Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What Happened In Your Game Today?


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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,997 Member
    So if I have aging off in a fresh save, I’m going to have to disable stuff in Neighbourhood Stories like having/adopting babies, otherwise there’ll be a lot of babies being born and then remaining as babies forever. Or I could just disable Neighbourhood Stories altogether. Normally I don’t mind having it on, although I disable accidental deaths and households moving out.
    I’ve turned aging off occasionally before, usually when I’m playing on Normal lifespan and I’m sending a Sim (or two) off to university. Otherwise their degree takes up almost the entire YA lifespan. I know the ages have changed a bit with the patch, but it’s still a significant amount of time if you take the minimum of three terms.
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    LindaD2015LindaD2015 Posts: 141 Member
    I've been having an issue with a sim child. She won't keep her clothes on. I keep putting clothes on her and even went to CAS to give her different clothes. I wasn't sure if this wasn't due to the update or some mods update response so I'm wondering if anyone else has had the problem?
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    edited August 2022
    Sorry about my late update. Circumstances would not let me write an update until tonight. Anyways, it's a bit longer, so I hope it makes up for the delay.

    Dylan and Zeph are referring to posts by @GalacticGal in the "What Happened in your Game Today?" Thread. The posts are in the links.

    Dylan had a chance to meet one of his favorite famous idols here:

    Calum, Dylan, and Zephyr talk about Dylan's meeting with Erik and the music he makes later, after high school. My merfolk are immortal so they wouldn't have aged a day between meeting Erik as a teen and seeing him grow in the music career.

    Here's a link to the rest of my story if anyone wants to catch up!

    Catching up with Family

    While Zephyr caught up with his father, the merboys, Juniper and Alex, hungout in the nearby shallows.

    Juniper: "See, this is a great place to swim."

    Alex: "You're right. I shouldn't have doubted you."


    Juniper: "I don't think there's a better world for swimming!"

    Alex: "Sulani does have a lot of great places to swim. But, what's your point?"


    Juniper: "Just saying that if Sulani has the best places to swim, the only place that would be better is underwater."


    Alex: "I guess. I've always wondered about what it would be like to swim in an underwater world."


    Juniper: "Personally, I prefer staying close to the sun. The deep sea is too dark for me."

    Alex: "That's a good point. If I were to go underwater, I'd want to swim around brighter reefs and seagrass meadows."


    Juniper: "Once you get deep enough, I've heard that there's no sunlight and the merfolk look very different."


    Juniper: "But the crabs look like giant spiders!"


    Juniper: "Could be a fairly creepy place to explore."


    Juniper: "But at least there won't be any fire ants!"


    Juniper: "They make my fins squirm, and trust me, you do not want to get bitten by them."


    The following day, the Zalrian Mermen took the merboys to the beach to give the mermaids, their wives, a break. Juniper splashed around with his nephew, Sora.



    "And the fish just kept talking... I swear, dad needs to give the fish in the aquarium more attention."


    Calum: "I heard that Erik Cantrell has a grotto full of trophies from the Starlight Accolades!"

    Zeph: "Dad, I don't think humans have grottos for trophies."


    Calum: "Where else would you keep so many things?"

    Zeph: "I don't know. It would take a cave bigger than a grotto."

    Zeph turned to Dylan. "You got to meet him. What do you think?"


    Dylan: "I don't know where he would keep so many trophies, but I'm going to frame the autograph I got and place it in our grotto on Mua Pel'Am!"

    Dylan: "Meeting Erik was awesome! I had a great time, and I think I was so starstuck that I got a crush!"

    Zeph: "Please tell me you had a little restraint."

    Dylan: "I did get caught up in the moment and flirted, but he's taken. I think Cecelia would probably beach me if I went too far anyways."

    Zeph: "Well, at least you guys stayed on good terms."

    Calum: "Dylan, I thought I taught you better. Once you sing your Charmer's Lullaby and give another a Mermaid's Kiss, you are committed to them."

    Dylan: "Dad, I know. I won't do it again."

    Dylan: "By the way, have you heard the song, Whirlwind in Sulani! That's one of my favorite songs!"

    Zeph: "Back of my Mind is a good song. I saw Erik get the Accolode on the TV."

    Dylan: "That was an epic song too."

    Dylan: "Can you believe that Erik didn't know merfolk were real?"

    Zeph: "I guess he really didn't know why the host was late to the show."

