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OMG! Metro UK talks about the problems of The Sims 4 and his team!


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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    edited October 2015
    @kremesch73 Nice post. So nice to read something that actually makes sense. I noticed the circle thing too. XD
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    ErpeErpe Posts: 5,872 Member
    But EA can make money with the Sims if they'd just release a decent product. You say that EA is a big company with a lot of professionals in marketing and sales. If so, then these professionals should be easily able to discern that people are not buying Sims 4 because it is not up to the quality people expect. Therefore it would be a mistake to continue to make low quality smallish Sims games or rather there is a separate market for a high quality Sims 5 game that could generate huge profits if only it were up to the high standards people expect. Furthermore, these sales people should understand that a lot of the Sims 4 sales were made on goodwill and expectations based on Sims 3. In business, you can only shaft a customer once, hence the saying "fool me once...". The Sims 4 is even more of a failure in that light because goodwill, including brand loyalty, has been destroyed, meaning that the next Sims game will be harder to sell, all other things equal. It's difficult to put a firm number on that intangible goodwill and brand loyalty, but I would estimate this to be in the millions of dollars that was lost due to Sims 4.

    If EA is as professional of a company as you make it out to be, then they would understand the above and also understand that the Sims Brand still has value and that they have an uncontested monopoly in the genre. It would be VERY stupid for them to throw away their superior position and brand value because, at the very least, they could sell the Sims brand and rights to another company. Therefore, a professionally run company would definitely make another Sims game because there is profit to be made. However a professionally run company would also understand what went wrong with Sims 4 and correct the mistakes to better align themselves with the consumer. The negative posts and criticisms are a godsend for EA and their staff. We have given them feedback and crucial product information that would cost millions of dollars to replicate.

    If you are an economics teacher, then you should know that businesses can only make money by fulfilling the needs of customers. Businesses don't generate profits by making only what they want and then throwing it out there to the public. A good business gauges what the public wants and then provides them that at a price that gives value to the consumer. Therefore, if EA is the professional company you believe it is, we have every reason to expect that our feedback will be taken into account and a good Sims 5 game will be produced.
    There are two reasons why things don't work as you suggest they should:

    1. Only the developers in Maxis read this forum. The decision makers in the top of EA don't. They are way too busy with plans about EA's other games, considerations about the next game company to buy etc. The head of Maxis will report to them about the game's development from time to time. But EA's top is mainly interested in the deadlines and if the budget for the games can hold. They aren't usually interested at all in the things and details which we discuss in this forum.

    2. EA knows that less than 1% of the simmers ever visit this forum. Therefore they are much more interested in the 99% who just buy games to play shortly. Such customers are often interested in trying a game like TS4 too. But they only attempt as much as possible in as short time as possible and they cheat all the time. Then they go on to other activities until the next expansion is released. Many of them don't have strong computers and they sure don't have the patience to understand a more complicated game. Therefore EA attempts to keep the game simple with low minimum requirements and to always have some interesting new things to use for their advertisings because otherwise those casual gamers are unlikely to buy the games. I also think that EA knows that a lot of those casual simmers are teens.

    Yes I am guessing a little about this. But I am sure that EA knows much more about those things from their market investigations than I do and EA seems to agree with me. So even though I have based my evaluations on my knowledge about a limited group of teen simmers I am still sure that I am rather close to EA's evaluation of the market for Sims games.

    We all here would love a big Sims game with much higher minimum requirements and much more advanced gameplay. But it is obvious that EA evaluates that the market for such a game is just too small. I would like this to be wrong. But also the other game companies seem to agree. So alas I fear that EA is right about this even though we don't like it.
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    ErpeErpe Posts: 5,872 Member
    gamekitten wrote: »
    kremesch73 wrote: »
    gamekitten wrote: »
    There is multi-player game.. there is a single player game..and you can host a server by lan, make an unofficial server and a dedicated server (rent a server but not by devs)..

    I host my own server and play with hubby. The single player game is a bit difficult if you don't know how to other words you can die just logging in by carnivores...XD.. the sea is just as dangerous as land. If you play solo I would suggest playing the single player game.. Any official servers are multi player and filled with not so hot players that will raid your place while you are offline...Stay away from the official servers!!!!!!!!.. You can also go to the server sub forums where other host servers and have their own rules.. This game is huge and I do not suggest just jumping in it .. watch youtubes..

    This game is not for the faint hearted..You start with nothing and it truly a survival game with dinos and ice age mammals...

    Sounds a bit like Monster Hunter. Thanks for clarifying. I'm not faint of heart, but the reviews led me to believe online could still affect offline play. It sounds to me like you're saying that only happens if one played online and then didn't play for several days. I don't have a lot of time to invest in my RL and would only be able to play in spurts, which is why offline would appeal to me more. Now, LAN parties. Ooh... That! I can do!

    They have single player mode...but the game does have time sinks.. taming dinos, hatching eggs, and getting a baby dino to juvenile state. But if you read up you can change the time sinks and tweek the game to your liking example making taming dino/mammal way way less time consuming.. through game files and if I can do it, I am sure you can.. It is a truly you rule game. Just stay away from the official servers and you will be fine. Also others host servers that have nicer communities on their server. And there is a primitive server where you can't surpass stone age...XD.. Check youtubes and the server hosting sub category on their forums.. If you play on an official server you will and can be raided the same day you played if you log out for the day. The official servers do have a bad rep. There is PvP and PvE but the official servers are bad for both ...
    Interesting game which I would very much like to try too. But I am too busy right now with my iPad games. So unfortunately it will have to wait.
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    CherbitDipCherbitDip Posts: 116 Member
    ejoslin wrote: »
    We all know what EA did to Bioware after that rushed mess that was Dragon Age 2. Sales were horrible, fans were upset, the forums and outside gaming forums were just full of complaints so you know what? They pulled the plug!

    Oh, wait, no they didn't. The gave enough time for the next game.

    Frankly, though, if there is a Sims 5 and it's a mobile game or even more simple than Sims 4, I wouldn't buy it anyway so I don't care if that game is released or not. However, if they make a game that appeals to me (and there's more of a chance of that happening if people talk about what they don't like), I'll buy it.

    The sims name itself is worth a fortune. It will be interesting to see what they do with it.

    EA do seem awfully set on the mobile route don't they. The way things are going, I'm not holding out too much hope that they'll actually look at the bigger picture and realise there's quite a large market out there that are just waiting on a really good Sims game.
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    ErpeErpe Posts: 5,872 Member
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    CherbitDip wrote: »
    Erpe didn't like Sims 2 or 3 either because they were too "shallow". I'm struggling to understand the thinking behind defending a publisher that has went down a route that he/she clearly does not enjoy, so much they've already said it's unlikely they will enjoy Sims 5 if it ever comes out! However, all entitled to our own opinion and all that...

    Let me get this strait. This person does not like sims 2 , 3 and 4. Only plays sims freeplay but wants to disagree with so many people in this thread for being disappointed with TS4 after paying EA a lot of money for an incomplete game when they promised a complete base game. I would like to know why this person is even posting in this thread. The only reason I can see is they just feel the need to disagree with people for no reason what so ever when they are not interested in any sims pc games
    The irony is that I like the Sims Freeplay and I liked TS2 very much in the two years I played it. But everybody else seem to have liked especially TS3 much more than I did.

    Even so everybody else but me seem to want EA to stop making big Sims games and only get smaller life simulations in browsers from mainly other companies than EA because this is what is likely to happen if your wish becomes true ;)

    Have a nice future without Sims games ;)

    Everyone wants EA to stop making big sims games? You keep putting words in others mouths that don't exist. This has to be one of the silliest thing you have stated. This thread is about the lack of content in the game. Maybe your in the wrong tread if you think people want a smaller game.
    So why are you fighting so hard to make TS4 into a failure? My problem is that people don't seem to understand how big EA or what type of company EA is. They seem to think that EA is just a small company who only have the Sims games to care about and which they therefore can force to change the game in the direction which they want.

    But on the contrary EA is so huge that TS4 doesn't even get much attention from EA's top who only is interested in seeing if the game is worth continuing on all platforms or not. EA's board probably care much more about EA's many sports games than about the Sims games and they probably also care much more about EA's RPG games. So if people stop buying Sims games for the PC platform then it won't even be such a big thing for EA who already see other platforms as more important than the PC.

    So if TS4's expansions don't sell very well then I am sure that EA without many considerations about it just will decide that the time for such big Sims games with that many expansions is over and that EA should only make smaller standalone Sims games for all the different platforms.

    In other words: You are fighting a battle that you can never win - even though I too would like it more if you had could. But I won't give you a chance because I just can't find that chance no matter how hard I try to see it.

    No one's fighting to make it fail, they are just pointing out the obvious.

    EA ending its involvement in the Sims franchise is not a bad thing.
    EA won't end its involvement in the Sims franchise which belong to EA for good. But if EA can't earn money by using 4 to 5 years on a basegame and then earn the money back by also selling a lot of expansions (which are much cheaper to make) then EA will just make all future Sims games smaller and without expansions. Just as we know from the mobile versions of the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games and also from those games' versions for consoles.

    In the Sims 2 forum MaxoidSam (Sam Player) was once asked how long time they had used to make the EP which they had just finished and released. His answer was "3 months". We know that they use about 4 years to make each basegame. So the expansions must give EA much higher profit than the basegames. So it is probably the expansions which earn a lot of the money back which they have used to develop a new basegame.

