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How Often Do You Re-Visit Old Saves?

As someone who is playing year by year I.E 1991, 1992, 1993 etc, i have a load of save files which were created at the end of each sim year.

I have saves going back as far as 1982 in game and my current save is set in the year 2000. I was looking at some old saves in from the late 80's to the early 90's today and even though my main six Newcrest houses are the same in shape, inside it was interesting to look back and see how they looked in a certain period.

My sim self's parent's moved to Brindleton Bay in my 1986 save and have lived at their current house ever since. I had forgotten about the numerous make-overs i gave it during the late 80's to a point where i tried to even re-create their kitchen wallpaper they have in this house in real life. Their cat has been around since 1986 and is still around in my current save set in the year 2000!

How often do you go back and visit you previous saves?


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    BoergeAarg61BoergeAarg61 Posts: 974 Member
    edited November 2023
    My answer: Never.

    Most of my previous saves was made on release of a new pack as a kind of back-up in case something went terrible wrong.
    I only have saves back to 2017, and my present save is based on them, anyway.

    In stead of saves, previous sims might be found as urns where they died.

    Edit: I didn't even know Sims 4 was that old.
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    babajaynebabajayne Posts: 1,866 Member
    I keep backups just in case, but I’ve only gone back a couple of times. I rarely think about my older saves. Been there, done that, would rather start fresh so I remember exactly what I’ve got going.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,954 Member
    I don't normally visit old saves. Instead, I manage to start them all over again, when I get a hankering to play that family. I did save my Pinstar Legacy Challenge family to My Library, but I'm never tempted to back there. In fact, it may be moot at this point. I had many Trays saved on my desktop of my gaming rig, so unless I can have the hard drive stuff saved to the potential new gaming rig (still waiting on that eventuality), they are gone. So are many of my builds. Heavy sigh. Oh, well. Life goes on. . .
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member

    My oldest save is from 2014 and I visit it every day (because it's my only save ^^')
    The following screenshot is from September 2014 haha
    And I still play these Sims 💞
    d70aead6bd57d9113e587b03ecffce84b09267d0.jpgThe Boys 2 - Therapy Game 🛺 A Dramedy 🚶🏼🚶🏻🚶🏽🚶🏽 The Boys 🥇 Their first year - A Dramedy 🚀 Lost In Space - A Space Opera 🐎 The Stables - A Horse Drama
    🎁 Best of Buydebug ☃️ Short trips to the Oggiverse - Short Clips 🎬 My Builds: Houses 🏘 Rooms 🛋 SciFi 👾 creatively edited Screenshots 🎨
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    EnkiSchmidtEnkiSchmidt Posts: 5,372 Member
    My main save was created in 2018 and I play it in bouts ranging from a single screenshot to several weeks in a row.

    The shorter lived saves I never re-visit, as they usually have a clearly defined goal. When I reach that goal, I grab a handful of favorite townies and maybe one or two lots for later use, then I keep that save for about a week before deleting it.
    Currently playing: Castaway Challenge
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    wildflower42wildflower42 Posts: 43 Member
    I go back to old saves when I have some inspiration to revisit old builds, but to continue playing a 'finished' save tends to not happen for me as I've moved on. I find myself revising those builds and put them into new saves with better building methods (it's the rooves, it's always the rooves!).
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    SERVERFRASERVERFRA Posts: 7,193 Member
    I lost my original old saves from 2014 back in 2019, after I got Strangerville. :'(
    Don't remember my very first household that I made for Sims 4. :(
    However, I do remember my favorite household from my original saves that was my Doctor Who. <3
    I remade him & gave him a companion wife that I named Donnarose. And I remade the TARDIS back in 2019.
    My Doctor Who household & his TARDIS has had many upgrades since then.
    The household even has a chicken named Riversong & a Rooster named Mattsmith that wears a Fez. :D
    Also, Doctor & Donnarose are now parents to their little daughter Jenny. <3
    They & their TARDIS home are all saved in the Gallery under my username SEREFRAS for any simmer to check them out. ;)
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    SweetieWright_84SweetieWright_84 Posts: 4,132 Member
    I tend to delete saves I've lost interest in. The oldest save I still have is my Westbrook legacy from 2017. I haven't touched that save since probably 2020-21, but I don't have the heart to delete it. I also don't really have the desire to re-visit it either. I like to take screenshots of every member of the family at every lifestage but I missed a few. It made me lose the enthusiasm to continue. I've attempted to recreate it but I lost interest.

    I rarely re-visit sims much less saves.
    Gallery ID: SweetieWright_84--Save File Thread--Youtube Channel
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    luthienrisingluthienrising Posts: 37,632 Member
    I have one old save I'm sometimes tempted to revisit, but it was last played in... 2016? And that's a lot of worlds to fill up with Sims based on famous people and TV/movie/book characters. Someday, though, I just might do that.

    Otherwise, I had one looooong save and it corrupted beyond retrieval this past spring. I'd happily play it again if it hadn't. I'm in the process of building up a new save beyond the premades and a few households I started up when seeing what this year's new EPs could do. I might bring a few of those household back out of nostalgia for them, see if their lives are different this time.
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    JaiSeaJaiSea Posts: 951 Member
    When I first got TS4 I played the same save for the first 7 years. Then one day I loaded my game and my save was gone. I was devastated and quit playing for awhile after that. Then when I restarted I have 4 saves now. One of sim me and her life, one for my rotational play, one just for scenarios, and then one I started for no reason other than I wanted to just focus on Horse Ranch. Now I used to rotate between all of these, but then I started the 100 baby challenge, I think I'm nearing baby 50 soon and I haven't gone back to an old save yet.
    Check out my latest Let's Play! James Turner's Every Life Stage challenge.
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    HavenRoseHavenRose Posts: 325 Member
    I don’t go back to play, but I have sometimes gone back in to poke around and see how I left things. I may also go back to grab a building or a sim and put them in my gallery for use in the current save.
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    MrManyIdeasMrManyIdeas Posts: 203 Member
    I never go back because I see no reason to do so. And I would never start all over. If my save would corrupt and "turn into a giant ball of fire visible from the sun" I would have to but otherwise not.
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