2 and the expansions at release. In the land of software, an older product is a less valuable product.
    2. Many many players already paid for the game before it became free. Those free-with-ads services often come with a purchase option, where you can pay money to eliminate the ads. At the very least, the shopping cart button should be completely eliminated for those players. Buying the game should buy the ability to remove the cart.

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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,098 Member
    PS Thanks @83bienchen for posting about the Simmatically mod. I have just downloaded it and it will now be mod #2 in my game
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    AncientMuseAncientMuse Posts: 1,072 Member
    One more post in this thread, and then I'm done with all this drama.

    I just want to throw out some 'food for thought' spaghetti to see if maybe this will stick to EA's wall?

    Marketing 101

    If you want to sell your product:

    a) Ensure your product is the best quality it can be.
    b) All parts function as advertised.
    c) Generally meets your customer's wants/needs.
    d) The selling price is made reasonably affordable for overall general consumption (if that's your targeted demographic).

    Shoving ads into your customers' faces (during their gameplay time of all things) while your product is still broken in many parts (aka not functioning as advertised) AND after they've already spent hundreds of dollars (10 years later)? That does not sell more of your product.... that just simply insults your customers' intelligence.

    If you want to convince your new F2P players to buy more of your add-on products, then at the very least, allow your older players (the ones who've been opening their wallets for the past 10 years) the option to completely get rid of the invasive/offensive button in their game options.

    Don't insult the many, just to sell to the few.

    That is all. :|

    My Gallery ID: AncientMuse2
    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." ~ Mark Twain
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    RepoRepo Posts: 344 Member
    I am happy that the emergency patch worked to stop the cart blinking and I unhappy that we have a cart in game at all. I will likely finish out the Sims 4, buying what I like and ignoring what I don't and never buying a thing from that blasted cart. However, that cart looks like the future of the Sims, and I won't continue if that is where the future Sims game goes. @mightysprite brought up a good point above about the Sims 4 base game going for free. We have been told that the new Project Rene will be free to enter. Does this mean that because the new game is free that players will be constantly and aggressively targeted by advertising while in game as well as have to suffer micro transactions and higher priced DLC? That is what you get when you play a game that is "free".
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    simmeroriginsimmerorigin Posts: 1,477 Member
    He/him | Simmer since Sims 1 | Sims 2 wants-based rotational player, Sims 3 legacy player | My gameplay rules via PleasantSims | Bring back challenge and depth to the Sims:
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    simmeroriginsimmerorigin Posts: 1,477 Member
    He/him | Simmer since Sims 1 | Sims 2 wants-based rotational player, Sims 3 legacy player | My gameplay rules via PleasantSims | Bring back challenge and depth to the Sims:
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    Katofhyrule12Katofhyrule12 Posts: 810 Member
    edited February 29
    EA_Cade wrote: »

    Please do remember to post in accordance with the forum guidelines. I don't want to have to remove your post full of well thought out points just because you sprinkled in that "EA is a stinky meany face" as well.

    I know you're a passionate bunch and this is a topic you feel strongly about, but please help me help you.
    Thanks for spreading our feedback!

    Something to add from my side:

    This game is a safe space for many people and for a variety of reasons. For me personally it's a coping tool to deal with anxiety and lack of control in the real world. Since Sims 1.

    Constantly being nagged with ads doesn't feel safe. Realizing you're nothing more than a cash cow doesn't feel safe. Being lied to doesn't feel safe (and I consider the emergency patch a lie since the pulsing button has just been replaced with a flashing light). And let's not forget: buying save corrupting packs doesn't feel safe.

    I wish the people in managing positions would realize how very different this community is and what the game means to us. And how much impact their decisions have not only on our fun but on our (mental) health.

    I was actually looking forward to buying Crystal Creations (after all it looks like a very good pack). But these patches created so much negativity and anger that I don't feel safe nor welcome anymore.