    So if people won't buy all those expansions anymore then I am sure that EA will just decide to at most use a year to make a new Sims game and not to make big expansions at all anymore. EA will thus still find a way to earn a lot of money on the Sims franchise. But is this development what you want to happen in the future???

    Again, I fail to see the downside. I'm a big fan of the Sims franchise, but I won't throw good money at a bad (in my opinion) product. Reward failure and expect more of the same. There are other games out there. Better to find another game that suits me, and support it.
    I agree which I think that I have also written earlier. But some of the people here seem to still not have read it. So let me just repeat:

    I won't buy expansions just to support the continued development of the game because even if I bought a thousand copies it would be extremely unlikely to matter. To have a real chance of doing a difference I would have to buy 100,000 copies and preferably 500,000 copies to make sure to do a difference. But of course I don't have enough money to be able to do such things.

    On the other hand I won't encourage people to stop buying the expansions either because that would do more damage than good (even though it would still be unlikely to matter).
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    I won't buy the next sims if it is mobile either. I don't need or play games like I want Sims to be on my mobile device. I'm probably one of the few who doesn't play games on my phone. I tried with spider solitaire (addicted to it and use it to jump start my brain every morning) and I did not like playing with the tiny screen and little itty bitty numbers. EYE STRAIN anyone? All the young kids playing now will be wearing glasses with thick lenses and not playing mobile in a few years. I don't have an I pad or similar product. I'd rather spend the money adding extra's to my planned puter when I get a job again. I want my big screen, my immersion, my comfy chair. When I am playing Sims3 my hubby can talk to me and I don't 'hear' him if I am totally involved in what I am doing. You can't get that immersed on a pad or phone. ThInk about that PTB's!!! If EA/Maxis doesn't want to provide one I honestly believe someone else I will wait for 'someone' and enjoy Sims3 with the Nraas fixes in it. :)
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    ErpeErpe Posts: 5,872 Member
    bekkasan wrote: »
    I won't buy the next sims if it is mobile either. I don't need or play games like I want Sims to be on my mobile device. I'm probably one of the few who doesn't play games on my phone. I tried with spider solitaire (addicted to it and use it to jump start my brain every morning) and I did not like playing with the tiny screen and little itty bitty numbers. EYE STRAIN anyone? All the young kids playing now will be wearing glasses with thick lenses and not playing mobile in a few years. I don't have an I pad or similar product. I'd rather spend the money adding extra's to my planned puter when I get a job again. I want my big screen, my immersion, my comfy chair. When I am playing Sims3 my hubby can talk to me and I don't 'hear' him if I am totally involved in what I am doing. You can't get that immersed on a pad or phone. ThInk about that PTB's!!! If EA/Maxis doesn't want to provide one I honestly believe someone else I will wait for 'someone' and enjoy Sims3 with the Nraas fixes in it. :)
    I prefer playing tablet games on my iPad exactly because I like to sit in a comfy chair and have the news running on my TV at the same time ;)

    I made the mistake to buy a gaming laptop instead of a stationary because I thought I could do the same with such a laptop. But it isn't comfortable at all because it becomes too hot and because it is too big. So if I should motivate myself to play games like TS4 again I would have to buy a new stationary PC for this purpose. But I won't do that before I really need it.

    I wear glasses to see TV or see things on a bigger distance. But in my age it is actually a big advantage to be nearsighted because otherwise I would probably have to use glasses for reading and even that wouldn't probably be too comfortable when I use a smartphone. But my vision is now such that I just remove my glasses when I read or play games on my PC, iPad or smartphone. Then I can see even the smallest details without any problems :)
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    phoebebebe13phoebebebe13 Posts: 19,400 Member
    bekkasan wrote: »
    I won't buy the next sims if it is mobile either. I don't need or play games like I want Sims to be on my mobile device. I'm probably one of the few who doesn't play games on my phone. I tried with spider solitaire (addicted to it and use it to jump start my brain every morning) and I did not like playing with the tiny screen and little itty bitty numbers. EYE STRAIN anyone? All the young kids playing now will be wearing glasses with thick lenses and not playing mobile in a few years. I don't have an I pad or similar product. I'd rather spend the money adding extra's to my planned puter when I get a job again. I want my big screen, my immersion, my comfy chair. When I am playing Sims3 my hubby can talk to me and I don't 'hear' him if I am totally involved in what I am doing. You can't get that immersed on a pad or phone. ThInk about that PTB's!!! If EA/Maxis doesn't want to provide one I honestly believe someone else I will wait for 'someone' and enjoy Sims3 with the Nraas fixes in it. :)

    Agree and if you want a big screen do what I do hook he computer up to the TV. I play on a 42" since they dont make monitors big enough for my liking
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    CherbitDipCherbitDip Posts: 116 Member
    bekkasan wrote: »
    I won't buy the next sims if it is mobile either. I don't need or play games like I want Sims to be on my mobile device. I'm probably one of the few who doesn't play games on my phone. I tried with spider solitaire (addicted to it and use it to jump start my brain every morning) and I did not like playing with the tiny screen and little itty bitty numbers. EYE STRAIN anyone? All the young kids playing now will be wearing glasses with thick lenses and not playing mobile in a few years. I don't have an I pad or similar product. I'd rather spend the money adding extra's to my planned puter when I get a job again. I want my big screen, my immersion, my comfy chair. When I am playing Sims3 my hubby can talk to me and I don't 'hear' him if I am totally involved in what I am doing. You can't get that immersed on a pad or phone. ThInk about that PTB's!!! If EA/Maxis doesn't want to provide one I honestly believe someone else I will wait for 'someone' and enjoy Sims3 with the Nraas fixes in it. :)

    Agree and if you want a big screen do what I do hook he computer up to the TV. I play on a 42" since they dont make monitors big enough for my liking

    Definitely a great way to achieve instant immersion! My husband did that for me once and regretted it almost immediately as I suddenly became deaf to everything else! :D
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    bekkasan wrote: »
    I won't buy the next sims if it is mobile either. I don't need or play games like I want Sims to be on my mobile device. I'm probably one of the few who doesn't play games on my phone. I tried with spider solitaire (addicted to it and use it to jump start my brain every morning) and I did not like playing with the tiny screen and little itty bitty numbers. EYE STRAIN anyone? All the young kids playing now will be wearing glasses with thick lenses and not playing mobile in a few years. I don't have an I pad or similar product. I'd rather spend the money adding extra's to my planned puter when I get a job again. I want my big screen, my immersion, my comfy chair. When I am playing Sims3 my hubby can talk to me and I don't 'hear' him if I am totally involved in what I am doing. You can't get that immersed on a pad or phone. ThInk about that PTB's!!! If EA/Maxis doesn't want to provide one I honestly believe someone else I will wait for 'someone' and enjoy Sims3 with the Nraas fixes in it. :)

    Agree and if you want a big screen do what I do hook he computer up to the TV. I play on a 42" since they dont make monitors big enough for my liking

    love that idea!! I may have to do just that.
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    ErpeErpe Posts: 5,872 Member
    bekkasan wrote: »
    bekkasan wrote: »
    I won't buy the next sims if it is mobile either. I don't need or play games like I want Sims to be on my mobile device. I'm probably one of the few who doesn't play games on my phone. I tried with spider solitaire (addicted to it and use it to jump start my brain every morning) and I did not like playing with the tiny screen and little itty bitty numbers. EYE STRAIN anyone? All the young kids playing now will be wearing glasses with thick lenses and not playing mobile in a few years. I don't have an I pad or similar product. I'd rather spend the money adding extra's to my planned puter when I get a job again. I want my big screen, my immersion, my comfy chair. When I am playing Sims3 my hubby can talk to me and I don't 'hear' him if I am totally involved in what I am doing. You can't get that immersed on a pad or phone. ThInk about that PTB's!!! If EA/Maxis doesn't want to provide one I honestly believe someone else I will wait for 'someone' and enjoy Sims3 with the Nraas fixes in it. :)

    Agree and if you want a big screen do what I do hook he computer up to the TV. I play on a 42" since they dont make monitors big enough for my liking

    love that idea!! I may have to do just that.
    We are different because I would hate that :)

    The reason is that it would mean that I had to put my glasses on to see the TV and take them off again or move back from the keyboard to make it comfortable to look at the keys. That would be very unpleasant.
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    phoebebebe13phoebebebe13 Posts: 19,400 Member
    CherbitDip wrote: »
    bekkasan wrote: »
    I won't buy the next sims if it is mobile either. I don't need or play games like I want Sims to be on my mobile device. I'm probably one of the few who doesn't play games on my phone. I tried with spider solitaire (addicted to it and use it to jump start my brain every morning) and I did not like playing with the tiny screen and little itty bitty numbers. EYE STRAIN anyone? All the young kids playing now will be wearing glasses with thick lenses and not playing mobile in a few years. I don't have an I pad or similar product. I'd rather spend the money adding extra's to my planned puter when I get a job again. I want my big screen, my immersion, my comfy chair. When I am playing Sims3 my hubby can talk to me and I don't 'hear' him if I am totally involved in what I am doing. You can't get that immersed on a pad or phone. ThInk about that PTB's!!! If EA/Maxis doesn't want to provide one I honestly believe someone else I will wait for 'someone' and enjoy Sims3 with the Nraas fixes in it. :)

    Agree and if you want a big screen do what I do hook he computer up to the TV. I play on a 42" since they dont make monitors big enough for my liking

    Definitely a great way to achieve instant immersion! My husband did that for me once and regretted it almost immediately as I suddenly became deaf to everything else! :D
    bekkasan wrote: »
    bekkasan wrote: »
    I won't buy the next sims if it is mobile either. I don't need or play games like I want Sims to be on my mobile device. I'm probably one of the few who doesn't play games on my phone. I tried with spider solitaire (addicted to it and use it to jump start my brain every morning) and I did not like playing with the tiny screen and little itty bitty numbers. EYE STRAIN anyone? All the young kids playing now will be wearing glasses with thick lenses and not playing mobile in a few years. I don't have an I pad or similar product. I'd rather spend the money adding extra's to my planned puter when I get a job again. I want my big screen, my immersion, my comfy chair. When I am playing Sims3 my hubby can talk to me and I don't 'hear' him if I am totally involved in what I am doing. You can't get that immersed on a pad or phone. ThInk about that PTB's!!! If EA/Maxis doesn't want to provide one I honestly believe someone else I will wait for 'someone' and enjoy Sims3 with the Nraas fixes in it. :)

    Agree and if you want a big screen do what I do hook he computer up to the TV. I play on a 42" since they dont make monitors big enough for my liking

    love that idea!! I may have to do just that.