    Dylan: "Are you talking about Ukupanipo? Yeah, he was swimming at the beach. Being a merman, I think he just lost track of time."

    Calum: "Well, I hope we can trust a global superstar with the secret of our existence."

    Dylan: "I'm certain that he won't put us in harms way!"

    Dylan struck a pose. "I have complete confidence that he will do right by us."

    Zeph: "I'm a bit jealous though. I wish I had the chance to meet him too!"

    Calum: "Now, you have to show me that autograph, I still can't believe you got see Erik Cantrel!"


    As the sun set, Juniper was goofing around with Sora still.

    Juniper: "What did the sea say to the beach?"

    Sora: "I don't know."

    Juniper: "Nothing, it just waved."


    Juniper: "Have you ever thought about what life on land in another world would be like?"


    Sora pulled back in the water. "Why would any merman or mermaid want to live on land and in another world?"

    Juniper: "I don't know. I love to swim, but sometimes, I wonder about what humans do all day if they don't swim?"

    Sora: "I can't imagine a life without my tail and staying on land."


    Sora: "Juniper, don't tell me you'd rather be human?"


    Juniper lept out of the water. "Me human, as if I would want that."


    Juniper used his powerful tail to flick saltwater at Sora.


    Sora laughed. "At least warn me before you shower me with sea water!"

    Juniper: "Where would the fun be in that?!"


    As the night set in, the mermen and merboys went on land to dance to Island Music.

    Juniper: "And that's when I found a soda can floating in the deep sea. Can you believe that it got down into such deep water?!"



    Look Where You are Going
    Juniper's thought: "I think I'll go for a swim."


    "Hold on, I got to check my messages real quick."


    "That's pretty cool. I didn't know Dylan had a new DJ track on Simstagram."


    "Let me take a quick listen..."

    Juniper feels his legs transform into a green tail. Unable to stand, he slips underwater and drops his phone in the lake.

    "Well, that didn't go how I thought it would. At least my phone is waterproof."


    Merfolk have Waterproof Phones!
    Still can't actually use the phone while in the water. This is some of the autonmous behavior with merfolk after the update. Apparrently, my merfolk will wade in the ocean and fiddle with their phones from time to time. At least they don't try to use their phone while they swim.



    Someone has a Crush on Kemps!
    Autonomous Flirting does seem to be a thing now. Never noticed it as much, but a Townie gave Kemps a flirty introduction, possibly in front of her husband, Orange Bailey-Moon.

    Like, I know Kemps is handsome and good looking, like most of my mermen... that's pretty normal for reef merfolk... But, he's out of your league and married to Isla.

    Post edited by Metior_Ice on
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,926 Member
    @Metior_Ice I loved this update and am so completely flattered by the references you made to Dylan meeting Erik in the posts I created! Brought a bit of mist to my eyes. Well done. This was a fun cross-over experiment. :)
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,926 Member
    LindaD2015 wrote: »
    I've been having an issue with a sim child. She won't keep her clothes on. I keep putting clothes on her and even went to CAS to give her different clothes. I wasn't sure if this wasn't due to the update or some mods update response so I'm wondering if anyone else has had the problem?

    No. The only Sim in my game who decides to remove her clothing is the Mom in my game. She's Erratic, and loves to shower in the rain. Having a Child Sim do what you describe, thankfully, hasn't happened in my game. Have you tried doing a game repair? Or at lease remove your Mods folder and see if it still takes place. If that solves the problem, then do the 50/50 check on your mods to see which one(s) is the culprit. Sorry to learn you're having this problem.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    @GalacticGal I wanted to try and get a cameo with Erik in my game, but ultimately, I couldn’t get that to work. I’m happy you enjoyed the update! I wanted to reference earlier posts and try to tie in a few things!

    I’m still enjoying your updates, and I hope things are working again in your main save.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,926 Member
    Metior_Ice wrote: »
    @GalacticGal I wanted to try and get a cameo with Erik in my game, but ultimately, I couldn’t get that to work. I’m happy you enjoyed the update! I wanted to reference earlier posts and try to tie in a few things!

    I’m still enjoying your updates, and I hope things are working again in your main save.

    I presume you tried the right click on the photos of choice? At any rate I was honored you gave links to my posts, and I loved the conversation they all had regarding Erik. Gave me warm fuzzies.

