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MrsBellies Member


  • Claire Ursine is my favourite from TS3 - when I reinstalled my game recently, she was the first one I went back to. I often think the reason I've never found my Sims 4 love is that I've never found my TS4 equivalent! TS2, I liked most of the Pleasantville Sims. I often paired Cass Goth with Francis J Worthington from La…
  • Honestly, toddlers aren't the deal breaker for me that they seem to be for a lot of people - I always shortened the baby and toddler stages to as fast as possible in TS3. I wanted the family tree back, which I've got. The hard thing for me, I can't say what exactly I do want, as I don't know. Something's missing, just not…
  • > @stephjovi said: > But when the sim finally stops writing the song, she has to start all over again. She`s been writing for hours how many years does it take to write a song? I wish she could just continue like when writing a book. Has anyone ever finished a song? Check their inventory for sheet music, you should be able…
  • I just discovered today that there's an option to strip images out of sigs and leave the rest - so I've done that. Can't see anyone's images now. Personally, on any forum, I really dislike signatures that are longer than the post, which is why I've done it.
  • I'm not a massive fan of thought bubbles in screenshots, either, I guess it's pretty much a case of ymmv for that one. To me, it's not broken, just removed. As for renaming them, if it helps, I use a program called Bulk Name Utility for stuff like that - you could just knock the " PM" off, take about 2 minutes!
  • Some friends and I recreated both TS1 neighbourhood, and TS2 Strangetown for TS3. They're no longer uploaded anywhere, but I think we still have the files, and we occasionally talk about maybe bringing them fully up to date with all the TS3 packs. I've also remade quite a few of the lots from Sims Life Stories for TS3,…
  • I have all the worlds, but always seem to gravitate back to Sunset Valley. Funnily enough, the announcement of Roaring Heights gave me an idea to challenge myself to play all the worlds! You can see details of my idea here, and my first couple of posts here. Who knows, I may find a new love for an old world this way! :)
  • My game is fully patched, I have all the packs, most of the store and a smattering of non-ea CC, mostly clothes and make up, with a few hiders. The family I have been playing started in Midnight Hollow, and were moved to Sunset Valley just before I started playing Into The Future. The only travelling they have done is to…
  • Guess I'm the only one who heard "More Cowbell" and wanted a recording studio and an NPC of The Bruce Dickenson, then? With a Cowbell skill to add to the other instruments?
  • Definitely caught my interest! New build mode methods look intriguing, and I love the idea of moving the rooms modular-style - takes blueprints to the next level! CAS - love the idea of editing straight on the sim. I think there will probably be a learning curve after sliders, but once you do get to grips, should get some…
  • Check your resort finances to see what your costs are, and close a few amenities until you're back in profit. Scale back operations, as the trap I fell into was trying to build it up more than it was ready for and even at full capacity, wouldn't have had enough coming it to make money.
  • Ambitions lots - fire station, junk yard and salon, at least - are placed, but nothing else is. I've built my own elixir store as a houseboat - I like the idea of the mystical shops that move about!
  • I need true after enabledlotlocking for it to work, it seems to be missing off the original instructions.
  • Odd, definitely there on mine. Phone/Real Estate and Travel Service/Check Real Estate Brings up the following panel Highlight the lot you want to sell, and it's the coin bottom left.
  • Have a look on the phone or computer, on the real estate panel, there's a sell option there.
  • Not sure what you mean by different, but check your graphics settings - installing a new patch or pack seems to reset mine back to low, affecting the appearance of everything, not just the sims.
  • No, but when I did the hands on pre-release, I sent my teen sim to live in the family's second home, and she got done for breaking curfew there. Sounds like the same sort of thing.
  • Won't get the game til tomorrow, but has anyone with Supernatural tried using a witch to transmorgify or what ever they do to get one? I normally get some good rare fish that way!
  • Sorry, I'd only just got back from the UK event when I posted, it's a 4 hour trip each way, and I was knackered! Yes, it ends then, and yes it's 1pm EST. I was going to convert, but was worried I'd mess it up due to tiredness. All I can say is I can't wait to share! :D
  • Embargo is Thursday 6pm UK time. :)
  • The O'Donnells are the Key family, but she's just said on twitter that the Burbs are back! YES!
  • I got that when my sim created a cheat sheet. Now, to me, that's a crib sheet for studying from, not something to sneak into the exam and copy off of. Sadly my sim thought differently and got caught!
  • Bear in mind, the lead time between announcement and release for both TS2 and TS3 was around 12-18 months, so announcing it now makes perfect sense. And if you're enjoying playing TS3, why wouldn't you get the packs that interest you? I know I will be.
  • All they said was 2014. Looking at the timescales from announce to release for TS2 and TS3, I'd be guessing at least a year from now, give or take.
  • Glass Box is the game engine behind Sim City. They didn't go into that much detail about that side of things, tbh.
  • Zeldagirl, I was on the conference call, I can promise you it is genuine!
  • The remind me of the graphics from TS2, with the expressions of TS3...
  • Stealing thunder? No worse that launching University Life and SimCity on the same day! And it's been confirmed as single-player offline
  • Mother's Day in the UK is tied to when Easter is, and is the fourth Sunday in Lent. So, this year, it was March 10th. So, yeah, too late for Mother's Day this year. ;) As for when it'll be released, murphy's law says the first three weeks of June, when I'm out the country (actually in the US!) on holiday and won't be able…
  • Bit late, Mother's Day was almost 2 months ago... ;)

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