    All you need to do is hook up the computer to the TV with an HDMI cord, have a wireless keyboard and mouse If using desktop. I have one computer hooked up to the living room TV and will be hooking up another in my bedroom so I can game on my bed. I have hooked up my laptop to the tv too. I dont like sitting at desk gaming
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    DarleymikeyDarleymikey Posts: 4,047 Member
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    CherbitDip wrote: »
    Erpe didn't like Sims 2 or 3 either because they were too "shallow". I'm struggling to understand the thinking behind defending a publisher that has went down a route that he/she clearly does not enjoy, so much they've already said it's unlikely they will enjoy Sims 5 if it ever comes out! However, all entitled to our own opinion and all that...

    Let me get this strait. This person does not like sims 2 , 3 and 4. Only plays sims freeplay but wants to disagree with so many people in this thread for being disappointed with TS4 after paying EA a lot of money for an incomplete game when they promised a complete base game. I would like to know why this person is even posting in this thread. The only reason I can see is they just feel the need to disagree with people for no reason what so ever when they are not interested in any sims pc games
    The irony is that I like the Sims Freeplay and I liked TS2 very much in the two years I played it. But everybody else seem to have liked especially TS3 much more than I did.

    Even so everybody else but me seem to want EA to stop making big Sims games and only get smaller life simulations in browsers from mainly other companies than EA because this is what is likely to happen if your wish becomes true ;)

    Have a nice future without Sims games ;)

    Everyone wants EA to stop making big sims games? You keep putting words in others mouths that don't exist. This has to be one of the silliest thing you have stated. This thread is about the lack of content in the game. Maybe your in the wrong tread if you think people want a smaller game.
    So why are you fighting so hard to make TS4 into a failure? My problem is that people don't seem to understand how big EA or what type of company EA is. They seem to think that EA is just a small company who only have the Sims games to care about and which they therefore can force to change the game in the direction which they want.

    But on the contrary EA is so huge that TS4 doesn't even get much attention from EA's top who only is interested in seeing if the game is worth continuing on all platforms or not. EA's board probably care much more about EA's many sports games than about the Sims games and they probably also care much more about EA's RPG games. So if people stop buying Sims games for the PC platform then it won't even be such a big thing for EA who already see other platforms as more important than the PC.

    So if TS4's expansions don't sell very well then I am sure that EA without many considerations about it just will decide that the time for such big Sims games with that many expansions is over and that EA should only make smaller standalone Sims games for all the different platforms.

    In other words: You are fighting a battle that you can never win - even though I too would like it more if you had could. But I won't give you a chance because I just can't find that chance no matter how hard I try to see it.

    No one's fighting to make it fail, they are just pointing out the obvious.

    EA ending its involvement in the Sims franchise is not a bad thing.
    EA won't end its involvement in the Sims franchise which belong to EA for good. But if EA can't earn money by using 4 to 5 years on a basegame and then earn the money back by also selling a lot of expansions (which are much cheaper to make) then EA will just make all future Sims games smaller and without expansions. Just as we know from the mobile versions of the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games and also from those games' versions for consoles.

    In the Sims 2 forum MaxoidSam (Sam Player) was once asked how long time they had used to make the EP which they had just finished and released. His answer was "3 months". We know that they use about 4 years to make each basegame. So the expansions must give EA much higher profit than the basegames. So it is probably the expansions which earn a lot of the money back which they have used to develop a new basegame.

    So if people won't buy all those expansions anymore then I am sure that EA will just decide to at most use a year to make a new Sims game and not to make big expansions at all anymore. EA will thus still find a way to earn a lot of money on the Sims franchise. But is this development what you want to happen in the future???

    Again, I fail to see the downside. I'm a big fan of the Sims franchise, but I won't throw good money at a bad (in my opinion) product. Reward failure and expect more of the same. There are other games out there. Better to find another game that suits me, and support it.
    I agree which I think that I have also written earlier. But some of the people here seem to still not have read it. So let me just repeat:

    I won't buy expansions just to support the continued development of the game because even if I bought a thousand copies it would be extremely unlikely to matter. To have a real chance of doing a difference I would have to buy 100,000 copies and preferably 500,000 copies to make sure to do a difference. But of course I don't have enough money to be able to do such things.

    On the other hand I won't encourage people to stop buying the expansions either because that would do more damage than good (even though it would still be unlikely to matter).

    I think that's what the franchise needs. I otherwise agree with you.
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    sparkfairy1sparkfairy1 Posts: 11,453 Member
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    CherbitDip wrote: »
    Erpe didn't like Sims 2 or 3 either because they were too "shallow". I'm struggling to understand the thinking behind defending a publisher that has went down a route that he/she clearly does not enjoy, so much they've already said it's unlikely they will enjoy Sims 5 if it ever comes out! However, all entitled to our own opinion and all that...

    Let me get this strait. This person does not like sims 2 , 3 and 4. Only plays sims freeplay but wants to disagree with so many people in this thread for being disappointed with TS4 after paying EA a lot of money for an incomplete game when they promised a complete base game. I would like to know why this person is even posting in this thread. The only reason I can see is they just feel the need to disagree with people for no reason what so ever when they are not interested in any sims pc games
    The irony is that I like the Sims Freeplay and I liked TS2 very much in the two years I played it. But everybody else seem to have liked especially TS3 much more than I did.

    Even so everybody else but me seem to want EA to stop making big Sims games and only get smaller life simulations in browsers from mainly other companies than EA because this is what is likely to happen if your wish becomes true ;)

    Have a nice future without Sims games ;)

    Everyone wants EA to stop making big sims games? You keep putting words in others mouths that don't exist. This has to be one of the silliest thing you have stated. This thread is about the lack of content in the game. Maybe your in the wrong tread if you think people want a smaller game.
    So why are you fighting so hard to make TS4 into a failure? My problem is that people don't seem to understand how big EA or what type of company EA is. They seem to think that EA is just a small company who only have the Sims games to care about and which they therefore can force to change the game in the direction which they want.

    But on the contrary EA is so huge that TS4 doesn't even get much attention from EA's top who only is interested in seeing if the game is worth continuing on all platforms or not. EA's board probably care much more about EA's many sports games than about the Sims games and they probably also care much more about EA's RPG games. So if people stop buying Sims games for the PC platform then it won't even be such a big thing for EA who already see other platforms as more important than the PC.

    So if TS4's expansions don't sell very well then I am sure that EA without many considerations about it just will decide that the time for such big Sims games with that many expansions is over and that EA should only make smaller standalone Sims games for all the different platforms.

    In other words: You are fighting a battle that you can never win - even though I too would like it more if you had could. But I won't give you a chance because I just can't find that chance no matter how hard I try to see it.

    No one's fighting to make it fail, they are just pointing out the obvious.

    EA ending its involvement in the Sims franchise is not a bad thing.
    EA won't end its involvement in the Sims franchise which belong to EA for good. But if EA can't earn money by using 4 to 5 years on a basegame and then earn the money back by also selling a lot of expansions (which are much cheaper to make) then EA will just make all future Sims games smaller and without expansions. Just as we know from the mobile versions of the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games and also from those games' versions for consoles.

    In the Sims 2 forum MaxoidSam (Sam Player) was once asked how long time they had used to make the EP which they had just finished and released. His answer was "3 months". We know that they use about 4 years to make each basegame. So the expansions must give EA much higher profit than the basegames. So it is probably the expansions which earn a lot of the money back which they have used to develop a new basegame.

    So if people won't buy all those expansions anymore then I am sure that EA will just decide to at most use a year to make a new Sims game and not to make big expansions at all anymore. EA will thus still find a way to earn a lot of money on the Sims franchise. But is this development what you want to happen in the future???

    Again, I fail to see the downside. I'm a big fan of the Sims franchise, but I won't throw good money at a bad (in my opinion) product. Reward failure and expect more of the same. There are other games out there. Better to find another game that suits me, and support it.
    I agree which I think that I have also written earlier. But some of the people here seem to still not have read it. So let me just repeat:

    I won't buy expansions just to support the continued development of the game because even if I bought a thousand copies it would be extremely unlikely to matter. To have a real chance of doing a difference I would have to buy 100,000 copies and preferably 500,000 copies to make sure to do a difference. But of course I don't have enough money to be able to do such things.

    On the other hand I won't encourage people to stop buying the expansions either because that would do more damage than good (even though it would still be unlikely to matter).

    I think that's what the franchise needs. I otherwise agree with you.