    As for my Main save, I haven't yet dared to open it. I'm still working on the Flashback. Started a brand new save, very near the beginning of the Flashback original save. Erik was already a Notable Newcomer, pushing the Rising Star. He's received a nomination for his first song. So, I'm just trying to get through that first week to the Starlight Accolades. He won't begin school until the first Tuesday in the Fall. My seasons are only two weeks in duration. When I shut down last night, it was still very early on Thursday in the game. Wish me luck. If I still don't get the graduation photos I'm hoping for, oh well. I'll just go back to the Main Save, and work from there.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    @GalacticGal I feel like I missed something then. What do you mean by right click on the pictures of choice?

    Anyways, I’m hopeful that I can still include Erik in a cameo, but that might require some advanced planning on my part. I’m not yet sure about how I can do that without jumping through a few hoops.

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    Brd709Brd709 Posts: 2,144 Member
    edited August 2022
    While playing my sim self's middle daughter Ayla's family the last few days, i had forgotten that the ring ring girl was pregnant with my sim self's grandson Ryo and i missed the start of gen 3(?) So i had to roll back a save and luckily the save from the day Callia discovered she was pregnant was still there so i played from there today.

    Learning his wife is pregnant, Ryo decides to get his act together and get himself a job. With his degree in Physics he manages to get a job through his aunt's husband Dan Bheeda as a Mechanical Engineer and begins to level up his skills in robotics:

    Then Ryo decides to cook dinner for Callia, i think this is Blackened Bass he is cooking.
    What a welcome home from work! This was autonomous!

    Ryo's mum Miki was missing her boy so he decides to go and visit her and introduce her to Callia.
    Miki and Callia get along fine at first.

    Everyone is getting along catching up with eachother:

    Until Callia chats with Miki's second husbane Enele:
    Going by the reactions, i don't think the free love NAP is active here. Again, this was autonomous:

    Once back from visiting Ryo's mother, it's time for Callia to give birth but she has some cleaning up to do first!

    Um, Nurse Penelope?

    Shortly after, Callia gives birth to a baby girl called Amelia and that's the start of the (third?) generation of my sim self's family!
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited December 2022
    Motherly smooches!
    Princess Roddy relaxed in his bedroom. He had come back from a walk with his sweetheart along Plumbite Pier. There was a knock at the door. 'Come in, mummy!' he telepathically said. And so, Shine did! She came over to her firstborn and gave him a great big, loving and warm hug:
    'Did you enjoy your outing, sweetie?' Shine asked:
    'I did, mummy! I had fun!' Princess Roddy replied, cheerfully:
    'I'm glad you had fun, Roddy!' Shine said, looking warmly at her firstborn. She then applied her shiny, bright pink lipstick, batted her eyelashes and made a very great, big kissy face at the princess, which made him giggle:
    Then she gave Princess Roddy several very great, big, loving smooches on his face:
    The princess went bright red and giggled. Shine had covered his face in several very great, big, shiny, bright pink lipstick smooches!
    Princess Roddy used one of his makeup removal wipes to remove the lipstick smooches from his face:
    Shine smiled and gave him a great, big, loving hug:
    And a great, big, loving and warm cuddle:
    She cuddled the princess tighter:
    Shine planted a very great, big, loving smooch on her firstborn's cheeks, nose and forehead. Then she gave him a very great, big, long, loving smooch on the top of his head. Princess Roddy smiled and gave his mum a kiss on her cheek. The pair then chatted to each other.
    Romance at the Pier
    Wendy and Tiffany Furystrykar went over to the pier along with Princess Roddy. First ride they went on was the tunnel of love:
    Tiffany and Wendy then shared a kiss:
    Later, they woohooed on the Ferris wheel:
    After the ride was over, Wendy and Tiffany took some selfies:
    Princess Roddy and Tiffany went over to the 'haunted' house and had an explore. Princess Roddy was fearless, and so was Tiffany. They burst out laughing at the various attempts to make them jump out of their skins. Later, the trio went back home, and Wendy put the picture she and Tiffany took in the photo booth on one of the side tables in their bedroom:
    She and Tiffany had really enjoyed their time together.
    Sibling love
    Princess Roddy changed into his feminine hot weather outfit and applied a light pink lipstick, along with his lipstick sealer:
    Hamish knocked at the door. 'Come in, little brother!' the princess said, smiling. Hamish came in. Princess Roddy smiled and gave his little brother a great, big, loving hug:
    A loving smooch on his right cheek:
    One on his left cheek:
    And one on his nose:
    Hamish giggled. The two brothers chatted to each other.