    So, the light turns off after the shopping cart is clicked? The only way to turn off the light is to click it? The light was designed to be so irritating that we will choose to LEAVE our game to turn it off, and while we are outside our game, we become a captive audience that is subjected to an advertisement that is designed to manipulate us into doing something we had previously decided NOT to do. I think a more subtle form of manipulation would be more effective. This just makes us angry. Or worse, it makes us feel unsafe.

    If we want to buy a pack, we purchase it BEFORE we load our game. We do not want to wait through a loading screen TWICE. The only customers that will purchase packs while being subjected to this type of heavy-handed manipulation are the most vulnerable people that deserve to be protected instead of exploited. A post above says not to call EA a "stinky meany face". Okay, please help us help you. Some of us truly don't know how to describe what is happening to us with the vocabulary that is allowed.

    We are allowed to make "I" statements? We are allowed to say that we don't feel safe? Is a roll call allowed?

    @flauschtrud doesn't feel safe
    @Katofhyrule12 doesn't feel safe

    Does anyone else want to go on record as feeling unsafe?

    What if this becomes the longest Sims forum thread ever? A thread that lists how many people around the world no longer feel safe. What a way to say Goodbye to this forum!

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    LeucosiaXLeucosiaX Posts: 1,853 Member
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    LeucosiaXLeucosiaX Posts: 1,853 Member
    There is also a mod by SimMattically.
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    rjssimrjssim Posts: 1,347 Member
    I just read about this, and this is not cool. Like I'll buy everything that is offered, but having an annoying flashing cart button on the UI is just bothersome and breaks immersion from the game. I really hope they remove this.
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    Katofhyrule12Katofhyrule12 Posts: 810 Member
    I am glad for all you PC players that mods are being released.
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    Clarity88Clarity88 Posts: 11 New Member
    I agree with many of the commenters before me. I don’t want this cart button in the game at all. I’ve played this game for years and have spent hundreds of dollars on it already. And I’m frustrated because so many packs are buggy or just don’t work. The shopping cart reminds me of how much I’ve invested in this game, and it reminds me of the disappointment I feel for many of the old and new packs.

    For example, Get to Work is unplayable and filled with bugs that have existed for years. Dine Out is almost impossible to use in game. Wedding Stories has never worked from the moment it was released. And High School Years and For Rent face all sorts of technical problems that hinder gameplay. Yet nothing has been done to fix what already exists. I’m disappointed with the announcement of each new pack because I would prefer to see existing content fixed.

    As for the packs I don’t have yet, the addition of a shopping cart does not incentivize me to purchase them because I know they’re broken and that I would only be disappointed. One of the packs I’ve been wanting lately is Outdoor Retreat, but given its age and long-standing bugs, I know that it won’t live up to my hopes. The presence of a shopping cart on my screen, pulsing or not, will not change that.

    As for the newer packs that perhaps haven’t been selling as well, Sims 4 packs have developed the reputation of being half-finished upon release. We wait months to see if their problems are fixed before we feel comfortable buying them. The addition of the shopping cart button feels tone deaf because it doesn’t address why players aren’t buying these packs. Rather than getting to the heart of the matter, it makes us feel as if the only goal is money. To the dedicated fan base, this is insulting and hurtful.

    Like many others, I ask that you remove the shopping cart from the game screen due to the message that it sends. We don’t need more advertising throughout our gameplay. We need existing game content—both base game and current packs—to be fixed in order to feel incentivized and excited to buy new content. Refreshing existing material and fixing bugs is more important to many of us than launching new, unfinished packs before they are ready. That is the key to increasing sales here. Thank you for your time and consideration.
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    GlacierSnowGlacierSnow Posts: 2,419 Member
    edited March 1
    @LeucosiaX Thanks for mentioning that Twisted Mexi's Better Build Buy mod removes the button. I already use and love that mod so that makes me happier. :smile: I was worried when the first mod that removed it conflicted with the BBB mod.