    I've never 'encouraged people not to buy' so I'm not sure where that came from lol. Nowhere did I say that in the article or elsewhere. My approach is for people to make their own minds up.

    It isn't about individuals not buying. It's that the team have essentially turned away many players with the design decisions they've made so whole sections of the customer base have had what they love about 'The Sims' removed or diminished significantly. Essentially in the end whether that matters or not is up to EA. I don't care. All I care about is if this game is fun for me and right now it's not. And I feel lied to in order for them to get my money. If they didn't want my money they shouldn't have made promises they couldn't keep and actually should be refunding those of us who they benefitted from by making promises when we bought.

    I'm sick atm so I need to catch up soon.
  • Options
    phoebebebe13phoebebebe13 Posts: 19,400 Member
    edited October 2015
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    CherbitDip wrote: »
    Erpe didn't like Sims 2 or 3 either because they were too "shallow". I'm struggling to understand the thinking behind defending a publisher that has went down a route that he/she clearly does not enjoy, so much they've already said it's unlikely they will enjoy Sims 5 if it ever comes out! However, all entitled to our own opinion and all that...

    Let me get this strait. This person does not like sims 2 , 3 and 4. Only plays sims freeplay but wants to disagree with so many people in this thread for being disappointed with TS4 after paying EA a lot of money for an incomplete game when they promised a complete base game. I would like to know why this person is even posting in this thread. The only reason I can see is they just feel the need to disagree with people for no reason what so ever when they are not interested in any sims pc games
    The irony is that I like the Sims Freeplay and I liked TS2 very much in the two years I played it. But everybody else seem to have liked especially TS3 much more than I did.

    Even so everybody else but me seem to want EA to stop making big Sims games and only get smaller life simulations in browsers from mainly other companies than EA because this is what is likely to happen if your wish becomes true ;)

    Have a nice future without Sims games ;)

    Everyone wants EA to stop making big sims games? You keep putting words in others mouths that don't exist. This has to be one of the silliest thing you have stated. This thread is about the lack of content in the game. Maybe your in the wrong tread if you think people want a smaller game.
    So why are you fighting so hard to make TS4 into a failure? My problem is that people don't seem to understand how big EA or what type of company EA is. They seem to think that EA is just a small company who only have the Sims games to care about and which they therefore can force to change the game in the direction which they want.

    But on the contrary EA is so huge that TS4 doesn't even get much attention from EA's top who only is interested in seeing if the game is worth continuing on all platforms or not. EA's board probably care much more about EA's many sports games than about the Sims games and they probably also care much more about EA's RPG games. So if people stop buying Sims games for the PC platform then it won't even be such a big thing for EA who already see other platforms as more important than the PC.

    So if TS4's expansions don't sell very well then I am sure that EA without many considerations about it just will decide that the time for such big Sims games with that many expansions is over and that EA should only make smaller standalone Sims games for all the different platforms.

    In other words: You are fighting a battle that you can never win - even though I too would like it more if you had could. But I won't give you a chance because I just can't find that chance no matter how hard I try to see it.

    No one's fighting to make it fail, they are just pointing out the obvious.

    EA ending its involvement in the Sims franchise is not a bad thing.
    EA won't end its involvement in the Sims franchise which belong to EA for good. But if EA can't earn money by using 4 to 5 years on a basegame and then earn the money back by also selling a lot of expansions (which are much cheaper to make) then EA will just make all future Sims games smaller and without expansions. Just as we know from the mobile versions of the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games and also from those games' versions for consoles.

    In the Sims 2 forum MaxoidSam (Sam Player) was once asked how long time they had used to make the EP which they had just finished and released. His answer was "3 months". We know that they use about 4 years to make each basegame. So the expansions must give EA much higher profit than the basegames. So it is probably the expansions which earn a lot of the money back which they have used to develop a new basegame.

    So if people won't buy all those expansions anymore then I am sure that EA will just decide to at most use a year to make a new Sims game and not to make big expansions at all anymore. EA will thus still find a way to earn a lot of money on the Sims franchise. But is this development what you want to happen in the future???

    Again, I fail to see the downside. I'm a big fan of the Sims franchise, but I won't throw good money at a bad (in my opinion) product. Reward failure and expect more of the same. There are other games out there. Better to find another game that suits me, and support it.
    I agree which I think that I have also written earlier. But some of the people here seem to still not have read it. So let me just repeat:

    I won't buy expansions just to support the continued development of the game because even if I bought a thousand copies it would be extremely unlikely to matter. To have a real chance of doing a difference I would have to buy 100,000 copies and preferably 500,000 copies to make sure to do a difference. But of course I don't have enough money to be able to do such things.

    On the other hand I won't encourage people to stop buying the expansions either because that would do more damage than good (even though it would still be unlikely to matter).

    I think that's what the franchise needs. I otherwise agree with you.

    I've never 'encouraged people not to buy' so I'm not sure where that came from lol. Nowhere did I say that in the article or elsewhere. My approach is for people to make their own minds up.

    It isn't about individuals not buying. It's that the team have essentially turned away many players with the design decisions they've made so whole sections of the customer base have had what they love about 'The Sims' removed or diminished significantly. Essentially in the end whether that matters or not is up to EA. I don't care. All I care about is if this game is fun for me and right now it's not. And I feel lied to in order for them to get my money. If they didn't want my money they shouldn't have made promises they couldn't keep and actually should be refunding those of us who they benefitted from by making promises when we bought.

    I'm sick atm so I need to catch up soon.

    This person just keeps putting words in others mouths that don't exist trying to stir up debates for no reason. This has been mentioned several times that nowhere in your article does it state don't buy the game.

    Feel Better :)
  • Options
    sparkfairy1sparkfairy1 Posts: 11,453 Member
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    CherbitDip wrote: »
    Erpe didn't like Sims 2 or 3 either because they were too "shallow". I'm struggling to understand the thinking behind defending a publisher that has went down a route that he/she clearly does not enjoy, so much they've already said it's unlikely they will enjoy Sims 5 if it ever comes out! However, all entitled to our own opinion and all that...

    Let me get this strait. This person does not like sims 2 , 3 and 4. Only plays sims freeplay but wants to disagree with so many people in this thread for being disappointed with TS4 after paying EA a lot of money for an incomplete game when they promised a complete base game. I would like to know why this person is even posting in this thread. The only reason I can see is they just feel the need to disagree with people for no reason what so ever when they are not interested in any sims pc games
    The irony is that I like the Sims Freeplay and I liked TS2 very much in the two years I played it. But everybody else seem to have liked especially TS3 much more than I did.

    Even so everybody else but me seem to want EA to stop making big Sims games and only get smaller life simulations in browsers from mainly other companies than EA because this is what is likely to happen if your wish becomes true ;)

    Have a nice future without Sims games ;)

    Everyone wants EA to stop making big sims games? You keep putting words in others mouths that don't exist. This has to be one of the silliest thing you have stated. This thread is about the lack of content in the game. Maybe your in the wrong tread if you think people want a smaller game.
    So why are you fighting so hard to make TS4 into a failure? My problem is that people don't seem to understand how big EA or what type of company EA is. They seem to think that EA is just a small company who only have the Sims games to care about and which they therefore can force to change the game in the direction which they want.

    But on the contrary EA is so huge that TS4 doesn't even get much attention from EA's top who only is interested in seeing if the game is worth continuing on all platforms or not. EA's board probably care much more about EA's many sports games than about the Sims games and they probably also care much more about EA's RPG games. So if people stop buying Sims games for the PC platform then it won't even be such a big thing for EA who already see other platforms as more important than the PC.

    So if TS4's expansions don't sell very well then I am sure that EA without many considerations about it just will decide that the time for such big Sims games with that many expansions is over and that EA should only make smaller standalone Sims games for all the different platforms.

    In other words: You are fighting a battle that you can never win - even though I too would like it more if you had could. But I won't give you a chance because I just can't find that chance no matter how hard I try to see it.

    No one's fighting to make it fail, they are just pointing out the obvious.

    EA ending its involvement in the Sims franchise is not a bad thing.
    EA won't end its involvement in the Sims franchise which belong to EA for good. But if EA can't earn money by using 4 to 5 years on a basegame and then earn the money back by also selling a lot of expansions (which are much cheaper to make) then EA will just make all future Sims games smaller and without expansions. Just as we know from the mobile versions of the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games and also from those games' versions for consoles.

    In the Sims 2 forum MaxoidSam (Sam Player) was once asked how long time they had used to make the EP which they had just finished and released. His answer was "3 months". We know that they use about 4 years to make each basegame. So the expansions must give EA much higher profit than the basegames. So it is probably the expansions which earn a lot of the money back which they have used to develop a new basegame.

    So if people won't buy all those expansions anymore then I am sure that EA will just decide to at most use a year to make a new Sims game and not to make big expansions at all anymore. EA will thus still find a way to earn a lot of money on the Sims franchise. But is this development what you want to happen in the future???

    Again, I fail to see the downside. I'm a big fan of the Sims franchise, but I won't throw good money at a bad (in my opinion) product. Reward failure and expect more of the same. There are other games out there. Better to find another game that suits me, and support it.
    I agree which I think that I have also written earlier. But some of the people here seem to still not have read it. So let me just repeat:

    I won't buy expansions just to support the continued development of the game because even if I bought a thousand copies it would be extremely unlikely to matter. To have a real chance of doing a difference I would have to buy 100,000 copies and preferably 500,000 copies to make sure to do a difference. But of course I don't have enough money to be able to do such things.