    Page 1011,
    Thank you!
    Post edited by ChuChuExpress on
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    Simexpert123Simexpert123 Posts: 809 Member
    This is on sims 3, but I will just say it anyway. I am playing this guy, who I made, he lives with his mother and he is dating Katrina Caliente (That I made on sims 3) I am making a story out of it, so we will see what happens next! :p
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    Simexpert123Simexpert123 Posts: 809 Member
    Also, same thing happened on sims 4! I made the guy (His name is Kayden) And, he saw Katrina, so I got inspired to make a story/legacy/or whatever you want to call it, out of it!
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    edited August 2022
    @GalacticGal best of luck with your gameplay!

    If you happen to have any encounters with my twins, I might be able to weave another crossover update if you share the pictures.

    I didn’t add any pictures you shared to my update because they were already used in an update.

    As for adding Erik to my save… My biggest challenge might be the timing.

    Dylan met Erik as a Teen or in his early young adult age, but if I’m being honest, Dylan and Zeph might’ve outlived him… It’s possible, that Erik might not be alive in my game’s present… It’s mostly an issue with space time stuff…

    But, Dylan and Zeph are mermen with eternal youth and will never age past the young adult life stage.

    Anything is possible to be honest. That is, unless Erik has a way to extend his lifespan.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,926 Member
    Erik can only extend his lifespan after death, so long as he remains a "good and faithful servant". Currently, I'm battling the game. I may have to restart the Flashback one more time. I think I got mixed up when I had the impression Erik was up for a nomination. He clearly wasn't as he wasn't even called up. I did have him write songs like crazy, though. I just hope if I transfer him to yet another new game save, he will still have those. Either that, or I just do what I did over these last couple of gaming sessions. Keep his need up artificially and have him write through the nights, if need be. I made the error (I'm tired and I make lots of mistakes when sleep-deprived) of putting one of his Accolades on a shelf for Best Song, and the silver one on the mantle of his fireplace in his bedroom, in an earlier save. face/palm. He's got to win them all over again. Oh, well. Erik was only a Teen when he met Dylan. So, it's likely the Time-Continuum will be greatly strained, unless Erik can figure out how to travel what would be back to Dylan's future. Am I even making any sense at the moment? :open_mouth:
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,926 Member
    @Brd709 Nicely done. Just for the record, that urge to clean up prior to labor kicking in is called "The Nesting Instinct".
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,926 Member
    edited August 2022
    Metior_Ice wrote: »
    @GalacticGal I feel like I missed something then. What do you mean by right click on the pictures of choice?

    Anyways, I’m hopeful that I can still include Erik in a cameo, but that might require some advanced planning on my part. I’m not yet sure about how I can do that without jumping through a few hoops.

    Well, I'm not entirely certain it will work. But when family members on our Facebook page post pictures, I simply put the curser on it and hit the right button, then do the save image as. And voila, I can place it into my own pictures files on my computer. With a third party (imjur) in the mix, I'm not entirely certain it will work. But, if you wish to give it a try, let me know if it worked for you. I am on a PC with Windows.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    Brd709Brd709 Posts: 2,144 Member
    @Brd709 Nicely done. Just for the record, that urge to clean up prior to labor kicking in is called "The Nesting Instinct".

    @GalacticGal Thanks for that! Just an update, after being a mother for a day this want appeared for Callia:
    I honoured that want and she was eating for two again!

    I seemed to have missed some flirty interaction between her and my sim self's wife Liberty!
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    LindaD2015LindaD2015 Posts: 141 Member
    Galatic Girl: No. The only Sim in my game who decides to remove her clothing is the Mom in my game. She's Erratic, and loves to shower in the rain. Having a Child Sim do what you describe, thankfully, hasn't happened in my game. Have you tried doing a game repair? Or at lease remove your Mods folder and see if it still takes place. If that solves the problem, then do the 50/50 check on your mods to see which one(s) is the culprit. Sorry to learn you're having this problem.