    @EA_Cade I just wanted to thank you for treating us with such respect and kindness. I'm sure managing this community and being a liaison between us and the company is not an easy job. I was just telling my husband last night how impressed I've been with you in this position. I've been around long enough to have experienced a few others in this role, and I have liked your style the best.

    Mods help, for those of us that use them, so I'm happy to see some getting made. But it is extremely frustrating if we need to resort to a mod to remove this "feature". And it's impossible for a lot of players who can't use mods. I am really hoping this gets resolved by EA simply removing that button. Unlike many other features, this one does not seem to have disagreement among players. I have not seen any player yet saying "I love this button and I'm so glad they added it". It really appears unanimous that it is unwanted.

    I personally do not want any icon on my user interface that draws attention to itself. I was already very annoyed when the sparkle light was added to the calendar button a few patches back. But that one, at least, I thought some players might find useful since it seemed to come on when new events added to the calendar. And it is easy for me to block with an index card propped up against the monitor when I can't seem to get it to shut off by opening the calendar (sometimes it comes right back on again). I want the calendar button to not sparkle, but I have been willing to tolerate it. So I never expressed my irritation in public.

    But I don't feel the same way about the marketing button. It is an unnecessary button, unwanted by all players who have expressed an opinion so far, and it is at the top of the screen where it is hard to physically block from view the way I do with the calendar button.

    I mention the calendar button's added animation, because I am wondering if that was meant to be a test case, to see if we would object to a button that has a flashing light animation. Perhaps we didn't say much about it. But not everything that is felt gets said.
    Seventeen & Maldusk Forum thread link
    My name on AHQ (and the upcoming sims forum) is "GlacierSnowGhost".
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    thesimmer14thesimmer14 Posts: 393 Member
    ......I don't really mind it, personally. 'Tis not in my game, but, if it were, I'd probably just ignore it. :)
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    Katofhyrule12Katofhyrule12 Posts: 810 Member
    I turned on my PlayStation and the update automatically installed. I do have a cart, but it does not pulse and there is no light on it. If I click on the cart, it tells me that I own all the packs, but that there might be more. I do not own the new Crystal Creations, and I do not own all the kits, but I own all of the older EPs, GPs and SPs.

    What is in my game TONIGHT will not make me sick. I don't know what my game would have been like before the hotfix, and I do not know what it will be like tomorrow, but TONIGHT on PlayStation, owning the packs listed above, my game will not make me sick.
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    RapidRabidRabbitRapidRabidRabbit Posts: 138 Member
    I don't even understand why this was implemented. I've never heard a player say "Wow, I wish there were in game ads to help me purchase more DLC."

    Like, no one on Earth would ever have any use or desire for this feature in the first place. No one is asking for this, so what even is the point of having it?
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    cynciecyncie Posts: 4,747 Member
    LeucosiaX wrote: »
    There is also a mod by SimMattically.

    I did the patch, installed the pack, installed this mod and put my updated mods back in. Either the mod to remove the cart is working or I never had it to start with, because I don’t have any sign of a cart. I have one mod that’s throwing an LE at start up, but that’s it. I haven’t had time to do much playing but hopefully tomorrow I’ll see if everything is working. Fingers crossed.
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    FreddyFox1234FreddyFox1234 Posts: 578 Member
    @EA_Cade Thank you for compiling all of our feedback from multiple places and passing it on to EA, it must be a huge job, and thank you also for continuing to communicate with honesty and courtesy in both directions.

    TS4 was a game for purchase for a long time and then it became essentially free-with-ads.
    I use some free-with-ads services and listen to some free-with-ads podcasts. The ads are annoying but I get it about why they're there and accept that my attention to the ads is the cost of using the service.
    I can see why EA wants to adjust to a free-with-ads model now that the game is free to download.