    On the other hand I won't encourage people to stop buying the expansions either because that would do more damage than good (even though it would still be unlikely to matter).

    I think that's what the franchise needs. I otherwise agree with you.

    I've never 'encouraged people not to buy' so I'm not sure where that came from lol. Nowhere did I say that in the article or elsewhere. My approach is for people to make their own minds up.

    It isn't about individuals not buying. It's that the team have essentially turned away many players with the design decisions they've made so whole sections of the customer base have had what they love about 'The Sims' removed or diminished significantly. Essentially in the end whether that matters or not is up to EA. I don't care. All I care about is if this game is fun for me and right now it's not. And I feel lied to in order for them to get my money. If they didn't want my money they shouldn't have made promises they couldn't keep and actually should be refunding those of us who they benefitted from by making promises when we bought.

    I'm sick atm so I need to catch up soon.

    This person just keeps putting words in others mouths that don't exist trying to stir up debates for no reason. This has been mentioned several times that nowhere in your article does it state don't buy the game.

    Feel Better :)

    Thank you lovely :)
  • Options
    MilenyNodaMilenyNoda Posts: 474 Member
    I think the sims 4 marketing is very mismanaged. I dont like how the marketing is being conducted before we used to get live broadcast and we had news ahead of any releases. Nowadays everything is mysterious. The same news get recycled over and over and over again. The silence the No comments. This is the number one thing that really bothers me. I really like the sims 4 and i think it has good potential. "But" :/
  • Options
    DarleymikeyDarleymikey Posts: 4,047 Member
    edited October 2015
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    CherbitDip wrote: »
    Erpe didn't like Sims 2 or 3 either because they were too "shallow". I'm struggling to understand the thinking behind defending a publisher that has went down a route that he/she clearly does not enjoy, so much they've already said it's unlikely they will enjoy Sims 5 if it ever comes out! However, all entitled to our own opinion and all that...

    Let me get this strait. This person does not like sims 2 , 3 and 4. Only plays sims freeplay but wants to disagree with so many people in this thread for being disappointed with TS4 after paying EA a lot of money for an incomplete game when they promised a complete base game. I would like to know why this person is even posting in this thread. The only reason I can see is they just feel the need to disagree with people for no reason what so ever when they are not interested in any sims pc games
    The irony is that I like the Sims Freeplay and I liked TS2 very much in the two years I played it. But everybody else seem to have liked especially TS3 much more than I did.

    Even so everybody else but me seem to want EA to stop making big Sims games and only get smaller life simulations in browsers from mainly other companies than EA because this is what is likely to happen if your wish becomes true ;)

    Have a nice future without Sims games ;)

    Everyone wants EA to stop making big sims games? You keep putting words in others mouths that don't exist. This has to be one of the silliest thing you have stated. This thread is about the lack of content in the game. Maybe your in the wrong tread if you think people want a smaller game.
    So why are you fighting so hard to make TS4 into a failure? My problem is that people don't seem to understand how big EA or what type of company EA is. They seem to think that EA is just a small company who only have the Sims games to care about and which they therefore can force to change the game in the direction which they want.

    But on the contrary EA is so huge that TS4 doesn't even get much attention from EA's top who only is interested in seeing if the game is worth continuing on all platforms or not. EA's board probably care much more about EA's many sports games than about the Sims games and they probably also care much more about EA's RPG games. So if people stop buying Sims games for the PC platform then it won't even be such a big thing for EA who already see other platforms as more important than the PC.

    So if TS4's expansions don't sell very well then I am sure that EA without many considerations about it just will decide that the time for such big Sims games with that many expansions is over and that EA should only make smaller standalone Sims games for all the different platforms.

    In other words: You are fighting a battle that you can never win - even though I too would like it more if you had could. But I won't give you a chance because I just can't find that chance no matter how hard I try to see it.

    No one's fighting to make it fail, they are just pointing out the obvious.

    EA ending its involvement in the Sims franchise is not a bad thing.
    EA won't end its involvement in the Sims franchise which belong to EA for good. But if EA can't earn money by using 4 to 5 years on a basegame and then earn the money back by also selling a lot of expansions (which are much cheaper to make) then EA will just make all future Sims games smaller and without expansions. Just as we know from the mobile versions of the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games and also from those games' versions for consoles.

    In the Sims 2 forum MaxoidSam (Sam Player) was once asked how long time they had used to make the EP which they had just finished and released. His answer was "3 months". We know that they use about 4 years to make each basegame. So the expansions must give EA much higher profit than the basegames. So it is probably the expansions which earn a lot of the money back which they have used to develop a new basegame.

    So if people won't buy all those expansions anymore then I am sure that EA will just decide to at most use a year to make a new Sims game and not to make big expansions at all anymore. EA will thus still find a way to earn a lot of money on the Sims franchise. But is this development what you want to happen in the future???

    Again, I fail to see the downside. I'm a big fan of the Sims franchise, but I won't throw good money at a bad (in my opinion) product. Reward failure and expect more of the same. There are other games out there. Better to find another game that suits me, and support it.
    I agree which I think that I have also written earlier. But some of the people here seem to still not have read it. So let me just repeat:

    I won't buy expansions just to support the continued development of the game because even if I bought a thousand copies it would be extremely unlikely to matter. To have a real chance of doing a difference I would have to buy 100,000 copies and preferably 500,000 copies to make sure to do a difference. But of course I don't have enough money to be able to do such things.

    On the other hand I won't encourage people to stop buying the expansions either because that would do more damage than good (even though it would still be unlikely to matter).

    I think that's what the franchise needs. I otherwise agree with you.

    I've never 'encouraged people not to buy' so I'm not sure where that came from lol. Nowhere did I say that in the article or elsewhere. My approach is for people to make their own minds up.

    It isn't about individuals not buying. It's that the team have essentially turned away many players with the design decisions they've made so whole sections of the customer base have had what they love about 'The Sims' removed or diminished significantly. Essentially in the end whether that matters or not is up to EA. I don't care. All I care about is if this game is fun for me and right now it's not. And I feel lied to in order for them to get my money. If they didn't want my money they shouldn't have made promises they couldn't keep and actually should be refunding those of us who they benefitted from by making promises when we bought.

    I'm sick atm so I need to catch up soon.

    Not sure why you're responding to me: I don't care if people buy this game/don't buy it. My response was to the poster who said we must not discourage people from buying it, because poster fears it will be the end of the Sims franchise. I agree with poster that I don't like the game and won't support it, and that's the extent of my agreement.
  • Options
    sparkfairy1sparkfairy1 Posts: 11,453 Member
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    CherbitDip wrote: »
    Erpe didn't like Sims 2 or 3 either because they were too "shallow". I'm struggling to understand the thinking behind defending a publisher that has went down a route that he/she clearly does not enjoy, so much they've already said it's unlikely they will enjoy Sims 5 if it ever comes out! However, all entitled to our own opinion and all that...

    Let me get this strait. This person does not like sims 2 , 3 and 4. Only plays sims freeplay but wants to disagree with so many people in this thread for being disappointed with TS4 after paying EA a lot of money for an incomplete game when they promised a complete base game. I would like to know why this person is even posting in this thread. The only reason I can see is they just feel the need to disagree with people for no reason what so ever when they are not interested in any sims pc games
    The irony is that I like the Sims Freeplay and I liked TS2 very much in the two years I played it. But everybody else seem to have liked especially TS3 much more than I did.

    Even so everybody else but me seem to want EA to stop making big Sims games and only get smaller life simulations in browsers from mainly other companies than EA because this is what is likely to happen if your wish becomes true ;)

    Have a nice future without Sims games ;)

    Everyone wants EA to stop making big sims games? You keep putting words in others mouths that don't exist. This has to be one of the silliest thing you have stated. This thread is about the lack of content in the game. Maybe your in the wrong tread if you think people want a smaller game.
    So why are you fighting so hard to make TS4 into a failure? My problem is that people don't seem to understand how big EA or what type of company EA is. They seem to think that EA is just a small company who only have the Sims games to care about and which they therefore can force to change the game in the direction which they want.

    But on the contrary EA is so huge that TS4 doesn't even get much attention from EA's top who only is interested in seeing if the game is worth continuing on all platforms or not. EA's board probably care much more about EA's many sports games than about the Sims games and they probably also care much more about EA's RPG games. So if people stop buying Sims games for the PC platform then it won't even be such a big thing for EA who already see other platforms as more important than the PC.

    So if TS4's expansions don't sell very well then I am sure that EA without many considerations about it just will decide that the time for such big Sims games with that many expansions is over and that EA should only make smaller standalone Sims games for all the different platforms.

    In other words: You are fighting a battle that you can never win - even though I too would like it more if you had could. But I won't give you a chance because I just can't find that chance no matter how hard I try to see it.

    No one's fighting to make it fail, they are just pointing out the obvious.

    EA ending its involvement in the Sims franchise is not a bad thing.
    EA won't end its involvement in the Sims franchise which belong to EA for good. But if EA can't earn money by using 4 to 5 years on a basegame and then earn the money back by also selling a lot of expansions (which are much cheaper to make) then EA will just make all future Sims games smaller and without expansions. Just as we know from the mobile versions of the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games and also from those games' versions for consoles.

    In the Sims 2 forum MaxoidSam (Sam Player) was once asked how long time they had used to make the EP which they had just finished and released. His answer was "3 months". We know that they use about 4 years to make each basegame. So the expansions must give EA much higher profit than the basegames. So it is probably the expansions which earn a lot of the money back which they have used to develop a new basegame.