    Thanks. I appreciate you answering. I know it didn't happen before the update. It is really just a nuisance and I downloaded some modded traits (like proper) trying to get her to keep her clothes on. She doesn't have an erratic trait and it isn't just take them off for a bit then put them back on. She just hates clothes. Maybe they scratch her delicate sim skin. I don't know.
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,143 Member
    I'm getting ready to attempt what may be the craziest stunt I've ever tried in this game. My plan is to have a group of around 6 sims get together for a day of shopping for wedding dresses. I downloaded a bridal boutique from the gallery by LittleMiss4.

    I got to thinking I need somebody to own it and run it. Who would make a good bridal boutique owner? Who knows fashion and how to create that perfect dress, the perfect look for a bride's big day? Siobhan Fyres.

    I thought if she's going to become a business owner she needed to spruce up her own look. So she has a new look go along with her new career.
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    telemwilltelemwill Posts: 1,761 Member
    I'm getting ready to attempt what may be the craziest stunt I've ever tried in this game. My plan is to have a group of around 6 sims get together for a day of shopping for wedding dresses. I downloaded a bridal boutique from the gallery by LittleMiss4.

    I got to thinking I need somebody to own it and run it. Who would make a good bridal boutique owner? Who knows fashion and how to create that perfect dress, the perfect look for a bride's big day? Siobhan Fyres.

    I thought if she's going to become a business owner she needed to spruce up her own look. So she has a new look go along with her new career.

    Great idea! I've been planning on moving her and Sergio to Tartosa eventually. I'll have to keep that career in mind as a possibility.
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    KadaveraKadavera Posts: 12 New Member
    Today I took a look at "The Other Households" and saw something appalling. Over in Britechester where the Elderberry's used to live, there was a household that consisted of nothing but six cats. The last name was different though. The owners either died or moved and left them behind (I'm a dog person so I kinda understand that). But there they were. Just six cats. Since I have aging turned off for animals, I suppose they're going to be there a long time. I mean, no one can move in because the cats are there. Maybe I should give them a vampire owner?
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    @GalacticGal Thanks for the info!

    And, Zeph can use his weather machine to travel through time…

    It’s the complicated connection between planetary orbit, seasons, and the passage of time… The game does say that certain temporal anomalies are possible if certain seasonal holidays aren’t canceled…

    Anyways, I get my screenshots from my PlayStation 4 and load them to my computer. From there, I upload them to Flickr to share them to the forums.

    I have to give pulling the pictures from the forum a try.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,926 Member
    Metior_Ice wrote: »
    @GalacticGal Thanks for the info!

    And, Zeph can use his weather machine to travel through time…

    It’s the complicated connection between planetary orbit, seasons, and the passage of time… The game does say that certain temporal anomalies are possible if certain seasonal holidays aren’t canceled…

    Anyways, I get my screenshots from my PlayStation 4 and load them to my computer. From there, I upload them to Flickr to share them to the forums.

    I have to give pulling the pictures from the forum a try.

    Hope it works for you. Can't wait for your next update!
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,143 Member
    @telemwill I almost created a sim of my own to fill that role, but then Siobhan popped into my head and I knew she was perfect. I had to work a little magic to give her enough money to open but I'm not above cheating.😉
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,926 Member
    Yesterday was an experiment in futility. I'm once again taking Erik back to his beginnings in the Flashback save. I tried to lower his celebrity status so he could earn his first Accolade as, at best, a Rising Star. Unfortunately, he used the stars he got for certain perks and I couldn't remove them. When he did rise to that third star status, B-Lister, he got no stars and the third slot was left empty. Suffer me to say, it was now a mess. Plus, I will be turning off the wants & fears. Erik is straight, as those who follow his story likely know, yet, in my setting things up in CAS, I either clicked something wrong, or EA has decided they're in charge. He rolled a want to flirt with Thorne Bailey. That is unacceptable to me. I clicked he prefers girls, not experimenting. He's too young for that and a child out-of-wedlock could adversely affect his reputation, which is important when you're a celebrity, no? I'll just have to have him spend most of his 'free time' composing again. He did manage to write eight songs in the eight days. Yeah, I was that close. I hadn't started him in school, yet. The game will start him off on Sunday of the first week of summer. I won't send them to school until the first Tuesday in fall. I've got seasons set to 14 days, only. I miss the mod, but it was seriously disrupting the Starlight Accolades Show and Erik was riddled with nightmares because of it. LOL

    Oh, well, today he's off to see the wizard …

    Please, wish me luck. My patience is seriously being tested in all of this. (And, maybe that's the whole point?)
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:

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