    1. The game wasn't made free because of being a free-with-ads game. It was made free largely because of its age. Kinda like the way I bought TS2 with lots of expansions from the Apple store in the early days of the pandemic for like $34.99. It cost me way less than it would have if I'd bought TS2 and the expansions at release. In the land of software, an older product is a less valuable product.
    2. Many many players already paid for the game before it became free. Those free-with-ads services often come with a purchase option, where you can pay money to eliminate the ads. At the very least, the shopping cart button should be completely eliminated for those players. Buying the game should buy the ability to remove the cart.

    I was thinking this morning of exactly these points myself, @mightysprite, but you've expressed them so much better than I ever could.

    So for new players who download the base game for free, fine - let them have the shopping trolley button in their game. They're getting a basic but good game for free. We had to spend money for that experience, so those players can't really complain about having this form of in-game ad in their game.

    But as soon as any player starts spending money on the game (so, for all of us who bought the game originally, and for anyone who gets the base game for free but then buys any form of DLC), that button should be removed for them. As you say, that's what happens with every other free-to-play game: as soon as you spend money, you get the 'privilege' of having in-game ads removed.
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    flauschtrudflauschtrud Posts: 248 Member
    I turned on my PlayStation and the update automatically installed. I do have a cart, but it does not pulse and there is no light on it. If I click on the cart, it tells me that I own all the packs, but that there might be more. I do not own the new Crystal Creations, and I do not own all the kits, but I own all of the older EPs, GPs and SPs.

    What is in my game TONIGHT will not make me sick. I don't know what my game would have been like before the hotfix, and I do not know what it will be like tomorrow, but TONIGHT on PlayStation, owning the packs listed above, my game will not make me sick.

    My experience so far with the light as well as the pulse was that it was very inconsistent. I built for a while yesterday and there was no light. Then I restarted the game later and there was a light.
    I make gameplay mods! You can find them at CurseForge.
    My first attempt at creating a Sims comic: The Parker-Goth Legacy.
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    Atreya33Atreya33 Posts: 4,532 Member
    @EA_Cade Thank you for compiling all of our feedback from multiple places and passing it on to EA, it must be a huge job, and thank you also for continuing to communicate with honesty and courtesy in both directions.

    TS4 was a game for purchase for a long time and then it became essentially free-with-ads.
    I use some free-with-ads services and listen to some free-with-ads podcasts. The ads are annoying but I get it about why they're there and accept that my attention to the ads is the cost of using the service.
    I can see why EA wants to adjust to a free-with-ads model now that the game is free to download.

    1. The game wasn't made free because of being a free-with-ads game. It was made free largely because of its age. Kinda like the way I bought TS2 with lots of expansions from the Apple store in the early days of the pandemic for like $34.99. It cost me way less than it would have if I'd bought TS2 and the expansions at release. In the land of software, an older product is a less valuable product.
    2. Many many players already paid for the game before it became free. Those free-with-ads services often come with a purchase option, where you can pay money to eliminate the ads. At the very least, the shopping cart button should be completely eliminated for those players. Buying the game should buy the ability to remove the cart.

    I was thinking this morning of exactly these points myself, @mightysprite, but you've expressed them so much better than I ever could.

    So for new players who download the base game for free, fine - let them have the shopping trolley button in their game. They're getting a basic but good game for free. We had to spend money for that experience, so those players can't really complain about having this form of in-game ad in their game.

    But as soon as any player starts spending money on the game (so, for all of us who bought the game originally, and for anyone who gets the base game for free but then buys any form of DLC), that button should be removed for them. As you say, that's what happens with every other free-to-play game: as soon as you spend money, you get the 'privilege' of having in-game ads removed.