    So if people won't buy all those expansions anymore then I am sure that EA will just decide to at most use a year to make a new Sims game and not to make big expansions at all anymore. EA will thus still find a way to earn a lot of money on the Sims franchise. But is this development what you want to happen in the future???

    Again, I fail to see the downside. I'm a big fan of the Sims franchise, but I won't throw good money at a bad (in my opinion) product. Reward failure and expect more of the same. There are other games out there. Better to find another game that suits me, and support it.
    I agree which I think that I have also written earlier. But some of the people here seem to still not have read it. So let me just repeat:

    I won't buy expansions just to support the continued development of the game because even if I bought a thousand copies it would be extremely unlikely to matter. To have a real chance of doing a difference I would have to buy 100,000 copies and preferably 500,000 copies to make sure to do a difference. But of course I don't have enough money to be able to do such things.

    On the other hand I won't encourage people to stop buying the expansions either because that would do more damage than good (even though it would still be unlikely to matter).

    I think that's what the franchise needs. I otherwise agree with you.

    I've never 'encouraged people not to buy' so I'm not sure where that came from lol. Nowhere did I say that in the article or elsewhere. My approach is for people to make their own minds up.

    It isn't about individuals not buying. It's that the team have essentially turned away many players with the design decisions they've made so whole sections of the customer base have had what they love about 'The Sims' removed or diminished significantly. Essentially in the end whether that matters or not is up to EA. I don't care. All I care about is if this game is fun for me and right now it's not. And I feel lied to in order for them to get my money. If they didn't want my money they shouldn't have made promises they couldn't keep and actually should be refunding those of us who they benefitted from by making promises when we bought.

    I'm sick atm so I need to catch up soon.

    Not sure why you're responding to me: I don't care if people buy this game/don't buy it. My response was to the poster who said we must not discourage people from buying it, because poster fears it will be the end of the Sims franchise. I agree with poster that I don't like the game and won't support it, and that's the extent of my agreement.

    I wasn't really addressing you, I meant that person before you @Darleymikey and I was agreeing with you. It's daft to support a game that doesn't support what you enjoy in said game lol.
  • Options
    ErpeErpe Posts: 5,872 Member
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    CherbitDip wrote: »
    Erpe didn't like Sims 2 or 3 either because they were too "shallow". I'm struggling to understand the thinking behind defending a publisher that has went down a route that he/she clearly does not enjoy, so much they've already said it's unlikely they will enjoy Sims 5 if it ever comes out! However, all entitled to our own opinion and all that...

    Let me get this strait. This person does not like sims 2 , 3 and 4. Only plays sims freeplay but wants to disagree with so many people in this thread for being disappointed with TS4 after paying EA a lot of money for an incomplete game when they promised a complete base game. I would like to know why this person is even posting in this thread. The only reason I can see is they just feel the need to disagree with people for no reason what so ever when they are not interested in any sims pc games
    The irony is that I like the Sims Freeplay and I liked TS2 very much in the two years I played it. But everybody else seem to have liked especially TS3 much more than I did.

    Even so everybody else but me seem to want EA to stop making big Sims games and only get smaller life simulations in browsers from mainly other companies than EA because this is what is likely to happen if your wish becomes true ;)

    Have a nice future without Sims games ;)

    Everyone wants EA to stop making big sims games? You keep putting words in others mouths that don't exist. This has to be one of the silliest thing you have stated. This thread is about the lack of content in the game. Maybe your in the wrong tread if you think people want a smaller game.
    So why are you fighting so hard to make TS4 into a failure? My problem is that people don't seem to understand how big EA or what type of company EA is. They seem to think that EA is just a small company who only have the Sims games to care about and which they therefore can force to change the game in the direction which they want.

    But on the contrary EA is so huge that TS4 doesn't even get much attention from EA's top who only is interested in seeing if the game is worth continuing on all platforms or not. EA's board probably care much more about EA's many sports games than about the Sims games and they probably also care much more about EA's RPG games. So if people stop buying Sims games for the PC platform then it won't even be such a big thing for EA who already see other platforms as more important than the PC.

    So if TS4's expansions don't sell very well then I am sure that EA without many considerations about it just will decide that the time for such big Sims games with that many expansions is over and that EA should only make smaller standalone Sims games for all the different platforms.

    In other words: You are fighting a battle that you can never win - even though I too would like it more if you had could. But I won't give you a chance because I just can't find that chance no matter how hard I try to see it.

    No one's fighting to make it fail, they are just pointing out the obvious.

    EA ending its involvement in the Sims franchise is not a bad thing.
    EA won't end its involvement in the Sims franchise which belong to EA for good. But if EA can't earn money by using 4 to 5 years on a basegame and then earn the money back by also selling a lot of expansions (which are much cheaper to make) then EA will just make all future Sims games smaller and without expansions. Just as we know from the mobile versions of the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games and also from those games' versions for consoles.

    In the Sims 2 forum MaxoidSam (Sam Player) was once asked how long time they had used to make the EP which they had just finished and released. His answer was "3 months". We know that they use about 4 years to make each basegame. So the expansions must give EA much higher profit than the basegames. So it is probably the expansions which earn a lot of the money back which they have used to develop a new basegame.

    So if people won't buy all those expansions anymore then I am sure that EA will just decide to at most use a year to make a new Sims game and not to make big expansions at all anymore. EA will thus still find a way to earn a lot of money on the Sims franchise. But is this development what you want to happen in the future???

    Again, I fail to see the downside. I'm a big fan of the Sims franchise, but I won't throw good money at a bad (in my opinion) product. Reward failure and expect more of the same. There are other games out there. Better to find another game that suits me, and support it.
    I agree which I think that I have also written earlier. But some of the people here seem to still not have read it. So let me just repeat:

    I won't buy expansions just to support the continued development of the game because even if I bought a thousand copies it would be extremely unlikely to matter. To have a real chance of doing a difference I would have to buy 100,000 copies and preferably 500,000 copies to make sure to do a difference. But of course I don't have enough money to be able to do such things.

    On the other hand I won't encourage people to stop buying the expansions either because that would do more damage than good (even though it would still be unlikely to matter).

    I think that's what the franchise needs. I otherwise agree with you.

    I've never 'encouraged people not to buy' so I'm not sure where that came from lol. Nowhere did I say that in the article or elsewhere. My approach is for people to make their own minds up.

    It isn't about individuals not buying. It's that the team have essentially turned away many players with the design decisions they've made so whole sections of the customer base have had what they love about 'The Sims' removed or diminished significantly. Essentially in the end whether that matters or not is up to EA. I don't care. All I care about is if this game is fun for me and right now it's not. And I feel lied to in order for them to get my money. If they didn't want my money they shouldn't have made promises they couldn't keep and actually should be refunding those of us who they benefitted from by making promises when we bought.

    I'm sick atm so I need to catch up soon.

    This person just keeps putting words in others mouths that don't exist trying to stir up debates for no reason. This has been mentioned several times that nowhere in your article does it state don't buy the game.

    Feel Better :)
    You like to attempt to insult people by pretending to not know their names don't you? Maybe you should read the forum rules!
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    sparkfairy1sparkfairy1 Posts: 11,453 Member
    @Erpe if you have a problem talk to a guru. Don't derail the thread.
  • Options
    ErpeErpe Posts: 5,872 Member
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    CherbitDip wrote: »
    Erpe didn't like Sims 2 or 3 either because they were too "shallow". I'm struggling to understand the thinking behind defending a publisher that has went down a route that he/she clearly does not enjoy, so much they've already said it's unlikely they will enjoy Sims 5 if it ever comes out! However, all entitled to our own opinion and all that...

    Let me get this strait. This person does not like sims 2 , 3 and 4. Only plays sims freeplay but wants to disagree with so many people in this thread for being disappointed with TS4 after paying EA a lot of money for an incomplete game when they promised a complete base game. I would like to know why this person is even posting in this thread. The only reason I can see is they just feel the need to disagree with people for no reason what so ever when they are not interested in any sims pc games
    The irony is that I like the Sims Freeplay and I liked TS2 very much in the two years I played it. But everybody else seem to have liked especially TS3 much more than I did.

    Even so everybody else but me seem to want EA to stop making big Sims games and only get smaller life simulations in browsers from mainly other companies than EA because this is what is likely to happen if your wish becomes true ;)

    Have a nice future without Sims games ;)

    Everyone wants EA to stop making big sims games? You keep putting words in others mouths that don't exist. This has to be one of the silliest thing you have stated. This thread is about the lack of content in the game. Maybe your in the wrong tread if you think people want a smaller game.
    So why are you fighting so hard to make TS4 into a failure? My problem is that people don't seem to understand how big EA or what type of company EA is. They seem to think that EA is just a small company who only have the Sims games to care about and which they therefore can force to change the game in the direction which they want.

    But on the contrary EA is so huge that TS4 doesn't even get much attention from EA's top who only is interested in seeing if the game is worth continuing on all platforms or not. EA's board probably care much more about EA's many sports games than about the Sims games and they probably also care much more about EA's RPG games. So if people stop buying Sims games for the PC platform then it won't even be such a big thing for EA who already see other platforms as more important than the PC.

    So if TS4's expansions don't sell very well then I am sure that EA without many considerations about it just will decide that the time for such big Sims games with that many expansions is over and that EA should only make smaller standalone Sims games for all the different platforms.

    In other words: You are fighting a battle that you can never win - even though I too would like it more if you had could. But I won't give you a chance because I just can't find that chance no matter how hard I try to see it.

    No one's fighting to make it fail, they are just pointing out the obvious.

    EA ending its involvement in the Sims franchise is not a bad thing.
    EA won't end its involvement in the Sims franchise which belong to EA for good. But if EA can't earn money by using 4 to 5 years on a basegame and then earn the money back by also selling a lot of expansions (which are much cheaper to make) then EA will just make all future Sims games smaller and without expansions. Just as we know from the mobile versions of the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games and also from those games' versions for consoles.

    In the Sims 2 forum MaxoidSam (Sam Player) was once asked how long time they had used to make the EP which they had just finished and released. His answer was "3 months". We know that they use about 4 years to make each basegame. So the expansions must give EA much higher profit than the basegames. So it is probably the expansions which earn a lot of the money back which they have used to develop a new basegame.

    So if people won't buy all those expansions anymore then I am sure that EA will just decide to at most use a year to make a new Sims game and not to make big expansions at all anymore. EA will thus still find a way to earn a lot of money on the Sims franchise. But is this development what you want to happen in the future???

    Again, I fail to see the downside. I'm a big fan of the Sims franchise, but I won't throw good money at a bad (in my opinion) product. Reward failure and expect more of the same. There are other games out there. Better to find another game that suits me, and support it.
    I agree which I think that I have also written earlier. But some of the people here seem to still not have read it. So let me just repeat:

    I won't buy expansions just to support the continued development of the game because even if I bought a thousand copies it would be extremely unlikely to matter. To have a real chance of doing a difference I would have to buy 100,000 copies and preferably 500,000 copies to make sure to do a difference. But of course I don't have enough money to be able to do such things.

    On the other hand I won't encourage people to stop buying the expansions either because that would do more damage than good (even though it would still be unlikely to matter).

    I think that's what the franchise needs. I otherwise agree with you.

    I've never 'encouraged people not to buy' so I'm not sure where that came from lol. Nowhere did I say that in the article or elsewhere. My approach is for people to make their own minds up.

    It isn't about individuals not buying. It's that the team have essentially turned away many players with the design decisions they've made so whole sections of the customer base have had what they love about 'The Sims' removed or diminished significantly. Essentially in the end whether that matters or not is up to EA. I don't care. All I care about is if this game is fun for me and right now it's not. And I feel lied to in order for them to get my money. If they didn't want my money they shouldn't have made promises they couldn't keep and actually should be refunding those of us who they benefitted from by making promises when we bought.

    I'm sick atm so I need to catch up soon.

    Not sure why you're responding to me: I don't care if people buy this game/don't buy it. My response was to the poster who said we must not discourage people from buying it, because poster fears it will be the end of the Sims franchise. I agree with poster that I don't like the game and won't support it, and that's the extent of my agreement.
    I didn't say that. You can discourage people all you want. I just wrote that I don't do that myself because I don't see any good purpose for it and think that the result would just discourage EA to make any more big Sims games if EA (not very likely though) should be in doubt. But other people have to make their own decisions.
  • Options
    DarleymikeyDarleymikey Posts: 4,047 Member
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    CherbitDip wrote: »
    Erpe didn't like Sims 2 or 3 either because they were too "shallow". I'm struggling to understand the thinking behind defending a publisher that has went down a route that he/she clearly does not enjoy, so much they've already said it's unlikely they will enjoy Sims 5 if it ever comes out! However, all entitled to our own opinion and all that...

    Let me get this strait. This person does not like sims 2 , 3 and 4. Only plays sims freeplay but wants to disagree with so many people in this thread for being disappointed with TS4 after paying EA a lot of money for an incomplete game when they promised a complete base game. I would like to know why this person is even posting in this thread. The only reason I can see is they just feel the need to disagree with people for no reason what so ever when they are not interested in any sims pc games
    The irony is that I like the Sims Freeplay and I liked TS2 very much in the two years I played it. But everybody else seem to have liked especially TS3 much more than I did.

    Even so everybody else but me seem to want EA to stop making big Sims games and only get smaller life simulations in browsers from mainly other companies than EA because this is what is likely to happen if your wish becomes true ;)

    Have a nice future without Sims games ;)

    Everyone wants EA to stop making big sims games? You keep putting words in others mouths that don't exist. This has to be one of the silliest thing you have stated. This thread is about the lack of content in the game. Maybe your in the wrong tread if you think people want a smaller game.
    So why are you fighting so hard to make TS4 into a failure? My problem is that people don't seem to understand how big EA or what type of company EA is. They seem to think that EA is just a small company who only have the Sims games to care about and which they therefore can force to change the game in the direction which they want.

    But on the contrary EA is so huge that TS4 doesn't even get much attention from EA's top who only is interested in seeing if the game is worth continuing on all platforms or not. EA's board probably care much more about EA's many sports games than about the Sims games and they probably also care much more about EA's RPG games. So if people stop buying Sims games for the PC platform then it won't even be such a big thing for EA who already see other platforms as more important than the PC.

    So if TS4's expansions don't sell very well then I am sure that EA without many considerations about it just will decide that the time for such big Sims games with that many expansions is over and that EA should only make smaller standalone Sims games for all the different platforms.

    In other words: You are fighting a battle that you can never win - even though I too would like it more if you had could. But I won't give you a chance because I just can't find that chance no matter how hard I try to see it.

    No one's fighting to make it fail, they are just pointing out the obvious.

    EA ending its involvement in the Sims franchise is not a bad thing.
    EA won't end its involvement in the Sims franchise which belong to EA for good. But if EA can't earn money by using 4 to 5 years on a basegame and then earn the money back by also selling a lot of expansions (which are much cheaper to make) then EA will just make all future Sims games smaller and without expansions. Just as we know from the mobile versions of the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games and also from those games' versions for consoles.

    In the Sims 2 forum MaxoidSam (Sam Player) was once asked how long time they had used to make the EP which they had just finished and released. His answer was "3 months". We know that they use about 4 years to make each basegame. So the expansions must give EA much higher profit than the basegames. So it is probably the expansions which earn a lot of the money back which they have used to develop a new basegame.

    So if people won't buy all those expansions anymore then I am sure that EA will just decide to at most use a year to make a new Sims game and not to make big expansions at all anymore. EA will thus still find a way to earn a lot of money on the Sims franchise. But is this development what you want to happen in the future???

    Again, I fail to see the downside. I'm a big fan of the Sims franchise, but I won't throw good money at a bad (in my opinion) product. Reward failure and expect more of the same. There are other games out there. Better to find another game that suits me, and support it.
    I agree which I think that I have also written earlier. But some of the people here seem to still not have read it. So let me just repeat:

    I won't buy expansions just to support the continued development of the game because even if I bought a thousand copies it would be extremely unlikely to matter. To have a real chance of doing a difference I would have to buy 100,000 copies and preferably 500,000 copies to make sure to do a difference. But of course I don't have enough money to be able to do such things.

    On the other hand I won't encourage people to stop buying the expansions either because that would do more damage than good (even though it would still be unlikely to matter).

    I think that's what the franchise needs. I otherwise agree with you.

    I've never 'encouraged people not to buy' so I'm not sure where that came from lol. Nowhere did I say that in the article or elsewhere. My approach is for people to make their own minds up.

    It isn't about individuals not buying. It's that the team have essentially turned away many players with the design decisions they've made so whole sections of the customer base have had what they love about 'The Sims' removed or diminished significantly. Essentially in the end whether that matters or not is up to EA. I don't care. All I care about is if this game is fun for me and right now it's not. And I feel lied to in order for them to get my money. If they didn't want my money they shouldn't have made promises they couldn't keep and actually should be refunding those of us who they benefitted from by making promises when we bought.

    I'm sick atm so I need to catch up soon.

    Not sure why you're responding to me: I don't care if people buy this game/don't buy it. My response was to the poster who said we must not discourage people from buying it, because poster fears it will be the end of the Sims franchise. I agree with poster that I don't like the game and won't support it, and that's the extent of my agreement.

    I wasn't really addressing you, I meant that person before you @Darleymikey and I was agreeing with you. It's daft to support a game that doesn't support what you enjoy in said game lol.

  • Options
    DarleymikeyDarleymikey Posts: 4,047 Member
    edited October 2015
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    CherbitDip wrote: »
    Erpe didn't like Sims 2 or 3 either because they were too "shallow". I'm struggling to understand the thinking behind defending a publisher that has went down a route that he/she clearly does not enjoy, so much they've already said it's unlikely they will enjoy Sims 5 if it ever comes out! However, all entitled to our own opinion and all that...

    Let me get this strait. This person does not like sims 2 , 3 and 4. Only plays sims freeplay but wants to disagree with so many people in this thread for being disappointed with TS4 after paying EA a lot of money for an incomplete game when they promised a complete base game. I would like to know why this person is even posting in this thread. The only reason I can see is they just feel the need to disagree with people for no reason what so ever when they are not interested in any sims pc games
    The irony is that I like the Sims Freeplay and I liked TS2 very much in the two years I played it. But everybody else seem to have liked especially TS3 much more than I did.

    Even so everybody else but me seem to want EA to stop making big Sims games and only get smaller life simulations in browsers from mainly other companies than EA because this is what is likely to happen if your wish becomes true ;)

    Have a nice future without Sims games ;)

    Everyone wants EA to stop making big sims games? You keep putting words in others mouths that don't exist. This has to be one of the silliest thing you have stated. This thread is about the lack of content in the game. Maybe your in the wrong tread if you think people want a smaller game.
    So why are you fighting so hard to make TS4 into a failure? My problem is that people don't seem to understand how big EA or what type of company EA is. They seem to think that EA is just a small company who only have the Sims games to care about and which they therefore can force to change the game in the direction which they want.