    Having that button removed after purchasing DLC... I don't know how I feel about that. From one side it means recognition of those who already invested in the game. From the other side it would reward EA for bugging people with a button until they shell out cash.
    Lilsimsie showed in her video she was getting the cart despite owning everything as a game changer. I think that was before the emergency patch. But what exactly were they trying to sell to her if she already had everything? This makes me feel DLC we bought is not factored in at the moment. And if they do so, how high should they raise the bar? A certain amount of cash spent, a certain percentage of DLC? I really hope the cart will be removed or at the very least stop blinking/flashing/moving in any way.

    I took a long sims break during the sims 3 era. Afterwards I started playing sims free play but I hit a constant wall where I had to buy gems to complete stuff, in other words microtransaction. I chose to buy sims 4 Base game. I chose to pay once upfront and the be able to use that product (and afterwards bought DLC). But I feel like sims 4 is now slowly becoming more and more like a mobile game. I have seen the home screen go from a fun screenshot to filled with adds, I have experienced the introduction of pop ups on the home screen, and now an in game shopping cart that is designed to be impossible to ignore. Where will this end?

    @EAcade thanks for all your patience. I know it's part of your job but I know from experience that having a job that consists (even partly) of hearing and passing on complaints isn't fun.
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    CAPTAIN_NXR7CAPTAIN_NXR7 Posts: 4,517 Member
    I play most of my games on Steam.
    The Sims 4 is the only game that I actively play through the EA app. I see no reason yet to open the app, update the game, use a mod to eliminate a potential shopping cart and buy the latest pack. Believe me, I want to, but the patch has been out for less than a week and the cart button backlash has already been phenomenal for very good reasons.

    EA is well aware that we’re not leaving “BUG” reports. We’re sharing genuine concerns about why that button should not be visible in game mode. Not just for select players, but for potentially everyone.

    We don’t need ads in something that we’ve already paid for. That’s why we paid. You are hurting your most passionate customers, the long term simmers. The Sims means everything to many of these customers. People paid for The Sims 4 because they WANT to play it in order to cope with stress, EA you should have done your research and understand this by now. By implementing a ( absolutely useless) shopping cart you’re reversing the positive effect the game has on players. You’re doing the exact opposite, as so so many have already suggested.

    You’re dealing with (mostly) adult humans, EA, you’re not dealing with robots or automated cash dispensers. That’s not what we are. Sure, over half of us is neurodivergent, but that doesn’t make us less human. Treat your customers like human beings, and not like small babies either.
    When you announced this potentially new feature, you addressed us like we just finished the infant stage. That took the biscuit altogether, and a dry, tasteless crumbly one at that. We’re not toddlers. Just because we act like them sometimes, that doesn’t mean we ARE. Know the difference.

    EA, If that button is so important, I expect a studio representative to address the community directly and explain to us the reasons why it would be good to implement the shopping cart button in gameplay mode. Pitch it to us, the paying customers.
    Tell us why the reasons of having it there are FAR BETTER than the reasons people have for NOT wanting it there. Tell us how it will truly benefit the player. No toddler talk. Adult talk.
    We’re listening.

    If you cannot do that for the community, simply get rid of it.

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    CAPTAIN_NXR7CAPTAIN_NXR7 Posts: 4,517 Member
    edited March 1
    Help. What’s going on with this website….😱

    EDIT: Nevermind. It all went rich-text wonky on me earlier today. I don't think anyone noticed but me. I must be cursed.
    Post edited by CAPTAIN_NXR7 on
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    rjssimrjssim Posts: 1,347 Member
    I just launched the Sims 4 to actually see it. I really don't want this cart there at all. This is not a mobile game and is degrading to TS4. This is something that should be on the title screen not in-game. We know where to buy the DLC if we want it and don't need that cart as a forced method of trying to get us to buy DLC. This is totally like what a mobile game would do. I echo my previous comments about this in that this is not cool, and it's disappointing that they would include this in gameplay. I'm not gonna insult or nothing, but whoever's idea to implement this should have really thought it through. Not cool. Again, TS4 is not a mobile game. TS4 is my favorite game, and it deserves better respect than this.
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