    But on the contrary EA is so huge that TS4 doesn't even get much attention from EA's top who only is interested in seeing if the game is worth continuing on all platforms or not. EA's board probably care much more about EA's many sports games than about the Sims games and they probably also care much more about EA's RPG games. So if people stop buying Sims games for the PC platform then it won't even be such a big thing for EA who already see other platforms as more important than the PC.

    So if TS4's expansions don't sell very well then I am sure that EA without many considerations about it just will decide that the time for such big Sims games with that many expansions is over and that EA should only make smaller standalone Sims games for all the different platforms.

    In other words: You are fighting a battle that you can never win - even though I too would like it more if you had could. But I won't give you a chance because I just can't find that chance no matter how hard I try to see it.

    No one's fighting to make it fail, they are just pointing out the obvious.

    EA ending its involvement in the Sims franchise is not a bad thing.
    EA won't end its involvement in the Sims franchise which belong to EA for good. But if EA can't earn money by using 4 to 5 years on a basegame and then earn the money back by also selling a lot of expansions (which are much cheaper to make) then EA will just make all future Sims games smaller and without expansions. Just as we know from the mobile versions of the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games and also from those games' versions for consoles.

    In the Sims 2 forum MaxoidSam (Sam Player) was once asked how long time they had used to make the EP which they had just finished and released. His answer was "3 months". We know that they use about 4 years to make each basegame. So the expansions must give EA much higher profit than the basegames. So it is probably the expansions which earn a lot of the money back which they have used to develop a new basegame.

    So if people won't buy all those expansions anymore then I am sure that EA will just decide to at most use a year to make a new Sims game and not to make big expansions at all anymore. EA will thus still find a way to earn a lot of money on the Sims franchise. But is this development what you want to happen in the future???

    Again, I fail to see the downside. I'm a big fan of the Sims franchise, but I won't throw good money at a bad (in my opinion) product. Reward failure and expect more of the same. There are other games out there. Better to find another game that suits me, and support it.
    I agree which I think that I have also written earlier. But some of the people here seem to still not have read it. So let me just repeat:

    I won't buy expansions just to support the continued development of the game because even if I bought a thousand copies it would be extremely unlikely to matter. To have a real chance of doing a difference I would have to buy 100,000 copies and preferably 500,000 copies to make sure to do a difference. But of course I don't have enough money to be able to do such things.

    On the other hand I won't encourage people to stop buying the expansions either because that would do more damage than good (even though it would still be unlikely to matter).

    I think that's what the franchise needs. I otherwise agree with you.

    I've never 'encouraged people not to buy' so I'm not sure where that came from lol. Nowhere did I say that in the article or elsewhere. My approach is for people to make their own minds up.

    It isn't about individuals not buying. It's that the team have essentially turned away many players with the design decisions they've made so whole sections of the customer base have had what they love about 'The Sims' removed or diminished significantly. Essentially in the end whether that matters or not is up to EA. I don't care. All I care about is if this game is fun for me and right now it's not. And I feel lied to in order for them to get my money. If they didn't want my money they shouldn't have made promises they couldn't keep and actually should be refunding those of us who they benefitted from by making promises when we bought.

    I'm sick atm so I need to catch up soon.

    Not sure why you're responding to me: I don't care if people buy this game/don't buy it. My response was to the poster who said we must not discourage people from buying it, because poster fears it will be the end of the Sims franchise. I agree with poster that I don't like the game and won't support it, and that's the extent of my agreement.
    I didn't say that. You can discourage people all you want. I just wrote that I don't do that myself because I don't see any good purpose for it and think that the result would just discourage EA to make any more big Sims games if EA (not very likely though) should be in doubt. But other people have to make their own decisions.

    I get it, you're not telling anyone to do anything, just expressing your belief on what will be the outcome if people discourage others to buy it. I felt it was reasonable to draw a conclusion that you feel such actions could (if it does anything) negatively impact the Sims franchise, and thus implicitly wished people not to discourage the buying of the product. I do not feel that way. I believe it would be good for the franchise: sometimes the only way to stop a downward spiral is to hit rock bottom, get kicked in the teeth by a senile bag lady, and, three days later, when you are again conscious, take a long show and start the heck over.
  • Options
    phoebebebe13phoebebebe13 Posts: 19,400 Member
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    Erpe wrote: »
    CherbitDip wrote: »
    Erpe didn't like Sims 2 or 3 either because they were too "shallow". I'm struggling to understand the thinking behind defending a publisher that has went down a route that he/she clearly does not enjoy, so much they've already said it's unlikely they will enjoy Sims 5 if it ever comes out! However, all entitled to our own opinion and all that...

    Let me get this strait. This person does not like sims 2 , 3 and 4. Only plays sims freeplay but wants to disagree with so many people in this thread for being disappointed with TS4 after paying EA a lot of money for an incomplete game when they promised a complete base game. I would like to know why this person is even posting in this thread. The only reason I can see is they just feel the need to disagree with people for no reason what so ever when they are not interested in any sims pc games
    The irony is that I like the Sims Freeplay and I liked TS2 very much in the two years I played it. But everybody else seem to have liked especially TS3 much more than I did.

    Even so everybody else but me seem to want EA to stop making big Sims games and only get smaller life simulations in browsers from mainly other companies than EA because this is what is likely to happen if your wish becomes true ;)

    Have a nice future without Sims games ;)

    Everyone wants EA to stop making big sims games? You keep putting words in others mouths that don't exist. This has to be one of the silliest thing you have stated. This thread is about the lack of content in the game. Maybe your in the wrong tread if you think people want a smaller game.
    So why are you fighting so hard to make TS4 into a failure? My problem is that people don't seem to understand how big EA or what type of company EA is. They seem to think that EA is just a small company who only have the Sims games to care about and which they therefore can force to change the game in the direction which they want.

    But on the contrary EA is so huge that TS4 doesn't even get much attention from EA's top who only is interested in seeing if the game is worth continuing on all platforms or not. EA's board probably care much more about EA's many sports games than about the Sims games and they probably also care much more about EA's RPG games. So if people stop buying Sims games for the PC platform then it won't even be such a big thing for EA who already see other platforms as more important than the PC.

    So if TS4's expansions don't sell very well then I am sure that EA without many considerations about it just will decide that the time for such big Sims games with that many expansions is over and that EA should only make smaller standalone Sims games for all the different platforms.

    In other words: You are fighting a battle that you can never win - even though I too would like it more if you had could. But I won't give you a chance because I just can't find that chance no matter how hard I try to see it.

    No one's fighting to make it fail, they are just pointing out the obvious.

    EA ending its involvement in the Sims franchise is not a bad thing.
    EA won't end its involvement in the Sims franchise which belong to EA for good. But if EA can't earn money by using 4 to 5 years on a basegame and then earn the money back by also selling a lot of expansions (which are much cheaper to make) then EA will just make all future Sims games smaller and without expansions. Just as we know from the mobile versions of the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games and also from those games' versions for consoles.

    In the Sims 2 forum MaxoidSam (Sam Player) was once asked how long time they had used to make the EP which they had just finished and released. His answer was "3 months". We know that they use about 4 years to make each basegame. So the expansions must give EA much higher profit than the basegames. So it is probably the expansions which earn a lot of the money back which they have used to develop a new basegame.

    So if people won't buy all those expansions anymore then I am sure that EA will just decide to at most use a year to make a new Sims game and not to make big expansions at all anymore. EA will thus still find a way to earn a lot of money on the Sims franchise. But is this development what you want to happen in the future???

    Again, I fail to see the downside. I'm a big fan of the Sims franchise, but I won't throw good money at a bad (in my opinion) product. Reward failure and expect more of the same. There are other games out there. Better to find another game that suits me, and support it.
    I agree which I think that I have also written earlier. But some of the people here seem to still not have read it. So let me just repeat:

    I won't buy expansions just to support the continued development of the game because even if I bought a thousand copies it would be extremely unlikely to matter. To have a real chance of doing a difference I would have to buy 100,000 copies and preferably 500,000 copies to make sure to do a difference. But of course I don't have enough money to be able to do such things.

    On the other hand I won't encourage people to stop buying the expansions either because that would do more damage than good (even though it would still be unlikely to matter).

    I think that's what the franchise needs. I otherwise agree with you.

    I've never 'encouraged people not to buy' so I'm not sure where that came from lol. Nowhere did I say that in the article or elsewhere. My approach is for people to make their own minds up.

    It isn't about individuals not buying. It's that the team have essentially turned away many players with the design decisions they've made so whole sections of the customer base have had what they love about 'The Sims' removed or diminished significantly. Essentially in the end whether that matters or not is up to EA. I don't care. All I care about is if this game is fun for me and right now it's not. And I feel lied to in order for them to get my money. If they didn't want my money they shouldn't have made promises they couldn't keep and actually should be refunding those of us who they benefitted from by making promises when we bought.

    I'm sick atm so I need to catch up soon.

    Not sure why you're responding to me: I don't care if people buy this game/don't buy it. My response was to the poster who said we must not discourage people from buying it, because poster fears it will be the end of the Sims franchise. I agree with poster that I don't like the game and won't support it, and that's the extent of my agreement.

    I wasn't really addressing you, I meant that person before you @Darleymikey and I was agreeing with you. It's daft to support a game that doesn't support what you enjoy in said game lol.

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